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This story is an accounting of real events. Names, locations, and de***********ions were changed for privacy reasons. Feel free and I encourage you to email me for discussion, questions, talk of fantasies, or just to say Hi.
The Turning

Part One —

 I was 19, just out of high school in 1996, and I had a steady girlfriend whom I was horribly jealous of.. I was insecure in those days, but she was amazingly hot. She was 19 as well, and petite with the body of a hooker, but she was innocent and inexperienced.. not a virgin though. We did had sex one time, one memorable night before all this, that I’m about to tell you, happened. This is a true story and not especially a good one. I guess it depends on your perspective… but it has a unexpected twist in it… I remember every detail of the experience pretty well, as I have thought of it many times…It’s pretty much with me nearly everyday. It may seem horrible as you read it, and it is, but keep reading and go ahead and finish it. Time seems to shift..the universe turns inside out, and there’s an unexpected turn of events about midway through, and a very naughty outcome… it’ll take a while, so give yourself some time to read... This experience would change anybody for life, and most people would likely need some therapy if this happened to them, but I was sort of awakened by it. This changed me forever, and in a way I would never have thought possible… My name is Callum, and this is my story.


Early one November Sunday morning, my girlfriend, Donna, and I decided we would take a drive through the everglades.. It was something we liked doing on clear warm days. We both lived and attended college in Miami at the time. Just freshmen enjoying time together. On this particular week, Donna’s nephew Alex was visiting her. Alex was 13 and his parents, Donna’s sister and brother in-law, wanted to take a vacation, so Alex came to stay with Donna for the week. Alex was born when Donna was 4 or 5 years old. Her sister, Alex’s mother was, 16 when she had him. They all started early in that family.. (impatient???) Alex was a good looking boy. I remember being impressed by his looks, and even having a slight dirty thought or two when I first saw him. I think its because he has a very feminine look. He’s kinda small, short and thin for a 13 year old boy. He had blonde hair and stunning blue eyes, and a shape not unlike his aunt Donna, just not as curvy. Donna has splendid curves, with a butt that was remarkably round and perfectly shaped. She also had, what you might think were manmade, but they were all natural, extremely large breasts. Especially for her petite body size. They were the kind of breasts that would kind of overflow out of the top of her bra, and you could see the resulting bulge. Needless to say, her looks overall would always turn people’s heads. Even other women would gaze in amazement. And I think this is one of the reasons why I felt jealous with her. It was just tough being with a girl that every other person on the planet wanted to have sex with. She certainly had a future in either modeling, movies, adult movies or whatever she wanted to do, because those looks and that body would surely get her there with great success. 

We decided to include Alex in our Sunday excursion, so we took off in my old Chevy Nova convertible and we were out to tour the everglades. There really isn’t much to see, but its wide open, and usually no one is around, so the road will be ours. Off we go until eventually we are in the middle of nowhere and decided to stop and look at something. We had gone down hwy 41 to county road 94 and turned onto the county line trail which made a loop back to 94. It was there at the return to 94 that we stopped to look at what we thought might have been some alligators, but it was just one that had died. We could tell because it was really stinky with flies all over it. When we were ready to move on, well….. my old car wouldn’t start. This is not a good time for this to happen.

Neither of us had any cell phones yet, and there wasn’t a payphone anywhere to be found, in fact there was nothing at all out that way.. no houses, at least not easily seen from the road, just dirt road and swamps for 40 miles in all directions. things were a lot less developed than they are today, so it was pretty empty country. Alex had been fairly quiet up to that point, as he seemed to be enjoying the ride, but now he looked a little worried. It was about 2pm at that point, so we started walking back toward Miami on 94… We walked for about 10 miles, which took us nearly 3 hours on rocky road, and because it was hot and humid, we were getting parched and very tired. We had long finished the water we had brought, and the sun would be going down soon as well…

We were all starting to get concerned about our situation. Finally, and with great relief, we saw an old house down off the road ahead. The semi gravely driveway leading to the house went about 200 feet down to an opening. We walked down this driveway, and when we got to the opening, we couldn’t tell if anyone lived in this house or not. It was very rustic and in ill repair, but it looked like someone at least used to live in it. So we went up to knock on the door.. nobody came. The windows were open with screens on them, so we called out “Is anyone at home?” No one answered. There were no cars or other vehicles in sight. We were thinking “please let there be someone, anyone at home to help us.” It was getting to the point of desperation, simply because we just didn’t know what to do.. so we decided to wait a bit. It was getting dark in a hurry and we were sitting on the porch of this house, getting eaten alive by mosquitoes and thinking we would have to sleep on this old porch all night. I felt bad for Alex. He didn’t seem to be handling this very well… Now he was quiet and withdrawn again.

