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The start of a story about a guy named Tyler.
Chapter 1 Intro

I guess I should introduce myself. My name is Tyler Murphy. I’m a sixteen-year-old white and probably what you would call the quiet kid. Yeah, I know what you are thinking, NERD! In some ways, you would be correct, but see me walking down the street, and you would think I was a jock. I stand six feet tall and weigh 190 pounds. Honestly, I am in great shape. Not trying to brag, but you are probably wondering what I am packing downstairs. I am eight inches long and three inches wide to answer that question. A lot of good it has done me so far, but we can get into that later. I remember Mom saying something about us being Irish, which would explain my red hair and pale skin with freckles that seem to burn if I even look at the sun or a full moon on a hot summer’s night. I know it pisses the coaches off at school that I don’t play sports, but I never really had that much interest in them, and Mom never pushed me to play them.

Speaking of Mom, it’s just the two of us. She’s thirty-two years old and has the same red hair, blue eyes, and pale, freckled skin that I do. She stands five feet four inches tall and weighs about 140 pounds. For all you perverts out there, she’s a thirty-six C cup and has thick hips. I have no idea who my father is. I have tried to ask Mom about it a few times and never got an answer other than someday later she would tell me.

Anyways, we can get into that later. As I was saying, instead of sports, I go to the dojang. For those who have no idea what that is, it’s Korean for dojo or martial arts academy. They teach Hapkido there, and I have been going since I was seven. Mom felt I needed a positive male role model and thought Mr. Lee would be that. Since I said, I think I'm Irish; this is the point I also say that I have a bit of a temper. Ok, who am I kidding here? I can be a real hothead. I was getting into a lot of fights in school. Mom has tried to raise me as a gentleman, so one of the things that would easily set me off is if one of my male classmates hit one of my female classmates. The two that I was really protective of were the twins, Jennifer and Courteney Greene.

Honestly, I think Mom watched those movies where the Kid learns Karate too much because Mr. Lee was the last person Mom would want me to be like. Let’s just say he ended up running off on his now ex-wife with some big-titted blonde bimbo, sticking her with a big pile of bills and a seven-year-old daughter to raise by herself a couple of months after I had started.

Don’t ask me how but Ms. Hara (yes, I know that’s a Japanese last name, she’s half Japanese, half Korean) was able to keep the dojang open. There were whispers in the adult circle about her having another “business” to help her make ends meet. I remember hearing that at the end of one practice when I was nine. Ms. Hara was my Seonsaengnim or teacher, and I liked her in the nonsexual way that kid my age at the time would like their teacher. So I suggested to Mom after hearing that maybe we should somehow help her with that, which promptly earned me a snicker from the lady that Mom was talking to and a hard backhanded slap across my face that knocked me on my ass. It wasn’t the first time Mom hit me, not by far. She would beat my ass when I was younger if I got out of line, and it pretty much stopped by the time I was about six because it was physically hurting her more than me.

This was the first time for a hit like this, and it left me wondering what I did wrong. Before I could even say anything, Mom was in my face speaking through gritted teeth to shut my mouth. Then she picked me up off the floor, shot death looks to both the snickering lady and Ms. Hara, and dragged me out of the dojang. Looking back on it now, I’m not sure which one of us was more embarrassed, but I was pretty sure it was me at the time. Once we were in the car, Mom spoke to me even before I could say a word, saying that she never wanted to hear me say anything like that ever again because that is not the way a gentleman talks, and that was the end of the conversation. I knew from before, when I had tried to push things with her after she said that it was the end of the conversation, that I ended up with a sore ass, and while my ass wasn’t really sore, my face was still hurting, so I didn’t say a word. We drove away from the dojang for what I thought was the last time to go home. Later that night, when I was in bed, I thought I heard someone knock on our door, and I was pretty sure I could hear Mom talking with another female who sounded like Ms. Hara, but as for what was said, I couldn’t hear.

The next day wasn’t that much better. Before leaving for school, I noticed Mom had settled down. She said she loved me and for me to have a good day. Then she kissed and hugged me. When I got to school, it was there I found out the snickering lady was Trevor’s mom.

Trevor is a world class asshole. I honestly believe he was born that way because when I met him on the first day of preschool, he was an asshole and has never changed. His father was a well to do lawyer, so he pretty much got away with whatever he did. Any chance he got, he was right there picking on me.

