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Tiffany learns she has a secret admirer. She gets to have her way with him.
Chapter 21: Cheater, Cheater.

The day began clear and warm. I sit up in bed, sling my hair back out of my face and yawn. Today is a great day to be alive. Being Saturday , there's no school to worry about, thus my sleeping in until eight-thirty. Laying back against the headboard, a smile spreads across my face as my mind goes back to last night with my boyfriend, Ricky.

His mom was at a business meeting in a neighboring town, and did not come home until ten PM. Ricky bathed me in his large, claw-footed bathtub, full of bubble bath. He had all the accouterments: candles, music, incense, the works. After his attention to my bathing needs, he climbed in beside me. We luxuriate together, soaking for half an hour before getting out and moving to his bed. We made slow, passionate love in his bed between the most devine, silky sheets. I can't believe we have been together this long and I just now made love to Ricky in his bed for the first time. Well, that's one off of my bucket list.

I hear my phone buzz and see that I have a message from my good friend, Tiffany. I had suggested we get together today. She doesn't know it, but I want to talk to her about finding a new boyfriend. Brett had not worked out too well. He was a horrible lover and entirely too selfish to learn. I tried to hook her up with Scott, a guy that Ricky thought would be good with her. They went on one date and Tiffany said that the chemistry was not right. They did not go to bed, but Tiffany said that he tried to get into her pants as soon as they were alone. I know that she is desperate for a man. She even asked to have sex with Ricky, and he accommodated her. I don't want that to be a recurrent thing, though.

I text Tiffany back and suggest that she come over this morning. She responds that she can get a ride and be here about ten. "That will be fine," I reply. "But I will have to leave around eleven-forty to go on a picnic with Ricky and his mom." She responded that she would be here at ten, maybe a little earlier, if she can get her sister to cooperate.

On the fifteen minute ride to Lacey's house, Tiffany contemplates her situation. She has had sex with Lacey's dog, Rex. Twice. She met a strange woman at the bowling alley, who is into exhibitionism. She took me to a sex party and introduced me to a group of swingers. She participated, making love to a man more than twice her age. She has not shared any of this with Lacey; or anyone, for that matter. She is afraid that it will make her sound desperate. She doesn't feel desperate. She is just experimenting. She doesn't think she will have sex with Rex, again. But she is not sorry that she did so. Who knows, maybe she will get her own dog. And the sex party has exposed her to a variety of lovers, both male and female. She doesn't think that she is lesbian or even bi-sexual. She is not particularly attracted to women. It's just that another woman really knows how to push her buttons. Most of the men at the party are old enough to be her father. The idea seemed creepy at first, but now she knows the advantage of making it with a man that has experience and control. She might even go again, sometime. Now, she has a much higher standard by which she will scrutinize potential boyfriends. No fumbling teens for her. Not unless they are really special and eager to learn.

Tiffany will probably tell Lacey about her adventures sometime, but now does not feel like the right time. She would like to find a good boyfriend, first. It will not be easy, as her self esteem has improved and she knows that she deserves someone special. Ricky calls Lacey his "soulmate". That's what she wants.

"You sure are quiet, this morning," her older sister remarks.

"Sorry," Tiffany says. "I didn't mean to be so withdrawn and such a jerk. I just have a lot on my mind."

"I've noticed that about you, lately," her sister looks directly at Tiffany. "Is everything alright with you?"

"Yeah, thanks for asking," Tiffany smiles at her sister. "It has been hard, breaking up with Brett. But I am getting beyond that now. That's what I was just thinking about. I can't believe how far I have come. He is just a bittersweet memory. No regrets."

Relieved, her sister looks out the windshield again. "Going through a breakup is tough, but it sounds like you have grown from the experience. It's easy to blame yourself when a relationship doesn't work out and then your self worth takes a hit. That is why a rebound relationship is so dangerous. Girls are tempted to settle for something way beneath them, setting themselves up for even more heartache. Then, when the rebound relationship fails, they feel even worse. That's when they begin to think that something is wrong with them. You can find yourself caught in a horrible downward spiral. You seem a lot more confident than before. That confidence makes you more attractive. You are no wilting daisy any more. You will find somebody new. Just be patient and don't get in too big a hurry."

