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*Reposting as I've added a few bits and fixed some grammatical errors. Enjoy!*

Andy tries on his new bathing suit.
Chapter 2

Stephanie didn’t really know how much time had passed. She had gone downstairs and put dinner in the oven ready to be heated up, but time was moving strangely and she felt like she was floating through the process and she certainly didn’t really feel much hunger. Truth be told, she didn’t know what she felt. What had happened in her son’s room earlier had had a strange effect on her, leaving her mind unable to really think clearly. She realized that she may have been in a state of shock, no matter how composed she tried to remain.

She wasn’t sure when she first began to realize how aroused he had been but his bodies reaction as they hugged, his slight whimpers and little jerks could only have meant one thing. As she thought about it more, she concluded that she must have interrupted him pleasuring himself when she came home and that it was just his body’s natural reaction to being close to someone whilst aroused. In her clear-thinking mind she knew that’s all it was. He was a teenager after all. But regardless, she couldn’t get it out of her mind. The way he had held her close and whispered ‘mom’ as he was having his orgasm were being replayed to her mind over and over. She knew that the move here was to act calmly as if nothing had happened, and that’s what she intended to do. But there was just something about the what had happened that she couldn’t get out of her head.

It wasn’t that she was completely surprised by the situation, on some level she knew that Andy had hit puberty and had been exploring himself for a while now. He may have been slighter and a bit slower to develop than the other boys, but he had certainly become a teenager. She had realized that when she had to start telling him to shower more otherwise, he and his room would stink. She was also sure that he masturbated, although she hadn’t really caught him on the act – until this evening, of course. No, the only thing that really caught her by surprise this evening was her own body’s reaction.

After she had left his room and closed his door behind her, she had leant back against the wall, she felt lightheaded and slightly disorientated. She needed to catch her breath and it was only after regaining her composure that she had realized the throbbing in her groin and the need for touch.

Now, as she sat on the L-shaped sofa in the living room sipping her glass of red wine, she tried to make sense of everything. Dinner was ready to be heated up, but she hadn’t seen Andy since the incident. She had time to calm herself down to an extent but the very recent memory of the intense yearning in her vagina stayed with her. The wine helped.

I hope he’s ok. She thought to herself. Poor boy must be so embarrassed. I can’t let on that I was aware of anything.

She was getting concerned; it had been over an hour, and he hadn’t made an appearance yet. She had gone through every scenario in her head. Maybe he just wasn’t hungry, maybe he was embarrassed, or maybe she had just completely misread the whole situation and she was making a big deal in her head for nothing.

No, she wished it was true but knew deep down that it wasn’t. He was likely embarrassed and confused and she wanted to take that feeling away from him. She wanted so badly to tell him that it was all okay and that it was just the way that a growing boy’s body reacts to certain situations, but she knew that she shouldn’t. This was a private experience for him that he would need to process and doing that would give the game away.

She sat half thinking – half watching the crappy reality show that she had on as background noise. Contemplating when she should go up and check on him.

“Hey mom”.

She looked up to see Andy standing in the doorway. He must have padded downstairs without her hearing him. He was wearing his navy-blue bathrobe that she bought him a few years earlier. He didn’t wear it much anymore and he was getting far too big for it now, she realized. It barely went past his knees.

Has he grown that much? She thought to herself, she still thought of him as her baby in so many ways she realized.

He stepped into the room sheepishly and she realized that he wasn’t wearing much underneath.

“Hi baby, how are you feeling? Did you nap again?” she said with a concerned but forced smile. The wine had left her feeling slightly more composed and she wanted to give him an out by letting him know that she bought his story.

“Er yeah, I did.” he said, seeming slightly unsure of himself. She thought she saw a flash of strained embarrassment wash over his face for a moment.

“I tried what you bought for me on” he continued. “I’m really not sure mom. I don’t know if I can wear these. I think they’re a bit tight maybe”. He looked down at the floor, embarrassed.

She felt for him in that moment, her heart sank. She knew that he didn’t feel the most comfortable in his body, but he was handsome young man she knew. His thick light brown hair and that fell about his eyes in waves, the slight dimples in his cheeks and his friendly smile. He was growing into such a good-looking man, and she wished that he saw himself the way she saw him.

“Let me see baby, I’ll take them back if you really don’t like them. I promise.”

