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A slow build up over several chapters as they gradually succumb to their taboo desires. Warning: Sexual interactions in a carer-patient or family relationship can be fun in stories and fantasies. In real life it is entirely different. It is often causing trauma and pain. Seek help from a professional if needed.
A day has passed and Ava has been in a good mood. I have a feeling the pleasant shaving experience has something to do with it. I do feel bad that I got so aroused while shaving her, but looking at her body language, her wetness and aroused clit – there’s hardly any doubt that she enjoyed it. I do feel sorry for her as she can’t masturbate due to the splints on her arms. After all, it's a basic human need. I feel like I have done the right thing by her.

At the same time I can’t ignore that I got extremely aroused while shaving her. It bothers me. I couldn’t resist touching her pussy. I rested my fingers on her. I even pushed my finger against her opening, entering her. Yes, I entered her just the tiniest bit, just a small part of my fingertip, but still - it hurts me to think about it, to even finish the thought. I really shouldn’t have done this. I’m her father after all. Shaving her, making her cum in the process - I’ve been trying to tell myself I’m doing the right thing, but the truth is that I’m bothered by it. I’m wondering how she feels about it. I, her father, made her cum. That is so wrong. Absolutely not accepted socially. I hope no one will ever find out about this.

And I can’t stop thinking about how this shaving experience must have felt from Ava’s perspective. She was clearly aroused - I saw her wetness, her enlarged clitoris. Is it just a mechanical reflex? What was she thinking about? Was she imagining someone else shaving her, giving her pleasure? Her ex-boyfriend? A crush of hers? Or did she accept that I, her father, was giving her this pleasure?

In my defence - when I realised that she got more and more aroused during the shaving process - I did step in. I stopped shaving the area around her clit and told her the shave was done. But she insisted that I continued. Was it really because of the stubble remaining in that area? Or did she want me to continue because of the sexual pleasure?

I’m so confused. I don’t know what to make of this situation. On one hand I feel like I’m doing the right thing, trying to make Ava happy. But on the other hand this feels so wrong. It feels like for some reason Ava wants me to be sexually close to her. It feels like she wants me to have sexual experiences with her - under the pretence of nudism, of cuddling with her, of shaving her private parts. Is this how she deals with the grief of the loss of her mother? Is the grief clouding her judgement? Are the sexual experiences with me a break and relief from her grief, from her physical pain? After all, her arms and legs have been injured and she is certainly suffering.

I keep wondering if her sexual desires are directed towards me personally or if she chooses me purely because I’m available, because I’m the only person physically close to her while she’s in this bed-ridden, socially isolated state. It seems that her teenage sexual urges are strong, most likely stronger than average and it’s natural that she seeks sexual relief. I know how unpleasant it feels if I don’t orgasm for a long time. The sensation is almost painful and - as bad as it sounds - does need to be taken care of.

I also feel that I’m enabling her. I pushed the tips of my fingers against her opening and her butt hole - utterly unnecessary for the shaving process. I did it purely because I was overcome with lust, with sexual desire for her. I am certainly not an innocent bystander. And Ava is certainly not dumb. She must have noticed that I gently massaged her inner lips with my fingers, that my shaving motions were sensual, massaging her clit. She also must have noticed my thumb pressing against her anus. Oh my! The more I think about it, the more I try to see this from Ava’s perspective, the more I realise that Ava must be aware of my sexual longing for her. That I wasn’t subtle about this at all.

Are we both just pretending? Pretending that nothing sexual is happening? That this is all just part of a normal father-daughter relationship, part of a normal patient-carer relationship? I should stop this right now, but I must admit that I haven’t felt this much sexual excitement in a long time. And I am well aware that I’m overcome with pain and grief because we lost our loved Debbie, my partner, her mom. I am weakened by this loss. I can’t think clearly. It feels like I’m driving further and further down the wrong path but I’m too weak to turn around.

