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Read the earlier chapters to understand the character development. Please leave me comments, telling me what you liked and don't like. This is formated to sound good with text to speech. In order to do that, the punctuation is not right, especially the use of commas. I hope you enjoy reading the story as much as I enjoyed writing it!
Chapter 19 - Tiffany scores a deuce

Lacey's dad sits in his home office, staring out the window. His jaw is slack and he shakes his head in disbelief. It has been a good while since he has checked the surveillance videos from the back patio, but what he finds now is blowing his mind. About a week ago, a young lady came in the patio gate, followed by their dog, Rex. That would have been the day after Lacey came home from her cruise. The girl looks familiar, but he can't remember where he has seen her. Is she one of Lacey's friends? She wore a short denim skirt and a sweater. Rex seemed to recognize her, though. He was right on her heels, wagging his tail. She knocked on the patio door and waited. Rex jumped up and humped her leg. What is up with that horny dog?

The girl did not stop him but pet him on the head as he humped her. When no one answered her knock, she put her face to the door and cupped her hands around her face, peering through the sliding glass door. Rex got down and stuck his nose under her skirt, sniffing her butt. Instead of pushing the dog away, she stuck her rear out toward him to give him better access. It is obvious that she was aroused by what the dog was doing to her. Her hips gyrate and her shoulders rise in a shrug like she is under tension. After a few minutes of this, the girl walked over to the hot tub and sat down on the steps. Rex followed her there and continued sniffing around, tail wagging. Lacey's dad is embarrassed for her, but the girl doesn't seem to mind. She sat on the steps near the hot tub and Rex resumed rooting around under her skirt. She opened her legs for him, and he immediately went for her crotch. Then she stood, lifted one leg up on a step and pulled the crotch of her panties aside, exposing her wet pussy. Rex nuzzled and licked at her enthusiastically. The girl grinned and threw her head back, obviously enjoying the dog's rough tongue. After a few minutes, she smoothed her skirt down, bent to the dog and scratched his neck. Straightening, she left the patio, Rex following close beside her.

Lacey's dad is stunned. His sensitivities are violated by this act, but at the same time, his dick is tantalized. He restarts the clip from the beginning to make sure that he is seeing what he thinks he sees. He shakes his head and rewinds to watch it again, this time he takes his cock out to play. He freezes the frame when the girl pulled the crotch of her panties aside and he zooms in on the image. Who is this kid? He could swear she looks familiar.


Lacey, Ricky and his mom returns from the nudist cruise to the land of clothes and school and work. Some valuable lessons have been learned. Their lives are changed forever. Lacey and Ricky's mom have grown closer. She almost feels like she has another mom, now. She can talk to her about anything! Now that life is back to normal, the thing she misses the most is waking up in the morning and not finding Ricky. That and not having complete access to Ricky. She aches to have Ricky hold her in his arms again.

My phone rings and Tiffany's name displayes as caller. "Hi, Tiffany. What's up?"

"Hey, Lacey. Did you have a good time?" Tiffany asked brightly.

"Yeah, it was a lot of fun. Just trying to come back down to real life, you know?" Tiffany knew that she had been on a cruise with Ricky and his mom, but did not know that it had been a nudist cruise or what kind of sleeping arrangements they had. Even though Tiffany is a close friend, she is not privy to all the details of her relationships. She has no idea that Ricky is sleeping with his mom and Lacey. She does not know about the closeness and friendship between Lacey and Ricky's mom. Tiffany thinks that Ricky and Lacey are very adventurous, sexually, but she really has no idea.

"School begins tomorrow. You ready for that?" Tiffany asks.

"Ugh. Please don't remind me." I say.

"Sorry, girl. Say, what are you doing this afternoon? If you're not busy, I could come over for a bit, and hang out. I can catch a ride around 2:00. I would love to hear more about your trip and see some pictures. Also, I have something that I want to ask you about. If you are busy, we can do it another time," she says.

"Come on over. I got nothing planned. You can't leave me hanging like that, though. What do you have on your mind?"

