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The message simply said, “Hi,” and told me her name was Marilyn. She was pretty, had blue eyes, wavy, platinum blonde, shoulder length hair, which I liked, and she was definitely young looking, which I also liked. She a great smile, and even though she appeared to be kind of short, and maybe a little overweight, i was she attracted to her.
I had just gotten out of a long term relationship that had soured, and let’s say, I was looking to move on, but being it had been so long, I wondered how. Eventually, I found myself trying several online options, even setting up a couple profiles on a few dating sites but, “Was this really what I was looking for?” I thought.

Looking a various other options online, I ended up on Adult Friend Finders, and being it was listed as one of the best for casual encounters, I set up a simple profile so I could look around on the site. It was definitely enticing and seeing all the people posting there, and the risqué photos made me think, “Maybe.”

Exploring the site, I couldn’t believe all the people that lived close by, and continued to wonder if it was real. After quickly added a few pics and some more personal info, I innocently started contacting several of the young ladies, I hoped to make a connection with someone. I was still leery, and felt as the day went on, it might just be a ruse. However, there really were so many attractive young girls that had profiles set up, and after trying to message several of them, I nervously hoped one might want to meet, but after logging out, I again figured it was just a scam. Shockingly, it didn’t take long, and the next time I went back on, I had several responses.

In the back of my mind, I still felt it might be a scam, but there was one response that I got from a young lady that seemed genuine. I was pleasantly surprised but nervous too, but figuring she was probably there for the same reason, I tried to keep an open mind.

Her message simply said, “Hi,” and explained that her name was Tina. She was attractive, had blue eyes, wavy platinum blonde shoulder length hair, which I liked, and she was definitely young looking, which I also liked. She really had a very pretty face, a great smile, and even though she appeared to be kind of short, and maybe a little overweight, she was still very attractive.

Yea, I was older than her by probably 10 or 15 years, but I was immediately drawn to her post and found myself looking at her pics all the time. Over the next few days, we messaged each other a lot. I think we were both nervous, but a week or so later, we ended up becoming comfortable enough to where we eventually gave each other our phone numbers, so we could start talking over the phone.

Hearing her, “Oh my god,” I thought,“ she really has a cute naïve sounding little voice.”

I couldn’t help but smile every time we spoke, and I was becoming more and more aroused, wanting to meet her and hopefully be with her. I think she was too, but I also think were both too nervous to ask. She didn’t live very far away and even though I was apprehensive about meeting her, I wanted to take a chance, and really, I think she had been waiting for me to ask to meet up.

Eventually, I got up the nerve to ask, and stepping out of my comfort zone I said, “What do you think about meeting up?”

There was a definite pause, but I could tell she was smiling on the other line and as I waited she enthusiastically jumped at the opportunity. I couldn’t help but smile too, but excitedly thought, “Where could we meet?”

As we continued to talk about where we could meet up, we agreed it should be a public place, and eventually decided a movie theater would be a great idea. Again, I was excited but immediately being it was a public place, I became a little paranoid. Feeling I might be recognized, I suggested a theater on the other side of town from where I lived, which made her a little hesitant, but then she eagerly blurted out, “That sounds great.”

I was excited too, but being nervous about what to expect and not wanting to appear too anxious, I decided to go into it without any expectations. Pulling up to the theater and getting out of my car, I excitedly scanned the entrance for her, but seeing anyone that resembled her, I headed inside after looking out over the parking lot.

Again, I nervously looked around the lobby, but it appeared she hadn’t gotten there yet, and decided to stand off to one side, anxiously waiting. I was nervous, and at one point, I thought that she might be standing me up, but then finally, there she was. She seemed to look around nervously, I know I was, and as she walked in, I stepped toward her so she could see me.

She had on a pink low cut peasant top, obviously trying to show off her tits, and a short faded blue jean skirt. She appeared a little apprehensive, but eventually as I cautiously walked toward her, she smiled, and as we got closer, I asked in a questioning voice, “Tina?”

I think we were both excited, and seeing her blush, continuing to smile, I introduced myself. As we shook hands, I didn’t want to let on just how nervous I was, I said, “It’s nice to finally meet you.”

Continuing to look each other for a moment, I couldn’t help but smile. She was rather short, maybe 5 foot, and yea, she was a little heavy, but being she was so much younger than me, and she had such a pretty face and smile, I was excited at the thought of be with her.

Checking her out, she had nice legs, and being she had on that low cut top, I couldn’t help but look at her cleavage. It was obvious, she was very self conscious about being she was short and a little overweight, always adjusting her top, wanting to make sure it covered her stomach.

After some more pleasantries, and feeling comfortable enough, I asked, “Do you wanta watch a movie?”

