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Thank you in advance for taking the time to read my story. This is the first story I have ever written and I hope you enjoy it. Please leave a comment on whether you liked it and what I could improve.

There is pretty much no sex. I was planning on doing a lot of sex but got carried away with the rest of the story. If you guys enjoy I will write more, with sex, of course.

Also, I couldn't figure out a title, so if you have a suggestion, please let me know.
Hi, I'm Aron, and this is my account of life after the end of the world. I started writing this after a few years because I was finally safe, as far as that still is possible. I'm just 20 years old now. I came to America with my family on vacation right before it all happened. I'm a fit guy, now at least, I used to be a little chubby, but it was impossible to not get muscled with all the work I did to make a home for myself. But that's enough about me, I know that's not why you decided to read this, so I'll start the actual account now.

It's been about 4 years since it all went to hell. World War III had started when Pakistan invaded India and China decided to help Pakistan. NATO couldn't allow that to happen and tried to stop it with force. There were global food shortages and rioting broke out across all NATO countries in an attempt to pull back the armed forces from Asia. But that wasn't all. During all this, a new virus started to spread, but no one noticed until it was too late...


I was driving through the desert in my black '67 Pontiac Trans Am, towing a trailer, on my way to a town near Phoenix, Arizona. I recently found out there used to be a piano store there and decided I would see if there were still any left. I lived by myself; I had a dog but that wasn't really the same. For a long time, I felt that my life had become too silent, too boring, so I would try to change it up by playing some music. As I was nearing the town, I started to see the signs of the virus again. Undead corpses were wandering towards Phoenix, drawn by the noises of the other zombies stuck in the city. I pushed the pedal down completely in hope to be on my way back before the zombies would be in the way.

I reached the town around noon and found the piano shop easily. Somehow, through all the bombings and raids, this store had remained untouched. I opened the door of my car and stepped out onto the road. I was wearing blue jeans and a green shirt. I also had a leather cowboy hat with me, but decided to leave that in the car, as it wouldn't be practical for what I was going to do. On my waist I had a belt on which I had a holster for my gun and a holder for a small axe. These days you can never have enough weapons. 'Come on Rex,' I said to my dog, a short haired White Shepherd, 'Let's see if there are any good pianos.' I walked to the door and tried the handle. To my surprise, the door was unlocked, and when I opened it, the bell rung. 'Can't believe how long it has been since I heard that,' I said to Rex. I walked into the store, which was filled with all kinds of pianos. From grand pianos to upright, to digital ones. The latter weren't a good option, since there weren't any reliable ways of producing electricity anymore, so I decided to ignore those. A grand piano would be too heavy to move on my own and would never fit on the trailer I brought with me. I'm not a weak man, not anymore at least, living after the apocalypse made it impossible not to get fit and strong, especially for a young man in his prime. But since I knew what a piano weighed, I decided to take the one closest to the door, a black Yamaha, 'Now, how the hell do we get this on the trailer?' I asked Rex, although I knew there wouldn't be an answer. It turned out the trailer could fit over the stairs in front of the entrance, so I could just roll the piano on the trailer. I thought it would be easy, but I couldn't have been more wrong. I struggled to get the piano on the trailer for God knows how long, but at last I got it on there. 'Damn, I don't even know if that will be worth all the trouble,' I said jokingly to Rex, but he was too busy licking his balls to notice what I was doing.

While I was securing the piano to the trailer, Rex started to growl. 'What is it, boy?' I asked, when I heard noises coming down the street. It didn't sound like it was zombies, the sound was way too high, and it was coming closer too fast for zombies. Rex ran away. I thought he was running to the sound, but instead he ran into the ruins of the building across the street. I didn't have time to think about Rex as I saw two girls in tattered clothes come from a corner and run towards me. The first girl had long, brown, slightly curly hair that was flying behind her as she was running. Her clothes were worn down and dirty, but the same could be said for a lot of people these days. The second girl had straight black hair that fell to her shoulders, somehow it didn't fly behind her like the other girl's hair. To my surprise, the seconds' girl left boob was hanging out of her shirt, and there was a hole ripped in the crotch of her pants. The girls started yelling at me for help. Completely dumbfounded, I pointed to the open doors of the piano store and yelled, 'Get inside!' As I pointed to the doors of the store, I saw three strange figures, armed with pointed sticks, come from the same corner running after the girls. The strange figures were scarcely clad in some black leather cloths, with horns sticking out of various parts of their bodies.

As the girls ran past me inside the piano store, I drew my gun. 'Hold it right there!' I told them. Now that I could get a better look, I noticed that all three of them were men and that the horns weren't randomly placed. They all had one sticking from where their penis should be, and also horns sticking out from their nipples. The leader also had horns sticking out from his head and said, 'Go away! Those females belong to Slaanesh!'

'Slaanesh? What the hell? The 40k chaos god?'

'No, no, no, NO! She isn't a fake goddess, she is a real one, and she gave us our horns,' he said while he wiggled his penis-horn.

'First, obviously she is fake. And second, you guys are crazy. If you leave now, I won't kill you.'

'Do you have a death wish? How dare you stand between the followers of Slaanesh and their trophies of pleasure?' He said as he licked his lips.

