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He was not a part of her crowd. he felt that he was not good enough. it only took 30 years for him to learn better.
She was so cute. She stood out. She was cheering and giving 120%. There were taller girls; some would have thought prettier girls, but all I saw was her. I talked to her from time to time, and she was always so happy and nice, which made her all the sexier to me. But she was a cheerleader and popular. Being far from athletic, I was artsy. I sang in chorus, went to all-state, and was the #1 tenor in the state. I participated in the school musicals. The jocks picked on and called every ugly name in the book. I knew I didn’t have a real chance in hell with her. I stayed in my circle and figured she would stay in hers.


It was the beginning of the year, and I was looking forward to my last class of the day. Theater class. I knew that I was at least going to shine in that class. I walked in, and there she was. Crossing the barrier between jocks and art She was talking to someone when I came into the room, and I must have caught her eye in her peripheral, because she turned and smiled and said hi. I said hi to her and smiled back, and she told me that there was a seat close to her, so I went and sat down.


I felt that she could be a friend. I know that she was still a part of the jock world, but she was also kind and at peace with herself. I don’t know, but I felt that she might be more like me than I thought. I was an outsider, someone who never really fit in. I caught glimpses of that from her. I knew she was wrong. Everyone liked her. She was part of every world. The kind of person who would succeed no matter what And I believed that she was my friend. As much as I didn’t believe it could be true, I started to think that perhaps I could ask her out. I spoke with my best friend, and he was against it. Hindsight being 20/20, I knew deep down he also felt an attraction to her. But I listened and didn’t press it.


We became good friends, but I never pressed it. I wanted so badly to ask her out. I fantasized about being with her and making love to her. To share life with her. But I couldn’t get past the fear. Through the years, she always came to mind from time to time. I thought about her. I fantasized about her and spent many lonely nights taking care of myself with her as the focus.


Then, almost 30 years later, I had an opportunity to see her again. I had followed her and saw on her social media that she lived in a popular city where I would be going for a business conference. I reached out with little hope that she would reply. Yet she responded in her kind way. I told her that I could call her when I came to her town, and she seemed eager to connect when I got there.


I asked her to meet me for dinner, and she accepted. I couldn’t believe it. I was ecstatic. We were both married, but to get the opportunity to have dinner and catch up was too exciting for words. I didn’t know what I was going to say or do. All I knew was that she would be there that evening and we would be having dinner, and I felt like that nervous boy from high school.


I saw her across the way. I knew it was her the moment I laid eyes on her. She had aged way better than I had. But she saw me and smiled. It grabbed my heart, and I smiled back. I want more than anything for time to stand still. She came to me, and we hugged, and I kissed her gently on the cheek, and we sat down and ate and talked about everything under the sun—what we had been doing since we last spoke. We caught up and laughed about the times we had.


I then decided in my mind that I was going to put my true feelings and heart on the line. "You know, I had a major crush on you back then? I wanted to ask you out so badly. I have regretted that every day of my life since then." I will never forget the look on her face, the smile, and how she blushed. Very coy and sweet. My heart leaped, and I knew then that the feeling of regret was so true. Then she said, "I wish you had. I would have said yes. I hoped that you would, but you never did."


I was shocked. We talked about how we both crushed on each other and wanted something to happen. We both laughed and blushed as we talked about the lost chance we had with each other. I paused a moment, and then I told her that was the biggest mistake of my life. And there was nothing more painful than knowing that I could have fulfilled the greatest desire in my life but failed. I then remembered the skit we took to state competition. Too late for happiness from The Good Doctor, by Paul Simon It came to me like a lightning bolt.


I looked her in the eyes and said, "You know, Neil Simon was wrong." She looked back at me with a questioning In our scene, we took it to completion."It is never too late for happiness." Puzzled for a moment, she looked into my eyes as I willed her to understand and then put the pieces together. Slowly, she looked down and composed her thoughts. Then she looked up at me with a painful longing. "I don’t know; I feel like sometimes it is too late." I felt the knife through my heart. But then I saw a tear form in her eye. I saw that she hoped that wasn’t too late but was afraid it was.


I then said, "No, it isn’t really too late. I at least know now that what could have been would have been, and not just the wishful thinking of a horny teenager." She burst out laughing. And smiled that beautiful smile at me. The smile that sent me over the edge every time I thought about her in every way imaginable "Yes, "she said, "I know what you mean. I too spent some alone time with you in my mind," she said as she blushed and looked up at me.


