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A widower with family secrets, and his two children, offer his grandchildren a chance to join the family business
This story is fictional. It is a little longer than I had anticipated; however, I could see no way to justify splitting it into two parts. This story contains sex between family members both young and old, if this type of stuff offends you, please do not read.

Let me know what you think

Frogs Hollow – The Meeting

53-year-old, Jake Ironwood was a widower, and a lawyer, and he had family secrets. He stood 5’8" and weighed 165 lbs., had a medium build, black hair cut short, and slight greying around the temples, giving that distinguished look. He tried to stay in shape by going to the gym three times a week.

Jake slowed down his new truck, put on the left blinker, and pulled up in front of a small, nondescipt building. The only indication that it might be a business was a small sign above the door that read "Double Headed Video and Publishing, Inc." Jake looked around the parking lot. He saw his daughter, Sarah’s car; beside that was his son Robert’s car; and there were two other vehicles he did not recognize.

Jake turned off the truck, got out, and headed for the front door. Jake walked through the front door, sitting at a desk, in a small waiting room was Sally, Sarah’s personal assistant and receptionist.

Jake walked over, gave Sally a hug, and gave her a quick kiss on the lips. Sally looked at him, smiled, and said, "Don’t start something you are not prepared to finish. Sarah is in her office, she is alone, looking over some documents. You can just go in." Jake smiled and said, "Thanks, and just for the record, if we can get some alone time in a couple of weeks, I will be more than happy to start and finish." Jake turned and went into Sarah’s office.

Sarah had her back to the door; she was standing there looking over documents and drawings. Jake stood there for a minute, looking at Sarah’s beautiful round ass, small and firm. Sarah was in good shape; you would never guess she was 36 and had two teenage children. Sarah stood about 5’ 6", and has a 34-24-35 figure. Jake always suspected she was probably had a "B" cup, but he never asked.

Jake started to feel a stirring in his groin when Sarah spoke, "Are you just going to stare at my ass all afternoon or are you going to say something?" Jake smiled and said, "It is a beautiful ass." Sarah turned her head and smiled. "If you think mine is nice, have you looked at Mackenzie lately? Now that is a nice ass". Sarah walked over, gave dad a hug, and whispered in his ear, "She is 18, fresh; I am not sure if she is a virgin, but her father and brother drool over her." Jake looked at Sarah and asked, "And how does Mama feel?" Sarah shrugged her shoulders and said, "I wouldn’t kick her out of bed for eating crackers, if that’s what you want to know."

Jake leaned in and kissed Sarah on the mouth. It was not a father daughter kiss. It was more the kiss of intimate lovers. Jake and Sarah’s tongues searched each others mouth, Jake's hand cupped her breast, Sarah snaked her hands down Jake's back, slowly dragged her hands around the front, started to rub his cock. After about 1 minute, Jake let up and pulled back. "Sorry, I did not mean for that to happen. It is just that; you are just as beautiful as your mother was before she passed."

Sarah, gave her dad a hug, and walked over to the wet bar to pour two scotches. Sarah handed her dad a scotch and told him to sit down for a minute. Jake looked at her questioningly, went over to the love seat, and sat down. Sarah took a drink of her scotch, and sat down across from her father.

"Why?" was all she said. Jake hung his head, "I already said I was sorry." Sarah smirked. "You know, for a lawyer, you can be pretty stupid?" Jake’s head snapped up. "What in the hell is that supposed to mean?" Sarah smiled and said, "That means why are you sorry? not why did you do it? I know why you did it; we have been doing this as a family for generations; it is what we do. We sleep and have unprotected sex with our spouses and family members, occasionally both at the same time.

Now answer the question, "Why are you sorry?" Jake looked at his watch and said, "I am sorry because I am here on business, not pleasure." Sarah looked at her father, "Is it serious?" “It is business related", said Jake, "I am going to need Bob in here too, for this meeting, but not Dickless," "Dad, his name is Dave, not Dickless," said Sarah. "Yeah, well, from what I saw, he looked pretty dickless," said Jake.

Sarah smirked. "Look, he may not have an “Ironwood” dick, but he is still my husband." Jake looked at her and said, "He still has a small dick." Sarah looked at her dad. "Sure, research says average penis size is 5.2 inches up to 6.3 inches, and I believe most men in the Ironwood family are on the healthy side of average or even larger, whereas Dave is on the lower end of average. He is a good man; he has followed all the family rules and is loyal to the company." Jake smiled "I love how you defend him; it shows passion, and I respect that. I have to get back to the office soon, so call Bob in here for a quick meeting, please." Sarah picked up the phone and called Bob.

Bob walked into the office 5 minutes later, He looked a lot like his father, He stood 5’6" and weighed 150 lbs. He was of medium build and 35 years old. "Sorry for the delay; I was helping Dave with some editing." Jake stood up, walked over, and hugged his son. "Book or film?" Jake asked. "Film," responded Bob, "release date is tomorrow, and it costs us $13,000.00 a day for each day passed release date." Jake smiled and said, "Hey, what can I say, She and her agent negotiated a tough contract, and you promised you could get it done." Bob looked at his dad. "I did, and I will, even if it means keeping Dave here till after midnight. As for the book, I have Sally and her sister working on that for me; don’t worry, Sarah and I have everything under control."