'Trophies? You mean those girls that were running away from you? Those aren't trophies. Get your head out of your ass.' I said angrily.

'No. Trophies. Now move or we will kill you. Anything so that we can have our way with our trophies.' The leader said as he moved closer to me.

'One more step and I will shoot!' I warned the leader.

The leader raised his hands. 'Alright, alright, we see that you mean business, and we don't want to get in...' The leader charged at me. I shot him twice in the stomach and he dropped down. Rex came out from his hiding spot and ran at the man right of me, biting him in his raised arm. I took a shot at the man Rex was holding down and hit him in the head. I looked around for the third man when I heard screams coming from the piano store. I ran to the store to help, but the door was held closed by a broomstick. I started kicking the door in an attempt to break the broom, but I didn't work. I saw the man raise his stick as he started laughing maniacally, causing the girls to scream louder. I mustered all the strength I had left in me and gave one last kick. The broom finally broke, and the doors flew open. Rex ran inside and bit the man in the back of his legs. The man screamed and fell on his knees. 'Let me go, filthy mongrel!' He yelled as he moved his stick in position to stab Rex. I stopped dead in my tracks. Raised my pistol, aimed at his head, and fired. The man looked at me with fear in his eyes as the bullet hit him in his nose, and he fell to the floor. I kept my gun pointed at him as I approached him carefully, in case he was still alive. With my gun pointed at him, I checked for his pulse. He was dead. 'You girls can come out now, they're dead,' I said aloud, hoping they would hear me. The brown-haired-girl came peeking above the counter of the store, looked at the dead man, and finally stood up. 'Thank you.' she said curtly. The girl had a weary look in her eyes.

'We should get out of here now. The noise will have attracted a lot of zombies from the area. I'll take you where you need to be.' I told the girls. I was taking a closer look at the brown-haired-girl standing in front of me. She was wearing a black and blue plaid shirt and black jeans. Both were a size too small for her as I saw her breasts bulging in the shirt trying to get out, and her zipper did not stay up.

'Or, if you want to, you can come with me, to my home. It's safe, there is water, food, even some entertainment, and there is a clothing store on the way that is left largely un-raided. Maybe your friend would prefer that to what is left of what she's wearing now.'

The girl looked at me with serious eyes. 'Could you please let us talk about this alone?'

'Well, okay, but not too long. As I said before, the noise will have attracted a lot of zombies.' I walked out of the store, closed the doors as far as still was possible, and pretended I was securing the piano further.

After a while, the brown-haired-girl came outside. 'We'll come with you. But my friend doesn't want you to see her like this.'

'I understand that, and it won't be a problem.' I walked to the back of my car, opened the trunk, and pulled out the blanket I kept in case I needed to spend the night in my car. 'Here you go, she can cover up with this until we reach that clothing store.'

'Thank you,' the girl said. 'I'm Alycia, by the way,' she said as she extended her hand.

'Well Alycia, pleased to meet you, I'm Aron.' I said as I shook her hand. 'Now, go get your friend, so we can get the hell out of here.'

Alycia went inside with my blanket to get her friend. I was slightly disappointed the girl didn't want to come outside with her boob hanging out. It had been way too long since I had seen a boob, or even a person that didn't want to kill me on sight, for that matter.

The girls came outside after a short while. 'I'm Enid,' the black-haired-girl said.

'Pleased to meet you Enid, I'm Aron,' I said, trying to hide the fact that I started to feel awkward around the girls.

'We should get moving now.' Alycia said. 'How were you planning on taking us with you in that?' She asked.

The car was a two-seater, so she made a good point. I also hadn't thought about that yet, but after a while I found a solution. 'Well Alycia, Enid, if you don't mind, you can get in the trailer. There should be enough space for the two of you, and the piano, if you sit underneath it. I will also give you some tension straps to use instead of seatbelts. They're not mandatory, but should you decide to use them, you can.'

'Thank you so much, Aron.' Enid said with tears in her eyes. It was obvious it had been a long time since anyone had shown these girls some kindness. 'Alright then,' I said. 'Hop on and we can go.' I called Rex. He came running from inside the store and jumped on the passenger's seat. 'This is Rex, by the way,' I said to the girls as I closed the car door.


As the evening started to fall, we reached the clothing store. I pulled up the car near the entrance and cut the engine. 'You girls want to stay here while I check the building for zombies, or you want to come with immediately?' I asked while I got out the car. 'We'll come with you,' Alycia said. By the look of Enid's face, I could tell she didn't agree, but she kept her mouth shut as they climbed out of the trailer. 'You'll be walking behind us, though, with your eyes to the ground,' Alycia told me.

'Very well, if that's what will make you girls feel less uncomfortable, I will do just that,' I replied.

Enid looked at me with relief and thanked me. 'No worries. You girls look like you have been through hell and back. This is the least I could do for you.' I told her. The girls made me turn around as Enid put the blanket back in the trunk and only allowed me to come when they were almost inside.