We were laying our cards on the table, and I knew that this was the chance that

fate had weaved into our lives. I knew that now was the time to make up for all the lost years. I took her hand and held it in mine. I looked deep into her eyes and said, "It is only too late if we don’t act. It is only too late if we leave here without making happen what should have happened. It will be wrong, and it will be something that we should not do, but it won’t be too late in our hearts, and it won’t be too late to create the memories that were meant to be for us 30 years ago. I won’t ask again, but I have to ask now... Will you be with me? Will you come up to my room and create the memories that we should have made all those years ago?" I stopped talking and looked deeply into her eyes, waiting for her to respond.


I was afraid; I was anxious for her response, but I knew if I spoke, I would break the spell of whatever was speaking through me. I looked deep into her eyes and saw the struggle; I saw her mind wrestle with her decision. I held my breath, waiting for a response.


Then she said, "You always had a way of looking into my mind. You always knew what I needed to hear. I love my husband, and I know you love your wife, but I also know that this is something that should have happened before both of them. Something that we should have acted on then. I should have asked you as much as you should have asked me. I knew that I loved you, and I knew that you loved me. It was more than just a crush; it was more than just a high school love. It was true, wasn’t it?" I took my hand and put it to her cheek and continued to look into her eyes as I caressed her and told her, "Yes, a thousand times yes." then I leaned in, she met my lips with hers, and we kissed. A kiss that surpassed time and space She placed her hand on my cheek as well as we kissed. It seemed as if time stood still for infinity. I hoped that she would not disappear as she did in all of my fantasies of the past. Her lips were soft but urgent. We re-positioned and our tongues met, both of us took a breath, and we continued to speak through our embrace. Then we slowly separated. Our eyes slowly opened simultaneously, and we again were looking into each other's eyes.


"I think I would like to see your room. I know it is wrong but so right at the same time." She said as she looked at me. No more blushing, no more shyness—only the truth of the moment. My heart leaped in my chest as my eyes teared up and I smiled at her. I then noticed that she too had a tear in her eye. Both tears of joy and happiness. I stood up as I held her hand, and we walked hand in hand out of the restaurant that we were in. We walked silently down the hall and then to the elevator in silence. Our hands were tightly entwined. I could feel that we both hoped that this was not happening in our minds.


As we somehow got to the door of my room, I turned to her and then pulled her close to me. I looked deeply into her eyes, then leaned down and kissed her again. I held her body next to mine as we stood and kissed. Our mouths searched and probed, filled with desire and wanting more. We broke the kiss and laughed out loud. She then said something that was exactly what I imagined her saying years ago. "Open that door! I need you now!"


I opened the door and stepped aside, and she quickly walked in. I turned and closed the door, locked it, and turned back around. She had stepped into the room and went into the room to the large glass wall. The view was beautiful, and it took her a moment to look away. Then she turned and looked at me. I walked to her and reached for her. She came into my arms and hugged me tightly. Then she grabbed my hand, and we walked to the window, and she looked out. I wrapped my arms around her as we looked out as the sun set. It was beautiful, but all I could think about was the woman that I was holding. I bent down and nuzzled her neck and kissed her gently over and over. She sighed and moaned in desire.

"You don’t know how long I wanted this! I dreamed about you; I thought this would never happen, even though I thought it should have," she said as she was having trouble breathing in her arousal. "I am sorry for not listening to my heart; I am sorry I let my fear cause you pain," I said as I paused in my attack under her ear. "Don’t be sorry. It has been too many years to worry about that. I am just glad we are here now," she said breathlessly.


I turned her around and kissed her again. This time with more pressure and passion, with more urgency and lust within me. With that kiss, I bent over and picked her up, carrying her to the bed. I laid her down and then stood back up, took off my shirt, and slid off my shoes, never breaking my gaze into her eyes.


She quickly took a moment to strip off her top as well and kicked her shoes off, flinging them from her feet across the room. We both laughed as I lay down and reached for her. She met me, and we both began to ravage each other. Our hands couldn’t stop, and we searched to touch each other's skin. I kissed her neck, her face, and her lips as my hands roamed all over her. We were relentless to make up for the years of dreaming and not having each other to physically touch.


I ran my finger over her shoulder and slid her bra strap down. And then kissed its line down to her breast. She leaned back and moaned again. As I kissed her, I reached around and unhooked her bra, which moved out of the way and revealed her breasts to me. I then moved and kissed her breasts one at a time and ran my tongue over her nipples as they got hard right in front of me. She laughed and took my face and pressed it to her breasts harder. "That tickles!" she said. ‘You were being too light." "Well, I can be rougher," I teased back. Then I inched her nipple between my teeth. Not quite a bite, but close. "Ouch! Don’t leave any marks! I will have to explain them somehow," she said, smiling. "But you are on the right track. I love that." She moved her nipple back to my mouth for more oral attack. As I was doing this, she was moving into place to get her panties off, and then she worked to get my belt and pants unfastened.


