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The young teen gets used and abused by the lecherous retirement home manager while visiting her Grandpa
DISCLAIMER #1: All sexual acts in this story occur between adults over the age of 18.

DISCLAIMER #2: Themes of this story revolve largely around humiliation, black mail, and voyeurism. If you are not interested in these themes, please do not read. Of course, in real life much of what is portrayed in this story is despicable, and should not be tolerated under any circumstance. Hence, why this is a story of fantasy, and should not be taken seriously.

DISCLAIMER #3: While themes of the story certainly can be dark, I do try to keep things light with a certain "comic book" style. Again keep in mind that this is a work of fantasy and not everything will be fully realistic.

Teacher’s Pet: Ch 16

The obese and aged cab driver groaned one last time as the sexy teen vixen bounced up and down on his cock as he reclined back in the seat of his taxi cab. He pushed her down by the hips on to his rock hard cock as it started to spasm. He pulled her big juicy tits into his face. They were already wet with his slobber and glistening in the light. He bit down on her right nipple, causing her to squeal in pain as he deposited one last load into her incredibly tight teen pussy. His body went limp as he held the teen’s lithe nude body close to his. Her luscious tit still resting in his mouth.

“OK OK we don’t have time for cuddles pal” Mr. Wilson roared.

With that the poor man felt the teen withdraw, obeying her master to a tee. With this, the man knew the day of his life was coming to an end.

They were parked in the back alley behind the retirement home where this teen vixen’s grandpa stayed. The cab driver would give anything to be able to follow her in and see what shenanigans ensued, but alas Mr. Wilson thanked him for his service and got ready to leave the car.

He threw Katee an overcoat to wear. The cab driver almost shed a tear watching the sexy teen slave and her ogre of a master walk out of the car around front to the entrance. Even in this overcoat she looked incredibly sexy. It wrapped around her shoulders and ended a few inches above her knees. Although nothing underneath showed, just knowing that she was completely naked was driving the cabbie insane. He knew one way or another, he was going to have her sweet teen pussy again..

Katee and Mr. Wilson entered the retirement home. Even after everything Katee had been through in the last 24 hours alone, her stomach was doing backflips thinking about what this monster had in store for her. Why did he have to involve her poor old Grandpa? This was her Grandpa on her Dad’s side. Aside from her poor Dad, this was the only man that she had fond memories with growing up.

She knew he was frail and elderly, and she felt guilty that she hadn’t visited him as much as a good granddaughter should. But this was no way that she wanted him to see her. She knew that even in plain clothes, she looked like a bimbo which of course was per Mr. Wilson’s plan. With her artificial platinum blonde hair, golden tan skin, fake nails and slutty belly button ring and jewelry. She shuttered though, to think about what Mr. Wilson would make her dress up in.

Both her and her tormenter couldn’t help but gag as they entered the place. Katee looked around, it was a lot more run down than she remembered, although it had been a year or two since she was hear last. There was an overwhelming musty stench of body odor, urine and poop noticeable as soon they walked in.

The walls were yellowed with mold that was clearly visible wherever they looked. Before they could run into anyone, Mr. Wilson grabbed her by the arm and led her into the nearest ladies room.

He smirked at her “You did well today slut. After your previous outbursts, you recalled who you were and where your place was.”

Katee was somewhat confused, not used to any kind of compliments from him.

“Thank you sir.” She said softly

He handed her a bag, which was filled with clothes and a makeup bag.

“Go in there and get changed. I’m giving you the rest of the day off. Go see your poor grandpa. I’ll pick you up when you're done.”

A rush of relief washed over Katee. She almost couldn’t believe it. It seemed too good to be true. She waited to see if there was a catch, or if this was a cruel joke.

Mr Wilson looked at her “Well what are you standing around for slut, take this fucking bag.”

Katee snatched the bag from Mr. Wilson. She thanked him profusely and scampered into the small ladies room.

The teen rushed into the restroom and locked it. She listened as his heavy foot steps became more distant. She was ecstatic. She made sure no one else was inside, before dropping the trenchcoat.

Katee looked at her nude body again in the mirror. Tears started to well up in her eyes. Her big tits stood proudly on her chest as usual, but they were stained in cum, slobber, and god knows what else. As was the rest of her chest and torso. She turned and saw her pert juicy ass, covered in welts and bruises from her spankings. She did her best to soap up some papertowels and clean the mess off of her body as best she could. After all, she didn't want to smell of jizz visiting her Grandpa.

She got angry and cried in frustration as she looked her body up and down. She grew to hate her tits and ass. What she wouldn’t give to just chop them off, to have A cups and a flat or saggy butt. If only she was a plain girl that didn’t stand out so much, her life would still be her own.

The teen collected herself, she knew there was nothing that could be done now. And somehow, with some ounce of kindness, Mr. Wilson had given her precious hours with her grandpa. Now that he had chased her father out of her life, this was the only family member she had left. For these next few hours, she could pretend that life was normal.

She looked into the bag, and was actually pleasantly surprised.

She put on the white lace bra that was in there. It was a bit snug, but otherwise fit her okay. It had shoulder straps and clipped at the back. It did well to lift her breasts up even higher on her chest, and had a bit of padding to give it a push up effect. She slid on a matching white lace thong.

The young girl breathed a sigh of relief as she felt the thin denim of jeans. She slid on the white denim jeans. She had to hop up and down to get it over the meat of her ass. It was tight and fit her snug, but she reveled as she hadn’t been able to wear jeans for as long as she can remember. Her ass looked amazing in the denim/spandex hybrid material.

The teen smirked as she saw her top. It was a bit slutty per normal girl’s standards, but a far cry from what she had been made to wear of late. It was a light pink spaghetti strap type top that had thin laces that wrapped around her shoulders, with a deep neck line that exposed an inch of her incredibly deep cleavage. It had a a pink lace ribbon border. The bottom of the top fit her torso tightly and was meant to be tucked into her jeans.

The buxom teen admired her outfit, briefly. It really did well to highlight her massive tits, and pert ass in comparison to her slim torso and shoulders. She would die to have a trendy coat to protect her modesty a bit more but knew that beggars can’t be choosers. She put on the pair of white pumps that were in the bag, and then proceeded to wash her face and do her makeup.

After collecting herself, she made her way out to registration. She had to ring the bell a few times, to be greeted by the ‘manager’ of the home who was also quite the eye sore to look at.

He was a man who introduced himself as Ronald. He was an ogre of a man, at around 6’4”, and probably close to 300 lbs. He was bald save for a few whisps of red and white hair that stood out from the side of his head. He was glistening in sweat.

The man made no attempt hide his gaze as he approached the young teen. His eyes immediately jumped to her big tits. He couldn’t believe how big this otherwise petite teen’s tits were.

Katee got uncomfortable as she saw the man’s breaths quicken as he fixated on her chest. Katee quickly grabbed at the top and attempted to pull it up to hide her cleavage the best she could. This seemed to snap him out of his reverie. Katee cringed as it turns out him looking at her eyes was somehow worse then her tits.

He gave a creepy deranged smile before opening with “My my my, what brings you here lovely girl?” He cooed.

Katee couldn’t help but giggle, the man looked like an oversized version of the clown from IT. Although she had more than her fair share of creepy men hitting on her and even having their way with her, she knew that without Mr. Wilson nearby, this guy would be harmless and she could fend him off.

She answered that she was there to see her Grandpa. The man cooed back. “Oh my, Old Bob never mentioned he had such a gorgeous granddaughter.” He sneered before continuing “It’s a shame you don’t come visit more often.”

Katee cringed as his yellow jagged teeth flashed.

“Erm yeah, its been a year or so.” She said meekly before continuing “Come to think of it, what happened to the old manager, her name was Kelsey I think.”

The man boasted back “HA! Kelsey. That old hag was running this place into the ground. She wasted money on things like extra nursing, janitors, maintenance. It wasn’t long until that hag ran out of money.” He continued

“And that’s where I stepped in.” He smiled before continuing to boast “I cut all of that extra fat and turned this place into a money printer. I can even give you a ride around in my new truck after your done visiting that bag of bones.” He laughed

Katee cringed as she could smell his putrid breath.

“Um, I’ll think about it” She feigned. She couldn’t believe that this asshole was really trying to impress her by telling her how he cut all the support staff at her poor grandpa’s retirement home!

He smiled before handing her some paperwork to fill out. Her top slid down again as she bent forward to fill out the seemingly endless paperwork. It was page after page, starting with her demographic information and then asking for dozens of signatures on pages that had been filled out on her behalf.

Ron groaned as he saw the flesh of her deep cleavage as her tits hung forward. He was already rock hard talking with her, but now took the opportunity to start rubbing himself through his pants.

Katee would look up intermittently, only to find his eyes fixated on her tits. She knew as long as he was just looking, there was no harm. Still she felt nervous. She wanted to just get this paperwork over with as fast as she could. She wasn’t even looking at what she was signing at this point. How could so much paperwork be required for a simple visit!

Finally she handed the forms back to him. She stood back up and pulled her blouse up again, much to his disappointment.

Thinking of what he thought was a genius idea, he clumsily knocked the stack of papers off of his desk on to Katee’s side.

“Be a dear and pick that up would you?” He begged again flashing his clown like smile.

Katee rolled her eyes before bending over to pick up the stack of papers.

She heard him audibly groan as she bent over, exposing her shapely ass in the almost skin tight jean fabric. She neatly organized them before again pushing them through to his side. This time she made sure it was in his hands.

Almost in defeat, he said, OK I’ll lead you to the old fart. He checked the time. Old good for nothing Bob usually is watching TV in the rec area at this time.

Katee couldn’t believe how rude he was being. If he was insulting her Grandpa in front of her, she could only imaging what he would say to his face.

Ron walked around the counter around to her. She cringed as she felt his hand wrap around her torso as he ‘led her’ down the hall. She marvelled at his size. He towered over her, his hands and limbs were massive. The man was an absolute brute.

