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Chris finally feels like he is on the right track about his mother

I drove home and arrived about twenty minutes to midnight. Lynda was sleeping soundly in my mother’s bed, so I decided to go to my room and crash. I did notice that Cassie’s mother SUV was back, so I was hoping to see her in the morning. As I laid in bed that night, I struggled to keep my anger in control. As much as seeing Destin, Mark, Ted, Darren and Josh spend years in jail, I wanted to hurt them. In fact, I wanted to kill them. I’m not sure when I fell asleep, but it took a while.

I woke up the next morning to the sun streaming through the opening between the two curtains. I rolled over on my back and put my arm across my face to block the light. About ten minutes later, I got up and went to the kitchen to start a pot of coffee. I was sitting at the kitchen table when Lynda walked in the room when a white t-shirt and blue panties on.

“Hey baby, came in late last night?”, she asked.

“Close to midnight…. I checked on you, but you were sleeping.”, I replied.

“Next time wake me up and fuck me.”, she giggled, sitting down next to me.

“Lynda, can I tell you something that I just found out about my mom. But…. you can never say anything to anyone about it.”, I asked sincerely.

“I promise.”, she said.

“I’m pretty sure that I know the people that killed my mom.”, I stated.

“What …. how do you know?”, she replied, extremely agitated.

“Just from things that have been said here and there.”, I answered.

“Did you call the police?”, she inquired.

“No…. I didn’t.”, I answered.

“Why not…. tell them so they can arrest them.”, she pleaded.

“I am not sure that’s what I want.”, I replied.

“You don’t want them to go to jail?”, she asked, confused.

“Not really…. I want to kill them myself.”, I responded.

“Chris don’t be silly….”, she answered.

“Lynda, I am not being silly…… I really want to kill each and every one of them.”, I said, in an angry tone.

“Chris, I understand how you feel but that’s not the answer. Besides, you think that you could kill… just like that?”, she inquired.

“Oh, I have the ability to kill ……. the only thing is…. I may get caught.”, I replied.

“So, you just kill all of them…. No problem.”, she laughed.

“No, I kill them one at a time. Make them sweat to see who is next. Maybe after one or two someone confesses, who knows?”, I threw out there.

“Chris, I’m not going to talk about this anymore. If you really think you know, call the detective.”, Lynda said, getting up and going back to her bedroom.

About an hour later, Lynda came out and told me she was going to use my mother’s vehicle and go shopping at the mall. She promised to be back in three to four hours and asked if I needed anything. I told her no and she went out the side door.

I was just about finished cleaning the kitchen when I heard the side door open. I turned to head in that direction when I heard a familiar voice.

“Hey Chris, you here?”, Cassie called out.

“Yea Cassie, in the kitchen.”, I called back.

Cassie closed the door and walked toward me appearing in the kitchen door. She had on a pair of tight spandex white shorts with a tight white tank top. She looked amazing as she walked towards me. She fell into my arms and kissed me exactly like we had not seen each other in over a week. In took her several minutes to get her tongue out of my mouth.

“Wow, did I miss you.”, she claimed.

“I missed you too Cassie.”, I replied.

“Is your aunt here now……”, Cassie asked.

“No, she went shopping.”, I replied.

“Good, let’s fuck…”, she giggled grabbing my hand.

She led me to my room and jumped on the king size bed immediately. She leaned over and untied her white sneakers and threw them to the floor. She peeled off her white tank top and tossed it aside. She pulled her shorts down her muscular legs and tossed them at me. She immediately put her right hand between her legs and started rubbing her clit.

I stripped down quickly and laid down next to her taking her in my arms. Just from the way she kissed me, I knew she was good to go. I pulled her body of top of mine and grabbed her hips. She lifted up and grabbed my hard dick and pushed it inside her wet pussy. She closed her eyes as she took me in slowly.

“Fuck, I missed this dick….”, she moaned, rocking back and forth on me.

“Damn you just missed my dick and not me?”, I asked, pretending to be emotionally hurt.

“Yep, that’s pretty much it.”, she giggled, rubbing my cheek.

I knew from the look on her face she was not going to last long. Cassie’s cheeks and neck area were already a dark shade of pink. I grabbed her hips firmly and guided her back and forth on my erection. It took about a minute before her body tensed up and her body began to shake above me. The sight of Cassie in mid orgasm somehow triggered something inside of me and seconds later I was shooting hot cum deep inside of her. She fell forward and laid on my chest trying to catch her breathe.

“Oh God, I needed that….”, she panted.

“Fucking glad I could help.”, I laughed.

Cassie exploded in laughter and could not stop. Within a few seconds she was laughing so hard, she had tears streaming down her cheeks. She finally composed her and leaned over and kissed me passionately. After a few seconds she pulled away from me her face only inches from mine.

“I can’t begin to tell you how much I missed you.”, she admitted.

“Wait now…. just a few minutes ago you said you missed my dick.”, I replied.

“Oh, hush you….”, she giggled.

“Yes ma’am.”, I laughed.

We talked for a while then got dressed and wait out and got some lunch. Over lunch, I repeated the conversation I had with Lynda about being pretty sure that “The Crew” was involved somehow in my mother’s death. Cassie as well understood my anger, but she urged me to tell the police as well. As with Lynda, I swore Cassie to secrecy in this matter. Cassie went home to take a shower and Lynda came back about fifteen minutes later with a handful of shopping bags.

“Hey babe, what’s up?”, she asked.

“Not much. Cassie came over and we had lunch. She just left a few minutes ago but will be back later.”, I answered.

“Did you fuck her?”, Lynda giggled.

“Yes, I did.”, I replied.

“Damn, I would have loved to watch that.”, Lynda stated, laughing again.

“Maybe next time.’, I offered.

I laid on the sofa for quite some time thinking about my options dealing with my mother’s death. Against my better judgement, I picked up the phone and called Detective Wilson. He answered Immediately.

I explained to him what had transpired in the last few weeks, first with Chrissy and then with Maggie. He seemed very interested and told me that he would speak with his captain about how to proceed in this matter. He promised he would get back to me shortly.

After the call, I left for the gym to work out with Master Garcia and the advanced class. When I got to the gym, I explained to Master Garcia what I had done concerning my mother’s death. He was pleased that I was not going to take matters into my own hands, but he admitted that he could not begin to imagine how he would feel in the same situation. We worked out for over two hours before he landed a serious kick to my neck. After checking me out, he suggested that was enough for the night.