Jake sat back down and asked Bob and Sarah to have a seat as well. "Okay," said Jake "I was contacted by the chairman of the board this morning and faced some pretty tough questions. I will admit I could not answer all of them, but he wants answers, and he wants them today, if at all possible." Sarah took a drink of her scotch and asked, "Was it Grandpa, or was it Grandma?" Bob looked at his sister and said, "It had to be Grandpa; he said chairman, not madam chair." Jake laughed. "Valid point, but if you want to get precise, it was both of them, on a video chat; they want to know where things stand with Mackenzie and Kenneth. I told them I would find out today and get back to them as quickly as possible."

Sarah got up and poured herself another scotch, "I have been busy, I have not had a chance to sit and chat with them in the last couple of weeks. However, they do know that we have to have a meeting real soon. "How have you not had time?" Jake asked Sarah. “When have you not had time? Mackenzie was 18 ten months ago, and Ken turned 18 last week-end. When have you not had time?"

Sarah slouched slightly and said, "Fine, I did not know how to bring it up. What am I supposed to say to the kids, I am part of a family-run business that operates in and around the porn industry? You are welcome to join if you want; oh, and by the way, not only do I have sex with your father, but I also have sex with your grandfather, your Uncle Bob, and occasionally your great grandparents too." Jake looked at her, "That sounded pretty good; I don’t see why you couldn’t say something like that." Sarah swallowed the last of her scotch, "because there is more to it than that, and I am not sure I will have all the answers that they will be looking for."

Jake nodded his head in agreement. “I understand where you are coming from. You can always ask for help. I know you are stubborn like your mother was, and want to do things on your own, but sometimes we all need help. If you want, I am willing to arrange a meeting with them for tonight, and we can discuss it." Robert spoke up, saying "he would need to decline as he and Dave would be working late." Jake looked at Bob and said, "You are part of this; your voice counts, so if we do a meeting tonight, we can do it here at the office.”

Sarah and Bob agreed to the meeting. Jake looked at Sarah, and said, "Call them now, put it on speaker." Sarah did as requested Mackenzie was the first to answer, "Hey mom, Is everything okay? You don’t normally call throughout the day." "Mackenzie, it’s your grandfather," Jake said. "Where is Kenneth?" "He is trying to peek at the girl next door, who is outside sunbathing," Mackenzie replied. "Go get him; tell him I need to speak with both of you," Jake said. Two minutes later, there was a click as Mackenzie put the phone on speaker and said, "Ok, we are here. What do you need?"

Jake spoke in an authoritarian voice, "I want both of you to grab an early dinner tonight, get showered, and dress for a business meeting. I will text you the address. I want you both of you here no later than 8 p.m.; do you understand me?" There was silence on the other end, Ken started to say something, but Jake cut him off, "It was a simple yes or no; do you understand that this meeting tonight is non-negotiable." "Yes, sir," they both replied in unison. Jake got up from his chair, hugged his children, and said, "Done. I will see you both tonight around 8:00."

Jake arrived back at the office at about 7:30 p.m. He walked into Sarah’s office to find Bob, Sarah, and Dave eating Chinese food. Jake walked over, picked up an egg roll, and started eating it. "So, what seems to be the topic of discussion over dinner tonight?" asked Jake. Dave looked up. "We were just discussing the meeting tonight; the question has been raised: what if Mac and Ken decline?" Jake raised an eyebrow and said, "Hmm, valid question. I suppose we have to accept it; after all, we do live in a free country. However, that does not mean we cannot encourage them, offer incentives, and discuss with them the pros and cons of working in the family business."

Bob spoke up, "You can do that all you want, but you cannot force them to have sex with other family members if they choose not to." Jake readily agreed, saying, "You are absolutely right; neither you nor your sister were forced; you both came onboard willingly. You both asked a lot of questions, some of which were tough, and I am hopeful that Mackenzie and Kenneth will do the same. However, we will have to wait and see what happens.”

Kenneth and Mackenzie arrived at, the office at 7:45 p.m. They walked into Sarah’s office just as they were cleaning up from supper. Jake looked at his watch and back to Mackenzie and Kenneth. "I am impressed; not only have you dressed for a meeting, both looking sharp, but you are early; that would give you bonus marks if this were a job interview."

Kenneth wore black dress pants and dress shoes, a light blue dress shirt, and a coat. In looks, he definitely took after the Ironwood side of the family; he stood 5'7", weighed about 160 pounds, and had black hair. Mackenzie favoured her mother; standing 5’5" and weighing in around 110 lbs, her figure looked almost identical to her mother's, with the exception of her breasts, which may have been slightly smaller. Mackenzie had long black hair that she had tied back with a hair clip. She wore a navy-blue skirt, a white shirt, and a jacket to match the skirt. She wore dress shoes instead of heels, but she looked great.

