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This is the story of how my traveling back home to spend the Christmas holidays with my mother and my younger sister unexpectedly turned into an incestuous, life-changing event for me.
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by rat_race

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I didn't mean for something like this to ever happen. And I certainly didn't mean for it to keep taking place over and over again. But that didn't stop it from happening. It only made me feel guilty and ashamed about what I was doing.

But those feelings of guilt and shame still didn't stop me, a 35-year-old man, from fucking my own 57-year-old mother on a regular basis--and looking forward to each time that we had sex.

Let me back up a little bit, and tell you my story. And maybe you'll understand. Maybe you won't. But I don't really care at this point in my life. I know that what my mother and I have together is a very special, loving relationship. And it has been that way, long before we ever began having sex together.

My father, Sam, suddenly dropped dead of a heart attack five years ago, leaving my mother, Janie, who was 52 at the time of his death, to live all by herself in our three-bedroom, ranch-style family home in Beaumont, Texas.

My dad worked in the oil fields outside Beaumont, and was a very physical kind of guy. And as far as I could tell, he absolutely loved two things: his booze (BTW, he was not an alcoholic, thank God) and his sex, which Mother was always more than happy to provide him on demand.

I know. Because when I was growing up, I could hear Mom and Dad going at it in their bedroom through the non-insulated interior walls of our old house. The fact that Mom was a real screamer during her orgasms, and that my bedroom just happened to share the same interior wall with their master bedroom, coupled with the fact that my parents' bed and my bed were pushed up against that same wall (on either side of it, of course), only served to make me totally aware of each and every time that they were having sex during the nighttime hours.

When I was a young boy, I assumed that Dad was somehow hurting Mom during the night. But I knew that it wasn't really any of my business.

And besides, I never heard Mom complain about anything that my dad did the night before, whenever she was up early the next morning, making breakfast for the family, and doing so in a very loving, cheerful manner, I might add. Mom would always give Dad a big kiss when he would finally walk into the kitchen to sit down to have his breakfast before he headed off to work.

Not only that, but the next morning, I never saw any obvious bruises anywhere on Mom's body--at least on the parts that I could actually see when she had clothing on, that is.

And so I was happy to go on about the business of being a young boy, and let Mom and Dad deal with their own late-night screaming stuff.

One time, I almost asked my mom about all the screaming and moaning coming from her bedroom the night before. But then I decided that it was in my best interest not to mention anything, since she didn't feel that it was worth mentioning to me herself.

After I had reached puberty and learned more about "the birds and the bees," I quickly realized that Dad wasn't hurting Mom at all during the night. He was having sex with her.

And whatever he was doing was making Mom orgasm her ass off. And that explained all the moans and groans and loud screams that I heard coming through our shared bedroom wall during the night.

It also explained why Mom would always be grinning like a Cheshire Cat whenever she was fixing breakfast for the family the very next morning.

Speaking of my family, I was an only child until 12 years later, when my little sister, Lacey, was born. But I was still my parents' only son, and so much older than my sister, that I barely related to her at all. I mean, how could I? She was still an infant by the time that I turned 13.

So for all intents and purposes I had the blessed life of an only-child. And of course, I took advantage of that the best I could, treating my sister as a kind of living doll, throughout the earlier part of her life.

By the time my little sister, Lacey, had finally reached puberty at around age 12 (according to Mom), I was already 24 years old, and away at college, working on my masters degree.

So my only sister and I usually never saw each other in person, much less kept in touch. I only saw Lacey at key family events, like Thanksgiving, or Christmas, or the occasional family reunion, or at some distant relative's wedding, etc.

So now that you have some background information, it's on with my story:

It was three days before Christmas, and Lacey and I had both traveled back home to spend Christmas with Mom in Beaumont; the only difference being that Lacey had arrived at Mom's house the day before I did. My sister and I had both planned to return back to our respective homes and lives the day after Christmas.

By this point in Lacey's life, she had dropped out of college, and she was now the trophy wife of a high-powered business man, named Tim, who didn't have the time or the inclination to spend Christmas with Lacey at her mother's house.

Instead, Tim took off to London to go close some kind of important business deal for one of the international companies that he owned.

For the last several years Lacey and her husband, Tim, had been trying to start a family, but "getting Lacey pregnant" seemed to be the one thing that Tim couldn't do for her, no matter how much he tried (in between business trips, that is).

Of course, Lacey was only 23, and so she really wasn't that worried about the "getting pregnant" stuff, since she still had several years left on her biological clock. And she suspected that Tim might have a low sperm count or something that was keeping him from being able to get her pregnant.

As for me, I was 35 and still a virgin, believe it or not. I mean, yes, I was an expert at jacking off--because that pretty much all I ever did sex-wise ever since I had reached puberty.

Sure, I had a couple of girlfriends in high school, and a few more in college. But none of my relationships ever got past the "making out in the back seat of a car" phase. And so the most I had ever managed to do with any of my ex-girlfriends on our dates was to make out with them, and then later, after dropping them off at their homes or apartments, I would go back home by myself feeling all horny with a bad case of "blue balls," and I would jack off like crazy to try to release all that pent-up sexual tension in the only way I knew how.

Well, Lacey was staying in her old bedroom upstairs at our family home, just across the hall from my old bedroom, where I was staying. And of course, Mom still slept in the same master bedroom down at the end of the hallway that she and Dad had shared for so many years.

After dinner the first night that I was there at the house, Lacey went out clubbing with some of her old high school friends, leaving Mom and me alone in the house. And that's when Mom hit me with that very first bombshell.

I was sitting across from her at the kitchen table, sipping some English Breakfast hot tea that she had just finished preparing for both of us, when Mom cleared her throat very loudly. And she said to me, "Have you ever wondered why your sister looks so different from you?"

"Yes, ma'am,' I answered honestly.

And Mom replied, "That's 'cuz she's really your half-sister. You and Lacey have different fathers.

"And even though I'm just now telling you about this, I told Lacey about it shortly after Sam died. But I intentionally didn't go into the details with Lacey about how it all happened.

"Would you like to hear all those details? I mean, do you think you can handle the truth of it all?"

"Yes, ma'am. I'm 35 now, Mom. You can treat me like an adult, believe it or not."

"Good. Now, before I go on and tell you all about one of my deepest darkest secrets, you've got to promise me that you will give me a very special Christmas present, that only you can give me. And I'll let you know what that special Christmas present is when the time is right. So do we have a deal?"

"Yes, ma'am. We sure do," I said, figuring that finding a specially-requested Christmas present for my Mother wouldn't be that big of a deal.

"Okay, good then," Mom said, took a deep breath, and then started into her story about how she had gotten impregnated by a man who wasn't my father.

"You know your father and I--God rest his soul--well, we were deeply in love."

"Yeah, I know, Mom. I could hear you guys going at it through my bedroom wall."

"Sorry about that."

"Don't be sorry. I'm just glad you and Dad had a wonderful sex life together."

"The truth is it wasn't as wonderful as you might think. When we hit our mid-30's, your father and I were pretty much on the rocks, sexually. We were getting bored with all the stuff that we had previously been doing to try to keep our sex life interesting and exciting.

"And so it eventually got to the point where I couldn't get your father to have sex with me as much as I was wanting him to. So I asked him one day, point blank, what he thought that we could do to help spice up our sex life.

"And that's when your father admitted to me that he had always fantasized about watching me have sex with another man.

"Mind you, your father wasn't asking me to let another man join him and me in a threesome. I mean, Sam may have been a lot of things, but 'bisexual' wasn't one of them.

"Instead, what your father was wanting was for me to cuckold him. Basically, he just wanted to sit in the room and jack himself off, while he watched another man have his way with me."

"Wow! That's pretty heavy," I commented to Mom.

"Yeah, it sure was. And at first, I didn't know what to think. But your father reassured me that he was still deeply in love with me, and that my having sex with another man in front of him would only serve to strengthen our marriage.

"And ironically, he was right--but not for the reasons that you might think.

"Anyway, after thinking things over for a few days, I finally told Sam that I was all in on us trying out the cuckolding idea, but that he would have to let me pick the man who I was going to have sex with. I told your father that it was the least he could do, considering the fact that he was in essence coercing me into have sex with another man just to try to keep our own sex life exciting."

"So who did you choose?"

"Our neighbor across the street at the time, Ben. You remember Ben, don't you?"

"Was this the same 'Ben' that used to come over to our house to play basketball with me in our driveway? And the same 'Ben' that used help Dad out with his various home improvement projects and car maintenance stuff? And the same 'Ben' that you and Dad had over to the house for dinner from time to time, and I used to play video games with him on the couch while we were waiting for the food to cook?"

"Yes. That same 'Ben.' Not only was Ben the convenient choice, since he was always hanging out at our house anyway, and your father trusted him and really liked him a lot, despite their age difference; but Ben was also a very good looking guy in his mid 20's who I just happened to secretly have the hots for. And I figured I might as well get something in return, if I was going to help your father get his rocks off by doing the whole cuckolding thing with him."

"Wow! This just keeps on getting better and better."

"You haven't heard the half of it yet. I still remember that very first night of cuckolding like it was yesterday. You were sleeping over at your best friend's house that night. And Ben agreed to come over to our house for a cozy little last-minute party with just Sam and me. And we all drank several shots of Tequila, just to get loosened up and relaxed.

"An hour or so into our little party, your father asked Ben to come up to the bedroom with us because he wanted to show Ben 'something very special.' And we all three went upstairs to Sam's and my bedroom.

"Sam sat down in the chair across from the bed, and Ben sat down on the side of the bed before I strategically sat down beside Ben.

"We sat there for an awkward moment when Ben finally spoke up to break the silence, and he asked Sam, 'So where's this very special something that you wanted to show me?'

"'Right here,' I said to Ben. And I opened up my blouse and threw off my bra to show Ben my bare breasts.

"It was obvious that Ben was in shock and disbelief. And so I asked him, 'Didn't Sam tell you what we were going to be doing tonight together?'

"And Ben said to me, 'Yes, he did. But to tell you the truth, I didn't think you guys would really go through with it.'

"And I said to him, 'Well, we are. And we're doing this right now. I don't know about you, but I'm so horny I can't stand myself!'

"I leaned over to kiss Ben a few times, and then I let him feel out and suck on my breasts, right in front of your father.

"I had never done anything that taboo or erotic before in my entire life. And so my pussy got sopping wet--especially when I looked over and saw your dad sitting in that chair, with his dick pulled out of his pants, and him fondling away at it, while he was watching Ben and me like a hawk.

"Anyway, the original plan that your dad came up with was that I was going to give Ben a blowjob first, and then let him eat my pussy. And then I was supposed to jack Ben off in from of your father. Either that, or get Ben to jack himself off and let him cum on my pussy. Of course, I'm talking about the outside part of my pussy.

"Well, that whole plan went to hell in a hand basket as soon as Ben and I were both naked, and I had just finished giving him a blowjob so that he had a nice big hard-on down between his legs. And I was lying down on my back on top of the bed with my legs spread apart, letting Ben slurp-slurp away at my pussy.

"Before I knew what was happening, Ben suddenly climbed up on top of me, and pinned me down to the bed, as he penetrated me in a missionary position, and began thrusting away at my pussy.

"At that point, I realized that Ben was actually raping me, since I hadn't given him permission to fuck me. And he was doing it right in front of my own husband.

"But you father didn't say one word about it. He just kept jacking himself off and breathing heavy, and constantly staring at both of us like a madman.

"I whispered in Ben's ear, and asked him very nicely to pull out of me, and let him know that I wasn't on any form of birth control, and that he might get me pregnant--which wasn't quite the whole truth of the matter.

"At the time, I had just gotten off The Pill. Primarily because of my age. It simply became too risky for me to keep taking birth control pills, according to my doctor, who also assured me that I had been on The Pill for so many years that it would most likely take two to three months for my reproductive system to get back to normal.

"That same doctor also told Sam and me that we could safely just go ahead and keep having sexual intercourse during that two to three month period while we continued looking for another reliable birth control method to use in place of The Pill.

"And so that's exactly what Sam and I had recently been doing--except that we weren't having sex very often anymore. Maybe once every couple of weeks, at the most. And I assumed that was why the whole cuckolding thing even came up between us.

"Anyway, back to my story: While Ben continued thrusting his awesome, young, stiff penis in and out of my vagina--and right after I warned him that he might get me pregnant--Ben whispered back in my ear, saying, 'Good. Because that's what your husband wants me to do. He told me that he wants me to fuck the crap out of you and get you pregnant, if I can. So that's exactly what I'm doing right now.'

"And I pleaded with Ben, 'Oh God no! Please don't do this. At least, put on a rubber, or pull out and jack off onto my pussy, or something. I don't want to get pregnant!'

"And that was a total lie on my part. The truth is I was wanting to get pregnant so badly that I could barely stand it. I could feel my biological clock running out, and I was really hoping to have a daughter this time around.

"I was also wanting Sam to be the father of my second child. But that simply wasn't in the cards for me. I'll explain why later.

"So, even though at first, I was outwardly behaving as if I didn't want Ben to fuck me, I was actually elated deep down inside when Ben had ignored my phony pleas, and just kept relentlessly humping away at my pussy with that awesome-feeling dick of his.

"My God! Ben's dick was magnificent compared to Sam's! I couldn't believe how different the intercourse itself felt. Let's just say that I finally understood why women prefer a man with a large, thick penis. Ben's dick stretched my vagina wide-open, which felt absolutely wonderful to my pussy.

"And as Ben continued to hump away at my pussy at a faster and faster pace, I found it harder and harder to maintain my false outward demeanor.

"And it didn't take very long at all before I found myself whispering in Ben's ear, urging him to keep on fucking me for as long as he wanted to, and telling him that I had changed my mind, and that I wanted him to go ahead and cum deep inside my pussy. And that's exactly what he finally ended up doing."

I interrupted Mom's story for a moment to ask her, "Did Ben make you cum while he was fucking you like that, right in front of Dad?"

"Oh God yes! I don't think I've ever cum so hard in my entire life," Mom confessed to me, and we both laughed out loud.

"So did you get pregnant that night?" I asked.

"No. But I did get hooked on cuckolding my husband," Mom stated matter-of-factly, and we both broke out laughing again.

"All I can say is that cuckolding was so exciting and taboo that Sam and I just couldn't get enough of it. Your father and I would have Ben come over to our house at least two or three times a week, so that Ben could fuck the crap out me in front of your dad, and try to get me pregnant.

"Little did Sam and I--or Ben--realize that it would end up taking nearly four months of hardcore fucking for that to finally happen. But it eventually did, thank God!

"And that's how Ben got me pregnant with your little sister.

"And after she was born, Sam and I decided to name her 'Lacey' in honor of Ben's mother."

"What did you mean when you told me earlier that you were wanting Sam to be the father of your second child, but that it simply wasn't in the cards?"

"I meant that I later found out that Sam was 'shooting blanks,' and he had been doing that ever since just after you were born, when one of his buddies at work had talked him into secretly going to the doctor one day and getting a vasectomy that he didn't tell me about until after Ben had finally managed to get me pregnant with Lacey. Go figure...

"There I was risking my health and taking The Pill all those years, thinking that Sam could get me pregnant if I didn't, when the truth was that that was a total impossibility.

"In other words, it wasn't in the cards. And Sam's not telling me the truth about his reproductive situation was the one cruel thing that Sam did to me during his life.

"But ironically, looking back on it all now, the best thing that Sam ever did for me was to suggest that I cuckold him, and let another man have sex with me in front of him."

"Wow, Mom! That's a fucking incredible story, if I've ever heard one!"

"But my story's not over yet. You see, I was really pissed off about the whole vasectomy thing and being lied to all those years. So I decided that I was going to get even with Sam for that one.

"One day, I walked up to him and demanded that he was going to have sexual intercourse with a woman of my choice--not his--and that he was going to do it right in front me while I watched, just like he had made me have sex with Ben in front of him all those months.

"Now, that I finally knew that Sam was shooting blanks sperm-wise, I didn't have to worry about him possibly getting another woman pregnant, and all the backlash that something like that might cause for our family.

"And even though I still loved my husband dearly, I told him that if he didn't cooperate with my demand, I was going to banish him to another bedroom, and never let him have sex with me again. And I could tell from his reaction that he knew that I was serious as a heart attack about that threat, and that I would carry through with it, if he forced my hand."

"Holy shit, Mom! You've got some big balls on you!"

"Actually, it's a big clit," Mom said jokingly and then went on with her story, "So once I got Sam to agree to 'play nice,' I started my search for a woman that I wanted Sam to fuck in front of me. And it didn't take long for me to find the perfect woman.

"Her real name was Dorothy, but everyone just called her 'Dotty,' and she was my close friend when we were both in college. We had shared a dorm room together. And she was always telling me how handsome she thought that Sam was, back before I began dating him. In fact, she had always wanted Sam to date her, but he had ended up choosing me, instead.

"But the most important part of this whole equation was that, when I got back in touch with her, Dotty told me that she was divorced now, several months out from her failed marriage, and that she was feeling horny as hell, and needing to feel a dick in her pussy again--her words, not mine.

"And so, without realizing it, Dotty ended up making this phone call much easier than I thought it was going to be. I offered Sam up to her on a silver platter, and she took the bait, thanking me over and over again for wanting to share my gorgeous husband with her. It didn't even bother her when I told her that I intended to watch the two of them have sex in front of me.

"But then that didn't really surprise me, because Dotty had always had exhibitionist tendencies, ever since I first met her.