A few more days have passed and Ava’s mood has deteriorated. She’s been cranky for several days now, complaining about pain in her splinted arms and she seems to be in a general low mood, suffering. It pains me so much to see her like this. We’ve tried to sit her or lie her down in different positions but she doesn’t feel any pain relief. I’m at a loss of what to do. Today is the day for Ava’s bed bath. I have removed the bed sheet covering her and she’s lying in front of me, nude, as she had numerous times before. I’m commencing to give Ava her bed-bath, about to wipe her beautifully tanned body with a wet towel, sitting next to her, on the edge of the bed.

As my glance briefly strafes her face I’m noticing a deeply unhappy expression on Ava’s face. “Everything ok, darling? Are your arms in pain again? Is there something I can help you with? ” Ava doesn’t say anything for a moment, then I’m hearing: “Yes dad, my arms are in a lot of pain today.” Ava pauses for a bit. She looks like she’s searching for words: “I really do appreciate all the work you’re doing for me. I know it puts a lot of strain on you.” I didn't expect Ava to say that. I’m stopping my wiping motion and looking at her face: “It’s nothing darling. I’m gladly caring for you.”

“Thanks dad. It’s just…” Ava is looking for words again: “I’m missing the warmth I got from mom. I’ve already mentioned this before. Mom and I, we bonded, especially when we did our nudist activities together. She hugged me, cuddled with me. I really miss that. I only realise now after she’s gone, how much I miss that.” Ava is looking even sadder now. Are her eyes tearing up? “Oh honey, I totally get that. You’ve touched on this subject already before. Am I still not doing it right, I mean bonding with you, giving you warmth?” “You’re taking great care of me, dad. Feeding me, washing me, shaving me. I really appreciate it. But it feels sterile. It often feels like I’m a patient.”

I can’t help but feel hurt. I’m doing all these things for her and Ava is still not happy. “I’m sorry Ava, I didn’t realise.” “That’s alright, dad.” “How can I do better?” “I’ve already told you. My best memories with mom are when we did nudist activities together. It felt so free, so light and cosy to be nude together and to cuddle. Now, I’m nude and you’re wearing clothes. It’s almost like you’re a doctor. It feels like you’re on a different level, disconnected from me. I can’t feel the warmth. I need some cuddles and hugs. Especially now that mom’s gone. The wound of her loss is so fresh.” Ava starts sobbing, tears are running down her cheeks. I’m hugging her, holding her, giving her a kiss on her cheek: “Oh, honey.”

“Dad, would you mind? You know, cuddle with me again like I did with mom?” I’m tensing up: “Um… you know how difficult that is for me. We cuddled nude before like you wanted and there was a hiccup. I’m scared I’ll embarrass myself again.” Ava continues sobbing: “That’s so unfair. Just because you’re afraid of embarrassing yourself I’m deprived of affection. I really wish you weren’t so stuck up and more comfortable with nudity! I really wish mom was still here!” Ava continues to cry. I can’t stand seeing her like this. I need to pull myself together.

“Ava, you mean everything to me you know that.” No response from Ava. “I’ll give it another shot, alright?” Ava still doesn’t respond. Her eyes are closed, surrounded by tear stains. She’s still upset. I’m realising I still need to finish the bed-bath: “But first I need to finish your bed-bath, honey. Then we can-“ Ava interrupts and bursts out: ”That’s exactly what I mean! Why do you first need to finish the bed-bath? It's so sterile, affection-less! Can’t you just cuddle with me and wash me while cuddling? I think you just don’t get this!” Ava turns away from me lying on her side in foetal position.

“I’m sorry, Ava. I didn’t mean to upset you. This is all new to me. I’m a bit slow to learn, be patient with me, ok?” My mind is racing. Ava wants me to cuddle with her again, nudist style? I am really not comfortable with it. The hiccup last time scared the hell out of me. But she’s so upset. It breaks my heart. “I’ll try and work on it, ok? Just please be patient with me. Being nude is so new to me. Honestly it makes me extremely uncomfortable but I want to work on it because I know that it means so much to you. I’ll give it another shot, ok? Let me just get my shirt-“ “Thanks, dad,” Ava interrupts, with a low, still sulking voice. She’s still in a foetal position turned away from me, nude as usual. I can see her butt crack and pussy lips between her thighs. She looks so vulnerable.

