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This is the fourth chapter of an ongoing story I am writing. Any feedback is greatly appreciated. It's been slow going to get these chapters made, but I appreciate everyone's patience!
Patience, Jake reminded himself, is a virtue.

He had to keep repeating this in his mind. All day, the words had kept him sane. He glanced again at the clock, wondering, not for the first time, if it was actually working.

It was the final hour of the day. His biology class was doing its best to put Jake to sleep. But soon, Jake thought, I'll get some real world biology lesson.

He would be going to practice afterward. He needed practice, him and his team. They'd lost the final championships the last three years, consecutively, and it wasn't even close. To get some time on the field would do him good. It would also be nice to see the other players. His teammates were really the only friends he had. And he didn't get to see them much during classes. But what he was most excited about... was Sam.

Sam. Jake thought about Sam constantly. When he was walking to school, he imagined himself walking next to Sam, holding her hand. When he was trying to study, his eyes glazing over, scanning the pages of his textbooks, what he was really seeing was Sam's body. The curve of her torso, the rising hills of her bubbly butt. Sam was on Jake's mind, 24/7.

His phone buzzed, and nearly made him jump out of his seat. It was a text from Matt. "Lookin 4ward 2 2nites practice?" A second later, the phone buzzed again. This time, it was a picture. Matt had apparently taken it last week at their big team meeting. Sam was on her knees, trying to fit two cocks in her mouth at once. One of those cocks was Jake's.

Panic and anger both battled in his head for a second. Matt should NOT be taking pictures like this. And he absolutely shouldn't be sending them around to anyone, on the team or not.

Jake took a breath, tried to calm down. Relax. Matt doesn't want word about this getting out, either. If they were found out, the team would be shut down. Likely, Matt, along with all the other players, would be expelled. And then this whole experiment would be over. Still, Jake made a note to himself to talk with Matt.


Later, navigating the crowded hallways of the school, Jake found himself lost in thought. He wondered if Ally ever looked through his phone. He never used to be worried about that, he had never had anything to hide before. Not even porn. Jake was a pretty open guy; if Ally saw he was looking at porn, he'd admit to it. Not that he even looked at porn all that much anyway. Jake had a pretty active imagination. But that pic of Sam... He'd have to remember to delete it. And what if Matt sent another one, while Jake was in the bathroom, and his phone was right next to Ally? This was bad.

Jake wasn't watching where he was going. Neither was the young boy who came bounding out of Coach's office. The two collided and fell to the ground.

"Oof! Sorry," the boy said.

Jake found his footing quickly. He was used to being knocked down. "Don't worry about it." He offered a hand out to the boy, who took it and stood up. "Just take it easy next time."

"Sure thing." The boy was wearing a shirt with the face of a man on it. The face was white haired, and wearing an eye-patch on it. Jake didn't play a lot of video games, but thought he recognized it. Metal Gear Solid, maybe?

The boy suddenly smiled. "See you around, Jake." And then he turned, and was gone.

Huh. That was weird, Jake thought to himself. He hadn't recognized the kid, but the kid had recognized him. Maybe it wasn't all that weird. Jake was, after all, the star quarterback of the team, and a pretty well-known guy around the school. In fact, it was likely that everyone in the school knew who he was. Still, there was something about the look in the kid's eyes. He knew something...

Jake didn't like this. He glanced into Coach's office, but it was empty. Very weird. He put it out of his mind, and continued onto the locker rooms.


Sam wasn't there when Jake arrived. She didn't show up while the rest of the team were changing. She didn't make her appearance while practice went down. This was concerning for Jake, who had a hard time focusing.

Jake, as head of the team, led the practice, as Coach supervised, and gave some suggestions. They ran drills, some of the movements they needed practice on. Jake had them run "suicides", starting at one end of the field, sprinting to the other, and then sprinting back to the start. But Jake's mind wasn't on the practice. His mind was on Sam.

