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Leland visits Colleen at home. Later she experiments with George's fantasies.
Chapter 6

When I wandered into the kitchen to break my fast the next morning, Peg and Ridley had left for school, and George was heading to work. He came up to me but hesitated before pecking my cheek with his lips.

I bit my lip. I wanted to tell him to have a better day at work than he had at home. I turned my head in time to touch my lips briefly to his as he swept past. "I love you."

He turned back from heading out and took me in an arm. "We'll figure it out. Two people in love have the best chance."

I wanted to chase him as he left the house and drove away.

My meal consisted of whole grain toast with Nutella. I needed comfort food.

Starting work that day with a sugar high, prevented my self-deprecation from controlling me. I worked steadily and efficiently. The doorbell rang while I was having lunch.

It was Leland, standing at my door like a salesman. He wore decently clean clothes, but his shoes had split seams. "Colleen." He said simply.

I stood still, shocked to the core, but I didn't stammer. "Why are you at my house?" I made it clear about the violation he was committing.

"Because I can." He gave the brutal truth. "Are you alone?"

I regretted nodding, but he was here to upset my expectations about us.

"Are you expecting anyone soon?"

I shook my head.

He walked in and guided himself on a tour of my home. I trailed behind, shame tearing my insides. In the kitchen, he noticed my work laptop and shut the lid. He only took one step into each of the kid's rooms, looked around, and frowned. In my bedroom he opened and shut all the dresser drawers, mine and George's, exploring only with his eyes fortunately.

He looked through our bathroom cabinet and grabbed a bottle with two tablets of Oxycodone. "Nasty stuff." He pocketed it. He found my birth control pills and took those too. "No more of these. Do you hear?"

"Leland," I began, panic making my heart race. "You can't think-"

"I'll tell you what to think, Cunt!" He shouted suddenly, shaking the half used, thin plastic case at me. "It's now your responsibility to see that you don't get pregnant. No drugs! Do you understand?"

"It's not like you're going to wear a condom."

"And you better never wear one of of those for women." He glowered.

"When I'm fertile, will you let me suck you instead?"

"How would you know that?" He was ignorant of the very effective techniques which long ago replaced the stupid, Rhythm Method. Even the Catholic church had adopted various systems of Natural Birth Control.

I waited, hoping he would answer my question.

He opened the case and dumped my pills into the toilet.

"Or my anus." Panic motivated me to offer the other 'safe' hole. I had tried it a few times with George. Neither of us cared for it. With Leland, however, I feared he would beat my butt cheeks raw before ramming his huge dick up my asshole. That would be preferable to conceiving and having to get an abortion.

"Let's get this over with." He took a deep breath and hissed it loudly through his nostrils. Sitting on the end of my marriage bed, he patted his lap. "Come on. I need to warm you up." He meant he wanted his dick to warm up. Sadism was definitely a thing for him, but I was beginning to suspect he had his limits.

"Please, Leland, I can barely sit today. I had to work standing up!"

"Do you want me to take out my belt?"

I shook my head. He gave clear signs of impatience until I started pulling down my pants and underwear. Humiliated, I bent over his lap and lay my belly across it. I clenched my teeth.

SMACK! His right hand made a loud noise. My mouth made a louder one. That first swat wasn't heavy, but it hurt worse than last night's first angry strikes of his belt. "AAAA!!!" I shouted! He held me down with his left hand. His right continued to rain blows against my bruised cheeks.



"GODS!! PLEASE!!!" I felt him getting hard beneath my bellybutton.


I kept wailing as he spanked my inflamed ass! I prayed none of the neighbors would hear. I suspected nothing would happen if someone did. George and I are acquainted with our neighbors, but not well enough share barbecues or dinner parties.

I lost count of his strikes, but when his dick was particularly hard he stopped. "Take off your top things and suck me."

