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Yo. Here's something I wrote. Hope you enjoy.
“Thanks again for agreeing to this, Mae,” Chelsea says, leading me into their kitchen, “And I’m so sorry that this was so sudden. You probably had other plans. I feel terrible.”

I chuckle before saying,

“It’s no issue at all. Do you remember who you’re talking to? The only thing you’re depriving me of is sitting around, flipping through my list of things to watch, while waiting for my check to process. Plus, I’ve been dying to meet the little scamp, anyways. Trust me, it’s no issue.”

“Ok, I’ll take your word for it. Now, he’s struggling with social studies and science. He just can’t seem to click with those subjects. I really hope you can get him to really focus on this.”

“I mean, it can’t be that hard. Just need to find his interests, implement them into the lessons, and he’s as good as the next grade. Easy peasy.”

“You’re a lifesaver. Oh! Also, his bedtime is 9:30, food is in the fridge when he gets hungry, since he failed his last test, he can’t have any dessert, and electronics stay off until he’s got everything down pact.”

“Gotcha. Anything else?”

“No. I think that’s it. And you’re sure you’ve got this?”

“Chelsea, you’re talking to the 2015 valedictorian of Travis Lane High, the 10th place winner of the national trivia bowl, “the greatest teacher’s assistant” according to a bunch of high schoolers, and a professional pineapple eater. I assure you, this is nothing.”

“You’re right. You’re right. I’m sorry. I just wanna be sure.”

“I get it. Which is why you need this day to yourself. You need to relax. You worry too much. Your son’s in safe hands and I’m a qualified tutor...well, not officially, but you know what I mean.”

She laughs at my joke, making me even prouder of it.

“Yeah,” she says, “I’m too deep in my own head. I just need time to myself.”

“That’s the spirit,” I agree, “Now, go. Get outta that head of yours. Get your hair did. Look at some art. Get a massage. Hit on some guys at a bar. Get some scented candles. Take a nice herbal bath. Smoke some weed. I don’t care. Do something. RELAX!!!”

She laughs again, saying,

“I’ll weigh those options.”

“Awesome,” I say, gently shoving her out, “Now, out.”

“Alright, I’m goin’, I’m goin’.”

We exchange goodbyes before she gets into her car and heads off. Poor lady. Always so paranoid. I hope this getaway can help her with that.

Moments pass and I hear the all too familiar sound of the school bus approaching, stopping, and dropping off the little kiddies. God, I hate that sound. Reminds me of when I was in school. I’m just glad I don’t have to go through any of it ever again. I’m done. I’m free.

Not long after the bus peels off, the front door opens and shuts. That must be Jacob now. I hear him close the door and walk towards the kitchen. And that’s when he hits my line of sight. Holy fuck. He’s such a cutie. Why didn’t she tell me he was this damn cute? I mean, it’s a nice surprise, but still.

And judging from his expression from seeing me, it would seem he likes the way I look, too. I mean, obviously. But it’s not hard to deduce where the main attraction to him is. I mean, his eyes are practically glued to my chest. It’s so cute. He has no idea what subtlety is.

“Hey, there,” I say, grabbing his attention, “I’m your new tutor. My name’s Mae. Your mom wants to ensure that you fully grasp the subjects at hand and that’s exactly what we’re gonna work on.”

“U-uh...huh?” Jacob replies, barely able to say anything cohesive,

“You sure have a way with words,” I reply with a chuckle, “You must have to fight the girls off with a stick.”

He doesn’t respond. He just stands there, blushing. Not much of a talker, is he? Oh, this is gonna be so much fun.

“Alright, daylight’s burnin’. Your mom’s out to cool her head. She’ll be back at around 11 and if you’re not caught up on everything and in bed by then, she’ll have my head. So let’s get started, shall we?”

He nods, saying,


He then heads over to the table, placing his book bag down. We take out his assignments and we get started. I ask him some light answers on his worksheets and unsurprisingly, he’s completely clueless. It doesn’t take a scientist to realize he’s very capable of knowing the answers. He’s not stupid. He just couldn’t care less about the subjects. Been there, buddy.

“Ok,” I say after asking a fair bit of questions, “So...nothing you said was right. But it’s ok. That’s why I’m here. So let me ask you this: what do you think the problem is?”

