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Although this is a standalone story it is the fourth chapter in a series depicting the manipulation of a formerly straight married man, into a submissive cock whore subjected to the whims and pleasures of a dominant tormentor with an exceptionally large cock. It contains elements of non-consent/reluctance, humiliation and spanking.

If you find this in anyway offensive, please find another story. If you continue, please enjoy. Your comments and rating of my story are always welcomed.
I sat in my car looking at the house, asking myself, why?

Why did I go back and look at the floating dick that morning?

Why did I ever come to this place after our first encounter?

Why didn't I leave well enough alone?

Why did I let him manipulate me?

Why am I here now?

Wouldn't you be better off to let Amy know?

Why not just come clean with her and take your chances?

Why don't you just go home now and confess everything?

Why not go to the door, punch his fucking lights out and be free of his manipulations?

Even as I asked myself, the same answers came back.

He's got videos. If they got out, it would go beyond Amy. It would cost me everything. Career, marriage, kids, family, and friends.

I replayed this morning in my head, still in stunned disbelief. The queasiness in my bowels reminded me of the awkwardness of 'cleaning' my 'pussy' for him. I vaguely recalled having an enema once as a child, but now, the discomfort of the experience was renewed, and etched in my mind forever.

I snuck out to the car to retrieve the kit and administered the procedure in the guest bath downstairs. Thankfully, everyone slept. It seemed like forever before I felt like my system was finally back to near normal.

There, I sat in my car, with the three-balled dildo he forced up my ass yesterday.

It laid on the seat next to me. I'm not sure why I brought it. I wasn't sure if I was supposed to but did not want the two-foot-long giant spatula stinging my ass again, if he thought I should have.

I was wearing my running shorts and a tank top. Amy thought I was 'out for a morning run.' In reality, I was about to lose my virginity to a sick, unemployed, blackmailing perv.

I thought I might be sick, as I replayed that first morning in my head. I was out for my first jog in our new town, enjoying the early-morning quiet of the woods, when that magically floating boner flashed in the corner of my eye. If only I hadn't gone back to look. I thought I was hallucinating, until I saw him in his olive-green sweats camouflaged in the early morning light next to a tree. His pink massive hard-on, and balls looked like they were floating in the air at first glance.

I would never believe the story of his manipulation, if I hadn't lived it myself. And there's the rub, as Shakespeare would say. Amy would never believe any of it and the videos would seal the deal. He knew too much about us and particularly about her. If he sent them to her, it would be over, no doubt.

At least, that was the logic that I could live with, to justify being there, knowing I would be letting him take my anal cherry in just a few minutes. The part that was hard to live with, was knowing, just yesterday he forced me to take the dildo in my ass and eventually, I came without my cock even being touched.

Staring at the dildo, I had never felt anything like it. The vibration on my prostate caused a long, intense orgasm that seemed to empty me completely. Part of me wanted to do it again, to see if it was even real.

What he made me do after made it all too real, though. I was forced to bend down and lick my cum off the floor with the dildo vibrating in my ass. Then, I had to keep it in until I got home.

The feeling of helplessness took over again. He showed no signs of ending his torment, and the longer it continued, the more likely I would be caught. I was about to have a real cock up my ass for the first time. A real, hot, hard, ten-inch man-cock in my ass. I hated the thought, and hated it more--that my dick was tingling in anticipation.

I scanned the street, relieved that Officer Reeves wasn't anywhere in sight. Apparently, there would be one fewer cock to suck that morning, as I faced my harasser. What I ever did to deserve Mark--fucking--Thomas, I may never know.

And what were the odds that he would end up with Officer Reeves as a neighbor? That got my head spinning again. Were they in this together before me, or was this just shitty luck that I happened to encounter two twisted pervs and bring them together?

My dildo was wrapped in a hand towel I borrowed from the bathroom. It just seemed more discreet, for a 'jogger' to be seen carrying a towel, than an eight-inch dildo with three progressively larger balls on the shaft.

I rang the bell and smiled for the camera. What was one more video of me 'harassing' Mark--fucking--Thomas for his concerned neighbor, Officer Rodney--fucking--Reeves to blackmail me with.

"Come on in, Senior Captain!" I heard his shout from within the house, thankful he left off cocksucker from my title, as he shouted it for all to hear.

I stepped into the entryway, and after the door closed, he yelled from the next room. "I'm in here, Senior Captain Cocksucker."

When I stepped into the living room, he stood next to the sofa in his white, terry-cloth bathrobe. The front was open, and the ties hung down from the loops on the side of the robe. His slightly-engorged cock hung out and down, a full seven inches long, and not yet hard.

