Tasting delicious sweet juicy goodness of teenage girls
All characters are over the age of 18 years
It’s my fantasy
Hi. My name is Danny. For as long as I can remember, I've been attracted to beautiful sexy teenage girls. I just can't help it. Teenage girls are always so sweet and sexy looking and delicious if you taste them between legs. There's just no other way to put it. When I see a pretty teenage girl, I just want to eat her up lick her wet pink wet slit. Of course, today's society frowns on such notions. I do my best to keep it inside my pants. Lucky for me, I've got a very caring and understanding wife. We've been married for seventeen years. When we got hitched, she knew what I was. Karen had an open mind when it came to this sort of thing. She had her own experiences, starting back when she was in teens (her older cousin taught her "naughty" games). When we're out together, Karen is usually pretty understanding about my wandering eyes. Don't get me wrong: when I'm mentally devouring a teenage girl in low-riders and a tight tank top, Karen will get pretty annoyed. But unlike other wives, she won't turn me in for it. And, honestly, all our dirty talk during sex usually revolves around teenage girls anyhow. And, again, lucky for us, we have a pretty good gig that lets us see lots of pretty sexy beautiful girls.
Each summer, Karen and I join in as ride operators at the State Fair. The rest of the year, she's a mild-mannered teacher and I'm a lowly car repairman, but each summer we become wild and crazy carnies. It started with Karen's uncle who left her a merry-go-round when he died. Some people get an inheritance, we got a merry-go-round. Karen's uncle had been a real carnie himself back in the day and he wanted Karen to have it when he passed on. She accepted, of course. It took lots of tinkering but I managed to get the merry-go-round up and running. It wasn't a big merry-go-round, probably only thirteen feet in diameter, but it was the real deal. It played some nice carnival music, it spun at a respectable clip, and it had horses that went up and down. The merry-go-round was always a hit each year at the fair. People always enjoyed its timeless, old-fashioned allure. We made a decent amount of income and the teenage girl eye candy was only the icing on the cake. It wasn't until the fifth year, however, that Karen and I started brainstorming some ideas. Like I said before, we were both sexually enjoy teenage girls(well, me more than her) and the thought of teenage girls getting horny turned us on immensely. We talked about it a lot. Like how a beautiful sweet teenage girl would feel if she started feeling "itchy" down there ie in her pussy. Her teenage girl underwear would get damp with her virgin juices. She would probably be a bit confused about why it felt so good down there. Finally, one summer I got the idea to turn our merry-go-round into a truly "magical" ride. The horses on the merry-go-round had genuine mini-saddles to allow for more authenticity. Calling all my wood-working skills, I removed a saddle and carved a deep hole into the back of the wooden horse, just large enough so that Karen's Hitachi Power Wand could stand vertically in the horse's body. The massager end stuck out a few inches but it was covered up by the saddle. Karen tried it out first. I turned on the Power Wand, replaced the saddle, and she took a seat. Her eyes went wide and she giggled. We knew we had a hit. She sat on the horse for a few minutes, enjoying herself, while I stood back, grinning like a fool. I was already fantasizing about all the teenage girls that would ride our merry-go-round and find themselves all hot and wet afterward.
One week later, I had purchased sixteen more Power Wands and outfitted each horse on the merry-go-round with some massaging action. I made some improvements as well. With a bit of electrical re-wiring, I customized the rig so that all sixteen Power Wands were powered through a single circuit board. Then, having a some fun, I built a control panel that came straight from a `60s sci-fi movie with little lights and dials. The end result was that each of the Power Wands were fully controllable. I could turn each one on or off and control the intensity of the vibration. It was perfect. Before we packed up for the State Fair that year, Karen tested each horse to make sure the Power Wand was sufficiently inconspicuous. We didn't want someone to complain to their parents that they were sitting on some strange "bump" on the merry-go-round horse. But Karen didn't find any problems.