I’m removing my shirt, shorts and undies. I’m completely nude now. On the bright side, I’m so uncomfortable and distressed by Ava’s low mood, I’m zero aroused. My dick is soft. I’m glad about that. I really want to be able to cuddle with Ava without getting aroused. I’m trying to brighten the mood: “I’m a nudist now, cuddles incoming!” I’m lying down on my side next to Ava, putting one arm under her neck, wrapping it across her breasts, resting my hand on her arm. I’m closing my embrace with my other arm. I’m resting my head against her neck, pushing my torso against her back. “You’re right, darling. This does feel super cosy,” I’m saying with a soft, low voice, as my moving lips are brushing against her neck. “This is so good, dad! I really missed it. Reminds me of mom!” Ava’s mood seems to have improved quickly. She’s rocking her body left and right a few times from joy.

I’m noticing that my limp dick is resting between Ava’s soft, round butt cheeks. I’m so glad I’m soft. We keep spooning for a bit and I’m starting to brush my hand through her hair: “I love you, darling.” “I love you too, dad.” She’s right. It is great to feel someone else’s body warmth against your skin. Feelings of content and cosiness are streaming through my body. “Aah, so nice!” I’m hearing Ava say again. “Let me just turn around, the splint of the arm I’m lying on is getting sore.” “Sure darling.” Ava turns around, facing me now. She pushes her breasts against my chest. I’m putting my hand on the small of her back, pushing her close to me.

We continue cuddling, slightly adjusting our position. I’m lying on my back now, Ava’s face resting on my chest, her breasts pushing against my body. I’m hugging her with one arm around her shoulders. “Dad, my arm splint is still hurting like this. Would you mind helping me adjust my position?” “Of course, darling.” “Please turn me over like this.” “How does this feel darling?” “A bit better, dad. Just a bit more. Yes, that’s it. Oh my, this is so comfortable! My arms can just dangle. No pressure at all.”

Before I know what’s happening, I’m lying on my back and Ava is lying centered on top of me, resting her upper body on mine. Her splinted arms are dangling down left and right of me. Her belly and breasts are in full contact with me and her head is resting sideways against my neck. Her silky hair feels cool against my skin and I can feel her warm breath as she’s talking. Most disturbingly, she has spread her legs. They are on both sides of my hips. Her knees and the lower part of her legs are resting on the mattress. My limp dick is lying flat against my belly. That wouldn’t be an issue, but it is sandwiched between me and Ava’s body. There’s no denying it. She has straddled me in the cowgirl position, resting her upper body against mine. I’m unconsciously holding my breath and my whole body is tensing up. This is so wrong.

“This position is so pleasant for my arms. They’re completely unencumbered. I haven’t felt this relieved in so long! Do you mind if we stay like this for a bit? You can continue with my bed-bath if you like. You can reach the towels and pans, they’re just here and you can easily wash my back and legs.” I’m feeling trapped. I’m not comfortable with this position at all. Her gorgeous body pushed against mine like this, feeling her perfectly soft breasts, feeling her inner thighs and groin against my skin – it’s a lot to take in. I’m feeling her flat belly pushing against mine, rhythmically with each of her breaths.

I’m focussing, thinking about how upset Ava was just a few moments ago. If I don’t play along she’ll most likely unleash a whirlwind of drama on me - I know her that well. I’m noticing I’m still holding my breath. I’m breathing out, briefly but strongly. Now I’m taking a deep breath in, then breathing out slowly. “Are you ok, dad?” “Um… I’m just trying to get used to this position. It’s somewhat unusual, isn’t it?” Ava pauses for a few moments, then replies: “Yeah, I guess. It really helps my arms though. I’m surprised. For the first time in almost a week I'm feeling pain relief. Can you believe that?” I can’t help but doubt what Ava’s saying. Is she really feeling pain relief? Or is that just an excuse for ending up in this sexual position with me? I’m playing along: “I’m really happy for you. I can’t imagine what pain you’re going through.”