But just then… this older guy comes out from the back of the house carrying a bundle of fish and fishing equipment.. he grumbled at us “Who the hell are you people” with a notable cuban accent - I explained the situation and asked if we could use his phone… he said he didn’t have a phone.. this guy was slightly overweight about 5’10” tall unclean and really rough and scary looking. He could've been in his mid to late 30s, but when you're a teenager, that looks old to you. The three of us hung tightly together now, then the man said, that his cousin comes by everyday around 3 o’clock  to check on him.. well this was like 6pm, so we missed his cousin who “has a truck”.. this cuban guy had no transportation, no phone, no nothin…. The relief we had felt when first seeing this man was slowly dissipating. Then the man said we could stay till his cousin came the next day, and then he could take us to the nearest gas station some 40 miles away.. Great we thought (sarcastically).. we were very apprehensive about staying with this stranger… Donna and Alex did NOT want to stay.. neither did I, but what could we do.. in no time it would be pitch black dark, many miles from anything.. and mosquitos from hell.. and who knows what kind of crawly monsters are on a untraveled road in the middle of the night…even in November.. so we had no choice and agreed to stay.

This rough looking, scary looking cuban man assured us that we were making the right decision, and that it was “very dangerous outside at night, my friends. Lots of gators.”

The man, who then introduced himself as Roberto, invited us into his humble dwelling. We were amazingly thirsty and hungry, and asked him if there was anything to eat.. He said he had some cans of tuna that he let us eat and some beer… so we ate canned tuna and drank beer with this guy, while he started to “cook” some of his catch of the day in an old iron skillet. Alex seemed the most hungry, so I let him have my canned tuna, as I was happy to wait for some of the fish the man was cooking.. However, there was no water… the tap water was not a good idea, but he did have several cases of cheep hot beer.. which even thirsty Alex was willing to down in this emergency, in fact we all were so parched, the beer seemed like a blessing. Eventually, the man had finished cooking several fish for us… So after we eat and drink about a dozen beers each, even Alex had about 5 and was pretty drunk, we’re all pretty drunk and poor little Donna.. well, she passed out. There wasn’t a whole lot of talking going on between the cuban guy and us. I was doing all of the talking. He would just grunt and answer yes or no. I don’t think he was very fluent in english.. he just kept assuring us that his cousin would be around tomorrow to help. Pretty soon, The man seemed to go to sleep in his chair, and Alex went to sleep on one end of this man’s old beat up couch, that looked so long, it could hold about 20 people, and I fell asleep next to Donna on the other end from Alex. 

I don’t know what time it was, but sometime in the middle of the night, Roberto wakes me up saying,

“get up.. there’s a snake in the house, and you have to help me find it”.

Well, that startled me and I’m still drunk as hell and groggy from all the beer, but I try to wake up Donna and Alex so we could move away from where Roberto said the snake was.. Donna would not wake up for nothing and Alex wasn’t moving either.. that made me a little concerned, and that’s the last thing I remember…I must have blacked out somehow.. Well…..I didn’t know it then, but that cuban guy had hit me on the head with something and knocked me clean out… this is where it gets strange…

I specifically remember dreaming that Alex was calling me, he was in trouble…but I couldn’t move to go to him……….

I woke up slowly.. completely disoriented.. with a really bad headache..AND THEN I noticed..What The FUCK!! I was tied up to the big chair… my hands tied to the back legs of the chair, and my feet tied to the front legs of the chair.. I couldn’t move.. and my pants and underwear were down around my ankles.. I’m like WHAT THE FUCK is going on!!!!! I was suddenly terrified and in awful pain… why am I tied up.. why are my FUCKING pants down??!! I look over toward Alex, but could hardly see him, and it seems he is also tied up and still on the couch, but he didn’t appear to be awake.