We entered the abandoned store. We checked if the lights worked, but unsurprisingly they didn't. Fortunately, plenty of sunlight came in from the windows, so we decided to walk through the store. To my surprise, there were no zombies in the store. We checked every aisle and room before the girls started to look for clothes that fit them. It was hard keeping my eyes to the ground. Knowing that in front of me were two girls started to make me horny, a feeling that I hadn't felt in a very long time. With a little shame, I have to admit that I did sneak a few peeks at their asses. Alycia had a full, thick, ass, and overall, a beautiful hourglass figure with D cup breasts. At least, that's what I thought it was, I have been alone for a long time and never bothered to learn about it. Enid, on the other hand, had a small, cute bubble butt and smaller, B cup, breasts. As we were walking through the store, the girls were talking with each other about the clothes, almost as if the world was still as before. After a while, they found a pile of clothes that they liked. I thought that meant we could go, but they insisted I turned around, so they could fit them. I turned around like they asked, sneaking one last peak at Alycia's ass, which I'm sure she noticed.

Shortly after I was turned around, I heard clothes hitting the floor and I realized that there were two beautiful, naked girls standing behind me. My dick started to itch in my pants as I fought the urge to turn around and ravage them. I knew that those feelings were wrong, but it had been so long since I had been with a girl. I felt my dick grow in my pants as I was getting a hard-on, when Enid started talking to me excitedly, 'we're ready to go Aron. Do you think you have enough room in your car for all the clothes? We'd like to bring as many as possible, you never know when you get another chance like this.' I turned around to look at the pile of clothes they had, fearing that they would see my hard dick through my pants. I don't know when, but they went to get bags while I was waiting for them to change. They had three large bags stuffed to the brim with clothes.

I felt Alycia looking down to my crotch. I was sure that she saw my hard-on, but pretended that it wasn't there, and said, 'I think that it'll fit. Maybe we have to ditch the bags, but it'll fit.'

'That's great!' Enid squealed. It was obvious how excited she was to have some new clothes. Who knows how long it had been since she got some?

'Alright then, let's go.' Alycia said. She picked up the bags and glanced once more at my crotch. I don't know if it was on purpose, but it seemed that she lingered as she picked up the bags to allow me to look down her shirt. 'Are you sure you don't want me to carry those bags for you?' I asked her. 'No, I can manage. You just make sure we don't get killed whilst walking to the car,' she answered.

By the time we figured out how to fit the bags in the car, it was dark, and we were all hungry. I hadn't planned on staying out for so long, or with more people, so I didn't bring extra food with me. As I lived only an hour or two further, we decided it was best to wait until we were at my home to eat, rather than searching for some food in the dark.


It was around 10 O' clock when we reached the gate. I got out the car, carefully scanning the area for zombies. It did not appear that there were any, so I went ahead and opened the gate. Whilst I was walking back to the car, I heard a faint rumbling sound coming somewhere from the back. I walked to the back to see what the sound was when I saw Alycia and Enid fast asleep in the trailer. I looked at them for a bit with a slight smile on my face. I drove the car past the gate and when I closed the gate, I took one more quick peek at Alycia and Enid. I don't know what, but something about watching them sleep in the trailer felt incredibly wholesome. I drove the car to the house, which was about two miles from the gate, and parked in front of the garage. 'Come on, Rex, we'll put all this away in the morning,' I said. I walked to the trailer to wake up the girls, but I couldn't help to look at them some more.

While I was figuring out how to wake them up, Alycia was starting to awaken. 'Why did we stop? Are we there yet?' she asked, sleep drunken. 'Yes, yes we are,' I said. 'Should we wake Enid, or shall I carry her to a bedroom?'

'If you can get her there without waking her, that would be great,' Alycia told me.

'Alright then, here we go.' I bent over the trailer, put my arm under her knees and back, and softly lifted her out of the trailer. When I was standing upright, Enid moved around a little, but did not wake up.

'I have a key in my left front pocket,' I whispered to Alycia. 'You mind taking that and opening the front door?'

'Sure, but please try to not get another boner,' she said with a wink.

'You saw that, huh? I'm sorry about that. It's been a while since I had... Companionship.'

'I forgive you. As long as you don't try any funny stuff. I will cut off your balls if you try anything,' she said as she reached in my pocket for the house key. I felt her hot breath on my neck while she was feeling around for the key. Her hand brushed repeatedly, in the most heavenly way possible, against my dick before she finally found it. I had to focus all my thoughts on the zombies to stop myself getting a hard-on.

'Hah! Found it! Good job keeping your dick in check,' Alycia said with another wink.

We walked up to the front door and Alycia unlocked it. I warned her about the creaky door, so she was careful to open it as slowly as possible. I nodded to the light switch for some light. When Alycia turned on the lights, the hallway was revealed. I lived in a fairly large house; it had light green walls, a white ceiling, and had some light brown furniture in it. The house itself had two floors, a basement, and an

attic. On the ground floor there was the entrance, the living room directly in front of that and an open kitchen to the right of the door to the hallway. There was also a door beside the kitchen which was for the pantry, and another door opposite the kitchen that led to the basement. On the first floor, there was a hallway with two doors on each side with a bedroom, and another set of stairs that led to the attic. All the walls on the first floor were plain white, fortunately.

I looked at Alycia and nodded to the stairs. 'I'm gonna put her in bed. You want some food or do you wanna go to sleep right away?' I asked her.