On the ride home, Detective Wilson called and explained to me what they had planned out. They were going to ask all of them to come in for an interview one by one. See perhaps who reacted to what line of questioning. Either they had been contacted directly or one of their parents had been notified. No one was told what they were being asked in for, but it would start tomorrow at ten in the morning. Detective Wilson told me that if I wanted to be there, he could put me behind the glass where they could not see me, but I could see and hear them. I told him; I would be there.

When I got home, I explained to Lynda what I had did and she seemed pleased. She also told me that her lawyer had served Jack with divorce papers earlier in the day. He had called her earlier in the day ranting and raving until she finally hung up on him. He had tried to call back several times, but she admitted she would not answer the phone.

Later that evening Cassie called and informed me that she wanted to pick up something to eat and join Lynda and I for dinner. I asked Lynda what she wanted but all I got was the traditional “it doesn’t matter”. I told Cassie that it was up to her to choose what we were going to have.

About an hour and a half later Cassie came through the side door with two large paper bags in her hands. She walked through the living room and went into the kitchen where she put the bags on the table. She had changed into long black yoga pants and a small half white shirt that showed her firm stomach. As usual, she looked amazing.

She started pulling wrapped items out of the bag and setting them on the table She told me she had bought muffuletta’s for everyone along with fries and onion rings. She placed one sandwich bag in the bag stating that was for her mother.

“Ask your mom to come over and eat with us.”, I offered.

“You sure?”, she asked.

“Of course….”, I replied.

Cassie went out the side door quickly and returned about ten minutes later with her mother. She seemed a bit nervous but walked over to the table where Lynda and I were sitting.

“Lynda, Chris this is my mother, Leigh.”, she stated.

“I’ve already met Chris but it’s nice to meet you, Lynda.”, she stated, shaking Lynda’s hand.

Cassie and her mom sat down and joined us for dinner. As usual the women dominated the conversation but that was just fine by me. We had a nice time, and everyone helped clean up. It was the first time that I spent any time with Cassie’s mother, and she seemed nice. Leigh was just about to leave when she asked me if I would walk her home. This was a bit of a strange request since she lived right next door, but I got up and followed her outside.

“Chris, I just want to thank you for everything that you have done for Cassie. She is a completely different person than she was a year ago.”, Leigh said.

“I didn’t do anything, Cassie did it all herself.”, I replied.

“Look, I know everything that happened and that fact that you took up for her means a lot. You also have not judged her and the two of you are spending time together which I think is great. Then pushing her in the gym like you did. She has so much self-confidence now…. Thank you so much.”, she said, taking my hand in hers.

“You’re welcome…. But give her most of the credit. She’s a remarkable girl and spending time with her is easy.”, I replied.

Leigh let my hand go and walked up the steps to her front porch as I walked back to my house. As soon as I entered the door, Cassie was waiting for me with Lynda right behind her.

“Uh, why were you holding my mother’s hand?”, she asked, with a smile on her face.

“Why jealous?”, I laughed.

“Maybe.”, she giggled.

“We were just talking.”, I replied.

“You two were talking and holding hands.”, she asked.

“Yep, that about does it.”, I answered, walking past the two of them.

I went to the living area and sat down on the sofa with both in tow. I know Lynda was ready to go to bed, but I was hoping she would keep her mouth closed about the two of us. I was not quite sure about how Cassie would think of me sleeping with my aunt. I knew that Lynda found Cassie very attractive which might be another problem.

“You’re not going to give it up about my mom, huh?”, Cassie asked.

“Nope, get over it sunshine.”, I answered, quickly.

“You’re not going to get anywhere with a woman with that attitude, Chris.”, Lynda laughed.

“Maybe he already got everything he wants.”, Cassie giggled.

“Do tell, Cassie.”, Lynda replied.

“Uh-huh.”, she giggled.

“Well, what have I been missing?”, Lynda asked.

“Ask Chris.”, Cassie answered.

“Why ask me, you two are having no problem discussing my personal life so far.”, I commented.

Cassie and Lynda seemed to be having a good time at my expense so far. I was just nervous that perhaps Lynda would inadvertently say something she should not. Lynda knew some things that might make Cassie feel very uncomfortable with me.

Thankfully, the topic changed to clothes, so I thought I had dodged a bullet. They were talking about where to find decent clothes in town, so I got up and went and refilled my glass of tea. I had just walked back into the living room when I heard the conversation had returned to sex. Apparently, Cassie was acknowledging her bad experience at the party with her ex-boyfriend Will. Lynda was listening intently as Cassie described the ordeal.

“Guys can be such assholes sometimes.”, Lynda remarked.

“I agree Lynda……”, Cassie replied.

“I just recently separated my husband for the exact thing. I love to fuck, morning, day, or night. I am always ready, and he pays me no mind at all. But he can chase other women when he is out on the town.”, Lynda stated.

“Oh, I’m sorry Lynda. I didn’t know.”, Cassie said, softly.

“Don’t be sorry Cassie, I sure as hell am not.”, Lynda replied.

There was a very long awkward pause as the both of them were looking at me strangely. I knew Lynda needed to be fucked and I felt that Cassie probably felt the same way. Thankfully, Cassie asked Lynda would she like to go swimming. Lynda immediately accepted and they both turned to me to join them.

“I had a rough day at the gym today and I have to spend all day with the police tomorrow. You guys go on with your conversation, I’m going to go lay down for a bit.”, I stated.

The girls were a bit disappointed but truthfully, I was tired and had no idea of what to expect the following day. I got up, went to my room, and climbed in bed. I fell asleep right away and slept until my alarm clock went off at seven in the morning. I took a shower and dressed and left the house right at eight o’clock. I grabbed a cup of coffee ion the way to the police station where I might Detective Wilson. He ushered me to a small room that had one small table and several chairs. One two walls, directly across from each other were two large windows that allowed you to see in two other rooms. Detective Wilkson explained that there were interrogation rooms and the room I was in was for monitoring those rooms. He offered me a seat and told me he would return shortly.