"Let's just say that, back when we were in college together, it wasn't uncommon for Dotty to wear a low-cut blouse with no bra, and then lean over towards a guy at some party or in a club, and let that guy look down the front of her blouse to see her nipples. That was pretty much her way of trying to pick up a man that she was interested in having sex with.

"Anyway, after hearing my offer over the phone, all Dotty said to me was, 'So when are we doing this? And where?'

"And I told her, 'How about tomorrow night at my house? Be there by 9:00, if you can. And definitely don't bother wearing a bra, or panties. I can guarantee you that you won't be needing them."

"What did Dotty look like?"

"Well, she was around my same age, of course. But to be honest, she was a very plain-looking girl, and she didn't have much going for her body-wise either. She was super-skinny, tall and lanky, and she was very small-breasted.

"And the next night when Dotty showed up at our house, except for the facial aging part, she still looked pretty much the same way that she did back in college. And that made me very happy.

"Because that's why I picked her for Sam to have sex with. I knew that Sam didn't find Dotty attractive in a sexual way, even though he seemed to like her bubbly, outgoing personality.

"And so I was going to be making my husband fuck someone that he would never choose to have sex with, if that choice were left up to him. And that was the beauty of my revenge plan.

"But my plan went right off the rails that very first night with Dotty in our bedroom. It turned out that Sam ended up getting really turned-on by having sex with another woman in front of me. He didn't seem to care that that other woman was Dotty.

"In fact, he made love to Dotty as if she were a skinny version of me! And of course, I didn't expect that to happen at all.

"In fact, it really got me mad. I was wanting for Sam to be embarrassed and disgusted by the situation of having to fuck a woman who he didn't find to be sexually attractive to him.

"But, much to my dismay, Sam was enjoying the whole experience so much that he didn't just have sex with Dotty. He actually made love to her, kissing her passionately and all that kind of stuff.

"So as I sat there in that chair across from the bed, masturbating and watching those two go at it, I couldn't help but get jealous.

"I eventually jumped into bed beside them, and began kissing Dotty, while my husband was busy humping away at her pussy, missionary-style. Dotty stuck her tongue in my mouth, and we instantly started French-kissing each other.

"I didn't know why I was kissing Dotty. I knew I wasn't gay. I had been having sex with men far too long to ever assume that.

"But I guess I was just feeling super-horny that night, and I lost control of myself. It didn't help that Dotty was passionately kissing me in a way that my own husband hadn't kissed me in years.

"But when Dotty reach over with her hand and began feeling out one of my breasts, and I automatically placed my own hand on her chest, and I began feeling out her small breasts as well, I knew that I was in trouble, and that things would never be the same for me again. I was forced to come to grips with the fact that I had latent bisexual tendencies that I had kept hidden deep down inside for many years.

"And the next thing I knew, I had my hand down in Dotty's pussy, feeling out the front part of her pussy and her clitoris, while Sam continued thrusting his dick in and out of her vagina.

"Then Dotty reach down into my crotch with the one hand that she had been using to play with my breast. She grabbed hold of my clit and began squeezing it between her fingers.

"And that's when Sam orgasmed and came inside her baby-making hole, while I was still rubbing away at her clit. And Dotty, who was obviously orgasming her ass off too, was screaming out in pure joy.

"But the problem was I hadn't orgasmed enough yet to feel thoroughly satisfied. So I got Sam to pull out of her, and go sit down in the chair across the room. And I got up between Dotty's thighs, and I inserted my long clit up into her creampied fuck-hole, and I fake-fucked her with my large clit in front of my husband, until I finally came really hard.

"Before that night with Dotty, I had assumed that this whole experience would be a one-time event, and that Sam and I would simply go back to our usual weird sex life afterwards. But that didn't happen.

"Instead, Sam insisted that we keep having threesome sex with Dotty on a regular basis--and Dotty was all in with the idea too, considering how well that first experience had turned out.

"And Sam told me that I only had myself to blame for bringing Dotty back into our lives, and into our bedroom, in the first place. And the worst part was that I realized that my husband was absolutely right about that, and that I was going to have to live with the consequences of my actions. And so that's what I did."

"Did you and Dad keep on having threesomes with Dotty all the way up until Dad's death?"

"No. I wish that were the case. Believe me. But your dad and I didn't keep up the threesome thing with Dotty after she eventually found a boyfriend about a year or so later, and got married again. In fact, I lost touch with her when she moved into her boyfriend's house, and then they moved across the country somewhere to be closer to where his relatives lived. And that's where I assume the two of them got married.

"And, just for the record, Sam and I didn't always have a threesome with Dotty when she came over to the house. Sometimes Dotty and I would have sex together while your father just sat in the chair and jacked off while he was watching us. He was really into that whole cuckolding thing."

"Nice, Mom! So let me get this straight. What you're really telling me here in this kitchen right now is that you're a bisexual slut?"

"No, son. I'm telling you that I'm human. And I just happen to be bisexual. And I still have sexual wants and desires, even at my advanced age. And most of all, I want to let you know that great sex is about much more than just rubbing two--or even three--bare genitals together. It's a state of mind.

"And I haven't been in that state of mind ever since your father died. It's a lonely old house with no man in my bed. And my old worn-out pussy is just screaming out for me to have another rock-hard penis inside it again.

"Would you do that for me tonight, son? Would you come to my bedroom and fuck me every night that you're staying here? That's the special Christmas present that only you can give me."

"Oh God, Mom! Do you realize what you're asking me to do?"

"Of course I do. I might as well add 'incest' to my list of taboo things that I've done in my life. So what do you say? Do we have a deal?"

"Mom, I'm a virgin. I've never fucked a woman before. What if I'm not that good at it?"

"Oh, don't worry. You'll be good at it. Surely you've watched your share of online porn videos, haven't you?"

"Well yeah, but that's different. It's not my penis going up inside my own mother's vagina," I argued, noticing that I now had a full-blown hard-on at the front of my pants, struggling to push its way out through my closed zipper.

"What are you talking about, son? That should only get you even more excited, doesn't it?"

"Well, yes ma'am. It does for some strange reason, but--"

"No 'buts,'" Mom jumped in, cutting me off. "I won't take 'no' for an answer. If you love me at all, you'll do this one little thing for me.

"Besides, what are you worried about. You can't get me pregnant at my age. But at least we can both still have a great time going through the motions."

"But what about my little sister? Won't she hear us?"

"Sure she will. But she doesn't care. Because she already knows that I planned on fucking you the whole time you're here--with your permission, of course.

"And here's the kicker. Lacey also wants you to fuck her too, while you're here."

"What? You've gotta be kidding me! She's married!"

"So what? What's that got to do with anything? Lacey's trying to get pregnant and start a family. But unfortunately, that's the one thing her husband can't seem to do for her. So she wants you to try your best to get her pregnant while she's staying here with us.

"She told me that she ovulated yesterday, according to her Basal body thermometer readings, and that she can't wait to have her big brother's dick and his sperm inside her pussy."

"Wow! This is a lot to take in, Mom," I commented. "So what do you want me to do? Fuck Lacey during the day, and then fuck you during the night?"

"Sure. Why not? That sounds good--if you're up for it, that is. If not, then I guess your sister and I could always go out for a night on the town together, and then bring home some anonymous guys that we pick up at a nightclub or bar, so that they can fuck us both."

"Ew, that's just plain gross! Please don't do that, Mom. You never know how many loose women's pussies that a stranger's dick has been in."

"But I do know how many pussies your dick has been in, son: Zero. You just admitted that to me yourself a few moments ago. And so I know that your dick has to be in 'clean and pristine' condition--and best of all, VD-free. And that's exactly the type of penis that I want in my vagina--and especially in my daughter's fertile vagina. Capiche?"

"Okay, Mom. You sure drive a hard bargain. I'll go ahead and do it. Because I love you guys. I'll fuck you both with my 'pristine' penis, just like you're asking me to. I promise."

"That's great to hear!" Mom said, "Thank you, son, for your special Christmas present to me, and to your sister."

"But, Mom, you've gotta promise me that what happens in Vegas will stay in Vegas, if you know what I mean? This has to remain our own dirty little secret for the rest of our lives."

"I promise. I'll also get Lacey to promise you that, as well."

"One last little detail: How's Lacey going to explain it to her husband, if I do manage to get her pregnant over the next few days?"

"She's going to lie to him of course, and tell him that the baby is his. She and her husband have been trying to start a family for a while. And so she makes sure that Tim fucks her every time that he comes home from one of his business trips. Are you okay with that?"

"Sure. Why not?"

"Good. We're all set then. Now, do you want a preview of tonight?"

"What on earth are you talking about, Mom?"

"Do you want to see the pussy you came out of when you were born?"

"I've seen it before, Mom. When you were getting out of the shower that time and you accidentally dropped your towel."

"But all you saw was my pubic hair. You didn't actually get to see my pussy. And that's what I'm offering to show to you right now. So I'll ask you once again, do you want to see my pussy?"

"Sure, Mom."

"Okay, then first, you've got to show me your bare package. I'll bet you've already got a hard-on just from us talking about all this stuff."

"Okay, Mom, you're right. I do have a hard-on," I admitted as I stood up from the kitchen tabled, unbuckled my pants, unzipped my zipper, and pulled my pants and underwear down around my thighs to let Mom get her first glimpse of my erect penis and scrotum.

"Oh my! I had forgotten just how nice and big your dick is. It's been a while since I last saw it."

"And exactly when was that, Mom?"

"I can't believe you don't remember. Because I sure do. It happened that summer after you had graduated high school, and turned 18. But you were still living with your dad and me, while you were waiting for your first semester at the university to get underway.

"And I came home from work early one afternoon, and caught you 'doing your thing' while you were lying in your bed. You had your bedroom door wide open, and I could hear the porn videos that you were playing on your laptop, as I was walking down the hallway to my bedroom. How could I not look into your room?"

"Oh my God! I remember that now. I was so embarrassed at the time. Sorry about that."

"Don't be sorry, son. You weren't doing anything wrong. But do you want to know what I did after I caught you that afternoon?"

"Yeah, sure. I mean, you seemed really upset when you ran off, after catching me in the act, like that."

"Well, I was. But I wasn't upset with you. I was upset about my own reaction to what I caught you doing. You see, I immediately went to my bedroom, locked my bedroom door, and masturbated while I was fantasizing the whole time about what your fully-erect dick and balls had looked like. I knew that what I was doing was so wrong and taboo. But I just couldn't get those thoughts out of my head.

"And while I was masturbating that day, I also couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to actually let my own son fuck me.

"And I almost acted on that thought that day. But I finally decided it was best for me to just stay in my bedroom and masturbate, instead of coming back to your bedroom to try to seduce my own son into fucking me. Besides, I knew that if your father ever found out that you and I fucked, he'd totally freak out about it and lose his shit, to the point that he might even divorce me.

"But I'm curious though. After I caught you that afternoon, and then left your bedroom doorway, if I would have gone ahead and come back into your bedroom while you were still doing what you males do--at least I assume you continued to 'do your thing'--would you--"

I rudely cut Mom off mid-sentence, "--You assume right, Mom. I did go ahead and finish what I had started. You always taught me to do that. And so that's exactly what I did."

"But if I would've asked you to have sex with me, would you have gone ahead and fucked me that afternoon?"

"I honestly don't know what I would have done way back then, Mom. Okay? That was many years ago, and I was a different person back then, but then so were you," I said, while feeling uncomfortable about my own mother staring at my exposed dick and balls. "What I do know, is that now it's your turn. Please show me the pussy that I came out of when I was born."

Upon hearing my request, Mom got up out of her chair, unbuttoned the front of her housecoat all the way down, put a hand on each side of her stomach, and in one smooth motion, pulled the front of the gown wide-open to show me her entire naked body. It definitely wasn't anything to write home about.

My mother was a big-boned, fairly tall, brown-haired woman of mostly Italian descent. Her large breasts were pretty saggy, she was at least 50 pounds overweight, and her entire pubic area had been shaved hairless.

Just for the record, Mom's whole pubic area was really hairy back when I saw it the day that she came out of the shower and accidentally dropped her towel.

Mom walked around the kitchen table over to my side of the table, and said to me, "Sit back down, son."

And so I did, with my pants and underwear still pulled down, and wrapped around my thighs.

"Do you want to suck on my breasts? They're the same breasts that you used to suck away on back when you were a baby."

I just nodded, slid my chair over to the left to face her, and leaned over toward her chest. I gently grabbed hold of her right breast, and pulled it over to my mouth, so that I could latch onto her large nipple, and start sucking away on it, just like a baby would do.

When I did that, my mother cradled my head in her hands, and I heard my mother say, "Oh, God yes! I've waited so long for this moment. To feel your wonderful mouth around my nipples again."

After a few minutes, I shifted my mouth over to Mom's left nipple, and gave it the attention that it deserved.

Then Mom said to me, "Do you want to touch my pussy, and see what it feels like?"

I didn't answer. I just nodded a couple of times, and pulled my mouth away from her nipple.

Mom straightened back up. She had been leaning over towards me to give me easier access to her breasts, and to caress my head in her arms while I was sucking on her nipples.

But now, with Mom standing up straight in front of me, I was looking directly at her pussy, and seeing it up close for the very first time ever.

And my mother's pussy was not a pretty-looking pussy by any stretch of the imagination. It was however an incredibly nasty-looking pussy. She had super-long inner labia hanging way down out of her crack, looking like small darkly discolored skin-curtains. But that wasn't the most unique or nasty-looking feature of her pussy. Her clitoris was.

When I got my first close-up view of Mom's pussy, and saw her clitoris, I instantly thought to myself, What the fuck is that sticking out at the very front of your pussy? It looks like a small dick!

But of course, I didn't vocalize my thoughts to Mom.

I slowly reached down between Mom's legs, as she spread her legs apart just enough to give me easy access, and I inserted my fingertips up into her slit, and felt her wetness for the first time ever. And I thought to myself, My God! You're already soppy-wet and ready-to-fuck.

Mom reached down into the front of her shaved-hairless crotch with both hands, placed one hand on each side of her pussy crack, tilted her pelvis forward, and pulled her pussy crack wide-open so that I could plainly see all the various parts that were normally hidden down inside her inner pussy lips.

All I can say is that her clitoris was a real turn-on for me. It was huge. A little over 2 inches long and about 3/4 inches wide. And it even had a distinct head on it with a small, darker-colored corona encircling the rear part of it, making it look much more like a small penis than a large clitoris.

I couldn't help but grab hold of it and start gently moving her clitoral hood up and down her long shaft, as if I were jacking off a small penis.

And I automatically thought to myself, I wonder what Dad's reaction was when he first discovered that Mom has a huge, dick-looking clitoris at the front of her pussy.

At first, Mom really seemed to enjoy what I was doing, as she remarked to me, "Wow! You really like my 'little dick,' don't you? I've been self-conscious about it my whole life. But you really can't blame me. Not many women out there have a 'little dick' for a clitoris, like I do. I was afraid that you'd find it repulsive."

"No, ma'am. I love your 'little dick.' It's really a huge turn-on for me! And I think I could keep feeling it and playing with it for hours, if you'd let me."

"On my God! Please don't do that. I want you to touch and feel the other parts of my pussy, okay? So this is my piss-hole," Mom said, using her extended middle finger to point directly at it. "Do you want to watch me pee a little bit?"

"Sure, Mom. Why not? We've already gone this far."

"Good. So go ahead and cup the palm of your hand, and place it under my pussy, and I'll carefully let out a little bit of urine directly onto your hand. Okay?"

And the next thing I knew, I could feel the warm, yellowish-colored, watery liquid flowing out into the cupped palm of my hand, with some of it falling through my fingers and over the edge of my palm to splatter onto the linoleum kitchen floor below.

"Oops!" Mom said, "I guess I accidentally let out just a little more urine than I had planned on. You can chalk that one up to my old-lady bladder and piss-hole. So what are you going to do with all that piss?"

"Rub it all over your pussy?" I replied hesitantly, seeking Mom's approval.

And Mom said, "Sounds good to me, son. Go for it!"

While Mom just kept holding her pussy pulled wide-open for me, I pressed the cupped palm of my hand up against her flattened-out pussy crack, and rubbed her still-warm urine all around on it.

"Okay, that's good," Mom said. "Now that I'm nice and wet, I want you to go ahead and stick your fingers up inside my vagina and feel it out. It's that much bigger hole at the very rear of my pussy."

"Yes, Mom. I know," I said, not really liking my mother's patronizing tone-of-voice, "I'm not a little kid anymore. I took Sex Ed in high school, remember?"

"Well, that's good. But keep in mind that what I'm showing you--and what you're going to be feeling out for yourself--isn't just some woman's vagina. It's my vagina. It's the same vagina that your father had his dick inside of thousands of times throughout the years. It's the same vagina that your dick's going to be up inside of tonight. And it's the same vagina that you popped out of 35 years ago, back when you were born."

I slid my fingertips up into the entrance of my mother's vagina, and moved them around a little bit, feeling the uneven edges of her gaping vaginal entrance, along with the tiny skin flaps that were the left-over remnants of her broken hymen.

And then I slowly inserted my middle finger up deep into Mom's fuck-hole. And my mother just stood there, holding her pussy wide-open for me, while she was letting me do that to her.

At first, it felt like I was in some kind of strange dream, or something. But then Mom quickly snapped me out of my temporary daze, when she said to me, "Oh, come on, son. You can do better than that. Why don't you go ahead and put a couple of fingers together, and stick them up into my vagina at the same time. That way, you can really feel out my vaginal walls, and my urethral tube, and my cervix with your fingertips. Don't worry. You're not going to hurt me. I do that same type of stuff to my own vagina whenever I masturbate."

