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Part 2 of Tyler's story.
Chapter 2 Pop

I get up off the shower floor and feel like chasing Suzy down and taking her anyways. I want more. Yeah, it would be a hell of a fight. Suzy may not be taking classes, but that doesn’t mean that she has forgotten what she has been taught, and there is no guarantee that she isn’t still practicing on her own. But it is wrong to do that, and she has invited me back hopefully for more. She is right that it is late, but I don’t know how late it is. The last time I looked at the clock, it was almost one in the morning. It normally takes me about an hour to get things cleaned up so that would put it around maybe two or three something. And what the hell did she mean by she covered for me? Then I remember how loud I have been. Where is Ms. Hara? Suzy and her live upstairs.

I reach over and turn the water off, get my things, and head to my locker. It’s open, and I see an envelope lying on top of my bag, with my phone on top of that. Which question do I want to answer first? Let’s go with what she meant by she covered for me. I open my phone. Fuck, it’s almost three in the morning.

I look at the call log. Oh shit, twenty missed calls from Mom. That’s odd, they stop at about midnight. I check my text. Yep, messages from Mom are the ones that come up. Looks like she has it set up for me to see what has been said. You sly little minx you. Lots of Hellos and Where are yous, mixed with the word fuck. Yeah, she sounds pissed. Hmmm, there’s one here that uses my full name, Tyler Scott Murphy. Now I know where Suzy got that. Again you sly little minx you. Ah, here we go. What do you know right at Tyler Scott Murphy:

Mom: Tyler Scott Murphy where the fuck are you and why are you not answering me?

Me: Sorry Mom. You don’t want me to text or talk and drive. I was working out here at the dojang after closing it. Ms. Hara is out of town, and I forgot to call you and let you know I was running late. As I was picking my phone up to do that, it rang, and it was Suzy. She was really drunk and upset Mom. She said she caught her now ex-boyfriend Blake cheating on her with a girl from school named Hanna at a party they were at. Blake was her ride there, and she was stuck. She begged me to please come and pick her up. You have tried to raise me as a gentleman Mom, and a gentleman helps a woman in distress right? So I went and picked her up, and brought her back here. I got her out of the truck, and she puked all over me. So I need to wash my clothes and get cleaned up, then I will be home ok Mom?

Damn, that is one hell of a cover story. I could smell that Suzy had been drinking, but she didn’t seem that drunk. Then again there are almost two hours between the text and our fun in the shower, so she could have sobered up some in that time.

Mom: Get home as soon as you can, and be safe.

Me: I will Mom, Sorry again. Love you.

Mom: I love you too.

Seeing those words reminds me of what Suzy said. “It’s really late, and you need to be getting home. I covered for you, but your mom will be pissed if you’re out all night.”

I pick up the envelope and drop it in my bag. I will solve that mystery when I get home. I grab my shirt and stop for a second. I bring it to my nose and sure as shit it smells and feels like it has been washed. You sly little minx you. I get dressed, grab my bag, and head out. As I shut and lock the door and start walking to my truck my phone beeps from an incoming text.

Suzy: Why do shoes take so long to dry?

I laugh when I read this. Damn, this girl is good. I have a feeling I am going to end up in a lot of trouble with her, but it seems like it is going to be worth it. I text her back;

Me: I have no idea, but glad you are feeling better now. Don’t drink so much next time, please. Good night. Sweet dreams. See you later today?

Suzy: I won’t try to. Good night to you too, and most definitely.

I get a silly little smile on my face as I read those last two words. It feels nice to be wanted by someone. I put my phone in my pocket, go to my truck, toss my bag in, and hop in. Suzy wasn’t lying when she said Mom doesn’t want me on my phone while I drive.

I start heading home and hope to hell Mom has cooled down. I’m half tempted to pull over and send her a text telling her I’m on my way home but decide against it. I don’t know if she is still awake or not. If she is asleep, the last thing I want to do is wake her. On the other hand, if she is still awake, it might piss her off that I didn’t let her know that I was on my way. OH SHIT! DOG!