The first two that were interviewed were Destin Thibodaux and his girlfriend, Jennifer Smith. Jennifer seemed a bit nervous, but Destin was his normal self. Both claimed to be with each other attending a party at Chrissy Haynes house. Their alibis were almost word for word the same. Next were Maggie Miller and Ted Savoie who told the same story. After that Darren Miller and Haley Mills told the story verbatim.

Chrissy Haynes stated that they were all at her house from about seven to after one o’clock in the morning. Her boyfriend, Mark Boudreaux told the exact same story.

The only one who got combative was Josh Klein. He admitted to being at the party, but he seemed to have a problem respecting Detective Wilson. The more Detective Wilson pushed on him, the more he became combative. But in the end, he stuck to the story as well, so they finally released him.

Detective Wilson walked back into the room where I had been sitting and fell into one of the chairs. He told me he felt that their stories were rehearsed, and someone had coached them. Due to the fact that Chrissy Haynes’s father was a lawyer who defended people in court, he was probably the coach. Detective Wilson felt one or possibly all of them knew something, but he needed more proof to move forward. He told me he would keep an eye on them and get back to me if he had any other news.

When I arrived home, I relayed the news to Lynda and told her what had happened. She picked up on me being angry at him and made sure she once again told me not to do something stupid. When we were talking, I noticed a look in Lynda’s eye that I had not seen before. She seemed a little nervous perhaps, but I was not positive, so I let it drop.

By seven o’clock that evening, I had still not heard from Cassie which I found very odd. I knew she was working out at two, but she should have long been finished. I was sitting on the sofa watching television when Lynda came into the room. She had just gotten out of the shower and had a short white silk robe on.

“Uh, we need to talk.”, Lynda stated, with a serious look on her face.

“What about?”, I replied, still watching the television.

“Cassie….”, she answered.

I turned off the television and turned to face Lynda after the comment she had just made. She had a very serious look on her face.

“What about Cassie?’, I asked.

“Last night after you went to bed, we both went in the pool. We also took a bottle of red wine from the wine rack and opened it. Well, several hours later, we opened another bottle anyway……… one thing leads to another and we kind of made out.”, she admitted.

“You made out with Cassie?”, I laughed.

“Uh yea….”, she giggled.

“Ok, so what would you like me to do?”, I asked.

“Uh nothing really. Just wanted to get your opinion on the matter.”, she answered.

“What you and Cassie decide to be is up to the two of you. I’m fine with it.”, I responded.

“I told her that would be your answer.”, Lynda giggled.

“There you go.”, I laughed.

“Well, maybe I need to throw one more log on the fire….”, Lynda giggled.

“Why not…you’re on a roll…”, I responded.

“Uh…. how would you feel about doing the two of us?”, Lynda asked in a soft demure voice.

“Whoa…. does she know about us?”, I asked, concerned.

“No, I did not say a word, but she did admit that it would not bother her if we did.”, Lynda answered.

“So, you talked about all of this last night and made out?”, I asked, quite amazed.

“Yes, we did.”, she giggled.

“Damn, seems like I missed out on quite a night.”, I answered, getting up to go to the kitchen.

I washed out my glass and put it on the counter to dry. I went back into the living room figuring with all of this admission, Lynda was going to need an answer.

“So, let me get this straight……. Cassie has no problem with you and I fucking?”, I asked.

“Nope, not at all”, she replied.

“So basically, I just call her up and say come over and fuck us?”, I laughed

“Uh…. no. I would be more subtle than that. Maybe something like me catching you two at…. then join in.”, Lynda stated.

“Boy, you really have thought this out huh?”, I replied.

“Just a little.”, Lynda giggled.

I basically told Lynda that I would think about it and get back to her. So much was going on right now with my mother’s death, the gym and now these two that it was hard for me to think straight. I went to my bedroom and laid down on the bed trying to process the recent conversation I had with Lynda. Eventually, I fell asleep and did not wake up until the following morning.

I left early and went to the gym with Cassie and we both lifted for close to two hours. She did not say a word about what Lynda and I talked about the night before. She seemed fine so I was not about to bring it up. We both showered and went home planning to meet up later. I took a nap then got up and eat some lunch. After lunch, I went back to the gym and taught my classes and worked out myself. Since I was now a black belt or E-1, the only person I could spar with Master Garcia. So, I could only sneak in when he had a few minutes on the mat for me. I finished up, showered, and drove home.

Cassie came over about four o’clock and plopped down on the sofa next to me. We were talking about the gym when my cell phone rang, it was Detective Wilson.

“Chris, I don’t want to be premature, but I think we may have rattled someone’s cage. Bill Haynes called me this morning asking what information I had that would make me bring in his daughter and her friends. Now he knows I will not comment on an investigation until we arrest someone, but he was fishing.”, he stated.

“So, what now?”, I asked.

“I’m going to roll units by his house on a regular basis as well as the others. See if I can shake them up a bit. If you have time, go to the places they hang out on weekends. Don’t do anything just let them see you.”, he instructed.

“Sure.”, I replied.

“One of them or more was involved but I have nothing right now to tie them in. All I need is one of them to break. It will happen, Chris.”, he promised.

I set the phone down at least relieved that Detective Wilson and I were on the same track. I did not believe my mother was targeted by this group. I think they started to harass her some and it just got out of hand. But judging people was very difficult so perhaps she was targeted because of me.

“Chris, what did he say.”, Cassie asked.

“That he thinks we are on the right track.”, I answered.

I told her that he asked me to hang out where they did and make sure they saw me. Since it was Friday night, I asked Cassie if she wanted to come along. She agreed and went home to get dressed for the night. She returned about two hours later in a pair of tight white jeans, a white pull over and boots. She looked great and would turn some heads later on.

I told Lynda we would be back later tonight, and she just winked at me and laughed. We drove down to the Chug-A-Lug, but they were not there. I checked Comeback Inn but again not a one. I drove over to Moe’s and the entire crew was hanging out there at their usual table in the back. Most places tolerated these idiots because they spent a lot of money drinking and eating. Cassie’s ex-boyfriend Will was with them, and he noticed us as soon as we walked in the door.

By the time we found a table, all eyes were on us. The waitress walked over, and we ordered two Coke’s and a medium ultimate pizza. I had my back to them, but Cassie could see their table because she was seated facing them across from me.

