Some traditions should be kept, an old college hazing has turned into a consensual and sexual college experience to be remembered!
I went to a very private and very old school after high school. It had all the normal amenities for a private school dormitories, a cafeteria, lecture halls and all that. It was a very small school my freshman class consisted of only sixty students twenty three guys and thirty seven girls. We arrived two weeks before the rest of the students and most of the faculty for freshman orientation. In fact the only people we have interacted with over the last week are the cafeteria ladies, who only appeared to be around during meal times, the librarian who was here for a boring two day workshop on how to use the library and computer systems, and the orientation team, which consisted of four members of each of the upper classes, two boys and two girls each. They where the ambassadors and student leadership team.
It was explained that we got here two weeks early to explore the grounds and get to know each other so the year would go smoother and no one would get lost the first day of class. There where several small group tours that where assigned so that we toured the grounds and facilities with different people the first week and ice breaker events to help us get to know each other and “break out of our shells” as the leadership put it. The activities covered all areas from trivia nights to a learn country line dance night.
Maybe I should tell you about myself before we move on. My name is Kate I’m 5’5 145lbs with very athletic body And long brown hair. I am a volleyball player and was on the track team. I’m from a small rural town in the Midwest so I’m somewhat conservative in my attire and I’m a little shy. Also it probably should be mentioned that this is a very expensive school and I’m only here because of a very generous scholarship.
It was Thursday of the second week after dinner when the ambassadors announced that we should all go back to our dorms and take a nap we would be having a late night event that was a tradition going back over a hundred years. Be ready to go in comfortable loose clothing at 10pm and wear sensible shoes there will be quite a bit of walking and maybe running.
Everyone was curious but the ambassadors where very tight lipped and just ushered us off to our rooms saying “get some rest you will need it”. I chit chatted with my three room mates.
Khyla was from Georgia, we got along because she was a track star and we had loads to talk about. She was a state champion sprinter. She was 5’8 and she was in amazing shape, which she liked to show off by walking around the room in a lace matching set of brightly colored bralette and panties. I loved the way the light danced over her contoured muscles and mocha skin. We both wore a 32C, I know because she convinced me to try on some of her bralettes insisting I would look “fire” in them. I think she was trying to hard to hide the fact that her family was rich.
Priscilla was the tallest of us at 5’11 she was very thin with small maybe 28B breasts and the longest raven black hair I had ever seen, it was perfectly straight and brushed across her calf’s when she left it down, she had an aristocratic accent to her speech, but was surprisingly down to earth considering her dad was “insanely rich” (her words). She was a ballet dancer. She had very striking feature and very pale skin like porcelain. She liked to wear black, all black.
My third room mate was Tiffani “with an I”She was a stereo typical blond rich girl from Texas. She came from money and was a champion horse jumper, which she mentioned often. She was extremely competitive so when Khyla pranced around in her underwear Tiffany sauntered around stark ass naked, showing off her unnaturally large and firm DDDs and her waxed smooth pussy mound. We didn’t dislike Tiffani she was just a bit much, when she let her guard down she was kind of fun to be around, she always had fun stories about famous people and crazy trips she had taken.
After finally giving in to Khyla and wearing a rather risqué set of her red lace lingerie. We all get dressed and headed out to the courtyard.
The ambassadors where all there waiting for us and did a quick head count to make sure we where all present. The we started walking down a trail I had always been curious about, it lead into the woods nearby then disappeared around a bend. I was planning on exploring it when we didn’t have as many activities planned.
We walked for about half an hour then came to a clearing that was obviously man made, then I realized it was a park, there was a large gazebo in the middle and benches spread through out. It must have been the length of a football field in diameter. There where even lamps that appeared to be old gas lamps that where already lit giving the whole area a warm glow.
The ambassadors lead us over to a large opening and got us all to quite down. “This is a tradition that goes back over one hundred years, it started out as a hazing ritual but has since been amended to just be fun. No one is required to participate but we ask that you remain open minded until it’s time to start the game. Tonight we play tag…” we all looked around questioningly. “Strip tag!” The rules are simple the player that is it tags people what ever item of clothing they touch you must stop and take off.” Some grumbling form the crowd caused a response “remember open minds, you are all eighteen and we will respect any decision you make we just ask that you listen before choosing. Once tagged the person who is it must tag another person before returning to you. Once any person becomes naked they also become it.” One of the female ambassadors chimed in “Yes may keep your shoes on for safety.” “Plus it’s hard to tag your shoes while running.”
