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DO NOT READ THIS STORY if you are turned off by scat and toilet play.
Steve and Tony had brought two new guys around for the night's fucking session of my wife Margie, and having spent the best part of two hours ravaging her cunt, ass, and mouth, we were all sitting around feeling exhausted, and waiting on her to bring the coffee and biscuits that we'd sent her to the kitchen to prepare for us.

Finally she came in bearing the tray of coffee and some eats for us, and after serving everyone and making sure that we were all catered for, she sat down next to me on the sofa.

Now resuming our conversation, "Steve said to me, "what we really need to start doing next with your slut, is to start stretching her cunt and ass so that we can fist fuck the whore."

"I've actually already had my hand right the way right up her cunt," I said with a touch of pride.

"Really," Steve said with surprise.

Not wanting him to simply take my word for it, I sent Margie to get some lube so that I could use her for an exhibition fist fucking.

Returning from the bedroom Margie handed me the tube of hand cream that she'd brought, and I got her to kneel on a couple of cushions on the floor. with her head and shoulders down and her ass up with legs slightly spread.

Her cunt gaped obscenely on display. She really didn't need the hand cream as, after having had the four guys all pump her full of cum, her cunt was already beautifully sloppy and slippery. (Of course I hadn't fucked her myself yet. In these sex sessions with my friends, I always sat back and watched them using my wife, then later on when they'd gone home, I had the enjoyment of plunging my cock into her wonderfully sloppy cum filled cunt.)

I smeared some cream on my hand, then stretching my fingers out, easily slid four fingers into her cunt. Now applying a little forward pressure, I watched the rim of her hole stretch tight, and then the main knuckles of my hand disappeared just inside her hole. I'd initially left my thumb out, but now tucked it beneath my fingers and pushed all fingers and thumb at her cunt.

I could see the flesh of her cunt rim really stretched tight now as I applied constant inward pressure. I could hear Margie breathing in short panting gasps, then suddenly my hand slid forward and right into her cunt so that her hole closed around my wrist. "There you go," I said with some pride as I grinned at the four guys who had all gathered around Margie when I'd started to fist her.

"Fucking great!" Tony exclaimed. "What a fucking whore the slut is," he added as he took up the tube of cream and began smothering his hand with it.

God! It was so wonderful to watch the four guys taking turns in fist fucking my wife's cunt. She gradually stretched somewhat, so that their hands slipped into her hole more easily and they could actually pump her with fairly rapid thrusts in and out.

Margie was panting as if she'd just run a mile, and groaning and moaning lustfully the whole time.

At one stage, Tony clenched his fist inside Margie's cunt and then tried to drag it out through her hole, but being a larger diameter it made her cunt bulge out obscenely but not stretch enough for his clenched fist to come through, resulting in him almost dragging her backwards by her cunt.

"We'll have to get the slut's ass like this as well, so that we can fist the bitch's ass and cunt at the same time," Steve told me.

I mentioned that I'd only ever had a couple of fingers up her ass, and Steve laughed and said that they'd soon change that, and that they'd really ruin the filthy whore's holes.

Once again they took lots of photos and also made a movie of my wife's debasement. Tony told me that they now had a good spread of her pics on eleven different sites, and that a few of their internet friends where also helping to get her pics spread around by copying and reposting. They also mentioned that they'd printed some of her photos and had pasted them up in various local public toilets. "We really want to fuck up the dirty little cunt," they laughingly told me. She'd already had a few displays of her pics on a couple of sites, which half thrilled me, and half worried me, but now these guys were taking things to a whole new level and I knew that there was nothing that I could do about it because I'd more or less relinquished any control that I'd formerly had.

It was a few days later before Steve and Tony came again, and just as well because Margie's cunt was so tender after all of the fist fucking that she'd had.