“They all are staring at us like a motherfucker.”, Cassie giggled.

“Don’t even look their way.”, I replied.

The waitress brought our drinks and we continued to talk but Detective Wilson was right, I was just by being there, disrupting their evening. Twenty minutes later our pizza arrived, and we started to eat. Several minutes later, Cassie whispered that Will and Mark Boudreaux were headed to our table.

“Well, look at this lovely couple….”, Mark Boudreaux laughed.

“Cassie, I have been trying to call you.”, Will stated.

“Yep, I know….”, she replied.

“Why won’t you answer?”, he responded.

“Really Will…… you are really going to ask me that?”, Cassie replied, getting angry.

“Come on Cass…… we belong together. You’re not really serious about this guy, are you?”, he asked, pointing at me.

“Will, listen to me. I told my parents everything…what you did. You ever show up at my house again my father may kill you.”, she answered.

“Forget her Will…….”, Mark laughed.

“Yea Will…. forget me.”, Cassie laughed.

“Besides, we all seen everything she’s got.”, Mark stated.

At that moment, I serious considered putting Mark’s lights out for good. Cassie simply hung her head in shame, but I was not going to let it go. I stood up and went chest to chest with Mark Boudreaux.

“One day soon Mark…… I am going to end your miserable existence unless the police do it first. You ever talk to Cassie again I’ll end you, boy.” I stated, calmly.

“Oh, I’m scared….”, Mark acknowledged.

“Damn right you are. I can see that in your eyes.”, I replied.

By that time, his crew noticed he was in trouble and headed our way. Somehow, the manager must have noticed it too. He arrived ahead of Mark’s buddies.

“Hey guys, I don’t want any trouble in here. Mark, go back to your table.”, he instructed.

Mark leaned forward looking me straight in the eye, but his hands were shaking. He told me sooner or later that his boys were going to catch me alone and end this. While he was this close, I too had a little surprise for him.

“Hey, about two weeks ago, your girlfriend was in the backseat of my car getting herself off. Ask her about it…. see if she tells the truth.”, I answered.

He jumped back and gave me a very unusual look as if this were not the first time, he had heard what I just had mentioned. They both turned and walked back to their table and I sat back down.

“Cassie, I have to be honest with you. I’m just going to have to fuck those guys up one day.”, I promised.

“Don’t worry about it……. they are not worth it.”, she replied, grabbing my hand.

We finished eating, I paid the check and we got up to leave. We walked out the door and to my car without incident. I drove straight home arriving a little before ten o’clock. Cassie got out of the car and went home to clean up promising to come back shortly. I went in, grabbed some clothes, and went into the bathroom to take a shower.

I was sitting on the sofa when Cassie came back in dressed in shorts and a t-shirt. I knew Cassie was eager to go back to bed, it had been a while for us. We were just about to head to my bedroom when I heard Lynda come running down the hallway.

“Oh my God Chris, Jack tried to kill himself. He’s in ICU in a coma.”, she cried.

“What happened?”, I asked, helping her to the sofa.

“He swallowed a whole bottle of Xanax and drank a fifth of whiskey after.”, she sobbed.

“Who found him?”, I asked.

“I’m not sure of that…. I have to go home now.”, she begged.


Lynda got on the phone and booked her a flight at six o’clock the next morning. The three of us stayed up all night talking. I had an Uber driver picked her up at five in the morning and drive her to the airport which was only ten minutes away. She promised to call me as soon as she knew more about Jack.

About a week later, my Uncle Jack was moved from ICU to a private room. He was awake and had almost fully recovered. There were some parts of his story that did not make sense as Lynda explained but she also mentioned he seemed very different. He was begging her to give him one more chance and she stated she was leaning in that direction.

Just about that time as well, Cassie informed me that she was going back to school and get her degree. She was changing school and would be close enough to drive home every other weekend. I was extremely disappointed but there was not much I could do. Several days later Cassie left for school and for the first time in a long time, I was completely alone.

I went back to my normal routine of training and teaching with Master Garcia. Detective Wilson was still trying to get a break in my mother’s, but nobody was talking. Several weeks later, I was working out some of Master Garcia’s younger students when he summoned me to his office.

Master Garcia introduced me to a middle-aged man by the name of Baukaw Jala. Mr. Jala taught Muy Thai which was also known as Thai Boxing. The discipline is known as the art of the eight limbs using the hands, elbows, knees, and shins to strike your opponent. Muy Thai was a form of fighting that required you to stand. It was strictly for striking unlike Krav Maga which taught you to fight in any situation. After talking with the two of them Master Garcia recommended, I train with Mr. Jala whenever we both had the time. Mr. Jala was renting a large room in the gym as well and was setting up a school for Muy Thai.

In addition to everything I was doing, I dove into Muy Thai with a vengeance. I learned about basic punches, spinning backfist, elbow slash, uppercut elbow, midair elbow, roundhouse kick, axe heel kick, knee strike and the knee bomb, along with many others. It was tough at times, not to revert to the Krav Maga when an opening presented itself. Mr. Jala wanted me to completely understand Muy Thai before trying to use both at the same time.

Cassie had not been home from school since she left town. She had called me a few times explaining that by leaving when she did after her situation, she was now, way behind. She promised she would be home for the holidays which was just a month away. Lynda had called as well explaining that her and Jack were living together, and things were much better. Jack was seeing a therapist and according to Lynda their relationship was on solid ground again. Detective Wilson was keeping in contact with me occasionally, but he couldn’t seem to make any headway in the case. After hanging up with him, I instantly made the decision that I needed to make something happen. I sat down for most of the afternoon and devised a plan that would put them all on edge and perhaps I could get a break.

I knew the two I had to target was Josh Klein and Mark Boudreaux. They were both prone to losing their tempers and always acted like the toughest guys in town. If I could get one or both to snap it might be the answer to finding out what happened.

Since I knew Cassie would be home in a few weeks, I decided to start right away. I knew Friday night; I could catch most if not all of them out on the weekend. Sure, enough on Friday night, I saw some familiar vehicles parked at Moe’s Pizza. I parked my car in the side lot and went around to the front door. As soon as I entered, I noticed them at a table all the way in the rear of the restaurant. Since I was alone, I walked over to the bar when you could eat or drink. I sat down and Molly, one of the girls I graduated with came over to take my order.

