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I'm not sure if Lexie and I are going to make it.

Detective Wilson called me two weeks later to tell me the District Attorney’s office had accepted the plea deal from everyone involved and sentencing would be held at the end of the month. I had spoken to Lexie maybe twice and had a few text messages from her. By this time, I had hoped that she would have loosened up a bit, but it did not seem that she had. For the most part, I had given up on any long-term relationship with her. I spent most of my day at the gym either training or teaching.

My track record for relationships left a lot to be desired. First Cassie dumping me for a college student and now Lexie for what she thought she perceived of what I might do. Seems the only good relationship I had been in was the one with my mother, as screwed up as that sounded. Although a lot of that was my fault, I was not the most outgoing person when it went to socializing.

The end of the month came quickly and soon I found myself back in court for the sentencing of the six people present the night my mom died. At ten minutes to the hour, all six defendants came in with Chrissy’s dad and sat behind the defense’s table. The district attorney was already present as well as Detective Wilson. Several minutes later the judge arrived and sat behind the bench. He opened the folder and scanned the documents quickly then set them down in front of him on the bench.

“Gentlemen, I understand we have reached a plea arrangement?”, the judge stated, glancing at both the attorneys.

Both attorneys nodded as the bailiff handed each of them a manilla file folder. Each opened the folder and read the contents then nodded back to the judge.

“Then pending this agreement, I am ready to sentence all defendants at this time if there are no objections.”, he stated.

“Hearing no objections, will the defendants please rise and face the bench.”, he commanded.

The lot of them stood up and face the bench hanging their heads gazing at the floor. I had absolutely no sympathy for the lot of them. Even though Josh caused my mother’s death, the rest of them covered it up for as long as possible. In my mind, they were just as guilty.

“Chrissy Haynes, Haley Mills and Jennifer Smith under the plea agreement you have plead guilty one count of obstruction of justice. I am placing the three of you on probation for a period of 24 months. If you complete your probationary period with no incidents, I will remove the charge from your criminal record.”, he started.

“Darren Miller and Mark Boudreaux under the plea agreement you have plead guilty to one count of obstruction of justice and one count of tampering with evidence. I am placing the two of you on probation for a period of 30 months. If you complete your probationary period with no incidents, I will remove the charge from your criminal record.”, he continued.

“Joshua Klein under the plea agreement you have plead guilty to one count of criminal negligence, one count of obstruction of justice and one count of tampering with evidence. I’m sentencing you to four years in the prison at Oakville starting immediately.”, he ended.

I looked over at Detective Wilson who just hung his head. Everyone gets probation and Josh get forty-eight months which means in can be out in two years. That is what my mother’s life was worth…...two years. Inside I was out of control, but I knew I could not show it. I simply stood up and stared directly at the judge. After several moments of an intense stare down, he spoke.

“Do you wish to address the court?”, he asked.

“I don’t believe you want to hear what I have to say.”, I replied.

“What is your name, son?”, the judge asked.

“Chris Williams….”, I replied, still staring him down.

“You will address me as your honor.”, he demanded.

“No sir, I will not.”, I quickly answered.

“Son, I will hold you in contempt of court.”, he growled leaning forward.

“You have no idea how much contempt I have for this court. Those six defendants killed my mother and threw her in a dumpster like trash. Five of them get off with probation and one might serve twenty-four months in jail. That’s what my mother’s life was worth…. twenty-four months?”, I stated, very calmly.

Detective Wilson got up and moved next to me whispering into my ear that no matter what, I was only making things worst. Mr. Haynes stepped from around the table and informed the judge that I had threatened the defendants in a previous session in court.

“Mr. Williams, did you threatened the defendants?”, the judge asked.

“I have never threatened anyone during this entire ordeal. The boys were the aggressors every time and the girls went along for the ride. That is why this case never went to court. Because each time there was an altercation, they started it and witnesses were available. I guess sometimes the only way to get justice is to take it for yourself.”, I stated calmly.

“Are you threatening this court?”, the judge growled.

“No sir, I am not…”, I simply replied, turning around, and heading for the door.

I noticed that Lexie was standing against the back wall in a corner with another police officer. As I walked for the door, I really thought the judge was going to stop me, but he did not. I pushed through the doors and head into the lobby. Detective Wilson came running up behind me.

“Chris, hold on a second.”, he demanded, grabbing my arm.

I turned and faced him as he tried to catch his breath from the sprint, he had just run trying to catch me.