“So, how did it feel getting owned by your mom last night?” He teased. I would ignore him because I thought I was in enough hot water with Mom already, and the last thing I needed to do was to get into a fight at school. This would also get me in Dutch with Ms. Hara because we were not to even spar, let alone fight outside the dojang. She had even dismissed students for this.

The hazing continued all day, and while I was still doing my best to walk away and ignore him, it was getting harder and harder too. Trevor also took it to the physical level by “accidentally” running into me. I tried telling Mrs. Black what was going on but got told to go sit down and that no one likes a tattletale. As I was heading back to my desk, Trevor got up from his and had another one of his “accidents” but called me a snitch bitch in full view and hearing of Mrs. Black. I turn to look up at her and see her turn her back to me and walk away. Again I had to ignore him.

He had started calling me Bait at some point during the hazing and kept with it. By the end of the day, he thought he had finally gotten to me to the point where he was going to have his fun. We were getting ready to leave school for the day, and I felt good about myself for showing so much restraint. He came up behind me and pushed me while calling me Bait. Again I was trying to ignore him and walk away when he pushed me again and said the thing that finally set me off. So who are you going to cry to now, bait? Your dyke whore mom, or the dyke whore gook?

I was recovering from the push when I heard this, but I quickly planted my feet and then went into a spinning back fist. My fist connected with the side of his jaw, and you heard a sharp crack. I was in a pure rage state. Not only had he insulted my mother, but he had insulted our Seonsaengnim. My second strike was milliseconds after my first and landed in the center of his nose. Another sharp crack could be heard when it connected, and blood started running freely from both nostrils. My third and final blow came maybe a second after and was a kick to his chest. Again you could hear sharp cracks when it connected. Trevor flew backward and landed with a loud thud. His body rolled another few feet before stopping in a piled heap. Even before Trevor had landed, I was in my fight stance, ready to take on Chad, Jason, and Chris. They were Trevor’s buddies, attended the dojang, and had been joining in on the hazing when they could.

They backed away from me, making it clear they didn’t want any. At the dojang, I had never truly shown how much I had picked up the lessons we were being taught. Part of that was Ms. Hara didn’t want us going full speed when sparring. The other part of it was that I didn’t want these assholes to know because I figured I would end up in this situation sooner or later.

Mom was called, and I got suspended for a week from school. Mom was pissed off again. I didn’t get backhanded, but she started talking about Military School. I was sent to bed early that night, and I was ok with that. I was disgusted with myself. As much as part of me felt good about thrashing Trevor for the insults to my mom and Seonsaengnim, most of me knew that all I really did was let them down by giving in to my rage.

As the week went on, Mom calmed down. Jennifer and Courteney would stop by. They have lived next door to me since we were babies and were almost like younger sisters to me. They told me I had broken Trevor’s jaw, nose, and ribs. They also told me that he had only been suspended for a day.

The next week, we go to the dojang, and I don’t see Trevor, Chad, Jason, or Chris because they have been kicked out. Ms. Hara didn’t kick me out but was no longer my Seonsaengnim. Since Mr. Lee has been gone, Suzy, Ms. Hara’s daughter, has been taking lessons from her cousin Mr. Kondo. Mr. Kondo is Ms. Hara’s age and also half Japanese and half Korean. He changed my training from one day a week to five days a week.

The first year was physical exercise, meditation, and cleaning the dojang and equipment. I had to keep my grades up, and I was in no way to fight. Keeping my grades up wasn’t a problem, and I was left alone by Trevor and his crew. When I finally started getting lessons again, I learned what a punching bag felt like. Mr. Kondo would turn Suzy loose on me. While it wasn’t full speed, I would have some nice bruises almost all over my body. It seemed like Suzy was having fun kicking my ass because she would constantly be smirking, especially when she would knock me on my ass.

As time passed, I painfully picked up lessons, but I was getting better. I was blocking many of her strikes and even started getting a few of mine to start landing on her. Suzy was smirking less, and it felt like she was putting more force into her strikes. Two and a half years ago, Suzy went to train under Ms. Hara after a very heated sparring season between us. Let’s just say I was kicking her ass, and she didn’t like it and started going full speed.

I trained for two more years under Mr. Kondo and learned a great deal. Two months ago, Mr. Kondo and I were just starting our session with meditation when he coughed and then passed out. He was rushed to the hospital by ambulance because his heart stopped and he quit breathing. Yeah, it was me that was doing CPR on him while we waited. He ended up dying from a massive heart attack.