"I would rather wait and ask you in person." Tiffany squirms.

"Come on, Tiffany, you're killing me here. What do you have on your mind?"

"Well, this is really embarrassing," Tiffany continues reluctantly. "Remember how you and Ricky said that our love making session was a one time deal? Well, I am wondering if you would reconsider that at all? Just one more time. I desperately need to experience love from a real man right now, Lacey. And I need to get a lesson from him about how to deal with a man."

I roll my eyes and ask, "What happened with you and Brett?"

"Oh Lacey, he is awful. I mean he is cute and he tries to be nice, but he is terrible in the bedroom. His idea of foreplay is to grab my boobs and squeeze 'em until my eyes water, then he shoves his little dick in before I'm even wet. Just as soon as he gets inside me he humps furiously for about two minutes, then pulls out and shoots his gooey spunk all over me, because he won't use a condom. I was scared to death that he will get me pregnant, so I am on the pill now. But he still pulls out and sprays me. I guess it must be his thing, but it sure isn't mine! By the time I get his sperm cleaned up, he is turned on his side away from me snoring. He refuses to snuggle when he gets done. And when I talk to him about going down on me, he just says, 'ew, that's gross.' I don't think he has a clue what a clitoris is and for sure how to work one. Last time he fucked me, I was so sore, I could barely sit down all day. I just can't do it anymore. I really need a good fuck to restore my faith in men before I become a lesbian or join a convent or something."

"Oh, I don't know, Tiffany. Let's talk about it when you come over this afternoon. We'll see you then."

I think about Tiffany's problem the rest of the morning. Letting her sleep with Ricky again just doesn't seem like a good idea. On the other hand, it sounds like she is miserable with Brett. I will have to talk her into getting rid of him and finding someone new. Of course I should talk to Ricky about this.

Mom and I make Chef salads for lunch. Mom asks me about the cruise as we eat. I tell her that it was a lot of fun, especially with Ricky and his mom. I tell her how close Ricky's mom and I have grown. It is probably not a good idea to tell mom about the nudity. She might blow a fuse. Mom is just old fashioned like that. Mom assumes that I roomed with Ricky's mom and Ricky had his own cabin. I chose not to enlighten her.

Since school begins tomorrow, mom suggests that we go into town to do some shopping. She and I both acquired gift cards for a local department store for Christmas. It would be nice to get some new clothes for school. Lacey thought about getting some sexy new under clothes.

At the department store, I find a nice jacket with a fur lined collar on sale. It is cut just right for my slim figure, and the puffy fur collar helps accentuate my thin waistline. I also find a bra and panty set that I think Ricky will like. I take them into the dressing room to try on. Not sure what mom will think about them. They have a practical, comfortable cut, but the orange and black tiger stripes make them a bit risque for my mom's taste. I discard my clothes and remove my bra. Just then a boy of three or four sticks his head under the door, which comes up to about knee level, and grins up at me. Reflexively I wrap my arms around myself and strangle a scream. Instead, I decide to have a little fun. I stick out my boobs at him and twist my body, side to side to make them jiggle for him. His eyes grow large and he gets a real serious look on his face, but he continues to stare. I bend down with my face near his and stick out my tongue at him. At that, he screws up his face, begins to cry and quickly runs away. I chuckle, wondering what he will tell his mom when he runs to her. I hope it doesn't traumatize him too much. I wonder if he will remember this into his teenage years?

Meanwhile, back at the farm, Tiffany arrives at Lacey's house like they had planned and knocks at the door. She has no idea that Lacey forgot about their plans when her mom suggested they go shopping. There is no response to her knock, so she peeks into the garage and notes that their car is gone. Lacey's mom must be away somewhere. Since the sun is out and it is really warm for late December, Lacey might be out on the back deck. She walks around back and is met by Lacey's dog, Rex. He recognizes her and walks close at her side.