"Thanks, sis. I don't feel the need to get in any hurry," I say. "And thanks for the ride."

"Sure. Just give me a call when you want me to come pick you up." She says as I get out of the car.


Tiffany finds me sitting on the swing under the front porch, reading a book. The chain squeaks pleasantly as I glide, forward and back. "Hey, girlfriend. Come sit here with me." I say.

"HI, Lacey. This looks like a lovely way to spend a Saturday morning," Tiffany says.

"Yeah, I wish you could stay for lunch, but Ricky has a picnic planned. By the way, he finally had his way with me in his bathtub last night!" I say, looking at Tiffany through lowered lids.

Tiffany smiles as she thinks back to the time Ricky took her virginity, right after washing her in his big tub. That seems like a long time ago. So much has happened since that time. "I know you enjoyed it, didn't you, Lacey?"

I lean back in the swing, looking up at the ceiling, reliving the pleasures of last night. Sighing, I breathe, "Oh yeah. I gotta do that again! I'm a little jealous that you beat me to it."

Tiffany chuckles, "That was real special. I am so thankful that you and Ricky did that for me. I know it must have been a sacrifice for you. I can't think of another person in the world that would have done that for me."

"Well, you have really bloomed as a woman since that time. We just have to find you a new boyfriend and get you back in the action again," I say, tucking a lock of hair behind my ear.

"About that," says Tiffany, "I don't want to get in too big a hurry. I think I can find a fuck-buddy if I need one, but I want to find a guy that is real special. I want my own Ricky. Know what I mean?"

"Sorry, Tiffany. There is only one Ricky, and he is mine. They just don't make them like him, any more." She could have added that his sleeping with his mother has played a part in Ricky's development as a man, but Tiffany does not know about that. I have learned that in some Polynesian cultures, it is expected that older women teach young boys how to have sex. And by teaching, I mean teaching by doing. In the Mangaian culture, women teach boys how to masterbate at age eight. By age thirteen, older women are having sex with them, teaching the art of lovemaking and grading them on their performance. You may criticize the practice, but they have a very low incidence of rape and divorce in their culture. They also have a high level of sexual satisfaction among women. But with the constraints of our culture, I have chosen not to inform Tiffany about Ricky having sex with his mother, even though it has been key to his sexual prowess.

Tiffany looks out across space with a thousand yard stare. "I am convinced that my guy is out there somewhere. I just gotta find him."

I chuckle, "well, you know what they say. You have to kiss a lot of frogs, before you find a prince!"

"Ugh!" Tiffany grimaces at the thought of kissing a frog. "Well, whatever it takes, I guess. But I don't think I will be kissing a lot of frogs to find my prince. With my experience, I think all that I will get out of it is warts!" We both laugh and fall silent for a bit, contemplating. What will it take for me to find my prince? Perhaps I will end up like Lisa. Just a single woman, a free spirit, she called herself. She is sure having an active, adventurous sex life. Things could be worse than that.

We pass the time amiably. We talk about boys, what we like in a guy and what we don't like. Tiffany describes what her ideal boy would look like, physically. We look up pictures of guys that we consider to be hot, online. We argue about what is hot in a guy, and what is not. But we agree that, after all, it is the relationship that makes a man attractive, more than his looks. "In the end, there is nothing like being hugged and cherished by someone who treats us as someone special. That kind of relationship enhances sex, more than the pleasure you derive." I bring up a few boys from school, who I think might be a candidate for Tiffany. She does not show much interest in any of them. Talk finally drifts to school and the challenges we face, both academically and in getting along with specific teachers.

Rex comes around, panting and wagging his tail, as dogs do. He comes up to me and I rub his neck. He licks Tiffany's hand as she also bends to scratch his neck. Tiffany thought back to Rex wearing her pink socks on his front paws. She holds her breath, waiting to see if Lacey says anything about Rex showing up, mysteriously wearing two pink socks, but she says nothing. Tiffany let out a long breath in relief, not realizing that she had been holding it. She thinks again about the curious security camera and wants to ask Lacey about it. She cannot think of a way to bring it up without revealing that she had been here when Lacey was gone. If they were on the back patio, she could act like she just discovered it. Oh well, it is probably just being monitored by a security company and Lacey has no idea what it is recording.

