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The Wexford Manor School for Girls changes with the times adding sex education to its circular. And Gail Watson is given the task of devising how the course will be taught.
Wexford Manor- School for Girls


Wexford Manor was nestled in the mountains away from the sounds, smells and temptations of the city. Originally built as the home for the family of a wealthy railroad tycoon to keep his family safe as he followed the iron horses as they grew across the country in the middle of the 19th century. It became a welcome retreat for the Wexford family as the industrial age expanded the cities and the dangers that came with that growth. Early in the last century the last of the Wexford’s, Lady Emma, willed the estate to a foundation with the goal of turning the house and its grounds into a proper school for girls where societies best could be properly prepared for life among the elite.

The school was opened before the Second World War and catered to the wealthy and powerful. Their daughters would be sent to be properly educated so when they graduated they could properly stand next to their families and husbands with grace, charm and a firm understanding of their role in society. The school fulfilled its mission for several decades turning out women of power and grace, many of whom could stand strong on their own but sought to join with other families of power to maintain the status of their elite blood lines.

However, as the world changed to a more technological place influence of old money began to lose its power and new blood was emerging among the rich. Along with the new blood came new standards and ideas of what Wexford should be. The school maintained its dignity for years until a series of high profile incidents began to make the leadership begin to rethink its place in the education of the girls placed in its care.

The first incident occurred more than twenty years ago and was looked upon as an isolated situation. A daughter of a prominent conservative politician got pregnant while in college and it hit the papers like a storm. Her yearbook pictures from Wexford were pasted over the tabloids giving the school a black eye but did little to lower the trust the parent had in the quality of the education or preparation of their little girls to face life in high society.

Recent years have created new worries that caused the parents and board of regents for the school to look very hard at the school and the programs it teaches. Three years ago the graduation classes started to experience an alarming increase in the number of embarrassing and shocking incidents. The number of unwed pregnancies increased to 4 three years ago, to 6 the following year and to 9 last year, a full half of the graduating class that year. Many of the girl’s families were able to shelter the girls from the press but a few each year hit the tabloids and led several families to wonder about the school and its teaching. They asked if Wexford still fit in as a school in this modern age and was their mission still valid in today’s world.

Chapter 1

Gail Watson left her faculty apartment at the end of the senior class dormitory and headed across the campus toward the Wexford house. The old homestead of the Wexford family served as the administration building for the academy and housed the offices of the schools deans and the chancellor. She had been called in for a meeting with the chancellor over a topic that has not yet been shared with her. She had only met the chancellor a few times and only talked in depth during her interview for the job as an elementary level teacher almost three years ago when she was fresh out of college.

Gail had received her degree in elementary education and was contacted by Wexford Manor at the recommendation of an alumnus of the academy. She was young, cute and definitely did not fit in with the older teachers that made up most of the staff at the school. She still had her youthful figure that she enjoyed showing off in her conservative but form fitting outfits. She was beginning to thinks she made a mistake by coming to the academy to teach as she had few friends until she met the man who would become her husband, the IT specialist Steve Watson.

Gail left her new husband to finish unpacking into the apartment assigned by the school to the couple. She was surprised to be placed with the senior girls since she was an elementary teacher and married as well. The school usually assigned the older single more matronly teacher to be the “House Mother” to the older girls. Bring the youngest teacher on the campus by almost 6 years it really surprised Gail to be assigned to mentor the older girls. In addition she got married early in the summer to Steve and the married teachers rarely were placed in charge of a house. It has happened a few times over the recent years as more and more married teachers came to work at the school and the availability of single female teachers was too low to cover all nine dorm floors.

The school had a single dorm floor for each class from 4th grade through 12th. The dorms consisted of three buildings each with three floors. There were ten rooms on each floor with 2 girls in each room, a study hall at one end, bathrooms and a lounge with a television that only played what the school deemed to be appropriate and an apartment for the teacher or staff member that watched over the floor at the opposite end of the hall. The maximum class size was capped at 20 due to the space in the dorms and for most classes there was a waiting list to get into the school.