After practice ended, Jake called Matt over to stay behind. The rest of the team filed back toward the school while Jake and Matt hung back to help clean up the field.

"What was up with that picture, man?" Jake demanded, tossing some resistance bands into a sack.

"I know! Hot, right? I've been using it as my jerk off material all week. I tell you, Sam's crazy. I didn't think--"

Jake cut him off. "Alright, just... take it easy, okay? If Ally finds out--"

Matt cut him off. "Ally? Are you seriously still with that prude? What are you getting out of that relationship, anyway?"

Jake didn't really have an answer to that question. He and Ally hadn't had any alone time in the last week. He also hadn't seen Sam in the last week, but for reason, Jake was more frustrated with Ally.


The two boys returned to the locker room. Jake was trying to keep his cool, but his heart was racing. Sam had to be there, right? That's why they'd hired her, to satisfy to team after practices?

As the friends rounded the corner into the locker room, Jake's suspicions were confirmed. A group of boys were huddled around in a circle, off to the corner. Their pants were down by their ankles, and they were moaning.

I knew it, Jake thought. A sigh of relief escaped him, despite his best efforts. Without the worry on his mind anymore, he found he wasn't in a hurry. He moved to his locker, stripped, and walked to the showers, instead of the group in the corner.

The hot water felt good running against his bare skin. As he lathered himself up, his hands running across his abs, his chest, his ass, he imagined it was Sam's hands, caressing him, rubbing him. He closed his eyes and thought about last week, when he and Sam had been alone in the showers together.

Jake was getting hard. He opened his eyes. He wasn't alone. A few other guys were also sharing the group showers. None of them were looking at him. He glanced around to make sure.

Shawn LeMarke, a year younger than Jake, had his back turned to Jake. He was lathering soap on his ass, quickly. It was causing a bouncing effect to happen. Jake had never noticed before, but Shawn had a very shapely ass. He was close by. Jake could lean over and reach him. He could stretch out his harm and grab a handful of that ass.

But wait, what was he thinking? Jake had never thought about another man like that before. Well, besides Sam, but she didn't really count. Did she?

Shawn turned his head, and made direct eye contact with Jake. Jake looked away, quickly, but it was too late. Shawn saw him, and saw that Jake was now sporting a raging erection. Embarrassed, Jake turned his body away, and continued showering. When he looked back, Shawn was gone.

Great, Jake scolded himself. Now you've made it awkward. He should have spent some time with Sam before showering. Maybe that would have calmed him, and he wouldn't have been so horny. Although, judging by how heavy his libido had been lately, that seemed unlikely.

He finished his shower quickly, and wrapped a towel around his waist. He didn't want to waste any more time. Sam was out there, waiting for him. He felt his heart besting faster as he left the showers and turned into the locker rooms. Jesus, Jake. You need to calm down.

There was still a group huddled together in the corner of the room, but fewer of them now. Jake could see in the center of the group.

But, it wasn't Sam on his knees servicing the other boys. It was another boy, one Jake had never met. He had blonde hair, and was completely nude. His mouth was stretched around Derek's black cock, which was only about halfway in.

"Wha--" Jake started, but before he had a chance to say anything further, a large hand fell onto his shoulder. It was Coach Ryan.

"Jake, this is Derren. He's going to be filling in for us, whenever Sam can't make it to a practice."

"But--" Jake tried to say, but was interrupted again. Coach gave him a gentle shove, toward Derren.

"Have fun!" Coach said, and walked away.

Great, Jake thought. Just great... He intended on turning to leave, but suddenly he felt a tug at the towel wrapped around his waist. It fell down, revealing Jake's semi-hard, but still quite sizeable, dick.

Derren saw him. His eyes grew wide. "Whoa!" Was all he said before sticking out his tongue. He began licking Jake's cock, awakening the pent up hunger that Jake had been feeling all day. His cock began to grow, much to Derren's surprise. He was clearly not as experienced as Sam was. Jake could tell that by the way he had been handling the other boys.