'I'll go to bed immediately, if you don't mind.' She said, trying to suppress a yawn, but she couldn't hold it in. Alycia followed me up the stairs as I opened the first door on the left. The room had a double bed and a dresser with a mirror. Normally it wasn't much, but considering the circumstances, my house seemed like a palace. I put Enid down on the bed and pulled the blankets over her. After that, I showed Alycia to her room and she laid down immediately and fell fast asleep. I smiled a little again, somehow this all felt so wholesome. I quickly fed Rex and then decided to go to bed myself. It wasn't long before sleep overtook me.


I woke up at sunrise as I always did. I felt the warmth of the Sunshine as it hit me through the window. My stomach grumbled, like the girls, I hadn't eaten yesterday either. I got out of bed and changed in a fresh set of clothes, another pair of blue jeans, this time with a red shirt, and decided to check on the girls. I softly knocked on Enid's door. No answer, she was probably still asleep. I stopped before Alycia's door and decided I would just let her be. They would come out when they were ready, I was sure of that. So, I went downstairs and started making some breakfast.

I decided on making some pancakes and scrambled eggs with sausage, that way they had a choice in what they wanted for breakfast. As I was setting up the table, I heard shuffling upstairs and Rex growled. I told him to shut up as the girls came walking downstairs with big smiles on their faces. 'That smells amazing!' Enid said as she sniffed the air.

'You're too kind. It's just pancakes and scrambled eggs. Please, sit down, have some milk or juice, whatever you want.' I said as I pointed to the table. 'Breakfast will be ready soon.'

'So, about those guys yesterday,' Alycia said as she sat down.

'What about them?'

'You seemed to know what they were. How come?' she asked with an inquisitive tone.

I put down the food on the table, and told them to take what they want. 'I didn't know those guys, or what they're about, at all, but I could take a guess at what they were.'

'Alright then,' Alycia said as she leaned on the table. 'What were they? According to you.'

'Some kind of crazy cultists, but I think you figured out that much.'

'Yeah, we did.'

'They said they were followers of Slaanesh, a goddess of Chaos in the Warhammer universe. Warhammer was a big sci-fi/fantasy setting before this all started. Those guys were probably looking for an excuse to rape young women like yourselves and went crazy with it.'

'So, you're telling me that we almost got raped by a bunch of crazy nerds?'

'Pretty much, yeah. Now, please eat, it would be a waste to let this go cold.' I said when I saw Enid, mouthwatering at the pancakes.

'Alright. Enid, let's eat.' Alycia said as she reached for the eggs.

'I have a working shower with warm water. So, if you girls want, you can take a shower after breakfast,' I said. Their faces lit up. They probably haven't had a proper shower in years.

'How do you still have warm water?' Enid asked excitedly.

'I found a semitruck with a propane tank about a year ago. You don't use much gas when you live alone.' I said, half-jokingly, half-sad.

We finished breakfast with some more small talk. It turned out Alycia was 22 and Enid 18, and they came from southern California. After breakfast, Enid went upstairs to shower first, and Alycia and I went outside. I still had to move the piano into the house. Luckily, I was able to move the trailer against the stairs, like I did when loading it, so I didn't have to lift the piano. Alycia sat on the porch laughing as she watched me struggle to get the piano inside. By the time I put the piano in place, Enid had come out of the shower wearing a fresh set of clothes. 'How was it?' Alycia asked.

'It was amazing! I can't believe how good it feels not to be dirty for a change! Thank you so much, Aron!' Enid said excitedly.

'You're welcome,' I said with a smile.

'If you don't mind, I'm gonna take a shower now,' Alycia said as she jumped up and went upstairs. I fell in a sort of trance, watching her ass jiggling as she skipped out of the room.

'So, do you play?' Enid asked me.

I shook my head slightly as I came back to reality. 'I used to. Before all this happened, I mean. Who knows if I still can play today.'

'Well. Why don't you try,' Enid said.

'Alright then, but it probably won't sound good,' I said with a wink as I sat down in front of the piano. I opened the lid and put my hands on the keys, deciding on what song I was going to play first. I decided on House Of The Rising Sun, By The Animals. I started playing. The first notes were a little awkward, but then the muscle memory kicked in, and I played well enough for the song to be recognizable. Without warning, Enid started singing, her pure, light voice sang the song beautifully. But still the weight of the song, and our lives, could be felt. As we reached the ending, Enid's voice trailed off and the mood completely changed. I looked at her face and saw tears starting to form in her eyes. I don't know how I didn't notice before, but she had blue eyes. In an attempt to cheer her up, I decided to play a happier song. Since she was from California, I thought she would appreciate California Girls, by The Beach Boys. And so, I started playing. I don't think she knew the song since she didn't sing along this time, or she didn't feel like singing anymore, so I started singing for her. My voice is... Not the best singing voice, put nicely. When I started singing, Enid started laughing out loud. There it was again, that beautiful voice. She had such a pure laugh that I couldn't help but smile while I tried to keep singing. When I ended the song, Enid asked me, 'Where did you learn to play like that?'

'It's a gift,' I said. 'Although, years of lessons and annoying my entire family by practicing the entire day, when possibly probably also helped,' I said jokingly.

'Well, either way, it's beautiful. Although you're singing not so much,' she said. Laughing out loud again.

