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This first section in plot building and mostly fantasy reading. The only erotica is in the last two paragraphs of this chapter. Please read and leave your comments so as I continue writing I will be able to hone the story for more pleasurable reading.
Dustan was a fine specimen of an Irish American male. He stood six foot tall and weighed a handsome 170 pounds. He was not overly muscular but sported a well define six-pack beneath his broad athletic shoulders. His well-groomed flaming red hair caused his emerald, green eyes to sparkle and shine. His eyes were accented by his ever- present, mischievous smile that turned up on either side of his face, in deep seated distinguished looking dimples.

While Dustan was growing up, his friends always laughed at him and told him that the only Irish he had in him was his looks. The luck of the Irish must have skipped a generation and left Dustin with no luck at all. This odd notion seemed to follow Dustin, from childhood, through adolescence and into his adult life. This week end was a prime example.

Dustin had driven from his business office in San Diego to a conference in down town Las Vegas. All he needed to do was secure the signatures of several clients on a group venture that would make the company Dustin work for millions.

First Dustin’s car broke down and made him late for the meeting. Then once he arrived, the document’s he needed weren’t among the paperwork he brought along. He had to have the company fax over additional copies and asked his clients if they could meet him bright and early the next morning. That evening Dustin managed to gamble away the bonus he was getting for the contract along with a large portion of his savings. Thinking his luck had changed for the better, Dustin met a beautiful blond lady at the bar, and brought her back to his room. She slipped him a mickey and when he had passed-out she took the rest of his money leaving him only one credit card she had missed when rummaging thru his wallet.

While Dustin was gambling away his bonus and flirting with the ladies at the bar, a competitor was able to talk to Dustin’s clients and change their minds. When Dustin met with them in the morning, they stated that they had decided to move in a different direction and were leaving Dustin’s company.

Now Dustin was driving home a broken man. His superiors had let him know that they would clean out his desk for him to make it easier on him when he returned to begin looking for another position. The empty highway seemed to stretch on forever in the darkness which was only illuminated by the glow of the full moon drifting lazily in and out of sight as the ever-increasing clouds passed in front of it, being tossed about by the desert breeze, the beginning of a desert storm.

With no money, no job, no family and nothing to look forward to, Dustin decided he just might be better off dead. As the thought crossed his mind, a series of lightning bolts brightened the night sky, revealing an old dirt road leading up into the desert mountains in the distance. Dustin thought that the road would be the perfect place for him to do himself in and end the cruelty he had to call his life.

Following the old road up into the mountain, Dustan saw off in the distance a small grouping of dim lights. There was something about the lights which grabbed his very soul and began pulling him toward it. What was he feeling, this longing and aching to see what shown in the distance. Dustan shook his head to clear his mind. It was probably a winter ski lodge open for summer business, or perhaps just a family residence of a family just wishing to be left along.

Dustan felt the pangs of remorse. What if the lights belonged to the home of a loving family with many happy children. He couldn’t just do himself in and let them find his body. It would traumatize them for life. Now he was obligated to follow the road and see what or who was at the end. Dustan drove slowly up the winding road, while the clouds became thicker and blocked out the moon light completely. Now driving by his head lamps alone, Dustan continued to creep along the road which by now had ventured onto a series of switchbacks and sheer cliff drop offs. He slowly rounded one such corner driving right into the view of the building which had been giving of the eerie beacon of light.

It was a medieval castle, or at least a building created to look like one. There was a wide closed Draw bridge set just beyond a formidable moat circling the structure. In the darkness, Dustan had no way of telling if the moat was indeed filled with water, but he had no reason to believe otherwise.

Large stone blocks created the walls of this fortress misplaced out of time. On each corner was hosted a tower looming up into the darkness capped with an ominous looking parapet. Small block openings scattered throughout the face of the front wall gave off flickering, dim amber light which could only have been created by torches or lighting to create the same effect.

Dustan was memorized by the castle straight out of a King Arthur tale, and began day dreaming he was a knight of the round table, when a hand slammed into the driver’s window. Dustan about jumped out of his skin. Standing outside of his car was a man dressed in rags. His pant legs were torn and his shirt was shredded to the point of almost falling off. He was bare foot and filthy from head to toe. The man was gasping for breath and trying to speak.

“Help me please!” the man pleaded through the window glass. “We have to get away from this place! They are trying to kill me and they will kill you as well! Please!!!” The man balled up his fists while banging on the driver’s window as he continued to beg for a means to escape!