Jake didn't know what to think. He felt bummed out that Sam wasn't here. He'd been thinking about Sam's body, and mouth, and eyes, all day. And she wasn't here. But at the same time, he was desperately horny. Thinking about Sam often did that to him, and after what happened in the shower with Shawn...

Where was Shawn, anyway? He hadn't been in the locker room when Jake left the showers, and he didn't seem to be around now. Jake couldn't think about it too long, however, because Derren had his lips wrapped around Jake's member.

Jake could tell Derren was struggling. He had a concerned look in his eyes, as he tried taking the cock as far back as he could go. Jake felt the back of Derren throat, noting that he still had more than half of his dick still to go.

You gotta admit, it's kinda cute, something in the back of Jake's mind said. And it was true. Seeing someone struggle to take his giant dong did actually make Jake even more excited. It also made him proud of his size. Even though Sam was more experienced, and better at working Jake's dick, he felt a thrill knowing that he was big enough to cause this reaction from someone. Even if that someone was another boy.

Jake began pulling his cock out of the boy's mouth, then pushed back in. Slowly at first, and then faster and faster. He was fucking Derren's mouth, and it felt good. Derren moaned, between his gags. He was a trooper. Even though he was struggling, he didn't back down.

Before Jake could really get into it, though, another cock appeared next to Jake's. Derren released Jake's and moved to the new one, which turned out to be Matt's.

"Hey, bud. Enjoying the alternate?" Matt said, throwing an arm around Jake's shoulders.

Jake was hit with a sense of deja vu. Had they not been in this same situation last week? But with Sam? Same had been incredible. She had made Jake feel like no one ever had before. Derren, he was realizing, was a pale imitation compared to Sam.

Jake said nothing. He pulled away, and left the crowd, which was already pretty thin.

But when Jake returned to his locker, he saw something there that he hadn't before. It was an envelope, tapped to the front of his locker. When he'd first gotten into the locker room, he'd seen no such envelope. It must have been put there when he was in the shower.

The front of the envelope was unmarked. Jake pulled it down and opened it up. Inside was a note, written in flowing green pen.

The note read: "Big Boy, meet me in the library after practice. -S"

Except it wasn't an S. It appeared to be a doodle, a snake in the shape of an S. It had two small dots for eyes, a small tongue sticking out. And two small devil horns.

Sam, Jake knew at once who the S was referring to. His heart skipped a beat, and he hurried to dress himself.


The library was dark. The lights had been turned out, and outside, the sun had begun to set, letting only a dull glow through the windows. Jake's eyes took a moment to adjust. At this time of day, there wasn't anyone in here. Not that there would be, anyway, Jake thought. The library was notorious for being empty. Jake thought he had see the librarian once, but maybe not.

He stepped into the center of the room, a large carpeted area with chairs and bean bags spread all around. Looking around, he began to wonder if he was being set up. No one was around. Should he call out? He didn't think so.

And then a hand grabbed him by the shoulder.

Jake whipped around. In the dim light, he could barely make out the shape in front of him, but he knew it was Sam.

"You got my note." Sam said. But Jake didn't say anything back. Instead, he leaned forward and brought his mouth down around Sam's. As their lips connected, a warm and comforting feeling covered Jake. All of his anxieties melted away, and there was only Sam. They were together again.

Sam moaned. She was leaning into him as well. Her hands reached for him, and wasted no time in finding the zipper of his jeans. She unzipped, and released Jake's hard cock. He hadn't lost his erection since Derren, and now it stood at attention, pointing to Sam like the needle of a compass.

"Whoa. Derren got you going, huh?" Sam pulled back and said with a smile.

She knows about Derren? Jake thought, in the back of his mind. Of course, she'd have to. If Derren was an alternate, then he was a part of the team, like Sam was.

"You're not..." Jake struggled to think of the right word. Thinking wasn't exactly coming easily to him right now. "Jealous?"