Khyla leaned over and whispered “we got this girl no one’s catching us unless we want them too.”
“Seems simple but there is more, if the person tags your skin then you must stop for thirty seconds and they may if they like hold, caress… kiss the area tagged. For example!” He tapped one of the female ambassadors hands then lifted it to his lips and very gently kissed the back of her hand. “Now this is a totally consensual game so if at any time you are uncomfortable you may quit the game by raising both hands over your head and walking to the gazebo.” “This can happen at any time no questions asked no judgment, even if it’s after a tag, if it makes you uncomfortable it’s your choice, male or female.” Chimed in one of the other female ambassadors. “This is college it’s a time for exploration and trying new things, tonight is a way of testing those waters, because this is tradition and we value tradition, we trust that any choices that are made here tonight will stay here tonight. Again this is a place for you to try new things with out worry of consequence, if you can’t follow that request please refrain from playing tonight.” Another ambassador took over “On the note of consequences, because this night of personal choices can lead to intimate contact you will find protection hanging from all the trees, this is the one thing we don’t request we insist! It wouldn’t look good to start the school year with consequences!” “Also as a senior who has seen it, there will be no rumors or shaming of any kind about the events of tonight, the upper class men do not take kindly to it and will quell the situation quickly. This tradition only works if you all respect this area as let’s say sacred for purposes of this talk, do not disrespect the choices of those around you by judging them in any way, the idea is to be free to choose tonight! Is that understood?”
The group all murmur and nodded.
“Each person will be handed a small cube, you will close your hand around it, it dissolves by body heat, some of our sciences friends help create them a few years back. Most of them are empty, however a few are filled with a bioluminescent liquid that will make your palm glow for a couple of hours.” “Don’t worry it won’t hurt you” chimed in one of the sophomores. “If you’re hand glows your it. That does not mean you are immune to a tag, there will be three people it and as I mention before once you are naked you also become it” “there are snacks and drinks through out the park please enjoy but be aware these are not safe areas, you can still be tagged while eating, drinking or picking items! The only safe area is in the gazebo or walking with both hands over your head to the gazebo.” “Once you have left the game you may change your mind and return to play but to do so you must strip down and enter the game sans clothing and thus Pause for impact…Yep naked and it”
“Another quick side note this is your night so your first choice is… do “we “ play with you?“ “YES!“ shouted a girl in the crowd. “As much as I like your enthusiasm let’s see a show of hands for us joining in…?!”Most people raised there hands a few raised both hands. “And those opposed?” Everyone lowered their hands. “Then we will add three cubes to each box.” “Because the girls outnumber the boys and it’s more fun this way anyway. There will be two girls it and one boy.” “You would think that means the boys end up naked first but it never happens that way!” One of the boys exclaimed. Tiffany leaned over to me and whispered “one way or another that stud will end up naked if I have anything to say about it!” I shouldn’t have been shocked since she was so open about nudity in the room but this was different. So I shot her a look of surprise “Tiffani!” “Like you haven’t thought about it!? Just look at him!” She bit her bottom lip with a predatory look in her eye.
“Next choice… does anyone want to head to the gazebo right now?” Two girls and a boy walk toward the gazebo immediately. I had fooled around in high school, been finger by a guy at a football game once and even given a couple of blowjobs after dances and what not but this was a whole other level I hesitantly started to take a step “Like we said your choice. No judgment here tonight!” Khyla looked at me and said “it’s ok!” “No ill stay if I get to a point I’m not ok with I can walk away right!?” She grabbed my hand and squeezed it. Two more girls hesitantly walked to the gazebo.
The Senior boy then exclaimed “ok then let’s begin!” He reached into one of the boxes and pulled out two cubes. “A demonstration” he placed one cube in the palm of his hand and closed it tight. A few seconds later he opened his hand and the cube was gone. The senior girl pulled six cubes out of the other box. Some one from the crowd shouted “how did you know that wasn’t it cube?” “We don’t put them in until the final numbers are decided, it would kind of defeat the purpose if someone chose not to play but had the glowing mark on their hand.” “Last change to opt out before we start.” I squeezed Khylas hand mostly to reassure myself that this was happening.