He takes a moment to think it over before saying,

“I don’t know. I just don’t get it. It’s like, I read it, but I just get really bored.”

Hmm. So that’s it, huh? Interesting. He just can’t function with a bored brain. Well, that’s easy to fix.

“So science and history just aren’t fun for ya, huh?” I ask,

“Not really,” he replies,

“Alright. And do you think they’ll ever interest you?”

“No. They’re just so boring.”

Alright, then. Time to change your mind, kid. I grab the bottom of my t-shirt before lifting it above my head, leaving only my bra covering my chest. Jacob gives me a look of pure shock and awe in response. Well, look who was wrong, little boy.

“So,” I start, pointing to both of my tits, “These two are a part of what we humans like to call human anatomy, which is a form of science. And this little piece of fabric that compliments them so well was the idea of a lovely lady named Herminie Cadolle back in the 1800s. You find all of that interesting, don’t you?”

He only manages to nod his little head. I giggle before saying,

“See? Both subjects can be interesting. But you’ll never know how until you actually learn about them. So here’s what’s gonna happen: I’m gonna give you a moment to freshen up your knowledge on these subjects. When I come back, I’m gonna quiz you on everything. Do a good enough job and maybe you’ll get a reward.”

I lean closer to him, staring directly into his overwhelmed eyes, cementing my proposal by whispering,

“Does that sound good?”

Once again, his delicate little mind is too awestruck to respond with words, so he nods his head.

“Good boy,” I say before giving him a peck on his cheek to seal the deal.

I then stand up and head out of the kitchen and into the living room, leaving Jacob with his newfound motivation. Just like I thought. His head just needed a bit of steering in the right direction for some favorable results to show. And she was so paranoid that I wouldn’t be able to do this. I’m almost offended.

A couple hours pass and I decide to see if any knowledge got crammed in that head of his. If not, I’ll have my ways of ensuring it does. I put down my book and head over to the kitchen, discovering that he’s still hard at work. Aww, I’m potentially creating an overachiever. My greatness just knows no bounds. But now’s the time to see if he’s learned anything. So I sneak up behind him, bringing my hands to his eyes.

“Time’s up, baby boy,” I say, “No more reading. Now you’re gonna regurgitate the info. So I’ll be taking that.”

I grab his notes and worksheets from the table, patting them on it to organize them better.

“And you’re gonna show me what you’ve learned,” I continue, “But before any of that, I need you to do something first. See, I kinda gave you a freebie earlier. You got an eyeful of my chest. I mean, yeah, it’s covered, but still. You’re gonna need to return the favor. It’s only fair. So off with the shirt.”

He hesitates, thinking about my request. No doubt, he’s thinking of all the stranger danger propaganda that’s been hammered in his head a billion times at this point. But if I know one thing about a prepubescent boy, it’s that no matter how many times you preach to them about the “bad touch”, they’re ultimately gonna toss that ideology out the window when presented with the opportunity. And just as expected, he does just that, grabbing the bottom of his shirt and pulling it above his head and tossing it to the floor.

Jeez, look at that sexy little body. I might just say fuck it and pounce on him right now. His look of embarrassment isn’t doing me any favors, either. Please, let this boy get every fucking question right. I gotta have him. But that’s later. This is now. So I take a moment to calm myself, getting my mind back on the task at hand.

“Good boy,” I encourage, “Now, this is how this is gonna go: I ask you the questions, you answer them. Get them correct, you’ll be rewarded. Get three wrong, you get nothing. Got it?”

“Y-yes,” he says.

Fuck, he’s just the cutest thing when he’s nervous.

“Ok. So first, we’ll keep the trend from earlier going. We do social studies first and then we move onto science. Ready?”

He nods his head.

“Good. Question 1: what is the meaning of geography?”

“’s...the study of...the earth and its inhabitants.”

“Very good.”

I take off my shoes.

“Next, who was the 4th president of the United States?”

“Ja-...James Madison.”


I slide my pants down my body, leaving me in just my underwear. I look back at Jacob who’s absolutely starstruck at the gorgeous specimen in front of him. I then notice a little tint in his pants from the sight of my perfect body. I want it so fucking bad.

“Alrighty,” I continue, “Last question: what are the 7 continents?”