Looking at her watch, Tiffany realizes that it is time to head home. "Oh, I need to call my sis to come get me. I didn't realize it is so late."

"Hey, let me get my dad to run you home. Mom's in town, shopping. But I'm sure my dad would be happy to take you. He said something about going out that way to eat lunch at the country club and then play some golf. No need to bug your sister again."

"Tiffany said, "Are you sure? My sister won't mind."

"Nonsense," I say. "He's around the house here somewhere. I'll text him to see if that works for him." I whip out my phone and shoot him a text. Soon I get a reply. "Dad says that will work out good for him. He is in his office, tying up a few loose ends. He says he can be ready in twenty minutes." With that, Ricky and his mom arrive to pick me up. "Just go on up to my dad's office. It is to the right at the top of the stairs. He is expecting you."

Tiffany walks with me to Ricky's mom's car and exchanges a few words with them as I get into the car. Soon we are on our way, the smell of spicy fried chicken in the car makes my mouth water. Tiffany turns to go into the house and find my dad. As Tiffany walks back to the house, something occurs to her. She had assumed that Ricky and Lacey were going on a romantic picnic alone. That is why she did not invite her to come along with them. But it looks like Ricky's mom is going with them. Perhaps Lacey is getting jealous and possessive over Ricky, and does not want her to be around him. Maybe that is the real reason Lacey is anxious for her to find a new boyfriend. She did react rather strong when Tiffany said that she wanted her own Ricky. She will have to be careful how she comes across. That's the last thing in the world that she wants is to come between Ricky and Lacey!


Meanwhile, Lacey's dad is in his office reviewing his security camera footage. There is nothing new and steamy over the past couple of weeks. He's disappointed, so instead he navigates to the special, hidden folder on his computer where he has saved the best video clips from the past. He clicks on his favorite clip, the one with Lacey and Ricky, Allen and Amber all having sex on the patio. This always makes him turned on and he takes his cock out and begins to stroke. He opens a drawer, reaches to the back and finds the bottle of lube and squirts a little on his palm and works it into his penis. He should have enough time to rub one out before he goes golfing and takes Lacey's friend home. He is getting close, and decides to watch the clip of the girl who pulls the crotch of her panties to the side for Rex to lick. He wonders again who that girl is? He pauses the clip and zooms in on her crotch to see the spread open pussy. Now he is close to his grand finale.

Then the office door opens and that same girl walks in. "Hi Mr Anderson, you sure…" Tiffany stops short, mid sentence. Taking stock of the scene before her, realization dawns, just what she has walked in on. Is that her pussy on the large computer screen? Lacey's dad is sure that he had locked the door before he got started, but it must not have been latched completely. He froze with his erect member in his hand, slick with lubricant. It is still erect, and he struggles trying to get it back in his pants. As she looks, Tiffany recognizes the denim skirt, her lacey panties and her landing strip of pubic hair. With horror, she remembers the security camera. She thinks to herself, "Oh boy, I'm in big trouble now!" But then she thinks about the fact that Lacey's dad is caught red handed, stroking the salami. They are both in equally compromising positions.

Giving up on getting his erection put away, he instead reaches for the keyboard to switch to a different screen. Tiffany recovers from her shock, turns to close the office door, and slowly walks over to Lacey's dad. By now in his panic, his cock has retreated and he quickly stuffs it back into his trousers. Tiffany chuckles and says "Hi. I didn't realize that I had a secret admirer," trying to ease the tension.

"Well, you caught me, fair and square," he says, not looking at her.

I'm not sure what to say. I have come up behind him. He stares straight ahead at the home page of his computer screen, the frozen video off screen and not visible. I put my hands on his shoulders, pushing the side of my boob into the side of his head. I bend down and plant a kiss on his other cheek, in front of his ear. He is red with embarrassment and I can almost feel the heat radiating off of him, but he doesn't resist.