The Senior girl pulled out a small box opened it and dumped two cubes into her box. The senior boy did the same with one cube. Both then closed the lids and tumbled the boxes over a few times. All six ambassadors pulled out tongs and moved to their box based on sex so we all knew which box to go to. “Remember once we place the box in your hand close it tightly then head out into the park don’t open your hand until you hear the bell. Tonight is all up to you so enjoy your choices!” They then started handing out cubes, Khyla and I walked up still holding hands and got our cubes together. When everyone has a cube the ambassadors handed each other the last few cubes. The senior boy waved his hands “scatter it’s more fun. Oh and stay inside the walking path for safety please” Khyla pulled me and started running for a far corner. We stopped well away from others, she looked at me “you ok with this? You looked a little nervous?” “Yeah I’m fine just have fun right, stop when it’s not fun, it’s not like…” the bell rang and Khyla put her finger to my lips. She then showed me her glowing hand and kissed me full on the mouth, her soft lips against mine her tongue easily slipped into my mouth and I responded in kind. I had kissed many boys before and even a few girls but not like this. She pulled away and with a great big smile said “hope I get to do that again tonight!” Then she ran off to play tag.
I was stunned for a few moments and just stood there until the boy who was it ran up and touched my shirt and yelled “tag!” I looked down at my loose fitting t-shirt and pulled it up over my head, the look on his face made me remember that Khyla had convinced me to wear her red lacy bralette that was barely covering my nipples. Even though it was a warm night the breeze in the air caused my nipple to become erect instantly. Everything came back to reality, I had just had the most intimate kiss of my life with my roommate, a random boy I didn’t know was staring at me in sexy lingerie, my nipples where poking out hard as diamonds, I was playing a game of tag wearing basically a bright red target on my chest and I was standing still. So I bolted, Khyla was right I was a track runner I could choose when and who for the most part. I was going to enjoy tonight.
I jogged around the perimeter watching for people who where it I knew Khyla was and I knew the boy but there was another girl and who knew how long before naked people started trying to tag me. I saw Priscilla get tagged by Khyla and with out hesitation she stripped off her long black dress. She was very shy about her body in the room so I was surprised to see her wearing a black corset, and stocking set with her breasts out and exposed by her cupless bra. At her height and with her skin tone in the lamp light she was a tall dominatrix goddess gracefully striding through the night. The freshman boy found Tiffani who I’m pretty sure was trying to get tagged because she pushed him down on the ground and pretended to ride him like a horse while she stripped her shirt off and swing it over her head. There where already several people girls and guys running around top less and one girl who was missing her bottoms. I was shocked when I felt a hand on my butt. I turned around to find the other freshman girl showing me her hand and pointing at the ground. She had a mischievous look in her face so I turned around bent over and slowly pulled my pants down for her to see. Now I know why the girls ended up naked first. I could hear her breath change as I pulled them over my shapely bottom. She bent down and helped my get my shoes loose then ran off. I should have felt very vulnerable but for some reason I was feeling rather bold, all three people who where it has responded favorably to my body and I was feeling confident as I started running again. The freshman boy was kneeling in front of a girl caressing her stomach and lightly kissing it. Khyla was sprinting quickly from person to person boys and girls she just seem to want to get everyone’s clothing off. I lost track of the other girl she was being sneaky. I watched as Khyla tagged the freshman boy making him take his shirt off but ran before he could return the favor. Some girls where trying to cover their chest with their hands and a few walked with their hands over there heads toward the gazebo.
I quickly found one of the snack stations and was ambushed by the sneaky freshman girl who tapped my bralette and winked at me. I saw Khyla running toward us almost silently so I grabbed the front clasp and release my breast into the open air and stared right into her eyes. She realized moments too late that Khyla was right behind her, she tapped her shoulder and said tag then, stepped pass and put her finger to my lips again I didn’t even try to move. We both moved in to kiss each other allowing our tongues to wrestle for superiority in each other’s mouths. I opened my eyes and the other freshman girl was standing there topless, apparently she wasn’t wearing a bra. She was staring at us make out. Khyla turned and walked to her then kneeled down grabbed two handfuls of her skirt look her right in the eye and asked if she wore any underwear. Then quickly pulled her skirt to the ground, Khylas face was inches from a perfectly trimmed brunet bush. “Nope!” She stood up and ran off.
