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This was her night, she was finally going through with it." She thought to herself. "And with a fat smelly Americano!" Her stomach heaved, but her tiny womb throbbed in her tight little bottom at the nasty forbidden thought of it.
The making of a Puta

A young Bolivian girl is taken, by her boarding school classmate, to lose her virginity to an American tourist and begin her career as a cock drudge and whore.

Evita followed the Fat Bearded man toward the empty room at the back of the club. Julia her friend led the little procession and Evita could only follow suppressing an urge to run. She knew she could never do that and face the other older girls at the school tomorrow. This was her night they had all said in hushed whispers and giggles. With practiced ease, Julia, bargained with the man then held out her small hand which the he quickly filled with the required number of Bolivianos. Evita felt her stomach fill with butterflies at the realization of what the money was for. It was for her.

"This was her night, she was finally going through with it." She thought to herself. "And with a fat smelly Americano!" Her stomach heaved, but her tiny womb throbbed in her tight little bottom at the nasty forbidden thought of it. What would Momma and Papa say about their little black haired Princessa? After Papa had died her Momma had sent her here to get her away from the predatory advances of the young men in Santa Cruz, only to land her in a den of sexual promiscuity disguised as a catholic school! She felt the plump tips of her breasts harden with arousal at the perverse irony.

She raised the cigarette to her full lips lit it nervously and took a long drag, suppressing the need to cough. Another bad habit the older girls had taught her. But it did look sophisticated and she had practiced in front of the mirror to get the look just right. The butterflies flitted anew as another shiver flew through her at the awful nastiness of it all. She was playing the whore tonight, a lowly puta and for a repulsive Norte Americano! She had always been a good girl, popular with her friends, and well, all the older popular girls participated and she wanted to fit in. She saw how the girls who refused were treated, so the decision had been easier than she would have imagined.

She put the cigarette to her lips and took another drag, holding her small pretty hand just so by the left side of her smooth jaw. Her dark brown eyes batted in self-defense as the smoke curled up her high cheek past her long narrow nose and assailed them. Her clear high forehead wrinkled at the sharp feel of the smoke in her eyes, and she pulled the hand holding the cigarette away self-consciously.

Evita knew her mother had sacrificed to send her here despite her loud and continuous objections. "It was for her own good," she had said. She laughed nervously and shivered with anticipation beneath the lacey wrap. She felt the crenellated tips of her plump breasts harden painfully as she thought guiltily about her dead Papa and what he would think of her now! She pushed the sad thought of her Papa away.

In a way she felt like a sacrifice, she thought with a giggle imagining how a female ancestor might have felt as she was led by an Incan priest to be sacrificed. Here she was a pretty sacrifice to a fat bloated deity with a fat wallet. Her young mind swam with the sheer obscenity of it all. She took another puff and thought about the gauzy white wrap she wore, all lace and silk. It reminded her of the First Communion dress she wore 8 years ago. Her Momma and Papa had been so proud of her! The butterflies felt the same too. Her 16 year old womb throbbed at the obscene comparison. Her mind suddenly reeled as it dawned on her, Madre di Dios! Her first communion might as well have been her sacrifice to god! They dressed her up prettily like a miniature bride and offered her up to the drooling older man hanging on the cross. More virgin flesh to satisfy his jealous, insecure, and petulant nature. Only now did she see how ridiculous it was.

Julia motioned to her and she snubbed the cigarette on the dirty wall and dropped it on the filthy floor as her feet propelled her with self-conscious eagerness into the small room. She twirled around in a flourish of white fabric, her medium sized breasts bouncing lusciously on her thin ribcage, the motion causing aureoles to pucker, the thick chocolate stubs to harden. She glanced down self-consciously at the sharp groove that split the prominent crenellated tips, She cocked her head and snapped it to the side swinging her thick black hair across her back. Her full brown lips pulled back in a nervous smile, she could feel the fat man's eyes crawling across her. Goose flesh appeared on her thin arms and sleek bare thighs at the thought of it, and the familiar tingling burn in her labia began signaling her continued guilty arousal.