He takes a moment to really concentrate. Come on, I believe in you. Get this right so the real fun can start.

“Ok...ok,” he starts, “North America...South America...umm...uh...Europe! Europe...”

I remove both straps of my bra and reach behind myself, unhooking it from my back, causing it to fall directly to the floor. And once it does, Jacob’s jaw follows. His eyes are just fixated on my wonderful d cup tits. He’s so sweet. I’ll just let him have a moment to enjoy his prize.

A few moments pass and I feel myself being affected by his gaze. It’s just making me wanna rock his little world even more. My self control is just diminishing by the second. SO we kinda need to move this along before I completely lose it.

“Last 4, baby boy,” I say, snapping him out of his trance,

“O-oh...right...umm...North, South, Europe...Asia...”

I pull at the lace on my panties, loosening the knot and they fall onto the floor, leaving me completely exposed before sitting on the table right in front of him and slightly spreading my legs. Jacob’s face immediately turns into a scarlet red at the sight of my exposed pussy. I can practically see his heart beating through his chest.

“Three more,” I remind him,

“Y-yeah...uh...wait...hang on...Europe and two ways and the last four are just the a’s...Asia, Africa, Australia, and...Antarctica.”

That has to be the most adorable way to remember anything in the history of remembrance. God, I’m gonna ride this boy so fucking hard.

“Perfect,” I say, “Now, it’s your turn. Get outta those clothes.”

He wastes no time, standing up and unbuttoning and unzipping his little shorts and sliding them down along with his underwear. And there it is. Look at that adorable little dick. Fuck, I just want it inside of me. No. No. Just a bit more time. Just a few more questions. A few questions more, baby boy. Then, you’re all mine. But I guess you deserve something for a perfect score.

“Alright,” I say, spreading my legs more, “So before you came home, your mom said you couldn’t have any dessert because you failed your test. But if you promise me that you’ll keep all of this just between us, then I’ll just look the other direction. But you can’t tell a soul about this. Nobody. You promise?”

“Y-yeah, I promise,” he says with haste,

“Good boy,” I say with a giggle, bringing two fingers to my soaking wet pussy and spreading my lower lips, “Well, it’s right here. All for you. Enjoy, baby boy.”

He moves closer to me, practically salivating at the tasty treat in front of him before finally making contact with his little tongue. Fuck, that feels so good. I bring a hand to the back of his head, pushing him further as he continues licking me. All I can do now is close my eyes and just let him do the rest. He’s so fucking good at this.

“That’s it,” I moan, “Enjoy your prize, baby boy. Lick it. Taste it. Savor it. You like how it tastes, huh? Well, it can be all yours every week. All you need to do is maintain good grades and keep your lips zipped about all of this. You can do that for me, right?”

He nods his head, never removing his mouth from my pussy. I giggle at his response before gently grinding it on his face.

“Yeah,” I continue, “I know you can. And I know you will. Because you love licking this pussy too much, right? You wouldn’t let anything get in the way of that. Oh, fuck. But that’s not the only thing you have to look forward to.”

I pull his face away from me, taking a moment to compose myself. And as disheartening as it is to have to do so, I need to give him a bit more motivation in order to consistently get what I want. I then bring my foot to his chest, gently pushing him back with his chair, giving me enough room to slide off of the table and onto his lap, straddling him. I look him in the eyes, placing my hands on his shoulders before saying,

“There’s also this portion that I’m positive that you’re gonna absolutely love. And again, we can only do it if you perform better in school and not another soul is told about it.”

He nods his head in agreement, saying,

“Y-yes, ma’am.”

“Good boy.”

I then slowly move my hips, grinding my slit on his rock hard shaft, lightly gasping as I coat it with my wetness and his saliva. He feels even better than I thought he would. I can only imagine how he’d feel inside of me. But I need to be patient. He still needs to earn it. And now’s the time to do so.

“Feels good, yeah?” I ask, maintaining my slow and steady pace,

“Y-yeah,” he responds through light moans,

“You wanna feel even better?”


“Alright, then, baby boy, then tell me the three states of matter.”




“Uh huh.”


“Very good.”

I speed up my pace a bit.

“What’s a hypothesis?” I ask,

“A-a guess,” he replies,

“What kind of guess, sweetie?”

“Oh, guess.”