Sam actually laughed out loud. "Seriously? Jealous? How many cocks have you seen me suck in the last few days? How could I be jealous?"

At the word "cocks", Sam wrapped her fingers around Jake's. The rest of his body stiffened to match his member. She was right. But at the same time, he thought of Ally. She would not have been okay with Derren. Hell, she wouldn't have been okay with Sam.

Sam tugged at Jake's dick, drawing out contented sighs from the quarterback.

"Hmm," Sam said, coyly. "Missed me?"

Jake couldn't stop himself. "God, yes."

They kissed again. It was where they were meant to be. Connected, to each other, with and for each other. Jake wanted to freeze time, to stay here with Sam, forever.

Sam's tongue began exploring Jake's mouth. She rubbed it across his teeth and his lips. Their tongue's danced together, as the two lover's moans combined into one sound of contentment.

At the same time, their hands were exploring each other's bodies. Jake ran his hands up and down Sam's sides. He was impressed by how lean Sam was, but not exactly "skinny". There was some muscle definition. Not a lot, but some. "Fit" was the probably the most accurate term.

Jake, in contrast, was muscular. He spent a lot of time in the gym, and watched his nutrition closely. Sam was clearly admiring the work he put in, especially in his ab region. Her hand was stroking his six pack, lovingly.

Sam purred, "You're fucking sexy, dude." It made Jake's heart skip a beat.

"Ditto." Jake said, and slapped Sam's ass, not hard, but firm. He could feel it bounce beneath his hand, which also made Jake's heart skip a beat.

Sam smiled, and they kissed through the smile. All the while, Sam was stroking Jack's thick cock, her hand down his pants. Now, she pulled her hand away, but only to grab onto his waistline, and tug his pants down. She fell to her knees as she did this, so when Jake's dick leapt forward, it smacked Sam in the face.

Sam laughed. "Careful with that thing," she said, looking up into Jake's eyes. "You could give someone a black eye." And then she leaned forward and took the whole thing down her throat.

Jake tried to come up with a clever response, but the sensation caused his brain to stop working correctly. He was swimming in ecstasy. God, Sam is perfect, Jake thought.

Sam was enjoying herself, too. She moaned as she deepthroated him, and each moan sent a vibration of delight through Jake. She was ravenous. She used one hand to continue rubbing Jake's abs, and the other went everywhere else.

First, she cupped his balls. They were tight now, as he was erect, but still bigger than most. She rubbed them, and played with them, admiring their weight and size. Then, she moved her hand back, and began rubbing Jake's inner thighs. Back still, to the back of his legs. Jake didn't stop her. She could touch him anywhere she wanted.

Her arm between his legs, Sam rotated upward, and grabbed Jake's bare ass. He almost cried out in surprise, thinking it was someone else, before he realized what had happened. She squeezed his butt, the way he had grabbed and squeezed hers. Jake was surprisingly excited by this. He wanted Sam to do whatever she wanted with him. At first, she just squeezed his muscular behind. Then, she rubbed it, making circles with her hands, trying to feel as much of it as she could. She outlined its shape, running her fingers along the outside of his cheeks, and then ran a finger across the crevasse between the two.

Jake shuddered, but not in a bad way. He was enjoying Sam's exploration, though not as much as what she was doing to his cock. She took him as far back as she could, and would hold him there, using her tongue to dance around his shaft. Then, she would slide back, slowly, letting Jake feel her lips across every inch of his cock. It was heaven. Jake knew he was going to cum soon.

"Sam..." he groaned, which took a surprising effort. Sam looked up, and understood. Apparently, she didn't want him to finish just yet. She slowed her efforts on Jake's rod, pulling back slightly, and just holding it in her mouth. With her hands, she grabbed each of Jake's ass cheeks, and bounced them a few times. Jake almost laughed.

