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New York was killing me. The long hours working as a junior associate at a big NYC law firm. The deep into the night nightlife. I was enjoying my first two years in the city, but what I really needed was a break, and if that break came with some quality time in the great outdoors, even better.
New York was killing me. The long hours working as a junior associate at a big NYC law firm. The deep into the night nightlife. I was enjoying my first two years in the city, but what I really needed was a break, and if that break came with some quality time in the great outdoors, even better.

So on Monday morning, when my roommate, Landon, suggested we go on a two-night hiking trip in Beacon, NY, I agreed immediately. We had gone to college together and played on the school's club soccer team. In our prime, we were both serious athletes, but our sedentary lifestyles were taking their toll. At school, we were both solid students, partying hard but always trying to maintain a balance and stay focused on our schoolwork. Landon had become an investment banking analyst at an international bank, and for each week that I worked 70 hours, he'd work 80. Needless to say, we both needed some quality R&R.

The plan was to leave work a little early on Friday afternoon, take Metro North to Beacon, where folks from Malouf's Campground would pick up our bags at the train station and take them back to our campsite. I know it sounds a little lazy but, the idea of doing a 3 hour hike with 60 lbs of camping equipment on my back sounded less than appealing.

After we completed the hike, we'd make camp on the bank of the nearby lake, grill some food, go to bed early and head over to Dia Beacon (the preeminent modern and contemporary art museum situated right on the banks of the Hudson River). With any luck, we wouldn't have cell phone service - giving both of us a much-needed break from constantly being tied to our phones.

The rest of Monday and all of Tuesday was just a blur - meetings, conference calls, paperwork, repeat; meetings, conference calls, paperwork, repeat. If I wasn't being paid handsomely, giving me an opportunity to paydown all of my student debt, I would have quit a long time ago. This upcoming trip was the perfect plan to break the monotony my life had been taken over by.

When I walked into the apartment Tuesday night, Landon looked a bit dejected. I asked him what was going on and he said he had bad news - his sister, Cynthia, finishing her senior year at Yale, had decided to make a last minute trip to NYC and he didn't have the heart to tell her he'd be out of town.

As much as I was looking forward to this trip, Landon was even more excited; immediately after we made the plan, he laid out all of his hiking and camping gear on the floor of the living room, checking and rechecking to make sure he wasn't forgetting anything.

I was definitely looking forward to some guy time, but I figured a good compromise was just to invite her along for the trip. I'd only met her once, and it was very brief, but she was absolutely gorgeous - 5'5", the perfect, most bubbly ass, creamy skin unblemished by worry, tear-shaped C cups that looked as though they'd defy gravity for the rest of her life. And her stomach was just delicious - not washboard, but pretty damn close. On top of her looks, she seemed cool and laid back. Still maintaining an almost-perfect 3.9 GPA, she was clearly brilliant as well. It seemed like a win-win, we still get to go on our trip and she doesn't have to spend her weekend alone in the city.

I made the suggestion and he thought it was a great idea. They'd always gotten along well and while he felt a little bad about busting up our "bro adventure," he agreed to ask her if she was interested.

We went to bed and Wednesday we were both back to the grind. He texted me midday to say that Cynthia had agreed and would bring her hiking gear.

Once Friday morning arrived, I could barely focus at work. I was just looking at the clock watching the minutes - no, the seconds - slowwwly tick by. At 4pm sharp, I quietly left the office, heading for Grand Central to take the 4:35 train up to Beacon. Right on schedule, Landon and Cynthia met me at 4:25 under the Grand Central clock right in the middle of the main concourse. She looked absolutely stunning. I did my best not to gawk, but with her black yoga shorts and white halter top, each struggling to hide her assets and leaving little to the imagination, it was tough to stay focused. Her ankle-high hiking boots finished off the outfit and I immediately imagined having those boots over my shoulders as I thrust deep into her over and over again. As a bonus, the brunette ponytail she was sporting would provide the perfect handle. We hugged, made a little small talk, then jumped on the train, excited for the weekend.