Then I look over at the other end of the couch, and in the dark, I can only just barely see that this cuban guy is fondling Donna’s big tits and rubbing his hands all over her.. she is still passed out at this point… This is shocking to me, and infuriating, so I start screaming at the guy,

“STOP YOU Fucking Bastard!!!!!… STOP DOING THAT…. STOP…”

It doesn’t faze him… I start screaming for Donna to wake up.. THAT doesn’t do any good, as she was really drunk and passed out cold. My efforts to free myself were useless. I was tied up securely, and my body was weak from exhaustion and all the walking we did earlier, AND all that beer… I start pleading with this man, telling him I can get him money or whatever he wants, just please, PLEASE..leave her alone… It did no good. This guy proceeded to start taking off Donnas clothes to her bra and panties..I thought surely the motion of her pants being pulled off would wake her up a little, but not a wink. I keep screaming at the guy… so he gets up and ties a nasty smelly rag around my neck in my mouth to shut me up..

THEN he pointed a gun at my head (I GASPED!!) and he said,

“you stay quiet amigo and you will not get dead.” as he laughed in a evil way. “But you are going to sit there and watch me fuck your little girl with the big titties, huh.. you make a sound.. I shoot you.”

Well, that shut me up… what could I do…I was scared to death and practically paralyzed. So I watched while this big ugly guy takes his pants off, standing over Donna as she is asleep on the couch with her head across the arm rest.. Then he also pulls his briefs down and it was easy to see his cock is hard… AND… its…quite large.. and it was as thick as a beer can. Probably 8 inches long… it was as hard as it could be standing straight up… my efforts to wiggle and squirm my way out of the chair were again, pointless. I was only spending energy. I could not get free and I was tired and still feeling the effects of the alcohol, and feeling like I might pass out… I kept calling for Alex to wake up, but he wasn’t moving. I think he may have had more than five beers… he was really drunk, and being so young, I’m surprised he didn’t get sick. In my concern for him I yelled at the cuban man,

“What did you do to Alex? Why isn’t he moving?” I’m sure he couldn’t understand me with that dirty rage tied in my mouth, but the man says, “I think your little boy is not so used to drinking beer, huh..”

Then, Roberto starts rubbing his cock on Donna’s lips.. he was kinda slapping her face with it, trying to get her to wake up, and then…. she starts moaning.. slowly waking up… she says “Cal - whats going on” still not awake yet. The guy says,

“Baby, come on baby.. I just want you to suck my cock real good, ok” as he is trying to push his cock in her mouth. I muffled scream at him “Let her alone you sick fuck!!!” and he points his gun in my direction and shoots.. he misses, but that froze me.

I was petrified at that point.. all I could do was watch. I felt like I was going to die. The sound of the shot got Donna a little more awake, Alex too, but she still couldn’t comprehend what was going on. So when she finally tried to speak and opened her mouth, Roberto shoved his large cock into it, and with his hand on the back of her head, he starts pushing his dick in her mouth. Donna is moaning and gagging, trying to speak..

she said “Cal, slow down”… she thought it was me, and couldn’t see it wasn’t. Only a little moonlight was coming through the windows.

I just drop my head with a horrible feeling of ‘failure’. I’m almost in tears and feeling so ashamed. The guy slowed a bit, then he turned to look at me, and I could just see him grinning at me. I couldn’t move I was so scared. All I could do was… watch. I watched him continue with her.. then, thinking it was me (remember it was dark - only moonlight from outside), she starts willingly sucking this guys cock.. having a difficult time with it too.. making her gag frequently. I heard the slurpy gargling sounds of her sucking slowly.. She still hadn’t opened her eyes enough to see in the dark yet.. she says,

“Cal, you have a huge dick, I can hardly get it in my mouth..I don't remember you having such a big....” - just then the cuban guy interrupts and says,

“Why don’t we try to put it in your little pussy, my sweet?”

That’s when Donna finally notices that’s not my voice, and gets the idea that its not MY dick in her mouth.. Before she can hardly move to try to fight free, the guy has gotten her panties off.. has her pinned down underneath him on the couch… and starts spitting in his hand repeatedly and rubbing his dick with his spit, then he pulls her legs apart and starts to try to penetrate her pussy.