He hesitated for a moment but then reluctantly he let the small bathrobe slide from his shoulders and make heap on the floor at his feet. Stephanie let her eyes travel over his son and once again she felt her heart race and the heat of lust begin to radiate from within. She realized that she hadn’t seen him in a state of undress since he began his swimming practice. The only real exercise that he had ever really done other than soccer when he was younger. He stood there in his bright swimming briefs, looking shy and pleading. She felt for him, she wanted to reassure him, but the words were stuck in her throat and the mixture of shame and lust had stopped her mind from working properly. It was all she could do not to grab him and run her hands all over his him. She tried to put it down to the fact that it has now been years since she had last seen a man naked, but she knew deep down that this was not quite it. She wasn’t sure how or when it happened, but he was attractive to her. Everything about him was as cute and loveable as she had ever known him, but now there was suddenly this new layer of feeling for him that she had never known before. A deep and very physical appreciation for his form and person that had somehow become sexual in nature.

Puberty had now firmly taken hold on his body she could see, along with the swimming that he was doing he had lost some of the puppy fat that he held when she had last taken note of his body in the summer. He was still short and slim, but that fat had been replaced by a hint of definition and she could see the beginnings of muscles in his chest, arms, and legs. His stomach was toned and flat and she could see that his shoulders were broader now. The Speedos themselves fitted fine she thought, but she could see why he might be uncomfortable in them. They were snug, and they created a clear outline of his two testicles as the fabric wrapped around them and held them firmly in place. Resting on top of them, sitting slightly to the side she could see the outline of his penis as it was squashed between them and the fabric. Soft, it looked about the size of her thumb she guessed, and she could make out a little thatch of pubic hair sitting atop of it. She realized he was quite a smooth young man; he had some downy, peach fuzz hair on his legs which wasn’t very thick, and he had only the slightest hint of a snail trail of blonde hair that crept up from his pubic area to his bellybutton, but it was barely noticeable. His chest, arms and thighs were hairless, and he only had the slightest amount under his arms.

She wanted to take in every piece of him with her eyes. My god, she realized, she wanted to see more! My baby! She thought to herself. When did I miss you growing up so much? He was so adorable to her.

She knew her feelings were wrong, but she was lost in sight of him. He was perfect to her, and she swelled with pride at the thought that she had created him. She lost track of where her motherly feelings ended, and her womanly ones began. She fought the urge to embrace him and smother him in her touch, but it would not go away.

“What do you think mom?” Andy sheepishly asked, shaking her out of her dizzy cloud of lust.

“They look fine baby, really”. Her eyes raising to meet his ash she composed herself.

“You think so?” he asked, surprised.

“I really do baby. How do they feel?” She asked.

“Well, they feel fine.” Andy replied, becoming slightly surer of himself. “And all the other boys wear ones just like this. It’s just…” He trailed off.

“I think you just have to get more used to them honey. Why don’t you stay in them for the evening to see how you feel.” It just slipped out.

Andy looked hesitant and confused, he looked down at himself and the back up at his mother quizzically. “Do you really think that would help?”

Stephanie’s mind was not working correctly she knew, the suggestion barely made sense, but she had just blurted it out. She was enjoying being in his near-naked presence too much and she didn’t want to miss any new angle from which to look at his form and figure.

“Of course. I used to do that all the time when I was trying to get used to the dresses and underwear that I used to squeeze into. It takes time, you’ll get used to it. You just sit around in them all day until you don’t even think about it.”

“Alright” he said, relaxing slightly. The logic made sense to him, and he really did want to get comfortable in the shorts so he could wear them like the other guys in class.

Stephanie could see his mind accepting what she had said, and she felt relief wash over her that the request hadn’t come across as weird to him. What she was feeling felt so wrong to her and although her curiousness and lust were overtaking her faculties and ability to think straight; she was sure that she didn’t want him to know where her thoughts were leading her. She had to remind herself that this was just a normal evening staying in and watching TV with her son.

“Do you want some dinner?” She asked, remembering what normalcy looked like in their evening.

“I’m fine mom, I ate before you came home. I’m not really that hungry now”.

“Well why don’t you come and sit next to your old mom and watch some TV then. Let’s relax and get you used to them.” she said, patting the sofa next to her with a smile on her face. Again, it was something that just came out. She craved his proximity and to make him comfortable being near her in his state of undress. She wasn’t sure where she was going with it all but all she knew was that she didn’t want it to end.