Looking to her, she hesitated at first, but then smiling she eagerly said, “Sure.”

Smiling, we moved over and got in line for tickets, and as we looked up at the list of movies, we tried to decide which one. As the line moved closer to the ticket counter, I ended up suggesting a few titles that I happened to recognize, and when she simply replied, “That’s okay,” I knew she was still a little apprehensive.

Really, it didn’t matter to me, which one we chose, and as we stepped up to the counter, we hastily chose one, and quickly got our tickets. Heading toward the theaters, we ended up passing the concessions where I asked, “Do you want anything?”

She hesitated at first but then said, “Whatever you wanta get is fine.”

It made me smile nervously, wanting this to go well, and being I was older than her, I knew I’d need to take the lead. I didn’t want to appear too anxious, and after ordering a soda and some popcorn, I innocently handed it to her. Taking it, she smiled and as we made our way through the double doors of our theater, I casually put my hand on her back. I was trying to put her mind at ease and as we walked up the narrow hallway, I boldly put my hand around her, I pulled her close. Tina looked at me nervously but seeing me smile, she too smiled.

All I could think is, “This is nice,” and I think we were both starting to feel a little more comfortable.

Reaching the top of the hallway, we turned the corner and looked around. It was a newer theater, with stadium style seating that reached way up, and dropping my hand off her side I asked, “Where do you wanta sit?”

No one was there yet, and as we continued to look up at the seating, I wishfully thought, “We have the theater to ourselves.”

She was a little hesitant, but replied, “It doesn’t matter,” which made me innocently think, “We’re probably just gonna watch a movie.”

Like I said, I had gone into this without any expectations, but being with her now, had me wanting to find out exactly what she might be open to doing. However, as we moved up more toward the middle section, thinking,”The middle row would be the best,” Tina stopped us saying, “Let’s go all the way up.”

Smiling and looking at her, I realized she wanted to be away from where others might sit, and thought, “Maybe she too wanted more than to just watch a movie.”

Nodding, I agreed, and as we quickly made our way to the top row, I again put my hand on her back, following her. As we got to the top, we took our seats, sitting more toward the middle of the last row, and immediately started talking, trying to get to know each other.

Sensing an opening, wanting to get things started, I leaned toward her and smiling I said, “It’s really nice to finally be with you.”

It made her smile, and as we looked at each other, I boldly went in for a kiss. She was hesitant, but after giving me an uneasy look, she smiled and closing her eyes, I pressed my lips against hers. Putting my arm around her, and giving her a hug, our lips eventually parted and as we sat back, and looked at each other, I could see she was smiling. She then shyly leaned into, me resting against my shoulder, and as she did, I gave her a kiss on the head and said, “That was nice.”

It had definitely broken the ice and as we again kissed, turning into each other, I moved down, trying to suck her neck. Tina then tilted her head slightly as I nibbled on her neck and when I brought my hand up to feel on her tits, she grabbed my hands. I wanted to keep things going, but seeing more people starting to file in, I ended up stopping.

I was nervous, and as we held hands and watched where people were sitting, I was glad we chose to move to the last row. Continuing to talk and nervously joke around, I found out that she was married. I was taken aback by this, but she made it sound like she really wasn’t happy and that he was okay with her going out. I wasn’t sure if I should continue or console her, or if she was wanting me to make a move and so, without saying anything, I again gave her a hug, trying to pretend to be a good listener.

Wanting to know more about her situation, and trying to shrug it off as we continue to talk, I asked, “Are you thinking about leaving him?”

Tina didn’t say anything right away, but then telling me that she had a one year old daughter, I thought, “Oh my god, what am I doing?”

It really surprised me, but it also explained why she seemed to be a little overweight, but thought, “What should I do?”

Searching for how to respond, there was another brief pause and as we looked at each other, I think she was waiting to see my reaction and then seeing I might be concerned, Tina continued by saying, “That’s why I’m trying to stick it out with him.”

I was conflicted but nodding politely, and trying not to looked overly concerned I again thought, “What was I doing?”

Seeing me smiling, Tina continued by saying, “I’m sorry, I hope you won’t hold that against me.”

I was definitely worried, but continuing to smile, I gave her another hug, and then realizing, “Maybe she too was looking for the same thing, a one night stand,” but then I thought, “Or was it more?”

More and more people had started to file in, and then as the lights started to dim, I boldly put my arm around her. Snuggling up to me again, we looked at each other, and when I leaned toward her, we ended up kissing again. It was nice and as the movie started, and we kissed again, I immediately reached up, letting my hand slide up her chest until it was right under her boob.