Gail was only expecting 14 girls this fall as seniors and hoped the lower numbers would make taking care of the house easier. The girls took care of their own floors including all the cleaning and basic chores. Gail was the house mother for the 4th graders the past two years and found it to be fun and helped keep her busy so far from civilization. She had thought about moving back closer to the city as she missed the company of friends and others her age but when she met Steve her ideas changed. He was a few years older that she was but full of energy and life. She found him to be a great match for her and had an uncanny ability to make her feel good.

Gail entered the Wexford house and was met warmly by the receptionist Mrs. Finnegan, an older Irish lady that always seemed to have a smile on her face. She directed Gail to take a seat and called into the chancellor’s office to let him know she was there. A short time later, Mrs. Finnegan directed Gail to a large oak door at the end of the hall way. As Gail approached the door opened and was held open for her by Dean Miller, dean of the students for the grades 9 to 12. Gail did not have much to do with Mr. Miller as her classes were watched over by Dean Roberts who took care of the grades 4-8. Chancellor Grey sat in his large leather chair behind a large mahogany desk. He looked stern and imposing as he motioned Gail to take a seat.

Gail began to worry with streams of wild thoughts racing through her head. Were they going to reassign her to teach high school? She was only trained in elementary education and was not prepared to reach any other grades. She looked nervously around the room as Dean Roberts closed the door and took a position standing off to the right behind Chancellor Grey.

“Thank you for coming Ms. Hall, or excuse me, Mrs. Watson. Congratulations on your nuptials.” Mr. Grey started

“Thank you, sir.” Gail answered

“We have asked you here to talk to you about a special project that we feel you may be the right person to facilitate. Let me fill you in on some background information first.” Mr. Grey said firmly. “Wexford Manor has established itself as one of the finest institutions for preparing young ladies to enter the world with class, sophistication, and decorum. It has served those who had sent their children her for the past 75 years very well and, until recently, with great success. Recent years however has led the Regents to review the school and the curriculum to see if it fits the currents needs of the students.”

“As you may know there have been several incidents where Wexford graduates have acted in less than proper ways and have resulted in embarrassing results for both the families involved and for Wexford Manor as well. The increase degree in inappropriate activities by the graduates of the academy has led us to look to making changes in the curriculum for a few of our social classes. One team in looking to revamp our coursed on drug and alcohol use and increase our efforts to get our graduates to make commitments to stay away from the pitfalls that come from their use.” Mr. Grey continued. “A second focus is to look at our schools sexual education program. To date that has been a basic course on sexual transmitted disease and reproduction.”

“The Board of Regents for the school feels that the course work for the school in this area needs to be broader to help the girls assimilate better into the world after school and avoid the pitfalls that come from the lack of experience in these areas.” Mr. Gray added obviously nervous about the direction the topic was taking him. “Do you think you could help us in this area?”

Gail took in what he said and failed to see how she could help. “Do you want me to be on a committee to review our Sex Ed classes? I guess I can help with that. It is not my area of study but I am willing to help the school in any way I can.” Gail replied

Dean Roberts stepped forward. “Mrs. Watson, we would like you to create a new curriculum for the Sex Ed classes. We hope that your background in secular education in both high school and college may help to identify what the girls truly need to enter the world and avoid the embarrassing situations that plague our recent graduating classes. We have had 19 girls in the past three years get pregnant within 9 months of leaving Wexford. This indicated they leave here without the basic understanding of their bodies and how to properly respond to the pressures that come with the freedoms of college life.” Dean Roberts said

“We need you to get to know the girls and figure out what they need to be successful after they are out of Wexford Manor. You will have until the last quarter of the school year to create your curriculum for the class. You can submit any needs for materials directly to me or Chancellor Grey. We could like to see an outline of where you see this going within the next month but we hope you can help us to find a way to better prepare the girls for the future.” Dean Roberts added.