Tiffany calls out for Lacey as she comes around the back of the house, but gets no response, so she opens the gate to the patio and goes in. No Lacey. This is strange, she should be expecting me. Knocking on the rear door there is no response. Peering through the window the house is dark and empty. Rex sure is friendly. He has his nose under her skirt sniffing her butt and humping her leg. "He acts like he wants to have sex with me," she says aloud to herself. "He acts as horny as I am feeling."

Since she is in the neighborhood and Lacey is not home, she considers walking over to Ricky's house to see what he is up to. Naw, that might not be such a good idea, especially since she told Lacey about what she would like Ricky to do with her again. She badly wants to seduce him, but it needs to be with Lacey's blessing. Surely Lacey will be home soon. She walks over to the steps going up the hot tub and sits down wondering what she should do. Rex continues to nudge her, so she opens her legs to him, thinking he might lick her pussy. That is a very twisted thought, but damn she is horny. As expected, he licks enthusiastically. The crotch of her panties is getting wet, from the outside from the dog's tongue and from the inside from her own juices. It feels really good. She stands and puts one foot up on a step and pulls the crotch of her panties aside to give him better access. His rough, warm tongue feels even better and she feels her lips part for him. His bright red cock comes out of its sheath. Her horny mind wonders what it would be like to take that cock inside her? No way! People don't do that! She remembers that Lacey told her that Rex had fucked her pig. Maybe if we went into the barn, he would do it again and she could watch. That would be fun.

All the way to the barn, Rex tries to get his nose under Tiffany's skirt. Once inside the barn, she makes her way to the pig pen. They are all laying down at the back of the pen, showing no interest in Tiffany or Rex. Rex shows no interest in the pigs, but again humps her leg. His slender red penis glistens in the dim lights of the barn and looks nice. She licks her lips without realizing it. She decides to sit down on a nearby hay bale and just enjoy Rex's tongue on her pussy some more. Maybe he can make her cum. Lord knows that she needs that! She takes her panties off and sits down on the soft hay. The smell of the hay is amazing and it makes a wonderful seat. She opens her legs to give Rex better access to lick her pussy. He goes right to work, his tongue flicks furiously over her slit from her opening, and up over her clit. The sensation is so intense that she can barely stand it. She needs less clitorol stimulation and lays back on the bale to angle her pussy up and give Rex better access further down her pussy to her asshole. Her insides clench from the intense stimulation his tongue is causing her. It feels like his tongue is trying to get into her entrance. It is almost too much. She can't take much more of this.

Suddenly, Rex stops licking and Tiffany is grateful for the reprieve. Then his front legs are up on the bale, straddling her waist. His face is bent over her and he seems to have a silly dog-grin on his face. His fur tickles her inner thighs and then it occurs to her what is about to happen. Without thinking too much about it she makes a snap decision to allow Rex to fuck her. If she had time to think about it, she might have had second thoughts. Right now she is just horny and wants to fuck. Soon enough, she feels the soft point of his dick, probing around her pussy. The bale she is laying on puts her at the perfect height to facilitate his entrance, he is just too frantic to be able to get it into her without help. She is both terrified and excited with what she is about to do and she can feel her heart pound in her head. She places her hands on either side of the dog's hips to moderate his thrusts and guide him. She feels him enter her easily and naturally. To her great relief there is no pain at all! In fact, it feels great! Relief floods through her body and she can feel him inside her. She can feel the soft tip, gently pushing all the way back at her cervix. With her hands on Rex's hips, she can regulate the speed and depth of his thrusts.

At first, Rex humps her furiously, but with Tiffany guiding him, he calms down and settles into a rhythm. She feels his knot forming at her entrance, but she has no desire to try and get that into her. His dick is already pushing at her cervix. She begins to talk to him, calling him by name and telling him how good he makes her feel. He almost has a look of understanding. She rubs his tummy and moves her hand further down to where his dick enters her body. The huge knot puts pressure on her clit which feels amazing. Still further down she finds his sheath. She grabs it and strokes his dick in time with his thrusts, mashing his knot into her clit. This feels so much better than when Brett tried to fuck her. Soon she feels his warm fluid, flooding her inside. It fills her up and begins to run down her crack and into the hay. She is so close to cumming, but she cannot seem to make it.