When sitting on the horse, it just felt like you were sitting on a regular old saddle. But with the flick of a switch, it became a vibrating saddle that massaged in all the right places. The first day of a State Fair is always a special one. Everyone is excited and happy and having a good time. In no time at all, the air fills with the smell of roasting hot dogs and popped corn while sounds of shouting voices and creaking metal echo from the rides. The fair gates opened at 8 am and by 8:05 we already had the first group of teenage girls on the merry-go-round, plus another 30 people waiting in line. I admit Karen and I were pretty nervous at first. We already had a story planned if a parent complained: we would just say the merry-go-round was old and rickety and there tended to be slight vibrations when it was running. Plus, we had a "no adults on the ride" rule which meant that parents wouldn't be able to test themselves if their teenage girls complained. I already had my first contestant chosen before I started the merry-go-round.
There was a pretty girl, very cute that I had been watching as she chose her horse. She had nice brown hair in a ponytail and was wearing a tight t-shirt that let me see her nipples poking out. Best of all, she was wearing a skirt. The vibrating saddle would definitely feel good if it was only separated from her girl slit by a thin layer of underwear. Before the ride started, I made a mental note of which horse she was on. Finally, when the merry-go-round was spinning at full speed and the music was playing loudly, I gave Karen a glance and flipped a switch. At the speed the merry-go-round revolved, we got to see the girl every seven seconds. It didn't look like anything was happening at first. She was just smiling and having a good time. I turned up the intensity a bit. She came around again and this time her smile had faded slightly. Half-power. Now she wasn't smiling at all. Instead, she was looking at the saddle with a half-bemused, half-curious expression. I started out with the intensity at low power. I didn't want to scare her. Karen and I watched intently as the merry-go-round spun. Every seven seconds we focused intently on the girl. Something was definitely happening now. She came into view. I noticed a light flush had risen on her face as her cheeks became noticeably pink. She disappeared from view as the merry-go-round continued on. I waited seven seconds. This time she was tightly gripping the pole that connected the horse to the merry-go-round ceiling. Her thighs seemed to be clenched around the horse's saddle as well. I glanced at Karen. She smiled slyly at me. The ride itself only lasted about four minutes however. I flipped a switch and the merry-go-round began to slow down and the music stopped playing. I saw the girl again and she clearly looked disappointed.
The carousel stopped completely. I watched the pretty cute girl as she dismounted her horse, her skinny legs a little wobbly beneath her. I felt a stirring in my pants when I saw her flushed cheeks and the sweat on her brow. I kept an eye on the girl as she exited the merry-go-round area. Nervously, I watched as she approached a woman on a bench, obviously her mom. Beside me, I could tell Karen was watching too, holding her breath. We both let out a sigh of relief as the woman handed her daughter a bill and the girl hurried to get back in line for the merry-go-round. Karen and I got bolder after that first week of being nervous and holding back. It became pretty obvious that none of the girls riding the merry-go-round disliked or objected to our sensory modifications to the ride. Nothing turned me on more than to see a teenage girl, shaky with (probably) her first brush of sexual pleasure, stumble through the exit and then get right back in line. We never bothered to turn the Power Wands on for teenage boys. Eventually, the line to the merry-go-round was nothing but girls. I'll never forget the first time we had all sixteen Power Wands turned on while sixteen beautiful teenage girls were perched on the horses.
For me, watching all those vixens beautiful girls going by was like a starving people walking along a long buffet table. Each girl had their own way of expressing their excitement. Some smiled widely as the vibrating saddle stimulated their privates. Some girls flushed bright pink. Some even closed their eyes and wrapped their arms tightly around the pole. I remember watching with pleasure as a blond teenage girl leaned back on the horse, pushing her crotch tight against the saddle as her hair fluttered in the breeze. My favorite however was when a girl would grind against the saddle. Some girls were discreet about their actions and would demurely move their hips back and forth as the vibrating saddle revealed a whole new world of pleasure. Bolder girls would openly hump the saddle, not caring if someone noticed their legs opening and closing rhythmically around the horse. After a few days running the ride, we were able to start recognizing regulars. I noticed that these girls invariably would wear loose skirts, no doubt to maximize the sensation of the vibrating saddle against their smooth pink pussies. Some parents even approached Karen and I to talk about how much their teenage daughters enjoyed the merry-go-round. Usually, we would just smile politely and thank them, although I was always thinking in the back of my head, "Lady, your daughter likes the carousel because it's giving her some crazy delicious tingles in her virgin teenage pussy!"
