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We start with Charlotte, a new arrival who has just finished penning a letter to her parents.
Friday, March 24th

Dear Mom and Dad,

I'm doing fine at the girl's home, and this is an amazing facility. We must have a really great doctor to even know about it! I'm here with 12 other young women at the moment, but sometimes there's more and sometimes less, depending. Sometimes there's older women who come in and need extra help too, but right now we're all between 15 and 19 years old here at the home.

The food is really good, but yours is better, mom. I'm not sure how long I'll be here, or should I say we. And I wish you guys could visit, but you know the rules - strict quarantine, no visitors. It's for the best though, really, some of these girls are in pretty delicate health and their babies are even more fragile, some of them. I know you understand. I look forward to calling you more often when I can get a turn at the phone.

Well anyway, they tell me the success rate is really high here (but I guess you've been told that), so I've got my fingers crossed and my St. Gerard medallion on right now. Couldn't hurt, I figure. I've got a lot more time to go, and I'll keep you posted on how I'm doing. Say hello to Roger for me, and don't forget to brush his mane, he really likes that. Give him some extra carrots for me. Talk to you soon!




"Are you ever going to tell them the truth?"

Charlotte just about jumped out of her skin from the sudden voice behind her. "Goddamn it, don't do that! You're gonna give me a heart attack! And how long have you been reading my PERSONAL letter, anyway?"

She turned to glare at her best friend, who grinned. "Long enough to see that you're being vague on purpose again," replied Melissa, whose large, pregnant belly brushed up against Charlotte's shoulder. She rubbed it reflexively. Charlotte's eyes were drawn toward the movement and she sighed.

"I wonder how big I'll get eventually," she said quietly and with a hint of wonder in her voice.

"Hell if I know, girlfriend. You've got a lot of potential there, though."

Charlotte smiled, remembering what the ultrasound had revealed just a few weeks earlier.

"Now me," Melissa continued, rubbing her belly again, "I figure I've got only a little bit more stretching to do considering what's in there, but you never know. The nurses say that all these things turn out differently... no two alike, and all that."

Charlotte admired her friend's shape again, her enlarged womb matching the charts in the exam office for a woman 2 weeks past her due date. "Christ, you know you want to," breathed Melissa, and placed one of Charlotte's hands under her shirt so she could get a good feel. Charlotte closed her eyes and sighed heavily as she rubbed circles on the massive belly, her breath becoming more rapid with each stroke and movement from within.

Then she felt something else... two things, actually. The first was a wetness forming between her legs as she became excited from touching Melissa's pregnancy, and the second was a small flutter in her own grapefruit-sized belly. She held her breath and felt it a second time.

"Wait... wait... I think... there's something moving in me." Her heart skipped a beat as another twitch moved her womb. Melissa just smiled and moved to return the favor, reaching her hands into Charlotte's pants and rubbing her small bulge. The two closed their eyes and rubbed each other for a long time before the dinner bell interrupted what might have been.

They entered the noisy dining hall and Charlotte grabbed a plate, stepping up to the buffet. Most of the dishes were vegetarian, especially considering the clientele of the group home, but a few patrons required meat dishes for the health of their growing youngsters, so there was a nice variety to choose from.

Girls of all shapes, sizes, and colors were filling their plates or eating and chatting, only two of them sitting alone. One was the youngest girl, Kathleen, who was just 14 and seemed very nervous all the time under her shock of red hair. The other was the perpetually brooding Nirvana, the raven-haired goth who wasn't just pregnant - the rest of her body was undergoing changes as the months progressed as well.

Charlotte had gotten up the nerve to try and talk to her a few days ago, but Nirvana had just hissed menacingly, her newly forked tongue flicking between her sharply pointed teeth in warning. Melissa nudged her and Charlotte realized she had been daydreaming while gazing at Nirvana, who looked as though she now had a pretty good start at a slender red and black tail. Shaking her head to clear it, Charlotte caught up with the rest of the line, placing some glazed carrots next to the rice pilaf and herbed bread on her plate.

Nestling into comfortable, oversized chairs with plenty of back support, the two young ladies had just started eating when there was a commotion on the other side of the room. Kathleen had started crying again, and while this was commonplace, the cause of it was not - her belly was suddenly growing at an alarming rate, the buttons of her shirt flying in every direction as they blew free of her blouse, her crying turning into a shrieking wail that threatened to deafen everyone in the room as if she were a banshee.

Nurses in white appeared as if from nowhere and escorted the frantic, enlarging girl out of the room in a large wheelchair. "Nothing to be alarmed about," reassured the last of the nurses on her way out the door. "Seen it before with her type, she'll be okay."

Everyone shrugged and began eating again except for Nirvana who got an even darker look on her already shadowed face as she glided out of the room, her tail flicking like an agitated cat. "Wonder what's bugging Miss Sunshine," quipped Melissa as she sliced into her rare tri-tip, the bloody juices running freely all over the plate and into her rice pilaf.

"Maybe she's scared."

Melissa considered, then softened. "Yeah, maybe. She's got it the worst, that's for sure. Poor thing..." Melissa chuckled. "That's what she gets for invoking demons in her bedroom, eh?" Charlotte smiled sadly and began to enjoy her carrots, Nirvana's fate forgotten for the most part but still in the back of her mind.

Later that night, Charlotte admired herself in her room's full-length mirror, a definite small bulge beginning to show itself in her lower belly, the dark stripe leading from her navel to her pubic hair looking a bit darker. She felt another flutter from inside the bulge, and she rubbed her smooth belly for a few minutes longer as she gazed.