Dave got up and said "I need to get to work", He walked over, hugged his son, and shook his hand. He walked over to Mackenzie, gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek, looked at both of them, and said, " You both look great, we can talk later." With that, Dave turned, kissed his wife, and left the room.

Jake turned to the group and said, "Okay, let's get this meeting underway." Everybody grabbed a drink and sat down. Kenneth and Mackenzie sat on a small couch, and Bob, Sarah, and Jake each sat in a chair facing them. "Do you have any idea why you are here?" asked Jake. "Nope," replied Kenneth, "but you have piqued our curiosity." Jake looked at his grandchildren, “we have asked you here, so you can get a better idea as to what we do for a living,”

Bob looked at Ken and said, "In what way, has it piqued your curiosity?” Mackenzie and Kenneth looked at each other; Ken nodded his head, and Mac looked at her mother, uncle Bob, and grandpa, before speaking. "For years, you have told us that you all work for some company called Frogs Hollow. I am not one to judge, but this building is NOT FROGS HOLLOW. Ken and I both saw the name outside the door, and despite what you may think, we are not stupid. Double Headed Video and Publishing, Inc. puts out some of the hottest movies Ken or I have ever seen, and since I also like to read, I know they put out some pretty raunchy books and magazines.” Now our first question is, "Why the ruse, and what is the truth?"

Jake smiled and said, "Not only is she beautiful, she is smart too. Let me start by saying, I admire the way you put the pieces together so quickly. I would be honoured to have you become a lawyer and work by my side. Now, just for clarification, there is no ruse; this company is owned by Frogs Hollow Incorporated.

When this company was started almost 30 years ago, we ran into a small cash flow problem. I spoke with your grandmother, and we decided to approach Frogs Hollow to see if they would be willing to assist with a small short-term loan. The response we got was yes, if you really want it; however, they also gave us a second option. They would assume ownership, Double Headed Video and Publishing, Inc., would continue to operate as its own entity, and Frogs Hollow would pay all bills, including wages, utilities, supplies, etc. In exchange, we were able to keep 15% of all net profits for emergencies, and to help fund future endeavours.”

Jake Continued “I will give the brief background of our “Parent” company; Frogs Hollow was started by three out of four brothers, more than fifty years ago, the brother who chose not to join went on to become a doctor. Frogs Hollow has many different subsidiaries, they range from the adult industry, family-run hotels, trailer parks, movie theaters and naturist parks (nudist colonies).

Mackenzie sat deep in thought for a moment, then turned and looked at Kenneth and said "Your turn". Kenneth cleared his throat before speaking, "We appreciate the historical background of the “Parent” company as you called it, although I don’t see the relevance at the moment. I have two questions, the easier question would be, if we have money, why would you not tell us?"

Jake looked at Ken, " The business has money, your mother and father have money, I have money; you and Mackenzie have whatever money you have saved and put aside. Not all families are created equal. By living in a middle-class family, you have learned that some families struggle financially and have to go without certain foods or make hard choices between clothes and food. You have always had a roof over your head, food in your stomach, you were warm and dry. What more did you need?"

Ken nodded. "Fair enough; The second question may be a little more challenging; why hide it? If we are family, and family is to be trusted, why not tell us sooner?"

Jake looked at Sarah. Sarah took a deep breath and said "I didn’t know how to tell you". Kenneth looked at his mother and said, "Tell us what exactly?" Sarah looked at her children, took a deep breath, and said, "What did you want me to say? that I am part of a family-run business that operates in and around the porn industry. You are welcome to join if you want; oh, and by the way, not only do I have sex with your father, but I also have sex with your grandfather, your Uncle Bob, occasionally your great grandparents and other members of the family too."

Mackenzie looked at her mother and said, "Did you just say that you either have or had sex with every man in this room?" Sarah looked at her and said, "apart from your brother, yes, I have had sex with every man in this room, and I still do."

Mackenzie stood up and walked over to the wet bar. "I need a drink, anybody else want one?"

Ken took his drink from Mackenzie and said, "How long has this been going on?" "About, 20 years, give or take a year," replied Sarah. Ken and Mac looked at each other for a few seconds, Ken turned to his mother and said, "you said you have been having unprotected sex for about 20 years? Does this mean that dad is not Dad?"

Sarah took a sip of her scotch and said, "Your dad is your dad; he has been there throughout the pregnancies; he has loved you and raised you as his own. However, if I have to be completely honest; yes, there is a possibility that Dave, while being your dad, may not be your biological father.

If you want, Frogs Hollow is willing to pay for tests, to determine who your biological father is. However, before you speak, let me add one more point; both Bob I and were in your shoes at one time. We have chosen to accept dad as our dad, whether he is our biological father or not."

Mackenzie looked at her mother, "So if there is a possibility, do you have a general idea who mine or Ken’s biological father might be, if it is not dad?" Sarah looked at her children and said, "It could be your father, or grandfather, great-grandfather, your grandfathers brother Bill, or my brother your uncle Robert (Bob)." Mackenzie picked up her drink and drained the rest of her scotch.