When his left hand let go, I fell off his lap, onto the carpet. I managed to prevent my ass from crashing into it. I didn't care if I broke my neck to avoid crashing on my butt. Kneeling before him, I tore off my simple, work blouse. I pulled my tits and arms out of the the bra and spun it around to unfasten the clasp. Fully naked, except for pants and panties around my ankles, I bowed to his rising prick and gulped down the most I could suck comfortable. I brushed my hair from my face before servicing Leland's big black cock.

It grew another two inches before it was fully erect. When Leland grabbed my hair and forced my head down, choking me with his prick, I was as ready as I could be. I managed to gag and cough against his throat clogging head for nearly thirty seconds. When he pulled my head away, he grunted. "Get on your bed, White Bitch."

I climbed over the end and crawled towards my pillows. I started to rise up on my hands and knees, but he grabbed my right hip and toppled me onto my back. I whimpered from shame and throbbing pain in my behind. Leland stood from the bed and turned around. Before climbing on top of me, he pulled off the garments around my ankles. "Spread for me, Bitch. My prick wants a wide welcome!" The rampant member twitched to his heartbeat.

I spread my legs. Searing pain from my butt made me wince. Even my labia clenched briefly. He climbed between my wide open thighs and lowered his hips. He grabbed my tits, small bruises dotting them, but worked them without adding to my suffering. His right hand kept groping. He pulled back his left, to fit his dick head into my pussy lips. While he rubbed the meaty head along my gaping slit, he lowered his lips to mine and stuck his tongue into my cock flavored mouth. It tasted like the worst breath!

When his cock found the divot leading to my cunt, he pushed the head through and slowly fed my sore fuck hole with randy inches. They slid easily through a well lubricated canal. I was still stymied as to why I had gotten wet when I had no interest in what he was doing - except to stop it. Yet, soft clouds began to form a protective screen around my suffering mind. Our tongues swirled. His left hand returned to my tits. My nipples took the brunt of their efforts.

Leland pushed every inch of his black snake into my wet recess. He paused, possibly to focus on fucking his tongue in my face and pinching my nipples. I groaned from their abuse. I hollered when he raised up, pulling half from my pussy and then commenced fucking me with fat strokes of prick! His weight slammed into my hips, forcing my aching ass deep into the mattress.


"Take that black cock, Bitch, all of it! Work. That. Cunt." He growled.

It pained me worse to thrust my hips up against his downstrokes which crashed my ass back down into the bed! "Hhhhhhh!!!" I gasped and wailed.

Leland maintained a steady fucking. I feared he was going to fuck me for hours. That time when he fucked me slowly while the sun set, had proved his stamina.

After five minutes, my hip muscles gave out, humping slower against his pistoning prick.

He sped up then, doubling his fuck strokes per second. He was panting harder too, pulling his face and tongue away. If I hadn't known better, I would have guessed that Leland was about to cum. The pain from him bashing my ass into the mattress, doubled too, but through the delightful barrier I felt a quarter of it. My whines and groans radiated through the house.

"Oh, gods, Shelly!" His body slammed the next stroke powerfully into my cunt, bashing my beaten cervix. His hips bucked on top of me like a bull on its back. Something burst inside my head, and I screamed.

His loins opened internally, launching the first of many, many blasts of hot cum against my strained, cervical entrance. I was astonished to feel the unanticipated gouts of semen flooding my well fucked pussy! I stared up, shock on my face, but he had turned his head away.

Cum flowed into me, a steady stream of it. Something happened to me, equally unexpected. My groin lurched under the hot fluid bubbling from our locked organs. A wave of relief washed up my body and eased my thoughts. The amount of pleasure wasn't even close to what my littlest orgasms produced. Instead of feeling greater embarrassment, I welcomed the pain relief that it provided. I grunted then, grateful for even the small space it placed between me and my body's suffering.

"Unngh. Unng." I don't think Leland heard me, or I would have been totally shamed.

"This is a good bed." He spoke, face still turned away.

We lay motionless for a time. At one point he dropped his head next to mine, his face rested flat upon the covers. I listened while his fast breaths slowed.

Pain from my weighted ass continued to swim, eventually overriding the brief relieve my strange climax had brought. I hadn't felt any arousal building before my hips shuddered from his ejaculating, embedded cock. Apparently I fully repressed the emotions which had burst when I screamed.