The guys came by themselves so it was just the three of us. First thing that they did was to produce a big, fat ass plug. It was tapered from a reasonable size but the diameter rapidly increased to a size which I very much doubted that she would be able to get up her ass, and so it proved when the got her sitting on it. She squealed and carried on, but in the end it just wouldn't fit. "Well bitch," they laughed, "it's going to be nothing but ass fucking for you tonight. And so we started off taking it in turns fucking her ass, (being only the three of us, it was ok for me to take part this time). We used lots of lube, and fucked her, and fucked her, and fucked her, non-stop, with sometimes the guys inserting their fingers and trying to stretch her as much as possible. Gradually her hole became noticeably less tight, until, after perhaps an hour of this treatment, she was made to again sit on the plug, and with lots of wriggling and complaining that it would split her open, it suddenly slid right the way up her. She was panicking that it wouldn't come out again, because while it was a taper going in, it was just a flat edge coming out.

It was indeed difficult to get out, with Tony pulling on it and Margie squealing and telling him to stop, that he would rip her open, but eventually it did come out with an obscene slurping plop sound.

Margie began carrying on that she wouldn't have it again, but of course the guys just ignored her pleas, and eventually she found that they could shove the plug in, and then drag it out again without too much trouble.

"There you are cunt, what was all the carry on about," Steve said to Margie.

She looked a bit sheepish and said that she was scared they'd rip her open.

"Your hole is going to get a lot bigger than that before we're finished with you," Steve laughed.

After that, for every sex session we had with Steve and Tony, fist fucking Margie's cunt, and working on her ass, was always a part of the games, and in fact it only took less that a month before we had her ass stretched enough for them to get their fist right up her ass, and what fun it was to see her being double fisted up cunt and ass at the same time..

Anyhow, that's jumping ahead a bit.

A couple of weeks later when the guys had turned up for some fun, it had been a sweltering day, and even after dark there had been no cooling breeze, and it was still so hot. The three of us had been working over Margie, when Tony suggested we go outside; Steve immediately agreed, and in retrospect later on, it was obvious that they'd planned what was to follow. Well we three guys began to pull on our pants, but when Margie went to slip into her dress, Tony told her that she was to remain naked"Oh so what's this scheme," she giggled, but didn't quibble about it and simply hung her dress over the back of a chair.

We all went out the back door into the night. There was no moon and the sky was filled with stars. Tony took Margie's hand and began to lead the way along the side of the house towards the front.

Margie must have been thinking that we would go out into the back yard, but finding that Tony was leading her towards the front, she held back and said, "hey I can't go out there like this."

"Why not," Tony said, "it'll be fun," and led her on.

We came out to the front of the house where it was much brighter from the street lights.

Margie was giggling and trying to hide behind us. "What if someone were to see me?" she giggled

"They'd know that you were a slut that we're all fucking," Tony laughed.

I was glancing across the road at the houses; I could see doors and windows open, and could hear TV's going, but as far as I could make out there was no one about.

Tony led us right out to the pavement and told Margie to get down and stretch out on the footpath. I could tell that she was nervous, but she was giggling and chuckling and I could also tell that she was excited by what she was being made to do.

I had no idea what was about to happen, but was thrilled when both Tony and Steve took their cocks out and began pissing all over Margie who wriggled about giggling and saying, "ohhh, you awful disgusting things," but I noticed that she made no attempt to get up and avoid their piss. They directed their piss over her face and she had her eyes tightly shut and her mouth also tightly closed. "Open your mouth slut," one of the guys told her, and after just a moments hesitation she opened her mouth and they directed their urine streams into her whore's mouth.

Their piss came to and end and Margie scrambled to her feet, "you awful things," she said laughing, and went running off back inside the house.

"That turned out quite well," Steve laughed. "Yeah," Tony agreed, "I wonder if she'd go a step further."

I found out what the step further was when we went back inside.

Margie was in the bathroom drying herself and no doubt washing her face and probably rinsing her mouth. After a bit she came into the room where we were. "You horrible things," she said in mock anger, but at the same time laughing.

"You loved it," Steve said, laughing merrily.

"Disgusting things," she laughed as she gave him a playful punch.

