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Wait !!! Tammy & Ms Tasha Are . . .
Well as sad as it is the say, the weekend is finally over. It's time to get on back to school, and try not to bomb out of any of my classes. Thankfully I'm still managing to get through by the skin of my teeth, I was hoping to study just a little & get some time in for some gaming but... my life & my free time have become anything but my own.

On Saturday my sister Samantha just barged into my room half naked. She toyed with my emotions AND my hormones by getting me to look at the cute striped panties she was wearing. Damn it what's even worst was, she got me to actually put my FACE in between her legs and completely sniff her down there, and even lick at the wet patch she had forming in her underwear.

This isn't right, this just isn't normal. My sister ended up crawling on top of & riding my face, taking pictures of me steadily getting soaked with her cum. She even put her soggy panties into my mouth & lead me to the shower, where she peed right in my face and mouth, whilst never allowing me to remove her undies from my lips... now that I think about it, her salty piss flavor mixed in with the taste of her soggy panties tasted really good. I actually RESISTED giving her panties back when she tried to pull them out of my mouth didn't I?

Wait, what am I saying? That can't be what happened. I wouldn't actually ENJOY my sister peeing in my face would I? I... I don't want to think about it. What took place on Saturday was just... just a fluke.

What happened on Sunday was kind of good though. I was finally able to confess my honest feelings towards Cindy, while at her Sorority after she had invited me over. But the way things played out wasn't how I'd imagine. Cindy actually commanded me to get on both my knees in her bedroom, she threw one of her legs over my shoulder giving me the GREATEST VIEW of her panties & undershot of her tits, and had completely took control over me, forcing me to blatantly confess how much I've always liked her.

Cindy had showed me a side to her I've never seen before. Dominant, confident, & downright KINKY; I never could've imagined she had those traits... I'm so glad she agreed to be my girlfriend. She found out how much of a turn on it was, for a woman to take control over me sexually. That kiss she gave in her bedroom completely blew my mind. She reached out and held be by the back of my head & pulled me in for the best kiss ever, meanwhile shoving her other hand right inside my pants, completely doing whatever she wanted to me. God that was great... But what happened immediately afterward in her bedroom, it's still shameful for me to even think about.

Cindy kept me down on my knees, she then turned away from me, and commanded me to ultimately get my face right in her butt. She completely took control as my girlfriend, and told me to sniff her pussy and her butt hole's aroma quite thoroughly. She then made me lick both of her holes while keeping my face buried in her ass, and had me get both of her holes nice and soggy, eating her out until she screamed as she orgasamed right in her bedroom. Wow her ass hole and her pussy honestly tasted great. She made me take off my shirt and my jacket & give them to her, and she took both of them and laid them on her bed. Cindy crawled on top of them and laid down, and actually recorded me WILLINGLY letting her piss right in my mouth. She recorded each of my gulps of her warm pee she shot in my mouth, and even asked me on camera did I like how it tasted. In my own lust not even caring that Cindy was recording it, I confessed how much I LOVED how her fresh piss tasted. I don't know why I even did that... but she is my girlfriend so that's OK right?

What's bad is Cindy's roommate Tammy actually CAUGHT me drinking all her pee. She was standing in the doorway watching me swallow it over and over, I think she even took pictures or video while I was doing it. She saw I wasn't resisting Cindy in the least, and was actually enjoying taste of of her piss as I continuously drank. I couldn't run away or deny what I was doing. What's even worst is it seems as if both girls started TOYING with me over it. Damn it, it's so embarrassing to even think of. Cindy's roommate said she wouldn't tell anyone of me being there, if she could pee in my mouth as well. Cindy didn't even mind letting Tammy use me like her own personal urinal at the moment. She had me lay on her bed with my head hanging over the edge, she stood right over my mouth, and... just let her piss go right in my mouth for me to swallow. I couldn't even resist as I damn near choked on her super acidic pussy water.

This is bad... really bad. Not only does my own SISTER know how to instantly arouse me anytime that she wants, but now a girl that I don't even know, discovered my deepest darkest sexual secret. What's going to happen? I don't actually LIKE that this happening to my life... do I?

Back again at school today, I found it extremely difficult to concentrate. Something kept bothering me about Cindy's roommate Tammy. I knew I had seen her somewhere before, but the more I tried to remember where on campus it might have been, the more I kept coming up with nothing solid. It couldn't have been at one of our college's sporting events, I know she's a cheerleader here, but I really don't go to those... Even though Samantha tries to get me to sometimes. Maybe she's just another one of those pretty girls you really can't forget. Tall, athletic, really good looking, that striking bright red hair of hers, she really would be hard to forget honestly. Who knows maybe it'll come to me later.

Sitting down in the lecture hall for the beginning of my sociology class, I am truly grateful it's the last one that I have for today. It's really not my best subject in school, honestly I find it boring most of the time. I can concentrate just enough to learn what I need to, and just barely skate on by in this subject, I'm always happy when I'm able to get the hell out of here & just head on home.

The lecture hall is really quite large. There is a stage with a desk and a podium with a microphone, down where the teacher speaks to us from the ground level. There is also a large view screen there, along with multiple smaller ones spread throughout the room, for us students to be able to watch & take notes from during the presentations. As spacious as the hall is, there is tons of seating with multiple rows for the students to sit, in which my class there is barely enough students to even fill up 1/5 of the theater-style seating layout.

Watching other students slowly start to pour into the lecture hall, I can see our teacher Ms Tasha is already here, and greeting them as they begin to show up. Ms Tasha really is an extraordinary woman to be honest. Average in height, long crimson red hair, a really curved & filled-out figure. Some would call her "thick" but, I think she's really pretty just the way she is. She is wearing a fern green long sleeve V-neck top, and a long black midi skirt, which goes down past her knees. The very definition of elegance, I would wonder from time to time could she be single, being as attractive as she is.

Looking at her I would guess she is maybe at most ten years older than myself, no older than thirty or thirty one. What is most beautiful about her though, is her warm, kind, loving personality. She is always friendly to all of her students, she actually prefers to be called a "teacher" rather than a "professor", unlike the rest of the faculty here, who feels it's not their jobs to actually TEACH the students anything, but rather it's the students jobs to learn with as little influence or help from them.

Most of the class is already here now, we'll probably be starting very soon. I look at one of the student entrances, and I see Tammy waltzing into the class. It strikes me like a bolt of lightning, THAT'S where I remember her from; she's actually in one of my classes. I see her looking right at me, then beginning to bear an absolutely devilish grin. A slight panic starts to set in at that moment. This girl that I don't even know who actually urinated her hot acidic piss right into my mouth just the other day, is actually in one of my classes. This is awful. What do I do? She's not going to tell anyone what she saw me doing back at her sorority house will she? I look down in shock & embarrassment at that moment, not knowing what to do.

I look back up and see Tammy standing at the stage, speaking together with Ms Tasha. They are both giggling at something, as Ms Tasha is looking at Tammy's cell phone. She couldn't be showing her something from what happened yesterday could she? Please god no, don't let that be what's going on over there. Don't let her actually be TELLING Ms Tasha what she did to me that day. If Ms Tasha finds out that I let Tammy pee in my mouth, and I swallowed down every drop of it, she'd probably laugh me right out of her class. I then see them both look over & smile mischievously in my direction, causing me to look back down in panic. I'm positive Tammy told or showed Ms Tasha something about what she caught me doing, or what she made me do for her afterward. God this is bad... really bad.