“Jesus, I can’t believe you just said that to old man Seiler and he let you walk.”, he stated.

“He let me walk because he was paid off by Haynes. You know it, I know it, fuck…...everyone knows it.”, I replied.

“Chris, if anything happens to anyone of them, you’re suspect number one.”, he said in an informative tone.

“Only if there are witnesses, detective.”, I replied, turning and walking away.

For the next month or so, I did nothing but train and work. I didn’t go out of the house with the exception of the grocery store twice. Lexie and I talked on the phone a few times, but I restrained from mentioning the trial at all. To her credit, she never brought it up, but I was not sure if that was good or bad. I was sitting on the sofa watching tv when my phone rang. It was Lexie, I picked it up right away.

“Hey Chris, what are you doing?”, Lexie said, in a cheerful voice.

“Watching a movie on tv.”, I replied.

“Oh, ok…... well, I wanted to invite you to my house on Saturday night, it’s my mom’s birthday.”, Lexie announced.

“Um sure…... what do I get her.”, I asked.

“Well, she really loves a good bottle of Merlot.”, Lexie stated.

“Ok, I will get her one. What time is it for?”, I asked.

“Six o’clock and my dad will be cooking on the grill.”, she answered.

“Ok, see you then.”, I replied, hanging up.

On the way home from my work out on Saturday morning I stopped at a wine store in town having no idea what to ***********. Thankfully as I went in, a young woman asked if she could help me. I explained my predicament and she smiled.

“We have Merlot in every price range imaginable. How much are you looking to spend?”, she asked.

“I don’t know…., um show me something really nice though, no ten-dollar bottles.”, I replied.

“Ok, let’s go over here.”, she answered, pointing to a large shelf in the corner.

“These are two very good merlot’s, one is Duckhorn Three Palms Vineyard and the other is Leonetti Cellar Merlot. I have had these and they are excellent.”, she admitted.

“Ok, give me one of each., I replied.

“Sure thing.”, she replied, going back behind the counter and through a door into the large warehouse.

She came back quickly with both bottles packaged in a box and set them on the counter. She reached under the counter and pulled out two gold bows, peeled off the adhesive and stuck them to the top of the boxes. The total purchase came to two hundred and seventeen dollars. I paid her and left then deciding to go to the men’s store and get a new pair of jeans and maybe a shirt. I crossed town and pulled up into a local men’s clothing store that had just about everything. Once again, as soon as I walked in, a woman in her thirties came over and asked if I needed help. I followed her back to where the jeans were and started looking at the different sizes. I always had trouble because my waist size was thirty, but my legs would not fit comfortably in that size. She suggested I try a pair of Levi 508’s and handed me a pair in my normal size. I went into the dressing room and tried them on, and I had to admit they fit perfectly. I came out of the room and stood in front of the large mirror looking at the fit.

“That’s the one….”, the woman stated.

“They do fit well.”, I replied.

I told her I would take two pairs then went back in the dressing room and took them off. I came out and handed them to her then walked over to the shirts. ***********ing shirts was even worst due to the size I had put on above the waist. Most shirts were always too tight in the chest, shoulders and arms. The saleswoman suggested a line they carried call the Performance Bamboo shirt. She stated it was made for men who were muscular in their upper torso. I tried on a couple, and I did notice that I had a bit more room in them than a normal shirt. I ***********ed two as well then checked out and headed home.

I took a shower that afternoon and dressed leaving my home at about six o’clock. I arrived about twenty minutes later and parked in front of the house. I went up the sidewalk and rang the bell. Lexie answered the door quickly and invited me inside. She did give me a soft kiss on the lips that surprised me a bit. I followed her to the family room where her mother, brother, Pops and Maw Maw, Lexie’s grandparents.

“These are for you.”, I stated, handing the bottle of wine to Jennifer.

“Oh Chris, you didn’t have to do this.”, she said.

“Yes ma’am, I did.”, I replied.

“Chris, these bottles are very expensive, you really shouldn’t have.”, she said, a little choked up.

“Enjoy it Ms. Thomas, it’s your birthday.”, I answered.

I sat down next to Pops and we started catching up since the last time we had talked. We talked for about thirty minutes before Lexi’s mom came back in and asked me to help her in the kitchen. I excused myself and followed Jennifer into the kitchen where she turned and faced me.

“Ok, what is going on with you two?”, she asked.

“To be honest with you, I have no idea. I guess she still doesn’t trust me…...”, I answered.