The excitement of the teenage girls was most evident one day when someone complained to me that someone had spilled a drink on the carousel. Pausing the ride for a moment, I grabbed a rag and headed for the horse in question. There wasn't any liquid spilled on the floor but the saddle had a big damp spot. I was probably three feet away but I already knew it wasn't a question of a spilled drink. The aromatic and pungent scent of teenage girl’s pussy filled my nostrils as I wiped down the horse's saddle. My cock was rock hard as I thought about how incredibly horny this unknown teenage girl must have been. The saddle wasn't soaking wet but it was very damp. After wiping down the saddle, I glanced around the ride to make sure everything else was in order. I spotted something near the center of the carousel, partially hidden behind a horse. Picking it up, I realized with a jolt that it was a pair of teenage girl panties. Hastily I stuffed it into my pocket. Returning to the operating console, I asked Karen to run the next ride as I headed to the men's room.
Once safely in a stall, I pulled the crumpled white underwear from my pocket. Eagerly, I sniffed at the crotch area and was rewarded with the heady scent of a virgin teenage girl's slit. Judging by the size of the panties, I estimated the owner to be teenage girl was in high school. The panty crotch was already pretty damp but even more so after I shot my come into it in that bathroom stall. I had to get off in the privacy of a bathroom stall but some girls didn't hold back their pleasure. I remember the first time it happened. Karen and I were running the ride and enjoying the view of all the aroused teenage girls spinning before us. We were so engrossed that I didn't notice the timer indicated the ride had already been running for five minutes, one minute over the usual time. I reached for the "off" lever to stop the ride but Karen grabbed my hand to stop me. I looked at her questioningly but she gestured with her eyes.
Following her gaze, I watched the parade of grinning teenage girls until I noticed one girl, who had a horse closer to the center of the carousel and was therefore a little less visible. She was frantically grinding against the saddle, the motions undulating her entire body as she humped the vibrating leather. She disappeared from view and we waited until she re-appeared. She hadn't stopped her motions. Karen leaned over and turned a dial, increasing the intensity of the girl's Power Wand to full power. Desperately, I tried to memorize the features of this hot sexy girl as much as possible for a future masturbation session. She had sandy blond hair that flapped behind her in a long ponytail. Her skin was a delicious tan color and her thin, long legs were all the more apparent in her short, cutoff jean shorts. She wore a snug white tank top that I could tell was made of some sort of mesh material. If I were closer, I probably would have been able to see her nipples through the thin material, but from the distance I could only make out her smooth flat chest and tummy.
She disappeared from view again. Suddenly we heard a single short squeal from the merry-go-round. Karen and I exchanged glances. It was definitely a sound of pleasure. The girl re-appeared and now she was no longer humping the saddle. Instead, her forehead was leaning against the pole and her eyes were closed. A small grin on her face. She was clearly reveling in the afterglow. We stopped the carousel. The other riders slowly disembarked but this hot firecracker of a girl remained on her horse. Eventually, she slid off her perch and staggered to the exit. I had Karen hold back the next group of riders as I pretended to inspect the ride. I made a beeline for the orgasmic girl's horse. The saddle was still warm to the touch. Surreptitiously, I leaned in for a sniff and detected the faint scent of girl juice. That was the only time we witnessed an orgasm with certainty. I'm sure it happened a few other times, judging from the number of dazed and flushed pink girls we saw getting off the carousel.