Turning slightly, continuing to look at each other in the dark, and without saying anything, I reached across her body, cupping her right boob. It made her gasp slightly and then looking at each other, she looked down at my hand smiling. She didn’t stop me, instead leaned up she kissed me as my hand got right under her boob. We continued to kiss, letting our tongues explore each other’s mouth and when Tina slid her hand down to my thigh, and eventually moved it between my legs, I smiled.

I was already so hard, and hoped she might want to feel it, but not waiting, I move my hand up more and grabbed her ample feeling boob through her top, and gave it a gentle squeeze. I could feel she was wearing a bra, and wanting more, I moved my other hand down her back, thinking about trying to get it unhooked.

Immediately, she realized what I was about to do, and when we stopped kissing, she moved her hand off my crotch, resting it on my thigh. Looking at each other, Tina smiled suspiciously, obviously still a little apprehensive but before she could stop me, I boldly moved my hand down, quickly unhooking her bra.

It immediately dropped off her shoulder a little, which surprised her and when she looked at me, smiling slyly, I smiled too. Pulling her closer, and giving her a kiss, I casually slid my hand up under her top and under her bra, wanting to feel her fleshy tits. It was nice, and when she again slid her hand back to my crotch, groping for my cock, I’m sure she could feel that I was hard.

We were both smiling as we kissed, and as our tongues again mingled in our mouths, she started rubbing my cock through my pants. Continuing to feel on her soft supple, yet chubby tits as she rubbed my cock, had me wanting to see them.

I knew they weren’t at all firm, and as I lifted her top slightly, she stop me, but only briefly. As I got her top up and I saw the soft skin of her boobs and her pink little nipples, I found myself smiling. I couldn’t stop, and immediately dropped down to mouth them, taking her little nipple into my mouth. Tina then instinctively moved her one hand up to my head and as she held it, I glanced up at her. I could see Tina was smiling as she struggled, reaching to feel on my cock through my pants.

Not wanting her to stop, I eventually leaned back up and as I casually let my leg spread, giving her better access, we kissed. It was definitely getting more and more heated, and when I subtly unbuttoned my pants, we stopped kissing. Tina watched intently as I now unzipped them, obviously curious to see my cock. She was smiling as she looked down, it made me smile too and when I again leaned toward her and we again kissed, I casually took her hand, and guided it down the front of my pants.

Looking up at me, she smiled but immediately started groping for my cock through my boxers. Helping her, I adjusted them, letting my cock peek out through the flap. She eventually took hold of it and giving it a squeeze, feeling how hard I was, she looked up. I again felt on her boobs and when Tina turned and we faced each other, and we again kissed, she inadvertently bumped the seats in front of us. We were probably making too much noise, and sensing people sitting close were looking back at us, we stopped.

It was wild, and I knew she didn’t want to stop, because Tina again carefully started feeling on my cock. I didn’t want her to stop either and as I reached down and exposed it a little more, she leaned up to again kiss me. She was gently stroking it now as we kissed and when I moved my hand, sliding it up under her skirt, she spread her legs slightly.

Reaching her panties and feeling for her pussy, I eventually pressed my finger into her slit, creasing her panties. She squirmed a little and feeling her smiling as she continued to pull on my cock as it stuck out through the flap, I pulled her panties to the side and started trying to finger her pussy.

She really was wet and thinking, “Oh my god, I wanta fuck you,” I stopped and then after looking at her, I sat back smiling, not saying anything.

Tina was smiling too, and then lifting my hand up behind her head, I leaned toward her, gave her a kiss and then tried to get her to go down on me. At first, she simply smiled, but then looking down, Tina shifted in her seat, and actually leaned down. Taking hold of my cock and leaning down more, trying to take it into her mouth, it was awkward, but after glancing up at me and smiling, she went to kneel on the floor. It wasn’t the best position, but Tina eagerly took my cock in her mouth, sucking it.

“Oh my god,” I thought, and as I leaned back, scooting down in my seat, I closed my eyes, trying to enjoy what was happening.

I was rock hard in her mouth, but we were obviously making too much noise, and when she again accidentally banged the seats in front of us, I brought her back up and had her sit back in her seat.

I really didn’t want to bring any attention to us and after a kiss, we both smiled. Tina immediately looked down again, and being my pants were part way down and my cock was still sticking out, Tina grabbed it, and started to casually rub it. We looked at each other, and again kissed. Tina, I think, wanting to keep things going, and feeling devilish, I gestured for her to move over and sit on my lap.

She of course was hesitant, not really thinking I meant it, but then smiling she looked around, stood up and scooted over to sit on my lap. Putting her hands on the back of seat in front of us, I inched her skirt up a little and as she sat back, I lifted her skirt, wanting her to feel my cock pressing against her panties.