Ken spoke out loud to nobody in particular “we knew you wanted to talk to us about something important, this is a whole different level then what Mac or I was thinking.” He then turned to his grandfather and asked, "Is this "meeting" just to clear the air on who and what our family really is, or is there another purpose?"

Jake smiled. "To answer your question, yes, and yes; the first part is taken care of. You now know that this family is incestuous and has been for at least three generations. The other part is to ask, "Are you interested in joining the family business?"

Ken thought before speaking, "If we join the business, does that mean we work here and can have sex whenever we want? because if the answer is yes, then I want in." Jake laughed a deep belly laugh and said, "Slow down, Ken, first you would need to agree to follow the family rules, prove loyalty to the company, and be approved by the board of directors."

Mackenzie looked at her grandfather and asked, "What rules?" Jake looked at Bob and nodded. "Well,", said Robert, the rules are fairly simple, and there are seven of them.

“First and foremost, education is important. If you want to join the company, you will need to go to college or university, and study in a field that will benefit the company. If you join the company, Frogs Hollow will pay 100% of your costs, including tuition and housing, provided you maintain an average of not less than 80%

Discretion and confidentiality are a must; anything and everything that happens in this room or at any meeting must only be talked about by other family members that are aware of the events and or conversation.

You will remain clean shaven, both upstairs and down. You cannot have any facial hair and or pubic hair, these areas must remain completely clean.

The biggest challenge will be proving loyalty to the company and your family. These rules will also apply to your spouse, should you decide to get married. Your partner or spouse will also have to prove loyalty to the company and the family; he or she will be expected to participate and have sex with other members of the family.

Let me be clear, this is not a one off where you have sex and you are done with it. We have sex together on a regular basis.

If you wish to have sexual relations with family members, it will be done without any form of protection; you cannot use a condom, or be on birth control pills.

If you have sexual relations outside of the family, you must use a condom or another form of acceptable protection.

Do you have any question?" Mackenzie looked up “is there any exception to these rules?”

“Technically yes,” replied Bob, “it’s common practice in this family to be clean; however, if you choose you may be shorn in the pubic area. If you opt for shorn your pubic area must be clipped short no long hairs allowed, facial hair is non negotiable, you must be clean shaven. Are there any other question?” Both Ken and Mackenzie said they had no further questions and they fully understood the rules.

Ken looked at his mother and said, "I am pretty good at math. I know that you were born, before Grandpa turned 18, and Mackenzie was born before you turned 18. You were obviously pregnant when you had me at the age of 18. So why did you wait till we turned 18 before talking to us about this?"

Sarah smiled. "Your grandfather was born before his father was 18 too. It was a slightly different time. When I was younger, incest and sex with young adults were not considered as taboo as they are today. When I was 16, as long as you were upfront and honest, you could have consensual sex with whomever you chose. Since then, society has reared its ugly head and said, no more; you must be at least 18 before you can have sex with an individual more than 4 years your senior or two years your junior." Ken leaned back on the couch and said, "Well, that sucks; I don’t have anymore questions at the moment."

Mackenzie chuckled. "I have three more questions; I'm not sure if you are willing to answer them, but I will ask anyway. You say your "spouse" must prove loyalty to the company and family; how did dad prove his loyalty?"

Sarah chuckled, Bob grinned, and Jake smiled. Jake looked at Mackenzie and said, "To be honest, your father was not well liked when he first came sniffing around. We did everything we could to deter him and your mother from getting together."

Sarah spoke up: "Once I had convinced everyone, that I really did love him and that he would be loyal to the family and would do whatever I asked of him, they relented and offered up a challenge. They were 100% sure he would baulk at the challenge, turn tail, and run the other way.

In order for your father to marry me, and have unprotected sex with me, he had to prove his loyalty. In a room similar to this, your father and I stripped naked. Regardless of what happened, he was not allowed to cum until he was told he could by my grandmother. I laid down on the floor, and Dave had to kiss and lick me from head to toe, without having sex with me."

Ken interrupted, "Call me crazy, but if I had to do that, I probably would not last three minutes, but I would be more than willing to try." Sarah looked at her son and raised an eyebrow. "Really? Let me know if you still feel the same way when I finish the story. Now where was I,” said Sarah.

Sarah began to tell her story. “Your father was doing fine, licking and kissing my neck, and arms, kissing my feet and licking sucking my toes. After about one minute, my father started kissing me on the lips; his kiss was soft and sensuous I was eager to respond, and our tongues entwined as we kissed. Bob started playing with my breast; licking my nipples and gently massaging my breast, my grandpa spread my legs apart and started gently licking my pussy. This went on for about five minutes.

Then mom got involved; she started kissing Bob and playing with his cock. While she was doing this, my grandmother walked over to where Dave was, knelt down, and started sucking his cock. He almost lost it right there, but he managed to hold on.

My dad stopped kissing me and fed me his cock. I sucked, nibbled and licked the head. Bob stopped kissing mom and came over to the other-side of my head and he too offered me his cock, and I did the same to him alternating between both cocks. While I was doing this mom leaned down and started kissing and licking my tits.