Rex began to soften until he slipped out of her. She would have to finish herself off. His fluid continues to trickle out of her. To her surprise, Rex began to lick her swollen pussy. She can feel his rough tongue go into her a little bit and over her clit. Brett would not eat her out, but Rex will! Within two minutes, she nearly passes out in orgasmic bliss. She has to press her legs together to keep Rex from over stimulating her sensitive sex. She lay back on the bale panting much like the dog. She envisions herself with a dog's tongue, lolling out of her mouth. The thought makes her laugh.

After she recovers, she stands up and smooths her clothes out. She reaches down and scratches Rex behind his ears. He lay curled up in a ball in a corner outside the horse's stall. "Good boy," she cooes. "Thanks for the good time."

Then her cell phone rings. It is Lacey, "Tiffany! Where are you?"

"I'm at your house like we agreed. Where are you?"

"Oh, Tiffany! I feel just awful. I forgot about you coming over when mom asked me to go shopping with her! We are on our way home, now. I am so, so sorry! Please, go on in the house, it isn't locked. Get a couple soft drinks and the vegi plate from the fridge and I will meet you in the basement in twenty minutes." Lacey says.

"No worries, Lacey. I have been playing with your dog. He has kept me entertained. I'll see you in a few minutes."

There was something in the way Tiffany said, 'playing with your dog'. I wonder... Naw, no way.

Tiffany got the drinks and the food and made her way down into the basement. She had just enough time to go into the bathroom and clean up a little before Lacey came home. Her panties are a mess. She washes them out in the sink and dries them the best she can with a towel, but they are still damp. She hung them up on the shower rod. She will have to go commando. That will be a challenge since her skirt is pretty short. Her panties should be dry in thirty minutes. She will just excuse herself in a few minutes, go into the bathroom and put them on. The thought enters her mind that Lacey might feel that she owe her something since she feels so bad about not being here when she is supposed to meet me. At least she might really consider letting me hook up with her boyfriend again.

Mom drops me off at our house and she drives on to the grocery store for her weekly groceries and plans to get some take-out for dinner. I told her that Tiffany will probably be eating with us. As soon as I get home, I rush down to the basement to Tiffany. As soon as I see her, I throw my arms about her, saying "Oh Tiffany! I am so sorry! I don't know what got into me that I forgot about you coming over!"

"It's OK, Lacey. You have been on vacation for a week and have a lot on your mind. Let me see the clothes you got for school."

I pull my coat out of the bag, pull it on and twirl around in a circle. Tiffany smiles, "It suits you. I like it. Did you get something sexy?" She asks.

Taking the jacket off, I say "Oh yes. Let me show you my new undies!" Reaching into the bag, I pull out a hanger with the tiger striped bra and panties and hold it up in the air above my head.

Tiffany covers her mouth, and says, "Oooh. Zinger! Try them on for me. I got to see you wear them! Put them on now!"

I strip down, removing all my clothes, and put the new bra and panties on. Tiffany seems surprised that I would strip down in front of her, but after the nudist cruise, it's not a big deal. Then I put my hands on my head and do a little dance, swaying my hips. "What do you think? Be honest with me."

Tiffany put her hand to her chin and screws up her face like she's thinking. "Looks like something my grandma would wear," she teases. She reaches over and pulls the waistband out and let go, snapping my waist. Then she ran away giggling as I chase her around the couch. I grab a couch pillow and we begin a little pillow fight, laughing and having a good old time.

Tiffany stops, looks past me and sees Ricky, standing in the dark at the bottom of the basement stairs. His arms are crossed and he has a shit eating grin on his face. She is stunned and wonders how long he has been standing there? She had been careful not to expose herself to Lacey, since she has no panties on. But had she bent over with her rear facing Ricky? Did he see? Tiffany is horrified and feels the color drain from her face.