I hit my brakes and swerve to miss it. I do, but right after that red and blue lights appear behind me. Then I hear a siren start and stop. Yep, I’m being pulled over. Fuck shit, shit fuck. Relax Tyler. I turn my turn signal on and pull over to the side of the road and stop. I don’t make a move, other than to roll my window down. The cop has their searchlight shining into the cab of my truck, so I don’t see the officer until she is right up on me.

She shines her flashlight in the cab and says, “Good morning. I’m Officer Fernandez. May I please see your driver’s license and proof of insurance.”

“Yes, Ma’am,” I reply. I know her. She goes by Gabby at the dojang, but she is in her work clothes, so I address her with respect. I get my license out, then reach over and get my insurance card. Then I hand them to her.

“Do you know why I pulled you over Tyler?” She asked me without even looking at my Id. Yep, she knows me too. Not sure if this is a good or a bad thing.

“Because I failed to maintain my lane, Ma’am,” I replied still respectfully.

“What are you doing out so late? You know it’s past the city's curfew,” She asked.

Shit! What should I say? Gabby is in Mom’s class, and they talk all the time. In for a penny. In for a pound. “I worked tonight at the dojang. When I got off, I worked out for a while. I forgot to call Mom and tell her I was running late so I got my phone to call her when I got a call from a drunk friend asking for a ride home from a party. I went and picked her up. When I got her out of the truck, she puked on me. So I helped her into her place, then got my clothes off and put them in her washer while I took a shower to get the vomit off me. When they were done washing, I put them in the dryer, but my shoes took forever to dry. I am just heading home now after everything has dried. I swerved because there was a dog in the road and I didn’t want to hit it, Ma’am.”

“Who’s the drunk friend? Gabby asks.

“I would rather not say, Ma’am. I don’t want her to get into trouble,” I replied.

“Where was the party?” She asked.

“Again, I would rather not say Ma’am. I don’t want to get anyone else into trouble,” I replied.

“Do you want a ticket Tyler?” She asked.

“No Ma’am, but I don’t want to be known as a rat either. And no disrespect, but I am sure you will hear all about it the next time you talk to Mom Ma’am.”

She smiles slyly at me and hands me back my Id and insurance. “Get home Tyler,” Then she turns and walks away. As she walks away I check her butt out. Damn! That looks nice.

I get home with no more issues, but plenty greets me when I walk in. The good news is Mom isn’t awake. The bad news is that she’s in her nightgown lying on her side facing the door passed out on the couch in the living room. She has been drinking a lot. It's nothing new to see her have a beer or two on Friday night before she goes to bed.

As I hit my teens, she would drink a little bit more, mainly on the holidays. But I haven’t seen this much booze out since this last St. Patrick’s Day. Looks like I am dealing with a drunk chick tonight after all.

I go to the couch so I can pick her up and take her to her bed, and yep she barfs all over us. I guess the good news is that I don’t have my shoes on. She gets done barfing. I am going to have a hell of a mess to clean up now. Well fuck, and it had been such a nice night. I reach down and pick her up in a fireman’s carry. When I do that I feel that she’s not wearing any panties.

“I think I just got sick,” Mom says.

“Yeah, you did Mom,” I say as I start carrying her to the bathroom to get cleaned up. “Are you going to be able to wash yourself off?” I ask her.

“I don’t know,” Mom answers. “Did I get sick on you?” She asks.

“Yeah, you did Mom,” I say. I notice that she feels wet between her legs, and I can also feel her hard nipples. I get her in the bathroom and off my shoulders. As Mom’s feet hit the floor, she starts to fall. I haven’t let go of her yet, so she doesn’t go too far.

“Ok, Mom I need you to put your arms around my neck,” I say to her. She does, and I pick her back up and get her in the bathtub.

“How much did you have to drink Mom?” I ask her.

“I don’t know, a lot,” Mom says and giggles.

“It’s not funny Mom,” I say to her.

“Neither is making me worry about where you are and what you are doing,” Mom says. She still has her arms around my neck, and she kisses me on the cheek. “You had me scared.” Mom kisses me again on the cheek, but closer to my mouth this time. She is also kissing in a way she has never kissed before.