Fat Beard's pig eyes surveyed the small room as he cuffed eager sweat from his face. He spied the small bed and stepped toward it as the older girl lit a lamp on a small table and nightstand. He had picked a good one, obviously new to the game. The older of the two was initiating her, he guessed. The school girls must have some secret society thing going on. Well, his good luck, two for the price of one. He fleetingly thought of his compatriots, but quickly forgot them as his dark pig eyes bored through the lacey gauze that draped the younger of the two.

About 5'2" he guessed, no more than 125 lbs. Slender, with that smooth coffee with cream complexion to die for. Medium breasts, nice small ass, and those nipples. "Gawd!" he drooled, his mouth watering. He couldn't wait to get his lips around those young fat nipples that he could just make out though the shear white fabric. He watched as they puckered under his gaze tenting the sheer fabric. He felt his thick cock surge beneath his dirty pants.

"Come on, girl, help me off with these pants!" he said impatiently.

"Ayúdele a salir sus pantalones." the older girl repeated motioning to the younger Latina.

The pretty young girl hesitated, shrugged, then dropped to her knees and pulled the fat bearded man's trousers from his huge midsection and down his hairy legs. The soiled khakis formed a great pile around his booted feet and he kicked them free with the eager 16 year old's help. She immediately bent to untie his dirty boots as he scooted his flaccid buttocks back on the bed with a grunt of effort. The rancid smell of his feet assailed the young school girl's nose as she pulled first one boot then the other free.

The sixteen year old's face flushed with guilt as she felt her belly knot with arousal at the familiar smell. Her young mind whirled dizzily at the mixture of arousal and deja vue. Her strong olfactory memory kicked in and her mind made the connection. Papa! Papa had smelled like that. The memories flooded her with nasty delicious guilt! She remembered pulling her Papa's boots off, the strong smell of rancid feet mixed with the smell of sweaty male legs and crotch that surrounded him like a cloud after a day’s work in the heat. She remembered how her bottom tingled as he held her seated on his strong thigh, safe, secure, all a little girl could want. Papa!

A whimper leaked past her full lips and she stifled it catching her plump bottom lip between her strong white teeth as her breath quickened. Her bottom knotted again as the memories, guilt and broken taboos coalesced in a sudden knot in her tiny throbbing vagina. She blushed as she felt it gush wetly leaving a guilty signature on the nearly transparent fabric.

He grunted with effort as he pulled his sweating bulk to a comfortable position on the filthy stained mattress. His nearly naked form leaned back on the stack of pillows at a forty-five degree angle. He struggled to remove his shirt and rested momentarily, breathing heavily with the effort to watch the young whore remove his last boot.

"Okay girls, let's see what I bought! Take those things off, rapidamente!" he chortled, reaching for the sweating bottle of beer on the night stand. He raised the bottle and watched Julia close the door as she slipped her flimsy dress from her smooth shoulders.

Evita turned to the older girl at the sound of the fat man's voice understanding only the word "quickly!" An excited shudder ran through her at the sight of her naked friend standing in front of the closed door. The pretty young girl stood up from between the fat man's naked thighs and followed her older friend's lead.

"Nuestro amigo impaciente quiere ver por qué él ha pagado." the 17 year old part-time whore said with a smile.

Julia shivered with excitement as she let the thin white cloth drop to her feet and turned to face the sweating fat American. The pretty sixteen year old's modesty disappeared in an excited flush as she looked into the fat stranger's eyes. They seemed to devour her. The primal hunger was so clear and she stood before him naked. She had never felt so bare, so vulnerable. It was so deliciously obscene! Her bottom knotted and she felt it pulse with excitement. As if he knew her secret guilt the man's hungry dark eyes dropped to her quim and his mouth became a wet pucker, all his bloated cheeks could do to form a smile.

"A hot one." he thought as his eyes looked and found the small sparkles of feminine dew amidst the black tangle that nestled between her smooth young thighs.

His eyes crawled over the young teen as she stood there frozen like a fawn in the headlights of an on rushing truck. Her coffee-cream skin shone golden in the lamp light of the dirty little room. His red nose pricked as he inhaled the stale air, becoming thick with the smell of the excited female. His excited eyes crawled from one naked girl to the other comparing them like hanging sides of meat. They were cut from the same mold, bookends, that pretty mix of Indian and Spanish that made them look so exotic to Anglo men.

"But nothing special down here, a dime a dozen." he thought.

