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She was unaware when he came back into her life
Chance meeting on the street

It was a cool morning for the fall in her part of England. The clouds above let her know it may rain later. That is why she wore her black rain jacket tied at the waist and her black wool cap. Her red hair flowed out of it. Her black framed glasses framed out her pale face.

Her knee high black boots clicked on the concrete sidewalk as she exited the store. The pink pocket book resting on her shoulder gave her outfit the splash of color and needed. In her right hand is the small bag holding her lunch. As she stepped down into the street she heard someone calling her to her. At first she did not respond to the name Andrea, but then the way he shortened it to Andy made her stop in her tracks.

In her online groups she goes by Andrea. It’s her middle name. She did not want to use her real name in those auction groups. She remembers the way that American accent said Andy. She turned slowly to see him standing there.

It took her a second since seeing him was out of context and they have not spoken in years. She remembers being upset with him, but not the reason and then stopped talking to him. As time went by she realized that she missed him, but after all that time and how she treated him she was embarrassed to reach out to him. But he was now standing in front of her.

And he looked better then she remembered. His six foot frame was well built. She can tell that he lost the extra weight around his midsection. His gray, blonde hair was brushed to the side. He was in a suit, not something she remembered him wearing much.

He looked good. Better than good, as her heart skipped a beat. She was always attracted to him but seeing him now, she was in awe with him.

“So, you are not going to say hello to your friend,” he questioned. That little smirk that she thought was so sexy.

“Hi Atticus,” the confusion in her voice. “Is it really you? How? Why?”

“Yes it is me Sara,” he said, switching to her first name. Her mind again racing on how he knows her first name. Did she tell him that all those years ago? Seeing her confusion he continued,” You told me your first name in one of our chats and that Andrea is your middle name after your grandmother. I won't forget those kinds of details.”

Her mind tried to remember if she told her his real name. He must have, but for the life of her she could not pick it free in her mind. He waits for her pause and finally says,” Lucas.”

Shaken out of her thought she said,” What was that?” Her feet start moving back and forth nervously. Her free hand tapping her side.

“Lucas, that is my name. You were trying to remember it.”

Her hand moves up to her face, brushing the strand of hair that came loose. “I remember, Lucas. Right,” she said, feeling an ease coming over her. “You did not answer why you are here?” Her hand goes back to tapping.

“I have always wanted to see England so here I am. Finding you was a little harder than one would think, but I’m glad I ran into you.” His hand came out from his pocket and handed her a card. “On the back is the hotel I’m staying at. I’m going to dine at 8. I would love you to join me so we can catch up.” He then leaned in and kissed her lightly on the cheek. “Hope to see you tonight.” With that he turned and walked away down the street.

She just stood there on the sidewalk and watched him walk away. Did he just fly all way here to ask her to dinner? Wait, someone asked her to dinner. That has not happened in forever. Slowly a smile grew on her face. She felt butterflies. She has not felt like this in a while.

The phone call

It was hard for her to concentrate on working the rest of the day. She messaged her best friend that she needed to talk and she rushed home. She was a whirlwind as she walked into her home. Dropping her bag and jacket on the chair. She hurried upstairs to take a quick shower and get ready. She made up her mind that she was going to go to talk. Then if she was going to go she may as well look as good as she could.

She trim on the water in her small shower and headed back into her bedroom. Stripping out of her work clothes, she tossed them on her bed. Just in her undergarments, she headed back downstairs and poured herself a glass of red wine. She felt as she floated back up the stairs.

She showered quickly and was drying as the phone rang. Caller Id said it was her friend, Jill. She accepted the call and hit the speaker. No hello from the Spanish accent lady. “So what the hell is going on. Who is this Lucas character?”

“He was Atticus online. I told you about him. The one that cunt told me to stop speaking too. One of the many friends I lost cause of her manipulation.” She paused thinking of how she was duped by that woman. Not wanting to waste her energy on the negative past she continued.

“He was my sub for a bit but ended it. I knew he wanted to get back together but I didn’t want to get hurt again. I close to getting back with him but then she,” that word said with venom,” had me stop talking to him completely.”

“This is the one you really liked, right? The one you tell me from time to time you should reach out but never do,” she said. Just hearing the roll of her eyes. “So, what are you going to do?”

“I’m getting ready now. Going to wear that tight black dress I showed you last week.”

“You look damn sexy in that number. Pair it with those black fuck me pumps, if that is the look you are going for.”

“I think it may be. It has been so long since I have been with someone and longer since I Domme. If we go that far,” she trailed off.

“Hmm, pulling the cart before the horse are we. Just go to dinner and say why he is here. Then you can play it by ear.”