It wasn’t long before she felt his hand slide down to her ass cheek. He groaned as he gave it a pinch.

“Hey!” Katee squealed as she escaped his grip and scampered a few feet in front of him.

“Sorry” he laughed “couldn’t help myself.”

Katee rolled her eyes knowing that he wasn’t the least bit sorry. She didn’t care though, she just wanted to see her Grandpa and get away from this brute.

She quickly forgot about Ron as her old Grandpa came into view. Although it had been some time, he looked just like she remembered of course.

“Katee my girl” He exclaimed as he looked away from his regularly scheduled programming. His eyes lit up “My one and only Katee!”

They embraced like family would. Katee gripped her sweet Grandpa with all of her strength. She was overcome by emotion. Everything that she had been through, none of it mattered right now. Right now, things felt right, things felt normal.

They caught up over the next while. Her Grandpa, did look her up and down, and commented on her hair, tan skin, and even Jewelry. He got the sense that this wasn’t quite the same Katee that he had seen last about a year ago. But alas, he knew how teenage girls were, and this was the age that they tended to explore He did comment on her outfit

“Katee, I never knew you to wear such revealing outfits.” The old man looked at her with scorn but also a hint of concern.

Katee felt tears well up in her eyes before quickly suppressing her sadness. She didn’t want to bother the old man with her stories. She knew he’d be absolutely powerless to help her even if she told him everything that the lecherous Mr. Wilson had put her through. She smiled and put on a brave face.

“Sorry Gramps, I was out with some of my girlfriends for lunch and they dropped me off here. You’re right I should have worn a coat” She smiled, with a hint of shame.

This was enough to reassure the old man, they continued to catch up and reminisce about childhood memories.

As Katee looked around, she couldn’t help but notice that the rec area was overwhelmingly old men. Some of them were aimlessly looking around, while others were hungrily looking at the young teen vixen in front of them.

Katee felt a bit awkward, but ultimately knew they were harmless. She shook off the feeling of angst and continued catching up with her Grandpa. She looked him up and down. He certainly was more frail than she remembered. He was also definitely a bit more forgetful. He had lost a lot of muscle mass in a short year. She was sure that these dreadful conditions that Ronald had instituted weren't doing any good for her Grandpa’s health.

Speaking of the devil, Katee felt her Grandpa stiffen up. A familiar stench entered her nostrils. She heard heavy footsteps and then heard Ronald’s deep wheezing.

“Anything I can do to make you more comfortable my dear?” He cooed

Katee didn’t even look up before unenthusiastically replying “No thanks, just having a much needed catch up with my grandpa.”

If she had looked, she would have been met with Ron’s hungry eyes staring directly down her top, getting a glimpse at the teen beauty's deep cleavage.

Bob looked up at him and noticed exactly where he was staring. But the poor old man was too scared to say anything, he knew what the consequences would be for him later if he did.

“Good dear.” Ron cooed “Bob old buddy old boy, did you happen to tell Katee yet about your financial situation, or lack there of?”

A look of shame and terror filled Bob’s old face. “Oh no no Ron, I wouldn’t want to bother her with that. She’s just here for a short while after all.”

Ron grinned, keeping his eyes fixed on the young teen’s big tits and inviting cleavage. He continued “Oh come on now, what’s family for if not to help each other through tough times?”

“No no, please, just let us be.” Bob asserted. Ron glared at him momentarily, causing the old man to cower back in fear.

Katee glared at Ron. “What are you talking about?”

Ron grinned “Oh let me tell you dear. You see your old pensioner of a grandpa isn’t nearly as well off as old Ron is. And when I took over and hiked the payments that all of these old farts pay per month, let’s just say Bob hasn’t quite been able to keep up.”

“Please stop.” Bob begged

Katee’s heart began to sink. Ron continued.

“Let’s just say, old Bob’s debt is beginning to get so high that I don’t think the old coot will ever be able to pay Ron. And Ron doesn’t like that.” He smiled, knowing exactly what he was doing. “You know what happens to old farts that can’t pay? They get demoted.” He sneered

“What do you mean demoted.” Katee asked softly with a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach.

“Very clever question you clever girl” He replied cookily “If old Bob doesn’t pay top dollar, then why should he get top food? While of course my premium paying clients get three meals a day, Old Bob only get one, and that’s made up of scraps that the other old farts don’t eat.”

At this point both Katee and Bob were crying softly. Now Katee understood why her old Grandpa had looked so frail, weak and thin.

“Please stop.” Bob cried.

“OK old coot. Bob says stop, Ron will stop.” He said before looking at Katee. “But you know sweet girl. A girl like you could definitely help out old Bob. We could use a girl like you working here. And Ron pays top dollar for top talent.” He sneered

Bob looked at Katee “Don’t listen to him Katee, let’s just keep talking and then you leave from here. I’m managing fine.”

Katee couldn’t believe what she was hearing. She had to help her Grandpa, or at the very least listen to the offer. If after everything that had happened to her, she could do this one meaningful act, it would make her feel better about her life.

“What can I do to help?” She said

Ron roared in cheer “That’s it. Bob you are one lucky old fart, I tell you what!” before continuing “You see sweet girl, I had to fire my nursing staff. They were too old, fat and ugly to be paying money to. But you, you are just what I’m looking for. I’ll pay you $500 today to be my nurse for a couple hours. All the money you make will go to Old Bob’s debt.”

“Umm that’s it?” Katee said shyly. $500 to be a retirement home nurse for a couple hours seemed too good to be true.

“That’s it my sweet girl.”

“Katee no, please” Bob said with shame. He was practically begging her.

“Katee took his hand in hers. Its OK gramps. Please let me do this. I don’t care about doing a bit of work if it means you can be treated a bit more humanely.”

Ron giggled as he led Katee back to the “employees room” behind his counter where she initially checked in. As soon as she was out of eye sight from Bob, he again wrapped his hand around her and this time directly groped one of her luscious ass cheeks.

“Get off of me!” She cried out, again scampering ahead him.

“Just sizing up my sexy young nurse.” He exclaimed “I’m a business man, I paid good money for you, I want to know exactly what I bought."

“You don’t own anything pervert.” She exclaimed “I’m here to help my grandpa and that’s it.”

“Of course my sweet girl, of course.” He grinned devilishly.

He led her to the back of the room, and handed her the nurses outfit.

“You’ve got to be kidding me.” She said, looking at the outfit in disbelief. It was the classic 'sexy nurse' Halloween costume.

It looked to be an extra small. It was a one piece thin spandex dress with white fishnet stockings and a cheap looking white hat with the red cross. The borders of the outfit were in matching red lace as well. It came with calf high white boots.

Again, although slutty, it wasn’t the worst thing she’s been made to wear. For $500 for her grandpa, she could convince herself into putting this on.

“OK, where’s the change room?” She sighed

“No need for that, just change right here my sweet young girl.” He sneered as he sat down on a chair and started to again breathe heavily.

“What the heck, no. I’m not changing in front of you.” She sneered back.

“As you wish my dear.” He said as he pulled out $500 from his pocket. “I guess I’ll go put this back in the safe then. And of course, for wasting my valuable time, I’ll have to dock poor old Bob another $50.”

Katee’s heart sank.

“You know, at this rate, as of next month he won’t be getting any food at all. Why should old Ron feed a useless old man who owes him so much money.”

“You can’t do that, that’s elder abuse!” Katee screamed

“Oh yes, you’re right dear. Better to just kick him to the curb in that case. I wonder how he’ll survive the cold winter.”

Katee started to cry softly before collecting her self. So what if another old perv saw her in her underwear. He can look but not touch, that’s where she’ll draw the line. She told herself this before conceding.

As soon as she did, to her dismay Ron smiled and unzipped his trousers. He unleashed a big thick cock with an almost deformed bulbous head that was as red as his hair was. He started to stroke the pulsating member as he watched her.

“On with it then darling.” He sneered

Katee wanted to vomit. She forced herself to look away from his cock, but the smell of dry piss and jizz overwhelmed her. This man was so disgusting he actually made her long for the cab driver, or even Mr. Wilson!

She wanted to get this over with. She heard him groan as she pulled her top over her head and dropped it on the floor. Her tits, encased in the white lace bra were now on perfect display for the ogre in front of her. He clapped in agreement, before starting to feverishly stroke his cock.

She jumped, causing her tits to tantalizingly bounce as she stepped out of her jeans. He drooled as he commanded her to turn around and show him her thong clad ass.

She squealed as she felt a slap on her ass.

“NO TOUCHING!” She snapped at him

“Hehe my dear, if someone else can give this luscious bum a smack, why can’t old Ron? Old Ron is paying a handsome price isn’t he?”

He said as he giggled at the red spank marks left on her ass cheek from the previous day's spankings.

Without responding to him Katee quickly squeezed into the nurses outfit. She struggled to get it on. It clearly wasn’t built for tits as big as hers. Even zipped up as tight as it could, all it did was serve to lift her tits up into perfect position.. The crease of the red border just came up half an inch above her pushup bra.

The torso was more of a corset, hugging her body tightly. The skirt of the outfit came up an inch or two below her ass cheeks. It was light material and would lift up with each step, exposing her thong clad ass to anyone who would look. She climbed into the fishnet stockings and then into the matching white boots.

She knew exactly what she looked like. She looked like the nurse of this old pervert’s fantasies. Ron stroked his cock some more before putting her hat on it.

He giggled as he made the hat almost jump up into the air as he moved his cock.

“Come get it.”

Katee cringed with disgust, before reaching for the hat quickly.

As she reached for it the old man quickly grabbed her other hand causing her to lose balance and fall down to her knees in front of him.

He quickly put his brutish hands on her head and forced his big thick cock into her mouth. He held it there with one hand and reached down into her outfit to grope her bare tits with the other. His cock began to spasm as he jizzed a bucket load of cum into the young teen’s mouth.

Katee again gagged as some of the seemingly endless amount of cum went into her airway. She swallowed the rest, while a mixture of saliva and cum dribbled down her chest.

