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Don't worry, this story has a happy ending.
Hailey: Ugh, those girls are so mean! Making fun of me because I’m a futa. Always pointing at my bulge under my skirt and giggling. “Hailey has boy parts! Hailey has boy parts!” Well I’ll show them! The teachers have turned the classroom into a barn so we can learn how to milk a cow, but it’ll be me instead! They’re training them on this box on stilts, the udders are supposed to go under it, but I’ve removed the machine! This box is barely big enough for me to fit in, but I squeezed through! Oh, and that hole where the udders go is just perfect for my cock! All I have to do is wait.

Teacher: Ok girls! Your team is going to practice milking cows! That box in the center of the room has udders that you need to milk. Go ahead and practice the technique we talked about earlier.

Hailey: Splendid! It sounds like all the mean girls I was talking about are all in one group! This is gonna be so funny!

Tiffany: What’s that ugly thing? That doesn’t look like an udder!

Brittney: That’s because it’s a machine, it’s practice, dummy! Here, let me show you.

Brittney squeezes and strokes Hailey’s cock.

Brittney: Hey! No milk is coming out!

April: That’s because you’re doing it wrong!

April shoves Brittney aside and milks Hailey with both hands.

Hailey: (whispering to herself) Oh, that feels good! I have to keep quiet! It’s hard not to moan.

Tiffany: Is it supposed to grow larger? This looks so weird!

Millie: Teacher said we have to fill up that bucket before we can head back, I’ll put it under the cow machine thingy.

Hailey: Bucket?

April milks Hailey’s cock, wringing it towards the tip.

April: Hey! I can see a drop come out!

Tiffany: You’re doing it! Let me try!

Tiffany and April milk Hailey’s cock together with both hands. A drop lands in the bucket.

Tiffany: One drop? That’s gonna take too long! Girls come on, let’s really squeeze this thing so we can be done!

The girls all stroke Hailey's cock with both hands until they feel it twitch.

Millie: Ah! It twitched!

Brittney: That’s just the machine, stupid. It’s supposed to do that. That means it’s working.

The girls milk extra hard.

Hailey: Ooh, it’s starting to feel good! Really good! I have to keep quiet! Oh god! The “milk” is gonna come out!

Hailey is forced into orgasm, brought on by the intense milking and firm grip the girls have over it.

Brittney: Oh my god! It’s coming out! I can’t believe it! It’s like milk is really coming out of there! Girls, we’re getting it! Keep going!

Hailey: Ooh! That’s so good! Ouch! It’s so sensitive now. Did she say a whole bucket?

Teacher: How are you girls doing?

Millie: It’s fine Mrs. Teacher lady, the milk started to come out.

Teacher: Wonderful! I’ll check back in on you in a bit.

Millie: Oh, now it stopped flowing.

April: We have to get it working again! Ugh! Keep milking it!

The girls work double time.

Hailey: Oooohhhh. It shouldn’t feel this good! It never feels this good! God, I want to start thrusting but there’s no room in this box! I shouldn’t anyway, I don’t want to get caught. I have to take it, whatever they do.

Tiffany: My arms are getting tired.

Millie: Come on, we barely got even a few drops! Keep going!

Hailey: They’re working me to another orgasm, I can’t help it, I’m cumming!

Hailey jizzes straight into the bucket. The girls feel her cock as it throbs.

Brittney: Are udders supposed to jolt this much? This machine is weird.

Tiffany: The teacher said when the bucket is full, we’re done. So just keep rubbing it!

The girls stroke faster, Millie has both hands around the tip.

Hailey: Ooohhhh, whoever has their hands around the tip of my cock is being too rough! It’s so sensitive right now after two orgasms! I have to keep quiet, but I want to squeal so bad! God, there’s no way! I can feel another orgasm building!

Millie: Is it getting harder to you girls?

Brittney: Yes, this is very difficult, it only wants to squirt out a little bit of milk at a time!

Millie: No, like it was squishy before and now-

Hailey erupts a third time into the bucket. She can’t help but flex her hips a little bit.

Brittney: Yes! That milk is coming out again! Ok, girls. Keep going!