"That's OK, I would like to see it again, if you don't mind. That is my pussy you were drooling over? How flattering! Could I see it again?"

Lacey's dad just sat there, not sure what to do. He just wanted the whole thing to go away. But this girl had seen everything. She had even recognized that the picture he had been wanking to was of her. And why should he feel guilty? She is the one who had exposed herself! Now she is standing there touching him. "Is she flirting with me?" he thought. She is massaging the tension out of his shoulders. Slowly he reaches for the keyboard and hit alt tab and brings up the video screen again. Feeling her boob against his head and with this girl's pussy spread wide on the monitor before them, he feels a stirring again in his trousers. His cock is uncomfortable, having been crammed into his pants in haste.

"Nice!" Tiffany says. "Can you play this clip for me?" He hesitates for a moment, then using his mouse, rewinds the clip and hits play. "Uhm" she says. "That does look hot. I'm glad you find it arousing. You were just about to cum, weren't you? Tell me, what is your most outrageous fantasy? What have you thought of doing with me?"

Lacey's dad is dumbstruck. He cannot speak. As the clip plays, Tiffany reaches over him, running her hands down his chest all the way to his pants. She opens his belt, unfastens the button and reaches down into his white shorts. The zipper is still open from when he had his cock out. She finds what she is looking for and pulls it out again and notes that he has a nice sized penis that is quickly getting hard. He moans and his eyes close, and he still does not resist. "You know," she says, "I like older guys who have experience. I'll bet you really know how to please a woman, don't you? It's plain to see that you like younger girls." At that she giggles and some of the tension leaves the room. She begins to slowly stroke him, finding that his dick is still slick from the lube he applied earlier.

"Show me some more clips from your collection," Tiffany commands. He is slumped a little in his chair, making his dick more accessible. A few clicks of the mouse, and they see Allen's girlfriend, Amber, taking off her top. Her ample boobs spill out, nipples already erect. She exposes them to the sun and rubs sunscreen into them, sitting next to Allen on chaise lounge chairs. Her body glistens with the lotion she has applied. She gradually reaches across to Allen, snaking her hand into his swim trunks. Finding his trouser snake, she strokes him, just like Tiffany is doing with Allen's dad's dick, right now. In the clip, Amber's boobs jiggle in time with her strokes. Tiffany kneels down beside his chair and pulls his member completely free of his shorts. She spits on her palm to add to the lube. "Show me more," she says when that clip ends. The next clip is longer. In it Ricky is making love to Lacey, and at the same time Allen is pounding Amber hard. Lacey's dad has quite a treasure, here with all these clips. Tiffany firms up her power over him by asking the obvious question. "Does Tiffany know about your collection?" She knows the answer, but wants him to verbalize it. Instead, he slowly shakes his head, refusing to utter the words.

Tiffany senses that Lacey's dad is not far from cumming. He is panting a little and thrusting his hips up to meet her strokes. She stops, letting his dick spring free and stands facing him. With her foot, she slowly turns his chair to face her. She peels her clothes off, sliding them onto the floor, one article at a time. Her crotch feels wet and tingles in anticipation. Lacey's dad is practically drooling at her young flesh. He tugs his trousers off, then his shorts. He lets out a moan as her boobs spring free when she removes her bra. Standing still with her hands on her hips, she allows him a few moments to appreciate her full, perky breasts. Cupping them in her hands, she lifts and squeezes them together. Then she tweaks her nipples and pulls at them. He begins to stroke himself, but Tiffany lifts her foot and, using her toes, moves his hand away. He looks at her, bewildered, and instead removes his shirt. His middle aged belly just sort of spills out. He is not great looking, but his dick is nice with huge veins snaking down its length.

Tiffany turns with her back to him as she wiggles her ass and pushes her panties down to the floor and steps out of them. Lacey's dad consumes her with his eyes. He studies her heart shaped ass, the sides of her tits, visible even from the rear, and her impossibly slim waist. Tossing her panties back over her head, Lacey's dad catches them easily. Holding them to his face, he inhales her female scent. She strokes her middle finger into her slit, and it disappears down into the folds of her labia. Her finger makes a wet, squishy sound as she moves it rapidly up and down. Her head falls back and her mouth opens in ecstacy. Removing her finger, she brings it upward and into her mouth where she sucks on it, all the while looking directly into his eyes.

