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I trick Alyssa into becoming a "model" so she can earn money for a new iPhone. Meanwhile I get to impregnate a young virgin.
Summertime is a wonderful time of the year. The weather is nice, schools are out and girls are everywhere with next to no clothing. I grew up in the town Tulsa around the upper middle class neighborhood. It was a nice place and most of the people were quite spoiled to be frank, myself included. I was already enjoying my day off cruising down Main Street looking around. Main Street was where all the shops and stores existed. There was no actual mall nearby so you’d frequently see people walking down the sidewalk. Given the status of the neighborhood and area, it was considered quite safe in these parts and it wasn’t uncommon to see children walking down the street unsupervised as well.

There were so many girls walking down the street, it was beautiful to behold. You could see college girls, highschool girls, and those caught in between. The kind where they looked beautiful but it was difficult to place their exact age, especially driving down the road since you couldn’t stop to get a good look. It didn’t take too long before I found one towards the end of the long road, likely headed home. It was then I made my decision.

I drove a little bit past her and parked my car in the abandoned lot. The business used to be a small deli used to deliver take out foods. However, there was a small fire somewhere in the kitchen. The damage done was irreparable, but the owner never made the effort. Given the town’s love for gossip, it became a common rumor the fire was intentional for the sake of insurance money. The theory was never proven, but rumors typically hold more weight than an official investigation which determined the whole ordeal an accident.

I parked the car there and stepped out. I looked down to make sure my attire still looked professional. It was only polo and khakis, but on a day like today, that’d be considered professional. Being 5’8” I wasn’t extremely tall, but it was good enough. At 24 I was in my prime, but my face made me appear far younger, like someone in their teens. It was for this reason I had to grow a little facial hair.

I looked down the sidewalk and saw the girl I was looking for. The sidewalk was only on one side of the road, so it made things simpler. I’d seen her walking down this sidewalk almost every day around this same time. She was maybe 5’ with long black hair and a petite frame. I wasn’t sure why, but she was always alone when she took her walk. I hadn’t seen where she’d go or come from, but that part wasn’t so important to me. Her white skin was tanned from being in the sun so often. I walked towards her, pulling out my phone and making it appear as if I was texting or engrossed in its contents somehow. As I got closer I noticed she had soft brown eyes. Today she wore a light blue tee and some skin tight shorts. I always gauged her age to be mid teens, but I noticed now that she might have been a bit younger. That was okay, it didn’t deter me, and if anything, made things easier.

As I got closer I held my phone loosely in my hand. As we passed I continued looking at my phone, keeping track of her in my peripheral. I let go of my phone and made a clumsy attempt at grabbing it, causing it to crash into her leg. She jumped up in surprise letting out a small noise.

“I’m so sorry,” I blurted out quickly.

She paused for a moment and her brown eyes looked me up and down as if assessing me. However, she never met my eyes. “It’s okay,” she replied demurely.

I leaned down and picked up my phone, inspecting it for damage. Then I held out my hand. “I’m Jason,” I told her.

She blushed as she took my hand. “I’m Alyssa.”

“Really?” I asked, feigning surprise. “That’s a really pretty name.”

“Thank you,” she said quietly.

“This phone is extremely important,” I said, dusting it off. “If it broke I’d be in so much trouble. I’d lose so much money.”

“Is it expensive?” She asked, tilting her head to one side.

“Well it is, but the contents are far more important,” I explained. “But it’s my work phone for modeling.”

“You’re a model?” She asked inquisitively. Her eyes glazed over me appreciatively.

“Not quite,” I chuckled. “I am more of a manager and represent models. I help them land jobs and make lots of money. Have you ever modeled?”

“No,” she giggled. “You have to be 18 to model.”

I shook my head. “People often think that, but it’s not true. I have many models under 18. How old are you?”

I’m definitely not 18. I’m going to Tulsa high school this fall,” She replied proudly.

“Really?” I replied. “To model you only need to be 10 years old,” I claimed.

“Oh I didn’t know that,” she said.

“Most models today started when they were under 18,” I explained. “It’s honestly very simple. You make a demo shot of pictures and videos. Then they’re sent out and if a company likes what they see, they’ll contact the manager, like me, and then I’ll reach out to the model and get them a good deal.”

“That sounds really easy,” she said. “I thought it was harder.”

I smiled. “The hard part is looking good enough to model. Would you want to model?”