“I’m sorry Mom. I really did lose track of time.” I say. “Come on let’s get you cleaned up and then you can get some rest.”

“Ok, what about you?” Mom asks.

“What do you mean?” I ask in return.

“Well, you need a shower now too,” Mom says.

“I can get one after you get done,” I say.

“Don’t be silly. I’m going to need help getting cleaned up. You can get in here with me and do that to yourself at the same time.” Mom says.

I start to protest, and Mom just gives me the look. “Fine,” I say. “I’m going to need you to let go of my neck though.”

She does, and I take her nightgown off. I get undressed down to my boxers and start to get in the tub with her.

“How do you expect to get clean with those on?” Mom asks and gives me the look again.

I take them off, look at her and ask, “Happy?”

“No. Get your ass in this tub,” Mom says.

I grab the shower head and bring it down in the tub. I then turn on the water and get in the tub behind Mom. “Happy now?” I ask.

“Yes,” Mom says, and leans back against me.

She rests her head on my shoulder, and I let her lay there like that for a minute while I let the water warm up. Her naked butt is pressed up against my cock. I know it’s wrong, but my cock has a mind of its own and starts to get hard. I see a small smile appear on Mom’s face. I start to turn red and start to get up out of the tub.

“It’s ok baby,” Mom says, and before I can say anything she leans in and kisses me on the lips.

I start to pull back, and she puts her hand behind my head to hold me there. My head is swimming, and I can’t believe it, but I kiss her back. My hands that had been on the side of the tub go around her stomach. I can’t say it was the best kiss. Mom has the taste of vomit in her mouth still, but it was also sending hot sparks through me, and my cock grows harder. We break that kiss, and then we kiss again, and again, and again. Mom opens her mouth, and her tongue licks my lips. I open my mouth, and our tongues touch. Then they start to swirl around each other.

I’m having my first make-out session, and it’s with my Mom. My hands move up her stomach to her breasts. I start rubbing them, and Mom moans in my mouth. I get another moan as start playing with her nipples. Our kissing continues, and Mom reaches in between our bodies, grabs my cock, and starts stroking it. It’s my turn to moan. Precum has started leaking out of my cock, and Mom uses it to lube up my shaft.

My right hand leaves her breast and travels down between her legs. As it reaches her trimmed red bush her legs spread wide. Mom knows what is coming next and is welcoming me to do it without saying a word. My hand reaches Mom’s pussy, and I can feel her wetness. I take my two middle fingers and slide them in. Mom breaks our kiss and sucks in a deep breath of air and lets out a moan. Mom attacks my mouth. She is jerking my cock harder and faster now. My left hand is still on her left tit rubbing it and playing with her nipple, while my right is fingering her pussy.

My fingers got lucky, and I hit Mom’s g-spot as my palm bums her clit. It does it for her, and Mom starts cumming. Mom’s thighs close around my hand. Her body starts shaking, and she breaks our kiss again.

“Oh, my God! Yes! Tyler! Mommy’s cumming!” Mom says as her orgasm takes hold of her.

My hand is trapped between her legs so I can move it, but I can still move my fingers inside her pussy. I find Mom’s G-spot again by curling my fingers up. I had read about this in porn stories on the internet, and now it’s time to put it to work. I move my fingers against it like I would motion for someone to come here with my pointer finger.

“Fuck! Yes! Yes! YES!” Mom screams.

Wow! Now that sounds like something I have heard on porn. Mom’s thighs loosen their grip on my hand a little, and I can move it now. I move my thumb inwards and find her clit with it. I touch it as I rub her G-spot and pinch her nipple.

“OH! FUCK! TYLER! YES! OH! FUCK! Stop! Please!” Mom says.

Mom’s legs had tightened again, and now they went loosened again. She reaches down and grabs my hand. I stop and get worried. “What did I do something wrong?” I ask.

“No, baby,” Mom says as she’s trying to catch her breath. “You did great. I just need a moment.”

