A young girl is unknowingly immersed in a religious community with her mother and stepfather.
Now that I’m 18, Pirot would visit our cabin often. Boss and the Pirot would look at me and talk to each other. Sometimes Boss would tell me to go stand near Pirot and he would look me over, touch my breasts and ass and squeeze me like a piece of meat, talking about my breast development and the shape of my hips and ass, and then whisper to Boss. I heard him tell Boss, “You got a good one there, let’s pray she’s very fertile. She will bear many! We need to increase milk production.” Boss tells him, “ She’s ready to begin. She’s my first virgin!” Pirot says to him, “ Since she is your only virgin daughter I will consider returning her to you after the ceremony.” Pirot tells Boss to come to the sanctuary and the lead Bearer will explain the process to him. The bearers are the protectors of the Pirot.
I can hear my mom and Boss talking because my room is right next to theirs. My mom talks low but I can hear him and fill in what she may have said.He says, “She was born to bear children and according to Patriarchal law, I can ask to give her the first or many. Did you talk to her yet? She’s been 18 for a while. This is your life now, this will be her life! There is no life outside of the Community for her now! She will learn just as you are, what her place is in life!” I hear movement in the room and mumbling and physical struggle. In a deep evil voice, I hear him, “ Suck it! Make me hard!” I can hear my mother gagging and coughing. “C’mon, open!” he yells. “ I spoke to the Pirot and next week he is scheduling her White Ceremony and you’ll be there to help!” he tells her.
The lead Bearer comes to our cabin to talk to Boss. He brings a sheer white gown I am to wear for the ceremony. He also gives him the white cloak I am to wear when outside of the cabin with my head cloaked as my mom wears a red one. He tells my mom that I am only to wear the sheer gown to the ceremony, no bra or panties. My mom will be there for support and all the men from the community will attend to bear witness. He tells Boss that the ceremony will take place in 2 weeks at sundown and after, my mother is to explain and answer any questions about what happens next.
Since I am Boss’s first, the lead Bearer meets with him at the sanctuary a week before to make sure he knows the process. He tells Boss, “On the night of the ceremony, you will arrive at the sanctuary 1 hour early and will be in the meditation chamber with 2 other men chosen by Pirot. Upon the seating of the Community men, Pirot will offer a blessing and introduction of your daughter who will be escorted in by her mother. She will wear only the sheer gown that was provided to her mother. She will be escorted to the altar and her mother will blindfold her and we will place her on the altar and secure her legs into the stirrups. Whoever Pirot chooses to breed and seclude with her, will be called out to take a position by the end of the altar and will be given the purple cloak to identify him as her breeder and master. The other 2 men will be dismissed to the congregation seating. Her mother will stand aside and may hold her hand. Pirot will take position between her legs and your wife is to kneel before him and arouse his sacred phallus.” Boss interrupts the bearer. “ Wait what? My wife arouses the Pirot?” The bearer says, “ Let me go step by step so you know. I thought you had some idea.”
“ Pirot blesses your daughter by taking her virginity. He can only be inside her for 12 thrusts before the beast overtakes him. Women have not survived when he was allowed to come to orgasm normally and completely. Pirot's phallus is very large and, when the Patriarchal spirit touches him it awakens a beast, called an Incubus. Pirot wears a mask so that his face is not seen as a blindfold because it is said he changes in appearance when he is near a woman sexually and the Incubus is released. Many women were unable to bear children when he was done with them. There will be Bearers present with equipment to subdue him if necessary.
Your wife will use her hand and mouth to arouse him. When his sacred sperm erupts, the head of his phallus will be placed against your daughter’s virgin canal. He will push into her and rupture her hymen. She will endure extreme pain as the sacred phallus opens her to begin the opening and cleansing and blessing of her reproductive system. He will be allowed 12 thrusts as he fills her. The volume of his sperm is measured in quarts, so it will flow from her like a hose as he thrusts into her. It is said that Pirot is sterile. After the 12 thrusts, we will pull him from her and take him to recover and your wife will finish him with her mouth and hands until his ejaculation subsides." Boss says, “ I had no idea about this. I don’t know if I want to do it.” The bearer says, “ You have no choice. The Pirot can have any woman in the community whenever he wants. If he orders for your wife, we will come to your door and take her and deliver her to him! Pirot takes all virgins upon the beginning of their most fertile time and that has been found to be 18 years. If you choose not to be on board we will place you in confinement and if your daughter survives another man will be chosen to breed her!”