“I’m not sure…” She said, looking away.

“Look at it this way. What is something you want to buy, more than anything?”

“She hesitated a moment and pulled a phone out of her pocket. It was a cheap generic one. “I wanted to get an iPhone, but my parents won’t buy me one.”

“Well, what if you could buy your own things instead?”

“That’d be great,” she smiled. “I’d like that.”

“If you do a demo, you get paid $50 immediately. Once a company wants you, they usually pay a little over $1,000. Sometimes they even pay more. If we did a quick demo, you could buy your own iPhone in no time.”

“That sounds really good, but I don’t know if I should.” She hesitated.

“Do you not want the money or be famous?” I asked, sounding concerned.

“I do, but I’d have to ask my mom. I’m not sure if she’d be okay with it.”

I shook my head. “As long as you’re at least ten years old, you don’t need permission,” I made up.

“Oh,” she responded. I let think for a few minutes and then she said, “I still don’t know if my mom would want me to.”

I smiled. “We don’t have to tell her. It’s your life and your choice. You can tell her later when you're rich and famous or not at all.”

“Hmm,” she muttered.

“You’re going for a walk now, right?” I asked.

“Yeah, I always go to the park since it’s not too far. My mom lets me go there and play a bit.”

I paused for a moment as if thinking. “I’ll tell you what, I’ll take you somewhere nearby and we do demo shots real quick. I’ll pay you $100 instead of $50, because I think you’d be a great model. Then I’ll drop you off right here or at the park. No one will know and you don’t have to tell anyone at all. It’ll take less than 30 minutes.”

“I guess so,” she relented. “Your studio is near here?”

I chuckled. “We’re doing a demo, so we won’t use a studio. But come with me, I’m parked not far from here.”

Together we walked down the sidewalk and to my car. She was hesitant to get in at first but I told her she could stop at any time if she wanted to. I also mentioned she had her phone so she could call anyone if she needed to. She held her phone like a security blanket and got in. She was nervous at first but we talked a bit and she became much more comfortable as time passed. I found out she was an only child and had just turned 14. I told her that was the perfect age to start modeling which made her smile. As we talked she mentioned she enjoyed being outside, even if only to walk around. I told her we could do the demo shots outside then so she’d be more comfortable. This also seemed to make her smile.

I knew the town well and pulled down a side road that was sparsely populated with houses. I knew of a house that sat far back from the road and had suffered an unfortunate event. About three years ago Wilson's house caught fire. The building was still standing but the damage made it uninhabitable. It had been abandoned ever since and the trees and brush had grown quite high. There was no reason for anyone to go up there and the driveway looped around to the back of the house.

As we pulled into the driveway, Alysaa asked, “Why are we here?”

“Well you enjoy nature and being outdoors, so I thought this would be the perfect theme for your photoshoot. This property is public property since the house owners never use it or do anything with it. Nobody comes here either. Plus surrounded by all the greenery I think you’ll look absolutely beautiful.”

She blushed slightly. “Okay. Thank you.”

I pulled the car around the carcass of a house and parked. Despite the scorch marks, the building stood tall. The car was also well hidden behind the house, though I probably could’ve parked in front and still not be seen.

We got out of the car and I grabbed some papers I’d made up before with a pen. “So before we begin, you have to sign these papers,” I explained and placed them on the hood of the car.

“What are they?” She asked, peering at them.

“It’s pretty simple. The first part simply states you’re going to do modeling demo shoots and will be paid for them.” I made a dramatic act of crossing off the $50 on the page and replacing it with $100. “It states if you do everything as I tell you, you get paid $100. If for any reason you don’t follow through, you don’t get paid. “This will help you get a phone, right?”

She nodded eagerly. “I think so.”

“The second part is my job.” I pulled out my wallet and counted five $20 bills and laid them on the hood of the car. “The second part states I showed you I do have the money and displayed it to you. It’s to protect you and make sure I am honest.” I grabbed a rock off the ground and placed it on the money. “The next part simply states the money will stay here until we’re done. If you did everything as I say, then you take the money. If not, I'll take it back.”

She nodded, looking slightly concerned. “Have you ever taken back your money before?”

I laughed. “I have helped over 100 girls become models. Only once did I take the money back. That’s only because she wouldn’t listen and kept arguing. So I stopped and decided I didn’t want to work with her.”