“I heard what happened in the court room. That’s a joke…... everyone gets probation and Josh might get two years. I promised you old man Haynes paid off the judge. Oh…. I also heard Josh’s older brother is in town. You need to watch out for him…. He is the mean one.”, she stated.

“I’ll be fine…. I’m not worried.”, I replied.

“So have you two slept together lately?”, Jennifer asked.

“Oh…Um, well I “, I started before she cut me off.

“Well to answer your question…. No, we haven’t.”, I replied.

“Hmmmm…... I guess we need to have a long talk.”, Jennifer sighed.

“It’s ok really……... If she feels that she will be uncomfortable with me maybe it’s better we just let it be.”, I suggested.

She shrugged her shoulders and pointed the way back to the family room. I walked back and sat down next to Pops who immediately leaned over my way.

“What was that about?”, he chuckled.

“Well, she is concerned that Lexie and I are not spending much time together anymore.”, I admitted.

“Oh, I see. Something happen?”, he asked, getting serious.

“No sir, not really. She just believes that I may take things in my own hand and hurt the people that killed my mother.”, I stated.

“I don’t blame you one bit if you do.”, Pops replied.

“Lexie is a police officer and has to protect herself, I understand that. But if she can’t trust me…...not much I can do Pops.”, I answered.

Just about that time, Lexie popped her head in the rear doors and announced that the food was ready. Everyone started getting up and I stayed behind to help Maw Maw. We eventually made it to one of the rear tables where I help her get seated. When I looked up, I noticed Lexie was looking at me with a smile on her face. She pointed to the spot on the other side of the table meaning that was where I was supposed to sit. I walked around the table and sat down across from Pops and Maw Maw. Lexie and her mother prepared plates for everyone and served them. Lexie poured large glasses of iced tea for everyone before sitting down next to me.

The conversation took a turn to the sixtieth wedding anniversary of Pops and Maw Maw which was coming up in early December. I did not contribute to the conversation because I had no idea what was going on. Obviously though, this was going to be a big deal for the entire family. I never really got to spend much time with Lexie talking with the entire family around. I left about ten that night and drove straight home. I had just gotten into bed when I got a video chat call from Lexie. I opened it up and found her sitting on the bed in her bedroom.

“Hey, what’s up?”, she asked.

“Not too much, actually I was just getting into bed.”, I replied.

“Alone?”, Lexie giggled.

“Yep, alone.”, I answered.

“I wanted to talk to you today but never really found the time to do so. I know that I’m not being fair to you…… God knows my mother reminds me of that all of the time. Sometimes, I almost think she wants to be with you.”, Lexie sighed.

“Well, she is hot……”, I answered.

“Oh, hush you…… seriously though, I care for you a lot. But I have to be sure that you feel the same about me. But more importantly that you care enough about me to steer clear of putting yourself or us in danger of being ripped apart. I’m not trying to be controlling but I have to ask you. Am I worth that to you? I understand if you say no, I can’t imagine being in your shoes.”, she stated.

“Can I ask you a question?”, I inquired.

“Sure.”, Lexie replied.

“Do you think they got what they deserved knowing the situation like you do?”, I asked.

“No, I do not agree with the judge.”, Lexie replied softly.

“Thank you for that. Yes, I can promise you I will not do anything to put us in danger. For me to go to jail at this point would be adding insult to injury. I know my mom would not want that. But……. if they come after me again, I will defend myself.”, I promised.

“That’s fair enough. It’s more than I could ask for. I’m off tomorrow then begin nights on Monday. So, if it is ok, I will come by tomorrow.”, she replied.

“Sounds good to me.”, I answered, hanging up.

True to her word, Lexie arrived a few minutes after eleven the next morning with two roast beef sandwiches and a large order of French fries. She was wearing a pair of jeans and a long sleeve cotton shirt. She had her hair pulled back in a ponytail and had no makeup on. We both sat down at the kitchen table and unwrapped the food.

“So, what do you think…. can we make this work?”, Lexie asked.

“I am not sure…… I mean, it’s nice you brought me food but are you any good in bed?”, I replied.

“Depends on what you call good.”, she giggled.

“So, I’m guessing your answer is no…….”, I asked.

“Oh, you fuck……... You’re going to pay for that.”, she shot back.