Gail sat back and pondered what the two men had said. Nineteen girls pregnant in the past three years is almost a third of the entire class. Are the girls that careless or lazy to allow that to happen? Gail now understood why she was with the senior class of girls. It gave her a chance to get to know them so she could better tailor the class to their needs.

“I guess I could work on this for you. I hate to think of that many girls getting into trouble and knowing that we could do something about it with one class.” Gail replied

“That is our view as well. We want the course to be on safe sex education. You can draw on your own experience to help identify what the girls need to enter the world and avoid the problems we have seen recently. We are going to ask you to keep this course work between the three of us. It is to remain confidential for as long as we can. I do not think all the faculty would agree with the direction we are taking and we do not need to make waves until necessary.” Chancellor Grey added

“Of course sir, I will keep this just between us and I will call to set up an appointment to review my starting outline when I come up with one.” Gail said as she stood and turned to exit the room. Dean Roberts smiled at her as he opened and held the door for her and she headed toward the door. She went down the front steps and onto the lawn toward her dorm wondering how she was going to accomplish this assignment.

Chapter 2

Gail returned to her apartment with her mind racing. What kind of class could she make that would meet the requirements that the Chancellor and Dean Roberts has specified? She looked back over her own experiences and she had avoided the problems by being scared by friend’s close calls and avoiding risky situations. That is not to say she was not sexually active. She and her closest friends in high school regularly engaged in sex as part of dating and partying. She learned oral sex early and insisted on condoms when she went further with a boy.

Through college Gail was a free spirit enjoying both men and women and used sex as a major form of recreation. She could understand the school girl’s reaction to being free for the first time and the temptations that come from being away from the watchful eyes of their parents or the protective arms of the school. Gail knew from experience how to avoid getting into trouble while having fun. The girls from the school obviously did not gain that knowledge. The more that Gail looked over her life the more she needed to learn about the girls lives to know what to teach them about responsible sex.

Gail found Steve hard at work getting their things put away in the right places. She knew she would have to move a lot of things as Steve’s right place may not be hers but that was fine as she finally was able to get settled into a place alone with her man. They had spent of the summer break living with his family as the school decided where to put them. They both had small apartments on the campus but had to put their things in storage for the summer as they were not planning on staying on campus the entire time and the school needed to get the places ready for the new tenants. Gail had four days to enjoy Steve’s company all alone in there one bedroom apartment and she wanted to enjoy all that time fully.

Steve notice Gail watching him work from the doorway and went over to her pulling her into his sweaty arms. Gail wrapped her arms around his neck and took a deep breath of his musky manly smell as she reached up to kiss him on the lips. He passionately returned the kiss enjoying the feel of her tongue exploring his mouth as he let his hands roam over her tone tight form.

Gail broke free of his kiss and looked deep into his eyes. He knew that look having seen it several times on their honeymoon. They spent a couple weeks at an adult only retreat on a Caribbean island where anything was allowed almost anywhere and that look meant she wanted to do it right now. The look told him that he should get naked now and take her lead. She liked many things and he always enjoyed what her mind envisioned.

Steve stepped back and removed his shirt tossing it aside. Gail turned and closed the apartment door and returned her attention to him. He had pulled his shorts off and added them to the pile leaving only his briefs to go. She watched as he pulled his tight white briefs off and left her to admire his nice hard cock, fully erect and waiting for her attention.

Gail motioned him to sit on the sofa and watch as she slowly stripped off her clothes she started with her long pencil skirt that she hated to wear but accented her nice round hips nicely. She wore panty hose beneath the skirt as required by dress code for female teachers. She left them on and removed her tight lightweight sweater. Steve smiled and stroked his cock as she slowly pulled off her white camisole leaving her in her panty hose and bra. Gail’s eyes were fixed on Steve’s cock as she removed her bra and she took some time to play with her tits as she watched him stroke his fine example of manhood. He was not the biggest she had ever had but she loved the shape, about 9 inches long with a fairly thick shaft and a big mushroom head that filled her mouth every time she sucked on it.