Who was I to argue with my own mother? So I did exactly what she told me to do. I held my middle finger and my ring finger together as I inserted them both up into her vagina, and began using my fingertips to feel out the three distinct parts of her vagina that she had referred to just moments before.

I was especially intrigued by Mom's cervix. It was surprisingly firm and almost perfectly round. And it felt similar to the way that the end of a guy's dick-head feels--except that her cervix was doughnut-shaped, with a noticeable indentation right in the center of it, where her cervical os was. And I knew that that was the same tiny hole where Dad's sperm had to have swam through many years ago to fertilize one of Mom's eggs and create me.

"Okay, that's good," Mom said to me, "Now let me show you exactly where my G-spot is. I'll bet they never showed you that in your high school Sex Ed class. Did they?"

"No, ma'am. You're absolutely right about that."

"Okay. So now take your two fingers and bend them towards you. Then feel around on my urethral tube until you find a small, very rough patch of skin, just about an inch or two inside my vaginal opening, at the very front of my vagina. Oh, yeah. You hit it. That's my G-spot.

"Now firmly rub the tips of her fingers up and down along the lower part of my urethral tube, focusing on that small rough patch of skin. Oh God yes! Just like that. Okay, now stop!

"I want you to take your fingers out of my vagina, and go back to feeling out my outer pussy parts, because if you keep rubbing my G-spot like you were doing, you're going to make me orgasm my ass off, right here in the kitchen. And I'd much rather prefer to do that when I'm lying down on a nice soft bed, so that I can flop around and really enjoy the strong orgasms that my G-spot is capable of producing.

"I also want you to stand up now, and face me."

I stood up from the wooden kitchen chair, turned to face my mother, and noticed that the tip of my erect dick was just a couple inches away from the pubic area at the front of Mom's shaved-bare lower abdomen.

As I continued to feel out Mom's outer pussy parts, like she had told me to do, Mom removed her hands from her pussy, and let it naturally close up around my fingers.

She reached across and placed her left hand around my balls, and then wrapped her right hand around the shaft of my dick.

When she did that, I had a spontaneous orgasm and squirted my sperm all over the front of my own mother's lower abdomen.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do that. I guess I'm just so excited that I couldn't help it," I explained to Mom.

"Don't worry about it, son. It's pretty much what I was expecting, considering the circumstances. Now go ahead and pull your fingers away from my pussy, so that I can get cleaned up at little bit. And let's get our clothes back on before Lacey comes home, shall we?

"And tonight, when you come to my bedroom, we're going to get naked first and masturbate in front of each other. And that's all we're going to do until you cum and have your first ejaculation. That way you should be able to last much longer inside me, while we're fucking. Is that okay with you, son?"

"Yeah, that's fine, Mom," I agreed.

And after Mom cleaned herself up in the bathroom, and once we were both fully clothed again, we both sat back down at the kitchen table, across from each other, and talked about other mundane things while we finished our now-luke-warm tea, acting as if we didn't just have a sexual encounter together.

At one point I asked Mom, "Isn't your real name 'Virginia?'"

"Yes, it is, as a matter of fact."

"So then why do you go by the name 'Janie?'"

"'Jane' is my middle name, and I absolutely hate the name 'Virginia.' That's why."

"Why do you hate that name so much?"

"Because it's derived from the word, 'virgin,' believe it or not. And it's been many years since I've been one of those. And even back when I was one, I never really felt like one.

"The very first time that I ever let a guy fuck me was back in high school. And by that point in my life, I was so used to sticking cylindrical objects up into my own vagina whenever I masturbated that it didn't hurt, or anything like that, to finally have a guy's erect penis up inside me. And it wasn't uncomfortable at all.

"In fact, losing my virginity to Keith turned out to be one the best things that ever happened to me. My pussy literally loved being fucked by that boy's dick! It made me cum so hard, I couldn't believe how good it felt to me at the time. Especially when his dick started throbbing inside me, and the sperm--"

Mom suddenly jumped up out of her chair--surprising the crap out of me, and making me flinch--as she quickly announced, "Oh shit! I need to mop the floor before Lacey gets here!"

While my mother was busy mopping up the urine and the sperm from the kitchen floor, I just sat there at the table, watching her, and wondering if she would have turned out to be a different person personality-wise had she gone by the name "Virginia" her whole life, instead of "Janie." And even though I had never called my own mother "Janie" to her face, I had the sudden urge to do that sometime this evening, just to find out what her reaction would be.

And I could smell my mother's fishy pussy odor combined with her urine all over my fingers every time that I lifted my tea cup to my mouth to take a sip. It was a poignant reminder of the taboo sex that had just taken place between us, and all the taboo sex that was going to continue to take place throughout my Christmas stay at Mom's house.

I thought about how Mom had initially surprised me by coming onto me like that, and telling me that she wanted me to fuck her.

But looking back on it, that really didn't surprise me that much, because Mom and I had always been very close. And she had always been a very touchy-feely kind of woman. It seemed like she was always looking for opportunities to give me a quick pat on the butt, or hug me, or kiss me, or give me back rub, or a neck massage. That's just the way my mother had always behaved towards me.

And, if I'm honest with myself, the truth is that I had always fantasized about what it might be like to bravely step over that taboo line, and have incestuous sex with my own mother.

And now I knew that the whole experience in real life was going to be an absolute turn-on for me, just like I knew that it was going to be for Mom.

The part that surprised and confused me the most was when Mom told me that my little sister actually wanted me to fuck her, and try to get her pregnant while I was staying at Mom's for Christmas.

And for some weird reason, I automatically found myself wondering if Lacey's pussy would smell the same way that Mom's did.

Within a few minutes, Lacey came bounding through the kitchen door with her friends in tow.

Lacey's body looked nothing like Mom's. But then she was a lot younger, and in much better physical shape. She was also much shorter than Mom, and she had very small breasts and a tight, boyish-looking ass on her.

I wondered what Lacey's pussy looked like, and how and when she was going to approach me to ask me to have sex with her.

But for now, Lacey was just a 23-year-old married woman who was acting like a 16-year-old single girl in front of her little gaggle of girlfriends.

I found myself just waiting for all of them to leave the house, and leave Lacey alone with me in the house somewhere, now that I knew the truth about what Lacey was really up to, behind her husband's back.

What I didn't know yet was that Lacey, who had arrived at Mom's house the day before I did, had spent that first night in Mom's bed, cuddled up with Mom.

I also didn't know that Lacey had eventually ended up sucking on those same large, saggy breasts that I had just finished sucking on in the kitchen.

And one thing had naturally led to another, and my mother and Lacey eventually had sex together for the first time ever that night, before finally falling asleep in each other's arms.

Lacey herself later admitted to me that this was her first time having sex with another woman, instead of a man.

Now, that's some fairly bizarre shit, if you ask me!

But like I just said, I was not aware of any of that at this point in time.

Anyway, after Lacey's friends finally left the house, Mom, Lacey, and I all went out to dinner together at Luigi's Pizza House, and by the time we got back home it was already dark outside.

Mom opened the front door, and we all took off our coats and shoes, and went to our respective bedrooms to get into our sleep wear for the evening. I changed into a pair of light-weight cotton pajama bottoms, and intentionally left myself naked from the waist up.

When I came out of my bedroom and started heading towards the stairs to go down to the main living area, Lacey suddenly stepped out of her bedroom doorway, wearing only a sheer light-pink baby doll nightie, with no panties on underneath. And she quickly spread her arms and legs far apart to make a giant "X" with her body to literally block me in the hallway.

Lacey said to me, "Where are you going, you big stud? You're going the wrong way, aren't you? Mom's bedroom is that way." Lacey pointed down the hall, away from the second floor staircase landing.

Then Lacey followed me down the hall and into Mom's bedroom. Mom's bedroom door was wide-open, and she was totally naked underneath a bed-size fleece blanket. She was lying on her back on top of the bed, with her legs spread apart. I could see the outline of her body under the thin blanket. And I could also tell that Mom was gingerly fingering herself, masturbating.

As soon as she saw Lacey and I coming into her bedroom, Mom abruptly stopped fingering herself, and pulled her hands up on top of the blanket.

"You've been such a good daughter," Mom praised Lacey. "Now come and give your mother a kiss," Mom said with her arms wide-open, ready to hug her daughter.

Lacey climbed into the bed, beside Mom, and then gave her a quick kiss on the cheek.

Then Mom asked her, "Do you want me to show you my pussy? I figure it's the only fair thing to do, since I already showed your big brother my pussy earlier this evening, while you were out with your friends."

"You did what?" Lacey said, acting all self-righteous. And of course this was all an act that Mom and Lacey were putting on for my benefit, since they knew that I didn't know that they had gotten it on together the night before.

"You heard me," Mom replied, "Come on. It's not that big of a deal. It's only the pussy that you came out of when you were born."

Lacey was still acting hesitant when Mom reach down into Lacey's crotch and began gently fondling my little sister's pussy, saying to her, "Besides, you're already showing me your pussy right now anyway. Why shouldn't I show you mine?"

Mom didn't wait for Lacey to answer her. She just grabbed the blanket that had been covering up her body, and tossed it off the side of the bed. Lacey acted as if she were totally shocked by the sight of Mom's magnificent, very unique-looking pussy.

After Lacey just stared at Mom's pussy for a few seconds, she finally remarked, "That's the coolest-looking pussy I've ever seen! Is that your clitoris?" Lacey reached across Mom's thigh to point at her huge clit. "I mean, it looks like a little dick, or something."

"Funny you should mention that. Because that's exactly what I like to call it. My 'little dick.' About the only difference is I don't pee out of it, or ejaculate sperm out of it. But believe me, it's all clitoris, and it does get erect, just like yours does. Except that mine's much more noticeable, don't you think?" Mom said, trying to lighten the mood.

"Well, what are you waiting for, sweetie? Go ahead and touch it and feel it. Because I know you want to."

"But, Mom, it's just wrong in so many ways," Lacey balked.

"What? This?" Mom said as she grabbed hold of Lacey's clit between her thumb and her index finger, and slowly began pulling the small hood up and down the slender shaft of Lacey's clitoris. Doesn't this feel good to you?"

"Well, yes, Mom, but we're not supposed to be doing this. I'm not gay. And even if I were, you're my own mother."

"And your point is?" Mom asked coyly, and Lacey just clammed up. All I can say is that Lacey was one hell of a little actress.

"Well, I am you mother. You got that part right. And just like you, I'm not gay either. But the most important question is: Are you enjoying what I'm doing to your pussy right now?"

"Yes, ma'am, it feels really good!"

"Yes, it does, doesn't it. So why don't you get over yourself, and go ahead and do the same thing to my pussy, because I only want to feel good too, just like you're feeling right now? You do love me, right?"

"Of course I do, Mom."

"Then grab my fucking clit right now, and pull up and down on it until it gets erect!" Mom barked out at Lacey. "I don't think that's too much to ask. Do you?"

"No, ma'am. It's not," Lacey agreed and wrapped her thumb and fingers around the protruding shaft of Mom's huge clitoris, and she began pulling up and down on its hood.

And I watched in total silence as I saw Mom's clitoris become fully-erect, thanks to Lacey's manipulation of it.

"Okay, now stick your fingers up inside me. Come on. I know you want to," Mom said, as I looked down and saw Mom's own fingers disappear up into Lacey's vagina.

Lacey was obviously getting turned-on by what Mom was doing to her pussy. And before I knew it, Lacey had her groping fingers up inside of our mother's vagina.

After about a minute or so of mutual pussy fonding, Mom said to Lacey, "Now, this isn't so bad, is it? It's just two grown women letting down their inhibitions, and using their fingers to pleasure each other in the best way that two women can. Nothing more. Nothing less.

"Doing this with me doesn't make you gay, or bisexual, or weird. And it doesn't change the way that we feel about each other, except to bring us even closer together than we were before.

"However, what it does do is prove that you're human. Just like I am. And we both naturally like to have our genitals stimulated. And there's absolutely nothing wrong with that, is there?"

"No, ma'am," Lacey agreed.

"Good. Now get your fingers out of my pussy! And I'm going to go sit over there in that chair and diddle myself, while I'm watching you two kids trying to make a baby together."

Meanwhile, I was standing there beside the bed in total shock. I couldn't believe the impromptu, incestuous bisexual encounter that I had just witnessed taking place in front of my own eyes.

I was also feeling pretty damn embarrassed too, and I didn't know why I felt embarrassed like that. I mean, I wasn't one of the participants. I was just a passive observer.

"What's the matter, son?" Mom looked up at me as she was getting up out of bed, and asked, "Haven't you ever seen two women having sex in any of those online porn videos you watch?"

"Yeah, sure," I said.

"Well, take off your fucking clothes and let's get down to business!" Mom said authoritatively, in that familiar voice that I knew meant 'no messing around.'

When Mom sat down in the chair, my little sister quickly moved over to sit on the foot of the bed, facing my mother, while I was pulling down my PJ bottoms and my boxer brief underwear, and stepping out of them. Lacey kept staring at Mom, instead of looking at my naked body.

Then Mom said to Lacey, "I want you to tell your big brother what you want him to do to you tonight."

And Lacey turned towards me, and while looking down at the bedroom floor the whole time, she said to me in a very even tone-of-voice, "I want you fuck me and get me pregnant, if you can. Did Mom tell you that I'm ovulating right now, and that I'm not using any birth control?"

"Yes, she did," I replied, thinking about how long it must have taken Lacey to write and then memorize that little speech to me. Because it sounded completely rehearsed.

Then I realized when Lacey spoke up again that she wasn't quite done with her little memorized speech yet.

Lacey said, "Good. I want you to know the whole truth, going into this deal. Don't worry. My husband will never know that you got me pregnant. Nor will anyone else, except for the three people who are in this bedroom right now. I promise you."

"Are you sure you want me to do this?" I asked Lacey.

And Lacey finally looked up at me with a confused look on her face. I guess she ultimately ran out of memorized stuff to say to me. And now she was being forced to actually talk to me in real time, and treat me like a fellow human being. But she still didn't look at my face.

Instead, Lacey stared at my erect dick and my balls as she told me, "Yes. I've never been more sure of anything in my life. While you're here at Mom's house I want you to fuck me anytime you get horny and feel like it. Just let me know, and I'll be more than happy to let you get your rocks off inside my pussy."

"Mom, how do you feel about that?" I asked, looking over towards my mother.

"I'm good with it," my mother replied, leaning back in the chair across from the foot of the bed, with her hand down between her spread-apart thighs, rubbing away at her own bare pussy.

The next thing I knew, my little sister motioned for me to sit down on the bed beside her. And when I leaned over and started to tenderly kiss her, she abruptly stopped me and warned me, "Kissing is reserved for my husband. I'm not here for you to show me any affection. I just want you to have pure, raw sex with me.

"Now, if you want to feel out my tits, that's just fine. Or if you want to play with my pussy, that's fine too. And if you want me to give you a handjob or a blowjob, just let me know, 'cuz that's fine too. Whatever turns you on to get you hard. But--"

"--If you haven't noticed, sis, I'm already hard," I interrupted, pointing downward towards my stiff flagpole of a dick.

"Please let me finish laying down the ground rules. What I was trying to tell you before you so rudely interrupted me is: Let's not pretend that this is about love making, Carl. Because it's not. It's about you doing your best to try to get me pregnant. So that means you've gotta cum deep inside me and give me your whole wad of sperm anytime that I let you fuck me."

I couldn't believe that I had just been read the riot act by my little sister, and that she was still wearing her pink baby doll nightie. But she was obviously very uncomfortable being next to my naked body, because she had her legs closed up tightly, thigh-against-thigh, and she kept her eyes closed.

"Spread your legs, sis. Then I want you to pull your pussy crack wide-open and show me what you've got down there," I ordered her.

And Lacey followed my instructions to the letter, without ever opening her eyes.

I knelt down on the floor in front of her, between her spread-apart thighs, and began feeling out her cute little pussy, as I was making an up-close visual examination of every inch of it, at the same time.

I had my nose so close to her little pussy that I could smell her sexy pussy-odor wafting up into my nasal passages.

"You know, Tim's a lucky man to have a wife with such an awesome-looking pussy between her legs."

"Please don't talk about my husband. Okay?" said my sister.

"Okay, okay. I want you to take off your nightie, and show me your tits. I want to see what they really look like, without any material hanging down in front of them."

Lacey grabbed the bottom part of her sheer nightie with both arms--once again, while still leaving her eyes closed--and she lifted her nightie up over the top of her head, tossing it onto the floor by the foot of the bed afterwards.

Then she dropped her arms back down to her sides and said, "Tah Dah! Is this what you wanted to see?"

"Oh hell yes! God, your little titties are so sexy-looking! It makes me just want to rub my dick against them. Can I?"

"If that's what you want to do, go right ahead," the closed-eyed Lacey said to me.

I stood up in front of her, making sure to place the head of my penis right under her nose for a few moments, so that she could get a good whiff of my "manly aroma," before moving my dick down to her right breast, and teasingly rubbing the tip of my dick from side-to-side against her nipple.

Then I moved my dick over to the other side of her chest, and did the same thing to her left nipple.

And Lacey didn't react at all to anything I was doing. She didn't open her eyes, or move around, or do anything else, other than to just sit there on the foot of the bed, acting more like a living statue than a human being.

I couldn't believe how cold Lacey was being towards me, when just moments before she was so warm and loving towards our mother, when they were both in bed together, doing the "bisexual shuffle," as it were.