He sneered at the coughing wreck of a girl before using his bare hands to grope her tits and wipe his juices off of her chest.

“Now now, can’t get my outfit dirty. Or that’s going to add to the old fart’s debt.” He sneered

When Katee was done coughing, she screamed at him

“WHAT THE HECK!!? That was not part of the deal. I’m done!” She screamed

“My my, I know. Old Ron acted hastily. You’ll have to forgive old Ron. It’s not every day I see a gorgeous young girl like you around.”

He looked into his pocket.

“Old Ron will make things right. How about $750 now. For good will?” He sneered.

Katee sighed. What’s done is done. If she gave up the money now, she would have still had undressed in front of this pervert and he would have still jizzed down her throat.

“OK OK. Fine. But no more touching.” She said “I mean it”

Ron crossed his fingers together “Scout’s honor.” He sneered.

“OK what do I have to do Ron.” She pleaded. She just wanted to get this over with.

“Well dear, start by giving all of the old men out there these two pills And all of the old hags, I mean Women, this one.”

Katee looked at the meds. There was a blue pill and a small green pill for the men, and small white pill for the women. She pushed a tray filled with individualized meds, as well as cups of water. Ron smirked and winked at her as he took a couple of blue pills and swallowed them.

She was on her way pushing the med cart into the recreation area when she again felt a bare hand on her ass cheeks. This time both of Ron’s brutish hand’s reached under her skirt and groped her bare ass cheeks.

“Oh my god so luscious, so juicy.” Ron howled as he groped the teen’s ass cheeks freely.

“Hey stop that, Remember what I said!” Katee said.

“Oh right, sorry dear, Old Ron is forgetful in his old age. I’ll be in there soon with the rest of the old farts.” He howled in laughter.

Katee ignored him and did as she was told. As she entered the rec area, she instantly felt the attention of every Man and Woman in there fixated on her. She heard some whispers. She looked around, all the men, about 30 or so’s eyes were hungrily fixated on her. There was about 10-15 old Women and they were all looking at her with disgust and shame.

She met the eyes of her Grandpa, who was looking at her with great sadness and guilt. He knew what kind of man this was. He was a monster. And he was fearing the direction that this was going with his sweet teen granddaughter.

She went to him first. She saw the look in his eyes.

“Don’t worry gramps. I already knocked off $750 off of your debt. This is nothing I can’t handle, trust me.” She tried to reassure him.

“Katee, this isn’t a good man.” He said, before noticing Ron’s leering stare and looking away sharply.

“Don’t worry gramps, I know how to deal with guy’s like him.” Katee said, trying to reassure herself more than her Grandpa.

She gave him the pills. It looked like ones that he usually took, and truthfully he was too forgetful to remember when he took which meds. He took it down with a gulp of water.

Next she reached a group of Women. She handed them their meds.

“You’re Bob’s granddaughter?” One of them said in an accusing voice “He’s such a good man. What happened to you?”

This hit Katee deep. She wanted to cry.

Another one hissed “You’re dressed like a whore.”

All Katee could muster was a “Sorry m'am.” Knowing that there was no way that they would understand.

She gave them the meds. They looked at it inquisitively before taking it down.

Next Katee made her way to a group of men.

Some said nothing, some called her “good looking” or “Gorgeous.” But they all looked her up and down like a piece of meat.

Katee couldn’t blame them after all, she knew how she looked to them.

As she reached the next group of men. She leaned forward to give a man his pill as he was sitting on the recliner. His eyes immediately dove deep down into her cleavage. It was then that she felt a pinch on her ass cheek which made her stand up.

She looked back “Hey!” she squealed.

It was a helpless looking old man who must have been at least 90. He looked up at her with a smile. He was in his wheelchair. She couldn’t do much to yell at him, he was so adorable. And Katee was convinced he was demented.

She bent over again to attend to the man in front of her. And again she felt a pinch on her ass cheek. She did her best to not say anything and just continued to do her job.

Some of the other men noticed this and it emboldened them. Going forward they would give her bare ass cheek a grope or a pinch. Some would grab her boobs through the outfit as she passed. She would look at them initially with rage, but then they’d flash an innocent sweet old smile, and Katee would always think better of saying anything rude to them.

When she was done, she wheeled the cart back to the employee lounge. Ronald followed her in.

“Oh you’ve done a fine job my sweet girl.” Ronald cooed as he groped her bare ass cheek again under the skirt.

She was getting a bit desensitized to strangers groping her at this point but she still managed to smack his hand away and give him a cold stare.

“OK I did your job. Give me the $750 and let me go spend a little bit more time with my poor grandpa.”

“You certainly did my sweet girl!” He beamed “Such a great and sexy little young nurse you are.” He said as he erratically grabbed her torso and thrusted her lithe body into his.

Katee tried to pull away but he was impossibly strong. He squished her tightly against him and groaned as her tits rubbed against his fat man-boobs.

She finally managed to pull away.

“Oh right” he laughed “I forgot again about the touching.” He chuckled before continuing.

“Almost done my girl. Just serve those old farts their coffee, tea and biscuits and then that money is all yours.”

He pranced over to a cart and started to pour some hot brew, and prepare some biscuits.

Not what Katee was expecting, but she’d take it. Worst case scenario she’d get felt up a bit by some harmless old pensioners. She's been forced into doing a lot worst!

She agreed to the terms and went to go push the chart again. As she started to push, Ron stopped right in front of her abruptly, causing a few cups of coffee to spill and splatter all over her outfit.

Katee looked down, her outfit was completely ruined.

“Oh no, what did you do you silly girl!” Ronald exclaimed, eyes aghast.

“What do you mean! You bumped into me!” Katee yelped back

“Oh no no no, that’s my only nurses outfit! What am I to do!”

Katee was drawn into panic at this man whose been perverted but jovial until now. He seemed like he was having a panic attack.

“Ron calm down, I’ll have it dry cleaned. These will come out.”

Ron looked at Katee with a crazed look “But I need a clean nurses outfit now you stupid bitch!!!” He screamed

Katee fell back with terror. He had never spoken to her like this.

“Ron please take a breath. I’ll go serve the coffee in the outfit I came in with.”

“No no no, that’s not a standardized outfit. You’re trying to get me in trouble with the health authority aren’t you you little whore?” he said as he roughly grabbed the poor teen’s arm causing her to cry in pain.

“No no Ron, I’m not. It was a mistake I’m sorry.” She wailed. Trying to think of something to calm him down.

Then he let her go. Just as abruptly as he angered, be was now overflowing with joy.

“An Idea!” He said with a wide smile on his face. “Your nasty clothes you came in with aren’t part of your uniform, but your bra and panties are.”

Katee scowled “No thanks Ron, I’m not going out there in my bra and panties. Give me part of my money that I’m owed and let me be then.”

“Not so fassst” He cooed “Remember what I said. You get paid in full, or not at all.” He said before continuing. “I may have one more health authority approved nursing outfit, but I have to look for it. It’s not worth looking for unless you tell me. Do you want to wear the new nursing uniform, your bra and panties, or go back to old poor dirty Bobby boy with nothing?” He sneered

Katee had an uneasy feeling. But after mulling the options, she bet on the new outfit. Even though she looked like a slut in the old uniform it was a heck of a lot better than being out there in her skimpy push up bra and thong. And after all of this, she didn't want to contribute nothing to her Grandpa's debt.

“Perfecto-mundooo my girl, my sweet sweet young girl.” He cooed as the oafishly large man pranced away into the corner of the employee lounge.

Almost too quickly, he came back with the new uniform that he was supposed to be looking for. He threw it at Katee, and sneered. “It was your choice my sweet little girl.”

Katee inquisitively looked at the outfit, having a hard time telling what was what. She gulped as she figured out how it was intended to be worn.

It was a white sheer one piece string lingerie set with a red cross in between the cups of the bra. It was trimmed with red lace. The red string was meant to tie around the back of the neck and back in between her shoulder blades.

There was no cloth covering the back so her entire upper torso would be nude from behind save for the tiny strings the wrapped around to tie it. The front of it had only a thin white half cup silk bra. In between the two bra cups there was a red silk bow tied to make a red cross. The torso had a thin white strip of sheer transparent piece of fabric. The strip extended down to the hips where it ended in a red lace ribbon that wrapped around to tie just above the ass. The ‘skirt’ was about an inch of see through lace frill that hung down uselessly from the red ribbon. Attached was a red lace G-string that would simply sink between the ass cheeky. The front was the only solid white part of the outfit apart from the half cup bra, meant to cover her pussy.

Katee looked at it quizzically, before starting to wrap it around her body.

“UH Humm.” Ron exclaimed “Just what do you think you’re doing dear? You have to take off those silly bra and panties. Remember?” He squealed

Katee knew that this man would hold her to what she said. Once again he pulled up a chair and slid it just a foot from her. He took a big whiff in, before asking her to continue.

Katee knew he wasn't going to let her change in the bathroom, or even close his eyes. The young teen gulped, before she unclipped her bra and dropped it to the floor.

Once again the man took his bulbous cock out and started stroking it. He started to breath heavily. "Oh such perfect young tits, so big, so juicy, Oh my my my girl." He started to rabble like a madmen, fixated on her naked tits.

Katee looked him dead in the eye

“No touching Ron. I mean it.”

“Ronald is a good boy my sweet girl.” He drooled, fixated on the teen’s naked tits bouncing in front of him. In all his years he’s never seen tits like this. He’s never even imagined tits like this. These were the type of tits that you seen drawn on cartoons, tits this perfect weren’t supposed to exist in real life.

His drool hit the ground as he was mesmerized by her tits seemingly levitating in front of him. "Oh my, what tits young girl, so juicy, so big. So perfect" He said in a trance like state as he reached out and grabbed one, causing Katee to squeal and slap his hand away.

“Ron!” she screamed.

Ron said nothing. He continued to watch and stroke his cock.