Gail turned her ass toward Steve and hooked her thumbs in the waistband of her hose. She grabbed the panties that she had on under the hose and slowly pealed the garment over her ass and down her legs. She bent over at the waist and pushed her hose to her feet and gently stepped out of each leg. Before standing she ran her fingers over her wet lips that were displayed nicely for her husband who licked his lips as he enjoyed the show.

Steve watched as Gail stood up and turned toward him. He loved looking upon her naked body and loved tasting her even more. She motioned him to lie down and then straddled his face with her pussy. 69 was one of his favorite positions and few things turned him on as much as a pretty pussy being presented to him to lick while his cock was being played with at the same time. Gail took hold of Steve’s cock and slowly began to stroke it as her lips lightly kissed his shaft.

Gail slipped his large head between her lips and she began to suck on the crown. She could taste the sweat on him and savored the flavor of his meat. She loved to suck cock and had learned early in her high school years how to satisfy a man for a long time and sensing when thing when things were moving too far. She had spent over an hour on their vacation sucking his cock on a beach while other couples watched them marveling at how long he could last. She knew she could make him blow at any time but also know how to get him close and not over the top. In addition if he did happen to release before she is ready he had the wonderful ability to recover amazingly fast. She loves his ability to fuck her over and over and she plans to test his limits in the coming days.

Steve’s tongue explored the mound and valleys of Gail’s beautiful, shaved snatch. He loved her smell and taste and enjoyed spending time licking and sucking on her mound. It helped that she loved to be licked and seemed to react positively to almost every touch of his tongue or lips and every probe of his fingers into her tight hole. He loved latching onto her clit and fingering her as she rocks her hips and moans in approval.

Gail drove Steve’s cock deeper into her mouth and pushed it against her back of her throat. She loved to tease Steve with a few deep teasers before taking him all the way in. She loved the feel of his hot cock in her throat and knew that he loved the feel of it as well. She won a contest for the holding a cock in her throat the longest at the honeymoon resort when she sucked him in and held in there for almost a minute. They gave her a free dinner for the contest and it was worth the effort.

Steve found Gail’s clit and sucked it into her mouth. He pressed two fingers into her pussy and began to pump them in and out. He wanted to feel her climax on his face and he was not going to let her rocking hips deter him. He held onto her ass with his free hand gently rubbing her anus as her moans increased. He knew he was getting to her and she was getting close. He felt his cock enter her throat and he knew she liked what he was doing. The warmth of the throat on his cock was incredible and moved him close to his peak. He wanted to get her off first and began to flick his tongue against her little nub causing her hips to rock even harder.

Gail fought the feelings but the pressure was building. She always loved it when a guy played with her ass as he licked her pussy. Most guys ignored her tight hole but Steve had discovered her little love spot and used it regularly to make her squirm. She rocked her hips against his lips as his fingers probed her pussy and ass. She was in heaven on the verge of her first climax of the day. Gail took Steve’s cock deep once more as she tried to hold back the tidal wave that was building inside her body.

Suddenly the dam broke and the waves of pleasure flowed through her. Gail released Steve’s cock from her mouth as she let out a loud moan in satisfaction of his good work. Her hips rolled slowly against his lips as the pulsating feelings began to ebb and she came down from her tongue induced high. Softly she returned Steve’s cock to her mouth and began to suck. She pumped him deep into her throat as she worked him toward his climax. It was his turn to feel the pleasure and time for Gail to get her reward, a mouth full of his delightful cream.

Gail took Steve’s cock deep into her throat and held it there for several moments before releasing it. She repeated the process over and over feeling Steve’s cock twitch and grow as it moved closer and closer to the desired result. Finally she felt his cock push into her mouth and swell as it released the hot load of sweet cum. She held his cock in her mouth and pumped his shaft to encourage every drop to shoot into her mouth for her to enjoy.