A few minutes later, grandpa sat up, inched forward and lined up his cock with my pussy, which was now absolutely drenched. He moved in slowly; I could feel his bulbous head parting my nether regions. It was not the first time we have had sex, but it felt so different than other times.

Mom stopped paying attention to my breasts, and moved up and started kissing me while I was paying attention to dad and Bob’s cock. Mom and I would alternate between cocks and then kiss deeply.

Mom heard Dave moan, she looked over her shoulder and grandma was still sucking his cock, and licking his balls. Mom decided it would be fun to torment Dave, and joined grandma. Dave had to close his eyes for fear of loosing it and me, while mom and grandma kissed each other, while sucking his cock and licking his balls.

I will say your father was doing a wonderful job up to this point, he continued to lick and kiss my body, while hanging on edge from the attention grandma and mom were paying to his cock, and then things changed.

Grandpa picked up the pace, and leaned forward kissed me and whispered, this where he baulks, or things or going to get very kinky; and personally, I am okay with either one. Grandpa sat-up but did not pull out. He doubled his efforts and drove in faster and harder I was reaching my second orgasm when grandpa let loose a torrent of cum deep inside of me. That was a enough for me as I reached my second orgasm, dad let loose with a shot that landed on Bobs leg, I got my mouth around it and sucked up what was left, Bob turned slightly and dumped a rather healthy load all over my chest.

As I lay there smiling, basking in the feel of cum on my chest, in my mouth and deep in my pussy, I was happy; however, I was praying Dave would hang on. The truth was I had a secret the rest of the family did not know. While Dave is not technically bi-sexual he does like the taste of cum, and that is what they figured would make him turn tail and run.

Dave did not disappoint, after grandpa pulled out, Dave dove straight in and started cleaning me up. Grandpa smiled, Bob looked shocked, dad sat there in surprise mom and grandma smiled at each other and kissed passionately.

For the next hour, it was a mashup of women sucking and fucking each other and the men, except for Dave. During that hour, Dave had to continue to kiss and lick my body regardless of whether there was a load of cum dumped inside my pussy, or in my mouth. He did exactly as I told him, and he managed to hold off.

He was in agony and wanted to cum so bad by the time Grandma called a halt to it. and said he had passed. He would be allowed to marry and have unprotected sex with me. However, he was told he had to wait an additional three more minutes before he was allowed to cum. No one would assist him; he would need to jerk off, but he could jerk off on the females if he wished. Just to make it easier (or harder on him), mom, me, and grandma, all sat in the middle of the room, kissing and feeling each other's bodies.

Dave groaned when he saw this. I was sure he was not going to make the three minutes. When he was given the OK, he walked over to us, he did not even need to touch himself, and a geyser of cum poured from his cock. He came all over my face, my mother's face, and my grandmother's face. Once it slowed to a trickle, grandma leaned forward and started sucking him again, Dave leaned down, passionately kissed both me and my mother, and licked up any of his cum that was still on our faces. By the end of the night, every woman in the room had been fucked and filled with cum at least twice, and your father had dumped a load of cum into each of us." "WOW, that is so fucking hot," Ken said.

Mackenzie readily agreed, "I would love to see something like that,” she said. “Last two questions, is this mandatory, or are there other options?"

Jake looked at his granddaughter. "It is not mandatory. You are free to go about your own life, get married, have babies, or do whatever you choose. We are not going to disown you if that is what you are asking. Nobody is forced into this lifestyle; it is a matter of choice. However, there will be consequences and a bigger test if you want to join at a later time. My grandfather used to tell me "Nothing comes for nothing; everything has a price”; this is the price that our family has chosen to pay."

Mackenzie sat deep in thought for a moment "Okay, last question, has anybody ever said “no” to this offer and then changed their mind at a later date?"

Jake picked up his scotch and drained the glass. "To be honest, I cannot say with absolute certainty; however, there is a story, that says one of the brothers’ grandchildren declined and two years later wanted to join. I think her name was Joy, and there was a big meeting at Frogs Hollow. It was decided she could join, but only if she was willing to sexually satisfy Max and Sampson."

Mackenzie thought for a minute and said, "How does sexually satisfying two men at once prove loyalty to the family and company after declining the original offer?" Jake smiled. "Max was a German Shepard; Sampson was a Great Dane."

Mackenzie sat there with a stunned look on her face. "Excuse me? Did she actually do it? Or is she on the outside looking in at the rest of the family?" "You would need to ask the chairman of Frogs Hollow, if the story is true," said Jake, "but from my understanding, yes, she did and runs a breeding farm down south." Jake thought he heard Mackenzie quietly repeat the phrase "everything has a price."

Kenneth got up and grabbed a bottle of water from the wet bar. He looked directly at Mackenzie for two minutes before she smiled and nodded her head. "Would it be possible for Mackenzie and I to have the room for a few minutes to talk?" Kenneth said. Jake looked at Sarah, and Bob. Bob raised an eyebrow at the request, but before he could say anything, Sarah said, "Sure, you can have a few minutes." They all stood up and headed for the door.