"Come on, own up, you like a bit of filth," Steve urged her on.

"Do not," she said, putting on a face like a little girl.

"Lay on the floor and I'll show you another one that you'll like, Steve laughed.

"Like fun, I'm not lying down in front of you again," she continued with the little girl voice, but giggling at the same time.

"Come on, it won't hurt, you'll love it," he told her and he helped her to lie out on the floor.

Next Steve squatted astride her face and fed his hard cock into her mouth. She began sucking him and he said, "see, you like it."

He let her do that for a minute, then he pulled his cock from her mouth and edged forward enough for his balls to be at her mouth. "Now suck my balls," but she didn't need any encouragement and was already licking at them.

After a moment of doing that he pulled away from her then, as Tony moved in and held her arms, Steve shifted up a little more and got his asshole right on her mouth. "This is the good bit," he laughed, "now you can lick my ass."

Margie was struggling but the two of them were holding her tight. "umffp, umff, and a few half words escaped her but Tony had his shit hole right on her mouth.

After a minute of this Tony lifted up just the tiniest bit, but enough to allow Margie to speak.

"God, you are disgusting," she said, get off me."

"Come on, lick my hole and I'll let you up," Tony laughed as he got his hole onto her lips again.

She struggled a bit more then lay there still.

"Come on, I'm waiting," Tony laughed.

Still nothing, then all of a sudden Tony exclaimed, "ah yes, That's it, it feels lovely," and a moment later he let her up.

"Urg, you are so revolting," she said with her face screwed up, and she dashed off to the bathroom again.

She returned after a minute, and was laughing again, "you filthy thing," she chuckled, again giving Tony a playful punch.

"You love that sort of thing," Tony grinned at her, and she laughed as she again put on the little girl voice and said, "do not."

it was getting quite late buy then, and soon the guys headed off home. We showered and fucked, then as we were lying in bed and talking over all that had happened, Margie asked me whether I'd known that the guys were going to "pee over me?"

I assured her that I'd no idea and that it was a surprise to me when they began pissing on her. "You looked great though, when they were pissing in your mouth," I laughingly told her. She just laughed about it herself, "they're so dirty aren't they," she said.

"You realize," I asked her, "that with guys like them, calling you degrading names and treating you like filth, is really because they like and respect you?"

"Yes," she agreed, "it's queer isn't it, there was a time when I would have been horrified to be spoken to like that, but I've come to understand that it's all a part of sex play."

It was a couple of nights later when the guys next came around. Soon they once again had my wife sucking their cocks, and were alternately fucking her cunt and ass, then after a while Tony said that he needed to piss. "Come to the toilet with me slut, and I'll piss in your mouth," he told Margie.

"Don't be disgusting," Margie laughed, but he told her that he was serious.

"I've got a better idea," Steve said, "piss into a glass and then we can all watch the slut drinking it down."

They sent Margie to the kitchen to get a glass, and she went off to get one so we assumed that she was happy to drink Tony's urine.

She returned and handed a large glass to Tony and we then watched as he pissed into it, almost filling it to the brim with his yellow piss.

He handed it to Margie but she didn't take it. "You're not serious," she said.

Tony assured her that he was, and she took the glass from him. "Well come on slut, don't just stand there looking at it," Tony told her as she delayed.

We all stood around her watching eagerly as she lifted the glass to her lips and took a sip. "Yuk," she said, screwing up her face in disgust, but then she once more lifted the glass to her lips and began slowly drinking Tony's urine, pausing momentarily now and then to take a breath.

"Urk," she said with a shudder and shake of her head after she had drained the last drops down.

"Good job you filthy pig," Tony grinned, "now lick my asshole."

Margie said nothing but knelt down behind Tony as he bent over, and we watched as she went to work thoroughly licking his shit hole.

"Good girl Margie,"Tony said when they'd finished, and he gave her a loving hug. "I love having you be a dirty slut."

The sex fun had finished by this time and soon the guys headed off home.