When they both stared at me simultaneously, I couldn't help but notice how strikingly similar they both looked. Before looking back down unable to return their gazes, I noticed the similarities in their faces were unmistakably alike. Could they possibly actually be related? Before mustering up the courage to actually look back up again towards them, Tammy had walked over to where I was sitting, and began to take a seat right next to me, maintaining that same wicked grin she had since she first saw me here in class.

"Hiiiii Danny. Fancy meeting you here." she says to me while smiling, making herself nice and comfortable in her seat. I am unable to say anything back to her, completely frozen with fear & embarrassment. I notice Ms Tasha, frequently inquisitively glimpsing in both of our direction.

"H-hey Tammy Wha-" is all I could reply, while looking at her before losing my voice. Tammy's sexual & almost predatory grin put me completely at silence. I tried to speak, I tried to say SOMETHING to hopefully make the situation a little less awkward, but it was clear I was at a complete loss for words. Tammy ended up touching one of her index fingers to my lips, and calmed the situation with a "Shhhhhh..."

"Don't say anything Danny. Just sit there & stay quiet. Today's gonna be fun." Tammy says softly. I finally accept my fate & does as she says not saying a word, as it seems the entire class is here now, and we're about to begin. Ms Tasha standing at the front of the stage, holding the mic in her hand as she begins to give today's lecture.

"Well class, today's going lesson is going to be a little different. In today's lecture is we'll be discussing sexual identities in modern society." Ms Tasha tells the class. My face felt as if it had just caught on fire, from Ms Tasha's words. The class seemed to erupt in various hoots and hollering from the guys, the girls seemed to mostly giggle to themselves from the subject matter. However I then noticed that across the room, one of the girls was adamantly staring over in Tammy's and my direction. She was decked out in mostly all black clothing, wearing rather wild looking large black boots with lots of buckles running up it's length, long dark raven black colored hair, and a collar or something wrapped around her neck. She was obviously one of those girls who were into Gothic-style fashion, it was almost as if she was monitoring Tammy and I... Who is she? I wondered.

"What is the man's role in the bedroom? What is the woman's role? Who's role is it to be dominant? Is it acceptable for one side to actually ENJOY being submissive?" Ms Tasha asked the class.

"A woman is ALWAYS supposed to be the submissive one. That's the way GOD made em'." blurts out Lance, one of the football players here at the University, who is sitting towards the center of the lecture hall. His statement clearly causing many of the girls including Tammy, to become irritated & shoot mean scowls in his direction.

"And why is that Lance?" Ms Tasha asked him softly. Smiling but at the same time appearing slightly annoyed, by what Lance had just said. Though most of the students probably didn't notice.

"Uh... I don't know. Every girl that's been with ME I made SURE she was the submissive one in the relationship." Lance responded with a huge air of confidence in his response.

"Is that so. But isn't your ex-girlfriend a lesbian now Lance?" responded that Gothic girl using a mild & very calm voice. Delivering an absolutely piercing stare towards him. The class erupted in uninhibited laughter, causing Lance to clinch his teeth and stare up & towards his right to see her.

"Hey shut up Victoria!" Lance yelled back to her. So that's her name... Victoria. I looked at her again. Her eye contact never breaking with Lance, she sat there quietly returning his stare, until he looked downward slightly still gritting his teeth, clearly embarrassed from what she had just said.

"OK OK that's enough." Ms Tasha giggled. "How about we get the opinion of another male from the class. Dan how about you? What are your thoughts on this subject?" Ms Tasha asked, looking over at me giving a warm welcoming smile.

"Oh... Me? I um-" was all that I could say, before Tammy cut me off verbally & reached over to squeeze my cheeks. Pressing them in & causing my lips to poke out in front of everyone in the class.

"Him? Just look at this adorable face. You can just tell Dan is a real GIVER in the bed room." Tammy stated. Causing all the girls to erupt in cheers & laughter. Victoria & Ms Tasha both looking me during the uproar, giving almost hungry looking smiles, as I sat there in silence with my lips still poking from Tammy's playful antics.

Class proceeded on in a rather eventful manner. Many of the girls in class seemed to utter likewise sentiments, they all liked for a man to give their undivided attention to them in the bedroom. Many spoke on how the guys they had been with were selfish, and was only interested in his own orgasm, rather than taking the time to or even care if she were receiving pleasure at all.

Occasionally off and on I would feel Tammy teasing me, rubbing her closest hand up down the inside of my thigh. She would continue to give me that devilish look, ensuring my silence & obedient acceptance to her sexual advancements during the class. Try as I may to fight my arousal from this, Tammy was turning me on right in front of everyone. I felt my erection growing inside of my pants, praying that nobody would notice my discomfort.

"Ohhh what's this?" Tammy whispered in my ear softly. Her hand moved to where the tip of my dick was raising up inside of my pants. I winced inside of my seat a bit, as Tammy's hand wrapped around & gently/rhythmically tugged at the head of my cock. Tammy clearly enjoying being in control, playing with the head of my dick, staring over at me occasionally making sure I didn't say anything. In my distress I noticed Victoria from across the room was staring at Tammy and I. Oh my god! She is actually watching Tammy torture me during the class discussion, she is giving me an absolutely devilish smile.

"Not one word..." Tammy whispered in my ear, I then saw her lick her lips quickly. She seemed to not even CARE that Victoria was watching, or if any other students might see. She continued to massage the head of my dick on the outside of my pants, my face started burning up again from what Tammy was doing. My dick was fully erect from Tammy's soft strokes on my dick. Ms Tasha was directing the class discussion going on, but occasionally it would seem that out the corner of her eye, she would stare over and Tammy and I, maintaining that friendly smile as she was keeping the class' attention focused on her.

"Ohhhh it's so hard Danny. Do you want me to touch it?" Tammy whispered to me. I felt her hand move downward a little towards my zipper, she slowly pulled it down causing my dick still inside of my underwear to spring straight up. Her hand made it's way past the waistband of my underwear, and her hand slid down all the way to my cock, grabbing it & causing me to gasp with a loud deep breath.

"Shhhhh be good." Tammy whispered to me again, giving me a wide evil grin. Her hand was incredibly soft, and felt so good as she started to stoke my cock some more. Feelings of immense pleasure were starting to completely take over me, as Tammy's gentle strokes had me inescapably under her spell. Time felt like it was standing still, as this beautiful older student was literally using me as her personal plaything right inside of class, and I was hopelessly powerless to do anything, or even say one word back to her. My mouth started to hang open as I felt Tammy stroking me more & more, Ms Tasha was staring more focused in my direction, it's obvious she knew Tammy was playing with me, and Ms Tasha was enjoying watching us, as a student was busy giving her point of view on the discussion. I almost forgot... Victoria was watching me as well. I looked over at her, and saw her resting her face in one of her hands, still focused on us as she just sat there watching me get stroked off, continually giving me a lustful smile. Oh god.. oh god no. I've completely turned into a sideshow right in the middle of class. This older girl whom had yesterday pissed in my mouth, and made me choke it all down, is now about to make me cum. My teacher is too now intently watching me, and so is this new girl whom I don't even know is enjoying the show. I shuffled around feeling my body rock back & forth as if to hump Tammy's hand.