Giving an exhale, Katee dropped out of her thong panties and laid them beside her bra. Ron couldn’t control himself as the naked teen goddess stood in front of him in all of her glory.

He motioned for her to turn around and so him her naked ass. Knowing she had no choice at this point, she did, closing her eyes as she heard his wheezing intensify.

Almost as soon as she closed her eyes she felt his brutish hands on her tits, groping them first before squeezing them tightly, causing her to scream.

“RON STOP” The poor teen screamed “You’re hurting me!”

The man didn’t care, he couldn’t even hear her at this point. He continue to maul her tits form behind. She felt his big, thick rock hard and pulsating dick on the crease of her ass.

She did all she could to scream at the top of her lungs, praying that someone would hear them. She knew in the pit of her stomach though that he was the only staff member there.

He squeezed her tits tightly before picking her up with ease and slamming her on to the med cart, causing all of the drinks and biscuits on it to go flying.

Katee cried out as the monster split her ass cheeks open and entered her pussy.

“You like to tease old Ron do you you whore!?” He screamed at her.

“NO RON, YOU MADE ME DO THIS, PLEASE STOP.” She wailed out in agony as the brute continued to assault her.

“Well you’re gonna get raped like the young little slut that you are!!” He cried.

Katee knew there was no point in reasoning with him. She just screamed at the top of her lungs, hoping that someone would come to her rescue.

The man had endless endurance. While he fucked her from behind, he continued to maul her big tits. She couldn’t take the pain as she begged him to stop pulling and squeezing her tits. She got her wish as he honed in on her nipples with his brutish hands and started to twist and pull at them. The pain was even more agonizing.

“Oh yeah, take that miss big tits!!” He screamed at her “You think you’re so hot and sexy little girl?” He screamed at her while he continued to fuck her like a mad man.

“NOOO RON I don’t” She sobbed “I HATE MYSELF, I HATE MY BODY!!” She said with truth in her voice.

“Oh yeah that’s right, you think you're so fucking hot don’t you!?” He screamed over and over.

Katee knew there was no point, he wasn’t hearing her. She simply put her head down and sobbed in agony. There was no way she could get free. She did her best to readjust and redirect his anger from her poor tits.

She even grabbed his hand and put it on her head. He grabbed a fistful of her luscious platinum hair and yanked her head back as he continued to fuck her viciously. The throbbing pain in her tits and nipples was now replaced by a tearing sharp pain across her scalp. She started to panic as his other brutish hand gripped her neck and started to choke her.

She tapped on his hand in a state of panic as she felt herself start to black out. He gave her neck one more tight squeeze as she blacked out and he came deep inside of her young teen pussy. He cried out like a mad man.

The poor teen woke a few seconds later to the sound and sensation of her ass being brutally spanked by the ogre.

“You thought old Ron wasn’t good enough to spank this ass huh little girl?” He said angrily as he whooped her “Only for other men you little slut?” He cried.

As Katee came too, she sensed that the weight of his body wasn’t on her anymore. She cried for him to stop, and rolled off of the table on to the ground. She was soaked in cold coffee and tea, but she didn’t care.

The young teen lie on the ground naked, cowering in fear. She rolled into the fetal position.

“Ron please stop.” She whispered “I can’t take this anymore, you’re going to kill me.”

Just then, Ron bent over, with a deranged smile on his face. “Kill you? Why would I ever kill you? Or even hurt you my sweet little girl?”

He picked her up in his hands and placed her onto the med cart.

“You’re my star nurse! We have a job to do, remember?”

Katee looked at him with utter shock. How did he just flip the switch back into this jovial clown personality so quickly. Who the heck was this guy.

She continued to stare at him, shocked, scared and dumbfounded.

“Oh, about that. I’m sorry my little girl. Here, take another $250, for your trouble.” He said with a huge smile on his face.

Katee wanted to slap him in the face with that money and tell him to go fuck him self. She looked down though and saw that somehow he was still rock hard and his dick was oozing. She looked back and saw that the door was locked. She knew if she made him angry there was no escape.

Katee looked down at the string nurses outfit and picked it up in her hands. It was drenched in coffee, as was her body.

As she put it on, Ron made no comment on it being dirty. She knew now that the coffee spilling was all just some bizarre excuse to get her to go along with her plans.

After some adjustments, the tiny excuse for an outfit was on her body the best that she could muster. The top was made for a B cup or a C cup at best. Her D cup tits were practically spilling out of the top. It was meant to be a half cup anyways. Half of her nipples were showing, and any sudden movement would cause her tits to slip out of the cups. The cups were drenched in coffee and tea, giving the once crisp white outfit a see-through and brownish appearance.

The thin strip of fabric streaming down her midriff clung to her wet torso, and was essentially completely see through. The sides of her midriff and backside was completely bare.

The G-string panties covered her pussy lips but that’s about it. Her ass was essentially completely nude save for some thin red string slinging in between her ass cheeks. The ‘skirt’ was comical, and essentially was just an inch of lace ribbon hanging off of the red ribbon that lay on the her hip bones and wrapped around her waist.

The panties had a garter belt and suspenders which attached to see-through white stockings. Finally he brought out white stiletto heels for her to wear. They were so high heeled she wobbled the first few steps. He sneered as he gave her the same hat to wear from the last outfit.

Ron grabbed a thin tissue paper in each hand to ‘clean the coffee off of her.” He really just used this as an excuse to have free reign over the poor girl’s body. He took her tits out of the top and groped them against her will. She squirmed feebly as he cleaned some of the coffee off, revealing the new red hand marks on her fleshy tits, matching the fresh spank marks on her ass and even neck.

He thoroughly wiped the tissue in her ass crease, even tearing through the paper and putting his dirty finger into the young girl’s ass hole, causing her to squirm. He moved her panties aside and did the same with her pussy that he was just finished assaulting.

He had two fingers in her pussy and one in her asshole. She could hear him wheezing again. She was squirming trying to get away but there was no way out of his impossibly strong grip.

The ogre with one swell movement took her again by the neck and forced her down on her knees. He shoved his cock into her mouth. The poor teen moaned in agony as he started to face fuck her aggressively. Tears started to roll down her cheeks as his big cock was stimulating her gag reflex on every block. She tried to tap his thigh to get him to submit, but he just took this as a cue to fuck her more viscously.

He again started to maul her tits with his one free hand while grabbing her by the bun and skull fucking her with the other. She almost breathed a sigh of relief as she felt his cock twinge, heard him moan, and for the 3rd time that day except a river of his cum into her body.

She gagged, choked and coughed up cum before spitting it on the ground.

Once again, jovial as ever, he helped her up, and helped her get her outfit as well adjusted as ever.

“Oh girl, you have to stop distracting me, there is work to do!” He squealed.

Katee couldn’t believe this maniac. She watched in shock as he remade the tea and coffee and prepped the cart.

“Off we go girl, we are quite late!”

Katee did as she was told. She was actually begging to get back out in public and away from this maniac, even if she was dressed like this.

She heard the pervert’s heavy breathing, intermittent groaning as he followed behind her. Of course his eyes were stuck on her juicy ass cheeks that were completely nude and jiggling with each step that the young teen took.

Katee scampered ahead, as embarrassed as she was for her Grandpa and the rest of the retirees to see her like this, she worried about Ronald catching up with her and continuing his assault.

She pushed the cart into the rec room. The scene was quite a bit different than just an hour or so when she had left. It seemed livelier. Many of the men, that she didn’t even know could walk were up, hollering, and dancing to some oldies Jazz that had started playing. Strangely, she didn’t notice any of the women that she had seen earlier.

It didn’t take long for the group of old men to notice her. To her surprise, the rather timid, sweet and shy group of men started to hoot and holler. It was like she was the match that lit the fire that was the party that night.

As she made her way into the center of the room, the crowd roared in cheer and berated her with lude comments about her body and state of dress.

She found quickly found her Grandpa and locked eyes with him. She saw him look her up and down with a look of horror in his eyes.

It wasn’t long before she was surrounded by a few of the more bold old men. She felt multiple pairs of hands openly grope her body.

“Come here you sexy little girl” One cooed as he groped her bare ass cheeks.

“I’ve never seen a pair of tits like this in my entire 92 years!” Another cried as he hungrily swiped at her left tits, knocking it out of the skimpy outfit.

The group of men roared in cheer as her tit was now completely uncovered.

It wasn’t long before another pair of hands did the same with her other one.

Another two joined in and bear hugged her, stopping any movement she could make. She felt dozens of hands all over her torso, grabbing her tits, combing through her hair. A finger slid her panties aside and started rubbing her pussy. She had dozens of withered hands groping her ass cheeks.

The was wrestled to the ground and felt a mob of old men’s weight on her. They were all ravenously trying to grab, pinch and grope any piece of her flesh that they could. The men were ravenous and the poor young teen was powerless to stop them. She squirmed helplessly as an endless mob of hands were groping every inch of her body.

“Order! You old pigs” She heard Ron’s voice boom through the room.

Some of the old men listened to him, stopping what they were doing. The ones closest to her though ignored Ron, and continued their groping of the helpless young teen.

It was then that Katee cried out as she saw Ron above her with a belt in hand. To her utter shock, he started to whip the men that were on her. They cried in pain. He continued to give them lashings across the back until they stopped their groping and rolled off of her.

“Get back to your seats you bastards. Leave my head nurse alone!” He roared in anger.

Katee sighed in relief as the men slowly rolled off of her. She took Ron’s monstrous hand as he helped her up.

She found her Grandpa again, the poor man was sobbing. He locked eyes with her, before looking at his Granddaughter’s big naked tits that were now hanging completely nude.

Before Katee could quickly readjust her string top. She gasped as Ron’s hands gripped her torso and made their way up to her tits.

She couldn’t see his eyes, but they were fixed on Bob. He flashed him a sinister smile as he groped his Granddaughter's big naked tits in front of him. He let his hands molest her bare breasts for a few seconds before saying.