Sometimes the girls' frustration was evident. More than once we saw a young girl exiting the carousel area and rubbing between her legs with one hand. Believe me, there's nothing more exciting than seeing a teenage girl with her hand inside the elastic waistband of her shorts, thinking that no one is noticing as she rubs her swollen clit. It was a girl like that who finally pushed me beyond temptation. After two weeks, we were at the last night of the fair. It was getting late, almost nine p.m. and dusk was falling fast. We still had a long line of riders waiting for the merry-go-round. We had started up the ride and I was inspecting this session's prospects when one girl caught my eyes. Her straight hair was a dark shade of brown that fell to her shoulders and she was wearing a simple white summer dress that revealed her bare, tanned shoulders and lovely slender chest. This girl was definitely enjoying the ride. I noticed she had hiked up her dress so she wasn't sitting on it, allowing her panty-clad pussy to be in direct contact with the saddle. Moreover, she was gently grinding her hips as she pressed her crotch rhythmically against the saddle. I turned the intensity of her Power Wand to high and watched the show. I noticed her reaction immediately as the vibrations ramped up to full power. At first she seemed startled and pulled her hips back from the saddle. She disappeared from view and the next time I saw her, she was gingerly pushing herself forward on the saddle, closer to where the Power Wand was hidden. After about three revolutions, the girl had resumed her grinding against the saddle. My cock jumped when I saw her cute sexy mouth in the shape of an O as her body trembled in pleasure. Suddenly, Karen tapped my shoulder and pointed at the timer. We were approaching seven minutes and it was time to stop the ride. Reluctantly, I cut the power. As the riders filed to the exit, my eyes searched for the teenage girl.
I found her toward the end of the crowd. Even in the diminishing light I could see how her face and chest were flushed pink. My eyes were glued as I watched her press against a hand between her legs at the V junction. She must have sensed my gaze because she looked at me and then quickly took her hand away in embarrassment. I kept watching her as she approached a man and woman sitting on bench. The girl said something to them and they nodded. She then headed in the direction of the bathroom. I was about to turn away when I noticed that instead of entering the restroom, she slipped off to the side and headed behind the building. I knew there was nothing behind the restroom except an empty field area. I motioned to Karen to take the merry-go-round controls and headed for the restroom. Once there, I casually headed to the rear of the building as the teenage girl had done. Reaching the corner, I treaded gently on the worn dirt path to hide the sound of my approach. It wasn't really necessary though. The noise of the fair, the exhaust fans from the food vendors, and the cacophony from the midway hid any sound of my footsteps. Peering around the corner, I was disappointed to only see a row of dumpsters behind the restroom building.
My heart fell. Maybe the little girl was just taking a shortcut somewhere. Honestly, I'm not sure what I was expecting exactly. Rather than turn around, I continued to loop around the restroom building. As I walked, a movement in the dimming light caught my eye. My heart skipped a beat as I realized I had found the teenage girl. She was squatting between two dumpsters with the hem of her white dress pulled up revealing her spread thighs. Her underwear was still in a bunch around her ankles. And she was feverishly rubbing the pink slit between her legs with two extended fingers. Even though dark was rapidly falling, I could still see well enough to know what she was doing. My hormones surged. Before I knew what I was doing, I quickly walked up to the squatting teenage girl and grabbed her. She was too engrossed in her masturbatory pleasure and didn't see me coming until it was too late. She lost her balance and started to fall backward from her squatting position but I caught her shoulders before she hit the ground. Her smooth skin felt so tempting in my hands. Quickly, I spun her around so that I was behind her. My arm wrapped easily around her chest and I held her tight as I clapped a hand over her mouth. "Don't scream," I told her, my heart racing. I had never done anything like this before.
Until now, I had kept my sexual fantasies to myself. But even with no experience in the matter, I could tell the teenage girl was too frightened to do anything. She didn't fight my arm holding her close. Instead she just stood as straight as a board. I decided to take a chance. "What's your name?" I asked her, removing my hand from her mouth. There was a slight pause. "Amanda," she said softly. "How old are you, Amanda?" She reminded quiet. I was holding her close enough so I could smell the sweet shampoo scent of her hair, mixed with her own teenage girl aroma as well. Glancing down at her slender body in my grasp, I could see past her flat chest to her toes inside her worn brown sandals. I could also see her underwear, still bunched around her ankles. I could feel my cock getting hard. "Lift up your dress," I told her softly. Amanda hesitated again. Her willowy arms reached down and lifted her dress, raising the hemline until it was past her waist. "Good girl," I told her. "I'm not going to hurt you." My trembling hand reached down. I almost gasped myself as my fingers made contact with her pink wet slit. "I'm not going to hurt you," I repeated. "I just want to help you." I had been dreaming about this moment for years. I let my finger dip into her bare, fleshy valley.