As she lay down on the bed, she thought back to what had gotten her here in the first place. She rubbed her belly again for a moment, then began fingering herself lower as she remembered what it had been like. He had been so gentle with her, so loving. She sighed and began playing with herself a bit more fervently.

Charlotte pretended that she were doing it all over again with him. She could see her breath in the chilly morning air, the warmth of the barn, the smell of fresh bedding and alfalfa, the scent of his body next to hers. She had trained herself to be his lover, and it had taken her months to be ready. Over and over again she had practiced with her stolen toys - first using carrots, then cucumbers, then ears of corn, then larger and larger bottles until she was large enough for him. Because he was certainly large enough for her.

She rubbed her clit harder and harder, her breath ragged as she thought of making love to him for the first time. She played with his penis at first, just to get him ready, but he seemed to know exactly what she wanted. She laid a blanket down on some bales of hay as he nuzzled her, then she readied herself as she laid down on her stomach so that he could mount her.

He did not disappoint. He ran his velvet lips all over her back and shoulders, gently caressing her as the steam rose from his back, then he carefully touched the head of himself to her waiting slit. She gasped with the sensation, then she pushed back, encouraging him. He responded, slowly, gently pushing his tremendous, mushroom-shaped dick into her.

Charlotte moaned in her room as she had moaned then, feeling the huge shape force her pussy wide with its girth, feeling the size of her flesh fulfilling all her fantasies and more. She rocked backward onto him, pushing more and more of it inside herself, and he began bucking slightly to get his cock even deeper inside his lover, grunting with animal lust as he did so.

She came then, cries of wonderment and orgasm echoing throughout her room and the barn both, twin moments in time becoming as one in her mind. Her stud grunted again and, feeling her pussy muscles spasming around his huge cock, he shoved forward and back, half dragging her off the bales as he released his pleasure within her, flooding her stretched cunt with shot after shot of hot cum, their sex scenting the air, steam coming from their union and from their bodies in the frigid barn.

He began to back away, but she grabbed him and clenched her pussy muscles, urging him to stay within her for a while longer. He gladly obliged, and they slowly rocked back and forth for some time, his huge penis moving inside her ravaged slit. Finally, her legs began to weaken and they were forced to resume their places, Charlotte freely letting the warm jism run down her legs as she hugged her lover's neck.

"Oh god, Roger," she breathed. "That was the best fucking of my life. And I can't wait to do it again." Then she curried his fur and brushed and braided his mane, a satisfied look deep down in his gentle, brown, intelligent equine eyes.


A month went by, and Melissa was larger than ever. She strutted around Charlotte's room, her dress abandoned for a better show. By now she was forced to help support her belly with her hands when she didn't use the brace the nurses had given her to wear, and she couldn't have been prouder. The girls were often in each other’s rooms giving each other pleasure with fingers and tongues, a common occurrence in the group home where the staff were known to appear from broom closets looking a bit disheveled themselves.

Suddenly a flash of concern flew across Melissa's face, her eyebrows knitting. "What the...?" A trickle of fluid came from between her legs, and both of the girls looked at each other. Melissa just stood there with a blank expression as Charlotte ran and pushed the red button on the wall. Then the pangs began.

Several nurses rushed into the room and Melissa turned to them. "I think it's coming," was all she managed to squeak out before they whisked her out of the room in a towel-lined wheelchair. Then, just as suddenly as it had all happened, Charlotte was alone in her room, the door clicking shut before her.

She stood there for a few minutes, not knowing what to do, then took a deep breath and decided to catch up with her schoolwork. The private tutor would be by the home in a few hours and she needed to get her math assignment done. But she couldn't think straight. She got out her books and eased into her chair, her growing form bumping into the desk. She frowned at her belly, then scooted the chair back a few inches. She picked up a pencil and tapped it on her forehead a few times, then sighed and looked at the clock. As much as she tried to forget what was happening, it simply wasn't working.

Charlotte began pacing the floor a bit, her eyes flicking up to the clock as if that would help the hands move faster. One hour. Two hours. Three hours. Four hours. And still no news about Melissa. The lunch bell chimed, but Charlotte wasn't hungry.

Another hour went by. Boredom began to set in. She couldn't keep her mind on her schoolwork to save her life, but neither could she continue to watch the clock. Her mind began to wander and she thought about Melissa's enormous, pregnant belly. Her pussy tingled a bit at the thought of it, and she closed her eyes and pretended to rub it. Then she rubbed her own pregnancy, now about the size of a cantaloupe. She had been feeling small movements in the past few weeks, the tiny kicks of her child to be.

But what sort of child would it be? The ultrasound had showed something vague, but definitely not human. Or fully human. It was really hard to tell because the thing had still been so small and the picture so grainy. But there were multiple limbs, and what could have been a face... or a snout?

Charlotte sighed and rubbed her belly again, then moved to the mirror for a better look. She stripped off her roomy blouse and jeans with the stretch panel in the front, then finally removed her underwear and bra. Her pert breasts looked somewhat more rounded... her pregnant belly was pushing outward nicely, especially in profile... and the dark stripe on her belly looked a little fuzzier. The nurses assured her that normal pregnancies sometimes did that too, so she simply shrugged and ran her hands all over herself. Especially all over her mound and into her moist slit.

After she frigged herself to orgasm, she took a shower and then looked at the time again. Only another hour had passed. Would they tell her what had happened? "Probably not, dumbshit... it's not like you're next of kin or something," she said out loud to herself. She dressed again and headed for the front desk where the sweet lady that stopped uninvited visitors from coming in always sat.