Easing herself down on the floor, she displays herself, legs splayed wide open, tantalizing him. Her swollen inner labia are neatly exposed with her pea sized clit, standing at attention in its hood at the top. "Come eat me," she says, commanding him. He gets up and approaches her with almost childlike curiosity, kneeling between her legs. Reaching over her, he takes her tits in his large hands, gently caressing them. He circles one of her nipples with his finger, feeling the little raised bumps on her areola. Then he bends to her pussy, and flicks his tongue rapidly around and on her clit. He inserts his middle finger into her hole and works it in and out, reaching far back for her g-spot. Then he resumes flicking her clit with his tongue.

"Stand up," Tiffany commands after a couple minutes of his attention. "Turn around and straddle my head on your knees." Tiffany places her hands on his ankles, guiding him into the position she wants him in. "Now bend over and lick my pussy." He is on top in the 69 position, his dick dangling in her face. Taking his member in her hand, she carefully licks around the mushroom head and strokes the sensitive underside with her tongue. She has to be careful, she knows, or he will cum right away. That would not do. She has other plans for him.

He started out feeling guilty over what he is doing. He is a happily married man, after all, with two grown kids. Middle aged guys like him don't have affairs with younger girls like this,except in their wildest dreams. But how can anyone fault him for giving in, with a seductress like this gal! Anyway, no one needs to know his secret. This girl is not likely to tell anyone, since he has proof of her fooling around with their dog. No, she will keep their secret.

He is very glad that he made love to his wife upon awakening this morning. If he had not, he would never have been able to hold out this long without blowing his load. This girl's body is amazing! He wants to make this last.

Lacey's dad is really good at giving head. He alternately flicks her clit with his tongue, sucks on her labia, and strokes her g-spot with his inserted finger. That's the thing with older, experienced men. They know what they are doing. Tiffany Stops, with his cock still in hand. She whimpers, "OK, I'm about to cum. I need you to stick this inside of me, right now."

Lacey's dad stops, gets up and looks at Tiffany. "You want me to fuck you?" he inquires.

"Yes. Do it now," she says.

"Are you sure that's what you want?" he says. "We need to find a condom. I don't have one, but I think Allen has one in his night stand. I'll go grab it."

"Heavens, no. I'm on the pill. Give it to me now! Spill your seed all up inside me! I won't wait while you piddle around with a condom! I want to feel your cock throb inside of me when you cum."

He moves into position between my legs and lines up with my entrance. I feel him rubbing his dick up and down my slit, separating my labia. Pushing gently, he enters an inch or so and I feel myself stretch to accommodate his girth. "Oh, god!" he exclaims, "you are so tight. I'm not hurting you, am I? Are you a virgin?" I don't bother to answer him. I'm not sure that I can even speak. Grabbing his hips, I pull him into me, all the way to the hilt. Then he begins to thrust, making animal sounds with each thrust. Then he begins to kiss my mouth, hungrily exploring with his tongue. Picking up speed, I feel his balls, slapping into my ass with a wet, slapping sound. As he continues to bang me hard, I feel my own arousal, growing out of control.

Lacey's dad contrassts this with the sex he had with his wife, early this morning. She will not give him a blow job. She thinks it is gross to do oral. Since she won't give him oral, he very rarely does it to her. Not that he minds doing oral, but he thinks she should reciprocate. And she is not very tight any more. Of course she has passed a couple of babies, so he doesn't expect her to be very tight. But this girl is something else! He doesn't think his wife was ever this tight! Then he feels bad, comparing his wife to this labile young thing. All in all, he and his wife have been good together.

Suddenly he groans, "I'm gonna cum. I can't hold it any longer." Ramming hard and fast, I feel his cock spasm, sending his liquid fire, deep into my belly. Thinking about it pushes me over the edge and I feel my insides tremble and my pussy clench on his veined cock. He grunts with each thrust and then moans when he is spent, collapsing down onto me, sweating and panting. I look into his face to make sure he didn't have a heart attack, or an aneurysm or something. The look on his face is pure bliss and contentment.