I stared at this beautiful young Latina girl with her olive skin glistening in the lamp light I don’t know why but I stepped toward her and helped her step out of her skirt I stood face to face with her my nipples gently brushing against hers our noses almost touching she raised her hands and traces the contours of my body with out touching me then whispered “do you want to be it?” I nodded, she slid her hand under my panties along my skin caressing my bare bottom as she lower herself and my panties at the same time, down my legs across my calf’s stopping with her face eye level with my vagina, I could feel her breath on my pubes, feel the heat burning between my thighs. Then her hand slowly slid up my legs to my butt and pulled me to her face my hips tilted up to expose my already dripping slit her tongue reached out and traced the opening of my lips from back to front then circled my clit several times. I took a deep breath as she pulled away I didn’t want her to stop. She stood up “tag your it!” she licked her lips and walked away.
How ever I felt at the beginning of the night there was no turning back now, between Khylas kiss and this girls special tag. I needed more. I never did find out that girls name though.
Now I was the predator. I dropped the bralette on top of the panties making a mental note where they where for later grabbed a bottle of soda and started drinking it as I sauntered across the park the way Tiffani sauntered around the room, I knew right then I was a sexual being and i was going to be satisfied but right now I had my eyes set on a boy named John. He was at least 100 feet away and just stood there and watched me walk right up to him, as I got closer I could see his erection climbing to try to find its way out of his boxers and I stifled a laughed when his head found the pee hole in his boxers and continued to grow peeking out into the night air. I stretched out my hand as I reached him and brushed across the tip of his dick. “Oops I missed your boxers, but now I get 30 seconds right?!” He nodded as I slowly lowered to me knees and swallowed his whole dick he wasn’t small but I easily took him into my mouth just to the back of my throat, I learned early in high school that I was good at this so when a boy wanted to go to the next level I would just deep throat him and let him cum down my throat. John started moaning already and I knew he wasn’t going to last long a few strokes and he fired off into my throat and mouth I swallowed every drop then licked the tip clean on the way out. I stood up and licked the tip of his nose just to tease him then off too hunt some more. As I rounded a tree I found Tiffani being spit roasted I watched for a moment as the senior boy pounded her in and out of her ass each stroke forcing farther on to the cock in her mouth, which belonged to the other senior ambassador. Made sense she found the two most important men and made herself the center of attention.
Next I came upon Priscilla who with the exception of her panties was still wearing her very intimidating lingerie. She had one leg up on a bench and two boys eating her out one from the front and one from the back. She turn and smiled at me then bit her bottom lip and moaned loudly while grinding her hips back and forth between the two boys. I got the distinct feeling this was not her first rodeo.
By this point my pussy was dripping down my leg and I needed attention. Khyla strolled up to me still fully clothed, without talking I slid my hands up under her shirt and stripped it right over her head, her nipples where peaking over the top of her teal bralette so I leaned in and sucked then to attention one at a time. She ran her hands through my hair then pulled my face to hers. As our tongues intertwined her hands worked there way down my back one continued down and squeezed my ass while the other moved to my breast and twisted my nipple between her fingers. At the same time my hands slid down her body and untied her track pants and let them slide off her hips to the ground. With one swift motion I moved up and clasped her bralette easily sliding the straps down her arm letting it fall to the ground with the rest of her clothes. I broke our kiss and started kissing down her neck across her breast only pausing a moment to circle the nipples with my tongue then continued light feathery kissed down her tummy, with my tongue I started licking at her bellybutton downward as my tongue was about to reach her panties I slid them down keeping them just in front of my tongue. I brushed lightly across her thin landing strip of pussy hair. She opened her legs slightly allowing the panties to fall, then more to allow me to burry my face in her delicate folds. She immediately started grinding her hips against my face rubbing her sweet musk all over my chin and nose my tongue lapped up her flowing juices. I lowered her to the ground and continued sucking, licking and nibbling on her juicy pussy. My ass wiggling in the air, that’s when I felt the strong hands grab my ass and spread me wide, the heat of a dick sliding down the crack of my ass searching for my wet waiting pussy. Then the mixture of pleasure and pain as it found its target and thrust deep into me for the first time. I had used dildos before but they had not prepared me for this. It felt huge. I could feel every vein, every