From within the castle there came the sound of heavy chains moving. Dustan looked toward the castle as the draw bridge began to lower. Dustan could hear the undistinguishable sounds of men shouting orders and dogs barking. There was no time to think. Dustan knew he had to leave now! But should he help the stranger or leave him to the unknown menace beginning to charge from behind the castle defenses.

Instinctively Dustan hit the gas and lurched forward! He turned the car around to head back down the road. In front of him the man stood there, his shoulders slumped over in defeat. He looked, like how Dustan felt, at the end of his rope and ready to accept is own death. Dustin pulled up next to the man and flung the passenger door open. “Get in now!”

Dustan heard the sound of a gunshot coming from the drawbridge which was now almost completely down. Dustan no longer cared about the fate of the stranger and he knew in that instant no matter how bad life was he DID NOT want to die. Dustan hit the gas pedal to the floor causing rocks to fly as the car lurched forward once more.

The stranger leapt forward and hit the frame of the car door, but was quick enough to land in the passenger’s seat with his head unceremoniously in Dustan’s lap. The man pulled his legs into the car as the door slammed behind him.

The stranger laid silently catching his breath while Dustan raced back down the mountain road. Before long Dustan could feel the man’s breath warming his crotch as they drove. The sensation was new and unfamiliar to Dustan and yet having the man’s face so close to his most private parts was causing his cock to stir and grow. In his mind Justin’s upbringing screamed, “THIS IS WRONG!”

Dustan reached down and pushed the man off his lap. He prayed that his passenger had not noticed the growing bulge in his pants betraying his carnal thoughts that Dustan knew to be forbidden. The man sat up and looked frantically about to see if they were being followed. “Thank you, thank you, thank you!” The man said on the verge of crying. There was a relief in his voice that Dustan recognized. It was the sound of getting a second chance when you thought all was lost. A sound that Dustan was all too familiar with.

Dustan decided to drive back to Vegas. There was enough money on his one credit card to get a room in one of the cheaper hotels on the outskirts of town. As they drove, they spoke. Dustan asked the man who he was and what in the hell was going on.

“My name is Borysko Hadeon Urcon.“ the man quietly said, with a deep rich European accent that Dustan hadn’t noticed while the man was screaming for his life. There was something soothing and calming about the sound of the voice that was almost hypnotic. “Please call me Eon, it is what my friends called me as I grew to manhood. I came to this country as a guest of the proprietor of the castle we just escaped from.”

Eon kept his head down and would not make eye contact with Dustan as they drove. This was fine with Dustan who was still embarrassed by his earlier semi erection at the mere feel of Eon’s breath. Dustan remembered his days in high school when he was forced to shower with the rest of his male classmates after gym. He constantly fought the urge to become aroused and often wondered what another boy’s erection looked like.

One day Dustan had forgotten his books and returned to the locker room to get them when he heard a noise. He peeked around the lockers in the back corner of the locker area and watched as two of his classmates moaned and giggled while they stroked each other’s rock-hard cocks. He was instantly hard and just about to step out of hiding and join them when the coach came in and caught the two boys.

There was an onslaught of hushed whispers throughout the entire school among the faculty and the two boys were expelled. None of the students were allowed to enter the locker rooms unescorted. Dustan swore that would never happen to him and pushed such thoughts from his mind, only having them betray him and surface right now.

“I thought I was coming to America for a new start.” Eon said, snapping Dustan back to the present. “A change in my life to leave behind the oppression and terror of my past. Had I known then what I know now I would have gladly remained.”

Dustan sat silently driving, transfixed on the sultry, haunting sound of Eon’s voice. His breath was becoming short and rhythmic as he listened to the intoxicating tones, He waited spellbound for each and every word somehow feeling Eon’s story as it unfolded. “I was not brought to this country to be freed from my past, as I was led to believe. I was brought here as a prisoner because of my families past.

I never knew the true name of my captors, but it didn’t take long to realize that there was something about my blood that they wanted.” Eon raised his head and looked into the cloud covered sky as rain began to fall. As he spoke, remembering his imprisonment, there was an evil shadow of loathing and death to the perpetrators of his ordeal, which fortified each and every painful word. “I was locked in a prison cell, not more than a cage for the entire time I was there. Days turned into week, and weeks turned into months.

