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Reposting as I've tidied the chapter up and fixed up some grammatical errors.

It's not the quickest story but there is constant escalating sexual tension and contact between M/s until their awakening and climax of the story in Chapter 3. Hope you enjoy!
Chapter 1

Stephanie lay on her bed, her mind whirling. She felt exhausted with the day’s events and all she could think to herself was that she should just go to sleep. It was night-time, the world was quiet outside, no sound other than the odd car in the distance and her heartbeat in her chest. She still needed to shower for the evening but even getting up to go to her ensuite bathroom seemed like too much of an effort. All that she could do was replay the day’s events her in mind and wonder how things had progressed as they had.

Just sleep, leave today behind. Tomorrow you can start again and erase the day from your mind. Pretend that none of it happened and just go back to normal she told herself.

She wanted to; she was willing it to happen. She pulled the comforter around her fully clothed body and tried to squeeze her eyes closed in the hope that she could force herself to sleep. She stayed like that for a few minutes in the dark room listening to the silence, but it was no use. The memories of the evening flashed through her mind again and again and no matter how much she shifted she was not getting any more comfortable. “I need to get undressed and showered” she told herself, of course she did. She’d always been a creature of habit and her before bed shower had become her nightly ritual for as long as she could remember. At least since her son Andy was old enough to sleep in his own room.


Her son.

Again, he flashed into her mind. As her only son, he was her whole world, so he was never far from her mind but today had changed something, moved something within her. Something inexplicable had been altered and she couldn’t work out if she could ever put it back.

Being a single mother was hard, but she thought she had been doing such a good job. Although he was a somewhat reserved boy around other adults and his peers, he had grown to be a compassionate and sweet teen and he had a small group of friends who she thought were a good influence on him, and she enjoyed the fact that he didn’t seem to be rushing to grow up too quickly. He had recently started going to swimming practice at his school and she could see the buds of confidence that had given him. He was by no means a cocky or obnoxious young man, but he seemed a bit more outgoing and at ease in himself. He was good looking but still boyish teen with sandy brown hair that fell about the deep blue eyes that reminded her so much of his father and that she adored. His father had died when Andy was only five and those first couple of years were a struggle. John had left enough money for them to be comfortable for a while but the grief that it had left her with was immense. She had waded through those first few years in emotional numbness and Andy was the only thing that kept her from giving up at times. He was the light in her life that she kept going for, and his radiance bought hope and joy to her heart in that dark period.

As he grew older their bond never dwindled, their relationship was as good as any mother could hope for from her son. Even as he entered his teenage years, they would often spend weekends together going to parks, watching movies and shopping. He was open with her and she with him and they supported each other and talked about their days together when he got home from school. She hadn’t dated much at all, but he had always encouraged her to if that’s what she wanted. He was such a supportive and caring teen.

God, she thought to herself. Am I such a terrible mother?

She forced herself up in an attempt to clear the thoughts from her mind. Pausing momentarily as she sat on the edge of her bed to listen for any sounds to indicate that Andy was still awake from within the house, but she was met with stillness. She rose and began undressing, removing her top and trousers, deliberately folding them and placing them on the back of the chair before taking off her bra. The act felt particularly liberating today, her breasts were much more sensitive than usual, they had ached in a way that she hadn’t felt since she was nursing Andy all those years ago. She placed a hand under each and gently massaged them, trying to soothe their near constant throb. As she did, she couldn’t’ help but look at herself in her mirror and examine her body. It was not an impulse that she had had in a while, she realized. She went to yoga twice a week, but she did that out of habit and for how good it felt – she rarely gave any actual thought to how she looked anymore, and the realization saddened her.