“Whomever Pirot chooses to breed her the first time, is given the purple cloak to wear from the ceremony and be witnessed by the men of the Community so her master and sexual status is known to them all. No other man will under any circumstance be allowed to approach or attempt to interact with her in a sexual manner. The chosen will then leave to go to a conception cabin to await her delivery to him for seclusion with her. She must not know the one to breed her until she enters the cabin. So from this point on, this is to be in secret.” Boss acknowledges he understands and will ensure that her mother does as well.
This is a special time for the man and at some point, the female will learn to appreciate a man showing interest in her. Boss in days up to the ceremony begins to gather what he needs to take to the conception cabin, should he be chosen. Community law requires a minimum of 3 months of seclusion with the virgin. The male is to teach her the laws of the Patriarchy in addition to breeding her to carry and birth her first spawn. The cabin is one room which is padded walls and a massive padded mattress floor for sleeping and breeding. There are many restraints and fetish tools for use as desired by her new master. There is a kitchen and a bathroom with a big bathtub. There are 8 such cabins and sometimes on a quiet night, you can hear screams coming from the hills as a virgin begins to get accustomed to and learn the necessary lessons.
Outside I see a girl my age at the community park. I’ve seen her before at the sanctuary service. On this day she’s wearing a white cloak. I sit next to her and say hello. I ask her why she wears a white cloak. She’s reluctant to talk and says she can’t tell me much and I have to ask my dad. She tells me that her mom told her that she’s taking her to the sanctuary for a ceremony tonight so now she has to wear this. I ask her how old she is and she says she’s 18. Her mom calls out to her to get inside the house. I ask my mom and she only says, once a girl wears white we are not supposed to be alone without a man, a chosen man. I ask her what does it mean to wear white. She tells me, “ It means you will find out when the time comes and her business is none of yours!” My mom knew that my white day was near, but couldn’t say.
On the day of the ceremony, I woke to find a white cloak. Boss is not home so I ask my mom why it’s there. She tells me, “ Tonight will be your White Ceremony at the sanctuary.” I ask her what that means. She tells me. “ It’s a transition to womanhood kind of ritual that the Patriarchy requires. Tonight you wear a special gown and when you are outside the house you have to wear the white cloak now. You’ll be told more after the ceremony tonight.” I ask her if she had to do it. She said no because she was already too old for it when we moved there to live with Boss.
As sunset approaches Boss discreetly makes his way to the sanctuary meditation chamber to await the young virgin with 2 other men. Only the lead bearer will know who Pirot has chosen. I am given a sheer white gown by my mom. She tells me to put it on with nothing underneath. I put it on and I call out to my mom as I look in the mirror, “ Mom, you can see everything through this, I might as well be naked!” My mom tells me, “ You have to wear it, you have no choice. The white cloak will cover you as we walk to the ceremony.” The community men begin to fill the sanctuary to witness the ceremony. Many men are stroking their cocks in anticipation of what they are about to see.
My mom and I arrive at the sanctuary and are met by 2 bearers. These are 2 of the 4 men who were dragging the woman I saw sacrificed to the altar. I ask my mom, “Are they gonna do me like that woman?” My mom shushes me and tells me to be quiet and try to relax. I am scared and want to run because I have no idea what is going to happen. The men tell my mom that The cloak I am wearing has to be removed. I think to myself, having no idea that the entire community of men will be there. “these men are gonna see my naked body!” My mom tells me to take it off and I can see the men getting hard as their cloaks begin to grow out from their groins. One of the bearers looks into the door to let the Pirot know they are ready.
The Pirot calls out to the congregation, “ Brothers I ask that you rise! Rise to witness the gateway to the Patriarchal womanhood ceremony of this young woman as she begins the journey to learn the true virtues of a spiritual woman!”
The bearers tell me to walk behind them, keep my arms at my sides, look straight ahead, and not speak. My mom is told to do the same but to walk behind me. I have so much fear and anxiety going through me. The 2 giant doors are pushed open and to my horror, I see the sanctuary full of men standing with their cloak hoods on staring at the door. The 2 bearers begin a super slow walk into the room. I see the men as I walk gawking at my body because they can see right through the sheer gown. Every man I can see as I look straight ahead has their cloak open and is jerking their cocks of various sizes. The bearers are almost stopped, they are walking so slowly. After what seems to be an eternity, we reach the altar and stand before the Huge marble altar where I saw the woman who was dragged in screaming to be raped by 12 men. Is that my fate? I want to run away but know I would never escape. Where is Boss? Is he one of the hooded men gawking at my young body?