I recalled the feel of my mouth over his pink, round cock head, and fought to hold back the stirring in my cock. "Morning, Captain," he said cheerily, rocking his cock from side to side.

I did not respond, partly due to the resentment I carried in my core for the twisted fuck that brought me here for more humiliation, and partly due to the now-almost Pavlovian reaction, the sight of his huge cock induced.

"Senior Captain, am I gonna need the attitude adjuster this morning?" He nodded toward the giant steel spatula with a nearly two-foot handle laying on the sofa table behind him.

"No, sir," I said compliantly. "Good morning, sir." Then in an effort to lessen the tension he was exuding; I took it one step further. "Thank you for letting me come over this morning to suck your cock."

"Is that all you came here to do, Captain?"

So much for my attempt to divert him from the true reason he had me come that morning.

"No sir, I look forward to giving you my cherry this morning," I said, less than enthusiastically.

"What's in your hand, CC?"

I unwrapped it and showed him. "It's my dildo, sir. I wasn't sure if I was supposed to bring it, so I wanted to--"

"You liked it that much?" he interrupted, with a chuckle. "Good thinking, CC, but we won't be needing that today. You'll be taking something a little hotter today, my friend. By the way, I have a little something for you through the second door on the right down there. I'm gonna need you to put it on for me and bring the goodie bag with you when you come back."

The door led to a guest bedroom. On the bed was the familiar black leather gym bag he had the day before, that had the dildo and lube in it. I placed the dildo in the bag and observed the rest. On the bed, was a pair of thigh-high black stockings and a garter belt, laid out as if forming the outline of a body. Above it, was a red spandex-like T-Shirt, with what looked like the outline of a limp cock and ball sack with a large CC inside it. The topper to the outfit was a spandex mask that looked like something out of a Mexican wrestling program.

My heart sank. "Please don't..."

"You're not going to insult me by not appreciating my gift, are you?" he said, standing in the doorway with his left shoulder leaning against the door frame.

I could see the spatula dangling in his right hand. "No, sir. Thank you for the outfit," I said, with an obvious lack of enthusiasm.

"A uniform fitting your stature is a must, my friend. Remove your clothes, put on your new uni and bring that sweet ass and the goodie bag back to the living room, please," he said, as he pulled the door closed, and left me to my humiliation. "Oh yeah, don't procrastinate, I have a job interview later this morning," he added, with a muffled voice.

I stared momentarily, once again, in disbelief. When would this nightmare end! Then I snapped out of it, and did as commanded. I took off all my clothes except my briefs. It somehow seemed to help deal with the fact my dick was semi-engorged, to know it would not be so obvious when he saw me.

Unfortunately, as I pulled the stockings up my legs, the feel of them only made matters worse. As I clipped the garter belt to the top of the nylons, I had a sudden flashback to the rocky horror picture show, feeling like Tim Curry.

There was a dressing mirror on the closet door, and as I saw my pathetic reflection staring back at me, I could not believe it was real. It was impossible to believe. I stood there in black stockings and somehow-matching black briefs, wearing the skintight, red spandex tee, and the freakish, red-and-black wrestler's mask.

My mind was numb. What was happening was all beyond imagination, period. The images of what laid ahead danced through the fog in my head. There I was, on my knees while Mark--fucking--Thomas, throat-fucked me with his open, terry-cloth robe waving away, and his hand on my masked head. Next, was the image of being bent over the sofa, as his hot, hard cock took my ass.

The feeling of anonymity the mask gave me, seemed to make it a little more palatable. Nonetheless, the absurdity of seeing myself in the new 'uni' was not lost. My alter ego took over, transforming me from Wayne to Captain-Steven-Cocksucker, world champion cock muncher. I could see the tag line, "Captain Cocksucker! able to make the biggest cocks disappear in a single swallow."

"CC, chop-chop, I've got places to be, and I can't wait to..." I opened the door, and his expression would have been hilarious if I weren't the cause. His cock pointed dead ahead, nearly-fully hard, swaying gently side to side.

"Oh, wow, it's better than I imagined." He looked me up and down with a wondrous, opened-mouth grin. "Turn around," he commanded nonchalantly, spinning his hand for emphasis. His other hand still held the spatula.

I turned slowly; head hung in humiliation. "That is just so...perfect. Really. Now, come over here and get on your hands and knees, please." He pointed to the floor in front of him.

I moved reluctantly, not sure what this would mean. Was he getting me in position to fuck me dry? Was he gonna use the spatula on me, or both? I pondered, as I complied after setting the 'goodie bag' on the arm of the sofa.