“You’re right. It is just that I have not been laid in a while and I’m fucking horny. I will message you later about what happened. Love you.”

“Have fun. Kisses.” With that she hung up the phone and finished getting ready. She put on the red lace bra and g-string set she had. The black dress flowed over her body and hugged her curves in the right spots. She curled her flowing red hair. Next was the accessories. She picked a white pendant necklace that hung right over her cleavage. She put on three silver bangle bracelets on her left wrist and a tennis one on her right.

She headed downstairs with her wine glass in tow. She went to the hall closet and grabbed her large silver purse. Trying to take her time, she moves some of the things from her daily one.

She opened the side table next to the closet and took out the key. She made her way to the chest under the front window and unlocked it. This was her toy chest. She took out a ball gag, some thin straps, her favorite wand and a strap on. She thought it better to be prepared.

Looking into the mirror at her foyer she applied her ruby red lipstick. Her hand reached for the door and she let out a deep breath. Thought to herself let’s do this. Out the front door and down the steps to the car she ordered.

Dinner and after

She was late. Not very late, but enough not to be fashionably late. She hurried through the lobby of the hotel, to the restaurant. She rushed up to the hostess. “Hi, I’m late. I was to meet a friend here for dinner. I hope he did not leave,” she said in a panic.

“Are you here to meet Mr. Atticus,” she replied in a calm voice.

“Yes, yes she,” blurted out. “Is he still here?”

“Yes we just sat him at his table. I will take you there in a second Miss. Give yourself a moment. Let’s have you make that wonderful first impression,” she said with compassion. “Hand me your jacket. I will make sure it gets to coat check.”

She stopped. Let herself relax for a moment. Pulled out her lipstick and reapplied it. Taking a deep breath she said,” let’s go!”

“You got this girl. Follow me.” She fell in step behind the stunning hostess. They made a turn around the wall. There he sat. Slipping on his drink. Her heart skipped a beat again. Why was she getting these feelings? She did think he was sexy as hell, but it has been years.

Then he turned his head and saw her. His face told the story more than any words could ever. His eyes lit up and a huge shit eating grin came around his face. As she came closer to the small table with white linen table cloth draping over the sides he stood up from his chair. They met a step away from the table.

“Enjoy your evening,” the hostess started with a small giggle of delight in her voice. She walked away, but neither of them noticed. He took her left hand in his right. Just a light grasp. Then leaned in and kissed her on the cheek.

He nervously pulled away. “Here, let me help with your chair,” he stepped away and pulled out her chair. She smiled at him and took the seat across from where he was sitting.

“I ordered you a glass of red wine. If I remembered right it is your drink of choice. If you don’t like it, feel free to order anything you want.” She told a sip and really enjoyed the flavor. As she put the glass down she smiled at him. As they started to talk she felt an awkwardness from both of them. That faded away pretty quick as the evening went on. They enjoy the wonderful food and tasty drinks. They laughed and giggled. Fell back into there old banter.

As the meal was winding down, she did not want the evening to end. She decided to take the lead. She was still good out her dominant role. “So Lucas, you have any after dinner drinks up in your room?” It was cute how he just stared at her for a moment. Dumbfound at how assertive she was being. She remember he liked that about her. “You pay here,” she continued. “I’m going to fetch my jacket. I will meet you in the lobby. If you take to long I may not be there.” With that said she stood from her chair. Walked the two steps around the table and bent over. Her lips kissing him. Just a lip touch but she felt the electricity.

She turned and walked away to the front of the restaurant. Her heart was pounding. Just walk, she told herself. Don’t trip with these heels. She knew his eyes were on her the whole time. She rounded the corner and placed her hand on the wall and took three deep breaths. The hostess looked up and questioned,” Is everything ok? How was dinner? You two looked like you were getting along very well.”

She paused and then turned her head to the hostess. “It was the best dinner I had in a long, long time. Just trying to Compose myself,” she said as she pushed off the wall. “I can do this,” she commanded. More to herself than the nice woman. She smiled and took another deep breath.

“Let me go get you jacket for you and then you can continue it,” she responded with a giggle. She thanked the hostess and headed to the lobby. She stood by the column on the other side of the lobby. Close to the front doors. Her right rear flat against the column as she waited.

She saw him hurrying down the hallway to the lobby. She smiled to herself and turned just as he saw her. She headed to the door, not really wanting to make it. She heard the banging of running feet on the tile. He made it to her just as she reached for the door.

“Wait, where are you going,” he said with concern in his voice. ”I thought we were going to have an after dinner drink?”