"I'd like to know how Melissa's doing, please." The woman stared at her blankly, then shook her head as she flipped through a few computer screens.

"Melissa? You know... Melissa Cooper?" A moment of panic shot through Charlotte's brain. Didn't they have a record of her?

"Oh, yes... here it is. Sorry about that." The receptionist smiled warmly. "Sorry, she's still in the delivery room. But last I heard she was most of the way through it and doing just fine."

Charlotte sighed with relief, then slowly made her way to the rec room. It was quiet, probably because the weather outside was so lovely and there was not much on TV at the moment, and that suited her just fine. She plopped down into an overstuffed armchair, her growing belly forcing her to sit back more than she was accustomed to. She looked down at herself and rubbed it, not really knowing why it felt good to rub her bulge but noticing that most of the other girls usually did the same thing.

"Must be a preggo thing," she thought. Several magazines and a large amount of tiny fetal kicks later (she had begun counting them and keeping the number on a chart in her pocket), a nurse came in to the room.

"You were asking about Melissa?" Charlotte tried to stand up quickly but her belly sabotaged her.

"It's okay, she's fine. And her... um... baby is fine too." The pause before "baby" threw her, then Charlotte realized that it wasn't an indicator of trouble, it was simply the nurse trying to find the right word. She was the newest nurse, so she could be forgiven for the accidental slight against Melissa's child.

"Can I see her? I mean, them?" Charlotte made her way out of the chair at last with the young nurse's help and, she noted secretly, with an appreciative glace from her too.

"Yes... she's already asked for you. You can see Melissa for a few minutes, and her baby is in the nursery for an initial checkup. It's really a wild one!" The nurse laughed. "You can see him... or her... um, we're not sure which it is yet..." she laughed again, "through the nursery window."

Charlotte walked quickly down the hall (they were not allowed to run in the home) and came up to the thick plate glass window. She looked, but all she could see were large, empty beds. Scanning carefully, she finally spotted a rumpled blanket in one of them which seemed to be rising up and down slowly in time to sleepy breathing.

"They must have sedated it," she thought with disappointment. Leaning her head against the glass she sighed, wishing she could see it, when a reddish purple snout poked out from under the white blanket, then the clawed hands lazily pushed the fabric away as the newborn dragon turned over in its sleep.

"Wow..." She stared at the beautiful, shimmering, jewel-like scales for a long time, then, as if waking from a dream she remembered her friend. Charlotte gasped, somewhat ashamed of herself, and quickly strode to the recovery room. A flutter and small kick from within her own belly made her tingle all over.

The door was open, but Melissa looked asleep. A nurse sat nearby her, reading a book. "Um... excuse me?"

The nurse looked up and waved her inside the room. "She's really tired from her long labor, but she may be awake enough to say hello for a few minutes."

As soon as she reached the bedside, she noticed how pale Melissa looked, but her friend opened her eyes sleepily and smiled. "Wow, what a wild ride that was, girlfriend."

Charlotte grinned back and held Melissa's hand. They said nothing for a long time, then finally Melissa sighed. "I can't wait to hold him in my arms. Did you see him?"

"Yeah, he's so beautiful! That's so great... I wonder how big he'll get. And how do you know it's a boy anyway?"

Melissa smiled again. "He told me. In my head," she pointed to her temple for emphasis. "I thought I was hearing something the last few weeks, but it wasn't until he was actually out that I really heard him speaking to me. It was kind of weird, but sorta not weird... I know that makes no sense." She laughed weakly.

Charlotte looked at her with wonder. Would she have the same connection to her own child? "Well sweetie, I gotta get some more sleep. You two go take care of yourselves." Melissa gently touched her friend's enlarging belly and the two sighed at the same time.

"Okay... see you soon. You know where to find me," Charlotte laughed.

Making her way back to her room, she saw the tutor just leaving and realized she'd missed her lessons for the day. Just then, the dinner bell rang and she headed off to eat, her appetite restored.

It was strange to be filling up her plate without Melissa there, and she sat with two of the other girls in order to gossip about Melissa's child. Brandi, a pretty black girl with green eyes and freckles, had been there for about a month and wasn't showing much yet. Mudra, on the other hand, had been there almost a year and was incredibly huge, her olive-skinned belly so distended that she had to sit sideways in order to reach the table. After they had eaten their dinners, Brandi helped Mudra navigate the dining room in her wheelchair and they all said goodbye until later. Charlotte couldn't stop looking at Mudra's pregnancy... would she get that big? Would she carry the baby the human time of nine months or... would it be longer?

The next few months saw Melissa and her dragon child off to a sanctuary in Tibet, and Charlotte missed her terribly. By now Charlotte was becoming fairly large, looking as though she had been through a beach ball fucking accident. It was getting interesting trying to get up from chairs, but she found new positions for her legs to get the most leverage.

Other than missing Melissa, the only other real news of note was the birth of Mudra's baby after an amazing 15 months, and the dramatic time that Father Ramon visited to assist with Nirvana's birth, the lights dimming and flickering off and on the entire time, which made Charlotte's skin crawl because she could guess what was happening in the delivery room. After Nirvana's skin had become jet black and her eyes turned a glowing red, she had been isolated for everyone's protection. Her huge bat wings were becoming a nuisance anyway.