The girls work double time, Hailey is thrown into a mix of pain and pleasure. Her hot jizz splashes into the bucket. Millie squeezes extra hard around the tip, Hailey’s jizz fires out like a hose under pressure.

Tiffany: He he! This is fun!

She tugs on it extra hard, pulling the skin down with her body weight. Blood rushes to the head of Hailey’s cock.

Brittney: Come on, girls! We’re barely even a quarter of the way there!

Brittney: My hands are sore, I’m gonna get some lotion.

Brittney works lotion over her hands and starts stroking.

Brittney: Hey! It’s getting harder! Now it’s twitching again! That milk is gonna come out soon.

Tiffany: Hey! Give me some lotion!

Millie: Yeah! Me too!

Hailey: Ooooh, that lotion! It feels so good! Oh god, here it comes! A fourth time! Ahhhh!

Hailey fires off into the bucket, she can’t believe it. Four amazing orgasms right next to each other.

Brittney: Come on! Get that milk out of there!

Tiffany: Stroke faster! Come on! If we don’t fill this up soon, the teacher is gonna give me a bad grade!

Hailey: Ooooh, they’re gonna keep going?! I don’t know -OWW! how much more I can -OWW! take!

Tiffany: Hey, this lotion smells really good! What is that, like fruit punch or something?

Brittney: He he, it’s Berry Blast! And it tastes amazing too!

Tiffany: Hey! I wanna try!

Millie: Me too!

Hailey: Me too… Wait, oh. Oh! Oh my goodness! They’re using their tongues! They’re licking the sides of my cock! This feels so good! Ugh. One of them is giving the side of my cock a hickey. Oh, why does it feel so good?

Brittney: It’s getting hard again, I think it’s gonna throb soon. What do you think, Tiffany? Tiffany? What are you doing? Wow, you really like that lotion that much, huh?

Tiffany sucks the head of Hailey’s cock.

Tiffany: I’m gonna drink that milk straight from the source.

April: Don’t! We need that to fill up the bucket!

Tiffany: I’m gonna do it!

April tries to pull Tiffany away, but Tiffany grips Hailey’s cock with both hands and sucks more of Hailey’s cock into her mouth. The tugging excited Hailey to the tipping point. Suddenly, the girls saw Tiffany’s cheeks puff out and her throat undulate, she appears to be guzzling down that thick nutritious milk. (Orgasm Counter: 5)

Tiffany: Mmm! (Gulp! Gulp! Gulp!)

April: Jeez, Tiffany, can you swallow any louder?

Hailey: Fuck! I’m cumming in Tiffany’s mouth! It feels so good!

Brittney: Tiffany, is it really that delicious? I wanna try, that looks so good!

Tiffany: (Gulp! Gulp! Gulp! Gulp! Gulp!) Uh huh.

Tiffany licks her palms and fingers, they were coated with a mix of lotion, semen and saliva.

Brittney: Let me put some more lotion on it first. Ok, and what did you do, just put the tip into your mouth?

Brittney tries to mimic Tiffany and does so almost perfectly.

Hailey: Oh my god, is that Brittney? She’s like the cutest girl in school! I mean, I usually think boys are attractive, but I can notice girls too, right?

Brittney: Ugh, that milk is stuck again.

Tiffany: Here, let me help!

Millie: I’ll help too!

Tiffany and Millie stroke Hailey’s cock near the base; her sensitive cock still manages to swell.

Hailey is forced into another orgasm; her dick can’t resist the pleasure (6). It throbs and more semen shoots out, this time straight onto Millie’s tongue. She plays with the rush of semen hitting her tongue, letting it build in her cheeks before slowly guzzling it down, letting it fill up every time.

Hailey: Oh Millie! With your bob cut and freckles, how could such a cute, short girl be one of the mean ones?!

Brittney: Are you swallowing it?

Millie: (Gulp! Gulp! Gulp! Gulp! Gulp!) (Stomach gurgles.) (Gulp! Gulp! Gulp! Gulp! Gulp!) Mmm!

April: Wow, you look hungry! Like a nursing calf! Go ahead and have seconds!

The Pleasure is too intense, Hailey is unable to control her string of orgasms and cums again (7).