Donna is yelling at him “No, NO, NOOOO”, trying to hit him and push him away with her legs, but.. she’s too drunk and weak, and continues to try to fight and scream, kick and punch at him.. but her energy is low and its a feeble effort.. she can not get away…

The cuban is too strong, and the guy rams his cock into her pussy and she lets out a scream of pain.. and then he just starts fucking her hard, as she gasps, and cries and screams,

“Cal.. HELP ME.. Get him off me!!!”.. she’s trying to hit him with her bare hands but to no avail. He just keeps fucking her.. I was powerless and ashamed to no end. Too weak to move or speak hardly…

It seemed like forever that he fucked her, then paused a bit.. at this point it appeared that Donna is getting hysterical. Crying and exhaustedly tired, and running out of whatever fight she may have had… Then, I look over toward Alex, I can make out that he is now awake, and watching in horror.. Tied up, frozen with fear and shaking. 

After a minute or two, Roberto picks Donna up off the couch and walks her to the kitchen table. She’s practically falling down... he lays Donna on her back on the table, and reaches up to pull a chain and a light comes on over them… I can see well now, and a little blood is coming from Donna’s vagina… she squirms and fights more, but she’s apparently just not strong enough.. and Roberto shoves his cock all the way in her again…

He’s holding up her legs and fucking her while grabbing and rubbing her breasts… he’s fucking her very fast now… and leans down on her and starts to try to kiss her… she resists.

She calls to me, "Cal!!!!! Help me Caaalllll!!!!…"

I was powerless, shamed into a coward, and could only mumble through the gag in my mouth that I was "Sorry!!! I’m so, so sorry!”….still, over and over again Roberto tried to shove his tongue in her mouth.. until finally, he holds her nose shut, and grabs her by the neck, and slowly she has to submit to breathe, and then he is kissing her, and does for a long while.. fucking her hard… he looks over at me and smiles. I’m shaking and going into shock I think, but the beer is still in me and I feel awful.. The guy makes sure I can see real good as he starts fucking her faster and then suddenly pulls out his cock and cums a bucket load of cum all over Donna’s belly and tits…

Donna is breathing heavily and moaning and sobbing.. I begin to think, ‘Maybe its best if she passes out again.. she seems close to passing out now’, but doesn’t. She's just crying and helpless. 

Now I think he has had his climax…maybe its over. But… hasn’t even started yet…

Roberto goes into his kitchen area and gets more beer… this time out of the refrigerator… he looks at me and says,

“Hey my friend, you want another beer?” I was able to utter a few words and said “please..water!!!”.. Which he seemed to understand my gagged mumbling and then he says “No water little boy.. only beer.. water here is bad.”

Then he walks over to me while opening a beer.. he only has on a t-shirt and his dick is still all the way hard.. he gets right next to me takes off my gag and says

“Open wide here it comes” and he’s holding the beer over my head and begins to poor it on my face.

Well, I’m so parched, I open my mouth for any kind of fluid.. and I take in as much as I can.. then he opens another beer and does the same thing again.. I am drinking as much as possible and beer is getting all over me… its cooling to my bare skin because its cold beer this time.. my pants are down around my ankles and beer is running all down my legs.. Donna is lying helpless and motionless on the table still. I’m thinking she is passed out again…Alex still frozen with fear on the couch, watching it all… then the guy opens a third beer and starts pouring it down my mouth, but he pours it way to fast and its choking me.

I notice that the guy’s dick is resting on my shoulder, and he starts moving it back and forth on my shoulder and its touching my neck, and he’s pressing it up against my neck and holding it there…

Then he says “What do you think of my big sausage my friend… do you like” - I couldn’t speak - “Maybe you would like to taste it, huh?”

Then he gets in front of me and starts trying to fuck my face.. his cock has blood and cum on it.. but I don’t open my mouth, he just rubs it all over my face as I try to move my head away and fight it.

Then he says  “Oh well, maybe later huh? Meanwhile, I think I will fuck your little girl again hmm” - I said nothing. I just couldn’t even move, and neither could Alex..