"Ohhh it's wet. Keep going." Tammy whispered to me. I felt an impending orgasm that I would no longer be able to hold back about to take over me. Tammy looked right at me again and leaned forward again.

"I didn't tell you before, but I gotta pee so badly Danny. I wish I could give it to you here right now. Would you be a good boy and drink it for me? Just like the way you did yesterday? I want you to bury your face right between my legs, and piss all over your tongue & right into your mouth, and have you swallow all hot liquid down." Tammy whispered with a smile. Her words sent me over the edge, as I convulsed over and over shooting load after load right into my underwear. My body twitched continuously as seed kept shooting out of me. I collapsed forward onto the desk, feeling Tammy's hand milking out my cum, not letting go of my dick. She was intent to get out every drop. I nearly whined the feeling was so good, the mixture of embarrassment from cumming in front of my teacher, two girls I don't even know, not and the feeling of Tammy's delicate hand coaxing out every drop of semen I had inside of my body.

"Good boy, but you got my hand all sticky." Tammy whispered to me. She continued to stroke my cock, keeping me in rapture by not letting go. Still collapsed onto the desk & twitching, Tammy continues to stroke me while enjoying her dominance over me & the situation. I lay still motionless as her hand slips out from my underwear. She doesn't even zip my pants back up, but instead stares at her hand that I just covered in my cum. She then begins to lick the lines of my semen off of her fingers, tracing her tongue up and down her hand, clearly enjoying the taste of it before swallowing down all of my nut. I turned my eyes over towards Victoria again, she had never taken her eyes off of us, and watches what Tammy's doing with a deviously sexually content smile on her face.

"Mmmm thanks that was tasty." Tammy stated while smiling at me. I then realized that class had come to an end immediately afterward, my head was still spinning from what Tammy had just did to me here. Students were getting up out of their seats & exiting the hall, preparing to leave school and enjoy the rest of the day. But feeling the huge amount of leftover cum that I had shot into my underwear, I knew it would soak right on through, & stain the front of my pants if I zipped them back up. Tammy was still sitting besides me appearing as if she had no intentions of leaving. The class nearly empty now, I see Victoria finally get up and shoot one last smiling glance over at me before she reaches the exist as the last student to leave. I can't believe she sat there watching us the entire time, God I hope she doesn't tell anybody what she just saw happen to me...

"Dan, may I have a word with you please?" Ms Tasha sincerely asked me, while still standing at the stage.

"Ummm su-sure Ms Tasha." I responded in urgency, as I was in a terrible situation here just now. Tammy had just played with me during class, causing me to cream & completely soak the inside of my underwear. My pants were still unzipped & it would look immediately suspicious, if I tried to zip them back up. And now my teacher who definitely saw something was going on, wants to speak with me after class... on top of it, Tammy is STILL HERE. God my luck just couldn't get any more terrible, I'm completely screwed aren't I?

"Tammy would you go close and lock the doors please?" Ms Tasha says to Tammy. Coming from off of the stage, and is now walking over towards me.

"Sure thing sis." Tammy says back to Ms Tasha, finally getting up leaving her cellphone on the seating desk, and is starts walking over to the entrance doors. I can't help but take a look at her butt as she's walking. She's wearing a white belly shirt some tight form-fitting blue jeans. Her curvy athletic butt swishing from side to side as she walks, her glowing red hair still in a pony tail shifting around, she truly is an attractive older student... but why would she mess with me, the way that she did just now?

Wait did Tammy just say "Sis"? So they really are related. It's no wonder they look so identical in the face, Ms Tasha is actually Tammy's older sister. I can't believe it, that just made the situation 10 times worst. Tammy probably told Ms Tasha EVERYTHING that happened yesterday, Ms Tasha probably knows I drank her little sisters piss. Starting to shiver with nervous embarrassment, Ms Tasha has finally made her way over to me.

"There. All locked". Tammy states from off in the distance.

"Excellent, now we need to talk to you about something Dan." Ms Tasha smiles at me, reaching and picking up Tammy's cell phone from the desk. I look over at Tammy again who is smiling at me, I can't even imagine if I'm going to get in trouble right now.

"Now will you go and dim the lights for me Sis?" Ms Tasha turns and calls over to Tammy, she then turns back at me administering me a devious glance with a smile. I still can't even zip up my pants, my teacher is now standing right in FRONT of me.

"Sure thing Tasha." Tammy responds back, and then starts walking over to where the lights for the lecture hall is. I notice the lights start to go dark in the room, but the light from the large screen on the stage, and all of the monitors spread throughout the room, makes it easy to still clearly see Ms Tasha smiling wickedly, as she's starting down at me now.

"I'd like to ask you something Dan, what are your thoughts on the class discussion today?" Ms Tasha says to me. I can hear Tammy giggle, as she's walking back over to us.

"M-me... I really um..." is all I can get out, as Ms Tasha holds a sexy absolutely piercing stare into my eyes. Wow Ms Tasha really is beautiful, even more so up close. Those huge breasts of hers just bounce around a bit, every time she moves even the slightest. They're even bigger than Samantha's size 40D cups, I'm trying not to stare.

"You never did answer the question I asked you in class Dan, What do you think a man's role should be in the bedroom." Ms Tasha asks me seductively, then raising up Tammy's phone to search for something on it. She presses the phone once again, as Tammy has made her way over to us. I then hear some sounds coming from the phone, which sounds like a video is being played on it. Ms Tasha looking at the screen giving a devilish smile.

I hear the sound of a large BURP coming from the phone, like somebody choked on something earlier. I then hear the words of people talking, coming from the video Tammy & Ms Tasha are watching...

"What was that Danny? Why did you just burp? Did you just drink something?"

"What did you just drink And be honest?"

"I ju-... I drank your pee Cindy."

"Again. What did you just drink down Danny?"

"I drank your pee Cindy. I drank the piss that you just gave me."

"Did it taste good? Do you like the way your girlfriend's pee pee tastes Danny?"

"It tasted great Cindy! I LOVED how your piss tastes!"

My confession caused Tammy & Ms Tasha to burst out giggling a bit smiling. Oh my god... oh my god, oh my god. Tammy actually RECORDED that part? She recorded me accepting that I drank Cindy's hot piss yesterday, she even caught me confessing to Cindy that I loved the way it tasted. My life is over. It's bad enough that Tammy knows and she caught me, she made me swallow down her super acidic piss so she wouldn't say anything, but she ended up telling Ms Tasha who happens to be her own sister. I don't know what to do. I look down in shame & slight arousal, hearing that wonderful moment happen all over again. Ms Tasha turns Tammy's cellphone, and shows me the screen. There I am from behind on my knees with my face between Cindy's legs, she's keeping her phone pointed at me recording at the same time, I look so incredibly happy having just drank Cindy warm urine at that moment.