He stopped laughing when Sam's fingers made their way back to his crack. They moved in, deeper, to the base. Again, she ran a finger up and down, and glided across his hole. That sent an electric shock up through Jake. But again, he didn't object. He'd never had anyone play with his ass before. It made him kind of nervous, but excited at the same time. He was thrilled to give up all of his control to Sam.

And Sam knew not to take things too far. She didn't try to push her finger into Jake. Instead, she just teased the opening for a while. Then, she pulled Jake's cock out of her mouth.

"Hey!" Jake started to complain, but Sam shushed him. She stood up, and pushed on Jake's chest lightly. He knew she was trying to get him to lay down, so he offered no objections. Removing his shirt, and kicking off his pants, Jake sat on the ground, and laid back. Sam wasted no time. She got down between his legs, and laid on her stomach. When Jake looked down, he could barely see her incredible figure spread before him. Her perky ass stuck in the air like mountains.

Sam returned to pleasuring Jake. She moved down his dick, running her tongue all along the shaft, before reaching his balls. These, she spent some time licking, savoring the feel of them. Jake's head was swimming with delight. Sam lifted Jake's legs up so she could have easier access to his sack, then took both of his admittedly sizable balls into her mouth, and held them for a second. Jake had to wonder how she was able to fit them in. Was she part squirrel? He almost laughed again.

Sam then did the unthinkable. She released Jake's balls, pressed her face into Jake's ass, and began licking his asshole.

Jake nearly jumped into the air. It felt bizarre, but incredible at the same time. It was a warm, wet feeling. And he was loving it. How could he have never done this before? If this was what Sam felt when he'd eaten her out, he'd have to do this more often. Sam could sense that Jake was into this, and she wanted to make it even better. She reached up, grabbed his dick, and began stroking it.

Between the sensation of Sam's tongue and her hand, Jake was about to cum. He tried to warn Sam, but couldn't manage to form the words. Sam, however, knew he was close. She kept stroking, faster and faster, and sent Jake over the edge. At the moment he began to cum, she angled his cock up, laying it across Jake's stomach.

Jake's eruption seemed to last minutes. It rumbled through his body like an earthquake. His seed blasted out of him, and shot across his stomach and his chest. It was so powerful that a few drops even made it up to his chin. He kept cumming, as wave after wave of pleasure coursed through him. It was the most powerful orgasm he'd ever had, and he couldn't stop himself from moaning.

The whole time, Sam kept Jake's cock in hand. When he was finally done shooting, Sam removed herself from Jake's ass, and peered up at him from between his legs?

"Good?" She asked, devilishly.

Jake tried to respond, but couldn't make the words form. Instead, he smiled and nodded. Sam giggled. Then, she pulled Jake's cock back up and lowered her mouth onto it. He was still sensitive, but Sam knew what she was doing. She didn't stimulate the head too much, only occasionally, to suck off the remainder of his semen. She licked his cock until it was clean, then leaned forward and began licking the pools of cum off of Jake's abs. She moaned as she did. She seemed to really enjoy the taste of Jake's cum.

Sam took her time, tracing the lining of Jake's abs with her tongue. She didn't move on until there wasn't a drop of cum left on Jake's stomach. She swallowed every bit of it. After that, she moved up to his chest, slurping up the nectar of his love. She licked all over, make sure not to miss a drop. When she got to Jake's nipples, she slowed her progression, taking them into her mouth and running circles around each one. Jake let out a soft "Oooooh".

Eventually, she got to his neck, when she ran her tongue up and down, flicking Jake's Adam's apple. He laughed again. Finally, she made it up to his chin, where she finished cleaning off Jake's cum. She swallowed one final time, and then pressed her mouth against Jake's.

They kissed again, and this time, there was a kind of saltiness to their kiss. Jake was grateful that Sam had swallowed it all so well. He didn't exactly want a mouth full of his own cum. But there was something about the intimacy of the whole thing that he did love. She had taken him into his mouth. She had swallowed all of his seed. And now, they were locked in together. Jake wanted to stay here forever.