Mom and I attended the funeral. Ms. Hara was grateful for that and that I had tried to save her cousin’s life. Suzy, on the other hand, was very cold to me. She had quit taking lessons and joined the cheer squad at school. She was one of the cool kids now, so having to associate with me, the guy that wasn’t able to save her cousin’s life, I have a pretty good idea now of what it would feel like to live on Pluto. That was until Ms. Hara told me to come by the dojang later. The look I got from Suzy was like I was walking on the sun because I could see the rage in her eyes. It was like the day of our last spar, but even stronger now.

When I went to the dojang, Ms. Hara said she would be my Seonsaengnim again but also offered me a job working at the dojang. It would be part time, but I would assist her with the younger kids who were just starting out and helping keep the place clean and whatnot. I accepted without hesitation, and then she shocked me by hugging me. She handed me a key, smiled, which was another shock, and told me she would see me tomorrow.

Yes, pervs, I am at your level because that hug and smile stirred something in me. I saw her as more than my Seonsaengnim. I honestly drank in her looks for the first time. She was five foot one inch tall, maybe 120 pounds at most, with long jet-black hair (she usually has it in a bun when teaching,) brown eyes, smooth whitish-yellow skin, nice B cup breasts, and a mix of petite but toned build in her hips and legs.

That night I had a dream. It’s late at night, and I am the only one at the dojang. I had been working out and practicing my technique. I work up a pretty good sweat, so I return to the locker room, get naked and hop in the shower. The shower is nice and hot but feels good. I soaped up, and I am rinsing off. My eyes are closed, and my back is to the door. The only sound I can hear is water running. I just turn the water off when I feel a bare pair of soft B cup breasts press into my back. The nipples on them are hard as diamonds and are digging into my back. A couple of smooth arms wrap around me, and a pair of hands start traveling down my stomach to my cock. “Aww, I was hoping I wasn’t too late.”


FUCK! My eyes dart open, and I sit up in a split second. I looked around. I was in my bed. In my room. Alone. I look down and notice I am covered in sweat, but my cock is as hard as steel.


I violently smack my alarm clock. Fuck I just broke it. I jumped out of bed, ran into the bathroom, pulled my boxers down, almost ripping those fuckers, pointed my cock at the toilet, and drained the main vein. When I am done, I am still hard. No, this wasn’t my first boner, but that one hurt.

“You aren't going away that easily, are you, buddy,” I say to my cock. “Well, sorry, buddy, but I can’t take care of you right now.”

I hop in the shower and throw on the cold water. FUCK! COLD! I hate doing this, but I have no time. With my alarm going off, Mom would wake up and would want to use the bathroom. Trust me, I tried to rub a quick one out in there before, and Mom nearly beat down the door. My buddy goes away but somewhat reluctantly. The water also washes the sweat off of me. I get out of the shower, put a towel around me, grab my boxers, flush the toilet, and open the door. As expected, Mom is right there with a fist made, ready to start pounding. We awkwardly dance by each other so she can go in and I can come out. Then it’s back to my room to get dressed and start my day.

For the last two months, my life has pretty much been a wash, rinse, and repeat the cycle. Yep, same dream over and over again for the most part. What changes is how close those hands are getting to my cock. I have had to get two new alarm clocks and then move the fucking thing across the room. Mom has become a little more patient. I am getting more wondering looks from her, like what the fuck has gotten into me.

Yeah, she says the normal parent thing of you can talk to me about anything, but really come on now. “Hey, Mom. I'm jerkin’ the gherkin to my thirty-six-year-old Seonsaengnim because I keep having a dream about her pressing her naked tits into my back as I’m showering at the dojang. Oh, and her hand is traveling down my body toward my cock. Can you please pass the pepper?”

Right, while I’m at it, let me go rob a bank, and pull on Super Man’s cape.

Before Ms. Hara became the object of my fantasies, Jennifer, Courteney, and Suzy ruled them. Oh yeah, I have other girls I have fantasized about, but those three have been my core since I first started pulling on my pud. Jennifer is on the cheer squad, while Courteney played soccer and softball. As I said before, they are twins. They stood five foot six inches tall and weighed maybe 150 pounds, with blonde hair, green eyes, tan skin, and probably D cup breasts. They both had great asses, hips, and legs, too. The only way to tell them apart is their hair. Courteney’s is shorter and stopped at her shoulders, while Jennifer’s goes on down to about the middle of her back. Suzy is almost a younger version of Ms. Hara, but slightly bigger. A little taller, a few more pounds, and noticeably more prominent breasts.

