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Yo. Here's something that I wrote a little bit ago. If you enjoy, I take commissions. So if you want a story of your own, consider messaging me. I'm completely limitless. I'll write any and everything.
There it is. Right where Eren said it’d be. Fuck, look at them all. It’s quite the sight. And there’s the main attraction right now, drying a car, giving me a full view of her perfect ass. I guess the only downside to this is the fact that they can’t really wear anything other than t-shirts and baggy shorts. But luckily, I have a remedy for that. But first, I need Kylie over there to do me a few favors.

I drive in the car wash, stopping in Kylie’s line. Once she’s done drying and getting paid, the guy drives off and she waves me forward. I drive up to her and roll down my window.

“Hey, there, Kylie,” I say, bringing an arm to my door,

“Oh my gosh!” she yells out in excitement, “Hi, Mr. Spencer!”

“I heard about this event, so I just figured I’d swing by and help out a bit.”

“Wow, thank you so much!”

“Hey, anything for my favorite student.”

She gasps and blushes before saying,

“I’m your favorite?”

“Yup,” I respond, “The best student I’ve ever taught.”

She giggles as I continue glancing at her body. Just you wait, Kylie. You’re really gonna earn your spot as my favorite in just a moment.

“So,” I say, “Bearing that fact in mind, is there some sort of special offer for me?”

“Weeeeell,” she says, bringing her hands behind her back and swaying her hips, “Since you are the greatest teacher ever and since we’re doing so well already, I’d say you can get your wash for 75% off.”

“Wow,” I say in false astonishment, “75%? That’s almost half.”

“Exactly. So you’d be paying $45 instead of $85.”

“Actually, you forgot to carry the 5,” I incorrectly correct, “So that means I’ll owe you $15.”

“Ooooh,” she says, “See, that’s why I’m glad you’re here. You’re so smart.”

Yup. I’m a fucking genius.

“Alright, I’ll just get started,” she says,

“Wait,” I say, stopping her in her tracks, “Isn’t it a bit hot out for you girls?”

“Yeah. I’m burning up, but Mrs. Garret said we have to wear these. Something about not wanting people to stare at freshmen or something. I don’t know. I wasn’t really paying attention.”

“Oh. Well that’s not fair, is it?”

“No it isn’t. But she’s been really strict about it.”

“Well, how about this?”

I reach to my back seat, retrieving the two piece bikini and say,

“Let’s just keep this between you and me. I’ll drive around to where no one can see and we can do our business there. And if anyone shows up, they’ll see that you’re with a trustworthy teacher who was concerned about your health and safety.”

“That’s so smart!” she says, jumping up and down.

I take a moment to look at her developing tits as she unknowingly rewards me with my unyielding smarts. I’m just as surprised. I just came up with all of that on the fly.

“Alright, let’s do it,” I say.

She nods and grabs her bucket before running over to the passenger side. After ensuring no one’s paying attention, I drive over to a more secluded part of the area, making sure no one’s noticing and being ultra careful of not getting caught. It’s been going perfectly so far. I can’t risk anything going awry. Not when I’m so close.

I park the car and she grabs the bikini.

“Uh,” she says, scouting the area, “Where should I change?”

“Oh, you can change in here,” I reply,

“Uh...but wouldn’t that be a bit...weird?”

“Who says it has to be? I’m just looking after my favorite student.”

She grins and blushes again. So easy.

“Yeah, ok,” she says.

She takes off her shirt and unclasps her bra, freeing her adorable b cup tits. She then unties her shorts and slides them off along with her panties, giving me a full on picture perfect view of her cute, little, shaven pussy. I can’t take my eyes off of her. Thank God she’s so damn dense. It’s taking everything within me to not pounce on her right now. Patience. Just a bit longer. Then she’ll be all mine.

As she puts on the bikini, she starts talking to me. But I can’t hear a single thing she’s saying. My mind’s just flooding with all of the things I wanna do to this girl.

“-cer?...Hellooo?” she says, waving her hand, snapping me out of my trance,

“Oh, sorry, what did you say?” I ask,

“I was just saying thanks for this bikini,” she says, “It’s such a perfect fit. Even matches my shoes.”

“Oh...right. Yeah. Sure.”

She giggles before stepping out of the car with her bucket. I follow suit, snapping myself out of it as I step out of the car. She places her bucket on the ground and bends over to ring out the sponge, again, letting me get an eyeful of her ass. I can even see the outline of her pussy, too. Time to get a bit risky. I walk over to her and palm her ass, gently rubbing it.