I could tell Lexie was in a good mood and perhaps I had eased her mind somewhat with the promise not to pursue the situation any further. But somehow, in the back of my mind, I truly felt that this was not over. Not that I would pursue it, but I really felt that several of these assholes just would not let it go.

We finished eating and cleaned everything up then went to the sofa where we sat down next to each other. It did not take her long to renew the conversation.

“Just so you do not hear this from my mom or anyone else, my ex-boyfriend has been trying to get back together with me. He told me that he felt leaving me was the biggest mistake of his life.”, she stated.

“I can understand that…. You are a beautiful woman and fun to be around. A man could do a lot worse…... I guess maybe you need to think about that.”, I answered.

“No, I don’t have to think about it. We were together for ten years and because I became a police officer, something that he knew I wanted for years then dumps me. Nothing, I need to think about. The only reason he wants to get back together is he found out about you.”, she replied.

“How did he find out?”, I asked.

“My mother and his mother have been friends for years. They still talk all the time. In fact, they will be invited to Pops and Maw Maw’s party. He might even show up….”, she sighed.

“No big deal…… as long as you are sure about what you want.”, I answered.

“So, you think I’m not?”, Lexie asked.

“Why do women have to be so complicated…... I’m just saying that I want you to be sure.”, I replied.

“I’m not really complicated…. I just see people every day who have in one way or another destroyed their life or someone else’s. I guess seeing that as much as I do makes me afraid that might happen to me.”, Lexie answered.

“Lexie, most of my life I was scared. I was bullied through my childhood and into high school. Until I trained under master Garcia, I lived scared. But now, I am at peace because I no longer fear anyone. It’s a nice feeling.”, I responded.

“I guess you’re right. Anyway, I have to run and get some sleep. I start tonight at eleven and have seven long nights. But I promise next week I’m off for four days, we will spend as much time together as we can.”, she promised.

Lexie kissed me and left out of the side door quickly. I wasn’t sure if I liked Lexie being a police officer, but I was sure I did not like the hours. While sometimes she did string three or four days off in a row, the seven-day stretches were brutal.

I spent a great deal of time the following week at the gym to occupy my time. I missed Lexie a great deal although we did text and talk during the week. My mother had gotten the vice president at the bank to recommend a CPA and Financial advisor to help us with the money left had been left to us by Mrs. Gardener.

We had invested in several treasury notes and other financial vehicles that were earning just over three hundred thousand a year. Since everything I owned was paid off the checking account had grown to over a million dollars. I barely spent any money and had the money from the gym coming in every week.

I decided it was time for me to buy a new vehicle and trade in my small car. I would keep my mom’s SUV since it was still almost brand new. I rode around and looked at several vehicles not sure of what I wanted. They changed when I drove up to Wilson BMW. I found a white 2021 BMW 530i on the lot that was stunning. It had the light saddle colored interior and every imaginable option on it. After going for a short test drive, I was sold. Since it was a week day, the bank cleared my check right away and three hours later I drove off in a sixty two thousand dollar vehicle.

Since it was getting later in the evening, I decided to pass by Lexie’s sure that she was getting ready for her last night before having a few days off. I pulled up to her house and saw her unit was there, so I jumped up and went to the door. I rang the bell and Lexie’s mom Jennifer answered it quickly.

“Hey Chris, come in sweetie.”, she offered, kissing me on the cheek.

I followed her to the den when Lexie’s dad was watching tv in his lounge chair. I took a seat on the sofa and leaned back.

“Lexie is in the shower, but she should be out soon.”, Jennifer remarked walking back to the kitchen.

“So, Chris, you and Lexie are back on again?”, he commented with a huge grin.

“Yes sir, I guess so. She made me promise her several things before she agreed though.”, I replied.

“Lexie, is a piece of work Chris. You’re about to find that out. She’s beautiful, smart and talented but sometimes she drives me bat shit crazy.”, he laughed.

“I enjoy being with her……. I think we will be fine, sir.”, I answered.

“You better enjoy being with me…...”, Lexie stated walking into the room behind us.

“That’s the other thing she is good at …. sneaking up on you.”, Jim laughed.

“You are in trouble dad …... but you said the right thing.”, Lexie giggled, leaning over and kissing me.

She was already dressed in her uniform and ready to work the last night of her shift. She sat down next to me and took my hand in hers.

“I’m beat, these nights just take it out of me.”, she sighed.

“I’m not sure I could work all night like you do. Something seems wrong about being out there early in the morning when everyone is sleeping.”, I replied.