"Your obedience is appreciated, CC," he said softly, looking down at me.

Next, the corner of the spatula traced slowly up the stretched fabric of my underwear covering my ass crack. However, the spatula disengaged, and a sense of dread hit, just as the spatula connected with my ass cheek with a stinging smack!

"Ow fuck, what--" My scream was interrupted.

"What fucking part of remove your..." Another smack. "...Fucking clothes and put on your new fucking uni was unclear?"

"I'm sorry!" I screamed, crawling away, knees thudding on the hardwood floors.

He leaned and connected again, "Don't you fucking run away from me... Fuck it, I'm gonna IM Amy and bring her up to speed on-- "

"No please," I backpedaled into place ready for another. "I'm sorry, I was ashamed..."

"You've got nothing to be ashamed of, CC. You are the only person I've ever seen down my whole boner before. That's a rare skill, my friend."

"Let me suck your cock now, please, sir?" I pleaded pathetically, hoping to get him off the spatula.

"Not until you comply with my instructions, Captain Cocksucker. Now stand up and get those panties off," he said firmly.

I did as commanded. I stood up, turned to face him and bent down to pull them off. I did not want to bend down with my ass facing him. Unfortunately, the briefs were trapped by the straps of the garter. I fumbled for the clips, and he stepped forward, gripped the waistband with both hands, and yanked the waistband apart, breaking it. Then he ripped the fabric all the way down on the right side.

"Turn around," he barked, before repeating the process on the left side, leaving my underwear flopped down in front and back exposing my cock and ass. "Spread your legs!" That allowed the destroyed underwear to fall to the floor. "Now, what did you want to do, CC?"

"Can I please suck your cock, sir?" I needed this over with, as quickly as possible, and, hopefully, with no further spatula encounters.

"Good attitude, Captain Cocksucker. Now, knees, please," he said, his cock pointing higher.

As I knelt, his boner raised up slightly, as another rush of blood filled him further. From there, it settled back a little higher than it had been. It was difficult to believe a cock that size, could get hard enough to point to the ceiling and not collapse under its own weight. The ridge of his head was thick, and stretched to the point, that his skin seemed to glisten. I could see the tiny ridge of skin down the underside of his cock head. That was always my most sensitive spot, so that's the spot I was targeting, as I leaned in.

Seeing his boner stiffening by the second, sent an unwanted tingling pulse from my balls to the tip of my dick, as it tried to follow his lead. I diverted my thoughts with images in my head to reverse my stiffening. Accidentally walking in on my naked grandmother as a child, the sight of my arm after I broke it, bike riding when I was twelve.

That was fruitless, the second my tongue touched the spot. The warm, silky skin and slightly-salty taste, sent an electrifying jolt from my tongue to my cock, stiffening me almost instantly. There was no stopping it.

I pressed my flattened tongue against his warmth and moved it side to side, as my upper lip touched his cock head, and I opened my mouth wide to receive him. His moan of pleasure seemed to vibrate through my quickly-hardening boner, like some demented tuning fork.

I hated having no control over my own body, but the intensity of the tingling in my cock and balls, was like nothing I'd ever felt before; the more of him I took in, the greater the intensity.

He spoke in breathy moans. "Mmmm, Senior Captain Cock--fucking--Sucker, oh, I appreciate your enthusiasm and following orders...AH!"

I began to bob on his cock, encouraged by his reaction. And was encouraged even more, when I made the arrogant fuck speechless for once. As I increased my pace, the need to take all of him, again drove that stirring in my cock to a frenzied level. The mask somehow provided the shield my mind needed to block out any inhibition. It wasn't Captain Wayne Stilson, pilot, husband and father sucking his cock. It was Captain Steven Cocksucker, doing what no ordinary human could do. Devouring monster cock like a superhuman.

Suddenly, he pushed my forehead and rocked his hips back pulling his cock free. My mouth was agape, as I watched his boner spring upward and thud against his abdomen. I wondered what I had done wrong.

"I appreciate following orders, my friend, but I do have a little time to enjoy this." He stepped forward, "Kiss my balls, please."

He placed a hand on the back of my head, and I dropped my ass to my heels to lower myself. As my lips connected with his nuts, his hot steel pressed against my face with his shaft pressed against my nose and covered my left eye.

"Mmmhhh," he sighed, as I planted kisses on his tight sack. "That's it, get to know all of it, Steven. This is going to be your best friend."

His hips rocked slowly, as I craned my neck and slunk lower to kiss the underside.

"Oh, that's so good," his eyes closed, as I looked up the side of his shaft, over his firm abs to his contented face.