“Hey Chris, how have you been?”, she asked.

“I’m ok Molly and you?”, I replied.

“Just working as much as I can.’’ she laughed.

I ordered a Coke and a small meat lovers pizza and leaned back on the bar stool watching the large tv overhead playing a football game. I was staring at the screen when someone whispered in my ear.

“Hey gorgeous…… wanna make out.”, the soft voice said.

I turned to my right to see Jennifer Smith standing there with a huge grin on her face. She had been dating Destin Thibodaux for years.

“I don’t think that would be a great idea, Jen.”, I laughed.

“No probably not…. but I bet it would fun.”, she giggled.

“I am sure it would be.”, I answered.

“Just on my way to the lady’s room…... just wanted to say hi.”, she giggled, walking away.

About that time, Molly returned with my Coke and set it down on the napkin in front of me. She had a strange look on her face, and I guess she couldn’t resist.

“You are living dangerously huh?”, she asked.

“Not really, Jennifer just said hello.”, I replied, picking up my drink.

“I can’t stand that group. They treated everybody like shit when we were in school. You were the only one to ever stand up to them.”, she stated.

“In the very near future, something bad is going to happen to them. I am just waiting…… they can’t leave it be.”, I stated.

“Don’t look now but three of them are heading this way.”, Molly sighed, stepping away from the bar.

I leaned in and started to watch the television again, but I heard the place go very quiet. Most of the town knew the history with us, so they figured they were about to get a front row seat to a spectacle. I heard them approaching and stop behind me.

“Hey asshole, why are you talking to Destin’s girl?”, I heard from behind.

I knew it was Josh Klein using his best “I am a bad ass voice” on me. I just decided to ignore him the first time. Of course, Josh was not going to let it go.

“Hey Kung Fu…… I’m talking to you boy.”, he quickly shouted back.

I got up from the stool and turned to face Josh. Along with him were Mark Boudreaux and Ted Savoie, both doing their best to act dangerous.

“Oh, sorry Josh, I didn’t hear you.”, I replied.

“You heard me fuckwad , why were you talking to Jennifer ?”, he growled.

“She just said hello, that was it.”, I replied, smiling.

“You talk to who I say who can talk to.”, Josh answered.

“Look Josh, you have the rest of your life to be an idiot……… why not take tonight off.”, I replied.

Everyone seated around us roared in laughter much to their dismay. This did not sit well with Josh, Mark and Ted. They basically just stood there looking like three dildos with stupid looks on their faces. Just about that time Molly arrived back with my pizza.

“Hey Chris, I have your pizza ready.”, she called out.

I turned around and started to sit on the bar stool to begin to eat when my head was suddenly slammed into the bar in front of me. There was a sharp pain on my forehead as I felt something warm running down my face. I quickly felt something over my left shoulder, so I threw a quick elbow over that shoulder striking someone in the face. I whirled around just in time to catch a punch on the right side of my face. That fist belonged to Mark Boudreaux. I quickly grabbed his right arm, inserted my arm under his armpit and violently pushed his forearm back towards his own body. I heard the bone break as he wailed in pain. I released him just in time because Josh had gotten up off the floor was moving towards me. Using all my strength and weight, I threw a closed fist punch to the center of Josh’s chest which caused him immediately to fall to his knees. I stepped forward and drove my knee into his face causing him to fall backwards. I immediately turned to Ted Savoie who was standing there with a look of disbelief on his face. I moved towards him, but he back backed up quickly holding out his hands in front of him.

“Hey… I didn’t do anything …... calm down.”, he asked.

I stopped and looked around quickly and everyone just seemed stunned at what had just happened. Josh was out cold with blood all over his face. Mark was still on the ground holding his arm which was bent in an abnormal way. He was in a lot of pain. I reached up and wiped my face coming down with a hand covered in blood. It seemed like everything was playing out in slow motion, but it had happened quickly.

Before I could even think of my next move, two police officers came running into the restaurant. They immediately came up to me and Ted Savoie spun us around facing the bar. They patted us down and quickly put handcuffs on the both of us. They turned us around and sat us down on the floor as several people were all shouting at the same time.

“Everyone, please stop for a minute…… one person, please tell us what happened.”, the first officer said.

The second officer was checking on Mark and Josh then stood back up. He grabbed his radio and called for paramedics to assist with the two of them. Several more deputies came in and one female deputy picked me up and led me outside to the parking lot. She pushed me against her SUV and once again patted me down for weapons. She then opened the rear door and helped me get into the vehicle with her hand on my head. She told me she would be back shortly.

The paramedic’s arrived quickly and both Josh and Mark were taken away in an ambulance. Once they left, one of the police officers opened the door and began to interrogate me.

“Ok, give me your version of the story since it seems you inflicted most of the damage.”, he asked calmly.

I explained to him what had happened and how Josh had slammed my head into the bar from behind. After that, I basically defended myself against Josh and Mark as I had been trained.

“That’s pretty much what I was told inside by the witnesses…. But you still must come down to the station to be questioned. Officer Thomas will bring you down to the precinct in a few minutes.”, he promised.

Several minutes later the female deputy, Deputy Thomas got behind the wheel of her vehicle. She started up the vehicle and slowly pulled out of the parking lot and headed to the precinct. She turned briefly and spoke to me.

“You did a lot of damage in there…… those guys are pretty messed up.”, she stated.

“I had been dealing with them since high school, they won’t let it drop.”, I replied.

“Yes, I heard the girl behind the bar telling the lieutenant something like that. Apparently, the bullies just got their ass handed to them.”, she laughed.

We arrived at the precinct where she escorted me to an interrogation room. She ordered me to sit in a chair and she stood by the door leaning against the wall. Several minutes later, the door opened, and Detective Wilson came in.

“Chris, what the hell happened?”, he asked, sitting in the chair across from me.

“Not much, I was trying to get some pizza and Josh Klein, Mark Boudreaux and Ted Savoie started some shit as usual. Only this time, I finished it.”, I replied.

“You put two boys in the hospital Chris, this is serious.”, he stated.

“I’m not running from them anymore. We both know they had something to do with my mother’s death.”, I answered.

“So, you went looking for them?”, he asked.

“Nope, I just stopped to get some pizza…… they came over to me.”, I replied.