The Pirot give a nod to the bearers and they guide me to the end of the altar.1 Takes a blindfold and wraps it tightly around my head. I then feel each of them grab me by the shoulder and thigh on each side and lift me onto the altar. My head is on a pillow and I feel them lift my legs into stirrups like at the doctor's office. My arms are extended out to the side and strapped down tightly. I feel the gown open in front and a strap placed across my chest and pulled tight. A strap is placed across my waist and pulled down tight. My legs are strapped tight into the stirrups, My mom touches my hand and tells me to relax. I am scared to death and am breathing very heavily. The unknown scares me but is also arousing feelings I have never felt as I can’t forget what was done to that girl in this very spot. Is that what will happen? Is something wrong with me to kind of be curious in a mildly pleasurable way?
The Pirot announces to the gathering of horny men of the Patriarchy, “Brothers, we gather this night to witness the opening of the gate to this young woman's future. The opening of the gate to the blessings of a Patriarchal female.The opening of her gate to learning the law of the patriarchy. The opening of her gate to a man's pleasure. The opening of the gate of a man's stress relief. The opening of her tunnel of patriarchal breeding and the birth of future Patriarchs.” Boss is given and told to put on the purple cloak and remain uncovered so the community is aware of who was chosen and who I belong to. He is brought out and instructed to stand at the side of the stirrups where he can view his virgin stepdaughter's receptive virgin slit. She is small and her pussy is so new with neatly tucked skins as no cock has yet reamed her. 2 big bearers stand next to Boss as Pirot moves to the base of the altar.
As Pirot views the virgin flesh before him, a bearer puts a blacked-out hood over his head like blinders on a horse. His breathing gets heavy as the bearer opens his cloak. A bearer instructs my mother to kneel before his phallus. His phallus is like the trunk of an elephant. It hangs down to his knees, The bearer whispers to my mother, “ Use your mouth and hands and arouse him and bring him to ejaculate!” My mom grabs the heavy piece of sacred man meat and lifts it to her mouth and begins to lick the head. The Pirot has a metal ring behind the head of his cock that begins to be engulfed by the surrounding phallus flesh as it swells and begins to stiffen. Boss begins to get uneased at the sight and is warned by a bearer to remain silent and calm or he will be removed.
My mom continues to lick and stroke the sacred man's meat and she feels it swell in her hands. Pirot begins to growl and groan as a torrent of thick cream begins to flow from the head. A bearer quickly grabs the flesh hose and places it on my virgin cunt. 2 other bearers guide Pirot forward as his phallus senses its surroundings. Pirot raises his arms to Lord Patriarch, “ In pain shall she bear children… Now In pain, she shall prepare to conceive children!” Affirmation shouting comes from the men in the congregation as they enjoy the ceremony they are bearing witness to. "Break her Gate… Break her Gate!” they yell. He pushes and steps forward and violently rams it inside me as he lets out a loud exclamation, “HHHHHRRRRUUUUUUHHHH!” I scream from the most extreme pain I have ever felt. I can feel my pussy being torn as his massive phallus violates and fills my body! I can feel my uterus swell as I am filled with his hot fluid.
As Pirot begins to thrust into me. 4 bearers move near him to control and if necessary subdue and withdraw him if he loses control. His thrusts are violent as he grunts and slams into my cervix. I can feel myself get dizzy and on the brink of unconsciousness as the pain is unbearable. My mom heard one bearer say, “ She is so small, he’s destroying her pussy.” His cum is flowing from me with each withdrawal. The cum is becoming pinker to red in color as his sacred phallus rips me open. At the 12th stroke, the bearers pull Pirot back as he agitatedly tries for more. Cum and blood run from my ravaged pussy and flood the floor beneath the altar. My mother comes to my head and wipes the sweat and tears from my face. An old woman who is a nurse in a red and white cloak is brought in to examine my wrecked pussy. She tells the lead Bearer, I’m ready. Pirot sits and begins to recover, guarded by 3 bearers. 2 bearers begin to undo the bindings to the altar and I am taken by my mother and the old nurse who examined me to a room to be showered and prepared for the next part of the ritual. Boss leaves the sanctuary to await his young student in a breeding cabin.