The ride was relatively quiet. I read a book, sporadically looking out the window at the changing trees along the Hudson, while Landon and Cynthia caught up on some family matters.

Less than 2 hours later we arrived at our stop and quickly unloaded our gear. As promised, the Malouf team was there and bundled everything into the back of their pickup truck. They pointed us towards the trailhead, and we were off.

The hike was graded as "Strenuous" - in my college days, that would have been a cake walk, but after sitting at my desk for 2 years, it was a bit more of a struggle. I let Landon take the lead with Cynthia in the middle while I pulled up the rear. While not planned - the benefit was twofold: no one could see me struggling in the back and I had extreme motivation to keep up. Cynthia's ass was phenomenal. Every time I thought about taking a break or slowing down, I'd zone in on the metronomic sway of her hips and find a second wind. And if that wasn't encouragement enough, each time we came upon a boulder or high ledge, she would brace herself against my arms and shoulders. Unclear if it was my imagination or reality, but it felt as though she was finding excuses for physical contact.

With their general athleticism and my motivation, we completed the hike faster than the suggested pace and got to the campground 30 minutes ahead of schedule. It was gorgeous - surrounded by bright red, yellow and orange leaves from the local sawtooth oaks and red tupelos. The river nearby provided a lovely soundtrack and the small mountain of rocks at the middle of the site would be a perfect start for building a campfire.

We were all starving, so we quickly put up our respective tents, unrolled our sleeping bags and got started on dinner: grilled chicken and asparagus, topped off with baked beans. It wasn't luxurious but having just burned more calories in a few hours than I had all week, I would have enjoyed anything.

So far, the day could not have gone any better. Cynthia was as cool as I remembered and both Landon and I finally started to unwind from the stress of our city lives. I pulled out a little weed and Landon the 12-pack of beer he brought, and we sat back, told stories and let the night take us. By 11 or so we were all gassed and headed to our tents for what we all hoped would be a deep, long sleep.

Trying to be gentlemen, we put Cynthia's tent between ours, thinking that any animal intruders would have to go through us before getting to her. I could hear her zipping up her tent from the inside, spend a few minutes getting situated and then slide into her sleeping bag and pull up the zipper. After that, all was mostly quiet. The wind ran through the treetops and the nocturnal animals came to life.

Just when sleep was finally in my grasp, I heard what sounded like a phone buzzing. But it wasn't intermittent, as would be expected. It was consistent and constant. For the first 60 or so seconds I listened; I figured the noise would just fade away, but it stayed. Finally, the softest, most subtle of moans, floated to my ears. It was Cynthia. She was using a vibrator and, from the sound of it, was about to climax. We had at least 4 pieces of fabric between us (our sleeping bags and each of our tents) but I could sense her every movement. I could smell her pussy, a sweet musk that I'd bottle up and keep if I had the chance, and my imagination ran with the gentle caresses she must have been giving her breast with her free hand. I was terrified to breathe for fear of either alerting her that I was awake or making any noise that would drown out her moans and labored breathing. Over the next 15 minutes, I held my dick in my hands, wanting to stroke it, feeling it grow as her pleasure increased. I counted at least 5 separate build ups, climaxes and quiet come downs - each unique and all entrancing. I was wide awake and hard as a rock. If there was ever a time I needed to relieve the tension weighing down my balls, it was now. But, in this instance, silence seemed paramount.

When the buzzing finally stopped, the sounds of nature returned. Obviously they were there the entire time but during my period of hyper focus everything else was drowned out. If only I could have that same level of focus in every other aspect of my life. With the biggest smile on my face and my extreme exhaustion taking over, I dozed off to sleep, excited to see this woman again in the glow of the morning light.