The older was fuller at the hip and thigh than the younger, close to identical in height, the same coffee-cream skin and thick jet black hair. Both had the same thick black thatch hiding their precious purses, and fat chocolate drop nipples capping their average size breasts which rode firm and high on their small chests seeming to defy gravity. They both exuded the same rich musky smell of excited female.

"Common you little whores! Help me off with these shorts!" he said impatiently. Julia motioned to the younger girl as she stepped forward to do as he commanded.

"Help me with his shorts, and you can see the meat he has for you!" she said, her own excitement creeping into her voice.

The young teens should have been repulsed by the fat man twice their age, but obscene curiosity fueled by the impulse to the forbidden over-rode lifelong schooling. The shear obesity of the man was repulsive. His fat hairy belly hung like a slab from his midsection. Twin bulges of fat hanging like breasts toward his fat arms adorned his chest. The gray, white fish belly skin of his bloated belly was covered with a sprinkling of black hair matted with sweat. Evita stood motionless frozen by the repulsiveness of the man before her. She was giving herself to this great slug of a man. "Yes, yes!" she thought with an obscene thrill. "Gawd, yes!" she thought, "And you Papa, it is your fault, you never should have left me. And Mamma you never should have sent me away!"

In unison they grabbed the soiled shorts and pulled as he raised his fat buttocks with a grunt. Two sets of young brown eyes widened and two sets of lips curled in guilty smiles. The same thoughts coursing through their young minds: "Como lindo! How cute! El gusano rosado! A pink worm!"

The girls giggled to one another as they gazed at the tube of pink flesh sprouting from between the hairless gray lumps of the fat man's thighs. The swollen pink shaft, topped by a slitted shiny red plum like head, looked like a fat pink grub. The plump hairless orbs of his scrotum were a matching pink. The fear Evita had felt evaporated in an instant as she gazed on the cute tube of rigid flesh that rose above the cuddly soft looking sacks of the fat man's balls.

"What are you waiting for senoritas? Git down here and say hello to your new toy!" he said with an obscene chuckle, spreading his fat thighs for emphasis.

Evita was filled with a mixture of thoughts and emotions, as she looked at the cute pink thing that lay throbbing in the fat man's crotch. She wanted to giggle. Was this what lay beneath Pappas pantaloons that she use to feel against her bottom? Was this what the girls talked about in hushed fearful whispers? Was it hard, or was it as soft and cuddly as it looked? Was this what he put inside her? She wanted to know, but most of all she wanted to touch it! The pulsing throb between her slender young thighs was maddeningly distracting. She ran her small pink tongue along her upper lip and looked to Julia for guidance. The naked seventeen year old smile up at her as she knelt by his left thigh and grasped the pink grub in her small brown hand. Evita felt a pang of jealousy as she was slower to act on her own young impulsive desires. Julia the teacher held the thick pink worm erect and motioned to the younger girl.

"Aquí está para usted. Aspírelo y bese tienen gusto de un helado!" the older girl said with a sly smile.

"For her?" What should she do? Lost at first, Julia's reference to an ice cream made things clear to the younger teen. A lovely pink ice cream!. She knew what to do with that and knelt her naked slender form between the fat man's thighs. The older girl wagged the thick pink stem at the girl and Evita wet her full lips as she brought her face toward the red shiny plum of its head.

"Suavemente, es muy sensible." The older girl whispered as she guided the head against the young girl's full lips.

At first contact Evita pulled back with a jerk at the moan that squirted from the fat man. Bewildered she looked to Julia. "Era un quejido del placer, usted no lo lastimó. It was one of pleasure, not pain" Julia said soothingly.

She nodded her head for the younger teen to continue and reached to place Evita's right hand under the soft hairless bags of the older man's fat scrotum. "Siéntase cómo es suave ellos son, dé masajes a sus huevos suavemente." she said with a giggle. "Massage his eggs it is where the cream filling is." she said with a knowing giggle to the novice young whore.