“Chrissy’s dad is here wanting to press charges against you for aggravated assault. Mark Boudreaux must have surgery to repair his elbow.”, Detective Wilson implied.

“So, what do I do. Stay home all the time so I never run across them…. You know why he is doing this. Trying to deflect the situation from his involvement with my mother.”, I answered.

“You’re telling me you did not see their cars in the parking lot when you pulled up?”, he asked.

“Never really noticed…...”, I replied.

He shook his head and got up heading for the door. As he passed Officer Thomas, he instructed her in a very serious tone.

“Get him out of here before I have enough PC to arrest him for fucking with these mutts.”, he ordered.

“Yes sir.”, she replied.

“Come with me please……”, she instructed.

This was the first time; I actually paid any attention to Officer Thomas. She was young, very young, probably in her mid-twenties. She was very attractive and appeared to have a good body underneath all that gear she had on. I got up and followed her out of the room and down the hallway. She had me signed several forms at a desk in the back and then told me I was free to go.

“Did you have a vehicle at Moe’s?”, she asked.

“Yes, I do.”, I replied.

“I will bring you back there to get your car….”, she offered.

I followed her through the lobby and back outside and to her vehicle. She opened the rear door and I climbed back in only this time with no handcuffs. She closed the door and walked around to the driver’s side and got in. She started up the SUV and pressed the button on her mic near her shoulder attached to the radio on her belt.

“This is Lincoln 218, I’m 10-4 issuing a 10-46 to a resident.”, she instructed dispatch.

“Lincoln 218, 10-46 acknowledge.”, the female dispatcher replied.

She pulled out of the parking lot and headed back in the direction of Moe’s pizza. We had only been traveling several minutes when she turned her head in my direction.

“You teach in the evenings at the gym on Manhattan and Fourth Street, right?”, she asked.

“Yes, I do. I work for Master Garcia in the evenings.”, I answered.

“I’ve seen you there a few times…. I work out in the early evenings there. You are usually leaving about the time I get started.”, she admitted.

I was surprised that I had never paid attention to her but honestly and being in the gym all day by that time of the evening, I am done.

“I will have to keep an eye out for you then.”, I answered.

“Look, I know Josh Klein. We grew up together only one block apart. He’s been an asshole his entire life. He beat up my little brother once. No lost love here.”, she giggled.

We pulled up in the parking lot and she dropped me off at my car. She made some sort of comment that she would see me around which I simply nodded to. I got out and walked to my car and drove straight home.

For the next month or so, I kept a very low profile. I did not run into anyone in the group but did here a few stories about them. Mark Boudreaux had two surgeries on his elbow and was now in a cast. Josh Klein had suffered a concussion and broken nose but had mended up by now. Of course, the rumor on the street was they were looking for me but if true I was not hard to find.

About a week before Thanksgiving, Cassie called me and told me she decided to stay on campus during the break and study in an attempt to catch up. The conversation was strained to say the least and I felt there was something she wanted to say but didn’t.


Thanksgiving came and went, soon everyone had the Christmas spirit. I had been alone for a while now and I was starting to feel the effects of loneliness. We were about two weeks before Christmas when Cassie made her second phone call to me. From the sound of her voice, I instantly knew something was wrong.

“Hey Chris, I uh…… I wanted to talk with you before I come home for the holidays. I don’t know quite how to say this….um, well I sorta met someone up at school and we have been out a few times. I know, I should have called you before now, but I really didn’t know how to tell you. I’m …. I’m sorry Chris.”, she said softly.

“Don’t worry about it Cassie, it’s not like we had made any real plans going forward. I love being around you, but I understand……. You don’t have to be sorry.”, I replied, my stomach in knots.

“That’s really sweet of you to say but…... well, I wanted you to know that he is coming home with me over the holidays. I just have to break it to my parents now.”, she sighed.

“Oh…... well, it’s ok. I keep out of the way.”, I replied, not knowing what else to say.

“No Chris, that’s not what I’m asking…… anyway, just wanted to let you know.”, she urged.

We hung up and I felt like shit as I sunk into the sofa. I really missed Cassie and enjoyed being around her. Now, I was truly alone for the first time in a long while. For the next week or so, I did nothing but train and work out trying to block everything out. I was in the best shape out my life and had well adapted to both Krav Maga and Muy Thai.

I was in the gym one evening working out because I overslept and missed my early morning routine. I was at the bench press machine working alone when I notice two young women walking towards me.

“Hey Chris, how are you?”, one of them asked.

“I am good…. uh, how about you guys.”, I replied, moving the weight pin down a few pounds.

“You don’t remember me huh?”, she asked, giggling.

“Uh…I think…...”, I started.

“I’m Officer Lexie Thomas…. From the day of the fight at Moe’s.”, she said, cutting me off.

“Oh yes, I guess I didn’t recognize you without your uniform.’, I said, very embarrassed.

“This is my friend Amy, she’s a cop too.”, Lexie advised.

Now, how I was not able to recognize Lexie Thomas was understandable being out of uniform. But from this day on, I would definitely never forget her. Lexie Thomas was adorable to say the least. She was wearing skin-tight yoga pants with a workout shirt on and a spandex bra underneath. She had on pink sneakers with pink socks rolled down. She had an incredible body and it was obvious she was a regular in the gym. She had a tiny waist and a small but rock-hard butt. She had great thigh’s and small but firm breasts from what I could tell.

“Nice to meet you as well, Amy.”, I said, reached over and shaking her small hand.

We talked for a few minutes and then the two of them excused themselves and moved over to the main workout area. I finished the rest of my workout and was sitting on the stool next to the squat rack when the two of them walked back over.

“Chris, I am having a party of Christmas Eve at my place. Why don’t you come over for a bit. You can bring someone with you as well.” Amy said with a smile.

“Oh, well… I don’t know. I mean, I really don’t have anyone to bring.”, I admitted, once again embarrassed.

“You’re kidding right?”, Amy giggled.

“No, not at all.”, I replied, very serious.

“Good, then you can be Lexie’s date…... that way she won’t have to be alone.”, Amy instructed.

“Well, I mean…. I guess I could if Lexie is ok with that.”, I stuttered.

“Great, give Lexie your cell phone number and she can call you to make arrangements.”, Amy advised.