“Dear girl, let me get that for you.” He sneered as he deliberately took his time to pull the tiny top over her tits the best that it could. He covered just to the stub of her nipple. Leaving plenty of the top of her areola’s and the rest of her tits showing.

As soon as Katee felt his hands release her, she scampered over to her Grandpa. They were both sobbing.

“Katee, I told you not to do this.” Bob cried “I’m so sorry my dear. Look at what he’s doing to you.”

Katee didn’t know how to reply. She simple sat on the arm of the chair beside her Grandpa, and held his hand.

“It’s OK Gramps, I’ll be OK.” She tried to soothe him as she softly cried herself.

She looked around the room as the men were instructed to make their way to their seats. She couldn’t help but noticed the tent that was being pitched in all of their trousers. She looked at each one by one, she couldn’t believe it.

Not only did every single man have an erection, but they were rock hard! She didn’t even know that men this age could have erections this strong. Was this all because she was prancing around in this slutty lingerie?

What she had noticed earlier was true too. There were only a handful of women left in the room, and they were all sleeping in various positions around the room. Some were hanging off their seat, one was face down on a couch in the corner, and one was even on the floor!

Katee looked down with the side of her eyes. She gasped as even her poor old Grandpa had an erection that was clearly visible. She did her best to look subtly, as she knew that bringing attention to this would only serve to embarrass her poor old grandpa even more.

As the men assumed their positions reluctantly, Katee became increasingly uneasy as one by one their gaze returned to her body. A look of blind lust was in their eyes. Katee knew that all of these men knew her Grandpa, and many of them were his so called friends. It was a relatively small retirement home.

“My my dear, I’m so sorry on the behalf of my dear clients” Ron looked at her “You see it’s not every day that they see such a gorgeous sweet girl, dressed like…. Well, dressed like you are” He sneered

“It’s OK.” Katee said meekly.

“Good, it’s all forgiven then!” Ron cheered. “Katee, why don’t you go ahead with the tea service as planned.”

Katee gulped as she left her Grandpa’s side. She started to wheel the cart around.

As she approached the first group of men, their eyes were unsurprisingly locked in on her almost bare tits.

One of them whispered. “My my girl, we’ll give you our entire pension cheque to let us have one fucking night with you.”

The men all agreed as they looked her up and down hungrily.

Katee served them in silence. Once again catching sight of their rock hard cocks straining against their trousers.

She heard groans behind her as she wheeled towards the next group of men, exposing her bare ass cheeks to the group that she had just served.

“Old Bob’s in our poker group and all, how about next time he loses I get his little granddaughter to wrap her big juicy tits around my pecker.” One of the men sneered at her as his eyes fixated on her tits.

The others laughed, affirming his comment with their own variations on what they would do with her. Katee noticed their cocks practically pulsating in their pants.

She made her way to each and every old man in the room. There must have been about 30 now. Almost each and every one of them whispered some lewd comments toward the young teen that was being forced to serve them near nude.

Katee had the sense that they were all scared shitless of Ron. Not only did they not lie a hand on her, but they talked to her in a hushed voice. She got the idea that they didn’t want Ron to even know that they were insulting her.

As she finished and made her way back to her seat by her Grandpa. She noticed that Ron was looking inquisitively around the room.

She nervously watched as Ron looked at her and started to make his way over to her.

“Katee my dear, may I speak with you in the employee’s room please?” He grinned

Katee instinctively clutched her Grandpa’s arm in fear.

“Ron, can’t we just talk here?”

Ron smiled devilishly, before continuing “No my sweet girl, I’m afraid this is a potentially sensitive manner.” He then stopped smiling and glared at her.

Katee knew that he meant business. She gave her Grandpa’s hand a squeeze before standing up and following Ron to the employee’s room.

Ron waited for her to catch up. He boldly grabbed her ass cheek and squeezed as he looked back at Bob and grinned. Katee did nothing to resist at this point, she knew what this monster was capable of and knew that if he wanted to openly grope her ass, he was going to do so.

All she could do was walk quickly so that her Grandpa wouldn’t be forced to watch.

Ron let go of her when they entered the back room. Katee looked at him inquisitively.

“What is it?” She asked

“Well my dear, I’ve noticed that all of my clients, and I mean all of them, have.. oh how do I say this in front of a lady.. well they have erections!” He said “Have they taught you what an erection means in school yet?” He cooed in a patronized tone.

“Yes.” Katee replied in a subdued tone.

“OK, never know what they teach in high school sex-ed these days!” He laughed “But back to the matter at hand. You see, this is rather concerning. It could be because they have a sweet little girl like you around dressed like you are.

Or it could be… no.. that can’t be it can it?”

“What do you mean?” Katee replied, being rather inquisitive.

“Katee my girl, you did give the blue and green pills to the Women, and the white pill to the Men right?” Ron said in a concerned tone.

“What? No! You told me it was the other way around.”

“No no no girl, please tell me you’re joking. This is very serious.” He said, practically groveling. “The blue pill is not to be taken by old men, it’s the most powerful erectile dysfunction medication known to man! And the green one is an aphrodisiac! No wonder they are acting so unruly!”

He said panicked “They were supposed to get the white one which is a sleeping pill! This is no good, these are very old men. They can have heart attacks, or even die!!!”

Katee didn’t know how to reply “I’m sorry Ron I thought you told me to give them those.”

“No No no, I couldn’t have. But my girl, you’re a nurse, you should have known better!” He screamed.

Katee couldn’t believe it.

“What? I’m a high school student. You made me play a nurse today but I’m not a real one!”

Ron looked at her incredulously “No no no girl, that can’t be right.” He practically pranced to his desktop that had several monitors set up.

As he logged in, Katee’s stomach sank as she saw dozens of high definition camera feeds from all angles of the rec room, lobby and employees office and even the bathroom she initially used. She realized at that moment that knew that every second that she was in the facility had been recorded and monitored.

Ron pulled up several documents electronically before turning to her “Yup, you see, right here. Katee Owens, registered Nurse, graduated from MYU with honors. It’s all on your job application that you signed when you came in here.”

Katee watched the screen in disbelief. This was an entirely fabricated CV and Job application that she had signed. She realized that this was only a couple pages of the seemingly endless pieces of paper that she nervously signed when she ‘checked in’.

“What the heck! I thought I was just checking in, not applying for a job. You tricked me!” she squealed

She realized at this point that despite this man acting like a buffoon and clown, that he was actually a conniving genius. He was planning this entire day since she stepped into the facility. How could he have had the time to come up with such a plan so quickly though, she wondered.

“And I thought I was getting a qualified nurse for hire, you tricked me!” Ron squealed back equally incredulously.

He continued “Well, luckily for me, in case one or more of these old men die from your poisoning, I’m not on the hook for it when their families come sueing. You are.” His face again changed suddenly, a satanic smile came across his face as he smiled.

He brought up the next series of papers. It was a signed release of responsibility form that claimed that Katee was financially responsible for any lawsuits and cost of health care as a result of her medical malpractice.

“What? I’m not even a nurse.” Katee cried “I don’t have any money sir, please!” she begged

“Well, lucky for you I thought of that too. Let’s say here. Oh yes, it says that in case the head nurse, Ms. Owens isn’t able to pay the full amount, any residual amount owing will fall upon her next of kin, Mr. Paul Owens.”

Katee’s heart sank. “No sir, that’s my Father. He can barely afford his mortgage payments. He has no money either!”

“Well well, I’m sure even if one of these old farts croaks, the lawyers could at the very least take his house, and car, and other possessions. Anything else owing on top of that, well he’d probably go to jail.” Ronald sneered before continuing “So my girl, I guess it’s in your best interest to try and minimize the damage from your egregious medical error.”

“Yes sir, yes. Anything. What can I do?” Katee begged.

“Well, I’m no doctor. But me thinks the only way to reverse these medications are to make these men ejaculate. Multiple ejaculations might be needed.” He said matter of factly. “You got your self into this mess, you’re gonna need to get yourself out.” He grinned as he gave her bare ass cheeks a grope and a smack.

“OK” Katee said in defeat “I’ll take the men into the room one by one and I’ll do what I can to make them ejaculate.”

Ron smiled, before again feigning to be deep in thought again “Not a bad plan, but my girl, time is precious. With each passing minute of these Men having these unnatural erections, the risk of heart attack or worse increases. Remember, if even one of these men die, or even have to go to hospital, you and your poor pops lose everything. I’m afraid we have to act quicker.”

Katee said in defeat “What do you suggest Ron.”

Ron smiled “Start with one of them, let the others watch you and wank themselves. This way, you only have to pleasure only one of them, and then hopefully the rest take care of themselves. Catch my drift?” He sneered.

Katee replied in a shocked tone “You want me to pleasure one of these old men in public? No way, my grandpa is watching!”

“Yes yes yes, what to say about old Bob. Well I could ask Bob to leave the room. But you know poor old Bob. He had a heart attack just last year, and high blood pressure, diabetes. Leaving your poor old Grandpa with that rock hard pecker is like a ticking time bomb”

Katee’s heart sank.

“You know dear, as much as poor old Bob is going to fight you on this. I think for you, your dad, and your grandpa’s sake, you’ll have to take care of Bob first.”

Katee couldn’t believe what she was hearing. This sick fuck was really asking her to jerk off her Grandpa and have 30 old bastards watch her do it!

Ron grinned “Either Bob gets wheeled into his room and we roll the dice and see if the old fart lives or dies, or you fuck him first for every one to see. It's your choice my sweet little girl.”

Katee couldn’t believe this. She wanted to break down and cry. She knew at this point that this maniac couldn’t care less if any of these men died. All of them were just props in the sick and humiliating sex game he was playing with her.

“So what is it? Are you going to let poor old Bob die or are you going to fuck his brains out?” Ron sneered.

“OK I’ll do it.” Katee said in defeat.

“Excellent!” Ron sneered in excitement “And one more thing my girl. Not a word of this to any of the men out there. If they hear they’ve been poisoned, that’s only going to send them into a panic, which will cause more stress on their heart. We must fix your mistake in secret.”