Once she had finished cleaning up Steve’s cock Gail climbed off her husband and they both set to work finishing getting the apartment ready. They stayed naked and took frequent breaks to play as they both enjoyed several more orgasms before heading to bed late into the evening. The next few days for Gail would be filled with getting classrooms ready for school start; lesson planning and making sure the dorm is ready for the arrival of the girls. For Steve he had to double check all the schools computers, including the ones that are assigned to each 10-12 grade student. In addition he had several new computers to set up and various communication stations to check. The school had limited internet access through a private network that was highly filtered so it needed regular updating to keep it working smoothly.

The preparation needs of the school kept both Gail and Steve busy for the next couple days and they only were able to see each other in the evenings. The two made the most of their time together fucking and sucking in every corner of the apartment as they took full advantage of being married and alone. Gail thought of the special project she and what she needed to do to prepare for the class. As she enjoyed Steve’s cock filling her tight pussy she tried to think of what the girls needed to properly enjoy cock without paying the price of having a little one as a result.


The girls began arriving early on the morning before classes were to start. Gail had never paid much attention to the older girls as she dealt mainly with the elementary kids but this senior class was full of very pretty girls. As she thought back she began to realize that the school seemed to draw an abundance of pretty girls. Of the incoming seniors only a couple would be considered plain and none were unattractive. There were a fair share of awkwardness among the class but she could see why they were targets for boys when they left school. What hormone driven boy would not want to hit on any of these girls? Gail thought that she would have to watch out herself as she found several that reminded her of girlfriends she had slept with in college and that brought up memories that got her a little wet.

The girls moved in with their parents and unloaded their things. They looked quite different in their regular clothes. At Wexford Manor all the girls wore the same uniform; a red, white and blue plaid skirt that fell to right above the knees, a white button up shirt, white panties, bra (when the girl needed one) and socks plus saddle shoes. This uniform was worn every day everywhere and the only time anything else was allowed was on Saturdays and in the evenings when the girls were in the dorm. Most girls wore the uniform on Saturday’s too just to make things easy. In the evenings the girls were allowed to wear pajamas of their choice and that usually were lounge pants and oversized shirt or a long night shirt.

Once they were settled the girls dressed in their uniforms and were able to take their parents to dinner in the dining hall right before all the parents were to leave for home. Gail was surprised at how well behaved and polite the girls were compared to what seniors were at her school. They really seemed to be friends with each other and got along well. Once the parents left Gail invited the girls to her apartment for a little meet and greet ice cream social.

The expected 14 girls had all arrived on time as planned. The senior class had lost 4 students whose parents were worried about the recent trends at the school and decided to keep their daughters closer to home for schooling. Out of the 14 there were three who were your typical private school girl type, tall, blonde with full hips and breasts. There were a couple tall skinny blondes and a couple tall thin brunettes. There were 4 short girls all under Gail’s 5’5 height. One looked much younger than the others with a small frame and less developed features. Two of the short girls were more shapely but not large and one had a huge rack but a small ass making her look somewhat lopsided. There was one redhead who was built like Gail’s average size and shape. The remaining girls were average in almost every way.

Gail had the girls change before coming for ice cream. She felt it was important to start off the year right and get the girls to know her and Steve. She did not know if they knew he was living here so she wanted to make sure they knew right away. Gail had also prepared a survey for the girls to take to help her with the special course and would give that out before they went back to their rooms for bed.

The girls arrived dressed in their night clothes. Most were in lounge pants and long sleeved tops. Two girls, one of the blonde school girl typed and one of the tall thin brunettes work short tight shorts and tight tee shirts. Gail remembered that they were roommates and always seemed to be together. One girl was wearing a tee shirt that barely covered her ass. When she sat her panties were easily visible. She hoped Steve could control himself and not let himself get aroused as he looked on all the young teenage girls.

The meet and greet went well. All the girls seem to take a liking to Steve and no one seemed uncomfortable with him around. In face it seemed that a few tried to flirt with him some and he did a good job resisting the advances. Gail knew he would not do anything but still he could show off his desires easily if he let his guard down. At the end of the social Gail presented each girl with the survey she had written.