Charlotte's baby within was kicking almost constantly, but especially in the evenings. Sometimes Charlotte would stand in her room naked, gazing at her ever-growing belly, rubbing her tight, soft, rounded flesh. Sometimes she would kneel on the bed and finger herself, turned on by her own pregnant size and shape. She relived her experiences with Roger over and over in her mind, her orgasms shuddering her entire body and especially her swollen womb.

After eight months, she was restricted to a wheelchair most of the time because of her tremendous size, and she too had to sit sideways in the dining hall in order to reach her food. Thoughts of Mudra's 15 month pregnancy echoed in her mind, especially when she felt the growing shape inside herself kick and twist with life. She wondered how much larger she could become, how much longer she would hold the baby in her belly.

At 11 months, Charlotte could no longer stand from the sheer size and weight of her belly. She was forced to go barefoot and wear tent-like dresses when going to the dining room, and the nurses came each evening to give her sponge baths. She especially relished it when they washed her pussy mound, and they obliged happily, sometimes bringing her to orgasm as they kissed and licked her tremendous belly and others came in to watch and masturbate. Sometimes they even drank the milk from her huge, full breasts. Life was good.

Finally, after almost a year of carrying the enormous fetus within, she felt a trickle of fluid run between her legs and a sharp pain in her cervix. Labor had begun.

She pushed the red button in her room as if in a dream, and the nurses took her on a specially-designed gurney, the halls seeming to float by as she glided to the delivery room. It was understood from the beginning that this would be no ordinary delivery, so Charlotte was put under for the cesarean section birth. When she awoke it was as if no time had passed, but she felt lighter and was laying on her back for the first time in at least two months. She looked down groggily and realized she was much smaller - only the size of a normal term pregnancy now, she noted with disappointment. She knew it wouldn't last, however, and whether because of the loss of her pregnant belly or because of the heightened emotions of the event she'd just gone through, or maybe even because of the sedatives, she began to cry.

A kind nurse came into the room and comforted her, apologizing for having stepped out momentarily. "Dear, would you like to see your baby son?" Charlotte, still in a daze, nodded and reached for a tissue. The nurse left again.

Returning a few minutes later with one of the large baby beds (they were on wheels for this reason), the nurse hefted a large, blanket-wrapped form onto the extra-wide bed next to Charlotte. Peeking out of the top was the cherubic face of an infant, plump cheeks crowned by wisps of pale blonde hair, fat hands reaching randomly around, eyes unable to focus just yet.

She brushed her hand over the soft little head, then began unwrapping the rest of his body so that she could see him. She was not disappointed. Just below his chest, the golden fur began, and she cried with delight and joy as two perfect, tiny horse hooves poked out from inside the blanket. The nurse helped to unwrap him completely, and Charlotte carefully positioned her son so that he could nurse on her ample breasts as she stroked his body, his fuzzy little horse tail flicking back and forth as he suckled.

"He's the most beautiful little centaur we've ever seen," beamed the nurse.


Next we have Rosita a new arrival at the group home.

As one of the hostesses of the St. Francis of Assisi Group Home, the pretty Japanese nurse Miyoko was ready to warmly welcome the latest arrival. Right on time the little red compact pulled up the circular driveway to the patient unloading area, and she watched through the big glass front doors as the brown-skinned teenager was helped from the back seat. Miyoko noticed her size appreciatively and had a flash of desire - she was turned on by pregnant women. She really loved her job here at the halfway house.

The girl rubbed her big belly as she walked awkwardly through the front door with her mother. Miyoko greeted them with a warm smile and put out her hand to the little Hispanic woman, who looked at the floor instead.

"Mama doesn't want to be here... she's very uncomfortable. I'm sorry, she doesn't mean to be rude. I'm Rosita."

Miyoko smiled again and said, "Welcome to St. Francis Rosita! I'm afraid your medical file hasn't come in from Mexicali yet, but we were alerted that you'd be here today. Your room is ready. Should I have someone get your bags?"

She flushed, a reddish tinge making her warm bronze skin even lovelier. "I... don't have any. Just this one..." she added quickly, holding up a small battered carry-on suitcase.

Nodding, Miyoko smiled again and opened up the registration book. "Mrs. Hernandez, would you sign here for your daughter?"

Rosita translated, and the older woman scribbled what might have been her name next to the "X" that the Japanese woman pointed at.

"Okay, and now you, Rosita." The teen signed on the next line, then just stood there unsure of what to do.

"That should do it," said Miyoko reassuringly. "Okay, it's time, Rosita."

The pregnant girl hugged her mother, who appeared to only half return the hug, but there were tears in her eyes. They stood together for a moment more, then the older Mexican woman turned and walked out the big glass doors, her shoulders a little more slumped than when she came in. Nothing was said as they watched her drive away, but when Miyoko looked over, Rosita had tears in her eyes too.

Guiding her through the next set of double doors, the hostess showed the new arrival to her room and chatted with her in a friendly manner as she helped her unpack and get settled. She explained the daily routine of the home, told her about mealtimes and the remote to make the bed go up and down, then excused herself.

"Such a nice girl," thought Miyoko to herself.

Over the next month, the outgoing and friendly Rosita made many friends among the other "special" girls in the home. One evening, a couple of weeks after her arrival, Miyoko visited her to see if she wanted to play cards. Rosita cheerfully accepted, and they sat together on the big comfortable bed. After several hands, the conversation turned to Rosita's home village on the Baja peninsula. Her family was well known in the area for their excellent goat cheese and chevon meat, and Rosita herself owned part of the herd. She described how she missed getting up at sunrise while the dew was still out to milk the goats, the smell of their warm furry bodies and the alfalfa feed and taking care of the baby kids especially. In fact, she was taking care of one of her goats when all this happened... then she stopped short and blushed at the thought of the event.