'Thanks. By the way, are you okay? I thought a saw you crying near the end of that first song.'

'Yeah, I'm okay. It's just that my dad always used to play that at the end of dinner, when we were young. I guess I missed that more than I thought.' The sadness in her face returned.

'Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know.'

'That's okay. Do you know any songs that are not for old farts?' she said, trying to lighten the mood.

'I can play by ear, so, sort of. But I generally enjoy older music, before it was all computerized, more. So I never really tried.'

'I get that,' Alycia said as she entered the room. 'Do you know The Long And Winding Road? I love that song, and it's been so long since I heard it, but you don't have to sing.'

'I was that bad, huh?' I laughed as I started playing the song she requested.

As I was playing, Rex started barking. I stopped playing and put my finger on my lips to inform the girls to keep quiet. I gestured for them to get down as I peeked through the window. There was a tall woman dressed like the horned nerds of yesterday walking to the house. I quickly grabbed the hunting rifle I kept near the door, went outside and called Rex inside. When the woman was within earshot, I raised my rifle. 'Hold it right there,' I calmly commanded her.

Unlike the men, the woman did not wear any leather, but instead was naked. She did have long horns covering her breast and pussy, and what seemed to be a tentacle coming out of her ass, but at this angle I couldn't be sure.

'I'm looking for two young women,' the woman said. 'My scouts told me they saw a black car heading this way and your house seems to be the only one in the area, so give them back, and I promise to kill you slowly.'

'I don't know whom you're talking about. Does this seem like a place I would leave? Have you seen what's out there? No way in hell I'm gonna go for a stroll amongst the zombies, when I have everything I need right here.'

'Yes, you do seem to have everything you need,' The woman said as she turned around. Now that she had her back to me, I could clearly see that she indeed had a tentacle coming out of her ass.

'Is that a tentacle?' I asked her.

'Yes, you like it?' She said as she bent over and wiggled her full, round ass for me. 'It's made from real tentacle, see?' She pulled out the tentacle of her ass to show me how she made it. It looked like she had taken an actual octopus's tentacle and glued it on a butt plug.

'That's the most disgusting thing I have ever seen,' I said as my face turned sour. 'And given the fact there are zombies walking around, that's saying something.'

'Enough talk,' the woman said abruptly. She pushed the tentacle back in her ass as she said, 'We both know you have the girls. Hand them over to me and I'll let you live.'

'That's not going to happen. Instead, I'll give you an option. If you're not gone by the count of three, I'm going to shoot you.'

'You wouldn't dare. Do you know how many followers I have!? There are dozens that would avenge me if you would kill me!' The woman said with a cackling laugh.


'You think that I won't just come back with all my men?' her voice started to panic.

'Two.' I raised my gun and aimed at her.

'Alright fine. I'm going, but don't think I won't be back.' she threatened as she turned around to walk away.

'Three.' A loud bang was heard, followed by the woman hitting the ground screaming in pain. 'I told you what would happen. Now get the fuck out of here! If I ever see you, or your henchmen, again I will kill you!' I said with a determined voice.

The woman was crying in pain and didn't respond to my threats. I went back inside and wrote my warning on a note, which I taped to her stomach. Then, I took her by her good leg, and pulled her to the gate, leaving a trail of horns and pieces of tentacle. When I reached the gate, I threw her outside and left her there, naked and crying in pain. While I was walking back, I heard cars pulling up and heard some men take the woman away.


When I went back in the house, Alycia and Enid were gone. I checked their rooms, but they weren't there. Instead of searching every room, I decided to yell that the woman was gone. A shuffling noise came from the attic, and a little later the girls came walking down. 'She's gone now. But I don't think she'll stay away. I have to make some preparations, so they can't get over my moat,' I said to them.

'You have a moat? How did I miss that?' Alycia asked.

'The area I claimed is about six square miles, and last night, when we crossed it, you were asleep. I'll show you around later, but right now I need you to feed the animals. Out back there is a shed with all the feed. After you milked the cows, all you have to do is open the gate to the meadow,' I told them in a hurry. 'I have to make sure they can't cross the moat. I'll be back by the evening. Oh, and don't go into the basement.' With that being said, I left the house.

I went into the garage to fill my truck with tools, when Alycia came to me. 'How the hell are you going to keep them out? We should leave right now,' she told me.

'And go where? They're just gonna keep chasing us anyway. I designed a drawbridge for over the moat, but didn't have any need to install it yet, so I'm gonna do that now,' I said as I loaded up a crate of dynamite.

'What do you need that for?'

'Mostly removing the sand I kept to drive over. I'm also gonna try to put some booby traps in place, so I would stay away from the gate if I were you. I'll be going now, see you tonight.'

'Bye,' Alycia said as I entered the car and drove off.


When I reached the gate, I noticed something strange on the road. As I got closer, I could make out what it was. The cultists placed a small, wooden cross on the road. On the cross they put a coyote, of which they had cut the stomach open, so that its guts hung out in the open. As I saw what it was, I gagged. 'Damn, that's gross. What the hell is wrong with these people,' I muttered to myself. Instead of removing the cross, I decided to move it further down the road, as a way to return the message. After I had done that, I started work on the drawbridge.