He seemed to consider this for a second, but his expression quickly relaxed, and he joined her on the long couch. Stephanie had been sitting at one end, relaxing against the cushioned side when he came down and Andy felt it only normal that he picked the opposite end. He pulled his knees up towards his chest as he sat and relaxed with his head on his head propped up on his hand and elbow on the side as Stephanie lay down with her feet outstretched towards him. She was disappointed that he had picked the furthest spot that he could away from her, but she knew it made sense. And at least in this position he was in her eyeline, she thought. She could see the lean curves of his body; the fabric of the little swimsuit pulled tight around his hips and against the underside of his legs where the start of his buttocks was now poking through underneath him as he gazed at the TV. If she looked closely could see the spherical lump of the fabric tight against his ball sack poking out between his hiked-up legs. She couldn’t help but think to herself how cute it was.

Her panties were wet again she could feel, the sight and proximity of his body having a profound effect on hers. They both watched TV for a while, the night growing darker and quieter outside. Stephanie tried to pay attention to what they were watching but she couldn’t help but steal glances at him as she sipped her wine.

After a while she could sense Andy becoming tired, he was yawning and whatever show they were watching had finished. She was tired too, and slightly intoxicated but she did not want him to go to retire to his room just yet. She didn’t know if she would ever have another chance like this to spend this much time in his company in such a manner, she had loved the intimacy his near nakedness had bought. She didn’t want it to end. She was proud of him for relaxing and getting on with it but what she craved right now was his touch.

Andy yawned again, this time demonstrably with his arms stretched out above his head. She knew she had to act if she wanted to keep him there.

“Andy, why don’t you come a sit back here with me?” She blurted out. Again, the impulses just kept coming, helped by the wine she knew.

He looked over, fuzzy with tiredness and confused by what she meant. It was early for him, but he had been considering just going to bed to dose off in front of his laptop screen.

Stephanie lay down on the couch and parted her legs slightly, looking at him she raised her knees and parted her legs. She patted the sofa in the space between her legs, beckoning him. Her eyes and smile full of love.

He knew what this meant. They used to sit like that all the time when he was a kid, he remembered. Between her legs he’d lean his back against her. Pretty much every night they watched television together and chatted until he invariably fell asleep in her embrace. When had they stopped doing that he wandered? It felt so long ago now, like they were almost different people. It felt out of the blue that she had asked him, and he felt slightly put on the spot. It was a strange request he thought, and although he had almost forgotten what he was wearing as the evening had progressed the idea of lying on top of his mother had made him aware all over again of his state. He looked at her and was about to put up some form of resistance as to why he should just go to bed but seeing the pleading in eyes he thought better of making it awkward. He didn’t want to make what was obviously an innocent request into a weird situation. He delayed for a second, unsure of how to proceed, before crawling closer to her and turning around and leaning back.

Stephanie opened her legs further to accommodate him, she felt her heart begin to beat rapidly once again in her chest. As he lay backwards his, lithe, exposed back came into contact with her breasts though her top and sent shivers of electricity though her. He began to fidget a bit to get comfortable, seeming not to do with himself with his mother's breasts pressed firmly against him. She knew that she needed to settle him.

“It’s okay, honey. Here, let me.”

She couldn’t help herself anymore. She grabbed his hips and pulled him up against her. She pressed her legs against the outside of his and held him close. So close that the only thing separating her vagina and his butt was the fabric of his swimsuit and her pajama shorts. She draped both arms around his chest and hugged him tight from behind, just like she used to do when he was a kid. As she did his scent rose to meet her; the smell of his hair and body was so familiar to her, the same as it ever was, and yet…. yet it was changing too, like she could identify the fact that hormones were now circulating in his body, changing him from her boy into a man. It was an intoxicating mixture and made her want to hold on to him even more.

“It’s been so long since we did this.” She let out.

“Yeah mom. It’s been ages” Andy replied, still not quite relaxed into the situation. He too was aware of his mother’s loosely covered breasts against him, her nipples felt hard and poked him in the back and they were about all he could think about. He tried blanking his mind and just focusing on what was on the TV as she held him but the feeling of her against him was more than distracting, it was influencing his body. He became hyper aware of his state of undress and his face flushed, any sign of arousal would be plainly obvious and in the eye line of them both he knew.

Please don’t get a boner, please don’t get a boner, please don’t get a boner. He repeated to himself internally.

His swimwear was tight against him and although he had begun to get used to the idea that the outline of his dick and balls were there for anyone who looked, he absolutely wasn’t ready for the idea that his mother of all people would see him hard whilst in them.