Miyoko gently prodded. She could go access the girl's records, but it was always more interesting to hear them tell their stories. Rosita blushed a bit but continued, welcoming the fact that this friendly nurse seemed to want to hear about it rather than reviling her as her mother had.

"So I was out in the barn waiting for one of my goats to give birth. I saw a little bit of wetness at her opening, so I figured she was close, but sometimes it can take hours. After a long time I had to pee, but my goat seemed more and more upset, so I thought maybe it was almost time. I didn't want to go all the way back to the house, because the barn is a long way from there, so I decided to go off in a corner of the barn and pee in the straw.

"I had just finished peeing when..." Rosita turned a deeper shade. Miyoko took her hand and said, "It's okay, you can tell me. This place is full of interesting stories like yours." Rosita looked into her eyes - her story was... interesting?

"Um... okay..." She took a deep breath and continued. "I was just standing up to pull up my panties when something slammed into me. And I mean... INTO me. Like some huge guy was raping me or something. But it didn't hurt, it just scared the hell out of me and knocked me over. So there I was, face down in the straw..."

Miyoko waited a moment, then urged her on with a smile. "I AM a nurse, remember?" She was starting to get turned on from hearing the girl's story.

Rosita smiled back. "Right. Sorry." She cleared her throat. "Okay, so I feel this thing inside me like a big dick... I mean, penis..."

"Describe it however you want... just because I'm a nurse doesn't mean I don't like an exciting story, if you know what I mean." Miyoko smiled warmly again. She had a knack for engaging smiles. She undid the top button on her white blouse, her hardening nipples visible beneath the semi-sheer fabric. "Please, go on. I want to hear all of it."

Rosita understood. She had seen enough open-mouthed kissing between the nurses to know that a lot went on behind closed doors at the home. Sometimes, late at night, she wished she were one of those nurses. She stared at the enticingly erect nipples.

"Um... okay... so this cock thing is in me... and I feel it getting bigger deep inside. Really, really big. Then I start getting pulled backward by my pussy because the big thing inside me has got me stuck together with it and there's no way to get it out. Does that make sense?"

Miyoko wordlessly nodded, her breathing beginning to deepen through her parted red lips.

"So I get pulled backwards and then I'm pulled right up against the goat's butt. Then this giant thing starts going inside me even more and I get a little cramping like my period is coming. Not too bad, but enough that it's distracting and I can't tell what's really happening. So I'm trying to figure out what the hell is going on, how this big thick thing can still be going in me because I can feel it pushing in like a big worm muscle. Then the cramping stops and I can suddenly feel it under my belly skin - it took me a minute, but I figured out that it was going in my belly.

"It seemed like forever that I was standing there, my pussy up against this goat pussy, with some big thing going in, and going in, and going in, like it's never going to stop. And I can feel my belly growing too, this big thick thing going into my pussy, and filling up my belly... just like forever..."

Rosita trailed off and looked down at herself, then ran her hands over her swollen body accidentally (or was it?) brushing her breasts. "It felt so good..." she whispered. Miyoko watched her, then realized that the thong she was wearing felt slippery. After a moment, Rosita continued.

"Eventually it was over and I looked like I was with child. I tried to tell my mother what happened, but she wouldn't listen. After a month, when I was bigger than ever, she took me to the doctor. I couldn't tell him what had happened, but he insisted on doing an Xray or something... a sound something. Then he looked really pale and looked like he was going to be sick. Nobody would tell me what was going on. The next day my mother tells me that she's sending me here. I have no idea how I got in here. I mean... it must cost more to stay here for a month than we make in a year."

Miyoko took a deep breath to bring herself back to her senses and smiled again. "Oh, we have a sliding scale. And an anonymous benefactor. Don't worry about the money." She hugged the girl and got up to leave, sweeping the cards into a neat stack.


"Yes hon?"

"I just wish... I wish I could have seen it. What it was. Before it went inside all the way."

The Japanese nurse just smiled and nodded, then went out to get a snack before making her rounds.


A month later, Miyoko was on the evening shift when she saw the call light go on from Rosita's room. Knowing that the girl was getting big enough that movement could be uncomfortable sometimes, she figured she just needed another pillow and didn't hurry but was still concerned - this could be it.

She opened the door and found the hugely pregnant teen laying naked on her bed in a pale sweat. Miyoko rushed to her side, her short, pleated skirt rustling around her thighs.

"Oh my god, Miyoko," she panted and gasped, "I think it's time. I've been having these mild cramps since yesterday... ungh... oh god... and now... now I feel like I need to push it outtttttt..... uhhhhhh..."

Her belly, which looked better than nine months pregnant, rippled with effort. Realizing that there was no time to get her to the delivery room, Miyoko quickly stuck two fingers up the girl's vagina to check her cervix - it was opening up. She spun around to grab the short rolling stool nearby and her exam penlight flew out of her shirt pocket.

"Goddamn it!" She quickly bent over to retrieve the implement and heard Rosita cry out loudly behind her. Suddenly, something slammed into her exposed crotch.

Gasping with shock, Miyoko sprawled forward, catching herself before her face hit the floor. Instantly a large shape had pushed aside her skimpy thong and thrust itself deep into her pussy. Now on her hands and knees, the Asian woman could feel a huge knob growing quickly inside her cunt and she knew what was happening. One thing consumed her mind - she had to watch it.