“Oh, trust me, everyone is not sleeping.”, she laughed.

We talked for a while and then she got up and started putting on her duty gear. I wasn’t sure if it was just me, but Lexie looked so good with her gear on. I don’t think I would ever be upset with Lexie arresting me.

“Walk me out?”, Lexie asked reaching out with her hand.

“Sure…”, I answered, grabbing her hand.

We walked out of the front door and headed to her unit. She glanced over her shoulder and stopped in her tracks. She looked around and then back at me.

“Whose car is that?”, she asked, pointing to the BMW.

“Mine, got it this afternoon.”, I answered.

“Are you kidding me?”, Lexie asked, wide eyed.

“No, here are the keys.”, I said, handing them to her.

Lexie started walking toward the vehicle in a rapid pace. I had never really talked to Lexie about my financial situation other than mentioning my house was paid for. She knew nothing of the inheritance Mrs. Gardener had left me and what I had in my checking account. I’m sure she figured I was living off the salary from the gym.

She unlocked the vehicle and opened the driver’s door and looking in. She quickly sat down behind the wheel and looked over the dash at all the different features. She then looked back at me with a grin on her face.

“How can you afford a car like this?”, she asked.

“I have a lot of secrets.”, I laughed, winking at her.

“We have to talk soon.”, Lexie giggled.

She kissed me goodbye and drove off in her unit. I got back in my car and drove home. I took a shower then laid down in bed falling asleep right away. I went to the gym around six o’clock the following morning and got my workout in early. My first class did not start until three that evening so I went back home and cleaned up. I then drove to the grocery store to pick up a few things I needed. I was going down the cleaning supply aisle when I noticed a big guy with an older lady staring at me. The older woman looked familiar, but I could not put a name to her face. But as I moved up the aisle, I knew the big guy was going to say something.

“So, this is the Karate Kid.”, he laughed.

I ignored him with just a glance and turned my cart to go around the two of them. That’s when he stepped into the middle of the aisle and blocked me.

“Hey boy, I’m talking to you.”, he growled.

“Excuse me, I need to get by.”, I calmly replied.

“So, you’re the fucker who sent my baby brother to jail.”, he said, loudly.

“I do not have the ability to send anyone to jail. Your brother murdered my mother and the judge sent him there.”, I replied, getting a bit angry.

Now I remembered where I had seen the women. She was Josh’s mother and I had seen her in court. She grabbed her older son’s arm and was trying to calm him down.

“It was an accident and you know it.”, he stated, moving closer towards me.

“Mrs. Klein, you already lost one son for a few years. It would be a shame to lose a second.”, I answered.

“You threatening me?”, he snarled.

“Listen, whatever your name is …… please move aside. I don’t have time for this.”, I replied, calmly.

“My name is Leo, motherfucker …... ask around. Just so you know, I will find you again and we will do this right.”, he warned, stepping aside.

“And that will be the worst day of your life….”, I answered, walking past him.

I checked out and returned home without any other issues, but it seemed that I could not get clear of these assholes who refused to grow up. I put everything away and received a text from Lexie telling me she was going to sleep for a few hours and then call me.

As promised, she called me around two in the afternoon just getting out of bed. I told her, I had a class at three, another at four but I would pass by her house a few minutes after five. She agreed and I hung up.

Both of my classes went well and I took a quick shower at the gym and dressed then headed to Lexie’s house. Jennifer asked the door quickly and let me in. I followed her to the den where Lexie was sitting with her father and brother. She jumped up and kissed me quickly and pulled me down on the sofa next to her.

“Chris, how is everything going?”, Lexie’s dad asked.

“Not too bad sir. Although I did meet Leo Klein today.”, I replied.

“Oh shit, what happened?”, Lexie asked.

“Nothing really……. I saw him and his mom in the grocery store. He basically said that he would find me later and blamed me for Josh being in jail.”, I shrugged.

“That entire family has issues, they always have.”, Jim stated.

“So, what did you do?”, Lexie asked.

“Nothing just walked away.”, I answered.

“I’ll tell Wilson what happened…. Let him know Leo is back in town.”, she replied.

Lexie and I left a few minutes later and drove to a restaurant across town that had great seafood. It was amusing walking behind Lexie and watching all the men’s heads turn looking at her. Not that I blame them, she was drop dead gorgeous. The waitress seated us and told us the server would be there shortly.

We picked up the menu and started to scan to see what we wanted to order. After a few minutes, I lowered the menu to find her looking at me.