I awoke to birds chirping and the sound of a pan hitting our makeshift grill. When I unzipped my tent, Landon and Cynthia were already awake getting started on breakfast - bacon and eggs. Again, she looked outstanding. Jean shorts short enough to see the curvature of her ass peeking out from the bottom and a light blue bathing suit top that must have been 2 sizes too small. With her every move, each breast jiggled high, begging to be set free. Having gone to bed hard and woken up just as hard, the struggle to make eye contact with her was now harder than my erection. I adjusted my dick in my running shorts, hoping no one would notice and climbed out of my tent.

We ate quietly, as I think we were all still waking up and finding our bearings. Just when we were each coming to life, I heard another buzz. Immediately, instinctively, my eyes shot to Cynthia. She looked at me, for a split second puzzled, and then her eyes went wide and all the blood in her body rushed to her cheeks.

A split second later, the buzzing stopped. And then started again. This time it actually was someone's cell phone. I prayed it wasn't mine and my prayers were answered as soon as Landon reached into his pocket. He looked at the screen and his face immediately went blank. It was work. He picked up the call and though we could only hear half of the conversation, it clearly wasn't the news he (or we) wanted. A deal he'd been working on all month, one he thought was dead, had reared its ugly head and risen from the grave. He needed to be back in the city in three hours. He sat quiet for a few minutes then started making arrangements for a car to pick him up and drive him back to his office.

Both Cynthia and I were disappointed, but we understood - me having had several plans already ruined over the last 2 years, and her having been raised in a family where everyone was a hard-charging professional. It wasn't the first time for any of us, and unfortunately, we knew it wouldn't be the last.

We started cleaning up breakfast and helping him pack. It wasn't until I was rolling up his sleeping bag did I realize what his departure meant. For the next 24 hours, Cynthia and I would be alone. Out of respect for Landon I'd kept any sexual innuendos or advances strictly at bay, trying to just enjoy all three of us being together. But now, the memory of her multiple orgasm night at the hands of her trusty vibrator was all I could think about. Those sensual sounds and her delicious scent flooded my every fiber. If my dick had gone flaccid from the bad news of Landon's call, it was quickly coming back to its full peak now. I quickly shot a glance at her as she was bending down cleaning the last remnants of our breakfast from the frying pan. Her ass was staring at me. Like a siren's song, it was calling me, begging for me to embrace it. To come to it. To take it.

Breaking myself from the trance, I gave Landon a hug goodbye and he and Cynthia shared a quick hug and kiss on the cheek, Cynthia saying she would come bring him lunch at the office if he was still working when we got back into the city on Sunday. We walked him down to his pick up location and Landon pulled me aside asking that I take care of her and get her back to the city safely. I agreed, of course; I'd make sure she got home safely - and I would damn sure do my best to take care of her.

Once he was gone, I expected things to be a little awkward between us, but she was as bubbly as ever and ready to get on with our adventure. We agreed to adhere to the planned schedule and make our way to Dia Beacon.

The quarter mile hike down to the museum was easy and quiet. Instead of my preferred place behind her, I went down first - doing my best to avoid tripping and falling in front of her. The last thing I wanted to do was look like a total idiot in front of this woman. We arrived and I bought two tickets, we grabbed a map and we were on our way.

The first hall we visited was a massive warehouse space filled with oversized Richard Serra sculptures. I'd always loved his work, but with her, and her hips, slowly walking in front of me, my attention was elsewhere. As we moved from the first hall to a smaller gallery space, the corridor narrowed to only allowing one person through at a time. Chatting and not paying much attention, I didn't notice the small pathway until it was too late. I tried to let her go ahead of me but as she passed, her ass just slightly brushed against my semi-hard cock. If she was a stranger and we were on a subway train, neither of us would have given it a second thought, but after last night and the look I gave her this morning, I was petrified she thought I did it on purpose. My heart immediately jumped into my throat and as her head whipped around, I was ready for a serious scolding. Instead, she just smiled. The same rose color her cheeks flushed with when I shot her the glance over breakfast had rushed back. It was just a second, but I could see it. She thought I did it on purpose... and she liked it! All blood rushed back to my dick and again I had to discreetly adjust myself.