She managed to grasp the stool and flip her leg over the huge tentacle. Gasping again with a mixture of pleasure and amazement, she could feel the muscular rope pulling her closer to Rosita's crotch as she watched it work. It was bright orange and covered with fat red veins that added to the texture and sensation inside her tunnel. Her own excited juices combined with the slime that coated the 2+ inch thick shaft that joined the women, and within seconds their pussy lips were kissing, their clits rubbing deliciously together. Rosita groaned and panted on the bed, her body twitching with pleasure, and Miyoko could feel the thing beginning to push its way into her womb. She came hard, crying out and moaning loudly, then she heard Rosita's orgasm a few moments later.

"Oh god... I can feel it... I have a DICK... ohmygod ohmygod ohmygod.... uhhnnnnhhh...... oh god, let me fuck your little Asian slit... so good.... uhhh... uhhh... YES!!! Shit yessssss.........!!!"

They both continued to orgasm in waves as the great tentacle crawled and worked its way into Miyoko like a tremendous earthworm, a muscular, pulsing movement which seemed to last for hours. Between orgasms, Miyoko managed to pull apart her pussy lips and could see the huge fire-colored shape sliding inside as her belly grew bigger and heavier by the minute.

"Oh god... Rosita... unhhh.... you can see it... unghhh..."

The girl sat up and shivered, then saw what Miyoko was doing and pulled apart her own lips to see. Shuddering with pleasure at the sight, her eyes rolled back and she came again, her back arching, her mouth open in a silent scream of passion. Miyoko rubbed her swelling shape and encircled the obscene creature with her other hand so she could feel its muscular movements and the shape of its surface.

All too soon it was over - the worm was out of Rosita. She sighed deeply and sank back onto the mattress as Miyoko felt the bulbous knot in her cunt shrink and withdraw up through her cervix. The whole thing was deep inside now... she was pregnant with it.

She looked at Rosita and blinked. She still looked pregnant. Smaller, yes, but at least 6-1/2 months of size. Was the girl still carrying something?

Miyoko felt a great snake-like shape twist and move inside her body as if getting comfortable, then it lay still. Rosita finally managed to sit up, propping herself with a pillow, then her eyes flew open as she saw the nurse. Coming out of her orgasmic euphoria, the realization of what had happened hit her like a ton of bricks.

"Holy shit! Miyoko! You're... it's..."

"Yeah... looks like that thing got me preggers too." Then more quietly, almost reverently, she said, "Oh my god, it feels so good to be full again." She smiled and closed her eyes, hugging her beautiful belly. She noticed that her blouse was too tight and undid the buttons. The short little pleated skirt had an elastic waistband, but even that was uncomfortable now so she took it off, ripping it in order to slide it down over her new shape. Her big brown nipples stood at attention through her sheer bra, and Rosita was transfixed. Then she felt something moving.

"But... there's still something in me!" Forcing herself to come out of her own dreamy state, Miyoko tried to switch to nurse mode. She felt the teen's belly and could tell that there was still a large snake-like shape in her womb, the same size as the one now inside her own.

"Yeah... I don't know what to tell you Rosita. There's still something in there, and it feels like the same thing, like a big snake... or whatever the hell it is." "Well... but... I can't be pregnant forever, right?"

"Well..." Miyoko looked bewildered, then thought of her own swollen belly. "I don't know. I guess time will tell... for both of us." Then she remembered something Rosita had said when they were locked together.

"Hey... why did you say you had a dick?"

"I... I don't know how to describe it. I could feel it happening... entering you, like it was part of me... Wait... you know, in the past couple of days I had the feeling more and more like I could feel the inside of myself. Every time the thing would move around, I could feel it from the inside, like it was part of my body. Does that make any sense?" She laughed. "As sensitive as my fingers... when it moved, I could somehow feel it rub up against my womb like I was doing it... I could feel the shape of it touch itself like a big snake all coiled up... I could feel every bump and vein on its body as it twined around... that probably doesn't make any sense." "No, I think I get it... it sort of sounds like it bonded with you somehow, but not physically like contact with your nerves or something. I think for some reason you could feel what it was feeling while it was still in contact with you. You can't feel it now, can you?"

"No, the second it was out, the feeling was gone. But if there's another one still in me, why can't I feel that?"

"I have no idea. I can't feel anything with mine either."

Baffled by the entire situation, they talked for a little while longer, then Rosita fell asleep and Miyoko went out to change her uniform. It was after dinner so most of the staff was gone and the girls were in their rooms, but when she passed the nurses' station the other nurse on duty gaped - there was Miyoko walking by, waving and smiling, suddenly over six months pregnant with no skirt on, wearing a wet thong, and her unbuttoned blouse exposing her nice hard brown nipples. The nurse flushed with desire and her breathing deepened. She loved her job at St. Francis'.

The next morning the entire nursing staff was buzzing. When Miyoko finally came back to work that evening she was assaulted with questions as to what had happed to her. It took several minutes to make it back to the main nurse's station since everyone wanted to touch her belly and a couple of them just had to tweak her perky nipples too.

"Goddamn, Miyoko... you're such a lucky bitch!" Red cupped her breasts and stared at the Japanese woman's pregnancy. "Call for assistance next time, eh?"

"Red, you're such a pervert," laughed Miyoko. They all laughed hard at that one... weren't they all?

"Shit yeah... I think this is the greatest job in the universe. I can't believe they pay us for this! But what a fringe benefit, complete with real fringe," joked Tiffany.