God, what is wrong with me? He thought. Why was he even thinking about getting a boner at the touch of his own mother?! He knew it was wrong and felt deep shame. He had never looked at her in that way before, so why now? Why was he even thinking like this. His mind drifted back to the incident in his room. It was so confusing, her holding him as he came on himself. He hadn’t wanted her to catch him jerking off… ever. But he had to admit to himself that it was her touch and the feeling of her against him that had sent him over the edge. He was sure that she hadn’t noticed but the guilt still got to him. After she had left his room and when he had pulled his sticky underwear off and saw the contents he had stood there in silent shame at what he had done. It felt like something that he could never take back, like he had broken something innocent and fundamental between them.

“Are you tired?” She asked, breaking him out of his trail of thought. At least the shame had prevented him from getting a boner he thought.

“Yeah, I think so. I’m so tired. Practice was hard today”. It was true he realized. He was exhausted and it was only his whirling mind since the incident earlier that had prevented him from realizing it.

“Oh honey, you can rest then baby, don’t mind me. Lay back and rest if you need to. You’re so grown up now, we never do this anymore. But you’re still my little guy.” She said as she gave him a big hug and squeeze from behind as she kissed the back of his head.

As strange as the situation was to him, Andy found his mother’s words incredibly soothing. He had felt tired before but had only now realized exactly how exhausted his body was from his day. As his mother loosened her grip, he felt his back and body automatically relax. The sensation of pressing down on his mother’s body with his full weight went from feeling awkward and inappropriate to comforting and natural to him. Like he was remembering a locked away memory. Even though it like he could feel ever contour of her body as he lay on her it, he suddenly felt silly for thinking that was it was in any way weird, and thoughts of his horniness began to drift away. The comfort of his body resting upon her felt so natural and he allowed himself to wallow in the familiarity of her scent, one that he had known since the first day that he was born. A cloud of sleepiness descended around him, and the world began to feel further away.

“Think… I do need a nap”. He got out as just his eyes began to close.

“It’s ok. You can nap if you need to.”. His mother said to him and stroked the hair away from his face which only flopped back down. He felt like he was about to reply, but he let the thought pass and began to drift off into a deep sleep.

For Stephanie, things were different.

As soon as her son had laid back onto her, her body had betrayed her. She had encouraged him to fall asleep and now he was she was left with the feeling of him against her. For over ten minutes she was still with him sleeping on her. He lay back completely on her, and she could feel his deep breathing against her breasts and stomach. Her bare legs were against his bare legs all the way up to her inner things and she could feel the top of his butt pressed against her now dripping pussy. Her clitoris tingled and it felt like it was nestled directly in between the top of his two cheeks. She desperately wanted to be closer to him and it took all her willpower not to start grinding herself against his back.

She looked down over his shoulder at his body, his chest and tummy moved steadily up and down with each breath. The elastic waistline of his swimwear pressed firmly into his lower midriff just below his hips. Her eyes moved over him, his smooth stomach, his slim legs, the way his most intimate area was the only thing concealed by the small piece of waterproof fabric that covered him, making a bulge that more than hinted at his nudity underneath.

It was everything in her power not to reach down and pull his them down and expose him. She waited like that for another few minutes, not moving a muscle. Wanting to give him the rest that he seemed to need so much. She wanted desperately to see him, and the thought crossed her mind that it’d be alright if she did. Afterall, she made him, why shouldn’t she see him naked? There was a time that they used to bathe together, and his body kept no surprises from her at all. She’d wash him and they’d play and chat together and she now yearned for that again, regardless of how inappropriate it would now seem. She wanted to see him completely, to know how he’d grown since then. How he’d changed. All it would take would be for her to reach down and pull the little garment down.

But she couldn’t, she knew that she couldn’t betray his trust like that. Her sleeping little man. He was sleeping so deeply and innocently on her. She felt his weight slightly shift with each breath. Instead, she placed her hands gently on his belly, interlocking her fingers. She just wanted to hold him she told herself. She could see her hands were inches from his crotch, but she refrained. She watched her hands rise and fall as he breathed, and she began to allow herself to lightly caress him across his stomach.

He made a light moaning sound and she stopped suddenly but, listening and watching for more signs that he may be waking. But none came, instead his head fell slightly back, and she could see that his jaw was hanging slightly open, and he was breathing partially through his mouth. Emboldened, she began slightly tickling his belly again, drawing faint circles just below his navel. She wasn’t sure why she was so intent on doing this, but it kept her hands busy and the feeling coming from her vagina wasn’t allowing her to stop her need for physical touch with him. Instead, she began to gently rock herself upwards, ever so gently as to not wake him but just enough so create constant friction against her clitoris.