I’m taking in her scent. I’m smelling the floral shampoo on her hair, mixed with a slightly sweaty odour. There is a reason why today is the day for her bed bath. Her body lying on top of me feels so warm, so soft! I can’t believe her bare breasts are pressed against my chest! It feels so heavenly!

Slowly I’m getting used to this position. I’m starting to enjoy it. I’m trying to relax. I’m closing my eyes, focussing on the sensation of her young body against mine. I’m feeling the urge to touch her. I want to feel her womanly curves with my hands. I’m raising my arms, hugging Ava. One arm on her upper back, the other on her lower back. I’m pushing her closer to me. I can feel her breasts more intensely now against my chest.

“I’m slowly getting used to this position. Who would have thought. How are your arms? Still feeling good?” “Yes, dad. This position really takes the pressure off my shoulders because my arms are dangling freely down your sides. My shoulders have been so sore from the splints around my arms. The splints must be good for healing my injury but they certainly aren’t comfortable. Also, I’ve been sitting so much and lying on my back a lot. My lower back, my tailbone and butt are really sore. It is so good to lie on my belly for a change.” “Great,” I’m replying.

I’m feeling waves of arousal washing through my body. This cowgirl position is so sexual! I can’t shake it off. I am noticing that my member is slowly filling with blood, still squashed by Ava’s lower abdomen. I’m thinking “Oh no!” but at the same time the urge to keep touching Ava is becoming unbearable. I’m lifting my arms and run my fingers across Ava’s shoulders: “Is this where you’re sore from the splints?” “A bit closer to the neck, dad.” “Here?” “Yes, that’s the spot.” “Do you think it would help if I massaged you - gently?” Ava is pausing for a few moments, then: “Not sure, only one way to find out. But please be careful dad, ok?” “Sure, honey. Just let me know immediately if it hurts, ok?” “Ok.”

I’m gently putting some pressure on Ava’s shoulders and work my way around her neck, massaging her softly. Ava exhales deeply. “Are you Ok darling?” “Yes dad, thanks. This does feel good.” I’m putting my hands on her shoulders and start applying more pressure, massaging her with rhythmic motions, up and down. Her upper body is rocking from my massage and I feel her lower body rocking slightly as well - ever so gently massaging my dick. I’m exhaling abruptly from pleasure. I’m so embarrassed. “How does this feel darling? Too much pressure?” “It’s fine, dad. Actually it feels great. I’m barely feeling any pain anymore, not even soreness.” I’m noticing Ava is breathing more heavily too. I am feeling with growing concern that my dick is swelling up, pushing against Ava’s abdomen.

This is so bad. Ava must feel my semi-hard dick by now. I am so embarrassed, but I don’t dare to say anything about that. “Dad, would you mind also massaging my lower back, my tailbone and butt? I’ve been so sore for days and your massage really seems to help.” Oh my goodness! Did she read my thoughts? There’s nothing more I want to do now than feel her young body and her womanly curves. And she has just given me the perfect excuse to do so. My heart is starting to pound faster. My dick is now hard, pulsating against Ava’s body. I’m so horny, feeling so much excitement and pleasure! I can’t think clearly anymore!

“Sure darling. Just let me know immediately if you’re in pain or not comfortable with my massage, ok?” “Yep, will do, dad.” I’m slowly sliding my hands down from her shoulders along her petite body, feeling her soft skin, her narrow waist, further down to her buttcheeks. My dick is getting rock hard and I’m struggling to hide that I’m breathing more heavily now. I’m making a circle with both hands on her buttcheeks taking in her perfect, round, heart-shaped ass. So far, there has mostly been a towel between my hands and Ava’s body when I washed her. Now, I can feel her incredible young body with my bare hands. What a feeling. I’m involuntarily contracting my dick from pleasure. I think I’m oozing precum now.