The three of them sat down in the office waiting room while Mackenzie and Ken were talking in Sarah’s office. "What do you suppose they are talking about?", asked Bob, to nobody in particular. Sarah looked at Bob, "We just told them we are an incestuous family and implied we would want to have sex with them too; what do you think they are talking about?"

"If I remember correctly”, replied Jake, “you and Sarah, took almost an hour of talking, before you came to me and your mother to tell us you accepted the terms of the agreement." "Well, to be fair," said Bob, "we only talked about the arrangement for 15 minutes. We spent almost 35 minutes of that hour practicing kissing, looking at, and touching each other’s bodies. Once we were comfortable with it, that’s when we came to you."

Bob looked at his watch and said, "I will be right back; I am just going to check on Dave." Dave had just sat back down with a bottle of water when Bob walked into the editing room. "How goes the battle?" Bob asked. "It goes," replied Dave, "it was less than we thought; I can be done here in about an hour." "That is good news," said Bob, "I am glad to hear it."

Dave took a drink of his water and asked, "How did the meeting go?" Bob smiled. "It went. Your kids asked some pretty tough questions, they are in Sarah’s office talking as we speak." Dave smiled. "They take after their mother." Bob laughed and said, "Don’t sell yourself short; you ask a lot of tough questions too.” They talked for a few more minutes before Bob said, “I need to get back. I just wanted to see how things were going."

It had been about forty minutes when Bob got back to the waiting room. Jake and Sarah were talking about a contract for a rising young star. "Sorry, I did not mean to interrupt," said Bob. Just then Jake's phone rang. He looked at the caller and then at his children and said, "It’s the Chairman; I better take this. Hi Dad, how are you doing?"

Just then, Bob got a text. It was from Kenneth, it read, "Could you please come in here? Tell mom and grandpa they will be called in shortly." Bob showed the text to Sarah. "It sounds like they have more questions," she said. "I have no idea," replied Bob, "but I have been paged; wish me luck." He gave his sister a quick kiss and turned towards the office.

Bob walked into the office and closed the door. As Bob turned around to face his nephew and niece, he could not believe his eyes; it was a sight of wonder and beauty. Both Ken and Mackenzie were naked. Their clothes were folded neatly on the table. Kenneth was sitting on the couch, and Mackenzie was on her knees licking what appeared to be a thick, 6 1//2" cock.

"Good lord," Bob said quietly. He walked over to the two of them and asked, "Am I an observer, or may I partake?" Mackenzie stopped licking and said, "Uncle Bob, I have been waiting for this for over a year; I just never dreamed it would happen. Ken and I would like you to be our first, but if you are more comfortable watching, we will not force you to participate."

Bob walked over, stood beside a chair, and slowly began to undress. Once he was completely naked, he picked up a bottle of water and took a long drink. He put the water down, walked over to Mackenzie and Kenneth, knelt down, and started feeling Mackenzie’s shoulders, he ran his hands gently and subtly along her back to her ass.

Bob was caressing Mac’s ass when, Ken looked at his Uncle Bob and said, "She is already wet, and tastes pretty good; I am hoping mom will let me have a taste of her too." Bob looked at Ken with surprise and said, "You two have done this before, haven’t you?"

Mackenzie stopped sucking but continued to stroke Ken with her hand. "It was supposed to be a one-time thing, you know, a blowjob for his 18th birthday, but it has been every day since then, sometimes twice a day. However, we have not had sex; it has just been kissing and oral."

“Does this mean you are still a virgin?” asked Bob. Mackenzie shrugged. "I guess technically I am a virgin. I have not had sex with a man; however, my friend Suzy took my virginity with a strap on just after my birthday. Ken and I have shared her once or twice, but it has always been kissing and oral sex. Ken is hoping mom is willing to be his first for actually having sex." Bob smiled, "You two are full of surprises, and I am sure your mother will be honoured."

Bob went around to Mackenzie’s back end, reached out, and slowly felt her tender young pussy. He slowly inserted a finger two or three times before pulling it out and tasting it. Bob leaned down and looked at her slit, leaned in and inhaled deeply smelling Mac’s aroma, she was fresh and clean. Bob stuck out his tongue leaning in and having his first real taste, she tasted sweet and salty at the same time. Mackenzie moaned, Ken moaned at the vibration around his cock, when she moaned.

Ken pulled Mackenzie off his cock and kissed her deeply. Their tongues were swirling around each other's mouths while Uncle Bob licked away at the tender young pussy and played with her clit. Bob laid on his back and slid between Mackenzie’s legs. Bob had his first real good look at this beautiful young pussy, she was clean shaven apart from a very small landing strip that was cut short, Bob smiled and gently pulled Mac’s pussy to his face as he began to taste her.