It wasn't more than a minute, after cumming deep inside of me, before he rolled over onto George's side of the bed. His dick drew out half of his expended seed upon the coveres between my widespread thighs. It flopped over with him and arched like a black rainbow.

We lay, side by side, me wanting to crawl away but remaining still, praying for my ass to cool.

"I'm hungry." He stated. I looked at him as if he was a monster.

Hobbling into the kitchen, I fixed an egg salad sandwich, chips, and peeled an orange. I brought the plate and a cold root beer to my bedroom.

"Nah, I'll eat it in the kitchen." He glanced at the mess we made and got up from the bed. Grimacing, Leland took the plate and glass of soda from me and wandered down the hall. I took the clue and went about scrubbing his cum and my pussy slime out of the covers. Fortunately, they were polyester and hadn't soaked deeply.

I went to the kitchen and stood next to my computer. Half naked, he sat eating while I awaited whatever would happen next. He had me go to my knees and clean his withdrawn prick while he continued to scarf down the food I had provided.

"Okay. Get up, unless you want another go." His cock hadn't grown under my oral cleansing. I guessed further sucking would restore its randiness. That was the last thing I wanted.

I crawled out from under the table. He had me fetch his clothes.

"Would you like a bath?"

"Nah. I good. Maybe next time." He pointed at the hall. "Dress me."

My heart clenched. How soon would be next time? After fetching his discarded clothes from my bedroom, I worried while helping him dress. Not that he needed help, he was just exercising his authority over me.

"I need some cash for the bus."

"Let me look." I was instantly grateful that he didn't want me to drive him. I brought back my transit card. "There's over thirty dollars on this."

"Fuck that!" He knocked the card from my hand. "I ain't gonna let you track me!" His ignorant conspiracy fear surprised me. He went to my purse and fished out the cash in it. I don't typically carry much in this age of electronic payments.

"Not even a twenty!" He scoffed but pocketed the cash and went to the front door. Without another word, he opened it, strode out, and closed it behind him.

My knees wobbled and nearly sank to the cold kitchen tiles. I started breathing hard and staggered to the living room couch. I fell headlong into it, unconscious from the moment my tits hit the cushions.


"Momma?" A distant voice seeped into a partially lucid dream. I was floating on a river, surrounded by logs, rushed headlong towards the sawmill.

"Momma!" My body shuddered as I woke from Ridley's exclamation of concern.

"What happened?"

"GODS!" I lurched up, curling away, covering my chest, wincing from the the moment my ass twisted upon the leather cushions.

My son ignored my turning from him. He was too astonished. "Your bottom is really dark!"

"RIDLEY!" I shouted. "Get my robe from my bedroom! Now!" I couldn't just leap up and run away naked in front of my youngest child! He hesitated, jaw wanting to speak, but he dashed into the hall. I called after him. "Don't look at me when you come back!"

Seconds later I watched him enter. He took a last peek at my bare back and the red tops of my burning butt cheeks before closing his eyes. He tossed my robe across the room. I didn't dare uncover my right breast to catch it. It landed beside me, and I sorta shrank under it's protection before grabbing it.

"Turn away." I said while standing and wrapping the thick yellow robe around my recently violated body. "Where's your sister?"

"I don't know. She's not here?" It wasn't unusual for Peg to spend time with girlfriends before returning home. My son didn't like that I continued to avoid his question. "Mom! Why is your bottom so dark?"

"Mommy fell in the kitchen. That's why I was resting." It was a quick and shallow lie, but Ridley often favored my words, unless they deprived him of something.

"Oh." He frowned. "I'm sorry."

"I'm more sorry." I tried humor.

Ridley giggled. The boy was thirteen, but he still giggled like a seven year old.

"You have to be extra sweet while my bum heals, okay?"

Favor didn't give a pass to being manipulated. "I'm always sweet!"

"If only. You have to help make supper tonight."


I proceed to hobble into the kitchen and look through the cupboards and refrigerator. "What should I make?"