“We should have asked your mom and dad to join us.”, I commented.

“Boy, you really do have the hots for my mom, huh?’’, Lexie giggled.

“Hell yea, your mom is hot.”, I replied.

“I’m going to tell her you said that.”, Lexie giggled again.

“Fine by me.”, I answered, going back to the menu.

We had a nice conversation during dinner and Lexie filled me in about her past week on the night shift. We finished up and headed out the door to the car parked on the side. We both got into the vehicle and closed the doors. As I pulled out of the parking lot, Lexie slid over towards me and rested her hand on my upper thigh. It had been a while since we had been together and just the feel of her hand was getting to me.

We were not even inside of the house when Lexie went to her unit and retrieved her two-way radio. She followed me in the house several minutes later coming into the kitchen where I was pouring two glasses of iced tea. Of course, she had already turned the radio on and was listening to the calls. I found it odd that on her days off she still monitored what was going on in the city. I had thought that she would want a break from all of that, at least I know I would. I handed her of tea and made my way to the sofa. She followed me into the living room and sat down next to me placing the radio on the coffee table in front of me. I guess she noticed me looking at the radio.

“Everything ok?”, she asked.

‘Yes, everything is fine.”, I replied with a smile.

“So…. You gonna fuck me?”, Lexie asked, running her tongue along her lower lip.

“Do you need to be fucked?”, I replied.

“Uh huh.”, she said softly.

She stood up and extended her hand which I took immediately. I got off the sofa and followed her to my bedroom. We walked across the floor to the bed where she began taking off her clothing. I followed suit and we were soon pressed against each other under the sheets. She pushed me over on my back and quickly straddled me. She lifted up and pushed my cock to her wet entrance and slowly lowered herself down on me.

“Fuck, that feels so good.”, she exclaimed, arching her back.

She slowly began to move back on forth on me looking down directly into my eyes. She was extremely wet and being inside of her felt incredible. She leaned forward and placed her hands on my chest and quickened her pace as her face started to turn dark pink. It had been quite a while since we had been in bed together and it seemed she was already working on her first orgasm. She leaned over and pressed her lips to mine pushing her tongue into my mouth. Seconds later she erupted into a massive, very wet orgasm that lasted for close to thirty seconds. As she came down completely, she rolled off of me and onto her back.

I move down the bed and got between her legs lowering my mouth to her drenched pussy. As soon as my tongue hit her clit, she arched her back in pleasure. I pushed my tongue deep inside of her tasting her sweet thick orgasm. Knowing Lexie like I did another orgasm was just around the corner.

However, it was hard to concentrate on giving Lexie pleasure with her radio on although it was turned down very low. Once I had her on her way to another orgasm I moved up and body and pushed my hard cock inside of her.

“Damn that feeling fucking good.”, she moaned.

I moved in and out of her slowly watching her facial expressions as she stared up at me. I made sure the top of my cock was stroking her clit on every thrust.

“You’re gonna make me cum again.”, Lexie moaned.

Suddenly there was a lot of chatter on the radio then a call saying there was a 10-999. Lexie froze suddenly and pushed me off of her.

“What’s wrong.”, I asked.

“That is the signal for an officer down…. I have to go.”, Lexie said, jumping out of bed scrambling for her clothes.

“You’re not on duty, Lex.”, I answered.

“You don’t understand…... I have to go.”, she shouted, running down the hallway.

Before I could even get up and put some clothes on her unit was out of the driveway. I’m not sure exactly how I felt at that point, but it was not a pleasant feeling. I was angry but mostly hurt that she would just disregard me that easily. I understand that she was concerned about one of her fellow officers but who has sex with their radio on?

I went to the bathroom and took a shower then turned the light off and went to bed. I woke up to the ringing of my cell phone. I looked at the screen and it was seventeen minutes after eight. It was Lexie calling me. I decided not to answer it still not sure how I felt about the whole situation. I got out of bed, dressed and headed to the gym to work out. When I got to the gym, I turned my phone off and placed it in my locker.

I was able to spar with Master Garcia for about forty-five minutes then hit the weights. I did a complete circuit which is something I rarely do. After three hours with the weights, I went downstairs to take a shower.

After changing back into my clothes, I looked at my phone and noticed that Lexie had called three more times. I was going to have to talk to her so I figured on the way home would be the perfect time. I got into my car and called her as I was pulling out of the parking lot.