Whilst still holding her breasts she examined herself. The inevitable signs of aging were there to see; her breasts were slightly less perky than they once were and the veins around her nipples showed a bit more prominently. She now held a small bit of fat around her stomach and butt that hadn’t been there previously, but all in all she thought that she held up well for someone her age. Not that forty-two was old by any means, it was just that when she let herself think about it, she had seen so many of her friends decline rapidly once the routine of family and work life set in and she was happy that – so far at least – she thought she could still be confident enough to wear a figure-hugging dress out if she wanted too. There was vanity in this line of thinking, she knew - but she allowed herself this rare confidence boost as she turned to look at her behind from over her shoulder in the mirror.

Happy with herself she turned back around and that was when she was again reminded of the happenings of the day. She had just hooked her thumbs into her panties and was about to remove them when she noticed the wet patch that covered the whole of their underside. No wonder she was so uncomfortable, she thought. Ashamed of herself she slid them down her thighs. The crotch was saturated in her clear and frothy juices and as she pulled them, they almost stuck to her lightly trimmed pubic hair that had become matted and sticky in the dampness. The smell of herself rose to meet her nostrils. She had been horny for so long. And as much as she had tried to put the thoughts of the past couple of hours out of her head there was no stopping them.

She hadn’t been this turned on in years. The feelings had caught her by surprise, and she felt alive and rejuvenated. Like a part of herself that she had forgotten had awoken and taken over all her thought process. It had made every part of herself feel more sensitive and excited, her heartbeat was in her ears and her vagina had been alive all evening. She wanted nothing more than to lie down on her bed, pull out a toy and take care of herself but there was a problem – guilt. The guilt at what she had done and the guilt at what she still wanted to do. She couldn’t bring herself to give in, she was trying desperately not to let the thoughts win out. Her body desperately wanted her to indulge the fantasy, to explore its ramifications and possibilities, to let her mind run free. But she couldn’t. It was wrong. It was so wrong that she didn’t want to even admit to herself that this door in her mind had been opened and that this was what was causing such an intense physical reaction in her body. Because what lay on the other side of that door were thoughts of her son. Her baby boy. Her Andy.



“Hi mom, I’m home!” Andy called through the house as he dropped his bag and kicked off his shoes in the hall.

He had just gotten back from school, much later than usual as he had gone to his friend’s house to play videogames for a bit. He was ravenously hungry having neglected to eat anything since lunch. He headed into the kitchen.

“Mom? Anyone home?” He called again, opening the fridge and taking the plate out.

She mustn’t be home he decided as he tore into the cold leftovers from the night before. His mom was usually home when he got back as she worked from home doing some marketing job that he didn’t fully understand so this was unusual. She had probably just gone out to see a friend or something. He checked his phone as he shoveled food into his mouth and noticed a message from his mother that he had missed.

“Be back late, food in fridge. Xx”

Finishing his impromptu meal, he closed the fridge and poured a large class of water for himself and drank it down. Standing at the sink he didn’t quite know what to do with himself. Usually when he got home his mother would be there to greet him and she’d ask about his day, telling her about all the goings on with his friends and classes. He enjoyed that time with her. At the start of the year, she had encouraged him to join the swim team along with his friend Mark and although he had been hesitant initially, he was glad he had joined. He was shorter and skinnier than most guys in his class and this had intimidated him. He wasn’t being bullied or anything and was generally liked in class, but he preferred to hang out in smaller groups and thought of himself as shy. He had loathed the idea of getting into trunks alongside the larger kids in his class – a fear that would never have crossed his mind pre-puberty – but he soon got used to it. Going to swim practice was fun and he had made a couple of new friends who he liked so he looked forward to it even if practice took up his lunch time twice a week - like it had today.

As he stood there the thought hit him – I’m home alone.

He instantly knew that he had to take advantage of the opportunity, it was rare that he ever had the house totally to himself as his mom was in the house much more often than he was since she started working from home. He felt the familiar stirrings, the warm tickling sensation in his lower stomach and the exciting feeling of blood rushing into genitals. He had been masturbating for a couple of years now, but the excitement had never dwindled, and he was still getting random erections all the time. Although he thought of himself as good at hiding it, he needed to masturbate at least once a day. Unfortunately, he hadn’t had a good opportunity to have any serious sexual encounters with any girls yet beyond kissing, but the idea of it was often all he could think of. He had of course been introduced to porn by this age, but he dreamt of the day that he would actually get to see a real girl undressed.