At first, she just sat on my lap, grinding a little against my cock, but then as I took hold of it and tried to push it into her slit, she leaned up. I really wanted to be in her, and pulling her panties more to the side again, she glanced back as I desperately trying to work my cock into her wet pussy.

It really was very awkward, and even though she pushed against me and I scooted down more, and pushed up too, I was only able to get my cock in her a little ways. It was a turn on, trying to fuck her in the theater, and when Tina started to carefully move up and down, trying to let my cock go in and out of her, it was obvious she wanted me in as much as possible.

Continuing to push against me more and more, it was frustrating, because in this position, we just couldn’t make it happen. Eventually, we stopped, paranoid that people near us had started to glance back. However, neither of us wanted to stop, and as we looked a trying to think of what to do, we ended up sitting there and holding each other. The movie was about over. Tina got up and as she sat back in her seat, we both adjusted our clothes again.

I suggested we go ahead and finish the movie, and then head somewhere else. Tina smiled and after a nodded, she again snuggled up to me. I really hoped we go somewhere so we could finish, but for now we could kind of regroup.

Zipping up, it wasn’t long before the movie credits started to roll, and quickly standing up before the lights came on, we hurried out of the theater. We both couldn’t help but smile excitedly, and holding hands, we walked through the theater.

Getting out to the parking lot, we discussed what we wanted to do, and when there was a lull, Tina suggested, “Can we go to your house?”

It made me hesitant, not really wanting to take her home, and when I explained my house was clear across town, we search for ideas of where we could go, eventually decided to go get some beer and head to somewhere close by.

I had thought about a hotel but didn’t want to appear as if I thought she was a whore, and at the liquor store, we somehow ended up deciding to go to a nearby reservoir park. I don’t think it really mattered where we went, but here we were and after finding a picnic bench in what we felt was a secluded area we each had a beer. Moving closer, we immediately started making out, and yea it was bold of us to think that no one would come by, however a few cars did drive by, interrupting us.

We eventually decided to move to the backseat of my car, but again it was awkward and as we started making out and it again became heated, feeling on each other, it was obvious we wanted to fuck, as least I know I did. We both desperately worked on getting each other’s clothes off, but being it was always in the back of my mind that someone might come by, we stopped.

Really, it wasn’t very comfortable in the backseat of my car, and wanting this to be a good experience for both of us, I searched for what to do now. After a little bit, Tina suddenly suggested, “How about we get a hotel?”

Like I said, “I had thought about it too,” but let it go, not wanting to come across as though I thought she was a hooker. However, now that it was later in the afternoon and the sun was starting to go down, it really was the best option.

Smiling in agreement as we looked at each other I simply said, “Okay.”

Tina was obviously excited, and then as she eagerly mentioned there was one not too far away, I continued to realize, “If she good with it,” okay.

I nodded. It made her smile in anticipation, and then as we got our clothes back on, she quickly called the hotel, making us a reservation. It was kind of weird, because I felt she had been to this hotel before, and much later I realized it was probably with other men she had hooked up with.

It was getting dark as we headed toward the hotel, and as I unknowingly followed her, I became anxious to get her in bed. It wasn’t long before we were pulling into the parking lot and after parking, she got out of her car and came over to me. She was smiling excitedly, and as she leaned in she said, “Wait here,” and continued by telling me, “I’ll be right out.”

Smiling, I sat back and as I waited anxiously, the thought of getting her in bed was racing through my head. All I could think about was wanting to fuck her, and then after a few minutes she came out of the office. Tina was smiling excitedly and seeing her dangling the key as she walked toward where I was parked, I smile too.

Telling me to follow her, she got back in her car, and we headed around back, eventually parking out front of one of the rooms. We hurried inside and after looking around briefly, we ended up sitting on the end of the bed. Looking at each other, smiling, waiting for the other to make the first move, I leaned toward her and we kissed. It made her smile and as we again kissed, I slid my hand up to feel on her tits.

This made her look down at my hands on her chest, and smiling slyly, she reached down, groping for my cock. Eventually, we started to hastily help each other get our clothes off, and as Tina helped me lift my shirt up and I got it over my head, and tossed it aside, Tina felt on my chest.

I really had no idea what she looked like without clothes, I knew what she felt like, and as we looked at each other and she felt on my chest again, I instinctively reached out, feeling on her tits. Eager to see her big fleshy boobs, I immediately tried to pull her shirt up. I think she was a little self conscious, because after I dropped her shirt off the bed, she looked at me cautiously.

She did have a kind of fat stomach, but immediately I was drawn to a small dangly little bellybutton piercing, and even though she had a little roll, I was still very attracted to her. Smiling, trying to let her know, I leaned toward her and as she closed her eyes, I gave her a kiss. I do think she was excited to see what I looked like too, maybe even more than me, and when she reached down feeling on my crotch, I leaned away and tried to get my pants off as quickly as possible, unbuttoning and unzipping them.