"Is this what makes you happy Danny?" Ms Tasha says down to me. Wait did she just call me "Danny"? She's never addressed me like that before. Damn it, why is this happening to me?

"Do you like serving women using your tongue, and making sure that they're completely happy from it?" Ms Tasha asks me directly. I can't saying anything in response. I'm completely lost in the moment, afraid I'll say something to make myself look even lower. I look down to the ground wishing I weren't getting aroused from this. My cock has started to slightly fill up once again. Tammy & Ms Tasha are expecting an answer from me, I have to answer the question, they have complete control at the moment.

"My sister asked you a question Danny. Now be good and answer it honestly. Do you like serving women with you mouth?" Tammy says looking down on me while smiling. I'm trying to fight getting fully erect sitting here. The darkness of the room with the glow from all of the screens on in the room, almost seem to be making Tammy & Ms Tasha shine like two beautiful angels in front of me.

"Yes..." I sigh as I give my response to them. I admit it openly to them, as well as admitting it to myself. I really do enjoy having my face between a woman's legs. But when Samantha, Cindy, and Tammy each urinated in my mouth, that was the happiest moments I've ever experienced. Immense shame starts to kick in, I just told these two older women I actually love servicing women's pussies with my mouth.

"My my that won't do Danny. It's almost as if you're ashamed to admit what you like. I need you to say it again." Ms Tasha directs me. I swallow the saliva in my mouth, that I nervously built up. I wish this wasn't happening to me, why did I have to be the one who likes doing that so much. I can feel my face starting to turn red from the embarrassment, I give Ms Tasha my response once again.

"Y-yes I like it Ms Tasha." I tell her in a lowered voice.

"You know I could see Tammy playing with you dick during my class. Are you going to apologize for that?" Ms Tasha asked me directly.

My arousal instantly took over me. My cock stood up at full length once again. I'm positive I can't hide it as both girls are standing so close. They can obviously see it, I'll be in such big trouble if I make either of them upset.

"Stand up for us Danny." Tammy orders me to do. Knowing it's just no use at all to resist them any further, in complete shame I stand up with my cock fully erect, still inside my underwear that are completely wet with cum from earlier. Both of them giggle at me, I start to look downward with guilt.

"Now tell us both Danny. And be respectful to us. Tell us how much you love having your face between a woman's legs." Ms Tasha commands me gently. Both girls are staring at me, awaiting my response. Standing there with my dick fully standing out to both of them, I tell them both from the bottom of my heart.

"It's my favorite thing in the world. It's where I'd rather be all the time. Having my face between a woman's legs, servicing her pussy with my mouth, I love it. It's what I love to do the most. It's where I belong. I would eat a girls pussy anytime any place that she wanted, it tastes sooo good." I tell Ms Tasha, with my cock throbbing in my underwear in front of both of them. Both girls burst out giggling, because of my response & my erection.

"Thank you for finally being honest Danny, I'm glad I recorded that." Ms Tasha smiles at me lovingly. I stand there in shock and embarrassment, completely forgetting Ms Tasha was holding Tammy's phone. She was recording my answers the entire time. Now there is more evidence out there, that I am a pussy eater. Accepting my position in the situation, I just stand there in silence. Both women are smiling at me, then proceed to reach out grabbing one of my hands each.

"Come with us Danny." Ms Tasha tells me, with a warm loving voice.

"You need to learn your place." Tammy says right after her laughing.

Both girl pull me by my hands, leading me up onto the lecture hall stage. We finally get over towards the center, and both girls let go of my hands. Ms Tasha walked over to where her desk was, Tammy stood in front of staring into my eyes. I didn't know what was going on, or what they were planning on doing to me. I could clearly see all of us on all of the monitor, up on the stage with the cameras focused on us.

"Stay." was all that Tammy said to me for the moment, I dared not to disobey her, I froze where I was standing as not to move an inch. All of a sudden I saw an image pop up on all the screens. Oh my god... it was the picture that SAMANTHA had taken of me, the picture after she had rode and soaked my face. Did Cindy show this picture to Tammy too? Do they even know that, that's my SISTERS cum spread totally across my face & my mouth?

"Come over to me Danny." Ms Tasha beckons me over from her desk. She is sitting down in her chair, looking at me with a hungry smile. I walk over to her completely filled with shame. How did these two get that photo? What were they going to do with it? Is my life here at school over now?

"Get on your knees now Danny." Ms Tasha commanded, I obeyed her instantly dropping down onto one knee. Looking up at my teacher. Tasha had followed me over to the desk as well, and stood off to the right side of me.

"You know better than that. You are supposed to always get down on BOTH of them Danny, Cindy taught you better than that. Now apologize for that mistake." Tammy beamed at me. It's true Cindy had told me before, I am always supposed to get down on both of my knees, when a woman's pussy needs to be serviced.

"I-I'm sorry Ms Tasha." I say to my teacher, regretting forgetting what Cindy had taught me.

"And what are you sorry for?" Ms Tasha asked me lovingly, maintaining her normal warm loving smile.

"I'm... sorry I only got down on one knee. I am supposed to always get down on both, when a woman commands me to." I respond. I look downward to the ground in shame for forgetting something so important.

"That's better. That's a good boy." Tammy says giggling from the situation that's happening. I look back up at Ms Tasha, who is keeping her gaze fixated on me the entire time. My erection stays just as stiff as ever, why am I enjoying being controlled like this?

"Lift my skirt up for me Danny." Ms Tasha commands. I instantly reach my hands out, and grab the bottom of Ms Tasha's long skirt. I start to lift it up, raising it past her knees, then to her thighs. The smell I'm starting to sense is incredible between Ms Tasha's legs but strong. I finally raise her skirt up to her crotch region, and what do I discover... Ms Tasha isn't even wearing any panties underneath. My jaw falls open when I see she's not wearing any underwear, this teacher who is so elegant, so fair, isn't even wearing panties underneath her skirt. Ms Tasha pussy hair is much darker than Tammy's, just like her hair it is a dark crimson in color.

"Are you surprised Danny? Do you like what you see? My sister's never really liked wearing underwear." Tammy states to me from my side. My gaze is fixed onto Ms Tasha's beautiful pussy. The shape of her lips, the size of her clit, the smell coming from between her legs, and still loving the amount of wonderful crimson red hair she has covering up her vagina. I lick my lips out of instinct admiring my teachers pussy, Ms Tasha then puts her closest leg up onto her desk, giving her an even better view, as her pussy opens up more from this position.

"Danny, what do you want to do with it? Tell me honestly." Ms Tasha says to me sternly. Keeping her eyes focused on me, expecting a quick obedient response.

"P-...Pleas-" Is the only thing that escapes my lips, before Ms Tasha retorts to me in dissatisfaction.

"You need to tell me what you really want Danny, or else I'm not going to let you eat it. You need to speak clear & honestly, when you want to service a woman, or else she may not let you. You don't want that happening do you?" Ms Tasha addresses me more directly. I instantly perk up off of her words, and speak to her more clearly.

"Ms Tasha your pussy looks wonderful today, may I have a taste of it please." I look up at her in a pleading way, hoping I was being good now, and she'd finally let me be able to eat it. She smiles back to me, and reaches down to my head with both of her hands, and holds it still as if she wants to hear be beg.