"We can phone your father to pick up some, but that's not supper." I offered. "There's left over rib roast."

"Okay." He shrugged.

"But there's not enough for everyone."

"You can have my roast."

"Didn't you like it?"

"I like you more." He was genuinely sorry that I had fell and hurt myself. I wasn't used to that amount of empathy from him, even though I had always considered him to be somewhat of a mommy's boy. I supposed every son was a bit of one.

"I didn't break or twist anything." I felt a need to reassure him. "The swelling and bruises will go away in a few days." They would if Leland would stop visiting and calling me out.

Peg arrived while her brother and I were discussing supper. He launched himself at her while she was closing the front door. "You gotta be nice, Peg. Momma got hurt today!" He ran towards her.

"What'd she do, cut her finger?" She mocked him. "Mom!"

I sighed and came to the living room entrance. "Yes?"

"The brat said you're hurt?"

I had to continue the lie. "I fell on my butt, if you have to know. There's some bruising, and I'm a little stiff. I'll be fine."

Peg had seen me hobble slightly. "Good." She took her backpack to her room and shut the door.

"You know you could help her!" Ridley yelled into the hall.

"Mom needs to do it. It's called rehabilitation." Was her emphatic, unsympathetic reply.

"Mom! Make her go to bed without supper!" He demanded. I had never punished my children that way, rarely punishing them at all, which was partly the reason I had fallen into the evil situation I desperately tried to hide from my children.

"Then there'll be enough roast for us and Dad!" He beamed with pride.

I ended up cutting my share of the roast and splitting it with Peg during dinner.

"Mom, my body is growing up, I need more food than this." She complained. I had given her half servings of potatoes, peas, carrots, before sharing my roast, because she usually complained that I was fattening her.

George, who had been quieter than usual around the family for the past few days, surprised me. "Maybe you're growing in the wrong direction." He had heard her complain about "all the food" I forced her to eat. I held back a chortle.

"Peg's getting fa-at!" Ridley gloated and sang.

"Suck it, Brat! I bet you caused Mom's fall today."

George and I locked eyes.

"Leen, maybe I'm the one getting fat. I need you to measure me, in our room."

We stood up from the table.

"Now?" Ridley couldn't believe it.

"You're so naive." Peg snickered but mused aloud. "I wonder what set them off."

George and I entered the room and shut the door, both worried but for different reasons. He went as far as the bathroom, faced me and implored, "You're hurt?"

I couldn't lie to him, though I wanted to spare him. "It's best if you don't ask. It will heal just fine in a few days. It's nothing serious."

"Did that bastard hurt you?"

"If I refuse to answer, will you let it go?"

He grumbled in the back of his throat. "Yes, damnit."

All of a sudden, a horrible scenario occurred to me. If my husband ever got the notion that he could 'save' me, and decided to sacrifice himself for me- I would probably kill myself. I needed him alive and as content as possible during my degrading affair with a much older black man.

"Sit with me." I went the the end of the bed where, hours earlier I had Leland's large cock in my sucking, licking mouth. My husband's incredible, possibly misplaced faith in me moved him to my side. I kept my voice low. "George, I have to make you understand that you absolutely mustn't involve yourself with my evil personality. She will turn against you, every time. What she does with 'that bastard' should be no longer relevant to your marriage to me."

"You can't install a switch in my heart, Colleen." He was incredibly frustrated!

"Yes, I'm being unrealistic, but if you don't train yourself to switch off your feelings when I'm being evil, external forces will eventually break your heart."

"You would do that to me?" He glowered.

"Never! I'm doing everything I can to keep your heart with mine!" I passionately took his hands. Allow me to try something. If it doesn't work or gets too weird, only time will be wasted."

"I trust you." He gripped my hands. George genuinely wanted to learn to cope with my ongoing infidelity.

It started with a kiss, my lips brushing his before pressing heavily against them. I took his head in my hands and bandied our kiss about until his tension softened. My hands dropped to his pants, and I unzipped them. Usually I would push his pants down for a handjob, but I wanted my efforts to feel raw, chaotic, improvised. I slid off the bed and onto the floor, for easy access to my husband's sweet dick.