Mackenzie went back to sucking Ken after two or three minutes of tasting Mackenzie’s peach, Bob asked, "When are you going to ask the others to come in?" Ken replied, "We have decided we will not ask them, until after you are buried balls deep in my sister." Bob smiled and said, "Let me see if I can accommodate you”, Bob gave Mackenzie two more good licks, and slid out from under her, got on his knees and lined up his cock with Mackenzie’s pussy. He slowly pushed forward. He could feel the folds slowly giving way to the pressure and pleasure.

Bob’s cock was roughly the same size as Ken’s. Mackenzie moaned as she felt the first real cock, start to split her open. "Oh God!!" She said in almost a whisper, "Why did I wait so long?" Bob continued to slowly stroke her in and out; he reached around and started playing with her clitoral area while fucking her. Bob saw Ken reach over, pick up his phone, and send a text.

Jake was off the phone and chatting with Sarah when her phone went off. Sarah hesitantly looked at the text; it simply said, "Ok, you and grandpa can come in now; we have reached a decision." Sarah showed the text to Jake, "Moment of truth," said Jake. "Just remember if they decide against it, it is their choice; we cannot force them."

Jake and Sarah walked into the office and closed the door. As they turned around and saw the sight before them, Jake and Sarah both smiled. “I think they are saying yes”, said Sarah. Jake and Sarah turned and started kissing passionately. They stopped for a couple of minutes and watched the other three.

They slowly walked over as they watched Bob fuck his niece; she was still on her knees, taking it doggy style, while sucking Ken. Mackenzie took the cock out of her mouth and said, "feel free to get naked and join us; if you want, I don’t think Ken is going to last much longer, and I will need another cock to suck on or a pussy to eat."

Jake and Sarah looked at each other in surprise and smiled. While Jake and Sarah and got undressed, Bob stopped fucking Mackenzie and laid on the floor. Mackenzie crawled over, kissed Bob passionately, and then guided his cock into her pussy. As she sat up to ride the cock, Ken walked over and shoved his cock back in her mouth.

Ken looked up, he saw his mother and grandfather kissing. Oh god, he groaned, I am definitely not going to last much longer. Sarah turned and said, "Just let me know when it will happen; I want to see it.”

Sarah knelt down and started sucking Jake’s cock. Jake was about an inch and a half bigger than Ken and Bob and just as thick. Bob started moaning and driving harder. "It won’t be long," he said. “Oh God, Mom!” Ken said, "I am going to cum; I am going to fill Mac’s mouth.” Sarah stopped sucking and said, "Just the first shot, then pull out and finish on her face; I will lick it off.”

That was all Ken needed to hear. He groaned as the first shot filled his sister’s mouth. He pulled out, and finished cumming all over Mac’s face. Sarah stood up and walked over to her daughter, leaned down, and started licking Ken’s cum off her face. “Mmmm”, she said “it tastes so good.” “Yes, it does,” said Mackenzie. “I have been drinking it all week.”

As Sarah licked closer to Mackenzie's mouth, Mac opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue. Sarah used her tongue to play with Mac's, then kissed her deeply. The two women kissed slowly and passionately, swirling their tongues around in each other's mouths, tasting and savouring Ken’s cum.

Jake walked up behind Sarah and slowly started to push his rock-hard cock into his daughter. Jake reached around and started gently rubbing Sarah’s clit. Sarah was moaning into Mackenzie's mouth. This was too much for Bob, and he let go a huge load of cum deep inside his niece's tight pussy, just as she reached her second orgasm of the night.

Sarah stopped kissing Mackenzie; “go sit on the couch,” she said “I want to eat that.” Mac got up, sat on the couch. Sarah got between her legs and looked at Bobs cum starting to leak from Mackenzie’s folds. Sarah took two fingers slowly inserted them into Mackenzie’s little hole, pulled them out and licked them clean. She than leaned in and tasted her daughter for the first time, while continuing to push her two fingers in and out. “Oh god, mom,” Mac groaned “that feels so good. Eat uncle Bob’s cum from my cunt, make me want to do it again.”

She looked at Jake and crooked her finger. "Come here, grandpa, I want to suck that cock, now that you have had it inside of mom." Jake pulled out of Sarah went to where Mackenzie was sitting, so she could suck his cock. Mac smiled, took the thick hot cock in her hand and visual inspected it, before sticking out her tongue and slowly licking it. After four good solid licks, she opened her mouth, and engulfed the head, Jake moaned with pleasure.

Ken was watching all of this with heightened interest. After Jake pulled out of Sarah, Ken walked behind his mother, bent down, and took a closer look at the fresh fucked pussy in front of him. He attempted to duplicate what Sarah had done to Mackenzie. First, he put two fingers together and slowly stroked them in out of his mother’s hole two or three times before pulling them out and tasting her for the first time. Then he leaned and starting running his tongue up and down her wet slit, Sarah moaned at the feel of her son’s tongue running up and down her slit. Ken stiffened his tongue and drove it inside his mother. Sarah groaned again at the sensation of having her pussy ate like that.