Poor Alex. I tried to give him reassurance, but I don’t think he could understand really what was going on. He was just terrified … We all were.

Then this ugly, smelly, cuban guy goes down on Donna and starts eating her pussy wildly.. she can’t fight him off… He has a strong hold of her legs, holding up and out of his way. Then he moves up to her mouth and starts kissing her again..

She tries.. and tries… and tries to turn her head and resist, but again she’s not strong enough to resist. He is too big for her, especially in her weak condition, as he holds her head and nose, and manages to get his tongue into her mouth again.. then he shoves his cock right back into her pussy and begins fucking her again.. really REALLY hard this time.. Donna is gasping and moaning and crying out and screaming with painful groans… as I can only watch.. her hands are pressed against his chest, but he pushes down to her lips again…… I can do nothing.. I am in tears.

“Cal.. CAL!!!! Where are you!!!??” She cried out…. I told her I was sorry, but was tied up and couldn’t move.

The sun is now starting to come up… Roberto is still fucking Donna, Alex is crying, which prompts Roberto to gag him too. Then he goes back to the table and starts making Donna kneel on the floor to suck his cock.. he says,

“That’s right little chica, time for you to suck it good, because if you don’t, I’ll just have to see if little boy here wants to suck my big sausage huh..” as he smiles at Alex. I look at Alex, and his poor young eyes are red and wide open in fear… Then Donna starts to try to suck Roberto’s cock.

“That’s right…Play with my balls” -and she does- “That’s a good girl”… then he says “I’m going to cum again…” He’s holding her head.. fucking her face rapidly. He seems to be getting close to cumming… but, now, he comes over to me …and jacks his cock off all over my belly, dick and balls… OMG!!!… then he grabs Donna, pulls her over to me, and makes her suck and lick my dick with his cum all over it.. he says,

“Suck your boys dick just like you sucked mine…and don’t try to run, don’t forget… I have a gun… that’s right, lick up all of my cum” - So she starts to suck me very reluctantly … while she is sucking me.. he goes over to a counter in his kitchen and pulls a telephone out from under it… (SO, the goddamn bastard did have a phone after all!!) Donna is sucking me and saying “I’m sorry Cal, I don’t know what else to do” - I said it was ok - to just do what he says.

I can hear the guy on the phone… “Hey Miguel… Come over here right now. You’re going to want to see what I got for you…. hurry… hurry…” - after a few more words on the phone, the guy hangs up.

So Roberto sits on the couch… with his gun in his hand, right next to Alex and puts his arm around the poor boy… and watches Donna sucking me…

She stops a couple of times but he says “no, no keep going” while waving his gun around… He looks closely at Alex and says,

“What do you think little man, you like watching her suck your brothers dick?” Alex said nothing in reply… he’s just shaking… so after about 30 minutes of Donna sucking my cock.. I can’t help but start to get hard, and she makes my cock hard as a brick. She keeps on sucking and I figure she’s thinking as long as she does that, she doesn’t have to suck Roberto.

Just then - someone blares into the front door… it’s Roberto’s brother Miguel - Roberto says “Look Miguel, I have been having fun with these two and I thought you might like to too, huh? hahahah” The bother is bigger and uglier than Roberto, and he says, 

“Two? It looks like you have three to have fun with.” Roberto says “Oh yes, I almost forgot.. but he is just a young boy.” 

Miguel says “‘Berto’, he looks plenty old enough to me.” 

Berto replies, “Well, maybe you have a very good point, brother…hahahaha.”

Donna stops her sucking to yell at the men, “That’s my nephew you sick bastards, leave him alone…”

Just then Miguel comes quickly to Donna, grabs her by her long blond hair, pulls her head toward him so she can see his face and says, “Nephew huh? innocent little sweet boy gotta grow up sometime.”

Donna tries to hit him, as he says, “Why don’t I give him an education, hmm? I could slit your throat so he could watch you bleed out. Then he would know what its like to watch somebody die…have YOU ever seen someone die, slut!? HAHAHAH.” His laughter was bone chilling to say the least. At this point, we were all looking into each other’s eyes, thinking we were going to die. We truly believed we were all about to die. This is it. This is how we end…in disgrace and torture.