The Fat Man groaned as his pig eyes gazed down across the sweating hump of his belly to watch the two young teenage girls begin to suck his throbbing cock. "God almighty, the boys would never believe this!" he thought. The tightness in his balls was too much as he watched the older Indian slut directing the younger one on how to make lip love to his prong of gristle. From what he could understand of their gibberish, they thought his cock was cute! Well that was fine by him so long as he got his money's worth. And so far so good. The young one was a lecher's dream, so young and innocent and so eager! He couldn't wait to stretch her holes with his cute little cock. An obscene thought shot through his head as he watched her angelic Latin face distort as she gobbled his cock. "I wonder what her mommy and daddy thought she was doing right now?" Certainly not sucking the cock of some old American in a filthy back room of some private beer joint. The thought pleased him. "Well, she would be doing a lot more before he got his $20 dollars’ worth." he thought. "The best $20 bucks he ever spent for a whore, or two whores." he sniggered to himself.

"That's right girly, suck that cute little thing, oh, goddamn suck it little princess...." He groaned.

Her drooling bottom pulled tight at the word. "Princessa!" Papa use to call her that! Her mind reeled, her nose filled with the nostalgic masculine smell of her father as she wrapped her beginner's lips around the pink prong. The familiar endearment only her Papa had called her rang in her ears as her tongue began a one sided duel with the red plum head. "It was all too much! She had a stranger's cock in her virgin mouth, and memories of her Papa swimming in her head!" she thought as her sodden bottom gushed.

"Bueno, bueno. Feel how it pulses and throbs as you suck it?" the older girl cooed. "Can you feel his huevos move in your hand?"

"U-h-h-h, h-u-m-m-m." the sixteen year old mumbled around the thick rod filling her inexperienced mouth. "Dios! " she thought. "It was so delightfully delicious, and so awfully sinful!" The young teen swallowed the mixture of saliva and slime that filled her mouth, then pulled her swelling lips from around the glistening stalk to lick and lap at the shimmering pole. She marveled at the warm softness of the old fat man's scrotum in her little hand and cupped the firm orbs lovingly feeling them churn and crawl against her soft palm. Soft as a little bambino's bottom she thought. On impulse she dropped her face to nuzzle and kiss at the soft hairless bags, sighing at the feel of the warm skin against her smooth cheeks and lips. The masculine smell was intoxicating. She felt a sudden wave of shame as she caught herself wondering if Pappas huevos would have felt the same. Had Momma caressed the same way? Had he gone to his grave never knowing the feelings that his daughter was now giving to a complete extranjero? Her heart leaped and she shivered with delight as she heard a moan of pleasure from the fat man as she sucked and licked his warm hairless balls.

Evita felt her head being lifted by a hand in her dark hair, and the fleshy plum of the man's swollen cock wedged against her swollen lips. "Let's see how much of the gusano del hombre you can swallow!" Julia said with a whisper as she forced the young teen's mouth down over the thick shaft.

"U-h-h-h-g-l-l-g-h-h!" the girl gurgled in protest. She learned quickly, relaxing her throat as she felt the beginnings of her gag reflex. The novice whore marched her lips down the pink shaft like two miniature inchworms gobbling the hard prong inch by inch until her clear high forehead rested against the overhanging shelf of his sweating gut. Her bottom cramped with sinful delight at the thought of swallowing all of him. "I am a whore! A lowly puta!" she admitted to herself with a thrill.

The fat man motioned to Julia to come closer and she stepped toward him. His fat hand snaked between her bare thighs and she felt a thick stubby finger begin to burrow through her thick pubes to her damp labia beneath. The seventeen year old Latina moaned as she felt first one then two thick fingers worm their way into the wet pit of her womb. The thin brown teen shivered like a leaf as his thick fingers pulled and tugged impatiently as they bulled their way between the slick lips of her snug pudenda, twisting and turning amid the slick velvet flesh. The conical chocolate tipped breasts of the young teen swayed and jiggled as the bearded fat man tormented her. His thick blunt thumb mashed against the tiny erect bud of her young sensitive clitoris. Another moan bubbled between her slack lips as a tiny orgasm sparked along her nerves. The Fat Man chuckled as he felt her quim pulse and clutch at his thick slick fingers as she came.

