I thought she was an innocent but my belief was rapidly disabused
It was a lovely summer’s day. The sun shone and the birds sang as I stepped out on to the terrace of my country house. Below me lawns and gardens stretched down to our little lake. Groups of mature ladies and their daughters stood around chatting aimlessly as Mother had arranged a soiree of many of her friends and their daughters without consulting me.
Since father’s demise the estate was mine, as eldest, and only, son. Mother knew that if I were to die without issue then the estate would pass to uncle Norman and she really hated him and he reciprocated with equal hatred and loathing.
Without consulting me she had arranged a pic nic in our garden for some of her obnoxious so called friends and their equally awful daughters. I remonstrated with her but she retorted. “You must find a nice girl settle down and produce an heir,” she raged, “And how else are you to meet a suitable girl.”
“What do you mean ‘Suitable,” I snapped.
“Suitable Geoffrey, not one of the serving wenches you usually dally with,” she sneered.
“Gladys was a perfectly respectable young lady,” I countered.
“Tosh, her father ran a green grocers shop,” Mother insisted, “Lord knows what might have happened if I had not warned her off.”
“Oh it was you was it?” I replied, “I wondered why she suddenly refused to see me.”
“She was not suitable Geoffrey, just choose a suitable girl and settle down,” she reiterated.
“And what about love?” I queried, “Has love no place in your world?
“Good lord no,” she sighed, “Love is the thing of novels and fantasists, a large estate, that is what young ladies desire Geoffrey, not, thank god, your sparkling personality.
“So it would please you if I chose any one of those young ladies would it?” I queried, “If I played blind mans bluff and merely plucked one at random.”
“Now you are being ridiculous,” she sneered.
“That one,” I announced pointing in the general direction of Derby, as I singled out my victim “I shall choose her!”
I stormed across the lawns, My victim was deep in conversation with her friends. An ordinary enough girl clearly not fresh from the school room but quite ordinary, neither tall nor short ,ordinary brownish hair, red lips, her eyes were, well she had two of them, just an ordinary girl as required by mother’s specification.
“Will you excuse me?” I asked of my victim, “I have this overwhelming desire to fornicate, will you accompany me behind the bushes so I might fuck you?”
Her friends laughed, and tittered in complete embarrassment.
“Oh my lord you are so forward,” my victim laughed, “I never knew you had such a wicked sense of humour but of course I shall be delighted to accommodate you.”
“It is no joke,” I reiterated, “I wish to conjoin, to ram my member deep inside your womb and expelll my seed copiously.”
“Oh, how sweetly put,” another girl simpered, “Go away, you are impressing no one.”
My victim however looked me in the eye, “No, I shall gladly lay for you and take your seed
“Excellent,” I agreed, “If you will excuse us ladies.” I strode away from the throng. To my utter amazement the girl followed.
“Can we not sneak upstairs to your bed so I do not get my new dress soiled,” she asked.
“Oh no, I shall rip your bodice and roll you in the mud so everyone knows I have seeded you,” I replied.
She grabbed my cheeks and kissed me on the mouth, “Oh this is so exciting.” My plan had unravelled. Mother was right.
“Er exciting?” I queried, “I wish to ravish you without consideration, do you not understand, no sweet kisses or protestations of love, just a swift stab of my member deep in your womb, a release of fluid and your complete ruination.”
“Yes but I can then sue you for breach of promise, don’t you see, I have many witnesses.” she countered as she looked me right in the eye.
“And if I agree to wed you, then you are chained to me for life,” she laughed, “Now be serious, you cannot just walk up to any girl and demand conjugation, without so much as a polite ‘Good Afternoon, or a comment on the excellence of my dress, or my beauty.”
“Really?” I queried, “You will conjugate with me solely because of my wealth, with no love or tenderness.
“No,” she replied, “Not quite for you are not only rich, but quite comely, if you bed me you must wed me, but should you prefer you may sneak away with your tail between your legs like the coward you are.”
“Good lord,” I replied, “You are very calculating and cold for a young lady.”
“So which shall it be.” she demanded
“Lie down, here in the mud. let me soil you throughly,” I replied.
“Really,” she laughed, “How exciting!” and to my utter shock and horror she lay on her back and raised her skirts revealing everything. She wore no pantaloons nor anything else to hide her womanhood, “Well,” she demanded, “What are you waiting for?”
“Nothing,” I replied, To be honest I was feeling rather foolish. I fumbled to unbutton my breeches.
“Let me,” she replied and with an alacrity whch should have rung alarm bells in my brain she undid my belt and buttons and deftly extracted my now fully erect member. Indeed she continued by grasping my member and guiding it towards her womanhood.