After a few minutes, Sarah stopped eating her daughter; she turned and kissed her son passionately. “Now” she said “it is your turn”; she had Ken lay on the floor and got into a sixty-nine position. Sarah took a good look at Ken’s cock; it was the first time in many years that she actually seen it fully exposed. Sarah smiled and she thought to herself, well he definitely bigger than Dave. Sarah noticed that the hair around the shaft was cropped really short, and his balls had been shaved. Sarah looked over shoulder and said, “don’t come in my mouth, I want your first load with me to be deep inside.” Sarah leaned down and engulfed Kens tool.

Jake pulled out of Mackenzie’s mouth and re-positioned himself so that he could fuck his granddaughter. He slowly pushed his hard cock into her tight little hole, savouring the feel, soon he bottomed out. Jake continued to slowly stroke Mac’s pussy with his cock, he reached around and slowly started to massage he clit.

Mackenzie noticed that Bob was standing in front of her slowly jerking his now semi-hard cock. Mac opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue for her uncle Bob, as he shoved his cock into her mouth. She started to suck and lick enjoying the taste of his now rapidly growing member. Mackenzie groaned as she rode another orgasm.

They sucked, fucked, and kissed for about 20 minutes before Jake said he was close, Bob looked at him and said, "Me too." Less than a minute later, Jake stuck his thumb in his mouth, got it wet, and started rubbing Mackenzie’s butt-hole, just as Jake was about let loose, he shoved his thumb into her ass, causing Mackenzie to have yet another orgasm, just as Jake started to unload into her filling her snatch while her Uncle Bob filled her mouth.

They heard moans, and they looked over to see Ken with his mother. She was in the missionary position, and Ken was fucking her for all he was worth, Sarah was just starting to peak with another orgasm when Ken let loose, driving her over the top. Mackenzie crawled over, started kissing her mom. Ken did not pull it out; he left it buried inside of her. Mac lifted her head and kissed her brother deeply, then she moved out of the way so Ken could lean down and kiss his mother passionately.

Jake stood up, walked over to the wet bar, and passed out bottles of water to everyone. "Well," said, Ken. "That was a lot better than using my hand and imagination." Everyone laughed. “Did we do okay, I wish we could have done this sooner.

Ken kissed his mother and said, “I like this; is this the sort of thing we will have to do to prove loyalty to the board of directors?

Sarah looked at Jake and Robert, and smiled; “this is step one of two. There are two boards with directors. One represents our company Double Headed video and the other represents Frogs Hollow. Bob kissed Mackenzie and said “We three are the board of directors for Double Headed Video and Publishing, and we say welcome.”

Jake spoke up, “your mother indicated that this was step one of two. Whereas we accept and welcome you to the board, you will be listed as non-voting members. That just means you can go to meetings, you can have your say, but until you have sat on the board for a year, and can demonstrate a good working knowledge of the company. You don’t get to vote on final decisions. The same would apply if you joined Frogs Hollow.”

“What about Frogs Hollow?” Asked Mackenzie. Jake looked at her questioningly, “what exactly do you mean?” Mac looked at her grandpa, “do they not have a say on your board of directors?” Jake smiled, “Not really, they can make recommendations but what we do, and how we operate is between us.”

Sarah got up and walked over to the filing cabinet opened the bottom drawer and pulled out some towels, “never know when you will need them,” she said with a smile. As Sarah was handing out towels, Bob spoke up, “If you want to join Frogs Hollow board, you will need to get approval from them. You will be required to do this again, not only with us, but with members of their board of directors. There is not a huge difference between the two, but IF you join Frogs Hollow, there are added benefits, company picnics, invite to the Annual General Meeting, access to all of their subsidiaries at a reduced rate and a few other things.

Ken took a drink of water, “do you think we would get approved by their board?" Sarah tried not to laugh. "If you do for them, what you just did for us, I am almost certain you could be approved." Ken and Mackenzie leaned into each other and kissed.

Sarah kissed her children. "I have to ask," she said to Kenneth, "Before tonight, when was the last time you relieved pressure in your balls?" Ken looked at her questioningly and replied “Yesterday, why would that matter?" Sarah smiled and said, "I would guess you may look more like the Ironwood side of the family, but I would say it is more likely, that your dad is your biological father. No matter how many times he fucks, he is the only one I know who can cum that hard with that much volume."

Mackenzie looked at her mother and said, "The only two people who haven't dumped a load of cum inside of me tonight are Ken and dad." Do you think he would still want to eat my pussy even though there are already two loads in there?" Sarah laughed. “He will if I ask him to, but I won't have to ask. Your father loves to eat pussy, he is really good at it, and he does not care if it is full of cum or not, as long as it is from the family. I would suggest you wait till we get home, Ken can dump a fresh load inside of you, while your father and I watch. Then you can offer him your cute little snatch, and you can see for yourself how good he is."

Mackenzie looked at her grandfather, "Will you ask Frogs Hollow, on our behalf if we can join?” Jake smiled I was talking with the chairman of the board just before you called us in. “He says if you are welcomed to this company, then you are welcome to make an application, and join us for the annual general meeting in six weeks, where it will be discussed.”

To be continued??.....
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