Millie: (Gulp! Gulp! Gulp! Gulp! Gulp!)

Brittney: Keep your mouth on it, the next one is coming soon, I can feel it!

She wasn’t wrong. Millie sucks on Hailey’s cock and tastes the semen still lingering there. Then she sucks the head into her mouth and works Hailey’s cock to another orgasm (8). She guzzles it down like before. Millie's belly is full for the first time. She falls back, cum clings to her throat and drips all over her face. She rests her hands on her belly, it’s never been so full before.

Millie: I think I've had enough.

April: My turn!

Hailey's cock is unable to die down and lets off another batch of hot jizz that fires inside April’s mouth (9). April can’t help but fall in love with the flavor.

Hailey: Oh fuck! This is too intense!

Hailey can do nothing but accept her fate.

April: Mmm! (Gulp! Gulp! Gulp! Gulp! Gulp! Gulp! Gulp! Gulp! Gulp!)

April can’t take the speed of Hailey’s ejaculation and ends up coughing. She backs off and Hailey finishes her orgasm in the bucket.

Tiffany: I want to go again!

Brittney: Me too!

April: Hey! Let me!

Millie: I think I’m gonna puke.

Tiffany: (Gulp! Gulp! Gulp! Gulp! Gulp!) (10)

Brittney: (Gulp! Gulp! Gulp! Gulp! Gulp!) (11)

April: (Gulp! Gulp! Gulp! Gulp! Gulp!) (12)

Millie: I need that bucket, wait, hold on. (Bruuup!) Oh, I just needed to burp! Ooh, there’s still a lot of milk in here! (Gulp! Gulp! Gulp! Gulp! Gulp!)

April: Hey! I think I found something! I unlocked the cabinet and found this. It has a picture of a cow on it. Huh, wonder what it’s for…

Brittney: That looks like a machine that milks cows!

April sits there and starts fiddling with the contraption. She presses a button, and it starts pumping.

April: Hey guys, lets fit this around the machine and let it do the work for us! That way we can still get a good grade!

She slides the device to three quarters of Hailey’s cock and clamps it down. Then, hits a button and it starts stroking her cock.

Hailey: Oh god, what is that? Ugh, it’s so fast! My cock! Oh no! Not again!

April: There, now I think that milk is gonna come out a lot faster now.

Millie: Ok, let me see if I can-

She wraps her hands around Hailey’s cock and feels it swell.

Hailey: Oh noooo, oh nooo wayyyy, not againnn. Ohhhh fuck. It’s starting to feel good againnn.

April hits a switch, the machine strokes Hailey’s cock even faster.

Hailey: I'm cumming! Ohhh god, how many -OWW times? I hope they’re done soon, this really hurts! My balls, they hurt so much! I’ve never been drained like this before! I don’t even know how many loads -OOH! I've shot out! (13)

Millie: How long do you think it’ll be before another-

Hailey’s cock spasms to the machine alone. Firing more thick ropes into the bucket. (14) Brittney holds it as it continues to shoot. Feeling the semen gushing in Hailey's urethra. The girls watch in amazement.

Brittney: Yep! It's a steady flow!


Teacher: Are you girls done?

Brittney: Almost! That bucket will be filled in a few minutes.

Teacher: Turn in what you have, we need to keep the rotation.

The teacher leaves and the girls return to the box.

April: I wonder if we can squeeze out that milk if we open up the box.

Hailey: Oh no!!!

The girls open it to find Hailey scrunched up in the box, terrified, with the most sultry look on her face.

Hailey: Wait, girls!

Millie: You! If that was you then... you made us drink your semen!

Brittney: I though that looked familiar, I just never knew a penis could look so ugly!

Tiffany: That was your sperm? Yuck! Girls, grab her!

They tie Hailey up, binding her ankles and wrists together, her skirt flips up and reveals her panties.

Tiffany: You don’t need this!

She pulls as hard as she can, and works a small tear in her panties, eventually yanking them off. Tiffany laughs at her tiny butt.

Hailey: Wait! Girls! I didn’t mean to-

April slaps duct tape over her mouth and they close the box. Then she hears more buzzing, but it’s not around her cock.