I continued though my suspicions should have been thoroughly roused. She gently guided my member between the lips of her womanhood and he slipped easily into the channel leading to her womb I should have realised immediately that I had been bamboozled. Except by then she had wrapped her legs around me and her hands were upon my buttocks pulling my member ever deeper inside her. I was in heaven. Nothing else mattered just she and I becoming one.
“Do you like?” she asked quietly.
“Very much,” I agreed, My sap was rising, I could hold back no longer and joyously let my seed fly, “Did you?”
“Indeed, not the best squirt of seed nor the largest member I have known, but I own it was pleasant enough,” she replied.
“Oh my god, so you were not virginal?” I demanded.
“Oh lord no, that bird has well and truly flown,” she simpered, “Quite a while ago when I was eighteen,” she admitted, “And several times since.”
“Damn,” I cursed.
“But let that be our secret, as far as the world is concerned you ravished me and took my honour,” she whispered.
“Yes, it will put an end to Mother’s constant complaints,” I declared, “But no more lovers, you must make do with my efforts until you produce a male heir.”
She had no time to reply.
Mother had arrived, I had my breeches down. The girl had her dress up and her parts still lewdly displayed. “Geoffrey, what is the meaning if this!” she demanded.
“I am breeding an heir as instructed,” I replied, “This is, ah, what was your name again?” I asked.
“Its Camelia is it not?” Mother surmised, “James Ainsgarth’s youngest,”
“Why yes Lady Carmichael,” the girl replied as she struggled to make herself decent.
“She was caught in flagrante with the gardener,” Mother remembered, “A good ten months ago.”
“Indeed, I wondered why she fornicated so delightfully,” I explained, “We have no fondness for each other.”
“None what so ever,” Camelia agreed.
“I am merely conjoining to procreate an heir,” I added.
“A male heir, if I fail I shall of course lay again until I produce one.” Camelia added.
“Over my dead body,” Mother snapped, “You strumpet!”
“I wouldn’t call him a strumpet,” Camelia replied.
“Not him, you, you hussy,” Mother snapped back, “And you can go, go far away and never come back.”
“Actually mother,” I reminded her. “Firstly It’s my house and if anyone is going anywhere it is you to the Dower House, and second you have done nothing but nag me about producing an heir for as long as I can remember, so why do you still complain.”
“Geoffrey you are a complete idiot,” Mother snapped, “Get inside now and you,” she said pointing at Camelia, “Be gone.”
“No, come I shall show you your new home,” I suggested,
“Look,to be serious one moment,” Camelia insisted, “It was a moment of insanity, I used you abysmally, I should have told you I was ruined.”
“Ruined, hardly, I own that was as pleasant a ride as I have enjoyed in a very long while,” I declared, “Come let us get you out of those filthy clothes so I may sample yet more of your delights.”
“You will wed me on the basis of a moment’s acquaintance and one brief fornication?” She queried.
“Why yes,” I replied, “I have a reasonable degree of status and you have a very acceptable cunt."
“Oh well, I suppose that is an answer," she replied, “But you have a manly stature which I find not entirely repulsive.”
“Well if you expect me to compliment you on your tits or eyes or some such you are much mistaken,” I explained, “There is nothing outstanding about your appearance what so ever, you are the epitome of ordinariness, modest in height, modest tits, a reasonably trim bottom, you have a head of hair and if I am not mistaken a full set of teeth and two eyes.”
She thought a moment, “None of which matters when you have your member deep inside me and you are in heaven?”
“No, precisely,” I agreed.
“Then why are we waiting?” she demanded. I had no answer so I took her hand and we went at once to my bed.
I helped her disrobe, I lifted her dress over her head as I stood behind her and then held her around the waist quite fondly. I saw our reflections in the mirror.
“This is quite mad,” she said, “Completely mad, I shouldn’t have bamboozled you,” she admitted, “But you.”
“Yes it is mad but are you discontented?” I queried, “Shall you run home to mother rather than risk a further pronging and resultant progeny.”
“Well as I am standing here patiently awaiting you attentions I do believe you have your answer.” she replied and she turned towards me. Her hands went to my shirt and my trews and she bared me as I had bared her, “Take me to heaven!” she whispered.
I spun her around and sat her on the bed edge with her legs apart and my member skewered her with no resistance what so ever.
She smiled and moaned softly, her eyes sparkled, her lips were the most perfect ruby and I realised as she egntly gripped my member with her gentle rippling vaginal muscles that she was the most beautiful and lovely girl in the whole world.
And to my intense surprise, nay shock, that belief lasted long after coitus had ceased, and for many a long year after, even when she had delivered two lusty sons and no fewer than eight beautiful daughters....