I see them at school, and yeah, they still make my head turn. Schoolwork is pretty much on autopilot for me. We only have a week left, and then it’s summer break. There is a party coming up this weekend, but I won’t go to it. Friday, I will be at the dojang helping with a class, and then I normally take the weekend off and give my body a rest unless Ms. Hara needs help.

When Friday rolls around, the door to the dojang is locked, and the closed sign is in the window, which is odd. We will start class in an hour, and she always has the door unlocked during the day.

I unlock the door and walk back to the office. There is a note on the desk.


I have a meeting tonight and will not be able to teach the classes. You will be in charge of all classes tonight. You know where we are on all of them, so I am sure there will be no problems. I am sorry to put this on you, but I can’t miss this meeting. I will try to keep it as brief as possible and hope to be back before you go home.

Thank you,


Talk about strange, but no time to dwell on it. I have to get things set up for the classes. I come out of the office, go to the door and turn the sign, and then start setting things up. The first class starts, and the night progresses without Ms. Hara. By the end of the last class, she still hadn't shown up. I locked the door, then went back to the mat to start my session. I was having trouble meditating, so I left the dojang for a run. The hug, smiles, and the note with only her first name were all messing with me. Then there were the dreams. God, the dreams. They felt so real, like I really could feel her there with me. In last night’s dream, her hand was on my pubes just right above my cock.

I had run my normal distance but still felt worked up, so I decided to go back in and work out. I had dimmed the lights while I was gone and didn’t bother with changing them. With the place to myself, I cranked up the tunes and hit the weights hard. I work out for a good while doing multiple reps. My head was starting to clear, but I was still feeling frustrated. I needed to work on my technique, so I taped and then gloved up and went to the heavy bag. The music was still pumping, and I started laying into the bag. I needed a release. Meditation, exercise, and jerking off just were not doing it for me. I beat the hell out of the bag until I had nothing left, then collapsed on the floor covered in sweat. I lay there for a couple of minutes, letting my breathing and heartbeat return to normal.

I get the gloves and tape off and look at the clock. Shit, it’s almost one in the morning. I need to clean the place up still, fuck. I notice it is quiet and realize that my music has stopped playing. I’m sure I had put it on a loop, but no big deal; I’m done working out. I get the place cleaned up and then get a whiff of myself. God, I stink. I have sweated my deodorant off. I could get a shower when I get home, but I don’t want to stink up my truck. I’m already out past curfew, so as the saying goes, in for a penny, in for a pound.

I head toward the locker room but stop for a second. I can smell a lady’s perfume but shake it off. Mrs. Clark was here tonight. I swear that woman bathes in that stuff, and it takes a while for the place to air out after she leaves. I get into the locker room, get into my locker, and grab my shower gear. I strip off my clothes and walk to the shower. There are no stalls in here; it is just open with shower heads coming out of the wall and control valves so you can turn the water on and off and adjust the water temperature. I step under the shower head in the center and turn the water on. The water starts out cold but warms up, and pretty soon, it is nice and hot. My back is to the door, and I have my hands on the wall. I stand under it, just letting the hot water soak into my naked skin.

“Mind if I join you?” A very familiar female voice asks in a sexy tone coming from behind me about where the door is.

“I don’t know. It’s pretty hot.” I reply, still with my back turned.

“That’s just the way I like it.” She says. I can tell she is in the shower now, coming up behind me. I add a little more cold water to the mix, so she isn’t burned as she steps under the water. This feels so right, but then it feels wrong.

My nose picks up the perfume again. Then it picked up alcohol. A pair of naked breasts pressed into my back. They are a little higher up my back and feel bigger. I start to turn around.

“Don’t!” A firm female voice says. She wraps her yellowish-white arms around me.

“Just go with it.” She says as her hands start slowly traveling down my stomach toward my cock, which is already hard.

I can feel her pushing more of herself into my backside, her hard nipples grinding into me as she does this, and I feel a pair of lips make contact on my back just as her right hand reaches my cock.

“Mmmm. Very nice.” She says and starts stroking me slowly. My head looks down, and my eyes watch as she does this.