“Well, you were talking about your sweet time. I thought you had second thoughts,” Her lips curling in a playful but wicked grin.

“Never. The waiter just took his time. Would you like to head up stairs,” he said, giving her his elbow for her to grasp onto. She took it and they headed to the elevator.

She turned and the buttons were on her side. She looked up to him, her eyes asking the question without words. “Floor 10,” he said. “I got room 1005. It overlooks the city.” She winked at him and turned back to the control pad and pushed the button for the tenth floor. She turned back to him and could not help herself. She pushed up on her tippy toes and kissed him.

Their lips met and it felt like she should have been kissing this lips forever. They were soft and tender. His arms wrapped around her and she felt something she has not in a long time. She felt like home.

The elevator stopped and the door slid open. She pulled away and grabbed his tie. “Come on my good boy,” giving it a pull. “Come follow your queen.” She stepped out of the elevator and down the hall to his room. At the door she stopped and put her hand out. He smiled as he reached into his pocket digging out the room key. He then handed it to her. “Good boy,” she called him again. Opening the door.

She kept pulling him along into the suite. In the living room he stopped following her. She turned to say something but he was on her. Grabbing her wrists he pinned them behind her back. Moving his free hand he held her chin. She started asking what the hell was going on, but he cut her off.

“Listen, I had many years to work on myself and I know you need a strong hand to guide you. These are those hands,” he spoke in a low voice but she knew he meant it.

He then pulled up her dress exposing her perfect round ass. His strong hand grabbed a handful rubbing it. “Your ass is so perfect. Just one thing missing. That would be my handprint. Come over here,” he said, dragging her over the sofa. He sat on the edge and pulled her down over his lap. His free hand made sure her ass was nice and naked.

All but the red g-strip. He ran his finger under it and gave it a flick. “You always had the sexiest underwear,” he commented and then his hand came down. Whap. Then he rubs his hand on her ass.

“But your ass does not make your hair color.” Whap

“It is perfect and round.” Whap.

“I can spank it all night long,” Whap.

“We both know this is something you need.” Whap.

Over and over his hand came crashing down. With each hit his hand lingered and he massaged each cheek. She could feel her ass becoming more and more red. She loved the feeling. So different then when she does it herself. It made her bite her lip to keep from calling out. Her hands, which were stretched out past her head, grabbed the throw pillow. Gripping it tightly in her curved up fists.

“You will be my good slut.” Whap.

“If you are, you will be rewarded.” Whap.

“Now, how needy are you?” Whap. To her surprise the rhythm was broken after that hit. His hand massaged her ass but did not come down again. Instead it was buried in between her legs. Her legs open by themselves. Her own response may have held out, but her body knows each of her buttons are being pushed.

His strong fingers sliding easily past her ass and under her. “What do we have here, slut. Are you wet? I think you're wet. Why is that,” he questioned letting the words hang out there.

When she did not answer, he did. “Is it because you are just a needy whore? I think that is what it is. I wonder when your panties started getting wet. Was it at dinner?” Now his fingers started working on her swollen mound. A small moan escaped her lips and she tried fighting down the next one. “I saw you walking on uneasy legs when you went to get your jacket. Maybe it was in the lobby when you thought I was running after you. I knew it was part of your game and played along.”

Her body felt flushed now. His fingers made her gush. She loved the feeling taking over her body. His words also took their toll on her. She liked the dirty talk and it helped set her up for submission.

He continued, “was it the elevator? Was that where my slut thought she was going to be on top,” he chuckled. “With that kiss you almost had me. Lucky for me the elevator bell brought us out of that moment. Like in a fight, I was saved by the bell.” He slid a finger in her wet hole now. She could not help it, but she tried to fight down the moan.

“Let it out, slut. We both know you are going to moan a lot more, a lot louder. I think there may be screaming from you and mostly likely begging. Lots of begging.” His free hand moved from on her back, where it unzipped her dress, to her hair. His hand slowly played with it. Her eyes closed, enjoying the two different kinds of pleasure. Fingers running through her hair was an amazing feeling for her. She did not know why.

“Where was I,” he questioned but knew the answer. “Oh yes. Did your panties get wet when you took my tie and led me down the hallway?” What she did not realize with each question her head would shake no. Just a little. If you were not looking for it you would miss it, but he didn’t.

With a handful of hair he pulled her head back. Not hard, but with enough force to let her know he was completely in charge. Looking down at her he smiled,” have you been wet when you were getting ready for our date?” He paused looking in her eyes. “No, you have been wet since this morning when we met on the sidewalk.”

She let out a whisper of,” Yes Sir.” At that moment she knew she was his. She would do anything he command, and she would love every minute of it.
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