"Say it again, and be more respectful to her this time. You're really lucky to be able to eat a girl's pussy. You need to appreciate being down on your knees to do so, it's an honor to be able to make a girl's pussy happy whenever she needs it. And don't forget what I told you earlier, I really need to pee & I'm still holding it in. You're going to drink it when I feel like pissing it out. Now tell my sister how much drinking a girls piss, and you'd better be honest & respectful." Tammy says to me in a disciplinary voice. I choke a bit from the embarrassment of Tammy's words, but what she said was absolutely true. I do need to learn to accept my place, and appreciate it anytime a woman honors me, by letting me clean her pussy or ass with my mouth, and swallowing it anytime she has to let the piss out of her vagina.

"Ms Tasha... I am so grateful to be able to be down on my knees in front of you. Your pussy is absolutely beautiful in every single way. It's smell is perfect, and I love it's thick musky aroma. It would be an honor to drink up all of your wonderful different pussy liquids that come out. If your cum starts to spill, I'll gladly swallow it for you. if you ever need to pee, I'll gladly swallow it all down for you. Does it needs to be serviced right now? My mouth is yours anytime for your or Tammy's own personal use." I say to her smiling, trying to be as respectful as possible.

"Mmmmm such a naughty boy." Ms Tasha says down to me, pulling my head into her warm, musky, heavy fragrant vagina. I moan out in sheer pleasure, the moment I feel the hairs from her pussy rubbing against my cheeks & lips. I have my face between my teachers legs right in the classroom, as her sister watches, as I accept my place & my role. I'm so happy now. I start to open my mouth and Ms Tasha slowly pushes as much of her pussy into my hungry waiting mouth.

"Such a naughty boy, get it all in there." Ms Tasha swoons. Looking down at my face right between her legs, I start to close my eyes so I can start to focus, on pleasing her vagina.

"Ah-ah-ahhh! no more closing your eyes. You need to learn to always keep them open when your serving a girl's pussy or ass. Always look up to her if possible, unless she tells you otherwise, and you'd better always show a girl's pussy respect. You are lucky to be able to have a girl's pussy in your mouth, you'd better always remember that each time that you're eating it. " Tammy says down to me.

"Yes ma'am" I respond to Tammy, keeping my mouth full with Ms Tasha's pussy. My teacher just holds my head in place, unable to move it, I simply use my tongue to caress her clitoris a bit. Maintaining eye contact on Ms Tasha's face, watching her smile back down towards me, my tongue periodically moves downward to the crack of her pussy, to clean up any juices that may have leaked out due to her arousal. Ms Tasha will not let me move my head at all, she only wants me to use my tongue, no motion from my head at all. My cock is throbbing so much it almost hurts inside of my underwear. But I am grateful to be down on both of my knees, it is my place to eat pussy anyway the woman demands, and Ms Tasha is guiding me in the way she wants hers eaten.

"That is good for right now Danny, stand back up for me. Walk over the middle of the stage for us." Ms Tasha tells me to do. Without a word I obediently pull my head back, causing Ms Tasha's pussy to escape my sucking lips, and her wet pussy cum to spill out onto my chin a little. I dutifully stand up, and walk quietly over toward the center of the stage, and stand there being absolutely quiet. I notice the hall cameras then switch on once again, showing me standing there right in the center. Ms Tasha and Tammy walking over to each side of me.

"Strip for us Danny. Take off all your clothes." Ms Tasha says to me softly. Without a word of resistance, I begin removing my shirt, my pants, my underwear, my socks, and my shoes. I then toss them off of the stage.

"Down where you belong again Danny." Tammy says to me stern yet playfully. I instantly get down on both of my knees, remembering my place, putting both my hands onto my thighs. I look up to both of these beautiful young women, and await further instruction. Tammy steps in front of me mere inches from my face. She wiggles her hips a bit, and unbuttons & then pulls the zipper down of her blue jeans. She is wearing white panties. She pulls her panties over to the side holding them there, looking down on me with an evil, yet playfully dominant smile. Showing me the fiery red color of the pubic hairs on her pussy, Tammy's vagina looks absolutely delicious right in front of my face. Just as scrumptious looking as Ms Tasha's was before, My mouth starts to water & hang open from the beautiful sight Tammy is showing me. She then points at her pussy with her other hand, directing me to pay full attention to it.

"Now what is this Danny?" Tammy says firmly to me, looking down at me on my knees.*

"That is your pussy." I obediently answer, speaking clearly like a schoolboy in class for Tammy and Ms Tasha to hear.

"Again, and be more respectful this time. Keep your eyes on it when you answer. You need to pay FULL attention to a woman's pussy, when she's generous enough to show it to you. " Tammy says, maintaining her instructional position.

"That is your wonderful magnificent pussy. It is the most important thing in the world. I am so lucky that you have it in my face right now. Thank you for being so generous by unzipping your pants in front of me, allowing me to even look at something that is so deserving to be worshiped." I say, looking at Tammy's beautiful pussy as if nothing in the entire universe is as important.

"That's a good boy, you'd better always be polite. I've told you before, show FULL respect towards woman's pussies everyday from now on. Or else she might take it away from you, and you won't be allowed to have the honor, of eating it until she's satisfied." Tammy said. Her words sent a streak of fear right into my heart. I don't want any girl to take her pussy away from me. It's my duty to be able to eat it good, and make her pussy happy. I can't live without it, I can't live without being able to service a girls pussy whenever she needs. Tammy then proceeded to walks forward more so. The hairs from her pussy are pressing right into my nose.

"Sniff it Danny. Take a good whiff. You need to learn to appreciate a woman's pussy scent, and never ever forget what it smells like being her legs." Tammy instructs me. Keeping my eyes open like she taught me earlier, I inhale the aroma seeping out of Tammy's pussy. The scent of her vagina fills my lungs with her feminine fragrance, I then exhale it out, only to quickly take a deep breath in once again. Keeping my eyes fixated on the only thing I can see, Tammy's pussy, I continue sniffing between her legs like a dog, trying to always remember her pussy's wonderful must. I then feel a hand on the back of my head, pulling my face directly into the pussy I kept inhaling a moment before.

"Now make sure you eat it, you need to clean it good. I haven't cum at all today." I hear Tammy say from above me. Tammy was pushing her pussy into my mouth as hard as she could, I loved the way she decided she was going to use me like this. Tammy was taking control, and I couldn't be happier. I reached my hands up and placed them on her thighs, remembering my place I kept my eyes focused at her crotch. Tammy needs my mouth right now, I have to serve her pussy just the way that she likes it.

"Hnnnnn that's good. That's a good boy. Dig your tongue nice & deep into that wet hole. Make sure you clean all that pussy cum from out of there. I'm not letting go of your head, until I'm satisfied boy." Tammy aggressively stated. Holding my head firmly between her legs, she starts moving her hips back and forth, causing my tongue to plunge in and out of her vagina over and over. I could feel the fiery red hairs from her pussy, the fabric of her panties, and the warm damp wetness of her pussy against my lips & inside of my mouth, each time she slammed her vagina towards me. I was in bliss knowing that Tammy was getting off by my tongue, loud wet tonguing noises, mixed with the sounds of her moans, were starting to fill the stage.