“Yes. Very nice indeed,” she says.

I feel her kissing my back some more. They are light soft kisses. Then I feel her tongue as she starts licking as well as kissing. Her pace on my cock has picked up slightly. Her left hand leaves my body. I hear her take a deep breath, and then she says, “Mmmm. Yes. So very nice indeed.”

I’m getting very excited, and I start to push off the wall so I can turn around. She stops stroking and squeezes my cock. “I said DON’T!” On the word, don’t she really adds pressure to reinforce her point.

I stop. I really don’t want my cock ripped off. “Fuck! Take it easy, Suzy,” I say.

“I just want to touch you and make you feel good too.”

She still has a hold of my cock. She isn’t stroking me, but she isn’t squeezing me, either. Great! Did I just fuck this up? I think to myself.

As that thought is finished, she starts stroking me again. “Be good, Tyler, and you might just get to,” Suzy says. “Lie to me, or do something I don’t like, and I will rip your fucking cock and balls off. Do you understand me, Tyler?” She kisses my back again, licks where she just kissed, and then blows on the area.

“Yes,” I reply.

She stops stroking, and I feel a little pressure from a squeeze. “Yes. What?” She asks.

Fuck. I can tell this is not going to go smoothly. “Yes, Suzy. OUCH! FUCK!” She gives me a very hard squeeze.

“Wrong name Tyler.” She says, and I can feel her smirk. “Try again, Yes. What?” She starts slowly stroking me again.

“Yes, Mistress? Ouch!” Another squeeze, but not as hard as when I called her Suzy.

“Better, but still the wrong name Tyler.” She says, and I can feel her smirk again. “Try again. Yes. What?” She starts slowly stroking me again.

“Yes, Goddess?” No squeeze, and the stroking continues. Then a kiss and lick on my back. Ok, Goddess, it is then. Light squeeze. Fuck! But that wasn’t painful.

“I liked that one, Tyler. Mmmm. I really liked that one. We can use that one later, but for now, it is the wrong name again.” She says and is stroking me again. She licks my back and then asks, “Would you like a hint?”

I know it is the wrong name, but so far, it is the one that hasn’t hurt when I called her it, so I reply with “Yes. Please. Goddess.” Again light squeeze, then stroking, kisses, and licks to my back.

“Mmmm. You were always a quick study Tyler.” She purred. “What name did you use for my cousin Ken? Now. Yes. What, Tyler?”

The only name that I can think of is Seonsaengnim. “Yes, Seonsaengnim,” I replied.

No squeeze, and the stroking continues. Then a kiss and lick on my back. “Very good, Tyler. Does this feel good?”

“Yes, Seonsaengnim.” Stroking continues. Then a kiss and lick on my back.

“Are you a virgin?”

“Yes, Seonsaengnim.” Stroking continues. Then a kiss and lick on my back. The pace is picked up a little.

“How did you know it was me and not my mother?”

“Your height and tits gave it away, Seonsaengnim.” Stroking continues. Then a kiss and lick on my back.

“Do you want to fuck my mother?”

“Yes, Seonsaengnim.” Stroking continues. Then a kiss and lick on my back. The pace is picked up a little more.

“Do you want to fuck Jennifer?”

“Yes, Seonsaengnim.” Stroking continues. Then a kiss and lick on my back. The pace is picked up a little more.

“Do you want to fuck Courteney?”

“Yes, Seonsaengnim.” Stroking continues. Then a kiss and lick on my back. The pace is picked up a little more.

“Do you want to fuck me?”

“Yes, Seonsaengnim.” Stroking continues. Then a kiss and lick on my back. She’s stroking me as fast as she can now, and I am getting closer and closer to cumming.

“Who do you want to fuck the most?”

“You Seonsaengnim.” Stroking continues. Then a kiss and lick on my back. She slows down a little.

“Are you sure, Tyler Scott Murphy?”

“Yes, Seonsaengnim! Yes, Goddess! I want you the most!”

GOD! I am getting so close. I know she can tell this.

“Are you going to cum?”

“Yes, Seonsaengnim!”

“Turn around and face me,” Suzy says.

I do as I am told, and I am greeted by her naked body going to her knees. She is looking up at me. Her eyes are blazing again, but this time with lust. Before I can drink her totally in, she opens her mouth and takes my cock in it. My hands go to her head, and I close my eyes and throw back my head. I feel her tongue on the underside of my cock as she is taking me deeper in her mouth while her hand is pumping on my cock. It only takes her a couple more pumps, and my cock explodes with my climax.