Silently, we continued through the museum until we reached the interactive portion. We entered through a revolving door and found a room completely flooded with dim crimson light and what looked to be several hills made of silicon replacing the floor. Over the in-wall speakers we could hear electronic music - like what I'd put on when a woman asked me for music during sex. We were asked to take our shoes off and leave them by the door. The idea was to jump on the hills, similar to a trampoline, and have at least three separate senses triggered at the same time.

I didn't expect to see something so playful at this museum, but I was game, and so was she. With the ease of someone without a care in the world, she immediately turned around and fell backwards into the mounds; landing on them softly but with her body bouncing 2 feet in the air. She'd thrown a white tee shirt, with a deep V-neck, on over her bathing suit top, but even then, I could make out her glorious tits as her body rose up and down. I took the queue and followed suit. It was more fun than it should've been. It was silly, but it was having the intended effect. We were breathlessly laughing and having a blast, falling and struggling back to our feet time and time again when my hand accidentally grazed her chest. It truly was an accident, a result of the uneven hills and my unsteady feet. I instinctively pulled away but before I could return my errant hand to my own personal space, she grabbed it and placed it squarely on her breast. Again, she smiled. Sultry and inviting and in a voice just above a whisper, she said "feel free."

We were only standing inches apart. Her toes resting on mine. Her hip now pressed up against my groin. My hand resting patiently on her breast. I could taste her breath as she exhaled. I could see the smallest beads of perspiration on her upper lip. Other people were in the room, but to us, it was only us. All of the jumping and giggling moved to the background, and I could hear our heart rates begin to beat in sync.

Up until this point, I hadn't felt any overt indication of her interest, but now, I was sure. And if she'd doubted my interest, when I put my free hand on her lower back (low enough to feel the top of her ass with my pinky), pulled her in even closer and embraced her lips with my own, any lingering doubts were surely laid to rest. Quietly, I asked if she was "ready to get out of here?" and with a barely-perceptible nod of her head we were gone.

I didn't have a plan but getting away from the crowds and out of the museum was the first step. Silent, anticipation filling the space between us, we eagerly careened through the corridors. At every corner, I took an angle that allowed me to put my hands on her. At the first, it was a light hold on her arm. By the second, it was firm pressure under the fold of her breast. In one of the more empty halls, she stopped me and pulled me in for another deep kiss, all the while holding the lump in my pants like she owned it. I reciprocated with a two-handed ass grab that lifted her up to her tippy toes. We could have stayed in that moment forever, but I knew she needed more. I knew I needed more. No more stops. No more delays. We practically sprinted through the last exhibit towards the exit sign. For five long minutes from the museum's exit, through the trailhead, nothing was said. But for our outfits, a passerby would have assumed we were training for a competition trail run. As we ascended the trail, we came to a clearing before another rise. I pulled her 20 yards off the trail, rushing, fighting the limbs impeding our path.

In any other scenario, I would have apologized for allowing the limbs to swing back and hit her, but both of us were singularly focused. I kept trying to find flat ground or a place where we could have each other but she abruptly stopped. I turned around and as I did, the white tee shirt she was wearing was almost already off. The bikini top still there, struggling to contain her breast and, talking more aggressively than I'd ever heard her speak, she just said "Now. Pants off." My shoes and pants were off before I could think and her jean shorts were coming down her thighs. She rushed over to me, hiking boots still on, falling to her knees as though she was about to pray to god for some life-saving miracle. Taking my dick in her mouth, she looked up at me. The eye contact probably only lasted a couple of seconds but it felt like an eternity. I looked down and her spit was dribbling down her chin and all over the leaves below us. She sucked my dick like she'd sucked a thousand before, but also like mine, right now, right here, was the only one that mattered. It was sloppy and her rhythm, pace and pressure were extraordinary.