By the time he had made it to his room he was fully erect, his penis straining against the zipper of his uniform. It almost hurt. He hurriedly unbuttoned his shirt and threw it on the floor. He knew his mother could be back at any minute, but he didn’t want to text her to ask her when she would be back as in his mind that would raise suspicion as to what he was doing. He wanted to enjoy this. He pulled his pants off one leg at a time, causing them to turn inside out and nearly falling over the in the process.

He sat on the edge of his bed in just his white boxers, a tent formed as his penis stood out from his body. He stacked his pillows so that they were on top of each other against the headboard and the shuffled his weight back so that his back was supported against them. He picked up his phone and opened the Reddit app where he had saved some porn and scrolled until he found a picture that he was satisfied with. It was an amateur picture of a naked girl - older than him - with her legs sprayed open as she peered into the camera with a smile on her face and holding the lips of her vagina open.

He hadn’t even touched himself yet but his heartbeat in his chest and his breathing became rapid. He gazed at it for a second, staring into the girl’s encouraging face and wondered what it would be like to be there with her. In his mind she was asking him to put his penis into her and he tried his hardest to imagine the sensation of his cock sliding into her as she smiled at him, welcoming him in to her.

He couldn’t wait anymore; the fabric of his boxers had darkened with a large and still growing damp patch that had formed at the tip of his tent. He was leaking through the cloth and just the sensation of the underside of penis against the underwear was stirring him crazy.

Placing the phone on the bed, he hooked his thumbs into his waistband and pulled them down over himself. His cock caused an audible thud as it was released and hit his belly, leaving a string of precum between it and his tip. He pulled his underwear off his feet and threw it to the side. He bought his right hand to his cock immediately and pulled back his foreskin gently and gave himself his first stroke. Instantly precum leaked out of his hole and droplets began running down his hand.

He lifted his left hand behind his head to support it, his almost hairless armpit next to his face. He closed his eyes and groaned as he stroked himself again. He had wanted to pace himself, but he realized that in all the sudden excitement he had gotten himself close already. He was in two minds about just continuing or trying to prolong the moment. He looked down at his body, dick twitched with each beat of his heart and precum continued to ooze out of it; dripping down from it to his smooth stomach cascading down to wet the few dark brown bristly tufts of curls that lay at the base of his penis.

He looked again at the girl in the photo and imagined her now sitting on top of him, straddling him. Her soft pussy millimeters from his cockhead. In his mind the older girl had her hands on his chest, holding him down as she teased him, not allowing him home just yet. He imagined the look that they would share as she relented and sat back to him, him rising to meet her as she enveloped him.

His hand was at his penis again, he stroked himself harder this time and started to set a pace. He could feel the folds of his duvet beneath him tickle his inner thighs and in between his buttocks. Mindlessly he squirmed on it a bit, making it further ride up and brush against his hole. He enjoyed the feeling as it added to swirling sensations that he was experiencing below his midriff.

He thought about the girl now riding him, how her boobs bouncing in his face as he buried himself in them. Sucking on them as her pussy sucked him. Unconsciously he wanted to be completely embraced by her, every part of him solely dedicated to being against her and in her. He wanted her to own him.

He groaned again as he felt the familiar bubbling’s of his orgasm approaching. In his mind the girl picked up pace and was demanding that he empty himself inside of her. He stroked harder and could feel the warm tickling begin to spread through his groin and cock. It wouldn’t be long now…

“Andy! Honey, I’m home” his mother shouted from the hallway downstairs.

“Crap!” Andy almost shouted at himself in alarm. Why now?!