But now that she was with me, it seemed like she was just enduring it all, patiently waiting on me to tell her what I wanted her to do next.

"I want you to lie down on top of the bed," I said to my human statue of a sister.

And lo and behold, Lacey finally moved.

But all she did was lie down on her back on top of the bed, while keeping her butt in the exact same position at the foot of the bed, and her legs spread apart, with her feet still on the floor. And just for the record she still had her eyes closed.

I was still standing up in front of Lacey when I bent my knees a little bit, and moved my dick in close to her crotch so that I could begin rubbing the dry head of my circumcised dick up and down the length of her pussy crack to lubricate it. That way, I could penetrate what I was sure would be a tight-fitting vagina without causing my sister any pain--hopefully.

The minute that Lacey felt my dick-head come into direct contact with the inside part of her pussy-crack, she suddenly sat back up on the bed, opened her eyes up wide, and barked out at me in a very loud voice, "What the fuck are your doing?"

"I'm getting myself lubricated so that I can start fucking you," I explained, defending my actions.

"Not like this you're not!" Lacey cried out, pushing me away with both stiff-armed hands. "Just wait a God damn minute, buster! Let me get into position first!"

I was confused, because I had no idea what Lacey meant by "get into position first."

Then Lacey desperately called across the room to her mother, "Didn't you tell him about the doggie-style stuff?"

"I'm sorry, dear. I forgot to mention that to him. Why don't you tell him yourself?"

"Okay, Mom, I sure as hell will."

"Carl, I don't want you to fuck me in a face-to-face position throughout the whole time that I'm here. Instead, you've got to promise me that you'll only fuck me from the rear, so that I don't have to look at your face while you're fucking me.

"In other words, I want the sex itself to be as clinical and impersonal as possible. Like the kind of sex a person would have through a glory hole at an x-rated adult book store. That's why I've been keeping my eyes closed.

"Do you think you can you do that for me, big brother? Because that's the only way I can live with myself for letting you do this to me. Okay?"

"Sure, sis. Whatever floats your boat," I said in a very soft, unenthusiastic tone-of-voice.

I wanted to fuck my sister, not fight with her at this point. Besides, I had a raging hard-on between my legs that needed a vagina to slide into as soon as possible.

Lacey stood up, climbed up on top of the bed, got down on all fours, and assumed the traditional doggie-style intercourse position, spreading her knees apart and sticking her bare slender butt up in the air, basically "presenting herself" to me.

I immediately followed her up onto the top of the bed, and I positioned myself down on my knees, just behind her butt.

And as I slipped my dick up into her vagina, she sucked air in through her teeth, and said to me in a jittery voice, "I guess it's too late to turn back now..." And she nervously giggled a little bit.

That's when the thought struck me out of nowhere that my mother, who was still sitting across the room in that chair, and masturbating away, had the ideal view of the copulation that was now taking place just a few feet in front of her. With both of our butts almost directly facing Mom, she had a clear view of Lacey's and my coupled-up genitals.

"Hey, if you feel that way, we can just stop right now," I suggested to my sister.

"Don't you dare!" Lacey warned me. "Well, come on. Start thrusting it in and out already. It's been a busy day. I'm tired and I wanna go to bed. So I wish you'd hurry up and make yourself cum."

Then, after I had begun slowly thrusting away at her vagina from the rear, trying my best to make our intercourse last as long as possible, Lacey suddenly said, "Wait a minute. Hold that thought! I need to make myself cum first. That's an important part that helps a woman to get pregnant. The wetness gives the sperm cells liquid to swim around in, so that more of them stay alive in the vagina long enough to actually make it up into the uterus."

"Okay, so what do you want me to do, miss smarty-pants?"

"I want you to pull out of me for a few minutes, so that I can flip over onto my back and masturbate while I'm looking at your dick and balls. I'm pretty sure that's the fastest way I can make myself cum."

I begrudgingly eased my dick out of Lacey's awesome-feeling vagina, and sat back on my haunches, as I watched her quickly flip over onto her back on top of the bed, and then skillfully manipulate her clitoris until she finally gave herself what looked like a fairly decent orgasm.

Just for the record, Lacey had kept her eyes laser-focus on my package the whole time that she was masturbating in front of me.

Lacey finally got back into her previous doggie-style, down-on-all-fours body position--this time, remembering to place a pillow under the front part of her hips and pubic area to assist her in maintaining her butt-up-in-the-air, doggie-style pose--and she said to me, "Fuck me now, God damn it!"

"Don't worry. This won't take long at all," I reassured my little sister, believing that I was lying to her, as I inserted my dick back into what was now a much-wetter-feeling vagina.

My whole goal at this point was to try to make our intercourse last as long as possible, so that I could derive as much pleasure from it as I possibly could, considering the weird circumstances.

And so I slowly slid my dick back up into Lacey's now-much-wetter vagina, and then I felt her vaginal sphincter muscles clamping down firmly around the base of my penis.

And then that ring of muscles surrounding her vaginal entrance relaxed for a moment, and then clamped down hard again, before repeating the same cycle.

And it was obvious to me that Lacey was intentionally and consciously using her own vaginal muscles to literally try to milk the sperm right out of my dick. I had never felt anything like that before. It was a super erotic experience.

Lacey kept clamping down then loosening up her strong vaginal sphincter muscles while I tried to keep thrusting my dick in and out of her vagina as best as I could. But it was a losing battle.

So I pulled out until I had only the head of my dick inserted up into her vaginal entrance, and I just stayed in that position without moving my dick around, while I was letting Lacey's strong vaginal muscles work their milking magic on my frenulum, just behind the head of my dick.

And it didn't take long for the orgasmic feelings to overwhelm me, at which point I shoved my dick up into my sister's vagina--all the way up to the hilt--and squirted my whole wad deep inside my little sister's baby-making hole.

Afterwards, when Lacey felt me starting to pull out of her, I felt her vaginal muscles clamp down tightly around the middle of my dick-shaft.

At the same time, Lacey yelled back to me, "Don't you dare pull out now! I need for you to leave your dick deep inside my pussy until your dick softens up and falls out on its own. That's a very important part of getting a girl pregnant, according to everything I've read on the subject. Your dick acts like a plug to keep the excess sperm from flowing out of my vajayjay. Now, push it all the way back in, and leave it there! Do you understand me?"

"Yes, ma'am," I said sarcastically.

And when Lacey finally relaxed her vaginal muscles, I rammed my dick forward into her as hard and fast as I could, slamming the front of my pubic bone up against her bony butt.

And then I just stopped, as I was kneeling there motionless with my dick stuck all the say up into my little sister's birth canal. I have to admit I was pissed at my little sister for acting the way that she had.

Part of me wanted to shove one of my fingers up Lacey's little poop-chute, just to piss her off, and cause her some more pain. But I couldn't do that to her, because I'm not really a mean person by nature.

As soon as my dick finally softened up, and fell out of Lacey's vagina on its own, she abruptly got up out of the bed, and scurried down the hallway to her bedroom.

She was acting as if I had just forcibly raped her, or something; and now, she was finally able to escape and get away from me.

I moved over to sit down at the foot of the bed. And that's when I shifted my attention to Mom, who was sitting in the chair at the foot of the bed, with her hand diddling away at her large clit.

"Bravo!" Mom said to me from across the room. "Excellent performance! But then, I would expect nothing less from a son of mine. So what do you want to do now? Do you want to have sex with me? Or do you want to go to bed? Or do you want to watch me masturbate? Or do you want us to watch some online porn videos together? Take your pick."

"How about I watch you masturbate until I get another hard-on, and then we can fuck. But only as long as you promise me not to clamp down hard around my dick, like Lacey just did. Would that be okay with you?"

"You bet it would," Mom said, chuckling a little, "But you've got to understand something, son. My 'clamping down hard' days are gone forever. My old, stretched-out vagina just won't do that anymore, even if I wanted it to."

Then Mom crossed the room to lie down on her back on top of the bed. She spread her legs apart, and that's when I surprised her by diving head-first into her pussy, and eating her out.

I had never had my tongue and mouth on a woman's pussy before. But I had seen my share of porn videos, and had managed to figure out what "eating pussy" was all about.

The pungent, fishy urine smell of Mom's pussy was addictive to me. It seemed like I just couldn't sniff enough of it for my liking. And I especially loved sucking away on that giant clit of hers. That was a real turn-on for me.

And all I could think about while I was licking and sucking Mom's pussy was that this was the same pussy that had pushed me out and given me life 35 years ago. And I knew that this was also the same pussy that my father had to have licked and sucked throughout all those years of marriage to my mother. Needless to say, it didn't take long for me to get another erection. And when I did, it was "watch out, Mom, here I come" time.

I crawled between Mom's spread-apart thighs to mount her in a missionary position. Then I shoved my dick into my mother's vagina in one smooth thrust, all the way up to the hilt.

That was very easy to do, because not only was Mom's vagina really wet from her having been masturbating for such a long period of time, but her vagina was also noticeably looser around my dick than Lacey's had been. But surprisingly, Mom's older vagina actually felt much better to my dick than Lacey's tight, young vagina had.

It was easy to tell that it had been five years since Mom's vagina has hosted a man's penis, because after I initially penetrated her, Mom kept saying things like, "Oh, God! That feels so fucking wonderful! I've missed this so much! I can't believe it feels so fucking good! That's it, Carl. Fuck me, you little motherfucker!"

And I thought about the fact that I really was a "motherfucker" now, in the literal sense of what that term really means.

I moved my dick-head all around deep inside my own mother's vagina until I felt it press up against her cervix.

Mom must have felt it too, because she reacted by cumming. At least I assumed that what she was doing was orgasming, because she really didn't show it outwardly. However, I could feel the muscles surrounding her vaginal opening, as they were repeatedly and rhythmically squeezing the base of my dick-shaft for a few seconds, but nowhere near as firmly as Lacey's vaginal muscles had squeezed my dick-shaft.

"Did you just cum, Mom?" I finally asked her, just to check if my hunch was right.

"Yes, I did. But this one was only a mild orgasm. Keep doing what you're doing. I can feel it, deep inside me. And it feels great!"

"Okay, but don't you want me to thrust in and out?"

"I want you to fuck me in whatever way you want to, son. If you want to thrust, go right ahead and thrust. If not, then don't. It's your choice. I'm just here for the ride, at this point.

"You're the one who's in control now. If you need me to talk dirty to you, just let me know, and I'll be more than happy to help you get your rocks off. If you need to suck my nipples while you fuck me, go ahead. There's nothing stopping you.

"All I ask is that you don't kiss me on the lips, okay? I'll explain why later, if you want to know why."

"Why not?" I asked defiantly, and then leaned over and gently kissed her on the lips while I was coupled up and fucking her. And she didn't try to pull away from my kiss. Instead, she kissed me back.

Then she pulled away just long enough to say to me, in a very soft and almost angelic voice, "Damn it, Carl. I asked you not to do this."

"You mean this?" I asked. Then I opened up my mouth, pressed it up against hers, and stuck my tongue inside her mouth. And she didn't pull away from me. Instead, we both began exchanging tongues and saliva in one long passionate series of French-kissing, while I continued thrusting away steadily at Mom's lovely vagina, until I finally pulled up and away from our long series of French-kissing. And I did that because I was just about ready to cum.

And when I did, I ejaculated my whole wad of sperm deep inside my own mother's vagina, just like I had done earlier inside my sister's tight vagina, except that this time, I was in what would later become my favorite sexual intercourse position: face-to-face, missionary style.

And while Mom and I were fucking, I could feel her bare, saggy tits rubbing up against my chest, and her legs spreading farther apart, and her hands around my hips, grabbing my butt cheeks to pull me deeper inside her. It's was nothing less than awesome!

My mother was a true expert at fucking. But then that made perfect sense to me, because Mom had had plenty of practice fucking my father over many years, not to mention all those months when she was fucking Ben in front of Dad.

As I lay spent on top of my own mother, she lovingly said to me, "Do you want to just stay here and sleep with me all night? I really miss that, ever since your father's death and all."

"Of course, Mom. It would be my honor to keep you company tonight."

"But listen to me," Mom added. "If you get feeling horny again later tonight, I want you to get up out of this bed, go to your sister's bedroom, and fuck the crap out of her, before you come back to bed with me. Okay?"

"Sure, Mom. But wouldn't that be rape, if my sister's asleep?"

"Yes, it would be normally. But Lacey has already given you permission to fuck her anytime you want to, and that includes waking her up while she's sleeping. Besides, wouldn't that be a big turn-on to start fucking your little sister while she's asleep and unaware that you're even fucking her?

"All I can say is that your father really loved doing that to me late a night. It was one of the things that helped keep our sex life interesting and exciting. That, and me fucking Ben in front of your father over and over again, until Ben finally got me pregnant."

Mom and I laughed at her attempt to lighten up the mood.

Then I acknowledged one of the elephants in the room when I asked Mom, "While you were pregnant did you let Ben keep fucking you in front of Dad?"

"I wanted to, but Sam didn't want me doing that. He was afraid that Ben might accidentally hurt the baby. In fact, Sam didn't even fuck me the whole time that I was pregnant, because he didn't want to risk hurting the baby either.

"And believe it or not, I admired Sam for feeling that way about a baby that wasn't even his. In fact, up until the day that he died, Sam never treated Lacey like he wasn't her real birth father. And so that's why I waited until Sam's death to finally tell Lacey the truth about who her real birth father was."

"Wow! That's some really heavy stuff."

"Yeah, you bet it is."

"So did you go back to fucking Ben in front of Dad after Lacey was born?"

"No. Unfortunately, Ben got really pissed off when he found out that your father didn't want him to keep fucking me during my pregnancy, or to be a part of Lacey's life, after she was born. So basically, your dad broke off his friendship with Ben, and about a year and half later Ben finally moved out of the neighborhood. I have no idea where he ended up moving to. And I really didn't care at the time."

"Is that because you started fucking other men in front of Dad?" I asked.

At first, it seemed like Mom didn't want to answer my question. But then, after a short pause, she finally admitted, "About six weeks after I had Lacey, I got my tubes tied so that I couldn't get pregnant anymore. I did that for myself and for Sam, because I knew how much he liked cuckolding. And so it didn't surprise me when, as soon as I had healed up from getting my tubes tied, your father began begging me to fuck some more guys in front him--just like I had done with Ben.

"And believe it or not, I wasn't opposed to that idea at all. Like I told you, I was hooked on the idea of cuckolding, just like your father was.

"And so I'm not proud of it, but yes, from time to time, I did let other men fuck me bareback in front of your father over the years.

"And during those later years with your father, it seemed like cuckolding was just about the only thing that kept our sexual relationship exciting. That, and the 'getting surprise-raped by Sam' late at nights, while I was asleep.

"But after a good cuckolding session, your Dad would usually go on to have sex with me just about every other night, until well into the third week or so, when he would finally start getting bored again--at least, I assumed that he was getting bored--and start making excuses not to have sex with me.

"And that's when I knew that Sam was wanting me to cuckold him again. And so that's exactly what I did. And to this day, I don't regret my decision to keep cuckolding my husband by letting other men fuck me in front of him. Sam and I always had a lot of fun doing that together.

"Of course, nothing is ever without its risks. And even though I had my tubes tied, and so I couldn't get pregnant anymore, Sam and I both knew that venerial disease was always a threat. But it was an unavoidable risk that we were both willing to take.

"I say 'unavoidable risk,' because for Sam and me, even though we realized that condoms were a great way to prevent VD, they were definitely out of the question. Bareback fucking was the only kind of fucking that I enjoyed, and the only kind of fucking that Sam enjoyed watching. And at the very end of the intercourse itself, it was the other men's sperm being ejaculated directly inside of my vagina--or sometimes, onto my bare pussy, depending on the circumstances--that made everything so erotic and exciting for both Sam and me.

"Anyways, throughout the time that I was letting different men fuck me in front of Sam, I ended up having to go to the doctor to get treated for three different yeast infections, Chlamydia, and a UTI. But I feel like I lucked out and dodged a bullet, since I didn't end up getting Gonorrhea, or Syphilis, or genital herpes, or any of those other more-serious STDs."

Mom ended her story with slow head nod, and we quietly lay in each other's arms for several minutes, before I finally spoke up, "Did I know any of those men that you fucked in front of Dad?"

"You knew just about all of them. They weren't strangers, or anything like that. They were our neighbors, or longtime friends of the family, or Sam's oil field coworkers, or in a few cases, they were our relatives--which only made the whole experience even more taboo and exciting than it already was.

"For instance, I fucked one of Sam's uncles several times. do you remember Uncle Joe?"

"Of course I do. He was one of my favorite uncles."

"Mine too. Well, Uncle Joe was a married man at the time, but his marriage was on the rocks, and he told me that he hadn't had sex with his wife for over a year. And so I let him fuck me two or three times a month over the course of the next several months. And of course, I only let Uncle Joe fuck me in front of Sam.

"Then one evening, Uncle Joe asked me to fuck his oldest son, and take his virginity. And he told me that my nephew was a very shy person, and he asked me if I could have sex with Kenny in private, without Sam watching us.

"So I talked it over with Sam. And because of the special circumstances involved, he agreed to let me fuck Kenny in private. This would be the first time that I ever fucked another man without my husband watching me do it. This would also be the first time that I ever took a man's virginity. And in addition, this would be the first time that I ever fucked another man who wasn't my husband in a location that wasn't my own home. Needless to say, I was on Cloud 9.