The only respite from my accommodations, (so depraved that even the rats would pass by, deeming it beneath them to enter), was when they needed my blood. I would be chained and dragged to a laboratory, then strapped to a table. They would rob me of my blood, vile after vile until I would become so weak, I would pass out. Each time I would re-awaken I would be back in my cell. Then for the next several days I would be fed raw meat and red wine until my strength had returned.”

“How horrifying!” Dustan gasped with a whisper. “How did you survive? It would have killed me or I would have killed myself.” He added as he continued to drive hanging on Eon’s every word.

Eon turned his head unnoticed toward Dustan and glanced down at his crotch. For an instant the flame and fury had returned to his eyes. In that moment his thin tightly pursed lips turned up into an evil sinister grin. The moment passed without being seen and Eon continued his dreaded tale of woah. “Many months ago, things changed. I heard the sound of two or maybe three more prisoners arriving at the castle. I never saw them and we never spoke, but in the night their cries of anguish were unmistakable. Soon after, in addition to my captor’s requiring my blood, though in smaller amounts, they were injecting me with what I can only assume was the blood of my fellow prisoners. After every injection I was left tied to my table as the curtains to a window in my room were opened to let in the night air. It didn’t take long for me to realize that it was not the air they were letting in, it was the light of the night sky on the evening of a full moon.”

As Dustan drove up over a hill, the lights of Vegas could now be seen, causing the raindrops to look like tiny shimmering stars as they fell form the heavens. Eon brought his story to an end. “Tonight, was different somehow.” Eon said with an urgency in his tone. “After my blood was drawn, I was not injected with someone else’s blood but with a strange yellow colored serum. When the curtain to my window was opened, there was no moonlight. It was hidden behind the approaching storm clouds and rain.

My captures waited until the clouds finally parted. Suddenly my entire being felt as though it were on fire! The very blood within my veins was searing my soul from the inside out. Everything I saw suddenly turned blood red. I felt a power within me I never thought possible in any man. Then everything went black. I do not know or remember what happened next until I awoke and saw your car. All I know is that if you had refused my pleading, I would now be dead. For that I owe you, my life.” Dustan and Eon traveled the remainder of the way into the outskirts of Vegas in silence.

The only room Dustan could secure, was one with a single king size bed. Dustan didn’t care. He hadn’t planned on his unexpected guest to stay. He had rescued him and would let him shower. The two men were close enough to the same size that Dustan could give Eon a set of his clothes from his suit case and send him on his way.

Dustan sent Eon into the shower first while he went through his suit case to find Eon a set of clothes. Eon exited the bathroom with only a towel wrapped around his waist. For the first time Dustan got a good look at the man he had rescued. Eon was tall and muscular. His shoulders were broad and his chest and stomached rippled with chiseled muscles. His skin was a European olive cover and covered with black curly hair. Even his arms and legs were distinguished with hair covered muscles.

Dustan hoped Eon didn’t notice him staring, but Dustan had to admit he was impressed. The bathroom door perfectly framed Eon as he paused while leaving the bathroom.

Dustan involuntarily swallowed as his eyes followed the mat of hair across his chest, down his rippled stomach, past his perfect circular naval, only to disappear behind the white towel covering him from the waist to his thighs. Dustan shook his head as he leered at the large bulge pressing against Eon’s towel. He could feel the same stirring happening as he felt when Eon first lunged into the car leaving his head face down on Dustan’s lap. Again, his upbringing reared its head trying to convince Dustan that the feelings he was feeling were wrong!

Quickly Dustan averted his eyes and stepped past Eon and closed the bathroom door. Dustan took a longer than usual shower giving Eon time to dress and leave. He washed himself again and again trying to become clean of his wicked thoughts.

Dustan even slowly wrapped his hand around his semi-hard penis and stroked it slowly up and down, using the soap as lubricant, while thinking of all the wonderful encounters he had had with the opposite sex. Yet as he stroked himself, he could not bring his cock to an orgasm and was left flaccid and unrelieved. When he finally opened the bathroom door, Dustan was shocked to see Eon in bed, under the covers and sound asleep.

Dustin didn’t know what to do. How could he sleep in the same bed with a man who was causing him to have all of these forbidden feelings and desires. In frustration Dustan quickly dressed and left the hotel room, crossed the street and entered a casino bar for a drink. Dustan hadn’t been there for more than an hour when his luck took an incredible change. Playing the house super slot machine, Dustan hit pay dirt and moments later found himself with a one-hundred-thousand-dollar payout!