He was so close! A couple of more seconds and he would have been able release himself all over his chest and stomach.

Why did she have to come home now?

He had to fight the desperate urge to continue, his orgasm was right there. He needed to release, but he knew that there was no way that he would be able to clean up in time if she decided to come upstairs looking for him.

Naked, other than his socks he reached off the side of the bed and picked up his wet damp underwear. Precum was still leaking from his twitching erect penis, it felt ready to explode but he couldn’t even think about it. He pulled up his underwear and hopped off the bed, searching round in desperation for something to cover him up further.

Oh no! He realized that his school uniform pants were inside out.

“Sorry I’m late” his mother continued. She was getting closer, he realized, coming up the stairs.

“I finished early for the day and met Julie for some coffee. I went to a shop on the way back and got you a little something. I do hope you like it”.

Panicked, he pulled a t-shirt on from off the floor and quickly jumped back into his bed, pulling the covers over himself. Just in time for his mother to open the door.

“Andy?” She asked from the hallway, not sure if he was there since she hadn’t received a reply.


She knocked on the door as she walked in clutching a shopping bag and stopped when she noticed him in the bed.

“Oh, hi mom” he said in the sleepiest voice he could manage. He tried faking a yawn and turned to look at her as if he had just woken up from a nap.

“I’m sorry baby, were you napping? Are you feeling alright?”

Concerned, she walked over to him and sat at the edge of his bed, moved the hair out of his eyes and placed her hand on his forehead to check his temperature.

“You’re a bit clammy, but I don’t think you have a fever”.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” He sat up in his bed. “I just felt a bit tired when I came home. Swimming practice was hard today”. He said with a wry smile.

Under the covers he could still feel his penis straining against the fabric of his boxers and although he knew it was a completely unrealistic fear, he couldn’t help but worry over the idea that his mother might for-no-good-reason whip the covers off him and expose his aroused state.

“My hard-working little man” she said with a smile. She took her hand from his head and picked up the shopping bag that she had bought upstairs with her.

“I actually got you something today.” She said with a smile. “I know that you don’t love the shorts that you’ve been using for practice and since it looks like you might be racing by the end of the year, I got you some new ones. The woman in the shop recommended them.”

She handed him the bag. “Will you try them on? I want to make sure that they fit.”

“Do I have to right now, mom?” He did not fancy the prospect of getting changed and he desperately needed her to leave the room before he got out from under his covers.

“Please honey, I want to get you another pair tomorrow if they don’t fit. Come down and show me, I’ll go and start dinner.”

“Okaaay”, he agreed. Not putting up much of a fight but hoping that she would leave the room so that he could get changed in private.

“Good boy” She leaned over and kissed him on the forehead. As she did, she placed her hand at the top of his thigh through the thin duvet. The touch sent mixed signals throughout his body. No one had ever touched him so close to his erect penis before and the feeling sent an electric signal though his groin, making him twitch and pulse and leak even more. It was almost intoxicating being touched by another person like that. But on the other hand, this was his mother, and he was terrified of her discovering his state.

“Thanks mom.” He managed to get out.

Completely oblivious to her son’s predicament Stephanie’s hand lingered on his thigh. She smiled at him and rubbed his leg through the sheets.

He was so cute! She thought to herself.

He looked so adorable to her with his bed head and tired demeaner. He was a good kid and she’d do anything for him. She looked at him with pride again, still mindlessly rubbing her hand up and down his leg. She couldn’t help but lean in closer to give him a hug.

The experience was all too much for Andy, shivers were moving from her touch on his leg up his spine, she may well have been stroking his cock up and down. He desperately tried to hold back as he resisted the spasms of energy that were shooting through his body. His breathing suddenly became shallow, and he found himself lightheaded. All his awareness was centered on her touch, and it was everything he could do to act normally.