Surprisingly, there was a calm peace that flushed through me with that thought… as in, relief from this nightmare. 

So after a little bit of their banter, Miguel pulls off his pants. Well, its easy to see that the brother (Miguel) has a bigger cock than Roberto…. so “Berto” says to Donna “Give my brother a really good suck like you do your boyfriend there.. I can see you had an effect on him.”

Miguel says “Looks like the boyfriend is got some meat of his own ay…..” then he reaches down and starts stroking my cock. Roberto again orders Donna to suck his brother’s dick and she reluctantly starts doing it… and Miguel is still stroking my cock… then he sits on my knees.. facing me.. while Donna is still sucking him… he takes my cock in his hand and says,

“You have a nice long goat my friend.. what are you 16?” For some damn reason I nodded yes to his question… then he says

“I like young boys a lot my friend.. we may have a future together. You, me and your even younger boy here.” Just then he plants his mouth on mine trying to kiss me, but I resist… then he said “You should play nice with Miguel, or I’ll have to get my brother to shoot something off of you..hehehehe” His laugh was wicked, and scared me through…and then, out of fear, I submitted.. I reluctantly opened my mouth while he shoved his tongue in my mouth.. Donna still sucking his dick.. he is still jacking my dick, and it is still very hard…

I was perplexed and confused, thinking ‘why is my cock still hard after this?’ But I let it go, as I was too compromised to understand much of anything at this point.

Unthinkably - I’m getting close to the point of cumming, but that was just a horrifying thought… Then Miguel stands up off of my lap and pushed his cock into my face.. its as round as a beer can and 10 inches long (I know this later because they actually got a tape measure and measured my cock against their cocks..Miguel’s was the winner)… his cock was pulsating against my mouth.. then ‘Berto came over, showing me his gun.. so… I opened up and began sucking Miguel’s cock.. ‘Berto made Donna start sucking his cock again and he was hard again in no time. Miguel’s cock is so big its a challenge.. I’m gagging and slurping and he is fucking my face hard.. I’m thinking he might let up because my teeth can’t be feeling good on his cock.. but he doesn’t let up.. meanwhile, Berto takes Donna back to the table, puts her down on her stomach and starts fucking her from behind… She is making so much noise of pain, that Miguel gets curious… so he pulls out of my mouth and moves to the table and says,

“Give me some of that brother”… Berto says, “wait your damn turn..” and Miguel backs off and watches Berto fucking Donna. Donna looking like an old rag doll being tossed about… lifeless almost.

I look over at Alex. He had stopped crying and his eyes were closed. I’m thinking he has passed out from fear of everything going on, so I don’t say anything to him. I wouldn’t know what to say anyway.

The sun is well up at this point…. Berto has been nailing Donna and is about to cum, and… then he does.. he cums all inside of Donna this time.. eventually he pulls out of her and a flowing stream of cum follows him out and drips all on the floor, making several splattering sounds..

Oddly enough, my cock is still quite hard, and I’m beginning to find this strangely and shamefully erotic.. but I’m still tied up, weak and frightened. Donna is completely motionless on the table, and I am worried about her.

After a little while, Miguel decides its his turn on Donna….. he flips her over on her back and shoves his cock in her hard.. this wakes her up and makes her scream, because his dick is so much bigger.. I can see it splitting her open, and whenever he shoves it in, I can see her lower belly raise up…

He goes slow at first then just starts wailing on her..fucking her furiously.. banging her like a jack hammer.. The table is making an irritating squeaking and rattling sound.

Berto stands by, watching and talking dirty to her.. calling her slut and whore, bitch, cunt,  and everything else…I watched as he fucked her vigorously..

She cries out saying “NOOO…Its too big.. ITS TOO BIG.. I Can’t take it…. Please SSSTTTOOOPPPP”, but he just kept on pumping… she’s moaning more.. “OH GOD… OH SHIT…. Fuck!! OOOhhhhhh” - She was crying hysterically, and cried for me again,

“Cal, please help me….. please…. Caaaaaaaaalllllllll!!!” She was pleading…. I could only say that I was sorry,

“I’m so sorry Donna…” I felt completely defeated. Like a helpless coward.. What was I to do..

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