Brittney: There, that should keep it shut!

Hailey headbutts the ceiling of the box, but it won’t budge.

Hailey: (thinking) Oh fuck! Oh god! Oh fuck! Oh god! I’m stuck like this! What am I going to do?! How am I going to get out?!

The next group of girls comes in and immediately get to work. Hailey is stuck getting milked for hours, letting off hundreds of loads and filling bucket after bucket, defying all laws of nature. (817)


Brittney: Still in there, huh? Your punishment isn't over.

Brittney hooks the machine back on.

Brittney: This thing is gonna milk you all night long! Oh wait, it's Friday! I almost forgot! This thing is gonna milk you all weekend!

The machine kicks on and Brittney closes the door. Dread starts to kick in. Then the buzz of the machine grabs her attention.


Hailey jizzes into the machine semen lands on the floor. (818) Over the hours it pools up and spreads everywhere. (1465) Eventually it reaches the door.

Hailey: God, maybe if I cum enough, semen will leak out of the door and someone will notice! It's my only chance! (2,291)

Haley's cock throbs continuously. The machine really knows what it's doing. The pleasure is overwhelming, but her balls cried for mercy. Still, her cock throbs and jizz pours out of her. (3378)

Hailey: Oh god, this feels too good! I cant! How much longer?!

Jizz piles up near the door, it has a tight seal but a few drops leak out. The inches pile up inside the classroom overnight. (4269) Nothing more than a small trickle escapes out the door. It didn't matter, no one is working that night. Hailey's parents think she's having a sleepover, and decide not to check. Hailey falls asleep but the machine follows her in her dreams. Over the weekend, she is thrown into thousands of mind bending orgasms. (9999) Monday morning comes. Millie arrives before everyone else, hoping to get some breakfast. She opens the door and semen floods out the door, soaking her socks and shoes.

Millie: Oh my god! Hailey!

Millie unscrews the box and puts Hailey in a chair.

Millie: What did Brittney do to you! Oh, your thing must be so sore!

Hailey: Water...

Millie: Oh, right. I know I hang out with those mean girls, but over the weekend I realized something, I get moody when I'm hungry. And your stuff was so filling, it kept me full for days. I had the best weekend ever!

Hailey: Good for you.

Millie: Aww, do you want me to take care of you? Maybe I could massage it out.

Hailey: OWW! OH! Ok. That's not bad.

Millie: I'm gonna make it up to you for such an awful weekend.

Millie stands up and pulls up her skirt, revealing her lack of panties. Hailey's cock gets rock hard.

Millie: Even after all that?

Millie eagerly plants herself down on Hailey's cock.

Millie: So are we girlfriend and girlfriend now?

Hailey: Lets see after a test drive!

Hailey lets loose and pummels Millie's pussy.

Millie: Ayeee!

Hailey: Oh fuck that's good! I would have the same weekend a hundred times if it meant this was waiting for me at the end. Oh, why weren't you attached to me that whole time?

Millie: Oh god, it's so good!

Millie clamps down on Hailey's cock and shudders. Her brain gets flooded with endorphins. She has never cum so hard.

Millie: Orgasming all weekend, huh? That doesn't sound so bad.

Hailey continues to pummel her.

Hailey: Millie, I'm gonna cum!

Millie: Please cum inside me! I don't care what happens.

Hailey: Oh fuck! You're not even on birth control?

Millie: Nope.

Hailey: Every time I cum, it's a lot. You're gonna get a lot of sperm, Millie!

Millie: Oh fuck! I'm gonna cum again! Do it!

Hailey: I'm cumming!

Hailey's cock erupts at full force under Millie's hot, strangling pussy. Millie's cervix presses down on Hailey's cock with all her body weight. Her womb catches it all and starts bloating. Hailey slams Millie down hard and breaks through her cervix. Semen gushes into Millie's womb with renewed fervor, spraying out like a firehose. (10,000).

Hailey: Do you want to know what it's like to cum for three days straight?

Millie: Uh huh.

Hailey: Lets get out of here. I don't want to get in trouble for all this mess.

They fall in love, make babies, and live happily ever after.
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