By nightfall, I had put up the drawbridge and the contraption that was supposed to move it. All I had to do was remove approximately 72m³ of hard sand. Since time was of the essence, I decided to use a little of the dynamite I brought with me. Unfortunately, this meant that the zombies would be drawn by the noise, and I would have to clear out the moat in the morning. I decided it was worth it, placed a little dynamite in the pile of sand, moved to a safe distance and blew the sand away. The moat wasn't perfectly straight anymore, but it did the job. I checked if the drawbridge worked before heading back. All that was left was to sabotage the bridge, and rig the remaining dynamite across the road to the house. Doubt started to fill my mind about how effective all this would be.

By the time I was back, the girls were already sleeping. I decided to make a sandwich and made a pot of coffee before I went to sit out on the porch with my rifle. It was too dangerous to sleep with the threat of the cultists attacking.


I apparently didn't do a good job at keeping watch, as suddenly Alycia was sitting on a chair next to me, and Rex was lying on the ground on the other side...

'Good morning, sleepyhead,' she said.

'Damn it. I was supposed to stay awake,' I said. 'Sorry. Good morning, Alycia.'

'Why were you supposed to stay awake?'

'Because of those nutjobs. I rigged the bridge to fall when they'll try to drive over it, but that will only stop them temporarily. Maybe we should just get out of here. Who knows how many of them there are.'

Alycia kept quiet to think for a while. 'You know, Enid and I had a look around yesterday. You have freaking solar panels, you're growing food, you have livestock, you have a river flowing through your property. Hell, you even felt like you had the time to go get a fucking piano, because you were bored. I don't know if you know this, but you've hit the mother lode. Life out there is horrible. Never knowing whether you'll have food, constant fear that zombies will eat you, raiders, rapists, some weird cults, apparently. If you don't think what you did yesterday was enough, we'll figure out how to stop them together. I spoke with Enid, and if you don't mind, we would like to stay here with you. Not just because you have a great place, but also because you've been nothing but nice and considerate to us, you even risked your life to save us twice in two days, and in this world that says a lot.'

I was surprised when she told me they wanted to stay. 'Of course, you can stay, but I don't know if we can. There is no way to know how many of them there are, and I don't want to risk our lives because I was foolish enough to take on an army.'

'Except we do know how many of them there are.'

'What? How?'

Alycia leaned over to me, and with a hushed voice said, 'When they had us captured, they kept us in a dark room. The only time that door opened, was when they took Enid. I thought they were going to kill her, but they did something much worse. They brought her to a room that was filled with people that tore her clothes off and felt her up.'

'Wait. You were locked in a dark room, and Enid was surrounded by those creeps. How the hell did you escape?'

'I'm not sure. At some point, Enid opened the door, and we started running like hell.'

'Alright then. Let's go ask her,' I stood up and gave Rex the command to guard the house.

Alycia grabbed my arm. 'Wait. I don't think we should. It has been a very traumatizing experience for her, and I don't think she's ready to talk about it.'

'She'll have to take about it. There is too much riding on knowing how many of them there are.'

Alycia looked at me with a pleading look on her face. 'Please don't,' she whispered, trying holding back her tears.

I sat down, took her hand and looked her in the eyes. 'I get that you don't want her to go through it again, I don't either. But we must know what happened, and how many of them there are.' I said with a soft voice. 'I'll go talk to her alone. That way you don't have to see her go through it,' I handed her the rifle, which she reluctantly took.

As I headed indoors, I heard Enid making breakfast. I halted to look at Enid for a moment. She seemed so happy, which made what I had to do so much harder. 'Enid, can we talk for a moment? It's kinda important.' I said, trying not to sound as depressed as I was.

'Sure, Aron, what is it?' She said with a smile on her face.

I turned off the stove, and pulled back a chair at the table for her, 'Please sit down. You're not going to like this.'

Her smile faded as her face paled. I think she knew what I was going to ask her. I kept quiet for a while, contemplating the best way to phrase my questions. After what felt like an eternity, I started talking.

'Alycia told me about your... 'Stay' with those nutjobs,'

Enid kept quiet. Averting her gaze to the table. I could feel emotions starting to swell inside her.

'I don't think we need the entire story, but there are two questions that need answering,'

Tears started to fill her eyes. She looked me in the eyes, and with a somber voice asked, 'What are they?'

I looked back at her. I hadn't even asked the first question, and I already wanted to stop. It took all the strength I had not to jump over the table and embrace her. Telling her everything would be okay. But I couldn't. I had to ask her. There was too much depending on it.

'You have been in a room with, I assume, most of those fuckers. Can you tell me how many of them there were?'

Enid said nothing for a long time. I could see her thinking about the question, as a tear rolled down her eyes. It hurt me to watch her, she had been so sweet and innocent for the entire two days I had known her. 'About thirty-five,' she said. Holding back her tears as best as she could. 'It was part of a ceremony, so I think all of them were there,' another tear rolled down her cheek as a wave of relief hit me. I feared there would be a hundred of them, but 35? I could handle 35. Especially since 3 of them were already dead.

'Alright then, that's good news. How many of them there were... Not what happened to you, that was horrible,' I rambled nervously. I took some time to regain my composure, before asking the next question. 'This one, although seemingly not as important right now, is still an incredibly important question. How. How did you escape?'