“AHHHHH-HOOOOOO,” I belt out a loud wolf howl that could wake the dead.

It feels like my cock is one of those old battleships, and it's blasting away with its sixteen-inch guns. I fire shot, after shot, after shot, and pretty soon, I lose count. I am feeling weak in the knees and a little light-headed. My back slumps against the wall, and I ride it all the way down to the floor. Suzy still has my cock in her mouth the whole time, swallowing my load. I am getting my bearings back and open my eyes. I can see she still has my cock in her mouth, but her eyes are closed now. Her left arm is reaching under her, and I can hear and feel her moaning on my cock. It sounds like she is getting close to cumming. I start to move, thinking maybe I can help her with her orgasm, but she growls, and that is all the warning I need.

“Can I at least rub your tits, Seonsaengnim? I want to do something to help you cum.” I ask before doing anything else.

“Mmmm, Mmmhhh.” I take that as a yes and slide my hands under her and onto her breasts. “Mmmm.” My hands cup them and start to massage them gently. God, they feel so good. Suzy agrees with my actions because I hear and feel another moan.

“Please, Seonsaengnim cum for me,” I say to her as I tweak both of her hard nipples at the same time. That’s all it took for her.

“Mmmppphhh! Mmmppphhh! Mmmppphhh! Mmmmmm! Oh my God!” My cock had come out of her mouth. Her body shook as her climax took her. She didn’t sound like any pornstar I had watched when she came. Her cries of ecstasy were softer, much like her other moans while she was behind me, jerking me off. As her climax passed, she stopped shaking, and she lay on the floor of the shower with her head on my right thigh and her body between my legs. My hands were still on her tits, and I start to move them.

“Leave them there.” She says softly.

We lay like that for a couple of minutes. The only sound being made was the running water from the shower. I had watched her wide-eyed in wonder as she had orgasmed. Now I was sitting here wide eyed in wonder staring at her naked body. I didn’t want to fuck it up, but I couldn’t hold my thoughts in any longer.

“That was fucking awesome, Suzy,” I say.

She has her eyes closed but smirks and says, “Well, I’m glad you enjoyed the hand job Tyler.”

“Well yeah. That was fucking awesome too.” I reply.

Confused, she opens her eyes, sits up a little, and looks at me. “So what was fucking awesome then?” She asks.

“You cumming,” I reply. “It was probably the most fucking awesome thing I have ever seen. It didn’t look or sound like it does in porn. I mean, it is hot when they do it in porn, but holy shit, porn doesn’t even compare. Can we do it again, I mean, if you want to, please? Oh shit. I forgot to say Seonsaengnim. Fuck! Please don’t rip my cock and balls off, Seonsaengnim!”

She starts laughing. “Oh honey, you are sweet. You really are a virgin, aren’t you?”

I bow my head thinking she is making fun of me. Way to go, dipshit. You fucked it up. However, she did ask me a question, and I feel like I need to answer her. She is, after all, still down around my buddy. “Yes, Seonsaengnim,” I reply.

“Tyler, look at me, please.” She says to me, and I do. “Ok. First thing you can stop with the Seonsaengnim name for right now. Ok?”

“Ok,” I reply.

“Second thing is I am not laughing at you or making fun of you. Is this the most you have ever done?” She asks.

“Yes,” I reply.

“You did good, but let’s stop here for right now,” Suzy says.

She sees the question of WHY in my eyes, and even before I can say it, she says, “It’s really late, and you need to be getting home. I covered for you, but your mom will be pissed if you’re out all night. Read your text to your mom so you know what is going on. Oh, and swing by tomorrow.”

She leans up and kisses me on the cheek. Then she stands, and I can see her full naked body for the first time. I am about even with her sex and can see it is shaved. She giggles, and I look up. She is looking down at me. She takes a couple of steps to the side and then grabs the controls for the water and turns it completely to cold. “HOLY FUCKIN’ SHIT!” I scream and crawl away from the water. “What the fuck was that for?” I asked.

“You were getting excited again, Tyler. Guess you really like what you see, huh?” She replied while giggling. “Start saving it. You are going to need it. Like I said, swing by here tomorrow.” She turns and walks out of the shower, leaving me alone.
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