"Ohhh my god, that's it Danny just keep on eating it." Tammy commands, her hips continuing to slam into my mouth. Her grip is as firm as ever on the back of my head, it is clear I cannot go anywhere, it is my duty to faithfully serve her vagina, and keep eating out this beautiful older student over & over as my teacher watched me do so. Tammy's cum is really syrupy, it's oozing from her pussy into my mouth more now. She must be starting to really get turned on now, the taste from between her legs is getting stronger, the more she humps my mouth. Making sure she and Ms Tasha knows I'm being a good boy, I keep my eyes open the entire time, looking only at Tammy's crotch, every time she rocks my head back and forth with her musky pussy. She has to know it's me it's me that's doing it. She has to know that it's her faithful pussy eater cleaning her good right now. Tammy natural taste coming from her pussy is absolutely exquisite. Wet, really feminine, a slight sour flavor covered by the scent of her pussy's natural perfume. Her thick cum is leaking into my mouth, I can feel it on the front of my teeth, dripping down onto my tongue.

"Oh my he, really is good at that isn't he?." Ms Tasha states, I can hear her shuffling around from over to my side.

"He sure is sis. He's accepted that he's gonna be a pussy eater from now on, and he's going to be doing this the rest of his life. He's probably just begging for us to piss right in his mouth too. That's something he can't live without." Tammy states back to her, still holding my head firmly, rocking it back and forth with her pussy. Tammy is content to use my mouth for her pussy's own personal use. I keep my gaze focused on her pussy, as it pushes harder and harder into my face. She is absolutely right, I DO wish her piss would just shoot out of her pussy right into my mouth unexpectedly. She wouldn't even have to tell me when it's coming. She could just piss into my mouth right here and now, or whenever she feels like it as she's humping my face, and I wouldn't complain a single bit, or miss a single drop of it.

"Ohhhhhhhhh, ohh- OOOOHHH FUCK!" I hear Tammy scream out. Her grip on the back of my head intensifies, as the taste of her cum in my mouth gets even thicker. I keep my eyes focused on pussy, her cum is starting to dribble out & down the sides of my lips. Tammy is showcasing her approval of my servitude by her moans, I keep my eyes open wide, letting her see my face and mouth rock back and forth, as I loyally serve her vagina. She continues to just hump my face as she pleases, my mouth clearly getting more and more soaked with the oozing cum of her vagina. Tammy's screams echo through the hall, huffing as she humps my mouth any way that she wants, coaxing out the last bit of her orgasm. She finally releases the back of my head.

"Wow did that Taste good Danny? My sister just came a lot into your mouth. Didn't you mind her doing that? Your face is totally soaked." Ms Tasha asked. I turned my head towards her, and answered her dutifully.

"No ma'am a girl's cum is delicious & precious. It is my responsibility to get it all out, and drink it all down." I tell Ms Tasha. I notice she has removed her long skirt, and was standing there in just her green V-neck top.

"Mmmmmm, that's the answer I wanted to hear. Now be a good boy, and service my pussy some more. Be really polite & respectful to it Danny." Ms Tasha commanded, walking over towards the front of me next to her sister. Tammy still standing before me, she reaches down grabbing the back of my head again. I was able to turn it and push my face into Ms Tasha's pussy. The taste of her and Tammy's pussy's were incredibly similar.

"Yea that's it, eat my sisters pussy some more. And you'd better show it respect, the entire time you're eating it." Tammy scolded. I instantly looked up into Ms Tasha's eyes, she had to see it was me beginning to eat out her pussy. It felt like Tammy was guiding my head however she wanted. She controlled the movement of my face, while I controlled my lips and tongue, to find out what Ms Tasha liked. I found my way over to Ms Tasha's clitoris, I lashed at it in a circular motion, as Tammy moved my head on her sisters pussy from side to side.

""Mmmm, that's a good boy Danny. Are you enjoying being down there, having my pussy in your mouth?" Ms Tasha swooned. Tammy pushed my mouth off of Ms Tasha pussy, and I responded to her quickly without fail, looking up at her superior position.

"Yes Ma'am, Ms Tasha. I am happy to serve your pussy. My face is where it belongs, when it's right between your le-" was all that I could say, before Tammy pulled my head back into her sisters vagina.

"Shut up, and eat Tasha's pussy some more." Tammy says down to me while smiling. She starts moving my head side to side, on Ms Tasha's clit once again. I lash at it using my tongue, giving it an up and down motion. Making sure to instantly look up and both girls, so they can see my face while looking down on me from up high.

"Make sure you clean the inside. Get down lower to clean my ass hole too Danny." Ms Tasha stated.

"That's right, you'd better never forget to clean a girls butt hole out with your tongue as well. Our ass holes get musty, you should make sure they are thoroughly cleaned." Tammy jeered, pushing my head even lower to the ground before letting it go. From the point that I was looking up at them, I couldn't hardly see their faces. They both spread their legs wider, I immediately crawled right up to Ms Tasha, parted her ass with my hands, and stuck my tongue out, trying to find her ass hole with it.

"Good boy Danny, you can find it. Search for my hole with your tongue, when you find the tart taste, you'll know you've found it." Ms Tasha praised me. Having my face between her pussy and her ass hole was amazing. I've never been so low between a woman's legs. I started to taste something different, there was a distinct difference in the taste of Ms Tasha's pussy and her asshole. Tart, more dry, a different musky aroma, but still very feminine in it's flavor. I heard Ms Tasha moan a bit, when I wiggled and twisted my tongue, trying to push it into her butt from underneath her.

"Does that taste good Danny? Do you like the flavor of a woman's butt?" I heard Tammy say from above me. I pulled my tongue out of Ms Tasha's ass briefly, to deliver her my answer.

"Yes ma'am a girl's ass is special, it tastes different than a woman's pussy. It's smell is so intoxicating & different but equally amazing, and the flavor is dry but soooo tasty. It always deserves to be cleaned with my tongue, I'll always eat and clean it up whenever possible." I state. I hear Tammy laugh from up above me, and I go back to trying to dig my tongue all the way inside of Ms Tasha's butt hole, from beneath her. I can feel Ms Tasha squatting a little bit, trying to assist me, in getting my tongue as far into tail hole as possible. My tongue finally digs all the way inside of it, I make sure to get the inside of Ms Tasha's but as slippery as possible with my saliva. She is bouncing her ass hole into my mouth over and over, I don't mind as I know & accept how lucky I am, to have a girls ass hole in my mouth.

"Oh my god stop Danny. I think I'm going to cum. Come eat my pussy some more, get it back in your mouth and eat it as I cum boy." Ms Tasha states. I instantly slip back from her asshole back to her pussy, and open my mouth wide for her to put it in.

"Tasha's about to squirt. You'd better make sure and swallow it all boy. Don't you let a drop of my sister's precious liquids escape." Tammy tells me sternly. I submissively get back in position allowing Ms Tasha to put her pussy back in my mouth, looking back up at her and working my tongue over her wet pussy hole and her clit. She really wetter this time, and eating her ass must've turned her on quite a lot. The liquids of her cum are seeping out heavier this time. Ms Tasha actually grabs my head looking down at me while smiling.