ridge. I don’t know how long he stayed there motionless but it felt like an eternity, he slowly pulled back then trust back in hard, I moaned into Khylas pussy and the response I got got was a flood of sweet pussy juice as she squirted all over my face. My pussy felt like it was being split in two, I felt it getting tighter and tighter as I rapidly approached my own orgasm. He pounded me faster and harder I plunged my tongue deep into Khylas soaking wet pussy and grabbed her ass to hold it tight so every thrust shoved my face into her. Her fingers gripped my hair as the fist wave of my orgasm gripped his dick. Another flood of pussy just filled my mouth and her pussy clamped down on my tongue my face rubbing back and forth in her clit. I couldn’t breath but didn’t care. Another hard thrust and I felt his dick begin to pulse deep inside me. I didn’t know if he was wearing a condom and right at that moment it didn’t matter. I had my own pussy juices flowing down my legs. He pulled out of me and I was left with an empty feeling. Where the heat of his body had been there was a sudden cold breeze but before I could move hands gripped my hips and my tightly clenched pussy was forced open again. This was different, it seemed thicker, I felt the head pop past my tight muscles. A slight rocking motion and it moved farther in with each stroke this was not the same dick it was much thicker and still getting deeper, I felt it hit my cervix and his balls brush against my clit but just barely… v bb hi he wasn’t all the way in. “Oh shit how big is this guy” I shouted in my head. Again he pulled back and rammed into my cervix holding it there a moment before repeating the process. After a few thrusts like that he readjusted his grip on my hips and pulled me back. Pulled me so hard my face pulled away from Khylas pussy and I felt his balls slap flush against my clit and the tip of his dick push past I didn’t know I could feel that full and I let loose another orgasm screaming “ohhhh Fuck” into Khylas pussy as her hip lifted to meet my face again. My orgasm was so intense I couldn’t focus on the pussy in front of me as my pussy was assaulted over and over again my face pressed up against her pussy and inner thighs randomly. I pulled my head up and opened my eyes to a set of balls slapping Khylas chin as she was forcefully face fucked. I could hear the gagging noises she was making and the sound of his balls slapping against her chin as well as his grunts and stream of small breathy curses. As my orgasm subsided I got my self under control and dove back into her pussy with vigor, only pausing to moan as his thrusts got more forceful and deliberate until one particularly deep thrust he stopped and held it deep inside me as his dick throbbed inside me almost as if it had a mind of its own.
As he pulled out I pulled away from Khylas pussy, I needed to see how big that dick was. I turned to find a dick the size of my forearm bobbing in front of my face, it belonged to Tim the new point guard for the basketball team, I was thrilled to see his thick meat cover in latex but at this point I was craving cock in any way I could get it, I pulled the condom off and started slurping his cum out of the condom then I h grabbed him and start licking his dick clean. Soon another dick entered my field of view and I moved to that one as Tim’s dick was slowly getting soft in my hand. As Tim pulled away another was thrust into my face I tried to put both in my mouth at once but was struggling.
Behind me someone guided my hips up until I was standing. A tongued started lapping up my pussy juices going from my clit to my asshole. I was only slightly surprised when my cheeks where spread wide and that tongue pressed hard against my tight ass. The tip slipped right in and i could feel a face pressed against my cheeks trying to drive that tongue deeper. Fingers brushed against my pubes and I felt a thumb easily slip between my lips. My mouth opened wide and one of the boys thrust deep, his dick hitting the back of my throat causing me to gag. He held my head and began to cum down my throat I continued to gag but it only served to milk his cocktail more. I felt thick ropes of sperm hit the side of my face from the other dick still in my hand. Once the dick slipped out of my mouth a inhale filling my lungs with needed air, then dropped my head exhausted from the force still holding on to the dick I’m my hand for balance. I opened my eyes and recognized the mocha skin, It was Khyla tonguing my ass and rubbing my g-spot and I was about to cover her in pussy juice I felt the biggest orgasm I had ever felt building. The next part is all kind of a blur once my orgasm started I was lost in the pleasure. The next thing I know for sure I was laying on my back with Khyla laying on top me our legs scissored she was grinding our clits into each other. We kissed so passionately. Her hip rhythm was increasing I now she was building to an orgasm and I was getting close too. I started bucking my hips up to meet her thrust and that set both of us off, there was no rhythm no method just two women merging into one orgasm. She collapsed on top of me and she felt good. The heat of her skin against mine, her soft breasts pressed against me. And the last few contraction of her hips brushing our clits together causing and extra burst of pleasure.