Tina seemed to watch intently, and after adjusting my boxers, I smiled at her and then moved closer, trying to get her skirt down, tugging at it. Tina was smiling and then as she went to unzip the side zipper, I looked down, watching. Wiggling a little, she inched her skirt down, and then as I helped her, she nervously giggled.

She eventually kicked to the floor and then as she repositioned herself, she looked at me smiling. She was wearing matching white and red speckled bra and panties that had little red bows. It was definitely sexy and even though she had a slight roll being she was a little heavy, and a relatively pale complexion, I was still very attracted and pleasantly surprised.

Tina had now scooted back, and as I looked down at her plump little pussy pushing against her panties, I smiled and casually slid my hands down to her sides. Looking at each other, I grabbed her waist and smiling I said, “You’re very pretty.”

Yea, I know she was a little chubby being she had just had a kid, and even though her boobs weren’t that firm, they definitely filled that red speckled bra to over flowing, which had me continually drawn to them. I wanted to fuck her, and as we made out, I casually reached behind her and tried to undo her bra. Tina had slid her hand down to feel on my crotch and when I got her bra unhooked, it immediately dropped off her shoulder.

Instinctively, Tina reached up, holding it against her chest. Looking at each other, she smiled and when I went to slide it off her shoulders, she dropped her arms, letting it slip down. It made her looked down, and wanting to reassure her that yea I was attracted, I leaned toward her, gave her a hug, and as we again kissed, I whispered, “Don’t worry.”

Tina smiled shyly as we looked to each other, and when my eyes again drifted, looking down at her tits, I reached both my hands out to feel on them. Looking back up, and seeing her sheepishly smile as we looked to see what I thought, I too smiled and gave her another hug and a kiss.

I wanted this, and so as I leaned into her, continuing to kiss, I laid her back, and slowly inching us both up on the bed further. Immediately, I moved up so I was half laying on top of her, and after giving her a subtle little kiss, I slid down, looking to suck on her pink little nipples. Moving to suck her neck as I felt on them, I moved down more and closing my eyes, I eventually took her pink little nipple in my mouth.

Drawing in a mouth full of her right tit and then letting it out, I started tonguing and sucking her nipple. Continuing to feel on her other boob, I looked up at her briefly, and smiling, I moved my one hand down, wanting to feel on her full little pussy.

As my hand found her panties, and I pressed my finger in to her slit, I could feel that she was definitely wet. Looking up at her briefly, our eyes met, and seeing Tina smiling, made me smile too. Quickly moving up to kiss her again, all I could think about was wanting to be in her. Leaning away and looking at her, I casually tried to get her panties down. Tina immediately leaned up on her elbows and sensing a little hesitation as I looked up at her, I smiled and continued to tug them down.

She again, didn’t stop me and as I eventually got them all the way off, she nervously sat up, gave me a hug, and then we kissed. It was obvious she was self conscious about being naked, maybe worried I might be turned off, which I wasn’t at all. I wanted to see her, I wanted to fuck her and when she reached down to feel on my crotch, I immediately reached down and started taking off my boxers. Tina had now leaned away, wanting to see, and when my cock flopped out, she smiled and then looking at me, she reached for it.

Smiling, I laid back, and as Tina moved closer, taking hold of my cock, I could see she was smiling. Glancing up at me, as she started pulling and rubbing my cock, she asked, “Does that feel good?”

Of course it felt good, and giving her smile and a simple nod, I reached down, putting my hand on her leg. She too smiled and when I scooted up on the bed some more, Tina leaned toward me and looking down she continued rubbing it. It really did feel good and closing my eyes, anticipating her sucking it, she suddenly shifted a little. Looking down, watching, she pulled the skin down on my cock, exposing the head. Continuing to watch, she immediately went down taking it in her mouth.

“Oh my god,” I thought, and as she started sucking it, I put my hand on her shoulder.

Taking my cock all the way in her mouth, I closed my eyes and laying back, I thought about wanting to cum. Reaching for her back now, gently feeling on it, I thought, “Yea, she was a little fat,” but I was super hard as she continued to suck me off. Immediately, I started trying to fuck her mouth, wanting to cum, however I quickly thought, realizing, “Not yet,” I leaned up and pulled her back on top of me.

Looking at me, obviously concerned why I had stopped her she asked, “What’s wrong?”

Smiling hesitantly, not wanting her to worry, I sat up and looking at her I said, “I wanta be in you.”