“Oh,” Alyssa said sourly.

I smiled at her. “Don’t worry, you’re a good girl, I can tell. I know you’re going to get this.”

She smiled again.

“The next part is that you may choose to do more demos in the future, which helps your chance for getting a good part. But you may not be paid for future demos. I looked up at her from the paper. I can’t afford to keep paying you a hundred dollars every time,” I joked.

She smiled. “Is it good to do more demo thingies?”

I nodded. “Definitely. Different companies look for different things. Sometimes it takes only one photo to catch their eye. Others like to see more work to make sure they’re getting the best models. Those are the companies that pay the most.”

“Oh, okay!” She replied excitedly. “I can do more later maybe.”

“Lastly and most importantly is this section.” I pointed towards the bottom. “Until a major company hires you, you cannot tell anyone about modeling or the demo.”

“Really? Why?” She sounded concerned.

“To protect your privacy,” I said sincerely. “You don’t want it getting out that you did modeling before the world is ready. Do you know Taylor Swift?”

She nodded.

“Taylor Swift was a model first before a musician. She had to do the same thing,” I lied.

Her eyes lit up. “Really?”

I nodded. “Many, many singers, songwriters, actors, and singers were models first. That’s why there’s so many pictures of them. In many ways you’ll be just like them when you’re famous and everyone loves you. But you can not tell anyone. It also protects you because I can’t tell anyone either.”

“What if someone asks me?”

I pretended to think about it. “It’s unlikely anyone is going to ask. But if one does, tell them you were with another guy in highschool. Anything we do, you tell them it was with another guy in highschool, okay?”

“Okay,” she nodded.

“It’s very important, because if someone finds out, it is considered a breach of contract. That means you may have to pay back all the money you earn and more. In serious cases you could even go to jail. But you’re a smart girl, you won’t tell, right?”

She shook her head vigorously. “No, I won’t tell anyone.”

I winked. “I knew I picked a good girl.” She smiled at this. I picked up the pen and handed it to her, indicating where she should sign. I watched her write down ‘Alyssa Clayton.’ I picked the pen up after and signed it illegibly.

“Alright, let’s get started. You ready to make some money?” She nodded vigorously. I stuffed the paper into my glove department and opened the trunk. I grabbed a blanket and a stand for my phone. “There’s a good spot over here, I think.” I led the way back a little further from the car and into a small hilltop. I placed the blanket on the ground and set up the stand for my phone. It was a cheap but reliable stand. More importantly it helped make everything look official.

“Let’s start with you standing,” I said. “Go ahead and take off your sandals and step on the blanket.

She stood at the center smiling while I walked around taking pictures from various angles. Her hair fell down to the middle of her back. Aside from soft brown eyes, she had a small, but cute, nose and thin lips. Despite barely reaching five feet, she seemed to have long legs, if only because the rest of her body was short combined with her petite frame. Once behind her I instructed her to bend over and touch her toes. I took several pictures of her ass that way. It wasn’t a huge ass or anything, but given her short shorts, it stood out pretty well. I could already feel my mouth salivating, but had to approach this just right.

I walked around in front of her. “Alright, put your hands in the air,” I instructed. I put the phone on the stand and pressed record. I walked over and positioned her arms slightly above her head. I grabbed the hem of her shirt and in one quick motion slipped it up over her head.

She immediately covered her chest with only a bra on. “What are you doing?” She gasped.

“You’re a model. Part of modeling is acting surprised, so I had to surprise you. I‘M sorry but it looks better for the demo,” I explained, admiring her chest. She had larger breasts than I thought. They had to be some decent size B cups if not C. “But I promise, no more surprises.”

“Oh, okay,” she responded, unsure.

“I am sorry, but I have to get the best demo for you so you can make lots of money. Every model goes through it, you’re not the only one, I promise.”

Just like ripping a bandaid off, she was more relaxed.

“Now I need you to lower your arms to your side for me. Then you’ll need to take your shorts off too.”

She gave me a long curious look. “This is normal?”

I nodded. “Of course, you’re a model. You’ll be taking all sorts of pictures and videos. But the company’s won’t see certain ones unless they have your position. However, they pay a lot more, closer to five thousand dollars.”