“Good boy.”

I speed up a bit more.

“What’s the center of an atom called?”

“Th-the nucleus.”

“There we go.”

I gradually slow down my movements, earning a look of confusion from him. I giggle before saying,

“Be patient. Just one more question and I’ll give you exactly what you want, ok?”

He nods his head.

“Good. Now, answer me this: what is the measurement of the amount of material contained in a particular object called?”

He takes a moment to think. I lean into his ear, whispering,

“You can do it, baby boy. I believe in you.”

“’s...mass, right?”

I don’t even bother answering his question. Partly because I just can’t wait any longer and mostly because I think the shocked look on his face would make it infinitely better. I lift my hips, positioning my entrance to the tip of his adorable cock before gently sliding down, moaning as he slowly slides inside of me. He tilts his head back, moaning with me as I take his virginity.

“I’m so proud of you,” I say, “You did so well. Now just let me take care of everything else.”

I give him a peck on the lips before firmly grasping his shoulders as I slowly move up and down his length, earning more moans from the both of us. Fuck, his moans are just so cute. And he’s gonna make those cute little noises for me whenever I want. He’s finally all mine. And I’m taking full advantage of it.

“How’s it feel, baby boy?” I moan before slightly quickening my pace, “How’s my pussy feel wrapped around you? Feels even better than having it grinding on you, doesn't it? Yeah, you like how I ride you like this, right? Yeah. Well, like I said, all you need to do for this to continue is be a good boy. You gonna be a good boy for me?”

I feel him twitch inside of me as he frantically nods and moans louder. He must really like that. Interesting.

“Ooo, someone has a favorite title,” I tease as I speed up even more, “You like being called a good boy? Yeah? It really gets you going, huh?”

I lean into his ear again, whispering,

“Good boy.”

He twitches again, moaning even louder. I chuckle at his cuteness as I roll my hips, making him reach even deeper inside of me. I moan louder as I move even faster, reaching for his little hands and guiding them right on my perfect ass. He gives it a squeeze, elevating the already overwhelming pleasure I’m getting from him.

“Say my name,” I moan out, “Be a good boy and say my name.”

“M-ms. Mae,” he moans,

“Just say Mae, baby. Just say Mae.”


“Louder. Say it louder. Please. I need to reeeally hear it.”


“That’s it, baby. Scream it. Yell it to me.”


Christ, this kid is doing things to me that I never thought were possible. Just him calling my name alone is enough to make me reach closer to my limit. And something tells me he’s not too far away from his.

“F-fuck!” I yell out, “O-ok, Jacob, listen to me, ok? Are you getting a very weird feeling inside?”


“Good. Now, this is what I need you to do. I just need you to move your hips up and down, ok? Can you do that for me?”

He nods his head before grabbing my ass tighter and obeying my command, thrusting his cock inside of me. I moan even louder, savoring the feeling of his shaft reaching even deeper inside of me.

“Yes!” I moan out, “Just like that! Don’t stop! Don’t stop! Fuck! Right there! More! Give it to me! Keep going! Oh, God, I’m almost there! I’m so close! I’m so close!”

Without thinking, I lean in, planting a deep kiss on his little mouth. This sends me over the edge as I wrap my arms around his little neck and burrow my head in his chest as I release my essence on his shaft, moaning louder than I ever have before. Best. Orgasm. Ever. But we’re not done yet. He needs to fill me up. So, maintaining my speed, I look him in the eyes and say,

“Good boy. Now it’s your turn. You’re gonna keep thrusting like this until you feel something strong hit you. I want you to cum for me, ok? That’s it, baby boy. Cum for me. Cum for me.”

His moans get louder and louder as I continue riding him. But after a few more thrusts, he lets out a loud moan before shooting his wonderful, warm, sticky cum inside of me. I love how it feels. No one’s ever felt this good before. I’m so fucking glad that this is my life. I can have this every week. And no one can say anything if they don’t know.

“Now...,” I say, catching my breath, “Remember...what I one hears about this...or we can’t do this anymore...Also...get your grades up...Are we clear?”

“Y-yes,” he says, still out of breath,

“Good boy. Cause if we wanna keep doing this, no one can know about this. Especi-”


jack simpsonReport 

2023-11-30 12:28:44
Loved this one!

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