This too made her smile, but she also seemed apprehensive. However, after giving her a simple little kiss, I rolled her to lay on her back. My eyes immediately shifted, and looking down, I moved to feel on her tits. Glancing up at her briefly, I immediately went down, kissing her neck, eventually kissing her chest. Holding her sides, I again felt just how thick she was, but right now, that didn’t matter, especially when I saw her young fat little pussy.

She actually had strawberry blonde hair, or maybe it was light brown, in either case, I found myself smiling in anticipation. Spreading her legs, having her bend her knees slightly, and seeing that she kept her pussy neatly trimmed, not shaved, I couldn’t help but think, “Mmm,” as I quickly moved between them.

Feeling on her thighs as we looked at each other, I wanted to go down on her, I wanted to eat her pussy, but was hesitant, leery about it for some reason. I really didn’t know her that well and feeling that she was probably promiscuous, I looked up at her. I so wanted to eat her out and seeing her pretty smile, and being she was married, I eventually convinced myself, “It’ll be okay.”

Smiling, and then looking down at her pink fleshy pussy, Tina nervously shifted a little. Moving up to give her a reassuring kiss, it made her smile. I think it was also to reassure myself and when I moved down, briefly nibbling on her neck, and she seductively turned her head, I slid my hands up to feel on her heavy tits.

Not stopping, I moved down to suck and tongue her pink little nipples, and then moving down more, I positioned myself between her legs. Leaning up, and feeling on her fat thighs, again wanting to see her young little slit, I spread her legs. I could see where her thighs had rubbed together, chafing, which immediately had me looked up and give her a smile. She smiled too but cautiously and again not wanting her to worry, I casually went down on her. I was fixated on her fat pussy and when Tina inched up toward the head of the bed, I went down between her legs.

Getting my head down by her pussy, I caught a faint smell of either perfume or body spray, but as I moved down more between her legs, there was a definite mustinesss to her pussy. Again, I started to have second thoughts about eating her out, but looking at her pussy, I tried to block it out, because I wanted to fuck her, and right now, the thought of licking it and getting her off was overpowering.

Smiling as I looped my hand up under her thighs, I pulled her closer, and spreading her pussy lips, I eventually pressed my finger in her. Looking up at her briefly, continuing to smile, I wanted to see her reaction. Seeing she was smiling, I looked back down, and as I went in, I closed my eyes. Plunging my tongue into her, Tina arched her back as I started tongue fucking her and licking at her clit.

She again shifted a little and as she did I thought, “Mmm,” as my tongue darted in and out of her slit.

I still occasionally got that faint musty smell of pussy, but I wasn’t going to stop, and as I reached up, feeling on her tits, I felt her take a deep breath. All I could think about was fucking her, but first I hoped to get her to cum, and smiling to myself, I focused on eating her pussy, continually flicking her now hard little clit and pushing my tongue into her.

Tina started to gently squeeze my head between her legs and feeling she was close, I deliberately tongue fucked her as I rubbed her clit. She was squeezing my head a little tighter, obviously trying to grind my head between her legs. Reaching down now, and grabbing my head, she asked in an out of breath voice, “Don’t,” and then said, “Stop.”

I of course wasn’t going to stop and as she continued to squeeze my head, which hurt a little, I knew she was close. Glancing up, wanting to make sure she was okay, she suddenly pushed my head into her pussy. Holding my head into her crotch with both hands, and feeling her body and her legs quiver a little, I knew she must have climaxed.

It made me smile and when she eventually relaxed, letting her legs fall to the side, I moved up, wiped my mouth and gave her a kiss. Tina kept her eyes closed, but she was smiling, a little out of breath, but as I positioned myself between her legs, I kissed her again.

Making sure to press my cock against her pussy, and seeing her continuing to smile, I immediately lifted up a little, and then reaching down, I grabbed my cock, and tried to push into her. Like I said, maybe she had a few extra pounds, not really fat, but I struggled to get my cock in her.

I don’t know if it was our weight or the crappy mattress, in either case her pelvis was tilted down enough that made it hard to actually get in her, and I think she knew it. As I continued to try, Tina lifted her legs, and then rocking back a little, she grabbed them behind her knees, holding them up.

“Oh yea,” I thought, “it was just enough,” and smiling I pushed into her.

As she rocked back a little more, I was in her, but not very much, and when I went to lay on top of her and we kissed, she inadvertently dropped her legs. It caused my cock to slip out, and trying to catch herself, Tina immediately said, “Sorry,” as she lifted her legs again.

Smiling, I quickly grabbed my cock, and as she struggled to hold her legs up, I desperately tried to push it back in. Hastily trying to fuck her, as she held her legs up; I so wanted to cum. Instinctively, Tina now wrapped her arms around my neck and without thinking, knowing I was going to cum, I looped my hands under her shoulders, trying to get better leavage as I feverishly tried to fuck her.