Evita pumped her head up and down the pink shaft thrilling to obscenity of the act. "Yes, Momma! Yes Papa! Look at what your little Princessa has become!" she thought has she drove her young face down on the pink shaft feeling the spongy head push against the back of her throat. "I'm a common gutter whore groveling and crawling to please a stranger." She said to herself as she pursed her lips along the rigid prong, sucking up the excess saliva that streamed down the slimy shaft as she withdrew her mouth. The nasty thought made her little quim juice anew, the musky dew forming a froth along the tight pink lips of her squirming bottom. "Is this what you saw for me on my first communion?" her hungry mind thought as she traced a pulsing blue vein with her little pink tongue. "To grow up to be a common puta, drooling at the thought of an extranjero's cock?" her mind answered, as she placed a lingering full lipped kiss on the swollen red and leaking plum of the Fat Man's cockhead before engulfing it in her hungry young mouth.

The Fat Man groaned as the sixteen year old sucked his cock like an experienced whore. "God, she learned fast!" he groaned to himself. He knew the familiar tight churning in his balls meant only one thing. The slim sixteen year old pushed her forehead against the bulge of the fat man's sweating hairy belly in a masochistic effort to swallow as much as the hard pink cock as she could. Suddenly with a touch of panic, she felt the shaft begin to swell in her throat and she quickly pulled her face up from the pulsing wet shaft. The older man groaned in disappointment.

"Don't stop you little slut! Suck it.! he yelled impatiently.

"¡Aspírelo, bombéelo! ¡Está a punto de batir!" Julia said as she pulled free of the older man's fingers.

"Pump it and suck it!" she said eagerly to the confused sixteen year old. Evita felt the prong surge in her hand and leaned her confused face forward, mouth agape to capture the swollen red knob of the cock. Julia wrapped her small hand around the shaft above that of the confused sixteen year old and gave one hurried pump before a long white wet ribbon jetted from the slit in the pulsing red head.

"Ah-h-h-h-h-h!, crema del hombre!", Julia gushed as she pushed Evita's face toward the gushing stream, her small tan hand continuing to pump up and down the wet pink shaft. The older girl dipped her head as she squirmed between the man's fat thighs to join her young friend in sin. She dipped her black coifed head eager to share in the rich thick flood but not so as to deny the novice young girl. Tongue extended she wriggled greedily beneath Evita to lick at the older man's scrotum and vacuum a few fugitive ribbons of thick white sperm from the surface of the soft churning pouches. The first thick gout had landed wetly across the open mouth of the young teen and draping thickly across her tongue and down her smooth chin to drip on the caramel cones of her swaying chocolate tipped breasts.

"Oh, mi!" was all Evita had time to say before Julia forced her willing mouth over the spouting cock head. As her full warm sperm stained lips closed over the thick swollen head, the fat older man groaned. His obese hips lifted forcing more of the pink shaft into the eager sixteen year old's mouth. She understood. She began to suck and pump her small hand up and down the thick shaft, her smooth cheeks hollowing and inflating with the effort. Her little pink tongue swirled in the thick yeasty sperm that ballooned her cheeks between each desperate swallow.

Confused but eager, Evita pulled and quaffed at the delicious spouting shaft. She thrilled at her newfound power, relishing the yeasty beer flavored seed that spewed from the fat older man's balls. "Oh, Mamma, see me? See me suck this fat old man's cock?" she thought as she swallowed another wad of warm congealing sperm.

"See what you have made me become?" she accused as she felt her flat young belly fill with the warm puddle of a stranger's seed, her small pussy throbbing with each foul and sinful thought. "See Papa? See what your little Princessa wants to be? A cock sucking and sperm eating little puta? Oh, Papa why couldn't it be for you!" With the last obscene forbidden thought her leaking little quim exploded. She groaned and squealed around the thick post that filled her mouth as the unknown sensations scorched her nerves and reverberated in her confused brain.

"Oh, Madre di Dios!" was all she could think before another clutching contraction exploded between her slim legs and raced through her limbs crackling and snapping like an electric charge tensing and contracting her slim muscles. Her young head filled with a white light, lights sparkled and bloomed in her eyes. A low animal moan escaped her gluttonous mouth and reverberated around the stranger's pulsing shaft of flesh.

Her young mouth automatically continued its machine like suction around the spurting rod, her small sperm slick hand shadowed her mouth as it moved up and down the glistening pink prong. Errant clots of the Fat man's filthy spent sperm collected at the corners of her engorged mouth as the fat rolls of her swollen lips pistoned up and down as mucus like ribbons ran down the sides of her chin to drip on the quivering cones of her young firm breasts.