A couple minutes pass as we bask in the afterglow. But now I am struggling with his weight over my body. I give him a little shove, to alert him to my discomfort. He rolls off and lets out a low whistle. "Wow! What a ride!" He says. "That is one for my personal Guinness book of world records." When he catches his breath, he addresses the elephant in the room, "can we keep this a secret? Just between the two of us?" he asks.

"Oh, yes," I say. "We dare not say anything about this ever. Not to anybody!"

Then he adds, "And not to Lacey, right?"

Alarmed at the thought, I reply, "Oh no! Especially not to Lacey." I consider what Lacey might say if she knew that I had sex with her dad? It probably wouldn't be good.

"Great!" he says. "Let's get in the shower. I don't know about you, but I could use one. When we are done, I can take you home. I don't think I will be playing any golf. I have already scored a hole in one!"

We get into the water and soap each other up. Lacey's dad seems pretty worn out after our romp on the floor, but with the attention in the shower, he is coming back to life. Standing behind me with his body pressed into mine, he reaches around to fondle my soapy breasts. I feel his erection growing against my upper ass. His shower is equipped with one of those European shower heads, the ones on a wand that you can take down off the wall. I take it down and train the powerful jets between my legs. Turning a dial, I adjust it to a powerful, pulsing mode. It feels amazing. I gotta get me one of these!

Then I turn the blast onto the head of his penis, making it swell even more. He bends down, planting kisses on my neck and shoulders. Finally he ends up suckling my breasts. I can anticipate where this is going. Changing the spray back to a gentle rain, I replace the wand back on the shower wall. I turn again to face him, and he rests his hands on my hips. "You have an amazing body." He looks me up and down. "Do you have a boyfriend?" he asks.

"Nope. Not anymore. Dumped him a couple weeks ago, " I say.

"Poor guy," he replies. "I don't know where this goes from here, but we can enjoy it for as long as it lasts." He pulls me under the warm shower spray and kisses me full on the mouth. Grabbing his hard cock, I give it a few strokes. Bending down, I take him into my mouth. I use a combination of stroking and sucking, he puts his hands on the back of my head, gently thrusting his hips. Pulling his dick out of my mouth, I notice that the head is dark, almost blue in color. I lick it from all sides.

Straightening, I push him back, out of the water spray, near a bench, molded into the shower. Raising my leg up on the bench, I position him against me. With his dick in my hand, I guide him to my anxiously awaiting pussy. He plants his feet apart, lowering his torso to better match my height. Tilting my hips, I take his fat dick, deep inside me again. With one hand on my breast, he begins thrusting, massaging my breast and kissing me, all at the same time. He is a very enthusiastic lover. "Oooh, I can't get over how tight you are, and your warm, velvety softness." He breathes into my ear.

With his words, I feel myself cumming again. My body bucks involuntary, my breath coming in gasps. It just goes on for what must have been a full minute while he strokes in and out of me. When I feel that I can take no more, Lacey's dad shoots another load, deep within me. With a conspiratorial laugh, we uncouple, and rinse off. Grabbing towels, we dry each other off. Gathering our clothes, we work at trying to put ourselves back together, again.


In the car, he places his hand on my thigh. "I guess we haven't even met. What is your name?"

"My name is Tiffany," I reply.

"Tiffany," he repeats as if trying on the name, to see how it feels, spilling out of his mouth. Then he seems to come to himself. "I'm David, but I guess you should probably call me Mr Anderson." he smiles. "Thank you for making an old man, very very happy. Even though we cannot speak of this, I want you to know that I will certainly never forget it." Then he adds, "Tiffany, if you ever want anything from me in the future, please, just ask. I cannot promise that we can do anything like this again, but who knows?"

Coming into my house, my sister asks, "Was that a guy who just dropped you off?" She looks at me quizzically, with her head tilted and one eyebrow raised.

"Please," I answered in mock exasperation. "He's old enough to be my dad. It's Mr Anderson, Lacey's dad."
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