I was close, and I think Tina sensed it because she quietly said, “Come on my stomach.”

Stopping briefly, I simply nodded, and after telling her, “Okay,” I pushed deep into her, and immediately went back to fucking her.

Tina continued to try to keep her legs lifted, however as I thrust my cock in and out of her more vigorously, she unconsciously dropped her legs again, which caused my cock slipped out.

“Oh my god,” I thought, it was so frustrating and as we looked at each other, I think she knew it, because she again apologized.

I didn’t want to stop trying, and smiling, I again tried to push into her, but it was really a struggle, especially since she too seemed to struggle to keep her legs up. We eventually stopped, and as we again looked at each other, it was obvious she was concerned.

Searching for what to do now, I thought, “What about trying a different position.”

Smiling, I gave her a kiss and then casually told her, “Turn over for me.”

I thought that maybe doggy style would give me better access. It wasn’t what I wanted but, as I got off her, she smiled. I think it confused her a little, but as she sat up and reluctantly started to roll over, I guided her. As Tina continued to awkwardly rolled to lay on her stomach, I immediately noticed fat rolls on her back, and yea she had a big butt, and thick thighs, but it was a turned on seeing her from behind and think about fucking her.

Spreading her legs and quickly moved to kneel between them, I immediately rubbed her back and felt on her fat butt. Eventually, I leaned forward, and grabbing her waist, I pulled her up, and as I coaxed her to get on all fours, Tina gave a nervous giggle. Knowing she was smiling, I moved up more, and pressing my cock into her crack, hunching over her, Tina turned her head so we could kiss.

Continuing to push my cock against her ass, Tina leaned up on her knees and as we continued to kiss, I instinctively reached around to feel on her tits. She eventually went back to all fours, and as she did, I slid my one hand under her to feel her pussy. She was so wet, and wanting see her tight little butt hole and her pussy, I gently pushed on her back, telling her, “Put your head down.”

Leaning back up as she put her head down, I had her spread her legs a little more and again felt on her lower back, eventually rubbing her butt. My cock was rock hard, and wanting to see her puckered little hole, I gently massaged her ass, inconspicuously trying to spread her ass cheeks.

“Oh my god,” I thought, seeing her tight little butt hole, “it was so inviting.”

It immediately had me thinking, “I wanta fuck her ass,” however, figuring it might be a turn off, I simply pushed my cock against her crack. I was trying to signal what I now wanted to do, and when Tina naively leaned back, pushing against each other, it surprised me. Smiling, thinking, “Maybe, she was into letting me fuck her ass,” I casually spread her ass cheek again, but as soon as I put my finger against her butt hole, touching it, she immediately pulled away saying, “No, don’t!”

Sitting back, not wanting to lose the chance to fuck her, I quickly grabbed her waist, and holding her I said, “Don’t worry,” immediately realizing, “I had better just stick to her pussy.”

Tina twisted a little, and looking back, she gave me a cautious smile. I worried that maybe I had blown it, but as I put my hands on her waist again and smiled reassuringly, I leaned forward, pulling her close. Tina in turn, arched back, and as we again kissed I said, “You’ve gotta nice butt.”

It again made her smile, and when she pushed her ass back against me, I reached both hands up to feel on her tits. It was obvious she liked the feel of my cock running up into her crack, at least I know I did, and when she leaned forward and she put her head down, I immediately reached between her legs, again feeling on her pussy.

Smiling to myself in anticipation, knowing this was going to give me better access, I subtly started fingering her pussy from behind. Moving closer, continuing to keep her legs spread with my knees, I again leaned into her butt, and grabbing my cock, I tried to work it up and down her slit. She too leaned back and as I tried to push into her, it again was a bit of a struggle. It was a little frustrating, but as I leaned under her more and continued to push a little harder, my cock eventually slipped in.

Sitting back up on my knees, I immediately gradded her hips, pulling her closer. I was in her now and as I continued to work my cock into her more, I thought, “Oh yea.”

She was wet, but tight, and it felt so good to be in her, but as I slowly started moving my cock in and out of her pussy, she pulled away slightly.

Worried, I asked, “Are you okay?”

Tina simply nodded and said, “Yea.”

I didn’t want it to hurt and smiling to myself I told her, “It feels good.”

Tina gradually started rocking back and forth, trying to help and as I too started fucking her, knew I was going to cum. She was actually very tight and when I casually started feeling on her ass again, I thought about her tight little hole.

Yea, I know, I was in her pussy, but wanting to see her pink little puckered butt hole again, I started feeling on her ass. Nervously trying to check out her tight little hole as I inconspicuously spread her ass cheeks, I asked, “Are you okay?”