She continued this for several minutes letting the sensation slowly build. She didn’t know how long it would take her, but she knew what she had to do. She moved her hands to his hips with her fingers just above his waistline, she needed to hold him carefully steady to allow the motion to get her over the line.

The pretense was gone for her, and she knew what she was doing was wrong, but she found herself not able to articulate any thoughts beyond need to release and needing him on her. Ever so gently, up, and down she rubbed herself against him as she held him still by his hips and she slowly, slowly felt her orgasm approach. She looked down at his body and began to envision him naked on her. She imagined his bare body against hers as she cradled him just like the day he was born.

She needed it so badly at that moment. She was dripping through her thin shorts she knew. She could feel the heat and stickiness against him and knew that his lower back must be getting wet with her juices. But she couldn’t’ stop. Her mouth began to hang ajar as she got nearer. Up and down, she moved as her grinding becoming slightly more forceful. She was so nearly there. Her eyes closed tightly; her face became a silent scream. She moved one of her hands from his hips and cupped his bulge through his Speedos. She could feel his cock pressed firmly against his testicles, she moved her fingers along it, around his balls and grazed his inner thigh where the fabric met his leg. She wanted to experience every part of him, every part that she now couldn’t. Her hand gently roamed over his intimate area, lightly she held him and moved her fingers across the material. And it wasn’t long before she felt his shaft begin to stiffen slightly. In her haze she looked down to check if he was still asleep despite her rocking. Her boy still had his eyes shut and his mouth was still agape, lost in whatever dream he was having. She looked further down, and she could see his cock still pressed tightly down but now slightly engorged as her hands roamed over it.

The sight and the feel of it was too much for her. She clamped herself upwards onto his sleeping body and her orgasm hit her. She pressed her hand down harder on his bulge. Feeling his semi hard penis and balls squash and move between her fingers, pressing it down and forcing his weight down onto her as her hips raised up to meet his butt and back. Her clitoris was on fire, pressed directly into him and her pussy felt like it began to convulse. She shut her eyes and she held in the screams that she wanted to let out. Instead, using her nose to breath in his scent as she came in tidal waves against him. Her legs, her arms and hands, her breasts, her whole body pressing as hard against him as she could without waking him. She forced the top of her pussy to remain hard against his cheeks feeling herself drip and soak her pajama shorts. She managed to hold in the convulsion in her legs, but her insides shook as she had one of the most intense orgasms that she had ever had her in life. The waves of it hit her over and over, lasting almost a minute before it began to subside.

Breathlessly she lay there in her afterglow as the contractions in her pussy faded away. Her orgasm had given her some relief and reality began to descend. She looked down and realized that her right hand was still pressed against her sons' stiff penis as he slept on her unaware as to what she had just done. She lifted it quickly, the guilt hitting her hard.

What have I just done? She thought to herself. She wanted to push him off herself and run out of the room to escape the situation, but she knew she could not do that. She could not wake him up, not in his state. Not in hers. The poor boy seemed to innocent laying down on her, his body heaving with his deep breathes. She could not help but look at his hard penis pushing through his swim shorts and admonished herself. She had done that to him. She had felt him up while he slept. She had put him in this terrible situation.

What kind of a mother does that to her son?!

She began to feel deeply uncomfortable with him on her. The wetness that had felt so good just moments before now just felt damp and sticky and Andy’s weight was pressing it down into her. She wanted to get out from under him and go and take a shower. She wanted to wash away all the memories of what she had done and then sleep for a long time. God, she wanted to sleep. Like her son before, the thought hit her like a ton of bricks. She was incredibly tired, and the realization struck her that if she were asleep when Andy woke up that it would give him the opportunity to leave without it being awkward or embarrassing for him.

She allowed the feeling to wash over her. The TV droned on in the background, but it felt far away and muted, as if she were hearing it through a window. The weight of Andy’s was overly warm on her, but it was also comforting having him on her like this. She matched her breath to his so that they were in unison and the feeling it produced was almost hypnotic. Up and down, they went together, his bare back against her. Up and down. A yawn came over her and she reached her hand up to stifle it, bringing it to her face. A strange smell hit her as she did so, and she immediately realized what it was. It was the smell of her own sons' genitals, of his precum and his sweat. She breathed it in, endorphins filling her head. The sweet and salty aroma of his most intimate place. She had not smelt that smell in years, but it was instantly familiar to her. It was a man's scent, but it wasn’t too strong or off putting. It smelt fresh and it still smelt like her son somehow. Without thinking she licked her hand, tasting the salty musk and imaging licking it from its source. It tasted beautiful to her, like his was the purest essence of what a growing adolescent male should taste like.