“Uh, I don’t have a cell phone….”, I answered.

“Oh God, you’re are too precious Chris.”, Amy giggled.

“I have a phone at home…”, I started.

“Lexie will get your number and call you…...”, Amy laughed turning away.

Lexie looked at me and mouthed the words “I’m sorry” letting me know this was not her idea. I just smiled and nodded my head, after all a night out might do me some good. Lexie followed her friend down the stairs and out of sight.

Christmas was on a Monday this year, so Amy’s party would be on a Sunday night. I was just about to head to the gym on the previous Tuesday before Christmas when I saw Cassie’s car pull into her driveway. I quickly stepped back from the kitchen door so she would not see me. As promised Cassie got out accompanied by a guy a few inches taller than she was. She did look in my direction once, but I was hidden from sight. They went to the front door and went in giving me the opportunity to leave for the gym.

I got home that night at about seven o’clock and took a quick shower. I had just turned on the television when I heard a knock at the side door. I got up and walked over to the door to see Cassie out on the carport. I opened the door and invited her in as I always did trying to play like nothing was wrong. She followed me over to the sofa and sat down like the weight of the world was on her shoulders.

“How have you been?”, she asked me.

“I’m ok, just doing the same old routine every day. How is school treating you?”, I asked.

“It’s ok, I think I have finally caught up.”, she admitted.

“That’s great…... glad to hear it.”, I said smiling.

“Look, both of my parents are pissed off about this new guy…… I tried to explain to them that we had really made no commitments which each other but they really like you. They have already started giving him the cold shoulder.”, she stated.

“I’m sorry to hear that…. want me to talk to them or something?”, I asked.

“No, seeing you would probably make it even worst.”, she sighed.

We talked for a few minutes more before we wish me well for the holidays and left. It was hard to sit on the other side of the sofa and not reach out for Cassie. But I guess we must just trust our lives to a bigger power sometimes. That is what the priest told me at my mother’s funeral. I was not sure if I believed it but perhaps, he was right.

That Thursday night before Christmas, Lexie Thomas called my house about nine o’clock. I picked up the phone and was pleased to hear her voice. Lexie had a very soothing tone to her voice which made me feel at ease.

“Uh Chris, you were roped into the party thing…... you don’t have to feel obligated at all. I can go alone, I’m used to it.”, she offered.

“No, that’s ok…... in fact I have nothing planned at all. It’s just me here since I lost my mother.”, I replied.

“Yea, Wilson told me about what happened. I didn’t realize that was your mother. He seems to think those guys you got into it with could be suspects?”, she asked.

“Maybe, he’s not sure yet.”, I answered.

“Ok, well how do you want to do this…… should I drive or do you want to?”, she asked.

“I can drive Lexie, just tell me where and what time to pick you up.”, I offered.

She gave me the address and suggested I pick her up about seven o’clock. She also told me to dress casually and that she would be wearing jeans. I agreed and told her I would there on time.

The following day I went to the mall and bought a pair of jeans and a pullover shirt to wear to the party. I already had a pair of black slip-on dress shoes to wear. The shirt was a bit tight, but it was the largest size they had.

The weekend seemed to take forever to arrive, but it was finally Friday night and time to go and pick up Lexie. I drove straight over to the address that Lexie had given me. Because of the marked police unit in the driveway, it was not hard to find. I parked and got out and walked up to the sidewalk to the front door. I rang the bell and within a minute an attractive middle-aged woman answered the door.

“Hi, you’re here for Lexie, right?”, she asked.

“Yes ma’am.”. I replied.

“Come on in, I’m Jennifer, Lexie’s mom.”, she said smiling.

I followed her down a long hallway and into a large room where an older man and someone about my age were watching a basketball game on tv. I followed Lexie’s mom around the small sofa and to the center of the room.

“Chris, this is my husband Jim and my son, Jeff. Guys, this is Chris, Lexie’s date.”, Jennifer explained.

“Jesus son, do you play ball?’, Jim said, standing up and shaking my hand.

“No sir, just work out a lot.”, I replied.

“Well, have a seat son…… Lexie is always late.”, he laughed.

“Yes sir.”, I replied, sitting down.

Less than ten minutes later, Lexie walked into the room and over to where I was sitting. She looked completely different than she did when in uniform. She had on a pair of tight jeans with short high heel boots. She had on a silk blouse with a sheer garment under it. She had on some makeup, but it was not overpowering. Her shoulder length hair framed her face perfectly. She was stunning to say the least.

“Chris, have them two been talking about me?’’, Lexie asked pointing to her dad and brother.

“No not at all….”, I replied.

“Don’t start lying to me before our first date Chris…...”, she giggled.

“Honest, no one said a word.”, I replied.

I followed Lexie out of the door and walked her to my mom’s SUV. I opened the door for her and she slid in the passenger’s seat. I walked around and got into the driver’s side and started up the vehicle. I followed Lexie’s direction until we arrived in a small neighborhood that consisted of maybe four streets. We parked on the street and I followed Lexie up to the front door of a two story house. She rang the bell and her friend Amy appeared shortly and let us in.

“Hey bestie, looking good. I see you were able to talk Chris into coming as well.”, she laughed.

We followed Amy in the large room in the back of the house where more than a dozen people were gathered. From the look around the room I was sure most of the guests were police officers as well. I followed Lexie around as she introduced me to several people around the room.

We were standing and talking to a couple when a red headed woman in her forties came over to us and hugged Lexie.

“Um Lexie…… who is your friend and where can I get one just like him?”, she laughed.

“Maddy, this is Chris. Chris, this is my supervisor, Maddy Wilkinson.” Lexie laughed.

“Nice to meet you Maddy.”, I said, shaking her hand.

“My God Chris, do you ever leave the gym. You are some kind of fine.”, Maddy giggled.

“Maddy, stop……”, Lexie said, laughing.

“I work out for several hours early in the morning then go home for a few hours. Then I have Krav Maga and Muy Thai in the afternoon. Then I teach Krav Maga in the evenings. So yes, I’m at the gym a lot.”, I replied.

Maddy went back across the room over to several women and began to talk to them. As Lexie said, she was probably giving them the scoop on me. Lexie warned me that being a police officer was a tough occupation so when they did play, they played hard. I explained that it was alright and that I was not embarrassed easily.