I don’t know how long we stayed just pressed against each other, I opened my eyes when Khyla started slowly moving her hips. A young timid boy was rubbing her ass with one hand and stoking his dick with the other. He was entranced with her ass and I couldn’t blame him she had a spectacular ass. He continued to stroke his dick just gentle rubbing her ass and staring. I reached down with both hands and spread her cheeks apart. His eyes lit up. Khyla had tongues my ass earlier maybe she would enjoy this. I brought two fingers to my mouth and covered them in saliva then spear it all over her puckered hole. She started kissing my neck and nibbling my ear. I slipped two fingers inside her she moaned into my ear. The boys eyes where even wider and the grin on his face was priceless. With two fingers in her ass I brought my other hand to my mouth to get more saliva. I left them dripping as I trailed down her back and let the saliva drip between the two fingers that where already inside her. Then I pointed my index finger at him and becomes him closer. As he moved in I pulled my fingers out and spread her cheeks wide she looked pulled back and looked at me I could tell she want my fingers back in her then she felt the head of his dick press against her. A look of pure pleasure crossed her face. As he pressed forward she opened her mouth to moan and I leaned forward to kiss her deeply and take that moan into my mouth. He worked slowly to get his dick all the way in. With each thrust my clit buzzed since we where still in the scissor position. She was getting fucked in the ass and I was feeling every thrust. We breathed into each other as his rhythm picked up from the look on his face he wasn’t going to last long. His thrusts became faster and more erratic then he thrust hard and held it. Khyla continued to roll her hips grinding our clits together again squeezing his dick with each movement. She pulled away from our kiss and looked into my eyes. “You have got to try that! Holy shit!” She rolled off me and laid down with her head next to my hips. “I want to watch” she pulled me over so I straddled her face. Then she immediately pulled my cheeks apart and started licking my ass I could tell she was leaving it extremely wet. I pulled her legs apart and started licking her clit. She moved down to my clit and started swirling her tongue around it. Then I felt the knees slide between my legs and her head and a mixture of fear and excitement race through me. I had my fist dick in my pussy and now my ass all in the same night, was I ready for this? I was about to find out his head was pressed against my tight sphincter “just relax don’t fight it, push out then relax” Khylas voice was so soft I barely heard it. But I did as instructed and pop. “Oh my God it’s in! Give me a moment.” He froze just letting me get used to the feel of the head in my ass. Khyla licked from y clit to my ass and up his dick several times, at the same time her hands squeezed my butt cheeks over and over getting my muscles to relax. Then he started moving slowly in and out. Each time I could feel Khylas tongue lick the intersection of his dick and my ass. I think she was enjoying this more than me, One last thrust and I felt his hips hit mine. Khyla tongue returned to my clit and he slowly fucked my ass. I thought Tony’s dick earlier made me fill full. Between the dick In my ass and her tongue swilling my clit i was in heaven. I opened my eyes and remembered the sopping wet pussy in front of me I lapped up all her juices and thrust my tongue as far into her as I could. The salty mixture had some seamen in it as well. I saw the cum dripping out of her ass. I scooped it up with my finger and brought it to my lips. All these flavors and smells mixed together. I had a hard time keeping my attention on Khylas clit as he started pounding my ass harder and harder. Then I felt it I felt his dick explode inside me. I could feel every drop spatter my insides ass he pulled out Khylas lips a and tongue moved to my ass and her tongue driving deep inside and almost scooping out the cum.
The night went on for several more hours that was the last cock that entered my pussy or ass that night, they where both very sore. But I sucked several guys dry and was wearing a rather large assortment of cum over the rest of my body by the time the sun came up. Everyone was either in the gazebo or laying exhausted on the grass. There where a few of the shyer guys stroking themselves watching the girls naked. Pricilla seemed to have a small group of boys licking her feet while she slowly fingered herself. This was not the shy girl that I had been rooming with the last two weeks. I thought I had a lot of cum on me until Tiffani walked up to the snack area almost completely covered. “It’s good for the skin.” She said nonchalantly. The ambassadors said it was time to return to school grounds and reminded us about tradition and respecting it and each other. We all helped each other find our clothes. It took a lot longer to walk down the hill than up.
Many of the girls ended up in the woman’s shower together we all helped scrub off the proof of the nights events including washing our hair several times. At breakfast to my surprise no one spoke about the night before and no one seemed awkward or uncomfortable.
When it came time to choose our one roommate for the year Khyla and I stuck together. We where roommates all four years. We never had another night like that but we did help each other release stress the night before a game or big test. Khyla said “it’s better than having to teach some boy to do it and hope he doesn’t follow me like a puppy forever.”
My sexual exploits through the rest of college where rather tame after that night. I didn’t return to that park again until I was elected ambassador my senior year… but that is another story.