I extended my tongue and caressed his ball sack with my moist tongue. The musky scent and had my cock throbbing, as I breathed through my nose. My left hand wrapped around his thigh for support, as I slid under him. I felt him sigh as I exhaled, and my warm breath washed over his sensitive sack.

My right hand slid upward, taking his cock in hand, once again. I stroked his length as I clung to his thigh, and coated his balls with a flood of saliva. I could only imagine what I must have looked like, as I played perverted limbo, to lick this rotten bastard's balls from below, wearing stockings and a mask, with my cock as hard as it's ever been.

In awe of the hot stiffness of such a big dick, I lapped up every inch of his sack, then ran my tongue in the crease of his nuts and thighs, before moving to the base of his pole. I pulled his cock toward me and licked the front of his shaft pushing my flattened tongue firmly against it. My tongue felt every ridge and vein, as I continued to the tip. There, I rubbed his most-sensitive spot, side to side against me, and got a taste of his sweet pre-cum. We moaned together, before I slid back down to his balls and licked up the right side.

"Damn, CC, you got me goin' my friend."

His hand rested softly on the back of my head, as I continued to lick. Finally, I stopped and looked up to him. "Can I please suck your cock now, Mr. Thomas?"

Anticipating his answer, I rose up as I licked him hard up the front one last time.

"Oh, yes you can, Steven. Show me your superpower Captain Cocksucker, up, up and away."

I plunged on, pulling his boner down so I could get a better angle. Once again, it seemed impossible to force the huge cock into my throat. But, I knew I had done it before, and needed to do it again. I sucked and bobbed, with drool running down my chin and neck. I varied the angle trying to find the optimal position to take all of him.

"Fuck, Captain," he panted. "You're trying to make me come, aren't you."

I nodded with a grunt.

"If you make me come, it's gonna be rough on that virgin ass to make me come a second time. Oh fuck, fuck fuck..." He began to thrust his hips forcing himself deeper. "Are you sure..."

My cock tingled like never before. I thought I might come spontaneously, as the mission to take his length was all that mattered. I needed to do it again, knowing no one else had done it. I did everything I could to relax my throat, and finally I felt the subtle tickle of pubes on my upper lip.

I withdrew quickly before the gag reflex could take over and felt a little more contact on the next plunge. I clung to his leg, with my other hand gripped on his ass cheek, and my upper body swayed wildly, as I fucked his cock with my throat.

"Fuck!" he gasped, as the first jet of spunk filled my mouth, and he instantly plunged back into my throat. His hips jackhammered my throat, as he unloaded shot after shot of jizz into me. Saliva and cum ran down my chin, as I tried to contain it, to no avail.

He groaned as both hands held my head, and he came in at least ten pulsing blasts of cum. His pace slowed dramatically, as I continued to milk his giant boner. My Captain Steven Cocksucker alter ego, was filled with a twisted sense of pride, having successfully used my superpower to take him all.

He slowly rocked his hips, gently holding my head, as I continued to bob slowly, only taking half of him. When I sensed him softening, I picked up the pace, instinctively trying to keep him hard. The remnants of Wayne Stilson tried to stop me, knowing what was next, if I did. But his hot meat in my mouth drowned out Wayne, and Captain Steven Cocksucker recalled the orgasm with the dildo in his ass. He had to know what it would feel like with Mark's man-cock in his ass.

"Fuck, CC, that was incredible, my friend," he moaned softly, as he reached into his goodies bag, and handed me a tube of lube. "Now, lube up that ass, but don't you fucking stop." He emphasized his command, by pushing the back of my head with his remaining hand.

I struggled to balance, as I let go of him to use both hands to apply the lube while I continued to suck his cock.

"Hurry now, I'm gonna need you to rub my balls, CC. You know I like that," he said, returning two hands to my head.

That seemed to help steady me, as I squeezed out the lube to my hands. I could hardly believe what I was doing as I rubbed the lube into my ass crack.

"I want you to coat that whole ass, CC. I wanna see that ass glistening, when I fuck it." I did as commanded and rubbed my lubed hand over both cheeks. "That's good," he moaned. "Now, get it up in there, Steven, two fingers good and deep."

I was amazed how much easier the lubed finger went in after my morning purge. The second was a bit tougher. I could feel how rock hard my taint was, as I pushed the fingers to the hilt. I steadied myself by gripping his thigh with my free hand, but the lube made me have to grip hard.

I did my best to focus on his cock, but my knees ached already from the hard floors, and fingering my own ass while keeping my balance made it difficult.