God, she thought, I’m still not satisfied.

She fought off the urge to go any further, she was exhausted. And she let herself drift off as they continued to breathe together in unison. Up and down, totally in-sync.


Not long after that Andy stirred. He was groggy and his head felt heavy. He first became aware of the sound of the television, and it took him a minute to comprehend where he was and what was going on. He was still lying on his mother, although he had shifted his position in his sleep, and he now lay on his side with half his face pressed into her bosom. He felt her hands draped softly over him and heard her heavy breathing, realizing she must be asleep as well.

Thank God, he thought to himself. He could feel the tension of his erection, stuck against him, and pressed into his mother’s thigh as his leg was crossed over hers. He needed to pee, so it was not going away he knew. He needed to get out of there without waking her up. He lay still thinking. Memories of his dreams swirled around in his head in his half-asleep state, sexual images and feelings that swirled as he slept and that felt good to hold onto as he woke. Images of flesh and feelings of being enveloped flashed in his mind. His cock ached as it strained in his Speedos. He felt it embedded in his mom’s thigh and he yearned to grind himself against her. He half opened his eyes, and the hazy world came into view. The room was quiet except for the television, the sounds of their breathing and his mother’s heartbeat in his ear.

With only his eye’s he looked down at himself. It was so strange to be nearly naked on top of his mother and he could see that where he where his groin met her thigh. Her breast was right next to his face, and it gently heaved up and down with her breath. He couldn’t handle it, he fought the urge, but he felt like he had to. He had never had his erect penis against another person before in his life, against their warmth and softness. All memories of the guilt from before began to melt away in his dozy haze and it barely mattered to him in the moment that it was his mother that he was touching. Slowly so as to not wake her, he rocked his hips into her. His covered penis rubbing into her and causing his foreskin to slide down his tip and back again. The feeling was electric, imagining it to be the closest feeling to sex that he had ever experienced. He rocked back another couple of times gently, savoring every inch of movement. He wanted to grab hold of his mother’s leg and start to pump against it, but he knew that was way too far.

Suddenly his mother let out a labored breath. Andy froze, the reality of the situation hitting him like a slap in the face. His hard cock pressed against his mother’s leg as she slept. He thought about the excuses that he could use; he could say that he was simply asleep too. But it didn’t matter, whatever he said there would be a very awkward situation that he wanted to avoid no matter what. He had to get up before she woke up.

Carefully as he could he lifted his right leg off hers and put it back where it was when he fell to sleep and twisted himself back, so he was laying with his back against her again. After a few moments of laying still to ensure that his movement hadn’t woken her he sat up and carefully lifted himself up out from between her legs. As he did, he couldn’t help but feel his butt rub heavily against the area between her legs and as he thought he heard another sigh escape from his mother’s lip and as he lifted himself away, he felt the sticky moisture that was trapped between them.

Oh no, he thought¸ I really must have sweated a lot in my sleep.

He stood up and turned back to look at her. She was slayed out on the sofa now, her breasts hanging apart in her tight pajama top and with legs open, bent at the knees. She looked so beautiful he thought. She looked warm and slightly unkempt and whatever it was about her turned hm on even further. He wanted nothing more than to climb back down on top of her but looking down at himself – his hard penis trying to make its escape from its confines – and he knew he had to get out of there quickly. Turning on his heels he tip-toed out of the room.

Her eyelids still closed; Stephanie stirred. A wave of disappointment flowed through her. She had enjoyed the feeling of her sons’ eyes on her as he stood over her, and she had really enjoyed his soft movements against her after he awoke. So much so that it was all she could do to stifle her moans. She felt flushed and aroused, her body ached for touch, and she hadn’t wanted it to end, even if it was her son. She wanted to stick her hands in her pants then and there, but she knew that she shouldn’t. She was intoxicated from the wine and horniness, but she didn’t want to take any more chances. Going to bed was her best bet, at least she had privacy there.


2023-09-04 17:16:43
Sorry guys, I've just gone back and reread this and it's clear that my QA on this was awful towards the end of this chapter. I will fix the errors once Chapter 3 is up and I've left it a while, I just don't want to keep spamming submit process and give other Authors/stories a chance to be at the top of the "latest" list.

If anyone has any constructive criticisms, thoughts, likes/dislikes I'd love to hear. Chapter 3 will be back up very soon :)

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