After that session, they made Margie regularly drink their piss and lick both of their shit holes. Then after a couple of weeks of that, Tony, one Friday night, said that they'd come around in the morning, and that he'd use Margie instead of toilet paper after he'd had a shit.

I glanced at Margie, her mouth was open and she had a shocked look on her face. She stared at Tony, then said, "I honestly don't think that I can do it Tony."

"It will be vile and stomach turning and fucking gross, but I know that you'll do it for me, because you're just a filthy fucking disgusting pig," Tony said with a grin.

I was watching Margie but although she looked worried, she said nothing.

Later on, after Steve and Tony had gone home, she told me that she really didn't think that she could do what Tony wanted.

I tried to encourage her by telling her that Tony would be very disappointed with her if she didn't do it.

Next morning when I awoke, Margie told me that she'd been awake since early, thinking about what she had to do for Tony.

I gathered up a half dozen pillows, laid them outside the toilet door, and covered them with a large sheet of plastic. "It might get a bit dirty," I told Margie, "we don't want to be getting shit everywhere."

I'd only just completed this preparation and was sitting down to a cup of coffee when the guys arrived.

"Good idea," Tony said after I showed him what I'd prepared. "Well I'm dying for a shit, so are you all ready Margie?"

"Well I'll try my best for you," Margie responded in a soft voice.

The pair of them stripped naked, and Margie waited nervously while Tony went into the toilet. He left the door slightly ajar, and after a minute a stink of shit wafted around, then the door opened and Tony came out and got down on the pillows, positioning himself on all fours with his ass in the air and knees slightly spread. "Away you go Margie, clean up the mess that I've left for you."

Steve and I, as well as Margie all got behind Tony to see just how dirty with shit he was. His hole was filthy with shit, and there was a good amount thinly smeared all around it. I assumed that he'd purposely made himself nice and shitty for Margie to lick up.

Phew, the stink was vile enough without Margie licking his shit up.

Steve and I, having had a good look to see what was there for Margie, stepped back and gave her room to kneel down in position. She paused just a moment then took a deep breath and leaned forward and lightly ran her tongue through the soft, putrid shit. Immediately she pulled away clutching her face and I could see her body heaving as she tried to curb the urge to vomit.

She managed to control herself, and sat back on her heels panting and gaining courage to try again. Around her mouth was a brown shit stain. I realized that my cock was rock hard and pulsing.

I watched Margie once more readying herself. She took hold of Tony's hips, paused as she breathed more easily, then once more we watched as her mouth buried itself in the stinking, filthy muck of shit all over Tony's hole. Even though the stink was vile, I'd gotten quite close so that I could see Margie's tongue sliding through the shit and lapping a certain amount into her mouth. I felt my own stomach give a bit of a heave in disgust at the vile thing that Margie was doing.

Margie could give no more than just a few licks at the shit before she again pulled back. Her mouth was full of shit and the look on her face was one of suffering and misery. She crossed her forearms tightly across her stomach, bent forward, and I could see her throat working as she swallowed the shit down.

All around her mouth, her nose, and just a bit on her forehead was stained with the stinking excrement.

Once again she began licking up the shit off Tony's ass, and once again went through the same procedure of bending forward, holding her stomach tight, and swallowing down the vile excrement.

She kept working away licking up and then swallowing the shit, until Tony's ass was quite clean. At this stage Steve went to the kitchen and came back with a glass, and taking out his cock he pissed into the glass till it was brim full. Then as Margie sat back on her heels, he handed her the glass and she gulped the urine down till the last drop was gone.

Tony had gotten up and taking Margie by the hands, he told her that she was a good girl, and that as a reward, he would tomorrow morning come again and would use her mouth as his toilet and would shit directly into it.


2022-12-15 11:08:54
great series


2022-12-07 15:47:08
gross i love it LOL


2022-12-05 21:16:06
Love this series and particularly this episode where you have slowed down and described things in much greater detail. Looking forward to her eating shit in the next chapter. Why not get them to shit into her cunt and ass too...? Cheers and keep going

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