She mumbled something, which was hard to make out with my dick totally engulfing her mouth. Knowing that I couldn't understand, she didn't try to speak again but just grabbed my hands and put them on the back of her skull. She wanted me to face fuck her. And from the pleading look in her eyes, I could tell she wanted it to be aggressive. I got the message and again, for the second time that day, took my queue. The harder I fucked her face, the more slobber dripped from her mouth and down her chin. With one hand on my dick, helping with her lips' strokes, her other hand was now furiously fingering her clit. I'd never seen someone so completely immersed in a situation. So happy to be doing anything more than she was to be on her knees, sucking my dick, in the middle of the woods. At that moment, I realized, this was her heaven.

Feeling myself reaching climax I stopped and told her to stand up. The folds of her pussy looked too delicious for me not to enjoy. She looked at me perplexed. I know she heard me, but she was playing dumb. She wanted to finish the job. My hands already on the back of her head, I grabbed a chunk of hair and pulled her up, drawing a yelp and stretching out her neck as I did. I realized I was rougher than I meant to be and right before I could open my mouth to check if she was ok, again, she just smiled; eyes slowly rolling back in her head in total bliss.

Two yards away, an oak tree that must have stood for hundreds of years, was the perfect wall to fuck this girl against. I turned her head, led her to the tree, placed her hands on the bark and spread her legs apart with my own. It wasn't a struggle. She knew what I wanted, and she was happy to oblige. Her pussy juice was dripping down her legs. Her saliva was dripping off my dick. We were both drenched in sweat and from her knees down, she was covered in dirt.

Still holding on to a clump of her hair, I grabbed her hips with my free hand. Not wanting to let go of my hand holds, I told her to "put it in." Reaching back through her legs she grabbed my dick, giving it a few strokes with her finger tips, before placing it right at the opening of her pussy. I couldn't wait any longer. I needed to be inside of her. I needed to feel her. I lunged in with enough force to break her posture. Again, thinking she might be hurt, again, she just giggled and said "thank you."

We didn't make love. We fucked. I licked the sweat from her neck and bit my teeth into her shoulder. With each thrust, she moaned. Louder by the stroke until on the verge of a scream. Not wanting to alert any innocent hikers to our uninnocent activities I covered her mouth. She tucked her chin and dropped her face to make sure her nose was also covered. I squeezed tighter, making sure no sound could escape, and no air could get in. For 30 seconds, I continued, thrusting as deep as humanly possible. For a minute. After what must have been 90 seconds, her body tensed up and her legs began to shake. When I started to pull my hand away she reached up and covered it to make sure it stayed on her mouth. She was in orgasm nirvana. Her entire body began to tremble, and I could feel the vibrations from her moans carry all the way through my hand up my arm. The flood from her pussy looked like a river breaking a damn. As she came down, she just fell to the forest floor, cradling up in a fetal position. Rolling around like an animal playing in mud.

Never one to miss an opportunity, I knelt down, offering a small slap to the side of her face just to make sure she was ok. Her only response was a smile from ear to ear. Taking that to mean all was well, I latched on to her hips and thrust my dick back into her pussy. Again, I fucked her with vigor, now both of us caked in dirt. This time she was silent, but with eyes open just wide enough to tell me she was alive and a smile just serene enough to tell me she was grateful.

It didn't take long before my own body began to tense up. The fact that we were in the woods or that I was plowing my roommate's sister or that I wasn't wearing a condom were all lost on me. I was going to cum in this woman and nothing could stop me at that point.

I felt the blood rush from my ears first and then the rest of my head and my chest. My heart was racing and my hands were tingling. The buildup took me to another world and the explosion was volcanic.

More cum came out of me than I thought was possible. Even while my dick was still plunged inside of this creature's vagina, cum was oozing out along the edges. My toes and my fingers were so tense, to the untrained eye, they might have thought I was seizing up. But the cum just kept flowing.

Finally, empty, we connected eyes. She looked at me and in an exhausted voice, she just said "I needed that. Come kiss me." Spent, I collapsed on top of her and held her in my arms while we made out. Covered in sweat, dirt, cum, pussy juice, with the birds chirping in the background, I realized. This was also my heaven.

To be continued...


2023-07-20 06:32:12
A very sensual de***********ion of their encounter.

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