She smiled at that and soon complied. I promised not to look as she took them off, but was very pleased once I turned around. Here this girl was doing whatever I asked. However, I had to be careful not to move too quickly. I nodded at her and began taking more pictures. I had her pose, standing, sitting, kneeling, and even on all fours. It took a bit of constraint to not rip the rest off myself.

“Alright, these are looking amazing,” I said. She smiled at the compliment. “And now we’re nearly done. Just need to take off the bra and panties.”

She looked horrified. “But I’ll be naked.”

I nodded and spoke sweetly. “Just like all the other singers, actors, and models. Don’t worry, no one is going to see any of this unless you give permission later on.”

She looked back at me undecided.

I looked towards the car and back to her. “You’re almost done and you’ll have that $100 soon. Plus I’ll make it easier for you. I’ll do it too and we can both look silly.”

She watched as I slowly undressed to my boxers. “Now we’ll both be silly together,” I joked. She smiled at this. “Now just take those off and get you that $100, okay?”

“Are you sure about this?” She asked, though I could tell her resolve was fading.

I nodded while smiling. “Of course. I told you over 100 girls have done this that I’ve helped.”

“Okay,” she finally said. She unclasped her bra and revealed her tits. They were very nice looking, perky with small areolas. Soon after she slid off her panties. She only had a little hair on her pussy, but it was small. Standing where she was, it seemed like a slim slit that I had no doubt would be tight as well. I followed suit and removed my boxers. “Just so it’s even,” I explained and gave her a reassuring smile.

I walked back to my phone and stopped the video and looked back at her. “Okay this next part is very important, okay? I’m going to press play and we’re going to do some different things. I have to be quiet so it doesn’t record my voice. Just follow my directions and if you want we can talk about it after, okay?”

She nodded. “Okay.”

“It’s very important you follow everything I say,” I emphasized to her. “After you’re done, you’ll get that $100.”

“Okay,” she nodded more confidently. I’ll do whatever you say.”

I smiled. “Excellent, let’s finish this up now and get you back to the park.” I turned around and pressed play.

She stood there as I walked up to her. I gently grabbed her tits with my hand, fondling them. She gave me a concerned look but I smiled back and nodded confidently. She let me do this for a while and then I leaned down and kissed her. She mostly stood there immobile, unsure what to do. I began parting her lips with my tongue and her eyes shot open as I pushed myself deep inside. My head was reeling, amazed this was working. However, deep down I believe every girl knew she was secretly a whore. Being used felt natural to them and actually made them feel good and wanted.

I took one hand off her breast and reached down to her pussy. I gently guided my finger along her slit and found her clit. She moved her head a bit as if to try and peer down. With my other hand I grabbed the back of her head and held her in place, impaling her mouth with my tongue. Soon after I moved my middle finger to her entrance and pushed inside. Playing with her clit for long had helped moisten her up for me. I began using my finger to fuck her pussy.

I pulled my head back and whispered against her lips. “You’re doing really good, just keep it up.” I leaned my head down to her firm breasts and popped a nipple in my mouth. I rolled my tongue over it and heard Alyssa let out a small gasp. I continued fucking her with my finger and player with her nipples, switching every so often. She didn’t fight back or cause any disruption as I used her body for my pleasure. I could feel my finger getting soaked and it was starting to run down to the rest of my hand.

I let go of her tits with my mouth and whispered, “Okay, perfect, we’re almost done now. Get done on your hands and knees.”

“Is this normal?” She whispered. Her chocolate brown eyes look halfway between fear and excitement.

“Of course,” I whispered back. “We have to hurry, the camera is still rolling.”

This seemed to be the necessary incentive and she quickly got down on all fours. She looked up at me, obviously puzzled about what was next. I knelt down in front of her and whispered, “open your mouth wide.”

As she did so, I thrusted my already dick into her mouth. I didn’t go so deep to choke her, but her eyes widened in surprise all the same. “Now, close your mouth around it,” I whispered. “Run your tongue along it like a lollipop.”

Some guys say an experienced girl gives the best head. But in truth a girl who has no idea is the best, especially when taken by surprise. The look of shock on their face when you fuck their head is the best. Alyssa hesitantly rolled her tongue along my shaft. The feeling of breaking in a new girl for the first time was something I savored greatly. Almost every guy remembers their first. I grabbed her hair and pushed forward, holding her in place.