His lungs breathed a little deeper as I slowly worked his soft dick and hairy balls with both my hands. "I'm going to tell you a story, George, and it's happening right now, with us in our bedroom and the curtains mostly open." To be clear, our actual curtains were nearly closed, and our privacy was quite assured.

"I'm on my knees, just like this, and you have been anxious for signs that I still love you. It's my job to convince you, but the universe has strange ways of warping the best of intentions."

"This is new." George sounded less upset, cautious at the worst. He didn't know what my plan was. "You usually only take charge if we're pretending."

"I'm making this about you, tonight, My Love." I gave him my warmest smile. "Here I am, massaging your penis- No, your boner - you are enjoying this!" I winked. His dick was firming quickly. I repurposed one of my busy hands to the task of unbuttoning my blouse.

"You take an experienced guess that I'll be sucking your cock soon, but something in the yard grabs your attention. A neighbor has hurdled the fence to fetch a toy that perhaps his child threw into our backyard." George immediately looked through small gap in the curtains. There was nothing out in back. I used his distraction to shuck my open blouse and unsnap my bra. The cups dangled across my belly, my tits in full from my husband's height advantage.

I resumed my tale, drawing his attention back to me, and he smiled. I don't think George ever tires of seeing my boobs. Or he is a wonderful actor.

"The neighbor steps quickly to fetch the toy but pauses. While concerned about being discovered, he notices us through the window. The toy is forgotten as the man slinks to our shed and ducks behind, peeping around it." I took a moment to consider what would happen next in my tale, taking well into account how my husband's stiffening peter reacted. It continued to harden if not faster.

"The neighbor watches me, George, growing excited by my boobs and my aparent submission to you. He leans farther from his hiding spot to look closer. At that moment you see him, and your eyes lock together. You both freeze up in the moment of mutual discovery. I follow your stare and also see the man who is now unsure what to do. I say, 'let him watch, My Love.' He's probably harmless, and I want to show him that I'm totally yours.

"What do you do, George?"

My husband's mind raced, his heart beating quickly. I could tell by the pulse in his nearly full pecker. But also, my fingers detected it soften slightly. I learned later, that he was piecing together the purpose of my multi-sensory tale. He judged it was an example of proving my love to him. Poor George would eventually be proven wrong but not disappointed. He answered, "I grin at the man. Do I know him?"

"No, Honey. Remember our neighborhood isn't very chummy. The man slowly grins back. He steps out from behind the shed and watches unabashedly."

George's penis jerked in my hand to full hardness. I slowed my strokes. He was not unhappy that my story peeper was watching a half naked wife (me) give her husband (George) a loving handjob. I knew what to say.

"Your eyes meet again, but you feel strange suddenly. The man's intense gaze is a little intimidating. He steps closer to our window and he gestures, opening his mouth and fucking two of his fingers in and out of it.

"I see him too, in a corner of my field of view, but my eyes are on you and your beautiful, hard cock. When the man gestures, you hesitate before taking my head and pulling it closer to your stiff rod."

"I'm not sure I would do that." George started to complain.

"Shhh, Dearest, in the story you do." I move one of his hands to my hair.

"This isn't interactive?"

"No, George." I shook my head and eyed him like a school marm. He leaned back slightly. "Only if I ask a question." I released his aroused manhood, open my mouth, and suck in his full, hard length!

OH! The taste surprised me! I hadn't given head to my dear husband since Leland raped my mouth for the first time. His sour and dirty dick disgusted me! The taste of George's penis washed away that trauma, at least for that moment. My sweet, sweet George tasted as wonderful as carmel, white chocolate, or even the finest custard. My heart beat fast, and I began devouring the hard shaft fully enclosed in my mouth! I nearly forgot my larger plan.

"OHH, Honey! That feels incredible!" His loving palm patted my head, instead of gripping and forcing me to mouth fuck him.