"If you wanna lube up your little cock, CC, you can. It looks like it might pop, my friend.

Without thought, I took my hand from his thigh and rubbed my boner with my slickened hand. I moaned and whimpered onto his cock on the verge already.

"Does Amy make you this hard, my friend?" he asked arrogantly.

The anger of him bringing her into this was quickly overshadowed by the need to relieve the pressure in his throbbing cock. The fading voice of Wayne tried to point out the shame of my situation. I was on my aching knees, finger fucking my own ass, wearing ladies' stockings, a perv's cock in my mouth, jacking off, as hard as I've ever been. But the feel of his hot hard-on in my mouth and the lube on my raging boner was too much.

"I asked you a question, Steven." he said sternly, and I shook my head. My surrender seemed to bring him to full stiffness again. "Do you need to come, Captain Cocksucker?"

I nodded frantically, whimpering as I had already reached the point of no return.

"Can't wait to feel my cock in your ass can you, Steven?" he asked in a serious tone.

My fingers in my ass and the lube on my cock were just too much with his hot cock still hard for me. I shuddered, shaking my bobbing head as the first blast of jizz shot like a bullet hitting the side of his sofa. My hand furiously stroked my cock at lightning speed. If not for his hand on my head, I surely would have toppled over.

Nonetheless, the intensity of the orgasm made it impossible to continue my head bobs, and I simply held my mouth on his cock and mumbled, "I'm coming for your cock," as he had trained me.

I grunted and gasped, as jet after jet unloaded on his floor and sofa. As the orgasm passed, I began to bob again, wondering what was next. Would he make me clean up my cum, or go straight for my cherry?

"Once again, love the enthusiasm, CC, now clean up your mess, my friend." He pulled out, and his boner pointed at about ten o'clock. I found myself staring at it, in awe, as it glistened with my saliva.

When I went down on all fours, to lick up my spunk, he dropped to his knees, gripped my hip, and spun my ass toward him. I felt my body tense in anticipation of the pending intrusion. I wanted to jump up and run out, afraid of being split in two, while he positioned himself between my legs.

I told myself to relax and it would be better, as his hand began to gently caress my lubed cheeks. "Smooth as a baby's bottom, CC, did you shave your man cunt for me?"

I didn't respond to his taunting, but the answer was a firm no! Even as his moist boner pressed between my cheeks like a hotdog in a bun, I clung to some tiny spec of dignity with the satisfaction of not responding to another degrading question.

His hips rolled and he moaned softly, as his hot hardness slid up and down my ass crack. I licked the dipping line of cum off the side of his sofa and caught myself pressing my ass against his heat. The velour fabric made it difficult to tell if I got it all, and the plush material seemed to suck up all my saliva.

When I moved to the floor, I felt my ass raise, pressing me harder against him. He responded in kind, gripping my left hip to steady us, as he pulled his hard-on back and aligned the tip with my sphincter. It felt impossibly big as he pressed slowly against me.

"Take a deep breath, Captain, it will only hurt for a minute. Gonna go nice and slow." I told myself to relax but the thought of taking him in me was terrifying.

He pressed slowly but firmly, twisting back and forth. At first, my asshole seemed to clamp shut, but I forced myself to relax it. As it began to give way, I could feel the first shot of pain and let out a high-pitched squeak.

"Breathe, CC, breathe," he said, in a grunt.

I did as commanded, finding myself doing the birthing pant we learned in pregnancy class. He would press and release then press a little harder each time. Eventually, his head began to press inside, and the pain intensified.

"Please, your cock's too big, let me suck..."

His hand slapped my ass and he shoved hard, pushing his head inside. I felt a surge of pain as his head pushed through. I'd hoped for some relief once he was past the head, but he shoved more than half his length inside me with one firm thrust, then pulled back to the head and went three-quarters in with the next thrust, and balls deep with the third.

"Oh fuck, Captain. You took that like a champ, my friend."

I yelled out in a mixture of pain and wonder, of how warm he felt inside me. The pain and discomfort began to fade a little, with each slow, deliberate, in-and-out motion.

"Stroke your little stiffy with me, CC. It'll help you get used to it."

I did as commanded and gripped my semi-hard cock. The lube was still there, but beginning to spread thin. Nonetheless, my cock stiffened with each stroke. As he steadily continued to fuck me slowly, using his entire length, I felt the pain lessen and the tingling in my ass and taint, intensify.

As he pushed in, slowly, he talked to me softly. "Oh, damn, Captain, I like this tight little ass. I can feel that taint gettin' stiff, my friend. You're getting hard already, aren't you?"

"Yes, sir, uh!" I answered, in disbelief.