I start making circling motions with both of my hands, feeling her butt-cheeks, moving up to her waist, carefully sliding down again, across her tailbone - then repeat. Her body is gently moving with my massaging motions up and down, up and down, massaging my dick. I’m closing my eyes. This feels so good! I’m in heaven! My heart is racing. Adrenaline is pumping through my whole body. “How is the pressure, darling? Do you want me to go softer or harder or keep it the same?” As I’m listening for Ava’s response I’m noticing that she’s breathing heavily too. As Ava is opening her mouth her breathing is even louder. “Can you try a bit more pressure, dad?” “Ok, darling.”

I’m putting more pressure on her butt, pushing her down onto me, moving her rhythmically back and forth. She’s moving just a little but I’m feeling so much pleasure now on my dick! Oh my goodness! “How does that feel, darling?” “Not bad, dad” Ava replies “let me just adjust my position a little.” Ava adjusts the angle of her hips and suddenly I’m feeling warm wetness at the base of my shaft. Oh my god! Is this her wet pussy I’m feeling? Just the thought excites me so much, I’m getting closer to cumming. I keep massaging her and she’s rocking back and forth on my shaft, just a little.

“Is this better, Ava?” “Yeah this feels better, dad,” Ava replies with a dreamy voice. Ava’s breathing is getting heavier and it doesn’t take long until she starts tensing up. Oh my goodness! Is this the herald of her orgasm? Is she that horny? Is she going to cum as she’s grinding her clit against my shaft? I can’t believe this is happening! I’m so excited now, I can barely hold myself back from cumming. I’m taking it all in. The sensation of her wet, warm pussy sliding up and down my shaft in minute but noticeable motions, her full breasts pressing against my chest and her soft ass-cheeks in my hands. The feel of her velvety, youthful skin against mine. I’m in paradise and feeling so much pleasure!

I’m noticing how Ava is pushing her groin firmer against my shaft. Oh my goodness! Am I feeling the firm knob of her clit? I can barely contain blowing my load! This is so wrong but feels so right! Suddenly Ava starts spasming and breathes erratically, close to my ear. Oh my god! This is it! She’s cumming already! I’m enjoying every bit of her orgasm as Ava’s body is twitching on top of me. I feel like I’m the luckiest person on earth to witness this. I’m running my fingers up and down her body, sensually, along her tiny waist, circling her butt cheeks until her spasms slowly ebb away. Ava relaxes her body and just lies on top of me now, breathing slowly and deeply.

I’m pretending I didn’t notice anything unusual and announce: “I’m gonna rest my hands for a bit, they’re a bit sore from the massage. Is that ok with you?” “M-hm” Ava replies with a drowsy voice. I’m resting one hand across the lower end of her soft, round butt-cheeks and the other on the back of her head, caressing her hair and gently massaging her scalp. I am both surprised and happy to notice that my dick is slowly returning to its normal size.

I’m grabbing the wet towel and I’m finally giving Ava her bed bath. As I’m turning her around to wash the front of her body, I can’t resist but taking a closer look at her crotch. Her wetness is smeared all over her pussy, glistening. I’m cleaning her up and cuddle with her. I’m noticing that my dick is still limp. I’m so glad about that. I did get carried away again this time, but at least towards the end I regained my composure. And Ava seems very happy. That matters the most. “Thank you, dad. I’m feeling so much better now. Sorry I was so grumpy before.” “That’s alright darling - being in pain isn’t easy.” “Love you, dad.” “Love you too.”

Copyright Normann Blaze 2022

Please let me know if you like the story and if you'd like me to write more chapters. It will motivate me :) thank you


2023-02-10 07:25:23
Love the chapters and story. I'd like to see the pace quicken between them.


2023-02-07 03:46:35
Love all your stories. I wait anxiously for each new chapter. Keep going, please.

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