After a few minutes, Leigh had a thought. "Hey... if it happened to the girl, and it happened to Miyoko... maybe the thing will want to mate again. Wow, I hope I'm around to get the chance." Several heads nodded, a few of them blushing. "Do you know if there's a way to tell when it's coming back out?"

Miyoko thought for a minute, then said, "Yeah, I think there might. She hit the call light and when I got there she was already sweating and ready to pop. She also said she'd been having a little cramping and... get this... could feel what the creature felt, like it was an extension of herself. She said she could feel the inside of her own womb."

The nurses looked at each other. Tiffany licked her lips. Finally Red cleared her throat.

"I want to know when it's coming. Will you tell us? We can use that room if it's still empty." She pointed across the hall to a closed door. Several of the other nurses nodded in agreement - they wanted it so badly. "But shit... how will we decide who's next?"

They considered for a little while, threw out ideas, then Miyoko decided.

"When it's time, we'll all run in there and sit on the floor in a circle, no panties, legs spread. The creature can decide who it wants." All in agreement, they hugged (some of them kissed) and then reluctantly got to the night's duties.


Three months later it was a hot Indian summer night. Rosita felt it beginning to happen again, so she steadied herself and pushed the nurse call button.

Nobody came.

She pushed it again, but the creature was already starting to come. All she could do was lay back and let it happen, feeling it touch the end of the bed, then the cold tile floor, then the dry, dry carpet as the huge serpent worked its way across the room. Rosita could feel everything as long as the tail end was still inside her, and she could feel it recoil from the carpeting, searching for a dark, wet hole to plow into. It was starting to itch... where the hell were the nurses? Then it started to burn. Crying, she tried to reach the call button again but couldn't reach it. She started screaming... it was burning!! Then it was suddenly over.

She sat up and looked down at the thing, writhing on the floor in pain. She pushed the button again frantically, screaming for help, and finally one of the nurses burst through the door. But it was too late. The last of its death throes twitched itself out, and the shriveled form on the floor lay still. The nurse was frozen with shock, the silence broken only by Rosita's sobs. Her beautiful child was dead.

Later in the evening Miyoko entered her room, her trademark smile nowhere to be found. Seeing her, Rosita burst into tears anew, the strong-willed girl finally allowing herself a bit of softness. She touched and kissed Miyoko's belly, which was now the size of a 9-month pregnancy, and the nurse hugged and rocked her. They sat together in silence for a long time, then Rosita got herself together and spoke.

"There's still something there, Miyoko... inside me, I mean. There's another one."

Miyoko had her lay down, and saw that yes, she was back to her original 6-1/2 month-sized belly. Her delicate Asian fingers pressed firmly into the teen's belly and found that it did indeed contain another worm-like creature. But it seemed softer, less muscular. She smiled.

"You see? You'll be a mother again... I'm sorry this happened, but there's hope for the next one. We'll just be sure you have a 24/7 attendant this next time. Okay? Just be sure you let us know when you can feel things from the inside, and we'll know it's close."

"Okay." She blew her nose and got a glass of water. When she came back, Miyoko was rubbing her own swollen belly.

"It's an amazing feeling, by the way. You know Rosita, it measured over 10 feet long. Isn't that incredible?" The brown-skinned teen nodded and smiled a little, knowing that another 10-foot length of delicious serpent was still inside her. "They also came up with a theory based on what you felt and what happened. The doctors figure that the reason it draws up the two hosts together is to keep wet, because to dry out is quickly fatal."

"That makes a lot of sense... poor thing." Her voice was turning husky again at the memory of what she'd seen on the floor.


The next evening Miyoko was distracted and edgy. She kept bumping into things with her huge belly and sat down frequently. The cramps were beginning. She called the nurses to the station and announced that she was close. Four of them followed her into the empty room across the hall. She closed the door behind them. It was about to happen.

Excited, they quickly took off their panties and sat down in a circle, spreading their legs so that their feet touched. Shivering with anticipation (and partly because her naked ass was on a cold tile floor), Red hiked up her tiny, pleated skirt to fully expose her curly mound. Miyoko began to sweat and breath more quickly.

"Oh god... here it comes..."

A moment later the red-veined tentacle snapped out like a frog's tongue, taking the woman across the circle. Tiffany gasped and jumped as the knob penetrated deeply, then closed her eyes and moaned as she felt it quickly enlarging, locking her together with it. There was no turning back now.

"Holy shit!" Exclaimed Tiffany. "It's getting huge in my pussy! And... fuck... it's going deeper... my belly... inside... my... ungghhhhhhhh..........!!!"

When she started coming down from her orgasm, she realized that she was now pressed up against Miyoko in the center of the circle, and twitched with aftershocks as she felt the tremendous worm working its way deep into her womb. They held each other and began to kiss, sharing the incredible sensations, then began rubbing each other's clits. Panting into their partner's ear as they came together, they rocked their hips together rhythmically as if Tiff were getting a load from Miyoko's huge cock.

All too soon it was over, and the Asian nurse collapsed backward with a satisfied sigh. Tiff sat in the middle of the floor panting and cradling her belly. The other nurses sat openmouthed in silence, two of them fingering their slits deeply.

"Goddamn it," whispered Red. "You'd better fucking let me have it next time."

Everyone smiled, especially Tiffany.


The next day, Rosita's call light went on again. Miyoko was there, and so was Tiffany, so the two women went in together to check on her. A large amount of dark orange fluid was starting to come from her slit, and Miyoko ran outside to get a gurney.