I stop mid swing with my pillow, seeing a shocked expression on Tiffany's face. Turning to look over my shoulder to see what has arrested her attention, I see Ricky, looking like the cat who ate the goldfish. He is just standing there so quiet, so smug, it almost makes me mad. And look at his pants, he has a boner! That's about all I can take. I run over to him and raise my pillow to swat him. He easily takes it out of my hand, and pulls me in close. I am out of breath from the pillow fight, my hair all over the place, standing there in his arms in my new tiger striped undies!

Ricky hugs me to him, to disable me. I thrash, trying to get away from him or swat him with the pillow, but he holds me tight. His arms are about my bare waist, and it feels electric. I am panting, but he reaches down and kisses me on the forehead. Tiffany comes up behind him, wrapping her arms around him so that he is sandwiched between us. Ricky's eyebrows shot up at that. Ricky reaches his hand around his back to Tiffany's bare thigh. He wonders if he had seen what he thought he saw. He traces his hand up her thigh, under her skirt until he reaches her bare ass cheek. He squeezes it in his hand. These girls are full of surprises today. He brings his hand back around to me, and with it brushes the loose strands of hair from my face. I begin to relax in his arms.

Ricky ponders why Tiffany is not wearing panties? Maybe she is wearing a thong? His impression from what he saw was that she was not wearing anything down there. But it could have been a thong. He had to know. He ran his hand back down her thigh again, but this time brought his hand up under her skirt to her crotch and was shocked to feel her bare pussy with its tiny patch of pubic hair. He runs his middle finger up her slit and is rewarded by feeling her wetness. His touch inflames Tiffany. She takes this as encouragement from Ricky to escalate her touching. She reaches her hand around his stomach, under his t-shirt, and over his chest. Finding one of his nipples, she gently pinches it between her thumb and forefinger.

Ricky begins to feel uncomfortable with Tiffany's advances, and tries to ignore her. He turns his full attention back to me, kissing the tops of my breasts, where they are pushed up by my new bra. He growls "You know how tiger stripes make me crazy". Tiffany slips her hand down, beneath the waistband of Ricky's jeans and his shorts, and finds his dick, giving it a firm squeeze. Not being comfortable with Tiffany's playfulness, he worries where all this is going. He feels himself losing control with two horny girls all over him.

He walks me backwards towards the couch and Tiffany is forced to pull her hand out of Ricky's pants. He pushes me down on my back on the couch. Tiffany senses that something is wrong and she has made him uncomfortable. Maybe she is moving too fast? She decides to take a different approach and work on Lacey, instead. She steps between me and Ricky, bends down and plants kisses on my neck and chest. She pauses long enough to unfasten my bra and flung it over her shoulder where it lands, draped over Ricky's shoulder. He stops, looking dumbfounded. He is not sure where this is going or what his role should be. Should he back off and just watch these two hot girls making out? Tiffany removes my new tiger striped panties, sliding them off my ass and down my legs.

I look up at Ricky, standing there with his arms crossed over his chest, looking like a lost puppy, my bra still draped over his shoulder. "Don't just stand there," I say. "Take your clothes off." With Tiffany standing over me, I can see up her skirt and I see no panties. That's strange, I never saw her take them off. Flipping her skirt up, it is obvious that she is sans panties. "What is this? You came ready for action, didn't you, girl?"

Tiffany grimaces, "It's a long story. Hey, it's not what it looks like!" Then she pulls her sweater over her head and slips her bra off. Now her boobs are free. She opens my legs, standing with one foot on the floor and the other knee on the couch between my legs. She places her hands on my thighs and plants kisses on both my inner thighs. Looking up, she smiles mischievously at me. Ricky has his clothes off, down to his briefs. He has an obvious erection straining against the fabric, and still he looks like he does not know what to do.