As he pushed forward, I could feel my butt cheeks roll inward and cling to his cock, then back out as he pulled out with my sphincter stretched and clenched around his cock head.

"Your cock feels so warm, it's like a heater... Oh, fuck." I panted.

"Does that make your cock hard, Steven?"

"Yes!" I whimpered.

"Get the rest of your spunk licked up, and I'll let you shoot again with my cock in your ass, Captain," he said, smugly.

I lowered back down and lapped at my jizz, as I continued to stroke myself in time with his rolling hips. His pace quickened, and I found myself leaning into his thrusts pushing him in a little deeper each time. He snapped the garter belt, as he began to fuck me for real.

"You like being my bitch, don't you, Captain?" he panted.

I didn't respond; as if I had any dignity left to defend, while I licked the last of my cum off his floor.

He responded, however, by pulling out to the head, and just held himself there. I cringed, waiting for a slap from the spatula, as I continued to stroke my cock.

I looked back over my shoulder, and he seemed to be staring off into the distance, oblivious to my presence, despite his cock head in my ass. Unsure of what to do, I pushed myself back toward him, driving his cock deeper.

"What is it you need, Captain?" he teased, pulling his cock out completely.

He slapped his boner on my ass, and I pushed myself higher in the air, inviting him back. I stopped stroking my cock, for fear of what was coming.

"Use your words, Captain." Crack! The spatula hit home.

"I need you to fuck me please, sir!" I yelled with too much enthusiasm.

"Was that so hard, Captain?" he asked, teasing me again.

"Your cock is very hard, sir," I replied, stroking his ego. "Please fuck my ass with your huge cock, sir!"

He wriggled the head back inside me. The pain was much less the second time. Once again, he just held himself there. I looked over my shoulder and he gave me a look that said, "Well, I'm waiting."

So, I pushed myself onto his cock, until his balls touched my taint. His groan told me he liked it, so I began to rock back and forth slowly.

"That's it, CC, a good little bitch fucks her master, like a true cock-whore." He moaned with an air of satisfaction and snapped my garter again. I rocked faster, up on all fours, fucking his cock. "Oh, fuck, CC, rub your clit while you fuck me."

Sadly, I knew what he meant and gripped my dick and stroked it. Soon, he resumed fucking me, his hard, hot cock plunging harder and harder, until my ass slapped his pelvis with each thrust.

He reached out and gripped my shoulder. "Rise up, Captain, and let's find that sweet spot."

I pressed against the arm of the sofa, raising my torso and the angle of his cock pressed him against my prostate.

"Oh my God," I gasped.

"Is that it, CC?"

"Yes, right there, sir," I groaned.

"Are you my bitch, Captain?"

I leaned on my left hand, braced on the sofa, knees sore but the pounding of my prostate overshadowed the pain, as I wanked away at my boner.

"Yes, sir! Oh God, yes!"

"Do you want me to come in that tight little ass, Captain?"

"Yes please! Come in me, please!"

"You like it in the ass, don't you, Steven?"

"Yes! Ah! fuck! Gonna come."

"Not yet you fucking cock-whore! I'll, ah! Tell you when!" His groans were more desperate, and I sensed his climax getting close. I stopped stroking for fear of the spatula if I came too soon.

"Of fuck, Captain Cock-whore, gonna cum!" he grunted.

I gripped my cock, as he pressed me against the arm of the sofa, with a hand on each shoulder pounding my ass and thumping my prostate.

"Cum like a cock-whore, CC. Fuck! Gonna cum in that slutty fucking ass!"

My chest leaned on the sofa arm as my right hand jackhammered my cock. "Oh God, I'm coming with your cock in my ass!"

"Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck!" he groaned, pounding me as he shot hot jizz in my ass.

I leaned on the sofa arm, shuddering, as I began to shoot my load almost completely on the side of his sofa. "Coming for your cock! Coming for, ah, your, ah cock!"

When his orgasm passed, he returned to a slow, steady pace, breathing deeply. My chest collapsed against the sofa arm, and I caught my breath. I could feel him starting to soften a bit and gave a pathetic sounding whimper, as he pulled out and stood up.

Then he gripped my hair hard and turned me around to face him. Still on my knees and body twisted like a pretzel, I looked up at him, as he grinned arrogantly down at me.

He held his semi-hard dick in his right hand and pulled my head toward it. I couldn't believe it, as my mouth instinctively opened.

"Clean me up, like a good little bitch," he barked, as he shoved himself into my mouth.

I did as commanded, tasting his cum, as he pressed himself into the hilt. In his softened state, I could take him in my mouth, imagining my bulging cheeks as I looked up at him.