Mom stopped stroking me when her orgasm hit but never let go of my cock. It kind of sucked because I was getting close to cumming too. We lay there for a couple of minutes like that. My fingers are still in her pussy, and my left hand is on her tit. Mom’s hand is wrapped around my cock.

I guess we are done, so I pull my fingers out of Mom’s pussy. I bring them up my mouth and suck on them. I have never tasted it so what better time than now? I like it and hope that I will be getting more soon.

I say, “Mom I need to wash your hair. You got vomit in it. I need you to sit up so I can do that, please.”

Mom sits up but doesn’t let go of my cock. In fact, she starts to stroke it again.

“Oh God, Mom. That feels good,” I say, but then I ask, “But I thought you wanted to stop?”

“I just needed a moment, baby,” Mom says. “But that doesn’t mean we are done by far. I want my baby boy’s big hard fuck pole in me.”

My cock jumps when I hear that. Mom giggles and asks, “It feels like you want that too, baby boy?”

“Fuck yes, Mom!” I exclaim excitedly.

Mom lets go of my cock for a moment and rolls over on me, so we are face to face. She positions herself so that my diamonded hard cock is lined up with her hot wet pussy. Then Mom reaches down and takes my fuck pole in her hand again and starts to push down on it. Mom lets go with her hand and puts both of them on my chest. My hands go to her ass. Mom rocks her hips down as I thrust mine up and I am balls deep in my Mom’s hot wet pussy.

“AH! Fuck!” We both moan at the same time.

I start pumping my hips up and down, driving my cock in and out of Mom’s hungry twat. I’m pretty sure she is loving it because she moans and meets my thrust as hard as I am giving them to her. Holy shit! I’m having sex for the first time, and it feels fucking fantastic. There are a lot of things I wanted to try before burying my fuck tool in my Mom’s gash, but there will be other times. I don’t care if it is wrong. This feels too good not to do it over and over again.

“Stay with me Tyler,” Mom says to me. “That’s it baby, fuck Mommy’s pussy.”

Mom’s hot wet cunt is wrapped around my circumcised fuck tool, doing its best to milk every drop of my cum into it. It’s working, too, because I can feel a huge load building in my balls.

“Fuck Momma Tyler,” She urges me. “Fuck Momma good. Yes, baby just like that! Give me all that dick!”

I drive my flesh rocket into Mom’s pussy as deep and hard as I can. Mom’s tits are flopping around as I pound her. I rise up and capture one of them in my mouth and suck hungrily on it. When I do this, it screws up the rhythm that I had going fucking Mom’s pussy, but her tits looked too good not to suck on.

“Oh God, Yes. Suck on Momma’s tits baby. Oh God, Yes, Tyler just like that,” Mom says.

I take my hands and run them up her back. I pull her down with me so I am lying on my back again without letting go of the tit I have in my mouth. I then run my hands back down her back to her ass and start pounding away again while I suck on her tit. I’m hammering away as hard fast, and deep as I can.

“God yes, Tyler, make Momma cum all over baby boy’s big fucking cock. Oh, God, I’m close Tyler. I want you to cum with me. Cum with me baby. Cum in Momma’s pussy. Fill me with your fucking hot sticky baby-making seed. Get Mommy pregnant baby boy! Cum Now Tyler! OH! AH! FUCK! YES! I’M CUMMING!”

I have never heard Mom talk like this before, and it’s driving me fucking wild. Mom’s thighs clamp together again, and her pussy grips my cock. It drives me over the edge and I thrust as deep as possible into her love box and blast my huge load. Shot after shot after shot of cum rings out of my flesh rifle.


Mom collapses on my chest, and we lay there recovering. My cock is still in pussy and is still hard, but it’s starting to soften. I recover first and notice the water is still running. The good news is that I didn’t put the plug in so there is no mess to clean up from that. The bad news is that we will be out of hot water soon.

“Can you move, Mom?” I ask.

“Not really,” Mom says. Then she asks, “Why?”

“Because we are about to run out of hot water,” I say.

“Shit,” Mom says.

I pull my cock out of her. Mom moans and then says, “I really liked where that was at.”

“I did too Mom,” I say. Then I tell her, “If you are a good Mommy, I will put it back in there.”