"So I made arrangements with Uncle Joe and Sam for me to go over to Kenny's apartment and spend the entire night with my single nephew. Of course, I had that young man jack off in front of me first, and let me watch him ejaculate, before I took his virginity.

"And I did this for two reasons. Not only did I want to watch Kenny make himself cum in front of me, because that just happens to turn me on like you wouldn't believe, but I also wanted Kenny's first-ever intercourse with a woman to last as long as possible, and give him as much pleasure as possible.

"And I guess I must have succeeded at that second intention, because Kenny went ahead and fucked me three more times during that same night, and then fucked me again in the morning, just as soon as we both woke up.

"It seemed like Kenny just couldn't get enough of my pussy. And I found that very flattering, since I knew that I was at least twice his age. But my nephew didn't seem to care about that. All he cared about was fucking my pussy as much as he could that night. And naturally, I orgasmed my ass off the whole time that he was having sex with me over at his apartment. Let's just say it was a very special night that I will never forget."

"Did you ever have sex with Kenny after that?"

"If Sam were alive, I would have to lie to you and tell you 'no.' But since Sam's not with us anymore--and neither is Uncle Joe, for that matter--I can finally confess what a naughty girl I was. You see, I continued to secretly visit my nephew, Kenny, at his apartment to have sex with him in private about twice a month, or so. And of course, I always did that during the weekdays, while your father was at work, so that there was much less chance of getting caught.

"It's not that I didn't love your father and the whole cuckolding thing. Because I did. It's just that I had finally tasted the 'forbidden fruit,' which was my nephew's awesome young dick, and I just couldn't get enough of it for my liking. And my continuing to secretly have sex with Kenny--and without your father, or your Uncle Joe ever realizing what was taking place, right under their noses--was the biggest turn-on of my entire life!"

"Did you keep fucking Kenny after Dad died?"

"I tried to. But it just wasn't in the cards. A few weeks after Sam died, Kenny suddenly moved out of town, leaving me high and dry and dick-less. He didn't even say 'goodbye' to me, or leave me a forwarding address. And I haven't heard a peep from him ever since. It was as if he just disappeared and fell off the planet.

"I guess Kenny didn't like his Aunt Janie and her 'little dick' as much as I thought he did. And of course, Murphy's Law kicked in, when Kenny ended up leaving me shortly after your father died, at the very time when I needed my nephew's sexual services the most."

"So where do we go from here, Mom? I mean, now that I've tasted your 'forbidden fruit,' I'll always want more."

"Sweetie, that's not a problem. You can come visit me and have sex with me anytime you want--even once you find a nice young girl to marry and have kids with. I'll always be here for you, if you ever need me. You're the only man in my life now. And even though we can't show it outwardly to the world, I'm in love with you, son. And no matter weather I like it or not, I can't deny how I feel about you."

"You're the best mom in the world! And thank you for giving me the privilege of fucking you and your awesome pussy!"

As I said that, I gave Mom a gentle kiss on the cheek while I reached down into her crotch and teasingly squeezed the large shaft of her clitoris a few times.

And while I was doing that, I thought to myself, I wonder if Mom's giant clit turned Dad on as much as it turns me on.

And ironically, I found myself wanting to fuck my mother again, much more than I wanted to fuck my little sister again, despite the fact that Lacey had made her pussy available to me on-demand, whereas my mother had not.

So later that night, when I woke up with a raging hard-on between my legs, I didn't get out of bed to go to Lacey's bedroom, and start fucking her while she was still asleep, like Mom had asked me to do.

Instead, I rolled over on top of my mother, and eased my dick up into her vagina, and began fucking her missionary-style in her sleep. And she didn't try to stop me.

In fact, she spread her legs apart to let me in deeper, and she let out a pleasurable moan of contentment.

And while I was steadily thrusting away at Mom's pussy, she said to me, "Why you naughty little boy. What am I going to do with you? I thought I asked you to go fuck Lacey, if you got horny tonight."

"You did. But I'd much rather fuck you any day of the week. Let's face it. Fucking Lacey earlier this evening was nothing to write home about."

"What are you talking about? You may have just gotten your little sister pregnant tonight. And you did it right in front of your own mother. I'd say that's some pretty exciting stuff. Wouldn't you?"

"Well, yeah. But she was so cold to me the whole time."

"That's because she's scared. I mean, she's really scared shitless, that one is."

"Scared of what exactly?"

"That you won't get her pregnant. And then she'd be forced to live with the fact that she let her older brother fuck her for no reason at all. And that would make her feel like a real slut."

"But she is a slut, Mom. And so are you, for that matter."

"That may be so. But no woman wants to feel like a slut--even if she is one.

"So the next time you get feeling horny late a night, please go fuck your sister, like I asked you to. There will be plenty of opportunities for you and I to have sex in the future. But Lacey's on a strict time schedule. And the more sperm that you can put in her little pussy, the better chance that she's going to get pregnant while she's here the next few days.

"But if you'd rather fuck your little sister in front of me. That can be arranged too," Mom added trying to lighten up the mood a little.

"Shut up, Mom, you're making me laugh. And it's hard to cum when I'm laughing."

"Who said I wanted you to cum?" my mom teased me. And then she suddenly got serious and whispered in my ear, "I want you to squirt that sexy sperm of yours in my pussy right now, son, so I can go back to sleep. You're the one who woke me up when you began raping me, remember? So go ahead and finish raping me, God damn it! What are you waiting for? Cum now, you little motherfucker!"

And that's when, as if on her verbal cue, I started cumming and ejaculating my second wad of sperm into Mom's vagina that night."

As I neared the end of my ejaculation, I whispered in Mom's ear, "I'm sorry, Janie. I didn't mean to rape you tonight."

And my mother said, "Oh, yes you did. And I'm perfectly okay with it too. I love getting woken up in the middle of the night, with a man on top of me, raping me. I don't care what society thinks about it. It's only how I feel about it that really counts. And for some fucked-up reason that I can't quite put my finger on, I absolutely love getting woken up and raped in the middle of the night. It's just that I wish you would've decided to rape your little sister tonight, instead of me.

"Now go ahead and go back to sleep, and don't worry about it. Everything's just fine. I won't tell Lacey that you fucked me again tonight.

"And by the way, don't ever call me 'Janie' again to my face! I'm still your mother and you're still my son, and you need to honor that relationship between us by calling me 'mom'--even if we are having sex together now. Capiche?"

The very next morning when I came down for breakfast, Lacey hit me with, "So why didn't you come to my bedroom and fuck me again last night?"

And I honestly told her that I didn't want to, because of what a bitch she was being about the whole thing.

And that's when I decided that it was high time for me to set her straight on this whole "fuck me and get me pregnant" stuff that she was wanting me to do.

"What you don't realize, sis, is that you need me and my sperm a lot more than I need you right now. So from now on, you're going to play by my ground rules if you ever want me to fuck you again while you're here, and fertilize that little pussy of yours. Do you understand? I mean, I assume that you do still want me to keep fucking you, don't you?"

"Yeah," Lacey replied softly with her eyes closed, as she was obviously realizing that I was the one who held the upper hand in our negotiations now.

"First of all," I continued on, "You agree to let me fuck you in any body position I want--my choice. But I will let you know right up front that face-to-face missionary-style is currently my favorite intercourse position, and so there's a good chance that I'll fuck you that way most of the time.

"Secondly, you agree to treat me no differently from the way that you treat your own husband, Tim, during sex. In other words, you're not just going to have sex with me from now on, while you just lie there passively and endure it. No, sir. That just won't fly in my book. Instead, you're actually going to have to make love to me the whole time that we're having sex. In other words, you're going have to pretend that I'm your boyfriend, and not just some "living sperm machine" for you to abuse, as you see fit.

"Thirdly, you agree to let me do whatever I have to do to make you orgasm strongly, while you're having sex with me. And don't try to fake an orgasm in front of me either, because I can tell when the orgasms are real.

"Either you agree to honor these three rules, or I'm not going to have sex with you anymore during the entire time that you're here at Mom's house. I promise you that.

"So what will it be, sis? Are you going to play by my rules? Or are you going to get mad at me, and pick up your toys, and go home? That's the only choice I'm giving you. So what do you say, sis? Are you in? Or are you out?"

Lacey silently looked at me with daggers in her eyes, like she was wanting to rip out my throat any minute. And then she finally said, "I'm in, God damn it!"

"Then prove it to me!" I challenged her right back. "Kiss me right now, just like I'm Tim, and you haven't seen me in a long time."

"God damn it! You drive a hard bargain! But then you're really not leaving me any other choice, are you?"

"No, I'm not. So either you kiss me right now, or the whole deal's off. And I mean I want a long, passionate, mouths-open, tongue-searching French-kiss out of you right now. That is, if you have the balls to actually do it."

"Fuck you, Carl! Just 'fuck you' is all I can say," Lacey barked out at me. And she walked over to me and planted a big juicy French-kiss on me that lasted a couple of minutes.

"Now, that's what I'm talking about. Now, you're making me actually want to fuck you. See, that wasn't so hard, was it?"

"Fuck you, Carl!" Lacey spewed out her venomous hatred at me one last time, and then left the kitchen in a huff. She knew that there was nothing she could really do now, but cooperate completely with me.

And that's exactly the way that I wanted it. I wanted to be able to look back fondly at these special times when I got to make love to my own sister, and fertilize her pussy in the process. What guy in a similar situation wouldn't want that?

After I had finished eating breakfast, accompanied only by my mother, Lacey avoided me the rest of the day. I don't think she as mad at me, as she was mad at herself, and at the whole situation that she had unwittingly gotten herself into.

Lacey didn't dare miss out on the chance to get some more of my much-needed sperm inside her fertile vagina. In fact, she knew that realistically, she needed as much fresh sperm in her vagina as I could possibly put there with my dick over the next few days.

Later that evening, Lacey finally came out of her bedroom, and approached me, and gave me a big hug and a long kiss.

"I need you to make love to me, Carl," she said, pulling me into her bedroom and over to the bed, when she stopped just long enough to undress herself in front of me, and then turned around to show me her nakedness.

"Do you love me, little sis?" I asked.

"Yes, Carl. I love you like a brother, because that's exactly what you are to me. But you're a very special brother who I'm going to allow to step over the line of decency, so that I can hopefully get pregnant, and start a family."

"Good answer," I said, "Would you please give me a blowjob right now?"

"Sure," Lacey said, and then knelt down in front of me. She pulled open the fly at the front of my pajama pants, pulled my dick out of my underwear, and began licking it and sucking on it. It was one of the most erotic things that I had ever experienced. I couldn't believe that my little sister was actually sucking my dick. As you can image, my dick got rock-hard very fast.

I pulled my sister's head away from my dick, and told her, "Go lay down on the bed, with your legs toward me, and then spread her legs apart so that I can see that lovely pussy of yours."

Lacey walked over to the bed to lie down on her back. She spread her legs apart, and then just lay there, while she was watching me get undressed in front of her, and awaiting my further instructions.

"Tell me that you want me to eat your little pussy," I ordered her.

"You want me to eat your little pussy," Lacey parroted right back at me, in as low-pitched of a voice as she could, obviously making fun of me.

Then she giggled away, just like a little schoolgirl. And I could tell that she was extremely nervous about what was getting ready to take place between us. But I could also tell that I had finally managed to crack the shell of this little ice princess.

"Come on, sis. You've got to take this seriously if you want it to turn out to be any good. It's just like anything else in life. You only get back what you put into it. So put your heart into it, and tell me that you want me to eat your pussy.

This time, Lacey looked me straight in the eye, and said to me, "I want you to eat my pussy, Carl."

"That's much better," I complimented her. "Did Mom tell you how ruthless I was?"

"No, she didn't."

"Well, just know that I always get what I really want, and I don't back down until I do. It's just in my nature to be that way. And what I want right now is to make you orgasm your ass off. And do you want to know how I'm going to do that?"

"Uh-huh," Lacey hummed back, nodding her head.

"I'm going to stimulate your G-spot. Mom showed me exactly how to do that this afternoon, while you were out with your friends. She let me finger her vagina. And while I was doing that, she showed me how to go about rubbing her G-spot in just the right way, so that it would make her orgasm her ass off.

"Mind you, Mom didn't actually let me do that to her while she was standing there in front of me in the kitchen. But she did coach me, and explain to me exactly how to make that magic G-spot cum-button work. And so that's what I'm going to do to you, right before we fuck.

"But first, I'm going to eat your pussy out for a little while, and suck on those marvelous little titties of yours. And then I'll bring out the big guns and do some serious G-spot rubbing.

"And you're going to relax, and enjoy the whole experience, and then cum your ass off, so that you'll be nice and wet for my sperm to have a better chance of getting you pregnant, after I finish fucking you.

"Do you understand me? Or do I have to explain myself further before we get underway?"

"Bring it on, big brother. Make me cum," Lacey said, as she motioned with her arm for me to join her in the bed, and then suggested to me, "Why don't you start out with my little boobies, and then work your way down. Would you like that?"

"That'll work just fine," I replied.

And I climbed into the bed with Lacey, and began feeling out and sucking on her small breasts. God they were so cute-looking! They formed two perfect circular mounds on either side of her chest, and her reddish-colored nipples were small, too. It looked like Lacey didn't have any areolas at all, until you looked much closer, and could barely make them out, since they formed a very small darker-colored border around her protruding nipples.

Lacey was a natural blonde, unlike Mom, who had brown hair. I assumed that that was because Lacey's father, Ben, was a blond-haired, blue-eyed guy with a Germanic/Swedish family background.

Unfortunately for my dad, Mom always had a thing for blond-haired and red-headed guys. And so when Dad let her choose the man that she wanted to cuckold Dad with, Mom chose Ben. And the rest is history.

That explained why my little sister didn't look like Mom at all. She didn't have Mom's big tits, or Mom's silver-dollar-size puffed-out nipples, or Mom's large body frame, or Mom's wide child-bearing hips (basically, Mom had an hour-glass figure).

Instead, Lacey had turned out sporting her father's recessive genes, along with the small tits, and boyish body shape, and petite body size that came with those genes. And did I mention Lacey's light powder-blue eyes, with those jet-black pupils that looked like they were staring right into your soul?

Basically, my little sister was a gorgeous woman in anyone's book. She could have easily been a model, if she had wanted to--expect for the fact that, at 5 foot 4 inches, she just wasn't tall enough to walk the runway.

If it sounds like I was infatuated with my little sister, I was.

And you should've seen what Lacey's pussy looked like. On a scale of 1 to 10, it was a definite 10 in my book! Her pussy was a perfectly-formed, drastically-puffed-out, rounded mound of flesh, with a perfectly-straight, vertical crack running right down the middle of it, looking just like she had a miniature butt down between her legs, right in front of her real butt. And when her vulva was in its normally closed-up state, Lacey's two super-fleshy outer pussy lips totally hid all of her inner pussy parts--including her two inner labia, and even her entire clitoris--from view.

Lacey's whole pubic area was completely covered in soft, downy pubic hair that you could barely make out, unless your face was just inches away from it. So even though Lacey didn't shave her pubic area at all, from a short distance away, it still looked like she did.

Lacey also didn't shave her underarms, because she didn't really need to in order to look attractive. If she were to raise her arm up in a strapless dress, you still wouldn't notice the fine coating of light blonde body hair in her armpit area. Many girls would consider Lacey to be very lucky, because she didn't have to shave her body hair in order to look pretty, like other girls have to.

So anyway, I was sucking away on Lacey's small nipples, and I reached down into her crotch, stuck my fingers up into the crack of her pussy, and I began gently rubbing her clit, and feeling out her inner and outer pussy lips, while she just lay there, enjoying what I was doing to her--this time, with her eyes open and a big smile on her face, as she was watching me do it.

Then I worked my way down her abdomen, kissing it all the way down, until I pulled open the crack of her pussy with my fingers, and I stuck my tongue out and started licking the head of her clitoris. She moaned, and I could tell that I was really starting to turn her on.

So I licked further down her opened-up crack, and darted my tongue in and out of her vaginal entrance several times, before slowly making my way back up her pussy crack to lick her piss-hole, and then suck on her inner pussy lips as best as I could, considering how small they were.

Lacey's two cute-looking inner pussy lips were so small that they were almost non-existent, looking more like little ridges of skin that were connected to the underside of Lacey's clit at one end, and then forming an upside-down "V", as the small ridges of skin spread apart to each side of her crack, only to disappear entirely about halfway down the length of her pussy crack, leaving her vaginal entrance totally exposed whenever her fleshy outer pussy lips were pulled apart.

Anyway, after sucking on Lacey's two small inner pussy "ridges" for a little while, I moved all the way back up to the front of her pussy crack in order to suck on her clitoris again. And I noticed that she was moaning much more--and much louder--than she was before. And that was a good thing. It was finally time to pull out the big guns.

So I gently eased two of my held-together fingers (my middle finger and my ring finger) up into my sister's small, tight vagina, and searched for the rough-skinned G-spot area on her urethral tube with my fingertips, just like I had done with Mom the day before in the kitchen. And it didn't take me very long to find Lacey's G-spot, either.

"There it is," I announced to Lacey. "You see, you are human after all, and you do have a G-spot, just like other women do. So buckle up and let's take a little ride together, shall we?"

"Oh shit!" was the only phrase I heard come out of Lacey's mouth as I began working my magic on her G-spot. And within a few minutes, I had done the impossible. I had made Lacey orgasm strongly in front of me.