As crazy as this weekend had been, with his luck being at its lowest ever, and now being on an all-time high, Dustan thought he had better take his winnings, return to the hotel and get some sleep. Placing the cashier check in his wallet, Dustan returned to his room with no intention what so ever of telling Eon what had happened.

Dustan quietly closed the hotel room door then in the dark, so he wouldn’t wake up Eon, stripped down to his boxers and climbed into the bed. First, he laid with his back to Eon but couldn’t fall asleep. Slowly he turned toward Eon. In the darkness, Dustan’s eyes became acclimated to the low light. He could see Eon laying on his side facing him.

This was not good at all and Dustan turned to lay flat on his back. As he laid there, he began to feel Eon’s slow quiet breath on his neck. For the third time he felt a stirring he found new and exciting. This time there was nothing he could do to make those feelings go away.

Dustan reached down inside his boxers and felt his own cock and balls as his shaft responded to Eon’s breath and enlarged to its full seven-inch length. He slowly caressed himself feeling the all too familiar sensation he had mastered over the years. In his mind he couldn’t help wondering how Eon would measure up. The bulge behind the towel earlier in the evening seemed to give away a tool of good size.

Slowly Dustan looked at Eon’s face. He seemed to be in a deep sleep. Dustan slowly and purposefully slid his hand off his own member and over toward where he knew Eon’s would be. For an instant Dustan had forgot that Eon would be naked under the blanket as his hand rubbed up against Eon’s semi-flaccid member hanging loosely over a large sack filled with two massive balls.

Dustan was frozen with fear! What if Eon awoke? When Eon did not move and his breathing didn’t change, Dustan decided to further explore and fondle Eon’s cock and nut sack. It was clear by the feel that his manhood was covered with as much hair if not more than the rest of his body. Gently Dustan massaged Eon’s cock from top to bottom and back up again. Slowly it began to react and grow.

Before long Dustan held a thick eight, to nine-inch, throbbing cock in his hand. He once again froze, terrified at what he was doing but unable to stop himself.

He tried to memorize the feel of the soft skin. Eon was uncut and the feel of foreskin was different to Dustan. Dustan didn’t know why but he suddenly had the urge to hold both men’s cocks together and stroke them as one. But that would surely wake Eon, so Dustan remained still while he held Eon’s cock in one hand and his own in his other hand, realizing that they were only inches apart.

So excited was Dustan to the feel of the two men’s members being stroked by his own hands, he didn’t realize how close his face had gotten to Eon’s. Suddenly he was aware of a hand on the back of his neck drawing his face in, toward Eon’s. Before he could react, Dustan and Eos’s lips met. Eon parted his lips and forced his tongue into Dustan’s mouth. Dustan tried to fight it but Eon was too powerful, and Dustan found he either had to give in or pass out from lack of air.

The two men roughly explored one another’s mouths as Dustan’s fears gave way to pleasure and the heat of passion began to grow. Eon ‘s hand slid down Dustan’s back and pulled him in so there was nothing between them but the sweat of their own bodies. As they kissed, Eon began grinding his massive tool against Dustan’s sliding up and down against the heat of the Eon’s and Dustan’s stomach. Eon pulled his head back and rolled over onto his back. “Remove your shorts” Eon commanded, and Dustan complied.

He took Dustan’s head once again in his hands and slowly forced it down to his chest where Dustan was forced to lick and suck Eon’s nipples. Eon moaned and continued to push Dustan’s head down further.

Dustin was terrified at what was happening and knew that in only moments he would be forced to have Eon’s manhood penetrate his lips and glide into his mouth. As terrified as Dustan was, he knew that he was Eon’s slave and even without words he would fulfill Eon’s darkest desires. His conflicting thoughts could not tell if it would be out of fear, or a hidden desire carried unfulfilled, deep inside him for years.

The smell of freshly bathed skin mixed with the musky scent of Eon’s body caused Dustan’s cock to grow even larger than it had ever been before. It throbbed almost painfully as Dustan reached over and took Eon’s love pole in his hand and guided it toward his waiting mouth. The tip of Eon’s prick was almost totally covered by his foreskin. Yet beads of precum glistened on its man slit tasting sweet and salty at the same time as they were absorbed onto Dustan’s exploring tongue.