Ron practically pranced out of the room back into the rec room. Katee followed him, with her head sunken in shame.

The room started to whisper again as the sexy scantily clad teen made her way into view.

“Men!” Ron boomed “Katee wanted to put on a special show for you tonight, to thank you for being part of her first nursing gig!” Ron boomed. Bob looked exasperated as Ron wheeled his recliner into the center of the room.

Ron gave Katee’s ass a loud spank as he told her to make her way over to Bob. Katee couldn’t even meet her Grandpa’s eyes as she walked over to him.

“Bobby old boy, today is your special day. Your sexy little Granddaughter has agreed to give you a lap dance!” the men around her cheered in approval.

Katee looked up at Ron with a glare, this wasn’t exactly what they discussed. He was making a grand show of this.

Ron flipped a switch and some sultry Jazz music started to play. Katee’s eyes slowly met her Grandpa’s.

“Katee, what is this. What is he making you do?” Bob whispered.

Katee met his eyes, fighting back tears.

“Katee just run, get out of here and don’t come back. I’ll be OK!” Bob cried.

“Don’t speak gramps, it’ll make this easier.” Katee said solemnly.

“Well get at it girl! We don’t have all day remember!” Ron boomed.

Katee cried as she put her hands on either side of her Grandpa’s shoulders as she started to rhythmically move her body. She heard cheers around her as the group was mesmerized by the teen’s near nude body moving for them.

Bob tried to push her away. Katee took his hand’s and pinned them to his side. The old man was so frail and malnourished that even his teen granddaughter could overpower him.

“Shh gramps, please just let me do this.” She said sadly

She continued to dance for him. His eyes would dart briefly look at her tits before prying them away. He quickly learned that the best thing was to force his eyes closed.

“Open your eyes old boy! Or Katee will express her gratitude with some of your friends over there.” He pointed at the group of men that were Bob’s supposed poker buddies.

The group roared in approval, begging to have their chance with the teen.

This alerted Bob to keep his eyes open.

“Quite the pair of young tits hanging in front of you hey Bob?” Ron chided “Slide them out for your old Gramps to see girl.”

Katee sobbed as she peeled down the slinky top. One small tug easily sprang her big round tits free. The crowd roared.

“My my my what a pair of tits.” Ron sneered “Does she get those from her Grandma? What do you say Ron, did your wife have tits like this?”

Bob was forced to look at his granddaughters immaculate pair of tits hanging just inches from his face.

“Well, how could you know without touching them. Go ahead Bobby boy, give them a good squeeze” Ron chided “I can tell you first hand how amazing those young teen tits feel.”

Bob looked up at his granddaughter “I’m sorry my girl. He’s not going to stop” He cried.

“I know gramps.” Katee whispered

He timidly took one hand and took his Granddaughter’s tit into his hand. He gave it a squeeze as Ron chided him further, before being forced to take both big tits in his hands.

“So what’s the verdict? Like granny like granddaughter?” He sneered before continuing “Maybe you need to taste them. Go ahead girl, put your tits in his face.”

The crowd roared as Katee put her tits into her gramp’s face. She rubbed her tit’s up and down, before sinking her Grandpa’s face into her tits.

She heard muffled screams below her telling her to stop. She looked around and saw that all of the men had their stiff cocks out and were stroking. She could only hope that they were getting off on this.

She looked down and saw her Grandpa’s stiff cock. She knew given his heart problems, she had to rid him of this erection by any means possible.

As she continued to smother him with her bare tits. She climbed on to him and started grinding her crotch on his. This caused him to writhe around in a panic. He was trying to tell her to get off of him.

“No gramps, I have to do this.” She whispered as she continued to restrain him with her hands and the weight of her body.

“My my. I tell you Bobby boy, you’re the only man in the world that would be fighting this babe trying to ride you. He is one lucky man isn’t he boys.” Ron chided. The room roared in approval again.

Katee looked down swiftly undid her Grandpa’s zipper, allowing his rock hard cock to spring free. She took his cock in his hands and grimaced as she started to rub him off.

With all of his strength he pushed her off of him for a second to say “Katee stop! I would rather die than have my own Granddaughter do this to me!” He managed to spit out.

Katee cried at this comment “I’m sorry Grandpa, I won’t let that happen to you.” She cried before restraining him again and pushing his body down. She knew that she couldn’t give him a handjob as she didn’t have the strength to restrain him with only one hand.

She could try to suck him off, but she would have to be creative so he couldn’t get away. She took her tits off of his face.

“I’m sorry Gramps, you’ll understand one day.” She said before contorting her body.

The crowd roared as they saw the young teen flip her body around the couch. She was upside down now. Her near bare ass cheeks were now in her Grandpa’s face while she was draped upside down on his body on the recliner which was reclined about 45 degree.

She used her thighs to keep the frail man refrained. He was screaming, so she used her luscious ass cheeks to smother his face and mouth. She used her hands to tightly restrain his wrists. She looked up briefly. For a moment she thought that her plan was working. Several of the men around her were groaning and stroking their cocks faster and harder.

She was hopeful that if she just finished off her Grandpa that her would be safe and that all of these Men would be able to get off. She couldn’t bare to think about even one of these fellows dying because of a mistake she made, and even more so her Father losing his house and being on the streets because she wasn’t careful enough to read the documents that she had signed.

She knew for the plan to work she had to put on a bit of a show.

With this she started to twerk her ass cheeks, making them clap in front of her grandpa’s face. The men around groaned watching the young teen’s perfect ass shaking in front of them. She turned to the task at hand, and wrapped her lips around her Grandpa’s cock.

The room cheered as the sound of this sexy teen sucking off her Grandpa filled the room. She continued to shake her ass as much as she could as she sucked and deep throated her grandpa’s wrinkled cock.

As she continued to suck his cock, and rub her crotch and ass cheeks on his face, she could start to hear her Grandpa moan more and scream out less. She used this as motivation to continue the lewd act.

She would look up momentarily, the men were all jacking off feverishly. To her disappointment though none of them, as far as she could tell, had finished.

The teen knew that she would have to do the unthinkable. She using her mouth wasn’t enough. She had to fuck her grandpa.

With another swift contortion of her body she twirled so that she straddled her Grandpa’s cock. She gyrated her hips so her pussy was grinding against his cock through her thin lace panties.

“Katee don’t do this.” He begged one more time.

“I’m sorry Gramps, If only you knew the real truth.” She soothed “Close your eyes, pretend I’m Grandma.”

He did just that. With that Katee slid her thong panties to the side and let her Grandpa’s cock enter her pussy.

The crowd cheered. She started to ride his cock like a porn star. Although she was embarrassed by all of this beyond belief, she knew she had to stimulate the crowd to get them to jizz.

“AHHH, AHHH, UGHHH” she started to moan loudly as she fucked her own Grandpa.

She took his hands and placed them on her tits. This time he didn’t recoil. She planted a kiss on her Grandpa’s lips, and started to French kiss him as she continued to ride him. Again, she knew that this would turn her audience on further.

The crowd roared at the sight of this young teen making out with and fucking her old grandpa who was six times her age!

Katee cringed as she felt her Grandpa starting to squeeze her tits. She couldn’t blame him though after all she had put him through.

It wasn’t long until the old man started to moan uncontrollably. Katee sat on his dick and let her Grandpa come deep inside of her. Just then she took her tongue from out of his mouth.

She looked down in relief, as she felt his dick start to soften and shrivel. She stepped off of him, letting his cum drip down her leg.

“I’m so sorry my girl.” He looked at her, sobbing.

Katee tried to reassure him. She looked around, to her dismay the men were all rock hard still. Thirty rock hard cocks, not a single one had came watching her fuck her grandpa. They had all stopped stroking, as they watched to see her next move.

She was quite the sight to behold. While her uniform was still on, her naked tits sprang free of the bra cups and were on full display. Instead. the small bra cups wedged between the underside of her tits and her torso, serving to prop up her naked tits even more on her chest into a preposterous position.

Preserving her modesty in front of these men was the least of her worries at this point. After all, they had just watched her fuck her own Grandpa!

She felt a hand roughly pull her in by her forearm.

“Well that didn’t work so well.” Ron whispered.

“I know.” Katee said rather solemnly.

“It must be the medications, not only does it make their old cocks stiff, it makes the cock almost numb, making it incredibly hard to cum. I’m afraid I’m going to have to take matters into my own hands.”

“What do you mean?” Katee asked.

“You’ll see.” He sneered.

He yanked her again roughly by the arm.

“Alright you old bastards! What do you think of your nurses show with her sweet old Gramps!”

The crowd roared with lewd comments, calling Katee various names rudely.

“Well, this sweet girl isn’t done. Nope, not even close.” Ron sneered. “You see, poor weak old Bobby boy is a shell of a man. You boys deserve to see this little slut get fucked like that whore that she is. This young slut deserves to be fucked by a real man!” Ron laughed

The crowd roared.

“What do you mean Ron? How exactly does this help.” Katee squealed as Ron’s grip on her arm tightened.

“Katee you couldn’t get them off by taking the lead and fucking that bag of bones you call a Grandpa. Let's try the opposite. Follow my lead” He whispered.

Before Katee could reply she was met with a sharp slap across the face. This made her cry out.

“Hey! You leave her alone!” Bob yelled out.

Ron gripped Katee by the hair and yanked her head toward his before giving her cheek another hard slap causing her to cry out.

“HA! And what are you going to do about it you weak old excuse for a man. I’m going to punish this little whore like you and that good for nothing son of yours should have all of these years.” He sneered at Bob before smacking her again “Maybe then she wouldn’t have turned out to be such a stupid little whore!” He screamed.

With that he took her by the hair and smashed the poor teen down on the table tits first. He forced her head down by the hair, causing her cheek to smash on the wood table.