'I'm not sure,' she answered concisely.

'How can you not be sure?' I asked her. 'Can you tell me what happened?'

Enid took a moment before answering. 'They were... They were... Passing me around... Tearing off my clothes... Feeling me up... When... When...' she started to cry.

I got out of my chair and kneeled beside her, taking her in an awkward hug. 'Hey, hey. It's okay. You're safe now. But I need to know what happened, so I can determine how safe this place still is.'

Enid leaned into me and sobbed a couple of more times before speaking. 'Some people crashed a semitruck into the building, and stormed out waving axes and blunt objects around. They started killing the cultists, but after the confusion had died down a bit, the cultists took out their guns and killed all of them. During the fighting, I managed to escape the room, and went to get Alycia. And, well.... You know the rest.'

I hugged Enid properly now. 'Thank you so much for telling me this. I am so sorry I made you go through that, but these cultists will be coming here, and I needed to know if I could take them. Now, go enjoy your breakfast.' With that I stood up, grabbed something to eat and headed outside again.

As soon as Alycia saw me exiting the house, she handed me the rifle and ran inside. She must have heard Enid's crying, but it was necessary for our survival.


I spent the rest of the morning putting up traps on, and around, the way to the house. I say traps, but it was just planks with nails hammered through them so that they were sticking out. There wasn't much more I could do, since I already rigged the dynamite yesterday, so I returned home.

When I got home, Alycia told me that she had taken care of the animals. When I asked if Enid was okay, she told me she went to her room and hadn't come out yet. We decided it was best to let her be for now, and went outside to sit down to discuss what other else we could do to prepare.

'How many guns do you have?' Alycia asked me.

'4 handguns, 2 of those hunting rifles, and an automatic assault rifle. I have plenty of ammo, since I kept gathering it without having much use for it.'

'Okay, that's good. At least we have enough guns.'

'We should try to keep them away from the house. It would be a shame if it got shot up.'

'Yes, the last thing you would want is holes in the to peek through,' Alycia said with a smile.

'What's that supposed to mean?' I said defensively.

'You think I haven't seen you staring at me? Come on, I'm not blind,'

I looked to the ground, blushing. 'Sorry, Alycia.'

'Don't be. I think it's flattering,' she said as she moved her hand on my thigh.

My mind started racing as my dick started to grow. There was no time for anything but preparing for the arrival of the cultists. Alycia leaned over, and whispered sensually in my ear, 'You're not the only one that hasn't been fucked in a long time.' She licked my ear, the feeling, although a little weird, was sensational. I wished she would never stop, but unfortunately, it had to.

I jumped up from the chair, and cleared my throat, and started mumbling, 'We really should go dig a foxhole or something. Not getting shot and stuff, you know?'

Alycia looked at me for a moment. Deciding whether she would get mad at me. 'Yeah, no. I understand. Wouldn't want to get shot now, would we? But are you sure you can go out and dig with that?' she said as she pointed to my crotch.

I got a huge erection without even noticing. My cheeks turned red as I said, 'I think I'll manage,'

'Think I could help?'

I looked surprised.

'With the digging, I mean. Many hands make light work, right?'

'Yeah, sure, we just have to figure out how to position the foxholes. I was thinking about a triangle, so that we can surround them,' my erection started to subside as we were talking business. I think Alycia saw that, as she looked a little disappointed at my crotch.

'Okay, I think we could do that. Although fair warning, Enid and I never killed another person,'

I looked at her with an immense surprise. It had been 4 years since all this, and they somehow managed to not kill anyone in that time. 'Very well,' I said decisively. 'You will take some guns, and hide in the attic with Enid.'

'What? No. We can do it. I can do it,' Alycia said. Determined to be out here with me, when it all would go down.

'No. Even assuming that you won't freeze, I simply cannot allow you to kill someone. That shit will haunt you forever.'

She looked at me, relieved that she wouldn't necessarily have to kill anyone. 'Fine. Then we'll just dig the one hole.'

'Okay then, let's go,'

Around noon, we were done with the hole, and decided we had done all we could to prepare for the cultists' arrival. We went back to the house to park the truck, and took our positions. Enid didn't want to come out at first, so I left Alycia to handle it. Time was of the essence.

We didn't know exactly when they were going to attack. All we knew was that they were coming. And so, I took the assault rifle, a lot of extra ammo and some food. I could be in there for days for all I knew.


It was in the middle of the night. I had been camping near the foxhole two days now. I almost started thinking that they wouldn't show up, although it must be said that it was good, they waited so long as I initially forgot to put the dynamite's detonator in the foxhole. I was struggling to stay awake when I heard cars nearing. I jumped into the foxhole, and grabbed the rifle. The cars stopped.

I think they were trying to come kill us quietly, as they left their cars and came walking, in normal clothes. For some reason, they had left all the horns and other weird stuff at home. This was a problem as it meant the bridge couldn't collapse. My mind started racing as I saw the cultists cross the bridge. I started counting them, there had to be at least 33 of them. There were more than I expected.

At the front of the group was the woman, naked, carried on a chair. She was handed a bullhorn.