Dustan swirled his tongue around and felt Eon’s foreskin slide and give way to his probing. Eon laid quietly as Dustan used his tongue to explore the tip of Eon’s cock with curiosity and primal pleasure.

Dustan took a deep breath then slowly forced his face and mouth down onto Eon’s shaft. Deeper and deeper his man-flesh went as it disappeared into the back of Dustan’s throat. Dustan gagged and pulled away. He tried again and once again failed, gagged and pulled away. Dustan did everything he could to keep from choking trying again and again until at last, he could feel Eon’s balls resting against his chin.

For the next several minutes Dustan slowly bobbed his head up and down along Eon’s pulsating shaft, feeling and tasting every moment. As he did Eon moved Dustan around, so he had access to Dustan’s virgin hole. At first Eon licked his own finger and rubbed it up and down Dustan’s ass crack. Then slowly he pushed against his tight hole and eventually slid his finger deep inside Dustan as Dustan moaned.

Suddenly fear began to swell up from Dustan’s heart and raced to encompass his entire body. The pleasure he was feeling was suddenly gone and he had reached his limit. No one was going to violate him in the way he knew Eon now planned. Dustan raised his head and tried t twist away from Eon, “No! Please not that!” Dustan whimpered.

Eon held Dustan down and whispered with almost a hiss in his voice into Dustan’s ear. “Relax and it will not hurt as much. This is going to happen, and you can either fight me or enjoy the pleasure, the choice is yours. I think you should relax.” Dustan laid his head down on the bed and tried to relax as Eon continued to work his finger in and out of Dustan’s tight hole

Before long Eon was using two fingers and then three. Once Eon thought Dustan was ready, Eon pulled Dustan’s head off the bed and had Dustan kneel with his ass up and his head in a pillow. Eon positioned himself behind Dustan and spit on his little white hole. He inserted a finger inside and moved it around spreading the spit as far as he could before removing it. Then he pressed the tip of his raging member against Dustan’s sphincter and slowly began to push.

Dustan grunted and whimpered and turned his face into the pillow to muffle his own sounds of pain. Dustin felt a burning pop as Eon gained access to his rectum. Eon slowly forced the full length of his shaft deep inside of Dustan and then stopped. Dustan yelled into the pillow and then became silent. It didn’t take long for the pain to turn to pleasure as Dustan’s body relaxed and adapted.

Eon finally pulled himself almost all the way out of Dustan before sliding back all the way in. Dustan’s moans turned from pain to pleasure as Eon sped up his rhythm. Before long he was thrusting into Dustan at full speed and with each ram Dustan pushed back against Eon with delight. Eon’s breath became short, and his thrusts became more urgent. Dustan could tell that Eon was about to blow.

The mixture of fear and excitement was more than Dustan could handle and as Eon thrust forward with one more mighty blow, he grabbed Dustan’s hips and drug him back against him. Dustan could feel Eon as wave after wave of hot juicy spunk shot out of his cock and deep into Dustan’s burning ass. This was enough to push Dustan over the edge and he began to shoot wave after wave of hot milky cum onto the bed sheets.

Eon fell on top of Dustan and the two laid there breathing heavily for several minutes.

As Eon’s tool began to shrink and pull itself out of Dustan well used ass, he simply said in his deep, thick accented voice, “I need a smoke.” Eon got out of bed and grabbed the nearest pair of pants to him. He threw them on and grabbed Dustan’s cigarettes which were sitting on the TV. Dustan also got out of bed and went to the bathroom to clean himself up.

Eon walked out of the hotel room and into the night. The rain had stopped, and the sky was clearing. As Eon smoked his cigarette, he looked up at the night sky just as the clouds parted to reveal the full moon in all its glory.

From inside the hotel room Dustan heard the sound of Eon’s painful scream. He rushed toward the front door as the scream of pain seemed to change into the howl of a wild beast. By the time Dustan opened the door of the hotel room Eon was gone. The only thing left was the tattered pair of pants he had just been wearing.

Dustan stood there in shock, wondering where Eon could have gone. Many others had heard the painful screams and sorrowful howls and came outside to see what had happened. They all seemed to be transfixed on Dustan and in a moment, he realized he was standing in his doorway stark naked with a half erect cock for the onlookers to see. Quickly he went inside and shut the door trying to unravel the mystifying and bizarre events of the day.
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