“And what if I am a bad Mommy?” She asks with a sexy wicked smile.

I bring both hands up off her ass and then back down hard enough to get her attention. “That,” I say.

“Mmmmm, I like that. If you keep that up we are going to be in this bathtub for a long time,” Mom says, and then kisses me and starts kissing me.

I break the kiss and say, “If we keep that up, we are going in here a long time too, Mom.”

“You’re right Tyler,” Mom says.

She manages to get herself up and turned around. I wash her hair first. After that, I get the body wash and soap up a washcloth. I have been pretty quiet. A thought has been thundering at the back of my mind since I shot my load in my Mom’s pussy.

“Mom, can you get pregnant?” I ask her.

“Yes and no,” Mom answers. I look at her quizzically.

“I’m on birth control Tyler,” Mom answers. “I’ve been on it since you were born.”

I breathe a sigh of relief. It was fucking hot to hear Mom say that, but I realize that I am not ready to be a father yet. Mom seems to be reading my mind.

“I’m not ready to be a grandma yet Tyler,” Mom says, and adds, “Even if a girl tells you that they are on birth control, you wrap that fucker up.”

“Kind of late to tell me that with what we did,” I say, as I’m soaping Mom’s body up.

“I hope you can trust me enough to fuck me without one, but women lie about that shit,” Mom says, and then adds, “If you want me to, I will start taking mine right in front of you so you know I am doing it. Actually, I think that’s a great idea. It’s as much your responsibility as it is your partner’s to make sure you are being as safe as possible.”

“Ok, Mom,” I say. I don’t really want to hear a lecture right now.

Mom spins around in the tub, so she is facing me. She looks me directly in the eyes and says, “I’m fucking serious Tyler Scott Murphy. I was your age when I had you. I love you, and I wouldn’t trade you for the world, but my life would be vastly different if I didn’t have you. Besides that, I don’t want any fucking diseases. That’s another thing we will do together.”

“That’s something you don’t have to worry about right now,” I say.

I have Mom, and I soaped up, and I start rinsing us off.

“And what’s that supposed to mean?” Mom asks, and then says, “Don’t tell me you’re a virgin. You were with Suzy all that time tonight.”

“I was Mom,” I say.

Mom is about to say something when I cut her off with, “I wasn’t with her all that long and didn’t know she was there most of the time. I have been having a recurring dream for two months about Ms. Hara joining me in the shower there, and it had me very frustrated. I spent most of the time working out and beating the shit out of the heavy bag. I lost track of time doing that. I had to clean the place up afterward, and then I hit the shower. That’s when Suzy came in and joined me. We didn’t have sex. She jerked me off and let me shoot it in her mouth. Then she fingered herself to an orgasm while I played with her tits.”

I get us rinsed off at this point and reach around Mom to turn the water off. Mom is staring at me. She can finally form words and ask, “What about those text messages?”

“Suzy sent them while I was trying to work out my frustration, “ I say, then ask, “Can you stand up?”

“Why?” Mom asks.

“Because we are done with the shower Mom,” I say, adding, “We need to dry off and get to bed.”

“Together?” Mom asks.

“Yes, Mom we can go to bed together,” I say, and then ask, “Is that what you want?”

“Yes,” Mom says, and then asks, “Is that what you want?”

“Yes, Mom, I say, and then asks, “So can you stand up?”

“Kind of,” Mom says.

“Ok, put your arms around me, and we can stand together,” I say.

Mom wraps her arms around my neck and looks at me. She has a sad look on her face and before I can ask she says, “I’m sorry.”

“For what?” I ask with a quizzical look.

“For taking your virginity, and for doing what I did. I shouldn’t have done that Tyler, I’m your mother,” she says.

I can see that she’s about to start to cry. I lean in and kiss her deeply. She starts to pull back, and I reach behind her head to hold her there. She tries to fight it for a couple of seconds and then surrenders. The kiss is tender like our first kiss was.

I let Mom go and break our kiss. Not because I am ashamed of it or anything like that, but to look her in the eyes and say, “You have nothing to be sorry for Mom. I enjoyed it, and want to do it again. And I want to learn from you. Now come on let’s get out of this bathtub.”