As her tongue slowly massaged my cock, I began lightly thrusting in her mouth. It was almost like having my own living fleshlight to use as I wished. It was amazing to think I managed to turn her into a slut before anyone else did or had a chance. What was more impressive was how easy it was.

I was getting so excited I started thrusting harder and harder until I was almost halfway down her throat. Despite this, I still wasn’t all the way in and she was already starting to choke. It soon became too much and I had to stop in fear of either blowing my load straight into her stomach or causing her to choke until she passed out. Even though I stopped thrusting, she continued massaging my cock with her tongue. It was amazing how she was already so well trained to continue with the tears in her eyes from choking.

She was still attempting to pleasure me with her mouth that when pulled out without warning, there was an audible pop. She looked up at me pitifully. Her face was streaked with tears, her face bright red. It might have been a disgraceful sight for many, but it was enticing for me. She was breaking, but not completely broken.

“One more thing and then we’re done,” I said encouragingly.

She looked up at me, whimpering. “O-okay.”

“Stay on your hands and knees, but turn and face the camera,” I instructed.

She began turning her body so her face was looking towards the camera. “Like this?” She asked.

From behind I reached forward and stroked her hair. “Perfect. You’re doing a great job,” I cooed. “Now look at the camera and keep facing it. You don’t have to look directly at it, but you must keep looking in that direction. I have to use my fingers and for this to work, you can’t turn around or it’ll ruin the shot.”

“Okay,” she replied confidently.

I took a moment to admire her from behind. Her tight pussy with her cute butt stood up in the air as if beckoning me. I slipped in a single finger and resumed finger fucking her pussy. I leaned forward and whispered in her ear, “Perfect, I’m going to do another one shortly and then there will be a third.” She didn’t say anything but nodded, still staring forward. I was getting impatient but continued for a while longer. Then I took my finger out and placed two of them at her entrance deliberating for a moment before pushing them. As expected, Alyssa was very tight. It took a little bit before I could two fingers that far in. I wasn’t too surprised as I’d imagine every 14 year old would be tight as Hell. After some prodding, I managed to stretch her out.

Then it came time for the final moment. I removed both fingers and rested my dick at her entrance. I slowly slid in, meeting next to no resistance. I’d either underestimated how tight it’d be or my size, likely both. But I managed to get my head in, barely. Her head shot up as it popped in.

“What are you doing?” She gasped.

“Shh, it’s all part of being a model,” I whispered back. “I have to test you first. We’re almost done,” I encouraged her. “This part may hurt a little bit at first, but the pain will go away.”

She didn’t say anything back but gave a slight head nod. I pushed in slowly, letting a moan escape my lips. After playing with her pussy for so long, it was already swollen and engorged my cock. I pushed more until I finally met some resistance. I paused and looked at her for a moment. My personal plaything remained perfectly still, allowing me to use her for my own pleasure. The thought was intoxicating in itself.

Finally I could wait no longer and gave a push that broke her hymen. She let out a short shriek but caught herself and went immediately quiet. “Sorry,” she whispered.

“It’s okay,” I whispered back. I pushed all the way into her body, surprised how easily I slid in. I pulled all the way out and then dove back in. Her pussy seemed to have hands of its own and gripped me tightly. Every time I pulled all the way out it appeared I’d never be able to go back in with how small she was. But it always parted those swollen lips and welcomed me. I was equally surprised I was able to go all the way in, balls deep. Though I knew soon I was hitting her cervix as she’d make a small, “uh,” or grunting noise each time I pushed all the way back. Her beautiful ass and tight little butthole seem to poke out with each thrust.

It didn’t take too long before I came close to finishing. However, I didn’t want it to end like this. With a gargantuan amount of mental restraint I pulled out all the way and managed to stay like that for a moment.

“Okay, last phase,” I said with a little energy to signal we were nearly done. “Lay on you back and we’ll do the grand finale.”

“Ou, okay,” she replied bewildered. This was probably the first time she’d ever been sexually excited and was probably confused. She rolled over on her back and laid there. “Like this?”

“Just like that,” I confirmed.

Then she looked up at me and saw my hard cock. Sure it’d been larger earlier, but now it was at full strength and probably looked a bit intimidating. I’m sure being so small, it looked possibly frightening if she knew where it was going.