Tina unknowingly nodded, and pushing back again, I grabbed her by the waist, and leaning back, I started fucking her. Closing my eyes as my cock moved in and out of her slippery slit, I thought about being in her ass. It really felt good in her, and as i continued to fuck her, I knew I was going to cum.

It didn’t take long, and hearing she was enjoying it too, I continued to hold her hips, keeping us moving back and forth. Slapping against her ass a little faster, a little harder, I didn’t want her to stop me, not now, and not saying anything as I was about to cum, I pulled her close, forcing my cock deep into her.

Briefly holding her, as my cock started to jerk, letting cum pump out deep inside her, all I could think about was how good it felt. It really did feel good to have cum, and as my cock continued to buck, and cum now ooze out, I slowly moved my cock in and out of her again. I was done, and as Tina continued to try to keep moving back and forth, I asked her to stop.

At first, I don’t think she realized what had happened, however, when I pushed her forward, making her lay flat on her stomach, and my cock went limp, slipping out, she immediately turned slightly and asked, “Did you cum?”

I couldn’t believe she had to ask, but as I moved to the side, and laid next to her, I think she realized that, “Yea, I had.”

We were both a little out of breath, and as we faced each other, I couldn’t help but smile and say, “Yea.”

There was a slight pause, but as soon as she reached to her pussy, and she felt cum seeping out, I sensed she was a little upset. There was a long pause, but eventually as we looked at each other, she blurted out, “I wanted to taste you.”

I was shocked and not knowing what to say, I laid back, and smiling, I put my hand on her back, gently rubbing it. Tina now leaned on her elbow, and looking at me she again said, “I wanted you to cum in my mouth.”

I didn’t know what to say, and as Tina tasted the little bit of cum that was on her fingers, she smiled and then sitting up asked, “Do you think you can cum again?”

Pausing, I smiled sheepishly, thinking, “Of course, I wanta cum again,” and after saying, “Maybe,” I started to realize, “Could I actually could cum again?”

She was smiling now too, and immediately started stroking my cock. I was still kind of hard, and as I watched, she squeeze the last little bit of cum out, and then eagerly went down, taking my cock in her mouth.

As I started to get hard, she looked up and said, “Mmm,” and after pausing she continued by saying, “Yea, that’s it.”

Looking back down, taking my cock in her mouth again, she became more deliberate, jerking me off as she sucked my dick.

I wanted to cum for her, and laying back, I closed my eyes, and desperately trying to concentrate. Trying to search for what to think about, something that would get me hard in her mouth and hopefully cum, I remembered her tight little butthole. Smiling to myself as I thought about fucking her ass, I immediately got hard. It again felt really good, and as she continued to suck and stroke my cock, I thought I might be able to cum.

However though, I lost focus, it wasn’t working, and as my cock started to go limp, I felt bad. Tina, looking up at me as she desperately tried to keep me hard asked, “What’s wrong?”

I felt a little embarrassed, I didn’t know what to say, and as she continued rubbing my cock, I reached down trying to help. I so wanted to cum for her, I didn’t want her to be disappointed, but it was gone, and when I pulled her up and we kissed, I said, “Maybe we can wait a little and try again.”

She smiled, continuing to try to get me hard, but after a kiss, we ended up laying together, holding each other. I really wanted to get hard, I wanted to cum for her again, but no matter how hard I tried, it wasn’t going to happen, at least not now.

Laying together, we eventually got under the covers, and as we lay together, Tina asked if I was going to stay. She obviously wanted us to spend the night together, hoping we might do it again, but maybe, she was actually a little insecure. I really wanted to cum for her again, not only because she obviously like tasting it, but to show that I could, so I made a decision to stay.

However, I suddenly started to feel a little ashamed that I had just had sex with a married woman, and decided I had better go. Tina tried to convince me to stay, but seeing it wasn’t going to happen, I got out of bed, quickly got dressed, and left.

We were finished, and really, I couldn’t believe what I had just done, and yea it was nice, but knowing I had cum in her and being I hadn’t used a condom, I struggled with the thought, “What if she gets pregnant?”

Yea, she was married, and even though she made it sound like it was a tumultuous one, maybe it really wasn’t. Maybe she was looking to spice up her sex life or maybe she wanted to see if guys were still attracted to her being she was married, had a kid, and was, a little overweight.

I was attracted to her, she was young, had a pretty face, and a easygoing personality, but really I think it was the fact that we had sex. In either case, a few days later, I actually thought about reaching out to her, but we never did see each other again, and to this day, I still wonder if she might have gotten pregnant and that maybe she had a kid.
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