But Sam pulled away. She breathed deeply. "Wow. That was a big load." She giggled.

Jake found his voice again. "Yeah, sorry. I was really built up."

"No, don't apologize. I think it's hot." She smiled and pecked him on the lips. "But god, my tongue is tired now."

Jake smiled. "That's a shame." Both of them laughed. "I guess that means it's my turn now."

Jake wasted no time in rolling himself and Sam over, so he was on top. He then leaned back, grabbed Sam around the waste, and turned her over. Pulling her up so her ass was in the air, Jake quickly returned the rimjob that Sam had given him. He licked, tongued, and kissed Sam's hole, admiring the sensation of it. It's tightness surprised Jake, who knew the size of cock she'd taken in her ass before.

"Oooooh, Jake," Sam was moaning. "That's sooooo goood. Mmmmm, I love that."

Sam's words encouraged Jake. He became more and more enthusiastic about pleasing Sam. Sam's happiness was all Jake wanted. His tongue began exploring, sliding up and down the crevasse of Sam's cheeks. He licked every inch of her ass, always returning to her asshole and flicking his tongue inside.

And then, his tongue brushed against Sam's balls.

Jake froze. His tongue had just touched someone's ball sack. Sam's dick was right there, hanging down below her legs. But not, "her", though, Jake thought. "His" legs. "His" dick. He liked Sam, a lot. And he wanted to make Sam feel good, the way he felt good. But could he do it? Could he put another guy's cock into his mouth? If he'd been with a girl, he'd go down on her. Was that not same thing? He didn't know. Somehow, it didn't feel the same. At the same time, what kind of a sexual partner would be be if he refused to go down on Sam? It was the right thing to do, surely, but...

Jake leaned forward. He stuck his tongue out, and inched slowly toward Sam's dick. He was going to do it. He had to...

And then, the library door opened.

Immediately, Sam and Jake sat up, and began collecting their clothes. The two of them were in the center of the room, in plain sight. But they weren't caught yet. The door to enter the library lay at the end of a kind of hallway, with the other end of the hallway opening to the open area of the library. One side of the hallway was just a plain wall, but the other side was made up of a row of windows. Normally, anyone walking in would be able to look through the windows and see who was in the library, but as of right now, there were posters and fliers stuck to the windows. This gave Sam and Jake a few seconds before they were seen. At the same time, whoever was coming in stopped and fumbled with the lights, and all of this was enough time for the two to bundle up their clothes, and hop behind a bookshelf.

Peering between some books, Jake was able to see the man who had entered the room. He didn't recognize him. The man was tall, and wore a grey suit. He carried a stack of books with him, and as Jake watched, the man began placing the books on a display near the hallway.

This must be the librarian, Jake thought. That wasn't good. That meant he might stay, if he had work to do. Jake and Sam needed to leave. He began looking around, trying to see if there was another exit.

"Wait one second," Sam whispered. He pointed to the librarian, who was rounding a corner behind another bookshelf.

After he was out of sight, Sam pointed down the row of books they were hiding behind. "This way," he whispered, and Jake knew what the plan was. At the end of the row of books, they could turn to the open room. From there, it was a straight shot to the exit hallway. It was risky, but if the librarian was making the rounds of the library, they couldn't stay here. They had to make a break for it.

Jake nodded. Then, he was surprised by Sam grabbing his hand and pulling him along. As if I couldn't run by myself, Jake thought. But at the same time, he wasn't upset. He liked holding Sam's hand.

Sam yanked him along, down to the end of the row of books. He leaned around the corner, searching for the librarian. As he did, his ass perked out, seeming to reach for Jake. Jake couldn't help but stare. The thrill and the excitement of being caught caused a stirring in Jake, and he found he wanted to get out of here to find a more private area. He wanted to ravage Sam again. To plow him, hard and fast, and then soft and slow. He wanted to kiss Sam, to feel his lips pressed against his own, their tongues to dance together again. He wanted to get lost in his eyes, fall into them, float like a cloud in a green sunset.