I grin at Ricky and say, "you are still over dressed for this party. I'm sure I speak for both of us in wishing you would take your boxers off and lend a hand here." I didn't have to ask twice. Ricky discards the last of his clothes, and does the helicopter with his dick. We all laugh and he says "bet you can't do that." Then Tiffany sits up, grabs one of her boobs, and twirls it about. Ricky turns pink, we laugh, and he says, "I stand corrected."

The humor begins to put Ricky at ease. He comes over and lightly massages one of my breasts while circling around the nipple of the other. Tiffany is working on my pussy. Her technique is noticeably different from Ricky's, and I am really enjoying it. Ricky continues to work on my upper body but it distracts from what Tiffany is doing for me down there. I look Ricky in the eye and suggest "I think Tiffany needs your ministrations right now. Would you like to work on her?"

Ricky stops and looks at me, dumbstruck. "You want me to fool around with Tiffany?"

I give him a smile and say, "actually, Tiffany is in need of a good fuck, right now. I would love to watch you do her doggy style while she eats me out." His jaw hangs slack, he looks at Tiffany, licks his lips, then looks back at me. "Don't you want to fuck her?" I ask. Tiffany stops and looks up expectantly at Ricky, awaiting his reaction.

"I don't know," he said. "We haven't talked about it. And what about Brett?"

Now Tiffany is really excited. "Brett and I are history, not a thing anymore. Not in the picture at all," says Tiffany. At that, she removes her skirt, the last of her clothes. "And, I'm on the pill now. You don't even need to wear a condom," Tiffany adds, eagerly.

I say, "Yeah, it's OK, babe. I want you to. This is another one time thing." Then looking at Tiffany, don't stop. I'm getting close."

Ricky comes up behind Tiffany in a daze, still unsure what to make of this situation. Tiffany, with one knee on the couch, bent at the waist with her head buried in Lacey's crotch, is at the perfect height for Ricky to stand and do her doggy style. He tentatively runs a hand over her round butt, his eyes fastened on her pussy peeking out between her thighs. Her labia is already swollen and her upper body is flushed. She moans and moves her knees apart, anticipating what he will do to her. Finally touching her pussy, he runs his middle finger up and down the middle of her slit. He already knows that she is wet, and she does not disappoint. Ricky pushes his hand down between her legs and cradles her pussy in his big hand, applying pressure and pulling it back toward him. Ricky looks up at me again, as if to make sure I am OK with what he is doing with Tiffany. I am so close to cumming, that I don't care about much, right now, but I give him a reassuring nod to go ahead.

Ricky's hesitancy has nothing to do with Tiffany's desirability. She is a looker, in the wholesome, girl next door kind of way. But Ricky is not privy to Tiffany's request to Lacey, earlier in the day to have sex with him. Neither does he know about my awful mistake in forgetting about Tiffany coming to my house to hang out, and me leaving her high and dry. I can hardly deny her request after what I did to her, this afternoon.

Ricky leans over Tiffany and lightly kisses her on the back of her neck. Reaching his arms beneath her, his hands find her breasts and he gently fondles them. He is not aware of the explanation that Tiffany had given me earlier, how Brett liked to grab and squeeze her boobs. Of course that is not Ricky's style. He starts out circling around them gently, then runs his hands up and down her stomach before returning to her breasts, placing his hands over her nipples. As he holds them for a moment, he can feel them stiffen and lengthen under his palms. He rolls his hands around in small circles, then returns his hands down, across her belly, all the way down to her pubic bone.

I really want all three of us to cum together, but Ricky seems hesitant to stick his dick into Tiffany, and I can see he needs some encouragement. I can tell that Tiffany is certainly ready for him to penetrate her. "Go ahead, Ricky, Stick it in and show her what you got!"

Ricky is still unsure, "You do want me to do her?

Tiffany adds, "Yes, yes. Please fuck me hard. I'm ready." Ricky stands up straight with one hand on her buttock, looking at me. I make the 'go ahead' motion with my hand. He looks down and takes his dick in hand and traces it up and down her slit, gathering her lubrication and parting her inner labia. I sense the tension in Tiffany and hear her breath coming faster and harder.