"Do your duty Danny. Keep your mouth open as I cum." she says to me smiling. I feel Ms Tasha sliding her pussy length up and down my lips as she's soaking them. The smell from her pussy has gotten marginally stronger, completely covering my breath now a mixture of the smell of Ms Tasha & Tammy's vagina's. I'm loving every moment of this, as Tammy already came in my mouth, and now Ms Tasha's going to do the same. Holding my head with both hands now, she's humping my head a little harder. I maintain eye contact with her, as my teacher is staring back at me drilling my face & mouth with her vagina.

"Don't spill that cum Danny. You keep swallowing it down." Tammy hissed again. So much of Ms Tasha's juice was leaking into my mouth. I was swallowing as often as I could, but she was letting it out so heavily, some of it was spilling out the sides of my lips. I needed to belch. I choked a bit as I swallowed down another gulp of her pussy liquid.

"Ohh, Ahhh! AHHHHHH!!" Ms Tasha bellowed out. She shoved her pussy into my mouth, and kept it there as her body started to twitch in pleasure. I stayed absolutely still down on my knees to accept it, my beautiful teacher was drenching my mouth with her warm love nectar. I sat quiet and gulped it over and over and over and over again. Tammy was watching me do this, I could see a smile on her face as I swallowed the cum, more of it flowed onto my tongue, it made it's way to the back of my mouth, where I swallowed it down again. Ms Tasha was rubbing my cheeks gently, letting me know in her own way that I had did good. I had swallowed down most of her cum like I was supposed to, keeping my eyes focused on her loyally, so she could watch me willingly taking it all in, like a good boy is supposed to without complaint.

"Keep drinking it Danny, You're doing a really good job down there. But keep your mouth on my pussy, don't you take your mouth off it until I say so. Focus your eyes on my pussy now Danny. Give it full attention." Ms Tasha stated with a beautiful calm expression on her face, putting both her hands onto her hips. My heart jumped for joy as I was being told what to do again. I lowered my eyes and stared only at Ms Tasha's pussy, it required my FULL attention, and I was going to obediently give it. I heard Tammy pulling down her panties and her panties, from beside Ms Tasha where she was standing. I kept my mouth on glued onto Ms Tasha pussy, giving it undivided attention as I was directed. Not one sound came from me, as I sat there knelt down in silence. I was in no rush to go anywhere. If Ms Tasha wanted to stand before me, keeping her pussy in my mouth, with her hands on her hips all night long, I would do so without argument as this is my natural position to be in. All of a sudden I tasted something different, something hot, really acidic, and slightly oily had squirted into my mouth. My eyes widened out in surprise, and I looked back up at Ms Tasha in surprise.

"Get your eyes back on that pussy! Don't you look up at us. Your place is down there drinking whatever our pussy's give you, don't you dare be disrespectful by not looking at it when it pisses." Tammy hisses at me sternly, her hands now at her hips as well. Realizing I was being disrespectful to Tasha's pussy just now, I instantly readjust my attitude and audibly gulp down the squirt of urine, Ms Tasha had just generously given me. I waited in silence again, making sure to maintain respect. Keeping my eyes on the pussy that is in my mouth right now, both women saying nothing to me, with their hands on their hips they keep looking down at me.

I feel a few more drops slowly fall onto the tips of my tongue. Super acidic, slightly oily in texture, slightly salty, and super warm. I am able to relish more in the flavor this time. So this is what my teachers piss tastes like, similar to her younger sisters, but more acidic in it's own right. The urine traces to the back of my mouth, but I do not swallow the drops too quickly. I keep them in my mouth for the moment, and then more drops leak into my jaws, falling onto the tip of my tongue once more, before meeting the others at the back.

"Ohhhhhh your mouth is really warm Danny. It's the most comfortable place I've ever pissed before." Ms Tasha praises me from above.

"Told you Sis, his mouth is the best. That's why as soon as I found out, I had to tell you." Tammy stated. It was obvious they had this whole thing planned out, the moment I walked into class today, they knew they were going to have me down on my knees giving them service. Ms Tasha's next torrent consisted of a slightly heavier squirt. It flew right towards to back of my mouth, skipping across the roof inside where it met up with the forming puddle of pee she gave me before. Out of being startled I swallowed every bit down, in two and a half audibly gulps. I heard both girls laugh from up above me, it was clear to them I had to objection to swallowing the piss.

Ms Tasha gave me another light squirt, and then another shooting gently inside of my mouth for me to swallow. Suddenly she shot a heavy gush of piss deep inside, where it pooled up against the rest I had inside my lips. Ms Tasha seemed to be getting comfortable urinating inside of my mouth, as her squirts slowly turning into a stream. I thought this was a good time to swallow it, and began to swallow the next pool she had just given me, but then Ms Tasha just let her heavy piss flow hard into my mouth as I began swallowing, and the first pool went down the wrong pipe of my throat. I started to choke slightly on her piss, her pee coming out forcibly caused to spit it back up in my mouth, while Ms Tasha continued to pee extremely hard in me without concern.

"Swallow that all down Danny. Don't be disrespectful to my pussy. I've been holding this in all day for you. You need to swallow it into your stomach like a good boy is supposed to." Ms Tasha said to me calmly. I hastily swallowed the mix of her coughed up piss, along with her continuing stream of urine that she was feeding me. Sitting absolutely still down on my knees for the girls, my gulps of Ms Tasha's piss was very pleasing to them. I wasn't running from this treatment. They were honoring me by Ms Tasha giving me her piss, I wasn't going to spill not one drop of it.

Ms Tasha's stream kept going in earnest. Her piss scattered against the inside of my cheeks, splashing all around inside of my mouth before pooling onto my tongue. I was able to keep the largest amount there, as I swallowed what was closest to my throat, as she continued to let out her piss flow without diminish.

"That's a good boy, you're learning your place. You'd better gulp down all of that piss, because mine's about to come out too. I can't hold it much longer Danny." Tammy says down towards me. I attempted to put my hands on Ms Tasha's thighs, but she swatted them away from her as soon as she saw what I was doing.

"Ah Ah Ahhh, hands on your thighs Danny." Ms Tasha states down to me, before putting her hands back on her thighs. It is obvious this is the position that I belong. As low as possible, when a woman graces me with me piss. Keeping my eyes on Ms Tasha's pussy, her stream continues as strong as ever. It's as if her piss is reaching the back of my throat, I keep swallowing the acidic water that is foaming up in my mouth. It's getting harder to swallow, Ms Tasha must've been holding her piss in all day here at school. My throat doesn't seem to be able to keep up with her piss flow, it feels like there's tons of bubbles in my mouth, all coming from Ms Tasha's pussy.

Suddenly it feels as if her stream starts to diminish. I keep swallowing the salty foaming liquid being given to me by Ms Tasha's vagina. My eyes glued to her crotch, my throat is really warm taking down swallow and swallow, of my teacher's heavy piss load. I'm getting greater control of the liquid, it feels as if my mouth is only half-full of piss now, as she continues to piss more lightly into it. Giving more audible swallows, her stream turns back into drops again.