His sweating chest heaving like a tub of tallow, the Fat Bearded man raised his flushed face to gaze down at the two caramel colored girls groveling between his thighs like piglets at a trough. His load spent, he could feel his half deflated cock begin to prick and swell anew under the eager attentions of the two young sluts. The youngest, her face streaked with the foul dregs of his old balls looked up at him, her young mouth was distorted with his pink cock but her eyes smiled a smile of thankfulness and contentment. Strings of thick black hair stuck to her sweating forehead, some clotted in the ribbons of his congealing lust that streaked her face. Her ravenous lips were swollen with lust and curled obscenely as she worked them up and down his saliva slick shaft. Both girls glistened with a patina of sweat as they earned the $20 he paid them. The fat man groaned with pleasure as he felt the older girl engulf a throbbing tentacle in her voracious mouth and sucking and tonguing the precious orb.

He looked down at the youngest girl, the one he originally paid for as she nursed on the swelling sperm streaked knob of his cock.

"C'mon Princess, let's see how you like fucking a fat man!" he said motioning to the slender young girl. She looked down at Julia and even before she Julia repeated his demand in Spanish, the sixteen year old knew and her heart jumped.

"El desea ver cómo usted tiene gusto de coger a un hombre gordo!" the older girl repeated with a nod, a fat spit slick tentacle resting against her flushed cheek.

The young teens heart skipped a beat at the sound of her pet name, Princessa! Her eager young body responded automatically, he sleek legs raising her up, her cum stained breasts jiggling with the effort. She paused, her brown doe eyes taking in the shear obesity of the man. Her eyes ran over the pale gray flesh glistening with sweat, matting the sparse black hair on his chest. Her belly drew tight as she hurried to mount the mountain of flaccid flab like a fly on a steaming pile of shit. "Momma, was this what you wanted for me? For me to give my precious po po to this "extranjero grotesco." The question went unanswered an errant thought lost in the vile depraved notion of what she was about to do. Give herself to this foul sweating heap of a man, but Papa, yes, he reminded her of Papa. The thought sent an electric thrill though her and her young womb pulled tight as a squirt of musk leaked from the tight lips of her virgin puss.

"Wait, alto, limpia esa mierda de usted" he said looking at the drying sperm that streaked her face and torso. "Clean that shit off," he repeated throwing her a soiled bed cloth.

"Rapidemento!, cómo usted dice? Venido paseo la salchicha del hombre!" he grunted impatiently. Gawd! He just had to feel that tight young cunt around his cock. The pretty sixteen year old giggled at his words. "Ride the fat man's sausage indeed," she thought as she wiped herself, greedily catching a clot of drying sperm with her tongue as she cleaned her cheek.

"Okay Princess, let's get you up here nice and easy like!" the older man said, his face flushed with excitement.

Dropped the rag and eagerly moved to mount the jiggling mound of fat that was the older man. She propped her right knee on his fat thigh and swung her slender left leg over his other thigh like she was mounting a horse. The girth of his hips made her legs splay obscenely causing her sticky matted labia to part lasciviously. She shivered as she felt the warm sliminess of the fat man's sweaty skin against her own as she molded herself to him. The young panting teen looked like a jockey on the back of a horse as she clutched his hips with her knees, legs bent, and pressed her chest and belly against the gray blubbery mound of the man's fat gut.

She shuddered with excitement as she felt the wet prong she had so lovingly sucked pressed against her erect clit as it lay hard against her belly, trapped between them. Before the eager sixteen year old could act, she felt Julia pull the trapped rod from between them as the fat man groaned in her ear.

"That's right little Princess, your friend will take good care of you." the fat man whispered in her ear as his fat hands dropped to cup her rounded young buttocks and pry them apart.

Evita groaned as she felt the older girl slot the plum-like head up and down the slimy wet groove between the young girl's labia. Instinctually, the young teen rotated her hips up to help her friend slot the rigid stalk in the tiny mouth of her welcoming womb.