“Look at the way your granddaughter dressed for work Bob. I told her to wear some scrubs, but she chose to wear this slutty excuse for an outfit.” Ron jeered

“NO I didn’t, you made me!” Katee cried

Ron lifted her up by the hair and smashed her down again on the table “Shut the fuck up whore!”

The crowd was roaring in approval. Poor Bob was crying. He made his way to get out of the chair.

Ron noticed the man’s feeble attempt to get up. With that he stood Katee up by the hair again and put his other hand around the naked teen’s throat.

“You sit down you old good for nothing fucker. If you get up, your Granddaughter’s going to fucking get it. I can choke out this thin little neck like it’s nothing”

With that Bob quickly shifted back into his chair.

“That’s a good Bobby boy.” Ron sneered “And for your sweet little Granddaughter’s sake, you’re going to watch every second of this. If I catch you with your eyes closed, she’ll be the one that pays for it. Understood?”

“Yes, just please don’t hurt her.” Bob sobbed

“Too late” Ron sneered.

With that he started to brutally slap Katee’s big tits. The sounds of his palm’s sharply striking each tits echoed through the room, causing cheers with each slap.

“OWWWW Please stop” Katee wailed

With that she was met with a sharp slap on the face

“Shut the fuck up whore!” Ron sneered.

He slammed her body back down on the table. He positioned her so her legs were on the ground and her juicy ass stuck up in the air.

“Alright boys, time to teach this little slut some discipline. Get in line. I want each of you to give this little teen whore a spanking like you would give your daughters growing up. I’ll start.”

“OW OW OW” Katee wailed as Ron started to brutally spank her ass cheeks. They were already burning from the brutal spanking he gave her just hours earlier.

Ron continued to spank her without mercy, until the line up formed behind her. She exhaled in relief as Ron stepped aside.

“Frank no, please don’t!” Bob cried out.

Katee looked behind her. A feeble man who must have been in his 80’s was drooling at the sight of her reddened ass sticking out in front of him. He groped her round ass cheeks before being yelled at by Ron to spank her.

“OWWW” she cried as the man gave her a few spanks.

“Good Franky boy. Next up. The old boy that makes her wail out loudest gets a treat after I’m done with her.” Ron sneered

This seemed to motivate the next few men. Katee’s shrieks could be heard outside of the walls of the retirement home. Each old Man’s spanks hurt more than the last as her ass cheeks started to feel raw.

Finally after all 30 men, and hundreds of hard spanks, Ron took over again. The way the table was positioned was right in front of Bob, who was forced to stay in his recliner. The other men formed a circle around her, Ron and Bob. They all had their cocks in hand.

Ron salivated at the teen’s ass in front of him. The once light skin was now various shades of pink, red and purple. He gave each luscious ass cheek a few more hard spanks causing Katee to shriek. She did so reluctantly knowing her screams were only turning him on more.

“OK now watch this you useless old excuse of a man. This is how you really fuck a hot piece of ass like this.” Ron roared at Bob.

Katee screamed as he split her ass cheeks apart and started to fuck her from behind. She hated to admit it but Ron was twice the size of her Grandpa in length and width and she could feel it with each blow. She felt like her pussy was tearing.

She cried out in pain. “PLEASE STOP” Katee cried out

“Stop this Ron please! I’ll do anything!” Bob cried.

With that Ron smiled as her gave Katee’s ass a hard smack as he fucked her causing her to cry out. “That’s for you” He pointed at Bob before giving her another smack on the opposite cheek “And that’s for you slut.” He said as he gave her neck a tight squeeze.

He continued to fuck her ruthlessly as he squeezed his hand tighter around the teen’s neck. His one brutish hand was big enough to wrap around her slender through.

“You’re my fuck toy and I will do what I want with you. Got it?” He sneered

Katee replied “Yesss” in a guttural gargle.

With that he let her go. His hands returned to her torso, where they soon made their way to her big tits.

She screamed as he squeezed her tits like they were stress balls. He used them as leverage so plow her harder from behind.

He finished giving her a few more violent pumps before taking his throbbing dick out of the young teen.

He effortlessly flipped the girl on to her back and spun her on the table so her mouth was facing him. He looked at Bob and smiled.

“Bobby boy, be a dear and tell your sweet granddaughter to start sucking my cock.”

“Please don’t Ron this is enough.”

Ron looked down at Katee and gave her three sharp smacks on her cheek which was also now turning a shade of red.

“OK OK. Katee dear.” Bob sobbed “Please suck Ron’s penis.”

Ron gave Katee another hard smack on the cheek causing her to cry out.

“No, I didn’t say penis. Try again.”

“Katee, please suck Ron’s cock.” Bob cried.

“Good ole boy. Listen to your Grandpa dear.” Ron sneered.

With that Katee opened her mouth and Ron started to ram his big cock in and out of Katee’s mouth again.

Ron moaned, this young teen really knew how to suck cock. He looked down on her reddened tits. They looked so sexy, bouncing up and down with each movement. He took them in his hands and squeezed them. He couldn’t get enough of them and how they felt. He kneaded them in his hands like dough, causing Katee to cry out again in pain.

He looked around the room. “OK come on boys. Get a feel of these big young tits. You’ll all be able to die happy after you get a feel of these.”

The men actually thanked Ron for his generosity. As the young teen sucked him off, the Men made a line on each side of her. They took their sweet time groping the big tits in front of them. They instinctively would squeeze her tits, before starting to pinch and play with her nipple.

Again at Ron’s encouragement, the men became rougher and rougher with the young teen's big round tits. Katee would scream as one would pull her nipple or twist it. Between each man, Ron would jump in and deliver punishing tit smacks.

By the time they were through, her tits were deeply reddened to match her ass and cheeks. Katee’s tits and ass were throbbing in pain in a way she hadn’t experienced before. Each time she would scream though Ron would ram his cock into her throat causing her to gag.

She couldn’t believe that he was lasting so long. Maybe it was because he had came three times in her that day alone. She knew that he had had more than one of those blue pills himself.

Like he had read her mind, he flipped her over again. Her face was now looking up at her Grandpa who was openly sobbing just like she was.

“What do you say Bob, should I fuck your little granddaughter’s virgin asshole?” Ron sneered

“No No please Ron anything other than that!” Bob bawled

The sounds of five hard smacks echoed through the room as Katee shrieked. Each smack on her ass was getting more and more painful as raw skin was being exposed.

“Wrong answer, try again.”

“Please Ron fuck my Grandaughter’s asshole.” Bob sobbed “Just stop hurting her.” He begged

He smacked her ass 5 more times again.

“I’ll do with her what I fucking want to, she’s my fuck toy.” Ron sneered. “But since you asked so nicely, here we go.”

With that his big cock entered the poor teen’s asshole. Katee screamed in pain louder than ever as the man used no mercy.

He forced his big cock deep into her rectum. Katee cried out for him to stop. She felt like her insides were tearing.

Each time she begged him to stop, he would give her ass a hard smack and tell her to shut up. As he was ramming her asshole he grabbed her by her thick blonde hair and yanked her head up causing her to scream in pain again.

This caused her to arch her back and he forced his cock into her ass all the way til the base of his cock was the only thing left out. He had her arch her back so hard Katee felt some cracks in her lower spine.

She was now facing her grandpa as this madman continue to fuck her ass relentlessly. The way she was positioned made each blow feel even deeper. He reached around with his other hand and choked her. Tears streamed down her face as she faced her Grandpa.

Without warning he slammed her body back down on the table, and flipped her over. He mauled her reddened tits as he reentered her ass hole.

He howled as he viscously squeezed her young tits. He pinched her nipples tightly causing her to scream.

As Katee screamed, he leaned over and spit a huge wad into her mouth. This made Katee want to vomit and she closed her mouth instinctively.

She was met with another round of loogie’s that landed on her face. The man cackled as he continued to fuck her asshole ruthlessly while he spit on her face.

He gave her tits one more ruthless squeeze, and rammed his cock into her asshole as far as it could go before he came a bucket load of cum deep into her rectum.

Katee exhaled as she thought this brutal assault was coming to an end. With that Ron smiled as he hawked up another loogie and spat it right into Katee’s eye causing her to cry out.

Ron’s cock withdrew from Katee’s asshole. Katee had never felt anything like this before. Her ass, tits and face were all throbbing. Not to mention her asshole and pussy.

Ron knelt beside her and whispered “Hope that wasn’t too rough my girl.” He flashed a grin “Bad news though, I don’t think any of the boys jizzed. We need to keep going.”

Katee looked at him. Gone was the monster that was fucking her brutally, back was the jovial clown like persona who cared about the health of his clients, or at least pretended too.

“Don’t worry my girl, I think I know what will get these perverts off. Follow my lead.” He flashed her a smile and gave her an exaggerated wink

He got up and boomed in a commanding voice “Alright boys. Believe it or not, this sweet nurse of yours still isn’t done! Get up my girl!”

Katee, got up off of the table. Her legs were trembling. She was an absolute sight to behold. In the midst of Ron’s brutal fucking, he had torn the string that tied her outfit around her neck. The top of the outfit was now hanging around her navel area. Her tits were completely bare. The crotch of her G string had been torn to shreds too, leaving her pussy and asshole completely nude. Her stockings, nursing cap and stiletto heels were still in tact.

Her tits and ass were deeply bruised with all shades of pink, red and purple. Her cheek were both red from the repeated smacking. Her face also was wet from wads of white and yellowed spit. Her head was in an absolute spin, she wanted to collapse, but knew her job wasn’t done.

“For her next trick, this Grandaughter-Grandpa duo is going to do some ass to mouth!” Ron exclaimed as he guided a dazed Katee to her Grandpa.

He instructed her to straddle her Gramps.

Bob screamed no, and to this Katee was met with 5 more sharp smacks on her deeply reddened bum that snapped her out of her reverie and caused her to scream out. With this Bob was quiet.

Ron reclined the chair into a full lying position. Next Katee was forced to position her ass above her Grandpa’s face.