“Hey Lexie, what’s up?”, I asked.

“Are you pissed at me?”, she asked right away.

“About what?”, I said, lying my ass off.

“About last night…… me running out.”, she answered.

“No why?”, I answered, lying again.

“Well, I called a bunch of times, and you did not answer.”, she started.

“I am leaving the gym. I’ve been here since early this morning. My phone was in my locker.”, I replied.

“Alright…. guess that makes sense. Anyway, I am going to the night shift until Friday. Maw Maw and Pops party is Saturday night so I guess I will see you there. I’m going there early to help my mom and dad set up so you can come whenever you’re ready.”, she informed me.

“Ok, I will see you there then.”, I replied hanging up.

I made the conscious decision shortly thereafter to let Lexie make the next move. It seemed to me like the more time and effort I put into our relationship the further she would pull away. I honestly was not sure what to make of it, but I knew I didn’t like it.

I did a lot of thinking that week and decided that after the anniversary party for her grandparents I was going to have a long talk with Lexie. I cared deeply about her and really felt she could be the love of my life. But she was going to have to step up to the plate so to speak. I guess I was not overly surprised that she didn’t call me until Friday night. She was basically just checking to see if I was still going to attend the party. I have no clue why she would think I would not.

I had bought a black suit and had two shirts altered for the event. I also bought a few ties and a new pair of dress shoes. I had to admit that the tailor did a great job on the suit and the shirts. I left my house at almost seven o’clock and drove across town to the hall when the reception was being held. I arrived about seven thirty and walked down the long hall and into the reception area. The room was huge and there were at least a hundred tables set up each having six chairs.

There was a stage at the front of the hall with a band on stage getting ready to play. As I was looking toward the front, I noticed Jennifer Thomas stand and wave me

The room was about half full as I made the walk to the front near the band. I could see both of Lexie’s parents, Maw Maw and Pops already seated. I did not see Lexie yet as I scanned the room. Jennifer got up and hugged me then kissed my cheek. I shook her dad’s hand then sat down next to Pop’s.

“We appreciate you being here Chris.”, Maw Maw stated.

“I wouldn’t have missed it for the world.”, I replied.

I noticed that Jennifer kept looking around and seemed extremely nervous. Jim Thomas as well seemed to be out of sorts. I looked over at Pop’s who was staring at me.

“Everything ok, Pops?”, I asked.

“No, not really son. Lexie’s ex-boyfriend is here with his parents. And since he showed up, he is monopolizing all her time. Give Cody his due, he can even screw up a wedding anniversary.”, Pop’s complained.

“Don’t worry about it…... this night is about you and Maw Maw. Enjoy yourselves.”, I said grabbing his hand.

After sitting there for several minutes, I saw Lexie come up from behind the stage with a tall lanky guy in tow. Of course, that had to be Cody. Lexie was wearing a mid-thigh white lace dress and white heels. She looked stunning and she took my breath away. She looked nervous as she approached me. I stood up and walked a few feet hugging her. I made a special point to kiss her on the lips so he could see it.

“Uh Chris, this is Cody.”, she said, weakly.

“Hello Cody, nice to meet you.”, I said, shaking his hand.

He was maybe two inches taller than I was but very thin. He mumbled something to me then turned and walked away. Lexie looked over her shoulder then sat down across the table from me facing her grandparents. Lexie as well seemed extremely nervous.

“You look beautiful tonight, Lexie.”, I stated, reaching over, and taking her hand.

“Oh, thank you.”, she replied.

The band started playing for the next thirty minutes or so everyone at the table just talked about how nice everything was. Finally, the band played a slower song and Lexie’s parents got up and headed to the dance floor. Several other couples got up and joined them. Before I even thought about asking Lexie to dance, Cody walked over to the table and asked her. She looked over at me with nervous eyes.

“Uh, do you mind if I dance with Cody?”, she asked.

“No Lexie, I don’t mind. It’s up to you.”, I replied.

Lexie got up and walked to the dance floor with Cody which surprised her mother and father. Jennifer looked over at me with complete disbelief in her eyes. She apparently was so distraught she ended the dance with her husband and returned to the table. She sat down and leaned in my direction.

“Chris, you’re going to allow this to happen?”, she said softly.

“Well, there is not much I can do about it is there. I am not going to cause trouble at Maw Maw and Pops anniversary celebration. Don’t worry about it if Lexie wants to dance with him. Tonight, is not about Lexie and I, enjoy yourselves and ignore him.”, I replied.