"U-h-h-h-h", the clutching lovers grunted in unison as the older girl stuffed the head of the man's swollen dong into the resisting throat of the girl's tight channel. "My ga-w-w-d, little Princess, are you ever tight!" he chortled in her ear. "I really got my money's worth with you!" he said squeezing the firm cheeks he held in each hand.

The young teens head reeled with trepidation and fear as she felt the stretching pressure in her bottom until she heard the sweet reassuring word. "Princessa!" All fear vanished, replaced by a consuming desire to please the man, her Papa. "No! he is a filthy extranjero Americano defiling her little PoPo." a voice said inside her head. A electric touch against her swollen clit caused her to shudder, she clutched tighter at the man's fat hairless chest. "A no! Es mi papa cariñoso, my loving Papa." another, more needy, hungry voice cried out giving sound to her moaning lips.

The fat man grinned in response to the words moaned by the trembling teen. "Her Papa, was it?"

"That's right little Princess, your Papa will take good care of you. He's going to fuck you nice and slow, fill you up with his big cock! " the fat man whispered wetly to the trembling teen as he explored her small ear with his tongue.

The wonderful words only half understood thrilled her as she clutched at the fat man's belly and drove her bottom masochistically down against the thirsty pink prong that strove to steal her virginity. "O-h-h-h, mi bonito Papa!" she cooed lost in a twisted fantasy.

The fat bearded man grit his teeth as he pushed his hips against the tight pressure of the young teen's virgin cunt. He gloated as he felt the slender form riding his hips stiffen and help as he pushed the young buttocks gripped in his hands down against his invading prong.

Julia giggled with envy when the swollen red plum had popped past the tight entrance to her friends young cunt. She watched jealously as millimeter by millimeter the thick pink prong bored its way into the tight slick confines of the sixteen year old's virgin womb. Her jealous bottom tingled eager to cum again as she watched her friends defilement at the hands of the fat sweating Americano. Her brown eyes drank in the sight of her friends pink flesh framed between the fat hands gripping her buttocks, as it stretched obscenely around the rigid post that invaded her bottom. Stretched to near translucence, the young teen's labia wrapped tightly around the offending cock as it nibbled its way down the fat pink stalk.

The young teen shuddered as she felt the man's hands pushed her hips downward and felt the thick head of the fat man's dong bore its way through her tender flesh defiling her most sacred treasure, never to be regained. Her young cunt spasmed around the thick invader as if attempting to expel it in protest. The sudden obscene and disgusting reality of her act washed over her polluting her for all time. It's foul putrescence invading every fiber of her being, blackening her very soul. Her little pink tongue snaked out from between defiled lips as an evil smile slithered across her sperm stained face. "Yes!" she groaned in the fat man's ear, "Hágalo a mí!, Do it to me! Papa!" Then pushed herself erect.

With a vicious grunt the fat man felt his cock sink deeply into the young teens welcoming cunt. Evita felt the slight hesitation a sharp pain then relief, like one felt when swallowing a large bite not well enough chewed, as the blunt invader trampled her maidenhood and rampaged into her sacred temple with slimy boots.

"U-h-h, A-h-h-h!" they both groaned as they felt the thick head of his fat pink dong bottom against the back of her virgin womb.

"There Mamma, your daughter is a whore!" she thought with a vile thrill. "At the hands of you husband, too!" she continued lost in her grotesque fantasy. Her sperm sated lips pulled back in a other worldly smile as she looked down at the sweating face of the fat American. "Oh, mi Papa!" she cooed as she leaned over to kiss the man on the mouth. He thrust his fat tongue in the young teens mouth and she nursed on the thick lingual member relishing the taste of stale beer. The young Latina wiggled her hips and felt her newly defiled womb throb around the thick post piercing her guts. The tight elastic tissues of her bottom rapidly accommodating the cruel invader and began to shower it with hot liquid lust.

The fat man groaned as he felt the first tight pressure of the girl's virgin cunt around his dong. "Her cunt was milking him!" he thought as he felt her pulsing around him as she greedily wiggled her hips embedding his cock to the roots. He felt the coolness of the older girl's hands as she cupped and caressed his churning balls. When the girl broke the kiss his pig eyes watched her full young tits jiggle on her small chest. The chocolate brown nipples looked hard to bursting, as a deep groove divided the crenellated tips. He licked his lips. The young novice whore catching his glance knew instinctively. She cupped a plump breast in her own hand and offered the stiff nipple to his wet puckered lips. Evita shuddered as the feel of the hot wet lips around her nipple and groaned at the older man's hard voracious sucking.