'Listen up assholes. We're here to fucking kill you for the shit you pulled, and I'm gonna fucking cum to it!' she screamed into the bullhorn. They must have modified it, because it was deafening for anyone nearby, including me.

They were nearing the dynamite. I had to watch out now that I wouldn't set it off too late. If I did, Alycia and Enid would be in grave danger.

The group stopped walking and dropped some crates on the ground. 'You can come out now, but we're just gonna blow it with you inside anyway, so why bother?' she yelled through the bullhorn.

Some of the men opened one of the crates, and pulled out a missile launcher. When I noticed what it was, I panicked and pushed the detonator.

Although in reality it wasn't nearly as bad, the sound felt like a nuclear missile exploded right in my face. First a shockwave hit me, later followed by the collapsing of the foxhole, burying me underneath a layer of sand. I just managed to dig one arm and face out. A dust cloud caused by the explosion was blinding me and all the cultists. One of them stumbled on my hand. I grabbed him by the ankle and pulled him down. He screamed in fear as he tried to crawl away, but I wouldn't let go of him. He struggled to escape, but as he succumbed to his wounds, he stopped moving. After what felt like an eternity, the dust started to settle I looked around, and felt a sense of relief, as I saw all the bodies. The explosion got them all. I laid my head back down and looked at the house.

My eyes widened as I saw one of the cultists, severely wounded by the explosion, stumbling towards the house. I started struggling to pull myself and the rifle out of the sand. I tried to yell to warn the girls of the danger, but I couldn't hear myself. Instead, my ears started ringing. With all my might I dug myself out using, my free hand. As the man reached the door, I was able to pull myself out of what used to be a foxhole. I tried to raise the rifle to shoot him, but couldn't. I started to feel a sharp pain, as I noticed that my shoulder was dislocated. I dropped the rifle, and started running as fast as I could, with my dislocated arm flopping in the wind. I only had some 200 feet left when I tripped over someone's leg.

The man opened the door. I shouted at him to stop, as fear once again filled me. The man opened the door. In a split-second, Rex flew out, and bit him right in the face, tearing off his nose. The man put his hands up to protect his face, but Rex didn't care. He grabbed the man in his arm and pulled him down. I got up as fast as I possibly could and jumped on top of him. The man tried to push me off, but between Rex pulling on his arm and me punching him in the face with my one good arm, there was little he could do. The man stopped moving, but I didn't stop. By now anger had overtaken the fear inside me and I couldn't stop anymore. Filled with rage, I punched the man until after my knuckles started bleeding. When the rage subsided, I fell down from exhaustion beside his body.


I woke up in my bed with Rex at my feet. As soon as I sat up, he jumped up and started licking my face. 'No, Rex. Get off me,' I tried to command him, but he ignored me and kept licking my face. Eventually, I tried to push him off me.

The door opened as Enid entered the room, wearing a yellow sundress, decorated with white flowers. God, was she a sight for sore eyes. 'Rex. Get off.' she commanded with a stern voice. Rex looked at me as if saying, 'sorry, bro, but I'm not gonna mess with her.'

'How are you feeling?' she asked as she sat down on the bed.

'I feel good, thanks for asking. My arm was dislocated though, did you...?'

Enid looked at me with a puzzled face. 'Oh, that. No, Alycia popped it back in,' she said with a laugh. 'We also cleaned up all the corpses and traps you put down. We didn't know what to do with them, so we threw them in the moat.'

'That's fine, I'll burn them later. Hey, by the way, how long was I out?'

'About a day or two. We came down when we stopped hearing noises. We feared the worst when we saw you down there on the ground covered in blood.'

I looked at myself. 'I'm not covered in blood now.'

Enid blushed, 'I hope you don't mind, but we washed you. You were so gross.'

My dick started to stiffen at the thought of Alycia and Enid washing my naked body. 'No, no, I don't mind. Not at all. In fact, I'm grateful for it. I would hate to lie in bed covered in blood,' I said awkwardly, hoping that she wouldn't see my hard-on, which turned out to be a futile hope.

Enid looked down at the tent forming under the sheets. 'I'm glad to see everything is still working,' she said with a wink.

I cleared my throat and tried to hide my hard-on. 'Sorry about that,' I said awkwardly.

'Don't be. Believe it or not, but I have been waiting for this for a while,' Enid said as she moved on her stomach between my legs, taking hold of my erect dick. I moaned. It had been so long since I had felt a woman's touch. 'You like that, huh?' She said, her voice changed to a sultry tone. She pulled down the blankets and revealed my stiff penis. She gasped a little at the sight of my 7'' erect penis. She grabbed hold of it again and gave it a couple of strokes as she kissed it up and down the length of the entire base. I moaned in pleasure, feeling an orgasm building up already. It had been years since I had a proper orgasm.

Enid started licking the tip of my penis. A feeling of pure bliss overtook me and I came instantly. Enid smiled as thick ropes of cum shot out, right onto her face, as she kept on licking. As the feeling of bliss subsided, Enid stopped. 'You really have been waiting for that one, haven't you?' She said, as scooped up some of my fresh cum and put it in her mouth.


From the author: I was planning on doing a second part, but I can't seem to properly describe the sex scenes. For this reason, I think I won't write a second part. If you re able, and willing, to write the sex scenes, please send me a message so we can work out the details.
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