I followed Lexie out to the backyard where tables were set up to sit and eat. We went back into the dining room where the table was set up with different type of finger food, snacks, and hot food. We each made a plate and found a table to sit at. I went over to the ice chests and grabbed Lexie a Coors Light Beer and myself a Coke. I walked back to the table and handed Lexie her beer and sat down.

“You don’t drink beer?”, she asked.

“No, not really. Especially not if I’m driving.”, I replied.

We sat there and talked for quite a while and Lexie told me about herself growing. She always from as long as she could remember wanted to be a police officer. She played softball from the time she was seven years old until she graduated from high school. She went to the local college and obtained a degree in criminal law then applied for the academy right after graduation. She had been with the Sheriff’s Office now for close to four years. Lexie was a little over a year older than I was, not that it made much difference.

Lexie was very easy to talk to and had a way of holding eye contact with you when you spoke. Before long, I was telling her my life story as well although to me, it was very boring. We were still talking when a couple of young guys came up to the table with beers in their hand.

“How’s it hanging Thomas?”, one of asked.

“Chris, this is Danny and Alberto. They are both officers in the second district with me.”, Lexie commented.

“Nice to meet you.”, I said, shaking hands with both.

“You told me you didn’t date, Thomas. What’s up?”, Danny asked.

“No Danny, I did not say that I didn’t date, I said I wouldn’t date you.”, she quickly replied.

“Ouch Danny, that stings.”, Alberto said laughing.

“Damn Thomas, that hurts.”, Danny stated.

“Oh, keep it in your pants Danny.”, Lexie laughed.

The party went well and Lexie and I left around one o’clock in the morning and I drove straight back to her house. I pulled into her driveway and turned off the engine. Before I could reach for the door handle, Lexie reached out and grabbed my arm.

“Thanks for going with me tonight…. I really enjoyed it.”, she said softly, gazing into my eyes.

“It was really nice. It was so much better than sitting alone in my house.”, I replied.

“You’re not seeing anyone right now …. I mean even casually?”, Lexie asked.

“About four months ago, I was spending time with my next-door neighbor’s daughter. But she went back to college and met someone there. In fact, she brought him home for Christmas.” I answered.

“Oh, sorry… that had to be hard.”, she replied.

“We really had not talked about going forward in the future, so no plans had been made. She worked out with me in the morning, and I spent evenings with her some time.”, I answered.

“I am not seeing anyone either…... not since my boyfriend decided that my job was a problem.”, she stated.

“How was your job a problem?”, I asked.

“Well for starters, I had to change my attitude somewhat. I deal with people on a daily basis that take kindness as weakness. I had to become more assertive both professionally and privately. Then the hours that I worked caused a problem because as a rookie, I work a lot of night shifts. Both of those issues were a problem with him.”, she answered.

“Sorry to hear that….”, I replied.

“Don’t be sorry… it was for the best. Forcing someone to be what they are not takes a toll on a relationship. Just too much resentment for me.”, she sighed.

“Not ever being in a serious relationship all that seems strange to me. I guess it must be hard for two people to live together year after year without having any problems.”, I stated.

“Not if you do it right…… my mom and dad are wonderful together, always have been.”, she said.

“How long were you with your boyfriend?”, I asked.

“From the eighth grade until my rookie year on the force…… all in all almost ten years.”, she answered.

“Long time and he just walked away?” I asked.

“Yep…. that’s exactly what he did. My dad never really liked him much. He was a know it all as my dad would say. My mom really didn’t care as long as he treated me well. He still calls from time to time but that’s about it.”, she answered.

“So, when do you go back to work?”, I asked.

“I’m off for three days then on Thursdays I go to nights for seven days in a row.”, she answered.

“Would you like to do something in the next few days?”, I inquired.

“Um, I would love to…. Can I call you tomorrow?”, she asked.

“Sure can…...”, I answered.

She told me goodnight and got out of the car and walked to the front door. She disappeared quickly inside, and I pulled out of her driveway. I drove straight home and took a shower then jumped into bed. It took me a while to fall asleep. I couldn’t stop thinking of Lexie and the situation that Cassie had left me in.

I woke up about nine o’clock the next morning and made some breakfast, then ate. I got dressed and decided to go and get my first cell phone. I was really shocked at the price of a phone but decided to get one anyway. I paid for the phone and set up a monthly plan for unlimited data. I drove back home and messed with the phone a bit trying to figure it out. It was almost noon when the house phone rang. I answered it and was surprised to hear Lexie’s voice. She did promise to call but I did not expect it to be this soon.

“Hey Chris, what are you doing?”, she asked.

“I was lying on the sofa trying to figure out this new phone.”, I replied.

“Oh, you bought a cell phone?”, she inquired.

“Yes, this morning.”, I answered.

“How about I come over and show you how to use it….”, she stated.

“Sure, sounds great.”, I answered.

About ninety minutes later, Lexie’s unit pulled up into my driveway. I opened the side carport door and walked out to meet her. She followed me inside and into the living area where I offered her a seat on the sofa.

Lexie was dress in a tight pair of spandex shorts and a compression tank top. She had on blue sneakers with short socks and her hair pulled back in a ponytail. She looked amazing and could pass for someone much younger. She appeared much younger than twenty-six years of age.

“You have a beautiful home, Chris.”, Lexie remarked looking around.

“Thanks Lexie.”, I replied.

She moved over and sat down right next to me asking to see my phone. She smelled so good it made me just want to take her in my arms and hold her. She finished setting up my phone installing a code to open the home screen. She showed me how to add numbers to my directory, so I suggested she add hers, which got a great smile from her.

She then set me up a Facebook account and she became my first friend. She showed me how to load pictures and how to post on it. After about thirty minutes, she had me completely set up. I then showed her around the house and took her out back where I showed her the pool. She immediately regretted not bringing a bathing suit. I told her I still had several belong to my mom that I thought would work. I turned the heaters on in the pool to warm up a little since it was late December, although the temperature was in the low sixties.

We went back inside where we sat on the sofa and talked for a while. Around two o’clock we took a drive to the sandwich shop to get two roast beef sandwiches and a large order of fries. We returned to my house and ate in the kitchen talking about everything and anything. Lexie was fun to be around, and I found myself laughing more than ever.
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