It was obvious to me that it wasn't a super-strong, earth-shaking type of orgasm. But I could feel the muscles surrounding Lacey's vaginal entrance as they rhythmically and repeatedly tightened down around my two fingers, and then relaxed again. And I could tell from her facial expressions that she was orgasming strongly, and I could hear the unintentional vocalizations that were coming out of her mouth, while she was doing that.

But of course, I just kept on going. Rubbing away at her little G-spot cum-button with my fingertips. Because I didn't just want to make Lacey orgasm strongly. No, sir. I wanted to make my little sister see God! I wanted to make her orgasm so hard that she squirted all over the bed. I wanted to make Lacey wish that I was her husband, instead of Tim.

And so I kept on relentlessly rubbing away at Lacey's G-spot, and then later energetically finger-fucking the crap out of her vagina, until I finally accomplished my goal.

And Lacey screamed out before she began squirting all over the bed between her spread-apart legs. It was quite the sight to behold.

"Now, you're ready to fuck, right?" I said to her, nodding my head slowly.

And Lacey instantly responded with, "God damn it, Carl! Get your fingers out of my pussy, put your dick in, and let's fuck! I want us to make a baby together!"

I mounted Lacey missionary-style, and began thrusting away at her sopping-wet vagina. And I was so excited that, within a few seconds, I orgasmed my ass off and began squirting my sperm into the back pocket of Lacey's small vagina.

And this time, Lacey didn't have to tell me to leave my dick buried deep inside her fuck-hole, because that was the only thing I felt like doing anyway, without her saying a word to me about it.

In fact, I was actually disappointed when my dick finally softened up enough to fall out of her pussy on its own. I was wanting to stay coupled up with her and hugging her, and riding that wonderful orgasmic afterglow for as long as I could.

Heck, Lacey was even giving me little kisses on my cheek and neck, and massaging my back with her hands while I was lying on top of her, spent. She didn't have to do any of that. But she did.

And I thought to myself at the time, Now, this is the little sister that I want to keep fucking over and over again as much as I can before she leaves.

And I whispered in Lacey's ear, "Did you like that?"

And she replied, "Are you fucking kidding me? My own husband never made me cum as hard as you just did. And right now, it feels like I could keep on having sex with you for the rest of my life. I know how weird and kinky that sounds. But it's the truth. I love you, big brother."

"I love you too, little sis," I said back to her, in full voice this time. "But Mom's waiting for me in her bedroom right now, and I promised her that I would fuck her every night that I'm here. That was part of our deal. So unfortunately, I've got to go. But I'll come back and fuck you some more when I can, okay?"

"Sure. I guess beggars can't be choosers. And I'm definitely a beggar right now, and not a chooser. You're the chooser in this relationship," Lacey said to me.

I reluctantly got up out of Lacey's bed, put my pajama bottoms back on, leaving my underwear on the floor of her bedroom, because I knew that where I was going, I wasn't going to need any underwear.

When I turned to walk out the bedroom door, Lacey called out to me, "Hey, you forgot your underwear." And she pointed towards the pair of gray boxer briefs that was lying on the floor.

"You're right," I called back, and left Lacey's bedroom to go down the hallway to Mom's bedroom.

When I entered Mom's bedroom she asked me, "So how was it?"

"How was what?" I asked, playing dumb.

"Fucking your little sister just now," Mom said. "Don't think that I didn't just hear you guys going at it through the walls. And from what I could hear, it sounded like you guys had a much better time tonight, than you did last night."

"That's an understatement, if I ever heard one. Tonight and last night were polar opposites. I enjoyed the hell out of fucking Lacey tonight, and she enjoyed the hell out of it too. I promise you.

"That was a huge change from last night, when Lacey acted like she had to emotionlessly endure everything. Tonight she reveled in her own sexuality. Especially when I made her cum hard by rubbing her G-spot, just like you taught me to do. And Lacey even admitted to me afterwards, that her own husband had never managed to make her orgasm as strongly as I did tonight."

"You see, kid." Mom said. "I told you the G-spot was a powerful thing for a woman. It's her true love button. Not her clitoris. Even as huge as my clitoris is, I still have to stick my fingers--or some other kind of cylindrical object--up inside of my vagina and stimulate my G-spot if I really want to cum hard, which of course feels incredibly good.

"Tonight, I've got something special planned for us. I don't want you to fuck me right now, at least, not in the traditional sense of the word 'fuck.' Instead, I would really love to watch you jack yourself off in front of me. Would you do that for me?"

"Sure, Mom. Sounds like a plan."

"Good. Now I'm going to lie on my back and spread my legs apart, and then hold my pussy pulled wide-open for you. And I want you to kneel down between my legs, and rub your dick up against the different parts of my pussy, until you get an erection. Then I want to watch you jack yourself off, until you cum all over my pussy."

"It'll be my pleasure to sperm all over that awesome-looking pussy of yours, Mom," I said as I was climbing up on the bed to kneel between Mom's spread-apart thighs.

"Oh, I almost forgot to mention: The only two rules for tonight's little 'jacking off' sex game. Rule Number 1 is that you're not allowed to touch any part of my pussy with your hands, or your lips, or your tongue--only with the head of your dick. But of course you can touch your own dick as much as you want, and I can touch my own pussy as much as I want."

"And Rule Number 2?" I asked curiously.

"Well, Rule Number 2 is that there's no vaginal penetration allowed, as far as you're concerned. Only I can penetrate my own vagina, not you. Capiche?"

"As you wish, Mom."

"Okay, then let the games begin!" Mom announced jokingly.

I reached down and wrapped my hand around my still-flaccid dick-shaft, and began rubbing the still-wet head of my dick back and forth against the head of Mom's huge clit. And that quickly did the trick for me. That, and knowing that I was also rubbing some of Lacey's left-over pussy juices all over my own mother's clitoris.

Before I knew it, my dick was standing up at attention. Actually, since I was kneeling, my dick was poking out from the front of my crotch like a small flesh-colored flagpole.

"That's good," Mom remarked when she saw how firm and blood-engorged my penis had become. "Let the 'jacking off' commence!" Mom announced to no one in the room but us.

Mom always did have a great sense of humor, even when she was having sex. It only served to make the sex even more fun than it already was. But having said that, Mom also instinctively knew when to get down to business, and be serious during sex.

Upon hearing Mom's announcement, I began the traditional hand-pumping up and down on my dick-shaft while I continued to rub the head of my dick against the various parts of Mom's pulled-wide-open and flattened-out pussy crack.

"Do you know why it turns me on so much to watch you jack off in front of me?" Mom asked, as I continued jacking off and rubbing my dick-head all around her pussy crack.

"No, ma'am. I don't."

"It's because we women almost never get to watch a man jack himself off and ejaculate sperm in front of us. Our husbands or boyfriends tend to almost always fuck us, instead of jacking themselves off in front of us. And our husbands or boyfriends almost always ejaculate inside our vaginas, instead of ejaculating outside of our vaginas, where we can actually watch the sperm being ejaculated by their pulsating penises--which is something that almost every woman I've ever talked to finds to be fascinating. And if you just think about it for a few minutes, you'll figure out why.

"Believe it or not, it actually turns me on more to watch you jack yourself off in front of me, like you're doing right now, than it does to have you actually fuck me. Yeah I know that sounds weird. But I'm not lying to you.

"Now, don't get me wrong, a stiff penis feels great being thrust in and out of my vagina. But, at my age, I also know that you and I are just going through the motions, since there's no way that I could possibly get pregnant, which really is the whole purpose for fucking, isn't it?

"I mean, we act like it's not, but it really is. I can't speak for you men, but for us women, a huge part of the mental turn-on during sexual intercourse is that there is always a chance--no matter how small--that our fucking will result in us getting pregnant, despite all the birth control measures we take to try to prevent it."

Throughout Mom's long speech, I just listened to her while I stared at her pussy, constantly rubbed my dick-head against it, and I kept slowly and steadily hand-pumping up and down on my own dick-shaft at the same time.

"Oh, you're just about to pop, aren't you? I can see all the pre-cum starting to ooze out of your little piss-hole."

"Yes, ma'am. I almost came a couple of times while you were talking. I know you saw me stop pumping up and down for a few seconds. I was letting my orgasmic feelings subside, because I didn't want to let myself cum yet.

"But a man can only hold back his orgasms for so long. And that little pre-cum drip from my piss-hole is a sure-fire sign that I've just about reached the end of my rope, and I can feel my orgasm quickly approaching. So are you ready to watch me cum?"

"You bet I am, son. I'd like you to cum all over my clit, if you don't mind."

"If I don't mind? Are you kidding me. That's exactly what I was thinking, too. So your wish is my command, oh mother dear," I said to her, and I placed my dick-head right up against the head of Mom's clit.

I went into my "make myself cum" mode, and I began pumping up and down on my dick-shaft like crazy, this time making no effort to hold back my orgasmic feelings in any way.

"Oh my God, your dick-head is getting so big! It looks like it's about to pop any moment. Doesn't that hurt?"

"No. On the contrary. It feels fucking great!" I said, barely able to get the words out, as I felt a strong orgasm coming on, and I knew I had reached the point of no return, orgasm-wise.

And then the orgasm hit me, and I rode that orgasmic roller coaster, as my dick began drastically pulsating and ejaculating sperm all over my mother's clitoris and her held-open pussy crack.

"Jesus! That's fucking amazing-looking," Mom remarked when she saw the sperm start squirting out forcefully from my piss-hole slit. "It's hard to believe that a guy's dick actually does that when he orgasms, until you actually see it with your own eyes. Thanks for sharing that with me, son."

And as my orgasmic feelings were finally subsiding, I said, "You're welcome, Mom. But do you want to know what's funny? Ejaculating my sperm in front of another person--any other person; even another guy, instead of a girl--is probably one of the most intimate and embarrassing things that I can do, sexually.

"In fact, the first person that ever saw me ejaculate was another boy. But I also got to see him ejaculate too, because we were up in my bedroom, jacking off together, like we boys tend to do."

"That's fascinating, Carl," Mom said to me, and then she turned her head towards the open bedroom doorway and called out loudly, "Hey, Lacey, can you come here for a little bit?"

"Yes, Mom," Lacey called back from what I assume was her bedroom down the hall, because that where I had left her, when I had come to Mom's bedroom. "Be right there," Lacey added.

As Lacey was just about to poke her head into the open bedroom door frame, she asked our mother, "What do you need?"

And then Lacey stopped in the doorway when she saw us on top of the bed, with me still kneeling between her mother's spread apart thighs, and her mother still holding her pussy crack pulled wide-open for me.

But at this point, there was a whole ejaculation's worth of my sperm all over the front part of Mom's pussy and her gigantic clitoris.

And I saw that my little sister was now wearing a knee-length night shirt. And thanks to the back-lighting provided by the overhead hallway light shining behind Lacey, I could make out the distinct outline of what had to be panties showing through the thin T-shirt material of Lacey's night shirt.

"It's not what I need," Mom said to Lacey. "It's what you need, sweetie--which is some more sperm in that fertile little pussy of yours."

Mom looked back up at me and cryptically asked, "Carl, would you do the honors?"

And I said defensively, "I don't even know if I can get it up again right now."

"That's not what I'm talking about, son," Mom said. "I don't want to see all this wonderful sperm of yours wasted on this old lady's pussy, when it could be helping my daughter get pregnant."

"So how exactly do you want me to transfer the sperm into Lacey's vagina?"

"With your fingers, of course. That's the easiest way, as far as I can tell. What do you think about that idea, Lacey?"

"Sounds good to me, Mom. But I'd like to add one little change to your suggestion, if you don't mind. I'd really like for Carl to scoop up the sperm off your pussy, just like you're suggesting. But I think it would be even more of a turn-on if Carl were to transfer that sperm to my fingertips, and then let me use my own fingers to transfer that sperm up into my vagina.

"What you think, big brother? Would that turn you on to watch me fertilize my own pussy in front of you?"

"Hell yes, it would!" I quickly agreed.

Mom jumped in, "Well, I really don't care how all this wasted sperm gets into my daughter's pussy. It just needs to get there soon, before it starts drying up. So come on, God damn it, let's get this show on the road!

"Carl, you can just stay right where you are. And Lacey, why don't you go ahead and climb up into bed with us. You can lie on your back, right here beside me." Mom patted the bed, right where she wanted Lacey to lie down.

"But Mom, at least give me a few moments to take off my clothes."

"Leave your clothes on, Lacey. We don't have time for that. Just hike up your night shirt around your waist, and pull your panty-crotch over to one side. Haven't you ever done that before, when you husband wanted to have a quickie with you?"

"No, ma'am, I haven't," Lacey confessed, as she climbed up into bed with us, before lying down on her back and slightly spreading her legs apart.

Then my little sister shocked me when she did that contortionist move that only a young woman can do. Basically, Lacey put both of her forearms down between her thighs, and then lifted her legs up so far, that her feet were position on each side of her head. This put her vagina in a position where it was pointing straight up at the ceiling.

And as if that weren't weird-looking enough, Lacey pulled the edges of her vaginal entrance wide-open with her fingers and held it that way, as she said to me, "Do you want to see what my cervix looks like?"

I quickly leaned over to look straight down into Lacey's stretched-open vagina, and I could plainly see the rear pocket of her vagina and her cervix. All I can say is that it was much more erotic and exciting to see a cervix in real life, than seeing a woman in a porn video using a speculum to stretch open her fuck-hole so that she could show off her cervix to the world.

"God damn it!" Mom remarked when she saw us taking our time and enjoying the moment. "There'll be plenty of time for that kind of stuff later. This fucking sperm's going to dry up if you guys don't get moving right now!"

"Yes, ma'am," Lacey and I both said in virtual unison. And we began the tedious process of trying to finger-transfer as much sperm as we possibly could--and as quickly as we possibly could--from Mom's clit and pussy crack, up into Lacey's vagina.

That was something that I never thought I would ever do with any woman, let alone my own mother and sister. And it didn't take long for me to feel my dick slowly filling up with blood, on its way to becoming erect--and I wasn't even touching it, or trying to make it get hard. It just did, all on its own, simply from the incredibly exciting sexual 'task' that Lacey and I were performing together.

Lacey was so preoccupied with our little task that she didn't see my stiffening dick. But Mom sure did.

"So what? Are you going to fuck your sister again?"

"No, ma'am. I think Lacey's pussy has got enough sperm in it for tonight, once we finish up with getting all the rest of this sperm stuck up into it. How about we send Lacey over to sit in the chair, and let her watch me clean up your pussy with a nice warm damp washcloth. And then we'll fuck, right in front of her? That would be okay with you, Mom, right?"

Mom just nodded her head at me and broke out in a big smile, which I took as her way of non-verbally telling me, "Yes, son. I'd really like that a lot!"

"How about you, Lacey?" I asked, as I was still watching her stick her sperm-covered fingertips up deep into her own vagina, and then rub her fingertips against her vaginal walls, before pulling them out and waiting for another little glob of sperm to be transferred to them by yours truly. "Are you okay with just sitting in the chair over there across the room, and watching me and Mom fornicate?"

"Oh fuck yes! You bet I am! I wouldn't miss the chance to watch my big brother cum inside my own mother's birth canal. It just doesn't get much more kinky or erotic than that!" Lacey admitted, whole-heartedly endorsing my plan.

"I agree!" Mom chimed in. "I'm getting wet right now, just thinking about it--much less actually doing it."

"Mom?" I asked, "Please don't take this the wrong way, but would it be okay with you if we don't French-kiss from now on whenever I have sex with you? I mean, it just felt really weird and awkward while we were Frenching last night.

"Now, don't get me wrong. I don't mind the 'quick kisses on the lips, or the cheek' stuff, because we've been doing that kind of stuff for as long back as I can remember. So it feels totally natural to me.

"But the 'open-mouth kissing with tongues stuck in each other's mouths' stuff felt really weird and uncomfortable to me."

"I know exactly what you mean. Last night, I asked you not to kiss me on the lips, remember? But you went ahead and did it anyway, didn't you?" Mom reprimanded me. "And it felt weird to me too last night, while you were doing it."

"So then, why didn't you pull away from me and stop?"

"I tried. But you just ignored me and started French-kissing me anyway."

"But you acted like you were really enjoying the French-kissing part?"

"That's because there was a part of me that was enjoying it. And at first, I got caught up in the moment, because I hadn't been passionately French-kissed like that since your dad died. But then, even though I wanted to, I was afraid to pull away from you once we had started French-kissing like that, because I didn't want to disappoint you, and risk having our first-ever intercourse be a let-down for you."

"So then, what you're saying here is that you actually don't want me to French-kiss you during sex anymore?"

"That's exactly right. Like I already told you, I don't want you to kiss me on the lips at all when we're having sex, because that can easily lead to us French-kissing.

"Maybe this might help you understand how I feel about French-kissing. Back when Ben and I were having sex in front of your father--"

Mom suddenly cut off her story and said to my sister, "I'm sorry if this bothers you. Me talking about your biological father having sex with me in front of Sam. If you want, I can discuss this with Carl at a later time in private, when you're not around."

"No, Mom," Lacey said, "Go ahead and tell Carl what happened between you and Ben when you guys were having sex together. It doesn't gross me out, or anything like that. In fact, I find the whole thing fascinating, to tell you the truth. As far as I'm concerned, Sam was my father, not Ben. He was just a sperm donor."

"Oh, but Ben was much more than just a sperm donor to me," Mom argued. "He was a wonderful man, and he rocked my world back then! I could've easily fallen in love with him. About the only thing that kept that from happening was that Sam and I still had a great relationship, and a rock-solid marriage. One that only improved even more, once we started all that cuckolding stuff with Ben."