“Girls, this is a survey on the current attitudes among teens. The researcher is trying to get a feel for where teens are in their social development and your input is very valuable. I would like each of you to take some time and privately complete the survey. Use a blue ink pen and print your answers. Do not put your name on the papers as they need to be anonymous. Be honest, as made up answers will not help the researcher at all. The questions can get personal so do them individually. I will be entering your answers into a computer programs and all the responses will be added to others to help find trends where teens are at this time. I ask that you please take this seriously. In the lounge is a box to put the surveys and I will pick it up later.” Gail said as she gave out the instructions for the survey. She only hoped that the girls were as good as they seemed and would follow her directions.

The girls left for their rooms with the surveys. Steve took hold of Gail right as the door closed. He told her that he needed her right now as he was about to burst. He lifted her skirt and pulled her panties down as Gail leaned against the back of the door. Steve ran his hand over her mound and found her to be very wet as well. The girls had turned her on as much as they had turned him on. He pulled out his cock and pushed it against her wet hole and into her tight pussy. Gail moaned with pleasure as he began to pump his cock deep into her over and over.

It did not take long for Steve to reach his peak and he unloaded into Gail with one last long thrust. She reached back and pulled him deep into her and then told him that he owed her one climax later. Gail went to work cleaning up from the social and waited for the girls to finish the surveys.

Gail stayed up late reviewing the girl’s answers. She had formatted the survey to be very personal and blunt. The girls seemed to do her proud in being honest and straightforward with their answers. She mulled over the numbers and decided to talk with Steve on the details of the project. He would have to keep quiet but she felt she needed another opinion on what she was thinking before she moved forward.

Steve was sitting on the sofa watching some TV. He had rigged the apartment to allow free access to all the television channels and bypass the schools filters. Gail climbed up on his lap and pulled up her oversized tee shirt so her bare pussy would rub against is crotch. She felt his cock grow inside his long lounge pants and rocked her mound against the growing bulge. Steve rocked his hips up and pushed his pants down enough to free his cock and let it rub directly against Gail’s wet slit. He rested his hands on her hips and joined her in the rocking of hips.

“Honey, I want to talk to you about what the chancellor asked me to do but you need to promise to keep this between us.” Gail opened up the conversation as she pressed her wet pussy against his hard cock.

“You can count on me to keep it confidential if needed. You know you can trust me.” Steve replied.

“Did you know that in the past three years 19 of the graduated senior girls got pregnant in the first 9 months after leaving school?” Gail asked

“I had heard of a couple but did not know that many got knocked up.” Steve answered.

“Well they have asked me to try to come up with a way to get the numbers down. I know when I left school I was already well versed in most things sexual and actively participated in most. I only know of a couple girls in my high school who got pregnant and they got pregnant early, in there sophomore or junior years. I don’t remember any seniors getting pregnant, we learned from the couple who made mistakes.” Gail started “In college the only girls I know of who got pregnant were one’s who wanted to. They either had some screwed up idea it would lock down a guy or they really wanted a baby. Those who just played with sex, like me, knew how to prevent it and used that knowledge to our benefit.” Gail continued as she reached down and guided Steve’s cock into her pussy. She slowly started rocking back and forth on his stiff member.

“I reviewed the survey I gave the girls. It asked them a lot of questions on what they have done and even what they would like to do. About two thirds have kissed a boy, less than a third have let a boy touch them even to second base and only a couple beyond that. A couple admitted to masturbating and only two said they had touched a guys cock. These girls have no real background that could help them once they get out of the school. Two girls said that they had experimented with other girls a couple times and only one said they actually had intercourse and it sounded like it was not a real fuck but rather a quick in and out kind of thing. In addition only one said that they had tried to give a blow job but did not answer the questions on the more detailed information on the event.” Gail said as she rubbed her pussy hard against Steve’s hips forcing his cock even deeper inside her hole.

“The chancellor wants me to come up with a course that would teach the girls how to safely enter the post school world and not get pregnant. Every girl answered yes to the question that if the chance came up for them to sleep with a cute guy would they do it if they knew they would not get caught. Every one answered yes that they wished they knew more so they could do more. Every one answered yes that they friends who are currently having sex and enjoying the experience. These girls what to know and try sex and is why they are getting pregnant. They don’t know how to have fun safely and how to satisfy their urges.” Gail added as she lifted her hips and let Steve pump his cock up into her.