“Oh, hey there,” she says, shocked as she turns her head to me,

“Hey,” I say back, “Just saw something land on you.”

“Oh. Thanks.”

“Any time.”

I rub her for a few more seconds before stepping back. She then picks the bucket up and brings it to the hood of my car before washing it. She then kneels down, scrubbing the headlights. I’m then greeted with opportunity. The bucket’s right above her, barely on the edge. And here she is, scrubbing away at the headlight, creating rough movement.

“Yeah, there’s a bit of grime on that one spot,” I say, “The damn thing’s persistent.”

“Yeah,” she says in a strained tone as she starts scrubbing harder, “It just doesn’t...wanna...let...up.”

She’s scrubbing harder and harder and the bucket’s starting to inch closer and closer to the edge. That’s it. Just a little more. Aaand splash! She’s covered in sudsy water. She screams before standing up and laughing. I join in saying,

“Well, looks like that sucker one this round, huh?”

“Yeah,” she says, “Guess so.”

“Well, I’ve got towels in my car. Why don’t you take a little break until you dry off?”

“Oh. Ok.”

She heads over to the passenger side and I get in the driver’s side. I get a towel from the back and place it on the passenger’s seat before opening the door. She steps inside and sits down on the towel. I then grab another towel, handing it to her.

“Thanks,” she says, taking it,

“Sure thing,” I reply, “Good thing I’m so prepared, huh?”

“Yeah,” she agrees, “I don’t know what I would’ve done if you weren’t here.”

“Well, with the sun being out, I’m sure you would’ve been dry in no time.”

“Yeah. I guess you’re right. But drying with a towel is so much better.”

She then starts drying her head with the towel and I stare at her wet little body. She’s practically naked in front of me again. I can almost see through the bikini. Damn. That’s $20 well spent. But now I gotta remove it. And I know just the way.

“But you know,” I start, “Either way, having your clothes on still wouldn’t have the best end result.”

“What do you mean?” she asks, confused,

“Well, I mean, sure, they’ll dry, but they’ll also start chafing. And no one deserves to go through that.”

“Oh wow, you’re right. I gotta change back.”

Dammit. Forgot she still has clothes here. Think. Think...Alright, got it.

“Or you could just stay naked,” I suggest,

“What?” she says, shocked, “Really?”

“Yeah. I mean, you don’t wanna be burning up again. At least out there, you had the wind kinda keeping you cool. But now you don’t have that luxury. So it’s probably best to not wear anything at all.”

“Hmm. You know what? You’re right. How’d you get so darn smart?”

Years of practice, baby girl.

“I’m a teacher for a reason, right?”

“Yeah, that’s fair.”

“Oh. And just so you won’t feel so embarrassed, I’ll get naked with you. We can be naked and cool together.”

“Woah, really? You’d do that for me?”

“Like I said, anything for my favorite student.”

“You’re so amazing. Why can’t all teachers be as amazing as you?”

Well, luckily for me none of them are. I hate having competition for something that’s rightfully mine. I take off my shirt and place it on the dashboard before sliding off my shorts and briefs, freeing my erection.

Kylie follows suit, untying the laces of the bikini and placing them on the dashboard next to my clothes.

“Uh, what about my shoes?” she asks, “I don’t wanna ruin anything.”

“Oh, you can just leave them on,” I respond, “They look too good on you anyway.”

“Aww, thank you.”

Wow. It is not hard to get her wrapped around my finger. Now for her to wrap something else around me.

“You know, Kylie,” I start, grabbing her attention, “You can still do your job while your clothes dry. You guys do interior cleaning, too, right?”

“Well, I think we do,” she answers, “Mrs. Garret said something like that, but I don’t know what that is.”

“It’s when you clean the inside of the car.”

“Oooooh. Then yeah, we do that.”

“Now, with that being said, you know it means cleaning everything on the inside.”


“Well, luckily for you, you don’t have to clean much. Just clean this right here.”

I point to my dick and she looks at it, confused.

“Well, how am I supposed to do that?” she replies, “The water I had is gone. Plus, I’m sure the stuff we use to clean the cars would be bad for you.”

“Well, there’s other ways for you to clean it, you know.”

“Like how?”

“With your mouth.”

“Oh, so just like Principal Jenkins, my dad, and Officer Ryan?”


“Um...yeah...sure,” I answer,

“Oh, well, alright, then.”