"Hurry Danny hurry! I'm about to piss too!" Tammy yells. I sit there in silence, letting Ms Tasha use me until she is finished. I feel two more drops of pee fall into my mouth, before I feel Tammy's hand snatch my head off of her sisters pussy. Tammy jams her own pussy into my mouth, but not before splashing me in the face with her own acidic piss. Her piss trails from the right side of my nose, shooting all the way up towards my forehead. Tammy's pussy directly in my mouth again, her piss is instantly shooting hard right towards the back of it. I was still trying to swallow the remnants of Ms Tasha's urine she had given me before, but Tammy's hot acid water just flowed heavily past it into my mouth.

"Ahhhhhhhhh drink it boy. Swallow all of that piss." Tammy urgently states. The mixture of both sisters piss was divine, I've never drank something so acidic in my entire life. My throat moved up and down trying to keep up with Tammy's forceful urine, her piss reflecting directly off of the roof of my mouth. Tammy's piss scattered all along the bottom row of my teeth, it felt like an absolute privilege to be able to swallow something so precious.

"Keep your eyes on my pussy too, I don't want to see your eyes up here at all Danny." Tammy said from above, my eyes were already glued to her fiery red pubic hairs. The sounds coming from my mouth were so kinky, as it was filling up with Tammy's piss. I moved my tongue directly in the path of her piss stream, it nearly burned as the force mixed in her own natural acid pussy water met in contact with it. I kept on swallowing it down, trying to keep up with Tammy's heavy flow. My mouth now over half-way full of her piss, I swallowed too hard and choked again.

"He's choking on our piss again." I heard Ms Tasha giggle.

"It's good for him though. He knows a girl's piss is wonderful." Tammy says to her back.

It's true. I couldn't be happier that I choked on these girls urine again. This is the absolute best moment in my life. If Cindy or Samantha were here, I'd let them give all of their piss to me too. My mouth is nearly full, I have to swallow down the piss I just choked up, I can't be disrespectful to Tammy's pussy by spitting it out, I wouldn't dream of doing such a thing. I tilt my head up only slightly, giving her piss stream more access to my throat. I am able to take even larger gulps, making louder wet noises that cause both girls to giggle at my skill.

"That's it Danny, that's how you drink our wonderful piss. It would be dishonorable, for you to spit any of it out." Ms Tasha coaches me. She is absolutely right, I'm not giving up any of Tammy's wonderful piss. I'm going to gulp down mouthful after mouthful of her wonderful urine. Tammy urgent piss flow continued in my mouth, her stream hasn't diminished yet as she's been holding it in for hours. I am here to the rescue though, she doesn't need a bathroom, all she needs is my mouth, and her piss will instantly be swallowed.

"Ahhhhh god, that feels so good. Keep swallowing Danny, and honor my pussy." Tammy states more calm. Her urine stream stops for a moment, then squirts a few more times, before starting up again. Her playful antics turned me on so much, she seems to really enjoy pissing in my mouth. I had almost forgotten that I was on the stage here at school, but I'm being seen by the cameras in the lecture hall, I don't care though the only thing that matters is Tammy's and Ms Tasha's pussies.

Tammy's piss fills the lower half of my jaws, I swallow it down as her piss stream continues to give me more in my mouth for me to swallow. It felt as if my mouth was swimming in urine, I couldn't even count how many gulps of fresh urine Ms Tasha's pussy had given me. I felt Tammy's piss flow start to slow down in it's pace, I nursed down some of the former stream of Tammy's wonderful piss. Tammy's stream turning into drops now, I hear Ms Tasha give me a command.

"Finish up Tammy then stand off to the side." Ms Tasha tells her younger sister.

"You got it sis." Tammy says to her, wiggling her hips, making sure to let it all out into my mouth.

"Don't swallow that last bit this time Danny. Instead just stay there." Ms Tasha gives me the command. Tammy steps off of my mouth, and moves over the the side. I can see the main camera for the stage is pointing right at me. I don't know what's going on, but I do not resist or become embarrassed.

"Now open you mouth, and gargle my sister piss Danny." Ms Tasha instructs me to do. I tilt my head back a little, open my mouth and start gargling loudly on Tammy's urine liquid. Both girls are laughing off to the side of me, but I know that I am pleasing them. I keep gargling it looking up at the camera, as acidic as Tammy's piss is the bubbles start to grow only more dense.

"Keep gargling it Danny. Try to make it foam in your mouth." Tammy giggles. I gargle even harder on her piss, making sure as not to spill it. I continue to mix it with my tongue and my breath, until her piss has turned into a dense foam of urine inside of my mouth.

"Now get up Danny and go over to the podium. Keep Tammy's piss in your mouth the entire time." Ms Tasha directs me. I get up from the center of the stage, and walk directly over to the podium without resistant, facing the camera once again.

"Now... slowly, really slowly swallow down my piss Danny." Tammy says towards me. I struggle to swallow down the hot foamy piss, I am harboring in my mouth. The microphone catches it, as the sounds of me attempting without much success to drink down Tammy's liquid. After three attempts I get down my first swallow. I close my eyes and keep attempting it, the foamy urine is thick, but I manage to get down another swallow. I force my throat to accept the mixed up piss, that Tammy has given me. I swallow it down knowing there is still half left, I feel the foam sliding down my throat. I put my hand to my lips and swallow more of the foam. My throat doesn't want to accept the rich thick pissy foam, but my heart wants nothing more than to greedily take every drop. Without shame I am able to get down the rest of the bubbly liquid. It is much harder than to swallow piss with it's foamy like that.

"Good boy... Good boy... what did you just drink down?" Ms Tasha asks me. Looking over at me with a loving smile.

"I just drank down the piss of Tammy and Ms Tasha." I say looking at the camera.

"And where did that piss come from?" Tammy says towards me smiling playfully.

"Piss that just came warm and fresh from their vagina's." I say confidently, never losing eye contact with the lecture hall camera.

"Does a girl's pee pee taste good Danny?" Ms Tasha questions me, maintaining her beautiful demeanor.

"A girl's pee pee is absolutely precious. It is a good boy's responsibility, to swallow it down without question. It is an honor to be able to do so, and it is a responsibility that should be taken very seriously." I state.

"What about a girls ass? Are you supposed to take care of that too?" Tammy asks me looking concerned.

"A girl's ass is just as special as her pussy. It deserved to be cleaned by a man using his tongue, understanding how precious a girl's butt hole is. It is warm, it is tasty, and it always deserves respect." I say boldly looking right into the camera.

"And what about respect?" Ms Tasha asks with a serious expression on her face.

"A girl's pussy and her asshole deserves absolute respect at all times. If a man is fortunate enough to get either one in his face or his mouth, he has the DUTY to show his undivided attention, love, and servitude to it, anytime that it needs. Morning, noon, or night it does not matter. A woman's pussy & ass hole are the most important things in the world, and it is an honor to be able to service them." I say with the utmost confidence.

Tammy and Ms Tasha look at each other with satisfaction. I have been properly trained, no longer ashamed to be able to service a girl's pussy. Today was the best I've ever had here at the University. I know from now on, I will no longer object my responsibility to clean a woman's vagina.
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