“That’s it Bob, now start licking your Granddaughter’s perfect little teen asshole.”

Bob wouldn’t dare do such a thing. Again though, it was Katee that paid for it.

Katee shrieked as Ron took her right tit in his hand and delivered smack after smack.

“I’m not going to stop until your tongue is on your granddaughters asshole Bob!” Ron screamed

Katee cried out in pain as her one tit was getting assaulted ruthlessly.

“FINE just stop!” Bob cried as he poked his tongue out and had it make contact with his young grandaughter’s ass hole.

“Hehehe good.” Ron cackled “Now Katee split your ass cheeks apart and let your Grampa’s tongue in.”

Katee did as she was told. After another smack on her tit, Bob’s tongue was in her asshole, circling around. She was cringing with every movement.

“Now” Ron smiled devilishly “Push out all of old Ron’s cum into your old grandpa’s mouth”

Katee cried at this. She had never been this embarrassed in her life. Not even Mr. Wilson was this demonic.

She was met with a slap in the face that again snapped her to reality.

“Now. And Bob, you better swallow every drop of my cum you old fart.”

With that Katee started to push. She could feel the cum start to dribble out of her asshole.

“There you go, eat it up you old fart. That’s more protein than you get in a month here.” He cackled.

It felt like a gallon of cum was slowly escaping Katee’s asshole, and her poor Grandpa was being forced to down it all. She could feel the poor man gagging. He was swallowing it for her though. He knew she’d be punished if he didn’t comply.

It felt like it was slowing down. After a minute or so, Ron continued.

“Wow, what a show. You don’t see that every day do you boys!”

The boys cheered. Even though they were all above 80 years old and had lived through the 60's, they could admit that they haven’t seen anything quite like this before.

With that Ron grabbed Katee and brought her to his feet and whispered to her.

“Still not working I’m afraid. One of these men could croak at any minute now. We’re going to have to step things up.”

Before Katee could even reply. Ron went on to announce.

“For her final act, Nurse Katee would like to thank each and every one of you personally!”

The crowd roared, having an idea of what was coming.

Ron took Katee by the neck and threw her back on to the table. He invited the men to come in pairs. The man on the side of her legs could choose whether he wanted to fuck her pussy or asshole. The one of the side of her mouth would get a blow job. They were instructed by Ron to cum on her instead of in her.

Katee squirmed but was held down by Ron as the first two men started. Bob cried out to his friends to refrain, Katee screamed and writhed, but it was no use. The first man opted to fuck her tight teen pussy. Her moaning was quickly muffled as the cock of a 90 year old man stuffed it.

Ron was holding her down so the men could fuck her against her will. Her back was on the table and tits were facing up. The sadist would use this opportunity to smack her tits without warning. He made a game of how much he could get her tits to jiggle up and down with each smack. The girl would cry out in pain if it wasn’t for the cock in her mouth.

The first man sprayed his seeming bucket of jizz onto the teen’s forehead and hair. The man below her came on her stomach. They were quickly replaced by two more. The man behind her wanted to fuck her pussy but from behind, so Ron swiftly flipped her body.

He moaned as he entered her. The man in front of her entered her mouth. Katee squealed as Ron pulled her hair and spanked her ass ruthlessly.

After getting another load deposited into her hair, and ass cheeks, two more men stepped up. This 85 year old said that he had never tried anal sex before in his life. As such, he wanted to try it with this teen beauty before he died. His cock slid into her teen asshole which was still lubricated by the jizz of Ron and the saliva of her Grandpa.

The man moaned uncontrollably and didn’t last long before he pulled out and jizzed ropes of cum on to the small of her back. She looked up and was met with another cum shot on to her forehead, eyes and nose.

This continued as Katee was fucked in all sorted of positions. While the men were waiting their turn they would try to grope and touch Katee anyway that they could. At any one time Katee would have a dick in her ass or pussy, her mouth and have about 10 pairs of hands groping her.

Her tits were constantly getting pulled, pinched and groped. If her pussy was getting fucked, she would always have a finger, or two in her ass hole. If her ass hole was getting fucked, she could have up to 5 fingers from 2 or 3 men in her pussy.

All the while she would be getting her hair pulled, face slapped, and ass spanked. She was in so much pain she couldn’t even begin to describe it.

She would have her head pulled up from time to time, knowing that it was time to accept another big load. At this point she didn’t have an inch of skin on her face that didn’t have old man jizz on it. Her hair was also sticky with ropes of cum deposited into it. Same for her ass, and most of her torso. Something about these medications, and likely decades without sex, made the men jizz gallons.

After hours of being used, it seemed like the last pair of old men had dumped their loads onto the young teen. This didn’t stop the dozens of pairs of hands though. Katee looked up and couldn’t count the number of hands that continued to grope her body.

She tried to get up, but was pushed down by dozens of men who continued to maul her tits, ass, finger her pussy. She even had fingers pushed into her mouth.

“AHEM” Ron asserted.

With that, the men cleared a bit, taking a few steps back.

Katee took this opportunity to stand. She felt dizzy, and almost needed to sit back down. She was hoping that this was at an end though.

She looked around, and her eyes met Ron.

This young teen was now even more of a sight to behold. Gone was all semblance of clothing. Her uniform had been torn to shreds and taken off of her hours ago. Her naked body glistened in saliva, sweat and jizz. Her tits, nipples and ass were beet red with bruises. Layers of dried cum covered her. It was most concentrated on her face, chest, tits and ass. Dried ropes of cum though were all over her apart from these area.

Her tits heaved up and down as she breathed deeply.

“Well well, we can’t quite let you go looking like this can we?” Ron sneered.

He took Bob up by the arm and had him stand up beside him.

“Bobby boy, be a dear and bathe your Granddaughter like I’m sure you did about ten years ago.” He sneered.

He again grabbed Katee and threw her down on the table that was drenched in jizz as well. Her tits rose up and down as she breathed heavily. She had no idea what was coming next.

“Oh and Bobby boy, you’re going use your bare hands. You going to pick off every drop of dried cum off your whore grandaughter's body and your going to feed it to her”

Bob, even after everything that he had been subjected to, was quivering in fear,

Ron knew what he was going to say and beat him to the punch. Without warning he smacked Katee’s tits ruthlessly, causing her to scream out again.

“You..” SMACK “Will..” SMACK “Clean” SMACK “EVERY” SMACK “Inch” SMACK “of cum” SMACK “Off” SMACK “Your Sweet” SMACK “Little” SMACK “Girl’s” SMACK “Body!” SMACK

Katee sobbed and wailed in pain. Bob couldn’t take it anymore. He wanted to vomit as he climbed on to his naked Granddaughter’s body.

“Start with the tits Bobby old boy” Ron sneered

The stench of jizz and sweat was terrible. He gagged as he started with her right tit. His finger sank into what seemed like an layer of cum that was an inch thick. He wanted to vomit as he picked it up.

"I'm so sorry my girl." He whispered as he fed the dried cum to his Granddaughter. Katee gagged as she was forced to swallow it. They both knew that this was just the first bite on hundreds.

It took him 20 minutes of plucking off chunks of dried cum and feeding it to his Grandaughter just to get her one tit clean. When he got approval from Ron to move on, he started working on the left tit.

In the mean time, Ron knelt beside Katee.

“I think this is working my dear. But I’m afraid the chemical you gave them must be the XR version. You see, some of the boys have regained their erections. We have work to do yet.”

Katee sobbed in defeat.

As her grandpa continued to pick off chunks of dry cum off of her tits and feed it to her, Ron waved the men over, to start using her again, one by one.

The first man, one of the ones, who had gotten a blowjob from her last time, knew exactly what he wanted. He went straight into her tight asshole. Katee sobbed in pain with each blow. Her cries would be interrupted when her Grandpa would feed her more chunks of dried cum.

It took the man much longer to cum the 2nd time than the first. He was lasting so long that the men around him were even cheering him on. When it was finally time to cum, he smiled as he walked over to Katee’s right breast and jizzed another seemingly gallon of cum on to her just cleaned flesh.

He looked at Bob “Looks like more work to do Bobby, sorry pal.” He laughed.

Just as he joined the mob, the next one stepped up and forced his cock into the young teen’s mouth. The felt her pussy filled with another hard cock. The men had reformed the fucking station on their own.

Ron laughed at the scene in front of him, before slumping back into the employee room.

He took the phone and dialed a number that he had memorized.

Mr. Wilson answered the phone.

“Hey Brother, love what you’re doing with my Pet over there.” Mr. Wilson beamed as he was watching the live stream of Katee’s exploits from his computer stream at home.”

“Well bro, as soon as you told me that you had this hot little slut as your personal sex toy, and that her grandpa was one of my play things, well the wheels started turning and you can just say that I’ve had a lot of time to plan.” Ron Wilson grinned.

“You can say that again. Jeez, I only had her fuck her dad and then run away from home. You’ve got her grandpa watching her get gangbanged and then licking your cum out of her asshole. That even gives me the jeepers!” Mr. Wilson laughed

“Well you know what our teacher’s said growing up, I was always the fucked up one”

“Yeah yeah, I’ll pick her up tomorrow. Have fun bro, just keep her in one piece please.”

“You bet bro.” Ron grinned. He hung up the phone and went back into the recreation room.

The group of old men had made a new station. Katee was lying on a man, who was fucking her asshole. A man had her ankles on his shoulders and was fucking her pussy. Another man had her mouth stuffed with his cock. Finally, another man had climbed on top of the table and was titty fucking her.

A man was patrolling, and forcing her poor Grandpa to pick up jizz off of her whereever he could. He would wait for her to finish sucking off the cock in her mouth, and would then force feed her dried up jizz. No matter how hard the Grandpa-Grandaughter pair worked, cum was reaccumulating fast then that could clear it.

Ronald chuckled as he checked his watch. He knew the pills would be in effect for hours yet. Katee had quite a bit of work to do yet.

He took two more pills himself, it was about time he rejoined the fun too.

The End
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