Slowly, lost in her perverted fantasy her talented bottom began to rock her pelvis forward breaking the tight liquid seal of flesh on flesh as she worked the thick prong in and out of the tight clasp of her new whore's cunt.

Her mind reeled, she was doing it, "Look Mamma! See me Papa! I am a whore! A puta, a puta for any hombre with a stiff cock!" Rolling her hips like an experienced whore, she sent her slick tight cunt sliding up and down the veiny pink shaft stopping for an instance to jealously clasp the thick red knob, before sliding down to impale her slender body on the thick post. Bestial grunts issued from her lust slack lips as sweat beaded along her back.

Julia bent her dark head to tongue and lap at the man's swollen balls. She hefted the heavy hairless orbs marveling at the volume of seed they must contain. He eyes caught the pink eye of her friends anus as her splayed cheeks rode up and down the older man's delightful pink rod. She leaned forward mischievously and tongued her friends bobbing sphincter as it rose on a slow savorous upstroke.

"That's it Princess! How you like fucking a fat man?" the corpulent man chortled pulling his sucking lips from a swollen chewed nipple, livid teeth marks and hickeys already forming on the caramel orb. He paused and turned his attention to the other hanging breast, biting and chewing at the smooth flawless flesh.

The young girl rode his rampant cock like an experienced whore as he slapped her firm flank urging her on like a thoroughbred. "Cerdo, puerca, puta!" she called herself as she debased herself on the stranger's cock. He took up the litany calling her "whore, pig, slut" and every vile name his lust fogged brain could recall. All the while he spanked at her firm buttocks and chewed and sucked at the succulent breasts she offered him. She was the lowest creature in creation a willing whore, a puta!

"Mamma, Papa! See what I have become! See what you have made me!"

"Oh, Dios!" the fallen girl thought as the wave of sensations coursed through her. Her swollen clit rubbed and chaffed against the shaft of the fat man's prick, her nipples were on fire sending tingles through her to buzz and tickle her stuffed drooling bottom. Her body tensed as she plunged down the erect staff, impaling herself once again on the thick pole of gristle. She felt the thick knob of his cock collide with her pristine cervix, the breath left her as an invisible fist hit the pit of her stomach, the breathlessness bloomed into a white light in her brain, a low moan oozed from her slack lips as she experienced her first climax. Her young legs pumped her mindless body up and down the glorious shaft that gave her pleasure while her spasming cunt leaked rivers of musk.

The clutching spasms of the teen's climaxing womb were too much for the fat man, and his pink nozzle began to hose the young girl's guts with his rancid seed. "Oh, Papa!" she croaked as the sensation of the swollen spewing cock Sent a second sick climax through her on the heels of the first.

She grunted and shuddered as she felt the hot liquid splash against the wall of her defiled temple. The guilty filth squelched and squished from around her clasping labia to wet the Fat Man's balls where Julia eagerly supped. The young Latina grunted and shuddered like a lowly bitch in heat as she rode out the second vile climax. Her nimble body climbed and clawed to greedily soil itself with a third filthy climax upon the fat man's wilting cock.

The three sinful hedonists groveled amid the filth of their mingled secretions. The young teen, soiled by her introduction to the world of fleshly pleasures, lay gasping upon the fat man's sallow chest, plucking her fingers through his thin matted chest hair. She knew what she had become,! She wanted more, wanted more strangers and their wonderful cocks! Her young cunt throbbed at the thought!

The once pristine temple of her womb blackened for all times by the potent seed of the fat bearded American. Deep within her despoiled belly clots of wormy sperm choked the mouth of her bruised and swollen cervix. Spawns of wriggling soldiers marched like an army into her fertile womb to deface her flawless garden. They sought, found the fertile soil, and formed a foul union that in 9 months’ time would indelibly write the words whore and slut upon her soul.

In her long life she would have strange cocks aplenty, as she foolishly wished. The pretty young Latina, trim and lithe, knew not that this first foul act had condemned her to the life of a cock drudge.
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