"Captain Cock-whore, you have outdone yourself today. Thank you." He slowly pushed and pulled my head, stretching his softening dick as he pulled me back, then I sucked him back in as he pushed me forward. I hated that my cock was stirring again, as he used my mouth. He continued casually talking to me, as I sucked him clean.

"So. You will be out for what did you say? Was it ten days?" I nodded, still clinging to his dick. "So, for the first seven days, we'll FaceTime, and you'll ride your dildo for me." I nodded. "Then you'll take a few days off..."

He pondered as my cock continued its betrayal and stiffened again. Something about having him in my mouth made my cock come alive. When I recalled having four orgasms in twenty-four hours, I couldn't believe it was still uncontrollable.

"We're gonna have to arrange a 'poker night' to give you an excuse to come over when you get back. That will give us a few hours. Sound good, CC?" I nodded, my cock fully stiff again. "I'm sure Amy would be happy to see you making new friends." He smiled. "Yeah, this could be a regular thing. Of course, you'll need to service Officer Reeves, as needed. We've gotta keep him satisfied, or you could be doing some time in county. Hmm, I wonder, though, a cock-whore wouldn't really consider prison a punishment, would you?"

I didn't respond. Then he pulled out and stepped back.

"Fuck, Captain Cock-whore, you're so excitable. Damn, that little thing is stiff again." He looked at the goodies bag, shaking his head. "Looks like you will need your dildo, after all."

"No, sir, I'm fine..."

"Nonsense, CC, I promised I'd let you jack off whenever you serviced me and you deserve it today, my friend. Get your lube and dildo and I'll let you see how you look in your uni." He bent and picked up the spatula then pulled his phone from his robe pocket, as I got the items from the goodies bag.

He stood there, smirking down at me, his spent, limp dick bigger than my hard-on. I noticed his toned abs, peeking through the gap in his robe.

"That's good, now suction it to the floor and lube it up."

Even as I followed his commands, the thought of him filming me again, made me sick to my stomach. When I recalled coming with the dildo vibrating my prostate, not even touching my cock, my boner only intensified. I spread the lube on, with two hands, reminding me of the two handfuls of his cock, I had that first morning.

"Lube up your woody there, Captain. Wouldn't want you to rub the skin off. It's gonna be a busy week."

I handed him the remote control and heard it come on, in high pulse mode. It was sad I could tell that, just from the sound. After the pounding he delivered, the dildo went in rather easily. The last largest ball stung a bit, but the vibration turned it to a pleasing tingle quickly.

As I pressed the third ball in, the vibration of my balls and prostate caused me to moan.

"You are a little slut, aren't you, CC?" he asked, as he sat in a chair to watch the show. His robe fell open, as he spread his legs.

Despite the humiliation, and the fact he was recording me again, my hips rocked on the rubber cock.

He toyed with the remote, turning it to constant on, off, on low, med, high and back to pulse causing me to grunt. I gripped my cock and spread the lube over it. I needed the humiliation session to end and the feel of the lube on my boner, gave me hope I could end this quickly.

"Not so fast, Captain Cock-whore. I didn't tell you to jack off yet. Show me how much my horny little bitch loves her dildo first."

Later, on the video, I would see the anger in my tomato-red face, as he taunted me again. Nonetheless, as I squatted on the eight-inch dildo with my feet against my hips and it vibrated inside me, my hips rolled with a mind of their own. They rolled in a slow circular motion trying to hit my prostate with the vibrator.

My eyes closed, and I began to raise up and down, as I rolled. My moans grew louder and my movements faster. I told myself the sooner you come, the sooner you're out of here. I could feel the intensity on my prostate and imaged myself coming again, just from the dildo; when suddenly, it stopped vibrating.

I opened my eyes and looked at him. My head was sweating from the mask, and I felt the urge to yank it off, but thought better of it, particularly with him recording me.

"What's up, CC?" he teased.

"Turn it back on, please," I asked, meekly.

"You like it in the ass, don't you, Captain Cock-whore?" He stared into my eyes, smiling knowingly.

"Yes, sir. Please turn-- huh!" It kicked in on high. "Thank you, sir."

My hips began to roll forward and back, as I raised up and down. Each time it hit my prostate, a tingling rush passed through my lower body.

"Are you my bitch, Captain?" His eyes cut through me, as he spoke.

"Oh yes," I sighed.

"You've already come twice this morning and you're hard as rock again." I nodded, somehow feeling protected by the mask, eyes moving from his eyes to his cock and back again. "You want my cock again, don't you?"