As she reached over, he suddenly became hyper aware of her body. She wasn’t wearing anything particularly revealing; just wearing a loose grey sweater and dark colored jeans but the outline of her breasts against the fabric became something of wonder to him. He felt her press her weight up against him, her breasts against his chest. She reached around him, and her hair stroked his neck, and her arm pulled him closer to her. Her smell became intoxicating, the sweet perfume that she wore when going to meet friends mixed with her natural scent. He fell into her and nuzzled his face into her neck, and she rubbed the back of his neck and hair. His cock was pointing straight upwards in his constraining underwear, it’s fabric against the underside of its head. Every slight movement of his mother’s hug caused a slight friction against his most sensitive spot that he could no longer take.

“You’re such a good boy” she said almost mindlessly as she hugged him.

A current shot through Andy, the combination of sensations that he was experiencing was too much for the young teen. He relaxed in his mother’s embrace, and he felt his balls begin to tingle, he couldn’t stop it now. It felt like a heat in is groin that needed to be ejected. All he could do was stifle his moan into her shoulder and hold her closer as semen rushed into his cock. The pleasure was the most intense that Andy had ever felt up to that point in his life and he momentarily lost himself completely in the feeling.

“Mooooom” he whispered, as he let himself go and his cock spasmed under the covers. Ropes of his warm, white fluid shot into his underwear and began coating him as he shuddered against her. His mind was blank, the room had disappeared and just the bare physical sensations that he was feeling existed for him. Again and again, he felt spurts of his cum rushing through him as his cock jerked without touch.

If his mother had any idea indication as to what was happening Andy had no idea but, in this moment, he was totally unable to begin to think about whether he was hiding well – if at all. Her scent in his nostrils, her breasts against him and his cock were his world. He didn’t want it to end. He stayed there, lost in an orgasmic haze as he felt his genitals let out the last of their contents causing a damp mess of his crotch.

“Are you sure you’re, okay?” she asked in concern. “You don’t seem well”.

His mother’s words brought him back to his brain. A sudden tiredness struck him, as the reality of the situation hit him just as hard as his orgasm had. He wished that he could just hold onto his mother and enjoy his post orgasm serenity. He was enjoying the feeling below his waistline. His crotch and underwear were now completely saturated in his pre and post orgasm fluids. He felt extremely warm and sticky down there as semen oozed over his cock and balls and began to get matted in his pubic hair. It was warm and comforting and he wanted to go to sleep in the feeling. But he knew he had to answer her. He had to hide what had just happened.

“I’m okay mom I promise. I’m just feeling a bit tired, I think. I’ll try these on” he said with a forced smile, picking up the bag from the bed and pulling out the contents. The bright orangey-red pair of Speedos that his mother had just bought him in his hand.

“OK baby” she said sitting up with a slight smile on her face. She seemed awkward he thought, but he couldn’t tell if it was just the situation or if she had figured out what he had just done.

“I’ll go get dinner ready”. She continued as she stood up stiffly.

“Okay mom.” Andy replied weakly, struggling to look her in the eyes. A deep shame about what had just happened crept up on him. He didn’t know where all that had just come from, he had gotten so lost in the moment and the feeling. He wished he could take it all back and what made it worse was not knowing whether she knew or not. How could he do that? How could he have gotten so turned on by his own mother? What was wrong with him? The implications were swirling through his head, had he just ruined their relationship? He had never thought of her in this way before, it wasn’t like he was attracted to his mother, was it? She was objectively an attractive lady he knew but it was his mother. He didn’t think of her like that. She had raised him, fed him, dressed him, bathed him, reared him. She was his mother, and she was his best friend growing up, and still was in so many ways. He didn’t want that to all go away. All of it ruined by a silly mistake.

He looked up at her as she walked to the door, his eyes pleading for forgiveness. She turned to him and looked down as he sat there in his bed and gave him a warm smile.

“I love you, Andy.” She said and then turned and left.


2023-08-20 08:50:02
Good start…where’s chapter two?

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