"Did that surprise you?" Lacey asked.

"Yes, it did, as a matter of fact. I was really scared that very first time with Ben. I was scared that Sam would lose interest in me, and maybe even stop having sex with me. But my having sex with Ben in front of Sam only ended up making Sam super horny. And my husband became a tiger in the bedroom once again, just like he used to be in the old days, back when we first got married. So all my worrying was for nothing."

Mom turned back towards me and said to me, "Anyways, where was I? Oh yeah. Back when Ben and I were having sex in front of your father, Ben kissed me on the neck, and on the cheek from time to time. But after that very first sexual encounter with Ben, we never opened up our mouths and French-kissed the entire time that Ben was in Sam's and my life.

"That's because I reserved that very special type of passionate kissing for Sam. And it just felt like the right thing to do, when Sam and I were doing it together. But it just felt wrong doing it with Ben.

"But during that very first time with Ben, he French-kissed me, right in front of Sam. And that was so embarrassing for me that I nearly got up out of bed and ran out of the bedroom. The only thing that stopped me from doing that, was that Ben was on top of me, humping away at my pussy at the same time that he was French-kissing me. Just like you were doing last night.

"Looking back on it all, I didn't know why it was so embarrassing and uncomfortable for me to have Ben's tongue in my mouth, when I had already had his dick in my mouth, while I was giving him a blowjob earlier, and of course, his dick inside my pussy too. But it just was. And I couldn't deny how I felt about it.

"Afterwards, I asked Ben not to kiss me anymore like that. And I told him that I preferred to reserve that special act for my husband. And Ben was more than happy to honor my wishes from then on.

"So the truth of the matter is that the French-kissing part was the only thing that we were doing in bed last night that made me feel weird and awkward--and yes, even embarrassed to do it with you."

"Wow! It's such a relief to hear that, Mom. I thought that I was the only one who felt that way about the French-kissing stuff."

"Well, you're not. So don't worry about it. I told you last night that I wanted you to do whatever it was that you wanted to do. In other words, I really don't want you to try to please me during sex, son," Mom said, and then added, "That is, unless that's what you are wanting to do, in order to raise your own level of sexual excitement.

"But otherwise, don't worry about me. I'll just reach down into this old worn-out pussy of mine and make myself cum, if I ever need to. You shouldn't feel obligated to do that for me, when I've been doing that for myself for years now. I'm damn good at it too!"

"I believe you, Mom," I said, and I finally got up out of bed, went into the master bath, got a clean washcloth, wet it under the faucet with warm water, wrang the excess water out, and then brought it back into the bedroom.

Meanwhile, Lacey, my little sister and part-time contortionist, was still in the pretzeled-up body position, except that she had finally stopped inserting her sperm-coated fingers up into her own vagina.

But now, she was doing something even more amazing. And I kept looking over at her the whole time that I was gently wiping all the left-over stickiness off Mom's clit and her pussy.

Lacey now had her hands wrapped around each of her butt-cheeks, and she was pulling them toward her, while she had her lower face all the way down in her own crotch, and she was actually licking away and sucking on her own clitoris--which by the way, was just a normal size clitoris, and not a huge clit, like Mom had.

"Does Tim know that you can do that?" I asked Lacey, verbalizing the very first thought that came to my mind, and then realizing that I had just overstepped my boundaries.

While Lacey kept licking away at her own clit, she said, in between licks, "No, he doesn't. I've never done this in front of him before. In fact, I've never done this in front of anybody else before now. And I don't really know why I'm doing this now, in front of you and Mom. This is something that I usually only do every so often when I'm masturbating."

"Well, thanks for sharing, sis. That's some super-intimate and very erotic shit!" I complimented Lacey. "I could just stay here for hours, watching you lick and suck on your own clit like that. It's truly mesmerizing!"

"Here, here!" Mom announce, raising up an imaginary cup of some sort of liquor or wine in her right hand, as she continued staring at her folded-up, self-licking daughter. "Why don't you come lick my pussy next?" Mom suggested, and we all cracked up laughing.

When the laughter in the bedroom finally died down, Lacey said to Mom, "Sure, Mom. Just give me a moment to get out of this fucking body-knot that I put myself into."

Then Mom asked her, "If it's that much trouble, why do you do it in the first place?"

"Because I can," Lacey said. "And because for some fucked-up reason that I don't know, ever since I reached puberty, I have always loved to taste and smell my own pussy. It's just something that really turns me on to do."

"You, and just about every other woman in the world," Mom commented. "But most of us can't eat our own pussies, like you do. So we just stick our fingers up into our own vaginas, and then pull them out to smell and taste the pussy juices left on our fingers. I've done it a million times in my life so far. So don't feel like your a weirdo for liking to taste and smell your own pussy."

I jumped in and asked Lacey, "So why don't you eat your own pussy in front of your husband? I'm sure it would turn him on--especially during you guys' foreplay."

"You don't know Tim. I think he'd blow a gasket, and call me a freak, for doing that to myself. Besides Tim doesn't really believe in 'foreplay' anymore. Nowadays, Tim's much more of a 'wham bam thank you ma'am' kind of guy--except for without the 'thank you' part."

And my little sister quit talking for a few moments. She was obviously mired in her own thoughts.

"Damn! That sounds like one fucked-up sex life to me. Why don't you just leave that son of a bitch?" Mom suggested to my little sister.

"Because in all other ways, Tim is very good to me, even though he doesn't really love me.

"But at least I know exactly where I stand with Tim. I know that I'm his trophy wife, and I've learned to accept it.

"And in exchange for me taking on the role of trophy wife, I get to live a life of luxury that I never would be able to enjoy or afford otherwise.

"And the main price I have had to pay for it is a pathetic sex life with my husband. But please don't feel sorry for me. I brought all this on myself, when I went ahead and married him.

"And I knew exactly what I was getting into at the time. But I didn't care, because I was a young naive gold-digger, and Tim is a perfect example of the kind of husband that a gold-digging woman ends up with.

"I have also gotten used to looking the other way, when I find out that Tim is secretly having sex with one of his secretaries, or when I discover that he was paying for an expensive call girl to spend the night with him every night in his hotel room when he was out of town on business for over a week. And I'm pretty sure the two of them didn't just spend the nights together talking. It's all just part of the game, when you're a trophy wife, like I am.

"So now that I've let the cat out of the bag, I can finally tell you the real reason why I'm here right now, letting my own brother fuck me.

"Tim came up to me after he got home from his last business trip, and he told me that he wanted me to stop using birth control and let myself get pregnant, so that he could start a family with me.

"And that's when I began questioning why on earth I would want to have a baby with a man who doesn't even love me. And the answer was, I wouldn't--and didn't--want to do that.

"It wasn't the 'getting pregnant' part that bothered me. It was the who was going to get me pregnant part that I decided to take total control over. I wanted the man who ended up getting me pregnant to be someone who I loved and admired," Lacey looked directly into my eyes while she was saying that to me.

"And that's when I reached out to Mom when I got here, and I asked her if she thought that you might agree to fuck me, and become the father of my baby.

"And her reply was that she would ask you when you got here, which she did. And now we're well on our way to having a baby together. Isn't that great?"

Mom jumped in, "Please don't get your hopes up too high, Lacey. I wasn't using any birth control when Ben starting fucking me in front of my husband, doing the cuckold thing with us. And it took almost four months of Ben fucking me at least two to four times a week, before he finally got me pregnant with you."

"Wow! That's a real bummer! I'm sorry to hear that," Lacey remarked.

"Well, I was sorry too," Mom admitted to Lacey, "But not because it took so long for me to get pregnant. Heck, I was hoping that it would take several years for Ben to get me pregnant.

"Those four months with Ben were nothing less than incredible, and they flew by way too fast, as far as I was concerned. That man really knew how to please a woman sexually.

"I know this may sound crazy, but even though I was hoping to eventually get pregnant, I wasn't intentionally trying to get pregnant at the time. Instead, what I was trying to do was to fuck my brains out and have some earth-shaking orgasms in front of my husband for as long as I possibly could.

"And by the way, just for the record, even though Ben almost always ended our cuckolding sessions by fucking me, he didn't always cum deep inside my pussy, like I wanted him to. And sometimes, he didn't even cum inside my pussy at all.

"And that was because Ben always did whatever Sam asked him to do at the time. Sam was definitely the alpha male in their relationship--and in mine too, for that matter.

"So for example, if Sam wanted Ben to 69 with me and cum in my mouth, instead of fucking me, then he would tell Ben that he wanted him to do that, and that's exactly what would end up happening.

"And believe it or not, a big part of the turn-on for me was that I didn't really have any say in the matter. In other words, I was left with no other choice but to cooperate with Sam and Ben, and to let Ben do whatever it was that Sam wanted him to do to me, or with me. I just ended up getting pregnant in the process. That's all.

"You see, you'll never get pregnant if you actively try to get pregnant. That's just Mother Nature's cruel joke on us women.

"So instead, if you're wanting to make a baby, the only real way to accomplish that is to stop using any form of birth control. In other words, you just stop trying to prevent pregnancy, and then go on about your business of having unprotected intercourse with a man.

"And that's exactly what you've been doing this last couple of days with Carl. And if it's meant for you to get knocked up by him, you will. If not, you could let Carl fuck your totally-unprotected pussy for the rest of your child-bearing years, and still not get pregnant.

"And unfortunately, that's the honest-to-God truth, as I know it to be. If I'm lying, I'm dying."

"Wow, Mom. Why are you being such a Debbie Downer about all this?" my sister asked.

"Because I don't want to see you get disappointed and hurt if you leave here, after having had several wads of your bother's sperm in your pussy, and no baby to show for your efforts. What would you do in that situation?"

"Well, I guess that after I got back home, I'd just have to find some other man to try to make a baby with, because I certainly don't want to have my husband's child inside my womb, if I've got anything to say about it."

"Sweetie, may I make a suggestion. From now on, when it comes birth control, why don't you start thinking reactively, instead of proactively?"

"What are you talking about, Mom?"

"I'm saying that you should stop trying to prevent pregnancy, unless your husband fucked you, in which case, since you don't want his baby, all you have to do is go down the next day to your local pharmacy and take a morning-after pill--you know, that Plan B stuff--and voila, no worry about Tim ever getting you pregnant, just as long as you can get to the pharmacy the very next day, or even the day after that.

"Keep in mind that you don't need to visit a doctor to get those morning-after pills. You can buy them right over the counter. And they are actually effective for up to a week after a guy has put his sperm in your pussy. It says so right on the package."

"How do you know that, Mom?"

"Because I always worried that you might have unprotected intercourse as a young girl, and end up with a wad of your boyfriend's sperm in your totally-unprotected pussy. And I needed to know what my options were to help you, just in case you ever needed it."

Lacey paused for a moment and then said to Mom, "Please don't get mad at me, but I already had to take the morning-after pill, back in my senior year of high school. It's just that I never told you about it, because I didn't want you to worry about me.

"Do you remember when I came up to you and asked you to take me to Doc Evans' office, so that I could get on The Pill, and I told you that me and my boyfriend at the time were planning on having sexual intercourse?"

"Of course, I remember that. What mother wouldn't? Your boyfriend's name was James, wasn't it?"

"Yes, ma'am. That was him. Well, what I didn't tell you back then was that James and I were already having sexual intercourse. And we had been fucking for several months by that time. But I had been making sure that James always used a condom whenever we were fucking."

"Don't tell me. Let me guess," Mom said. "The condom either broke, or somehow slipped off, while James was fucking you, right?

"It didn't just slip off. We were right in the middle of fucking, and James' dick accidentally slipped out of me, just like guys' dicks do from time to time. At least I thought that was what had happened.

"But I later found out that James had pulled his dick out of me on purpose, so that he could secretly pull the condom off of his dick, and then stick his dick back in my pussy.

"He later admitted to me that he had done that, because he just wanted to know what my bare vagina felt like wrapped around his penis. And he said that he had planned on pulling out of me, right before he started cumming.

"As soon as James stuck his bare dick back inside my fuck-hole, I could tell that something felt strange and different to me. I couldn't quite put my finger on it, but James' dick felt so much better inside my pussy than it ever had before.

"I don't know what James' true intentions were, regarding the 'pulling out of me before ejaculating' part. All I do know is that he did the exact opposite, and rammed his dick all the way up inside me, before he started cumming all over my uterus.

"And I felt my vagina suddenly get warmer and much wetter than it already was. That's when I realized that James didn't have a condom around his dick anymore, and that he was fertilizing my totally-unprotected womb.

"But I was already way too turned-on to even try to stop him from doing it. In fact, by the time I realized that James was actually ejaculating his sperm inside my pussy, I found myself not wanting him to stop.

"Instead, without even thinking about it, I grabbed his butt-cheeks in my hands, and pulled him deeper into me while he was cumming. And I was so turned-on by this whole unexpected experience that I was cumming at the same time as he was. And the thought that James might be getting me pregnant never even crossed my mind.

"Not until after James finished fertilizing me, and he pulled out of me. At that point, I began mentally freaking out about the fact that James might have just gotten me pregnant. But I kept my cool outwardly as best as I could. Besides, I also realized there was really nothing that I could do about having a vagina full of sperm at that moment.

"I reached down into my own pussy and I felt the thick sperm slowly oozing out of my vagina and dripping down onto the sheets between my legs. I scooped up some of the sperm onto my fingertips, and I pulled my hand up to my face to look at the sperm.

"I'm sure James saw the shocked look on my face while I was staring at the sperm on my fingertips. And that's when he apologized to me for his having secretly removed the condom from around his dick, without asking me first if I was okay with him doing that.

"And I told him that what he had done was underhanded, but that I was okay with it, because I figured that one of these times, the condom was bound to break, or slip off, anyway.

"When James started to get up out of bed after fucking me for that first time ever without using any birth control, I stopped him from getting dressed, when I told him that I wanted him to go ahead and fuck me again, since the damage had already been done. And I suggested to him that we might as well go ahead and enjoy ourselves a little longer."

"You mentioned that your were in bed with James. Who's bed were you in? His?" Mom asked Lacey.

"Yours, actually. We were having sex in your bedroom after we both came home from school that day, and you and Dad were still at work."

"Wow! I didn't see that one coming!" Mom remarked. "Well, did James go ahead and fuck you again without using any birth control, like you asked him to?"

"Yes, ma'am. And he didn't just fuck me again, either. He actually fucked me two more times after that very first time, before we got up out of bed and got dressed.

"I couldn't believe how much sperm James ended up releasing inside my baby-making hole that afternoon! The thick white sperm just kept on slowly oozing out of my vagina, and eventually soaking the sheets on your bed so badly that I had to change them out for fresh ones, before you or Dad got home that day.

"The very next day after my little 'accident,' I had one of my girlfriends drive me to the pharmacy after school so that I could buy a morning-after pill and take it as soon as possible.

"That same evening is when I asked you to make an appointment to take me to the doctor so that I could get on The Pill. And that was because I knew that James and I were going to continue to fuck, and that he was spoiled now--and so was I--because we both knew now what the 'real thing' felt like, and what an awesome experience it was."

"I've got one more question for you," Mom said to Lacey. "If you knew that using a condom as your only form of birth control was so risky--and I agree with you by the way on that one, because condoms suck as a method of birth control, in my opinion--why did you keep on fucking James while only using condoms, instead of coming to me to get on The Pill, like you eventually ended up doing anyway?"

"Looking back on it all, I now believe that fucking while using only condoms was actually addictive for me at the time, because of how undependable and dangerous they were. I know that sounds weird. But it felt like I was playing Russian Roulette, with my cervix being the target, and James' dick being the gun. And that was super-exciting to me back then. Probably because I had never had a guy's sperm up inside my vagina before.

"So each time, when James pulled out of me after he finished fucking me, and I saw his condom-covered dick afterwards, with all his sperm held safely inside that little nipple tip at the end of the condom, I always felt relieved.

"But, at the same time, I can't deny that there was also a part of me--deep down inside--that felt disappointed. And that was because, thanks to the condom having worked properly, I didn't get to find out what it would be feel like to have my boyfriend's bare dick and his sperm inside my vagina."

"Gosh, sis, you were really fucked up in the head, weren't you?" I commented to Lacey.

"Heck, yes! Thank you for noticing. But things weren't the same in high school for me as they were for you. Not only did I start high school 12 years after you did, but I just happen to be a girl, remember?

"And so from the moment I entered high school as a freshman, my peers began pressuring me to lose my virginity. The big problem was a question of when to do it, because if you did it as a freshman, you'd be labeled as a whore. But if you held off and waited until your senior year to lose your virginity, like I did, you'd get made fun of for being a prude, or an old maid.

"Also, by the time I got to high school, dating was a whole different thing than it was back when you were in high school, Carl.

"Before I ever started dating James, I already knew what his dick and balls looked like, because he sexted close-up photos of them to me on my cell phone, when he was trying to get me to start dating him.

"He also asked me to text him back close-up photos of my breasts and my pussy, if I was interested in establishing a relationship with him. And so against my better judgement, I went ahead and did what he asked me to do.

"Please keep in mind this wasn't some total stranger that I was sending my pussy pic to. He was a guy that I shared a few classes with, and someone who I found to be fairly attractive in a cute, geeky sort of way, and I wanted to pursue him as a possible boyfriend--even though, he was far from my first choice for a boyfriend.