Reveling in the moment, I delighted in the soft, squishy feel of her wet mound around my finger. Curling my finger, I located the bump of her clitoris. Gently I began to massage her clitoral pleasure button. I could tell my efforts weren't wasted. When I first made contact with Amanda stiffened slightly. But as I kneaded and rubbed, the precious teenage girl relaxed a bit in my grasp. "This feels good doesn't it?" I asked her. "... Yes..." "I'm going to make you feel better than you've ever felt." My hand danced in soft circles on her clit. She was smaller that my entire hand covered more than her crotch. While my middle finger roamed the slick interior of her privates, my other fingers explored the fleshy smooth mound between her legs. Amanda began to breathe a little more heavy. I can't even describe how magical that moment felt. The sky was a shadowy blue as the sun dipped away beneath the horizon but the darkness was held at bay by the bright illumination and twinkling lights cast by the State Fair. The air was filled with the sound of clanking rides and gleeful voices and the sizzling sound of deep fryers. And here I was, standing behind the restroom building with a lovely teenage girl who was unabashedly lifting up her clean white summer dress to let me finger her. I wanted it to last forever. But between Amanda's heavy breathing and the wet moisture growing in her wet slit, I knew the end was near. My finger eased effortlessly along her slick valley, ceaselessly rubbing her swollen clit. On one stroke, I let my finger plunge further down until I found the precious entrance to her vagina. I let my finger slide in just a tiny bit. I had promised not to hurt her and intended to keep my word. I felt Amanda stiffening in my arms again. I got the message and increased the speed and intensity of my finger against her swollen clitoris. As my digit slipped along her tight wet slit, I marveled at the amount of lubrication this girl was producing. "Uhhhhh," Amanda gasped suddenly. Her slender body spasmed and jerked in my arms. My cock strained hard through my shorts and pressed against her back. I didn't let up on her clit though. Then I plastered my face on pussy and sucking her swollen clit and kept flicking with my tongue and all girl gasped and trembled, delicious girlie juices were flowing out from her sweet juicy slit. I lapped up all and continued to work on her juicy goodness.
The teenage girl gasped twice more and her body shook as the orgasm washed over her. Her slim frame was now limp in my arms. Breathing heavily, Amanda moved her thighs together, closing her spread legs. I took this as a sign to stop. Lifting my wet hand to my nose, I inhaled deeply of her pungent scent before tasting her juices. It was incredible. A sharp taste but still so incredibly delicate and delicious. Reluctantly, I loosened my grip on her. Turning her body so she faced the wall, I held her only by her shoulder. "I want you to stand like this and face the wall," I directed her. "Count to ten. By the time you reach ten, I'll be gone and then you can go to. Okay?" She was too blissed out in her post-orgasmic state to care probably. "Okay," she replied. Squeezing her shoulder one last time, I quickly backed away from her through the two dumpsters. She was still facing the wall when I made my quick getaway. Strolling casually, I returned to the merry-go-round where Karen was still operating the ride. "You missed a lot," she told me when I reached her side. "Some hot teen girls were laughing and giggling as they rode. I gave them a good time though." Without a word, I lifted my hand to Karen's nose.
Questioningly she took a sniff. Her eyes stared at me, first in shock, then envy as she understood. "You didn't!" she said accusingly. I just smiled at her. "I'll tell you all about it later, honey," I told her, wrapping an arm around her waist. That was my first and last encounter with a real teenage girl. We've returned to the State Fair with the merry-go-round for years since but a similar opportunity never presented itself. I'm grateful that it happened and, even so, our ride is always a smashing success with lots of teen girls. They get their own pleasure and give us some by letting us watch. I love the State Fair
I love their pink puffy wet slit