Ricky does not do doggy style very often. He enjoys the sensation well enough, but somehow it seems a little demeaning to the woman, less intimate. He enjoys the feeling of a woman's breasts, pressing Into his chest, enjoys looking into her eyes as he makes love, enjoys kissing. He loves the intimacy of being face to face. And it is for these reasons that I want Ricky to fuck Tiffany doggy style. I don't want this to be too intimate. Since he cannot see Tiffany's face, this will just be a recreational fuck. Still, Ricky wants to make this as pleasurable as possible for Tiffany.

Ricky slowly enters Tiffany, an inch at a time, allowing her to become accustomed to the fullness. She raises her face from Lacey and lets out a satisfied moan. Always being afraid of hurting her, he hesitates. Tiffany looks back appreciatively at Ricky, so he continues. When he is in about half way, he starts to thrust, in and out. He feels a strong compulsion to thrust hard and fast. But Ricky wants to savor her. Her tightness, her warmth, her velvety smoothness, and her feminine scent. So he begins slowly, only gradually picking up speed, going a little deeper with each thrust. It is becoming more difficult for Tiffany to be effective with oral play, because she is being slammed forward a little with each stroke. So instead, she inserts two fingers, palm up, to maximize contact with my g-spot. That is driving me crazy. She pauses occasionally and circles my clit with her thumb, then resumes stroking my g-spot. Tiffany's boobs swing fore and aft in time with Ricky's thrusts. I love watching them swing above me.

I feel myself getting very close to the big 'O'. My peripheral vision narrows down to just a point. The pressure in my abdomen is growing and that familiar feeling of fullness is all pervasive. It makes me feel like I want to push or bear down. I want to come together with Ricky, but I am unable to speak. Suddenly, I feel myself gush all over Tiffany's hand and I scream. At least that is what it feels like. The sound is more animalistic than human. Tiffany is at first startled, but soon realizes that I am cumming and strokes me faster. I sense three more surges and I can feel myself clenching on her hand. There follows a succession of diminishing waves after that which leave me exhausted. I put my hand on Tiffany's to signal her to stop. She is so far into the throws of arousal, that she is acting on autopilot.

Ricky has his hands on either side of Tiffany's hips. Now he is giving her pussy a real pounding. I am inspired by what I see and quickly turn around and lay on my back underneath her. Taking one of her nipples in my mouth, I begin to suckle. I take more and more of her into my mouth until I have her entire Areola engulfed. She gasps at that. Ricky is now moving with such speed that I know he is cumming. I cannot see his face, but in my head I can almost see him grimace. After he shoots his load, he reaches his hand underneath and begins working her clit, his dick still buried. Her breathing is coming faster and I know she is building towards her orgasm. I moved to her other boob and suckle there. She is grinding into Ricky's hand, wanting more, but the motion expels his softening cock. I take over, inserting three fingers. She is incredibly wet plus Ricky's seed is oozing out. As I finger-fuck her, it makes a wet, smacking sound and Ricky's cum runs down my hand and my arm. I see trembling in her thighs, she groans, and I am afraid that she will collapse onto me. She is sweating and panting.

I go to the bathroom to get a towel and return to find Ricky collapsed on the floor. Tiffany lay on the couch with a huge grin on her face, her dimples showing, eyes closed. She looks incredibly satisfied. Between her legs is a mess and her breasts are still heaving from the effort. Using the towel I bend to clean her up the best that I can. I wipe the sweat from her face, first, then go after the mess between her legs. She pulls my face to hers and whispers in my ear, "I still have some of Ricky's seed inside of me." She giggles, then turns serious. "Thank you, Lacey. You are a very special friend to do this for me." She reaches up and plants a kiss on my cheek.

I lay down on the floor beside Ricky. He opens an eye, "Are you alright?" he asks.

I smile at his concern, "Never better." I reply. "How about you?"

"Hmm" is all that he can say. At that, he rolls over and spoons me.
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