"Yes!" I said, too quickly.

My pace quickened and I thought I might cum again. I wanted to crawl over and suck him hard again.

"You like your uniform too, don't you?"

His eyes seemed to own me. I nodded shamefully.

"Use your words, Captain Cock-whore," he said sternly.

"Yes, sir. I like my uniform."

"Do you wanna jack off for my cock, cock-whore?"

I was bouncing and rolling my hips.

"Yes please! Let me come for your cock again!"

"Are you a cock-whore, Steven?"

"Yes, I'm your cock-whore, please."

"You can touch yourself now, Captain Cock-whore, but I want you to tell me how much you love my cock."

"Thank you, sir." I began to stroke as I fucked the dildo. "The first time I touched it, I felt my dick stir from the heat. It's so fucking big and so fucking hard. Ah Fuck! When I took it in my mouth, I never, ah, thought, I, ah! I could take it all."

"Oh, but you did. Captain Cock-whore's superpower," he sighed, still smiling. "And I'm going to need you to do that again and again."

"Yes! Please! Ah! I want it. Uh, uh, uh!" I grunted, as my hand moved in a blur. "So, huh, hot and hard, inside me!" I spoke in urgent grunts, on the verge of coming again.

His exposed cock was still limp, but so big and tantalizing. I wanted it back in my mouth and my ass.

"I want it in my ass, Mark, please. Oh fuck, I'm coming for your cock, Mark! I'm coming, ah!"

My orgasm hit and I continued to jack off furiously. After two orgasms, there was not a lot of cum. It oozed down my shaft mixing with the lube, as my whole body shuddered and spasmed. I fell forward leaning on my left hand, as I hammered out every bit of pleasure with my right.

As I gasped for air trying to collect myself. He began to clap his hands together slowly but firmly. "That was epic, Steven. I will keep you, my friend. We'll watch that together tomorrow night when you ride your dildo again. Unfortunately, I have to get ready for an interview, so clean all this up. And you need to get every drop of spunk off my couch. And I mean all of it. I want it looking brand new."

As I watched the video later, it really was epic. When I came, my body spasmed uncontrollably, my mouth was agape, and the grunts, groans and squeaks were almost beyond belief.

As I panted, kneeling before him, the humiliation was once again, front and center. I was pleased he was going to leave me to 'clean up'. At least I could use a rag or paper towel instead of my tongue. He stood up and picked up the huge steel spatula.

"Thank you, sir," I said obediently. His spatula was still in hand.

He smiled and stared, not moving. So, I began to lick the cum off my hand tasting the mixture of jizz and lube. It may have been cherry flavored.

"Don't worry, CC, it's edible." His arrogance oozed from every pore, and his cock was still exposed through the open robe. Even in that moment of shame and degradation, the tingle returned to my spent cock at the thought of him in my mouth. His continued gaze meant that I would, in fact, be licking my spunk off the floor yet again.

As I turned to lick it up, on hands and knees, he laughed as my ass faced him. "Your little pussy is still wide-open, CC. Better put a pad on, so my seed doesn't soak through your jogging panties for the world to see. Especially Amy, that could be awkward."

The anger flooded back, as I licked the remnants of my shame off the floor.

"Good job, CC. I'll let you know about poker night. It's a four-hundred-dollar buy-in, but I'm sure if there's cock involved, you're all in, am I right?" He tapped the business end of the spatula in his palm for effect.

I spoke between licks. "Yes sir, thank you, sir." He was relentless, and I saw no hope of escape at that point. And after the morning's events, I wasn't sure I wanted to escape.

"You did great today, CC. Put your uni back on the bed when you're done cleaning up. Show yourself out and we'll talk tomorrow. I gotta tell you, I am looking forward to poker night. Ten days is a long time. Don't forget your toy and lube, my friend." He walked out and up the stairs.

Whenever he used that term, it brought out my angry internal voice. "You sir are not my fucking friend!" On the outside, I continued to dutifully lick my drying jizz off the floor and sofa. Then I found some dish soap and a bucket under the sink in the kitchen. I dabbed the residue off the couch keeping an ear cocked, in case he returned.

He did not, and when I finished, I left my uniform as I had found it and put on my Lycra shorts sans underwear. As I slunk to my car, I kept a sharp eye out for Officer Reeves. Given his uncanny ability to show up out of nowhere, I was relieved to make my escape from the neighborhood I'd learned to dread.

I drove home, spent--despite having not run a single meter. My mind swirled with dread, lust, fear, and excitement. A mental cocktail that I couldn't seem to get enough of.

To be continued...
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