“Ok,” Mom says.

We stand up together and get out of the tub. I grab a towel and get us dried off. Mom brushes her teeth and uses some mouthwash as well. She also takes a couple of aspirins.

Mom grabs the bottle and says, “I should probably take this with us.”

I give her a quizzical look but say, “Ok.”

I pick Mom up again, and she says, “I love when you do that. It turns me on so much.

I laugh and say, “Well, I’m happy you enjoy it, and I will have to remember to do that more often so I can get you in the mood.”

I carry her into her room and lay her on the bed. I start to turn, and she looks at me and asks, “I thought you were coming to bed with me?”

“I am Mom, but I need to get the living room cleaned up first,” I say.

Mom sighs but knows I am right, so she says, “Ok, but hurry up. I want more of your cock.”

I don’t bother putting clothes on and go to the kitchen and get the cleaning supplies. While I am there, I look in the fridge, and there are still a couple of bottles of beer left. I doubt Mom will even know how much she had tonight, and with everything that has happened with Mom alone, I think I have earned a beer or two.

I crack open the first one and take a deep pull from it. No this isn’t the first beer I have ever had. Mom wasn’t the only one that got drunk on St Patrick's Day this year. Come to think of it Mom got a little handsy then. God, it tastes good in a way.

I start cleaning up the living room, but I’m deep in thought. I’m not really sure how to feel about what Mom and I just did. A small part of me feels like it was wrong. I mean she’s my Mom, and I just fucked her. And I nutted inside her pussy. And she told me to make a baby with her. I’m half expecting the police to knock down the door right now and drag us both to jail.

Most of me feels like fuck it. The thoughts of fucking Mom and nutting in her has my cock stirring. It felt great, and I want to do it again. I also want to eat Mom out, and have her suck on my cock too.

I get the living room clean, and I sit down for a minute. I finish the rest of my beer and then open the other one. Then I remember something. I go to my bag, and I grab the envelope. Might as well finish the mystery game that Suzy started before I go fuck Mom’s brains out. I take a pull from my beer and open it up, and it is another letter from Ms. Hara.

Dear Tyler,

I’m sorry to do this to you, but I have to go out of town for business. I will be gone for a week. I will need you to please teach tonight’s class. As for next week, all classes will be canceled. You may stop by and practice on your own or work out, but please keep the place clean. Again I’m sorry.

Thank you,

Kim Hara

That sly little minx set me up, I think to myself when I am done reading. My thinking shifts back to what Suzy told me. She wants me to start saving my sperm. Oh well, it’s not like I can put it back in after I blew it in Mom’s pussy. The same goes for this load brewing in my nuts right now. It’s going to be going to Mom as well. Not like I am going to tell Suzy that I am fucking Mom. If Suzy doesn’t like that then oh well. I didn’t like it when she squeezed my cock hard and hurt it.

That is another thing that is going to change between us. No more pain. I had to put up with that because, she was my only offer at that time, but not now. Mom seems to like it when I spank her ass though, but I’m going to go out of my way to hurt her. Who knows, maybe Suzy will like being spanked too.

I finish my second beer and look at the time. Shit! It’s almost five in the fucking morning. There is no way I am waking up at seven when my alarm is going to go off. I stand up and notice how sleepy I am feeling. Damn, I want to fuck Mom again, but I feel like I’m about to pass out. I go into my room and turn my alarm off on my clock, then I go into the bathroom and take a leak.

Once I am done there, I go into Mom’s room. I told her we would spend the night together, and I wasn’t about to go back on my promise. I can see that she has cuddled up under the covers, and I can hear light snores. It looks like I missed my chance to get some more tonight, but like I said I was going to keep my promise. I climb into her bed and cuddle up with her under the covers.

I haven’t done this since I was really little. The differences now are that we are both naked, and instead of looking for security from my mother, I am looking for company from a beautiful woman. The last thought I have before I drift off to sleep with my beautiful naked mother in my arms is I hope she doesn’t freak out when she wakes up sober.
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