“To meet the chancellors requirements I would need to teach these girls how to masturbate, maybe using toys, to suck cock and maybe even to do each other. I might even need to get them laid so they will not leave here and jump on the first cock they run into.” Gail said with her breath getting a little short as Steve had started rubbing her clit as he filled her hole with his cock.

“I am willing to volunteer to help with that if you need me to.” Steve said with a smile as he rammed his cock home.

“I am sure you would. I might even take you up on that if I get approval on my lesson plan. I have to take an outline to the chancellor by the end of the month of what I think the class needs to cover. I hope he doesn’t have a coronary when I show him what I have in mind, or even fire me for suggesting it to him. I think what I have in mind is what is needed and my data backs it up but it still is a radical direction to take.” Gail answered. She quieted down as Steve pumped his cock into her over and over.

“I think they have picked the perfect person to teach such a class, my dear. You not only love the school and the girls you love sex and would give the class your all. Once it is done I think you will have created a whole group of little Gail’s to enter the world and put men in their place.” Steve added

“Yeah, on their backs, filling the girl’s pussies with their hot cocks and getting them off.” Gail replied as the waves of pleasure moved through her body. She planted a kiss on Steve’s lips and they passionately kissed until Steve unloaded deep inside Gail’s tight pussy.

Around teaching her new class of 4th graders Gail spent time pulling her data together and devising her plan to present to the chancellor. It was bold and risky but it looked to her to be the only way to get these sheltered girls up to speed with the world outside before they hit the streets. She wrote up her basic outline and some notes on what she might needs as far as supplies and classroom necessities. After another week of reviewing it with Steve, usually with his cock in her pussy or his tongue on her mound, she finished her initial presentation and was ready to meet with the chancellor.

Gail got the appointment for early in the morning before classes were to begin. Even Mrs. Finnegan was not in yet when she knocked on Chancellor Grey’s office door. He was alone this time and after closing the door Gail approached his desk and handed him her presentation. Chancellor Grey took some time reviewing her notes and data. He went over the listing of necessary classes to cover and coughed slightly as he seemed to blush at reading them.

Week 1- Basics of Safe Sex

Week 2-4- The Art of Self Pleasuring

Week 5-7- The Art of Oral Sex, giving and receiving

Week 8-9- Safe Sexual Intercourse

Week 10-11- Safe Sexual Variations

Week 12- Exams and Practical exercises

“This looks very comprehensive and detailed. Are you sure you need to get is details to accomplish our goals?” Chancellor Grey asked

“You can see from the data that these girls are getting into trouble due to a great desire to participate in these activities but, due to their sheltered upbringing, they are not able to experience. They need practical instruction that most girls get from their friend in school but cannot get here. If you want to attack this problem you need to attack at the real problem, experience. No simple class telling them not to do it will accomplish what this class will do.” Gail said.

“I agree with you Mrs. Watson. I do not really want to know the details of what you are going to teach to accomplish these classroom goals. What do you need from me to get ready?” Chancellor Grey replied

“I will need a private classroom away from the any prying eyes and possible questions. I will also need to be able to order some things for the class that might not look the best on the books. Is there a way to get a cash account to buy some classroom aids?” Gail asked

“I think we can work out something to get you what you need. As far as the room goes on the second floor of the west wing there are several rooms not being used. They would all be empty and available. You can look them over and bet back to me with any needs you have. Thank you for your hard work on this project and I am looking forward to seeing the results of your work.” Chancellor Grey replied

Gail left the Chancellors office with a new bounce in her step. She was very proud of her work on the project and was sort of sad that she had to wait over 6 months to start teaching her new subject. Steve was going to be excited too as she fully planned on using him to his fullest whenever needed in the class. She always liked to show off his cock and this was going to be a great chance to do so.
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