I had to tear myself off of his delicious prick, to continue the story. "I'm still sucking you, as the man outside directed. He is emboldened by your accommodation to his suggestion. The man comes right up to the window and stares confidently as I suck on your sweet dick." In reality, I had reverted to slowly jacking my man's saliva soaked member.

"I'm not sure I like this, Leen." George declared, but his body had a different response. His heart rate increased again, and his dick grew hot in my hand.

"The man speaks just loud enough to be heard through the window. He wants to come in and get a better look. He doesn't ask, and his eyes dare you to deny him."

"He can't come in, Colleen." George was panting. "Ohh- oohh."

"I'm sorry George, the man's intensity is too much for you. He disappears from the window, heading for the back door."

"OOOAAAHH!!!" My husband's body lurched! I dove my mouth back to his twitching prick and caught his spurting seed. George's abrupt ejaculate tasted nearly as wonderful as his dick! "MMMmmmmmm!!!" I moaned and hummed, drinking quickly. My attention fixated on the gooey richness and lightly salty almost meaty flavor! Normally, I don't care much for the taste of cum. My rare lovers before I married had markedly different flavors. None compelled me to be more than a cocksucker who drank a pecker dry only to be polite. I gulped and gulped on my man's wonderful fountain.

"Leen!" He startled me. "You're going to leave a hickey." He smiled. His dick's eruption had died quickly, and I found myself sucking an empty straw. I pulled away, trying mask a sudden flash of shame.

"Sorry." I looked away in case I was blushing.

"What do you mean?" He nearly bounced on our bed. "That was incredible!"

"I'm glad you enjoyed it. I'm going to brush my teeth." I typically did that after swallowing my husband's semen, but this time was to hide my embarrassment for wishing he had cum more into my mouth. George lay satisfied on our bed while I brushed.

When I emerged from our private bath, he asked, "So what kind of experiment was that?"

I lied. "Oh, just to see if you might like storytelling during sex." I gulped the risidual flavor of mint toothpaste, worried that he might catch on.

"Well, it worked great!" He beamed. "I'm not sure I want a story every time, but when you're game and I'm game, let's do it."

I sat beside him and leaned into his warmth. "Sure, Honey." I spoke on auto-pilot but stared absently at the drawn, auburn curtains.

His bubbly mood settled when he noticed my listlessness. "You look like you're missing something. Do you need some loving? I'd enjoy reciprocating."

"That sounds fun." I made myself brighten. "But I'd rather wait for you to recharge and give me the whole enchilada." I winked.

He bounced his eyebrows. "Say no more. Say no more."

George's mood changed abruptly. My weak excitement must have worried him. "I can't imagine what you're going through, let alone what you've been through, Leen. Don't push yourself to accomodate me. I loved what you did tonight but if was at mental expense to you - don't." He put arm around me which felt good. I nestled my head into the crook of his neck and took his other hand in my left.

"I'll make it through this awful, hopefully transient time. Your growing strength is very inspiring! One thing I need to remind you, though. I'm not the only one not getting enough attention in our family."

A bolt of guilt struck me, when I remembered Ridley's birthday. "Oh, no. It's next week."

"Uh-huh." He nodded.

Ridley was going to turn fourteen, and I hadn't started to plan for it. Leland's pogrom of corruption had scattered the important things in my life. I hardly knew what day it was. I felt awful!

"There's still enough time to prepare." Gegore rattled off possible themes, and I did my best to pay attention and respond with suggestions.

Later that night, before my husband curled up and slept, I sucked his savory penis until it was hard enough to mount. I rode my husband like a mare in heat on a donkey, finally cumming after a long workout by remembering the man in our backyard and how he directed George to make me suck him. Except, in that version, George made me suck the neighbor.


2023-07-10 13:30:41
Hey, Bull Bhorr, thanks for commenting! Several chapters still to come. I hope they don't disappoint.

The Bull BhorrReport 

2023-07-09 13:56:06
More than interesting so far. I wonder where this all will lead...
Thanks for sharing this whit us.

With a mighty hug

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