"Come on!" Sam suddenly whispered, and darted forward. Jake leapt after him, whipping his head around to find the librarian. He couldn't. They were in the clear.

The open area of the room seemed to way bigger now that they were running across it. Jake was used to running, and was usually pretty fast. Now, however, he was caught off guard, not ready to make a break for it. Sam, likewise, was shorter than Jake, and slower as a result. Maybe, if they had been a little bit faster, they would have made it.

"Stop right there," a deep, commanding voice called out to them.

Jake had to use all of his balance to keep from tumbling over top of Sam. The two of them skid to a halt, and turned. There stood the librarian, tall and bookish. He had thin rimmed glasses, and neat black hair, styled in a professional cut. His voice was surprisingly deep for the man's build.

"Jake Hall. A little late to be checking out some books, don't you think?" The man said, giving Jake an inquisitive look. Jake didn't expect the librarian to know his name, but then again, most people did around here.

Jake tried to think of something to say, but it was Sam who spoke up. "Sorry, Mr. Cerastes. We're study partners for Trig, and Jake was asking for some extra help before the big test tomorrow."

The librarian, who's name was apparently Mr. Cerastes, thought for a moment, before grinning at Sam. "Alright, well then. Good work, Sam. I always appreciate when students help out those in need. But it is getting late. I'd encourage you to take your studying elsewhere. Good night." Mr. Cerastes motioned to the door at the end of the hallway.

Timidly, Jake and Sam turned and began walking toward the door. They were stopped, however, by Mr. Cerastes calling out to them again.

"Oh, and Jake?" he said.

Jake turned, without the slightest idea what he could want to tell him. He cleared his throat. "Y-yes, Mr. Cerastes?"

"Don't forget that sometimes, the things we love are the ones that can cause us the most trouble." He nodded toward them, turned, and walked away.


Once Jake and Sam were out in the hallway, they found that all the lights had been turned off. It must be later than I thought, Jake realized. It wasn't until they had made it around a few turns, when they spoke to each other.

"That was really weird," Jake said first.

"Yeah, I don't know what that guy was talking about." Same offered, absently. "But we almost got caught. I didn't think he was gonna be back tonight."

"Well, we'll have to be more careful. Maybe, if we want to... be together alone sometime, we'll need to find another spot. Somewhere more remote."

Sam grinned, and moved closer to Jake. "You want to... be alone together?"

Jake turned warm and cold at the same time. "I mean, if you do."

Sam reached out and slid his hand down Jake's pants. He wrapped it around the stiffening dick, and squeezed gently. "I do. I fucking love this cock."

Sam leaned toward Jake, and their lips touched. Jake's head was swimming again, and he went in to return the kiss. But Sam pulled away.

"But it is getting late," Sam said. "And I have to go. But take this..." He held out his hand and offered something to Jake. It was a crumpled up piece of paper. "See you around, Big Boy."

And Sam darted away. Turning a corner, he was gone from Jake's sight.

Jake couldn't move. His legs were shaking. His whole body was shaking. It was partly the adrenaline of the night: almost getting caught, almost going too far with Sam. It was partly the surprise of Sam's gift, which Jake now saw was a phone number. And it was partly the confusion of the encounter with Mr. Cerastas. What did he mean by "the things we love are the ones that can cause us the most trouble." He didn't love Sam. Did he? That was impossible. Sam was a boy. Jake had a girlfriend.

But there was something else that was giving Jake pause. Something that Mr. Cerastas had said before his cryptic warning. Jake hadn't thought anything of it when Sam called the librarian by his name. Lots of people probably knew teacher's names. But now, standing in the dim glow being cast through the windows from the parking lot lights outside, Jake was thinking about one thing.

How did Mr. Cerastas know Sam?
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