I paused and stopped my assault, stood up, and took my clothes off. She stared at me like a hungry lioness and reached for me to come to her. I leaned over to meet her. I fell far short of her lips or breasts and came face first to her lovely flower. She giggled just like that sweet teenager. She worked to position me right at her clit and pussy. I teased her and ran my tongue beside her, over to the top, and back down the other side. She moaned and tried to guide herself to my mouth, but I continued to tease. "PLEASE!" was all she could say. So I lowered my tongue just below her pussy and slowly dragged my tongue up, swishing it around and in and out all the way to her clit. Her moaning was music to my ears. She put her hands on the back of my head and tried to get my tongue as deep as she could. Then, when I reached her clit she flinched as I dragged it over the top and then swirled it around her sweet orgasmic button.


I then brought my mouth down, encircled it with my lips, and started to suck on her clit while still flicking it with my tongue. She was on fire. She moaned as quietly as she could scream. She grabbed her breasts and pinched them hard, then started to shake. She was already in the throes of a great orgasm. I felt her hold her breath as long as she could and arch her back to try to get more and more. I actually thought she was going to suffocate because she held it for so long. She finally fell back and started to breathe again. My lips released her as she fell. This caused her to jolt with more convulsions as she lay there catching her breath. I then moved up beside her and kissed her. I am sure she could taste herself on my lips, and it seemed to turn her into a wild beast. I kissed her, and finally, she started to settle down. We had been at it for about 40 minutes when I looked at the clock.


I was still hard, being patient. She opened her eyes, as she was still breathing heavily, and caressed my face. "I love you so much!" she said. "As much as I love my husband, this is something that he could not give me. I needed you. I wanted you. And you are here, and now I am complete." She said as tears streamed down her face. I kissed her tears away and said, "I know; I feel the same way. I have thought about doing that for you forever. I knew you would taste amazing, and you didn’t disappoint." She rolled over on top of me, kissing my lips and face, and saying, "I can taste myself on you, and it is good!


But I want to taste something else." With that, she moved down my body, kissing me and moving toward my cock. When she reached it, she looked up at me, ran her tongue from bottom to top, and smiled at me. "Now that is good too!" she said, then brought her mouth over the top and slowly sucked as she moved down my shaft. I quivered and moaned, and I saw a smile in her eyes as she kept going slowly further and further down. She never paused, and she never gagged; she went slowly all the way to the bottom, continuing to look at me. When she reached the bottom, she forced her face into me, and I could feel the back of her throat as she continued to suck as much of me as she could down her throat. It was as if she couldn’t get enough. She then slowly came back up and inhaled as she came back up to my crown. As her lips came off the tip, she smiled at me with pride, and I looked at her, and all I could say was WOW! She laughed her little laugh and started at it again. She worked my cock like it was her favorite food. She would bring me to the brink and then back off.


I finally told her that I can’t stand it anymore and I needed to be inside of her. Her lips smacked, then she frowned at me and said, "Awe, I wanted to get my dessert." I then pulled her up to me, rolled her over, and told her, "I will take care of that when it comes." And then I kissed her long and deep and drove my cock into her hard and deep. Her eyes opened as we were kissing, and she gasped. I then drew her almost out and hammered her again. Slow and steady We both moaned, and our breathing got rapid. We changed positions over and over until we were at a point where we couldn’t stop. I was behind her, pulling her onto my cock. Driving it hard into her. She was cumming, and I told her that I was going to cum! She said to wait, "I want to taste you." "Don’t worry, you will!" I said as I sank my dick into her and let my orgasm take me. I pumped the biggest load I have ever had into her. She convulsed as I pumped.


After I had finished, I rolled her over and dove for her sweet-filled pussy and gathered my cum on my tongue and in my mouth. I moved back up to her with a wicked smile and kissed her. I let the contents go, and she gobbled it down. After she had gotten everything, she looked at me and smiled and said, " MMMmmmmm better than I could have imagined." I went down a few more times and gathered all I could and continued to feed her until we both dropped into each other's arms, completely spent.


Laying in each other's arms, we kissed and felt a contentment that we had never felt before. We lay there and talked and wished, laughed and cried. She laid her head on my chest, and I held her for a moment. She didn’t speak, but I heard her take a deep breath in and sigh. "I don’t know what we do now. I don’t think I can give this up." "I know what you mean. I have never felt so complete in my life. And the thought of leaving is unbearable. But our today lives are back with us, and I really don’t know what we can do." I said. "All I know is that after that, I know that we would have made a lot more memories than one time."


We got up and took a long shower together. We fucked again in the shower. As we dressed we decided that we would take what we could get. Whenever she comes to my town and whenever I come to hers, we schedule a time to be together and continue to make memories that should have happened 30 years ago because it is never too late.
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