“I would bust his ass myself.”, Pops stated.

“Oh, hush you.”, Maw Maw said chiming in.

Thankfully, everyone let it go for the time being. The one thing that struck me as strange was the way Lexie was looking at him. She was looking directly into his eyes, and they whispered to each as they were dancing. Her gaze really seemed intimate, and I really did not remember her ever looking at me like that. The other thing I noticed was instead of him having his hand on the small of her small or her waist, it was lower resting on the top of her ass, which seemed strange. They danced to two complete songs before he walked her back to the table. Jennifer and Jim Thomas were furious, the look on their faces said it all. He quickly walked back to the table where his parents were sitting.

Everyone at our table was getting up and heading to the buffet table to get something to eat. I got up and helped Maw Maw to the table. She was sometimes a little unsteady on her feet and having someone she could hold on to came in handy. I helped her fix her plate then returned with her and Pop’s to the table. I did noticed Cody staring at me as I was helping Maw Maw get across the floor. Honestly, after my history with the guys at school the last thing I needed was another feud brewing.

After she was seated, I headed back to buffet and fixed myself a plate. I went back to the table and sat down noticing that Lexie and her mom were engaged in what looked like a very tense conversation. I kept my head down and ate making conversation with Pops from time to time. I was beginning to feel very awkward. It felt like…... well, I was not really supposed to be here. Like I was the one intruding on this family.

The band was taking a break so most of the crowd was surrounding the buffet table or eating. After finishing the conversation with her mother, Lexie rejoined me at the table.

“You ok, Lex. You seem to be stressing out.”, I asked.

“It’s my mother…… she is driving me crazy.”, she admitted.

“About what?”, I replied, not looking up from my plate.

“We can talk about it later tonight….”, she said her voice trailing off.

“Would you like to dance?”, I asked Lexie.

“In a minute or so.”, she replied with a weak smile.

“Sure, excuse me for a second, I’m headed to the restroom.”, I stated, getting up.

I walked across the floor into the restroom and used the facilities. I then cleaned up at the sink and started back into the reception hall. As I exited the door walking back to the front of the hall, I noticed that once again, Lexie was dancing with Cody. She had that same look on her face and his hand was once again on the top of her ass. I had absolutely no idea what Lexie was thinking but it sure as hell wasn’t about me. It was time for me to leave before something bad happened that could not be walked back. I walked over to our table and took my jacket off the back of my chair and put it on. I leaned over to the anniversary couple.

“Maw Maw and Pops, thank you for inviting me and I wish you many more years of happiness. Thank you for letting me be a part of this.”, I said softly.

“You’re leaving so early…...”, Maw Maw said reaching out for my hand.

“Yes ma’am.”, I replied, holding her hand.

“Chris, please don’t leave…… let me do….”, Jennifer started.

“I don’t blame you son. I’m ashamed of my own granddaughter. You deserve better son and I hope you find it.”, Pops stated, cutting Jennifer off.

I nodded to him then turned and walked away. I not sure Lexie even noticed that I was gone. By the time I got to the parking lot, I knew she wasn’t coming after me. As I pulled out of the parking lot, I took once long look back but still no sign of Lexie.

I drove straight home, shower and went to bed. I turned all of the lights off and turned off my cell phone. I was not in the mood for a talk with Lexie, even if she had the nerve to call. It took me hours to fall asleep, I couldn’t get her out of my head. Lexie had admitted the heartbreak she went through when Cody walked away but it appeared she was doing everything and anything to get him back. Not to mention doing it in front of my face. Maybe, I was wrong for walking out like I did but seeing her with him was tough. I really thought Lexie and I had something but maybe her old life was too appealing. After all, they had been together for ten years before I met her.

I woke up the following morning to the sun streaming into the bedroom. I looked at the clock and it was seven thirty. I got up and dressed for the gym. I grabbed my phone and noticed that Jennifer Thomas had called me twice and Lexie had called once around two in the morning. Neither of them left a message so I turned the phone off again. I worked out hard that morning and felt good taking my shower. Since I didn’t have a class until Monday, I headed to the store and bought some groceries. I went home and put them up. I took a nap and them watched tv late in Sunday night.

I worked out later Monday since I had a night class at seven. I breezed through my class and packed up at about nine leaving the gym. My car was parked on the side of the building. As I went to unlock my driver’s door, I heard a noise behind me. But before I could turn the lights went out.
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