"But then I also realized that I was never going to end up with some tall, dark, and handsome football player type of guy, or anything like that. This was already my senior year, and unlike virtually all my peers, I still hadn't found a steady boyfriend. So I figured beggars can't be choosers. And I chose James, because he was the only guy that I knew at the time who was actively showing an interest in me.

"Then James texted me back, asking if I wanted to go out on a date with him. In that same text, he mentioned that he thought my tits and my pussy were awesome-looking. And he told me that he was looking forward to seeing them in real life.

"And I texted him back, telling him, 'That all depends on you.'

"That next weekend, James and I went on our first-ever date together. And after we ate pizza at an inexpensive pizza parlor, James took me back to his house. His mother, who was divorced, worked the evening shift, according to James, and so we had the house to ourselves for the next several hours.

"James took me up to his bedroom, and we both sat side-by-side on his bed. He opened up his laptop that was laying on top of the bed, and he started showing me different porn videos. He claimed that he had all these bookmarked because they were some of his favorite porn videos, and he asked me if I liked them.

"And of course, I said 'yes.' What else could I say? I mean, I certainly wasn't going to say 'no' to James, especially if I didn't want him to whisk me away from his house, before things even got underway.

"Anyway, I asked James why he had asked me out, and not some other girl. And he told me that he was such a geek that girls usually ran the other way when they would see him coming, and they didn't ever give him a chance to get to know them. So for James, picking up girls in the usual way just didn't work.

"But then James admitted to me that, after his having seen lots of other boys naked in the locker rooms after gym classes--his words, not mine--he eventually discovered that he just happened to have a large penis for his body size. And he was pretty sure that girls would find that to be a real turn-on.

"And so he tried to use that large penis of his to his advantage, by sexting dick pics to the girls who he really found attractive, in order to try to see if he could get those girls interested in him. And yes, just in case you were wondering, the dick pics he sent to me--and I assume to the other girls, as well--showed his fully-erect penis.

"Unfortunately, according to James, very few of those girls ever responded to his sexts. And if they did, it was to text him back things like 'fuck you!' and 'go to hell, you pervert!'

"But James told me that there had been a couple of girls who actually went ahead and texted back pictures of their boobs to him. However, he said that I was the only girl who ever texted him back a picture of her pussy, along with a picture of her breasts.

"And he told me that when he saw my pussy pic he thought that I was a girl who was starving for sex, just like he was. And he just knew that I was willing to lay it all on the line.

"And of course, I told James something like, 'Gee, thanks a lot!' as I realized that James was absolutely correct about me. I was starving for sex back then. And I was ready to lay it all on the line in order to have sex with a guy and lose my virginity.

"While James and I were still watching porn videos together, I looked over and noticed that he had a hard-on at the front of his pants. He must have seen me looking at it, because he asked me if I wanted him to show it to me.

"I told him that I did. And then he told me that he would be happy to show his dick to me, but only if I would show him my pussy too. He also promised me that he wasn't going to try to fuck me. And he suggested that we should both just take off our pants and underwear and climb back into bed together again. So that's exactly what we did.

"We kept on watching porn videos, while we also kept on glancing at each other's bare genitals from time to time. After a few more minutes, James asked me to masturbate in front of him. And I told him that the only way that I would do that is if he did the same thing in front of me.

"Just think about how whacked this all was. I mean, this was all happening on my very first date with James. We hadn't even held hands, or kissed yet, or touched each other's 'naughty parts' through our clothing. But there we were, in same bed together, naked from the waist down, and masturbating in front of each other, while we kept watching online porn videos on his laptop screen.

"We continued doing that until James finally jacked himself off, and made himself cum in front of me. Then he got up out of bed, went into the bathroom, and cleaned himself up, before coming back into the bedroom. Then we both put our underwear and pants back on so that James could take me back to my house before his mother got home from work.

"I knew he liked me a lot, because before he dropped me off at my house, he asked me if I had had fun.

"I nodded my head, and he gave me a tender kiss on the lips. By the way, that was the first time that I had ever been kissed by a guy. And then James whispered in my ear, telling me that the next time we went out together, he wanted me to show him my breasts, and he promised me that he was going to let me touch and play with his dick and his balls.

"And that's what we did on our second date, along with a bunch of other stuff. During that second date with James was the first time that I ever let a guy touch and play with my pussy. It was also the first time that I ever jacked a guy off. And of course, we were both watching porn videos on James' laptop the whole time that we were masturbating each other.

"I remember that, just like during James' and my first date, the sex itself during our second date was also very impersonal and clinical--just pure, raw sex, you know?

"Also, after James had made such a big deal of me showing him my little boobies, he didn't even lay a hand on them the whole time that we were having sex during that second date. But at least he looked at them once in a while.

"In fact, come to think of it, we didn't actually kiss until James finally kissed me goodnight when he dropped me off at my house at the end of that second date.

"And I really looked forward to our third date, because that was when I decided I was going to let James take my virginity. But I was going to insist that he do that while wearing a condom. And so I made sure to bring some condoms with me on that third date with James.

"So on our third date, James took me to his bedroom and showed me some new porn videos on his laptop. Then we both got naked and started masturbating each other.

"But this time, as soon as James got an erection, I reached into my purse, grabbed a condom, pulled it out of its package, and then carefully slid it down around James' dick, while he was watching what I was doing. He had his mouth wide-open. And it was easy to tell that he was very surprised by what I was doing.

"James asked me if I was sure that I wanted to do this, and I told him 'yes.' I also admitted to him that I was a virgin, and that I wanted him to take my virginity. Then I lay down, flat on my back on top of the bed, and spread my legs apart.

"And without saying another word to me, James reached over and closed the lid of his laptop. Then he rolled over on top of me, slid his dick up into my vajayjay, and began thrusting away at my pussy. And once he started doing that, James confessed to me that, just like me, he was a virgin too.

"And James actually surprised me on that third date by kissing me every so often, while we were fucking. And he actually felt out my little boobies--and even sucked on my nipples at one point--while he was fucking me. And I already told you the rest of the story."

Throughout Lacey's long story about her sexual past, Mom and I had just stayed there on top of the bed, listening to her. But I now had a hard-on between my legs, and a freshly wiped-down maternal pussy that I'm sure was more than ready to play host to my dick.

So I told Lacey, "We'd love to hear more of your story Lacey, but I'm going to have to cut you off right now, so that Mom and I can get down to business. Please go sit in the chair, like I asked you to do."

Lacey got up out of bed, went over to the chair across from the foot of the bed, and sat down. She was still completely naked, and had a pussy full of sperm that was slowing dripping out of the rear of her pussy crack onto the thick chair cushion between her spread-apart thighs.

"Mom, are you ready to show Lacey how it's done?" I asked my mother.

Mom lay down on her back, spread her legs apart and opened up her arms, letting me know that she wanted to get right down to business and skip the whole foreplay part. And I was perfectly okay with that.

So I knelt between my mother's not-so-attractive, cellulite-covered thighs, and I teasingly rubbed the head of my dick against the head of Mom's giant clit, before positioning my dick at the entrance of her vagina, and easing it up into her fuck-hole, with my little sister having an unrestricted view of our two coupled-up genitals.

As I began thrusting away at a steady pace, I could barely believe that I was fucking my own mother's pussy in front of her own daughter. I assumed Lacey was sitting in the chair across the room and masturbating while she was watching Mom and me fuck.

But then I felt a hand wrap around my balls, and a wrist and forearm pressed up against the crack of my butt-cheeks, just as Lacey's voice whispered straight into my ear, "You're one hell of a motherfucker! I want to feel you cum inside Mom's pussy."

Then I felt Lacey's hand move downward to caress and feel the underside of my dick-shaft while I was still humping away at Mom's pussy. And I realized that my sister wanted to feel my dick pulsate when I finally ejaculated inside of our mother's vagina.

I also wondered how much crazier things were going to get (sex-wise) by the time that Lacey and I finally left Mom's house the day after Christmas to go back to our own lives.

Let's just say I wasn't disappointed. I mean, before it was all over, I actually got to watch Lacey and Mom tribbing together. What a trip that was!

About a month or so after I got back home from that wonderful trip to Mom's house, I got a call from Mom one morning. She told me that I had actually managed to get Lacey pregnant during her stay with us at Mom's house.

Then Mom went on to tell me, "Gotcha! The truth is you didn't get Lacey pregnant after all, although God knows, you gave it your best effort. But I'm pretty sure you did get me pregnant!"

And we both broke out laughing over the phone for a few moments, before Mom got serious again, as she said to me, "I miss you, son. I can't wait until you come back to visit me. I'm just so horny I can't stand it.

"But I do have a laptop and a Zoom account, you know? So would you please do a video call with me, so that we can masturbate in front of each other. Porn videos just aren't cutting it for me anymore. It's your lovely penis that really turns me on. You see how you've gotten me spoiled now?"

And I said to Mom, "Don't worry about that. I'll take care of your horniness in person when I spend this next weekend with you. Are you okay with me coming for a last-minute, surprise visit? I mean, without it being a holiday, and with us being the only people in the house?--And without it actually being a surprise anymore, because I just told you about it?"

And Mom said, "Of course I am. I mean, what are you going to do? Rape me?"

"Yes, ma'am. That's exactly what I plan on doing. But only after you fall asleep," I replied truthfully.

"I couldn't have asked for a better son. See you next weekend then.

"Oh, by the way, I haven't shaved down there since you were here last month, and my pussy's got dark, stubbly hairs all over it. Would you like to shave my pussy when you get here, so it'll be nice and smooth for you?"

"It would be my pleasure, Mom. And if you have a razor handy, I'll make sure it's one of the first things I do when I get there. Sounds like fun. I've never shaved a woman's pussy before.

"And just in case you were wondering--and I know how weird this is going to sound--but it's not Lacey's pussy that I fantasize about whenever I'm jacking off. It's yours. The truth is I'd rather have my dick in your pussy any day of the week.

"The fact that I can't get you pregnant only means that we can have all the fun we want, without ever having to worry about any of the consequences. And that's a big turn-on in my book.

"And by the way, speaking of 'turn-ons,' thanks for giving me those soiled panties of yours, before I left. You wouldn't believe how many times I've sniffed the crotch of those damn panties, just thinking about your awesome-looking pussy, and that sexy 'little dick' of yours. I can't wait to suck on it some more."

"Son, I wasn't going to tell you this, but I've been frigging myself with a dildo the whole time that we've been on the phone. And I've been pretending that this dildo is your dick. I just can't get that sexy dick of yours out of my mind. It's driving me crazy. I can't wait until you get here, so that I can feel the 'real thing' inside my pussy again."

"Mom, I know exactly how you feel," I said, as I was getting up out of bed to walk over to the dresser. "Mom, forget that Zoom stuff. I'm going to hang up right now and give you a Google Meet video call on your cell phone. That way we can both see each other's faces, and any other parts of our bodies that we want to put the cameras on."

"Wow, I didn't even know that we could do that video call stuff over our cell phones."

"Well, we can, Mom. So I'm hanging up and calling you back right now. Okay?"

"Okay, son."

I hung up and called Mom back using the Google Meet app, and we were instantly seeing each other's faces in our small cell phone screens. I could tell that Mom was lying in bed on her back with her head resting up against the pillows.

"Hi, Mom. Now, turn on your cell phone speaker, so that you we can hear each other without having to keep the phones next to our ears. Were you able to do that?"

"Yes, son. I've used that feature before. I prefer not to keep that damn phone right up against the side of my head."

"I know how you feel, Mom. Are you still masturbating?"

"Oh, heck yes!"

"I need for you to just keep looking at your phone screen, okay? I'm going to show you my dick in a few moments."

"Sure, son."

I set my phone down on top of the dresser, pulled open the second drawer from the top, opened up a sealed gallon-size plastic freezer bag to remove my mother's crumpled-up, soiled, white cotton panties from it, and placed the inside liner of the panty-crotch right up under my nostrils.

I picked up my cell phone, and pointed its camera directly at my bare crotch to show a close-up view of my dick and balls while I was sniffing away at my mother's pungent, left-over crotch odor like a dog sniffing another dog's ass.

And as I was standing up in front of the mirror that was mounted on top of my dresser, staring at my own bare genitals in the mirror and sniffing away at Mom's panty-crotch, I watched my own partially-erect dick as it was growing into a full-blown hard-on, all on its own, without me ever having to touch it with my hands.

"Wow, son. That was great! But how did you give yourself an erection without even touching your dick? You aren't watching porn videos right now, are you?"

"No, ma'am. That's just what always happens when I sniff the crotch of your panties for a little while. Just wait a minute, and I'm going to show you something that I think you'll really like."

I put the phone back down on top of the dresser so that I could carefully lay out Mom's soiled panties on top of the dresser, with the inside of the panty-crotch flattened out and facing upward.

The dried yellowish urine and much darker pussy-juice stains were streaked across the previously white-colored crotch lining, from the front to the rear, where you could plainly see the little skid marks that had been left by Mom's butt-hole rubbing up against the panty material.

Then I picked my cell phone back up and pointed my cell phone camera to show a close-up view of the soiled panty-crotch.

"Do you know what this is?" I asked Mom.

"Yes. That's the crotch of the dirty panties I gave you. That's really disgusting!"

"No, it's not, Mom. It's a real turn-on for me. And I'm getting ready to show you just how much of a turn-on it is for me."

Then I placed the head of my dick directly on top of the double-layered cotton crotch-material of the panties, and while holding my cell phone in my left hand with the camera pointed at the head of my dick, I carefully and methodically finger-rubbed back and forth on the underside of my shaft, just behind my dick-head, until I eventually gave myself a frenulum-induced orgasm and gently ejaculated sperm all over the panty-crotch of Mom's soiled grannie panties.

After my ejaculation ended, I grabbed the shaft of my dick and maneuvered it as I was intentionally using the head of my dick like a living paint brush to spread the freshly-ejaculated sperm all over the panty-crotch liner.

"Hi, Mom. Are you still there," I asked when I finally moved my cell phone back up in front of my face to see what was showing on the phone. And there was nothing but darkness. I knew that the phone had to be laying on top of Mom's bed, with the camera face-down. And I could hear Mom crying out and verbally carrying on while she was obviously orgasming her ass off.

After a few minutes, Mom's face finally appeared back on my phone screen. "Damn it, son! We need to do this kind of video call stuff much more often. That's all I can say."

"Well, Mom. You'll need to get me some more of your soiled panties, because I just ruined the ones you gave me. I mean, it doesn't turn me on to sniff my own dried-up sperm, or to sniff the crotch of clean panties that have been washed. It's only your dirty panties that have that magical effect on my nostrils and my dick."

"Honey, you can take all the soiled panties home with you that you want, when you come visit me this weekend. In fact, I'll even buy some new ones, wear them for a whole day, and then send them to you in the mail, if that's what you want me to do. I'm not kidding, son."

"I know you're not, Mom. And I'll definitely take you up on your offer. By the way, would you show me the dildo that you were frigging yourself with just now?"

"Sure, son. It's a really nice one. Cost me a pretty penny too. But as much use as I intend to give it, it's well worth the expense, as far as I'm concerned.

"I bought it online just recently. It's modeled after a real live penis, and it's even got a moveable foreskin with veins all over it. And get this. It's even got a small heater built in, so that it feels warm inside my vajayjay, just like a real live dick does."

Mom finally moved the cell phone camera down between her legs to point it at the dildo, which was lying on the bed between her thick, spread-apart thighs. It was about 9 inches long, from base to tip, with the front portion of a pair of fake balls attached at the bottom of the shaft, and it had the same coloration to it that a black dude's dick might have. And of course, the dildo was still coated with Mom's slick, shiny vaginal juices.

Mom's expensive, realistic-looking dildo also had a large suction cup at the very bottom, mounted to the flat rear side of the fake balls. I wondered if Mom had ever used the suction cup part of the dildo before, to mount it to a flat surface, and then hump away at it, like I had seen women do in online porn videos. If not, I decided right then and there that I was going to show her how to use the suction cup, when I went to visit her this weekend. And I decided that I would try to do it right after I finished shaving her pussy.

"So how do you like my dildo, son?" Mom's asked.

"It doesn't really matter how much I like. What matters is how much you like it," I countered.

"Well, it's the closest I can get to the 'real thing' without you being here. And of course, my dildo doesn't ejaculate sperm, which is something that I really love to watch you men do, as you well know. But hey, it beats the heck out of frigging this old, worn-out pussy with my fingers all the time--or using a cucumber, or a hairbrush handle to do it."

"Mom, you do realize that I just finished fucking you symbolically, by cumming all over your soiled panties like I did, right?"

"Of course, I realized exactly what you were doing, son, and why you were doing it. That's why I orgasmed my ass off when I saw you start cumming all over the crotch of my dirty panties. I knew that you were fantasizing that the crotch of those panties was my pussy. Am I right about that?"

"I love you, Mom, but I've got to go now. See ya next weekend, okay? And yes, your dirty panties are the next best thing to having my dick rubbing up against that nasty, super-sexy pussy of yours," I admitted to her, and then quickly hung up the phone and set it down on the night stand by my bed, before she could finish saying 'goodbye' to me.

The bottom line was that, no matter how kinky or perverted it was, I knew that I was definitely going to continue traveling back home to Beaumont fairly frequently for the purpose of secretly having sex with my own mother, no matter what my current dating or marital status was.

I figured that my mother had raised me and taken care of my needs for many years while I was growing up, and so the least I could do was to help take care of one of Mom's most important needs. I can't help it if I just happen to have one of the horniest and most uninhibited post-menopausal mothers on this planet.

And as far as I'm concerned, there's nothing more exciting or erotic than being a true motherfucker!

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