She then leans down, taking my cock in her hand before licking the tip, circling it with her tongue. I close my eyes and tilt my head back, enjoying the sensations her little tongue is putting my body through. I then let out a light gasp as she starts gently sucking on the head of my dick. Fuck, I got way more than I bargained for. Had I known that she was this experienced, I would’ve taken Jenkins up on his offer for after school tutoring.

She then takes more of my dick in her mouth, slowly bobbing her head up and down my shaft, inching more and more in her mouth with every descent. I groan before bringing a hand to her head, stroking her hair as she sucks my cock. And as she continues with her slow and steady pace, the urge to fuck her skull grows more and more by the second. But I need to restrain myself. That’ll come later. But it feels too fucking good.

“Yeah, suck it just like that,” I groan out, “Keep going, Kylie. Fuck, I feel myself getting cleaner already.”

Fueled by the encouragement, she starts sucking harder and faster. I groan louder at her quickened pace as my limit inches nearer and nearer. I can’t control myself anymore. I push her down to my base and bob her head up and down even faster. She starts gagging a bit before catching on to my pace and matching it. God, she’s a fucking pro at this. I really outdid myself with this one. I just knew she was the one.

It doesn’t take long until I finally reach my limit, holding her head at the base and bucking my hips forward before letting out a final groan and emptying my load in the back of this girl’s throat. As I shoot rope after rope of my cum in her mouth, she tries her best to swallow every last drop. Inevitably, some oozes out of the corner of her mouth.

After I free her head from my clutches, she sucks the last bit of my cum before taking my dick out of her mouth and swallowing it, making sure to even get what’s on her mouth. She giggles and says,

“Not as tasty as daddy’s, but it was still good.”

I take a moment to compose myself before saying,

“Glad to hear it. But now we need to clean you up.”


“Well, you’re in the car, too, right?”

“Oh yeah. So how do you clean me?”

“Well, seeing as you just cleaned me up, I could use your own cleaning product to do it. It’d be like you were cleaning yourself.”

“Ooo. Like a kitty.”

“Yeah, sure. I guess. Now all you have to do is sit on it.”


She does as instructed and moves towards me, bringing her left leg to the other side of me before she sits down and straddles me.

“Alright, now what?” she says,

“Now you just leave everything to me,” I answer.

I grab her hips and slowly start moving her back and forth, grinding her pussy on my dick, making her let out a light moan. She palms her hand on the window and puts the other one on the passenger head rest to balance herself. I smirk at her reaction saying,

“Feels good, huh?”

“Yeah,” she answers, “No one’s ever done it with me like this before. Usually, they just put it right in.”

“Well, this is just interior cleaning, right? Gotta get every nook and cranny.”

I move her slightly faster and she moans a bit louder. Alright, enough teasing. I’ve waited too damn long for this. I lift her up, positioning her entrance to the tip of my cock before lowering her onto it. She lets out a moan as I slide into her pussy. God, she’s tighter than I thought she’d be. This is incredible.

I give her a moment to adjust before slowly moving her up and down my shaft, making her moan more and more. I can’t help but to groan with her. This is pure euphoria. I finally have my favorite student riding my dick. And no one’s gonna know about it. Even she doesn't fully know what’s going on. I’ve really out done myself.

I move her slightly faster, making her moan louder as she grips the head rest tighter. I then grab her chest, pulling her closer to me as I grab and squeeze her developing tits. They’re so fucking soft. I love it. And judging by her increased moans, I can tell she loves it, too. I then start thrusting in and out of her tight little pussy, groaning more as she arches her back and moans louder.

Eventually, I feel my limit start to build again. This time, it’s bittersweet. I really REALLY don’t wanna pull out and just wanna flood her little pussy with my cum. But I also wanna keep doing this. Can’t really do it that much if she’s pregnant. So I lift her off of my cock and say,

“Get on your knees.”

“O-ok,” she says, obeying my command.

It takes her a bit of effort, but she soon manages to get on her knees in front of me as I start stroking my cock. After a few minutes of stroking, I let out a final groan before shooting ropes of my essence all over her face, hair, and tits. She giggles in response before I guide her head forward, putting my dick in her mouth as she sucks it, fully emptying the last bit of cum and tasting herself in the process. After that, I stroke her hair, saying,

“Good girl. Now we’re both all clean. I expected nothing less from my favorite student.”

She giggles again before saying,

“Thanks, Mr. Spencer. Glad I could help. Anything else you want me to clean in here?”
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