But I took a moment to look at her body again and admire my prize for all my hard work. Her flat stomach led up to her breasts, now looking flatter since she was laying down. But they certainly still had an appeal to them. Her hips had started their transformation giving way to the delicious curves that’d yet to fully come. But her pussy was the real prize and looked amazing. It was as if her whole body was subtly pointing straight down to where I’d be.

Of course all this would change once I put a baby in her. Those perfect tits would likely start to sag but her hips would only turn into something much more beckoning as the pregnancy forced them apart. She was going to be my own personal incubator.

I began lifting her legs as she’d laid them flat on the ground. I pulled them back and she asked, “Are you going to put that in me?”

I saw her looking at my cock and smiled back. “Of course, or else this won’t work. Don’t worry, it won’t hurt.”

She said nothing as I lifted her legs high, completely baring her body towards her. She appeared so vulnerable, her pussy exposed and unprotected. I moved forward towards her entrance which glistened with her own juices. I carefully placed myself at her entrance and smiled. I impaled her, going all the way in. .

Alyssa’s eyes went wide as she threw her head all the way back. “Oh,” she said quietly. I continued thrusting, pounding her pussy as hard as I could. However, her body seemed to quiver, welcoming me inside. Her tits jiggled and her body moved back and forth slightly against my pounding. She let small noises escape her mouth but remained mostly quiet.

“You’re so good,” I panted. I knew I wouldn’t last long and grabbed her legs and wrapped them around my body. Like a good girl, she kept them there. She watched with wide eyes as I continued the assault on her body. Her face was a mixture of confusion and surprised pleasure. I had no doubt she was enjoying this.

Soon the time came and I could hold back no longer. All this time I’d been building toward a powerful orgasm. Just as I came, I slammed hard into her body as far as could go as torrents of cum pumped out into her waiting body. I grunted loud as I felt wave after wave of sperm enter her body and fill Alyssa up. It was undoubtedly the longest and most powerful orgasm I had.

Finally finished, I let myself fall and lay on top of her used body. I breathed heavily and she did the same, albeit confused why I was laying on her. I left myself inside her, feeling my dick grow smaller. Judging by the faces she made, Alyssa was likely confused.

“Are you okay?” she asked after a few moments.

“More than okay,” I replied. “You did very well.”

“I did?” She asked.

“Yes you did. How’d you like it?” I asked.

“It felt funny, but kind of good.”

I smiled, “Alright time to get your money. Give me just a moment.”

I slowly pulled out of her. Slipping out of her wet pussy was another great feeling of its own. I grabbed her hips and held them up for a moment, trying to keep as much inside her for as long as possible.

She gave me a strange look. “What are you doing now?”

“It helps make things a little less messy,” I replied, keeping her there a little. After a short while I reached over and grabbed her panties and slipped them on her. I handed Alyssa, her bra and shirt as well. Together we slowly got dressed. “How do you feel,” I asked once we were dressed and standing.

“Kind of full. Not the same full when you did stuff. But it feels like something is moving in me,” She explained looking down at her stomach.

“It’s normal,” I replied. “Your body is adjusting to having nothing inside it again,” I lied.

“Oh,” she replied, but said nothing more.

“There might be a small mess from all of your own body fluids, that’s normal,” I explained. “Don’t worry about it. But let’s get your money.”

We headed back to my car and I made sure to take down her phone number. I gave the $100 on my car and we hopped in heading back. She opted for me to drop her off at the park, which I did. I waved goodbye and drove away.

In the months coming I’d see her walking down the road many times over. It wasn’t obvious at first, but as time went on I began to see her belly protruding outward. It brought a smile to my face, knowing my baby was growing in there. I’d managed to plant my seed and now I was seeing the efforts of my labor. Of course she’d end up a single mother taking care of my seed, but if anything it made the idea all the more exciting. I also always had the footage of making that baby.

Please leave comments, criticism, feedback, etc

Reed Van KleveReport 

2024-01-14 21:38:33
I’m loving the concept of her being so naive that she lets him impregnate her without even a second thought of the consequences. I think an epilogue of her explaining her pregnancy to her mother without going back on her promise never to tell anyone about it.


2023-12-23 12:29:26
Loved it any chance of a part 2?


2023-07-02 00:12:05
I liked it although I feel that 14 is a better age for these types of story's

Also if your not planning on doing any follow up having a brief epilogue with the heavily pregnant kid would be nice maybe the two character glimpsing each other in a crowd, or him watching the pregnant girl and her angry mother together or something like that.

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