"Oh my god... she's bleeding to death," she whispered to herself. Running past the nurse's station, she yelled over to Leigh, "EMERGENCY ROOM, STAT!" then burst into Rosita's room.

Rosita looked nervous but basically okay. The Mexican girl said that there was no pain, and that she felt fine, no lightheadedness or anything. Miyoko still hustled her onto the rolling bed and they shot down the hall toward the emergency room, Tiffany trailing behind since she was still getting used to her suddenly heavy belly.

Once there, the doctor determined quickly that it was not blood at all. Rosita still appeared to be fine. After a few minutes, however, things changed.

"Hey... hey... I feel something coming... pressure... I need to push...!"

She closed her eyes and grunted, and a moment later a rust-colored egg emerged from between her legs, covered in orange slime. It was about the size of a goose egg and was unusually heavy. A minute later, she pushed again and another egg slid out of her pussy. Puzzled, the doctor and nurses simply took the eggs as they emerged, wiped them clean, and placed them in a towel-lined warming tray. Again and again the large eggs were forced from Rosita's slit until 14 of them were resting with their siblings in the tray. Another gush of dark fluid, and the event appeared to be over.

"You know what..." said Rosita with a bit of wonder in her voice... "I don't think there's anything inside me now."

Soon her suspicions were confirmed - Rosita was empty for the first time in months. Taking a chance, the doctor x-rayed one of the eggs and saw a small snake-like creature tightly coiled inside, complete with a bulbous "head" on one end. After much discussion, it was decided that if the usual form of mating failed, it would trigger a different type of reproduction in the form of eggs that can be kept moist within themselves for future opportunities.


Two months later, Rosita said her tearful farewells as the little red car parked in the circular driveway as before. Miyoko and Tiffany waved as she carried the battered suitcase in one hand and hugged a toy stuffed snake in the other. Then they turned to their nurses' duties.

At lunchtime, the women met up in the lounge, their matching bellies looking like they were eight months along. "Miyoko, is it me, or is there a lot of movement in here?" Tiffany pointed to her swollen womb.

"I was thinking that too. It's almost like..." She grew thoughtful. "...Like there's two of them. I wonder... it makes a lot of sense..."

Tiff couldn't stand it. "What does? You're driving me nuts!"

"Okay... what if the reason the host... " She shivered when she said the word "host", it was so deliciously alien and naughty. "...stays big & preggo after the thing comes out is that there IS two of them? What if it reproduces by dividing into two, and if it can't hit another pussy, its defense mechanism for survival is to lay eggs and then die? It would explain the huge amount of goo that came out of Rosita too."

Tiffany considered, then agreed that it made a lot of sense. They brought the idea to the head doctor and he also agreed that it was a likely scenario.

Another month later and the "alien roulette," as it came to be called, was on. Every available woman who wanted to get the chance piled into the two empty rooms - Miyoko in one, Tiffany in the other, seated in a circle, legs spread, panties off, little pleated nurse skirts hiked up. Two of them were rewarded, the creatures finding new homes quickly as the festivities began.

Three months later, the four of them were ready to pass on new creatures. One of them had hers early, at home before she could make it to work, and told the sad tale of its demise since she lived alone.

Later that day the other three were getting empty rooms ready, but Janice was nowhere to be found. She had a habit of being late, but there was nothing Miyoko, Tiffany or Red could do about it - the creatures were coming whether she was here to take part or not.

In Miyoko's room, things were getting tense and pussy lips were being spread in the hopes of making a better target. Just as she was moaning "here it comes!" Janice burst into the room and sat down in the circle across from her. The beautiful orange tentacle shot out and slammed into her crotch... but she had made a fatal mistake. Janice had forgotten to remove her panties first, and the beast could not penetrate. It quickly began to writhe on the cold floor, and within minutes it was over.

"I can't believe I was so stupid! God DAMN it!!!" She smacked herself in the head a few times before one of the others grabbed her hands. Nobody said anything. They were all sorry it had happened, but Miyoko lightened the mood.

"Ah well... in a couple of days I get to pop out some nice fat eggs and take a break from being preggers. It'll be a good change. For a while..." She smiled warmly. Everyone felt better and wandered into the hall, then they saw the bellies of the two new participants in the mating ritual. There were now six women that looked deliciously large, their shapely pregnant bellies getting lots of attention from everyone.

Like clockwork, in two days Miyoko had her eggs, enjoying the feeling of the large, hard, smooth shapes as they passed through her slit, forcing her wide open. Later, when the last of the dark orange fluid was gone, she had a moment to recover in one of the rooms and write in her journal.

"...It appears that it doesn't take much to prevent impregnation from the creatures - a simple pair of cotton panties will do it. Also, I think that if every woman in the world wanted to have the things inside them they could... there's nothing to stop an endless cycle of dividing, birthing and growing if you already have one, as long as there's a willing pussy nearby when you're ready to do it. Or when the snake is ready anyway... it's hard to separate yourself from it when you can feel everything it feels at the moment it slams into your partner's cunt. I love that feeling so much. That big knob on the end of your huge cock that swells up when it's buried deep in her pussy, then the feeling of crawling up through the little hole at first, then you get bigger and fatter as your muscles force her open so you can work your way into that beautiful dark womb and fill up her belly. Hell, I'm getting wet just thinking about it... I wish the whole world could feel that. Maybe someday every woman will get her turn. Maybe someday the whole world at once will be full of the things without a barren belly anywhere. Wow, what an amazing thought. Three months seems so far away... God, I hope I'm chosen again."

### End
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