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Rare twins find bittersweet love. Punctuation is written to optimize text to speech readers. There is some back and forth that requires paying close attention to follow along. I felt it is worth the effort to understand the difference between how men and women experience sex. Please let me know what you like and dislike about this story.
Twins Double Trouble

It wasn't supposed to happen. Twins are pretty rare: about three percent of the population. Identical twins are much more rare, about 0.3%. And when there are identical twins born, 99.9% of them are of the same sex. But my sister and I are identical twins, and I am a guy. That's right. Identical twins, one male and the other female. We don't like to think of ourselves as freaks of nature, but I guess in a way, that's what we are.

Enough with the boring numbers stuff. I should make proper introductions. My name is Michael. Just call me Mike. My sister is Makayla. My sister is older than me. By seventeen minutes. She likes to tease me on our birthday. For a few minutes she is a year older than me. We do look a lot alike, but you wouldn't have any trouble telling us apart, now. We both have thick brunette hair, but I keep mine fairly short. About like most guys, I guess. But Makayla has beautiful flowing hair that reaches more than half way down her back. Normally she just has it in a ponytail, but when she wants to dress up, she gets me to do French braids for her. Her lips are fuller than mine, her cheeks a little rounder, and she has developed breasts on her chest, which of course I lack. They are a size B, but they still make her stand out from me. We still like to dress alike, but my pants have a bulge in the crotch that Makayla does not have. I think you can guess why. We are both pretty tall, but I stand about two inches taller than Makayla.

It wasn't always so. Before age eleven or twelve, even our parents had a hard time telling us apart. We both noticed that people who knew us would look at our crotch to tell us apart, once we were out of diapers. Even our parents would check for the bulge. Neither one of us liked it when people did that. We could both be ornery. Once, Makayla put a sock in the crotch of her pants as a prank. Mom then sat Makayla down on a bar stool and said, "It's time you got a little boys haircut." Mom thought she was giving the haircut to me because of her 'sock bulge.' We both got our laughs out of that one.

Part of the reason for the increased difference in our appearance, now, is the hormone treatments that Makayla gets. It's due to a genetic flaw in the females of identical twins of mixed sex. The doctors started the hormones for her at about age thirteen. They say that we would still look alike if it were not for that. This treatment is causing some unwelcome changes, as far as Makayla is concerned. I thought about asking the doctor to give me the same hormones, but Makayla talked me out of it. She says that they make her feel awkward about her body. I think she looks great.

Of course, I had awkward changes of another sort. I am growing hair all over. Dark hair is sprouting in my armpits, on my chest, around my crotch and on my face. I have to shave every morning. I feel horny like never before, waking up most mornings with a raging hard-on. And I notice that the bulge in my pants is not so small, anymore. Judging from what I observe in the boys locker room at school, I am a little bigger than most guys my age. My voice became squeaky for a while, but has become a mellow baritone, now that we are in high school.

We have always been each other's best friend. In fact, because we are so close, we don't have many other friends. We both like the same things. Our opinions on most issues are the same. We have been accused by our teachers of cheating, copying each other's school work. They just don't get it. We are not cheating, we just think alike. It is uncanny, even to us. Last semester, one of our teachers conspired to separate us into separate classes at school. I went to math class when Makayla was in civics. I took Spanish while Makayla did math. We were miserable and our answers were still the same.

Dating is a bit of a problem. Our parents have talked to us separately about dating. They are concerned since we don't have many outside friends. Not that either of us has any problem attracting the opposite sex. We are both pretty good looking, I guess. But I feel anxious when Makayla is away on a date. She sends me texts several times during the evening, which annoys her date. Once she excused herself to go to the ladies room as an excuse to call me. As soon as she gets home, she tells me all the details about their evening and everything about the guy she goes out with. I am the same way when I go out with a girl. Intellectually, we know that we need to choose a mate outside the family some day, but I cannot connect with a girl in the same way that I connect with Makayla.

Sometimes we wonder why we can't be together. The doctors have said that Makayla is sterile and cannot have children. Isn't the only problem with sibling marriages related to increased birth defects? But all of the people around us say that it just can't be. We have seen each other naked a lot, since we do almost everything together. There has been nothing sexual about it, until lately. We will explore that later on. I guess we spent the first nine months of our lives, spooning each other naked. Of course we don't remember any of that, but it had to have affected us in some way. We shared a bedroom until we were nine. Even now, Makayla comes into my bedroom whenever she likes and I go into hers. Whenever we need to talk, we just go right in, even into the bathroom, even if one of us is bathing. If no one else is home, we shower together.

Once, I went to Makayla's room around midnight. We talked for an hour and a half and I ended up falling asleep in the bed with her. In the morning, mom came in to wake Makayla and found me in bed with her. She blew up and got hysterical. I thought she would have a coronary. Dad came in and calmed her down when it was obvious we hadn't done anything but talk. Now we are more careful, more discreet.

We have always had some curiosity about each other's bodies. We are not shy to talk about them or ask questions, especially about the parts that make us different. She lets me touch her boobs, once in a while. I think that she has Goldilocks tits. You know what I mean? Just the right size. They are a neat little handful, each. She says it feels nice, the way I touch them. Sometimes she asks to touch my penis. I think she is fascinated with how it grows when it gets attention.

Since Makayla is on hormone therapy, we look somewhat alike but at the same time, very different. Makayla still does not mind me seeing her, and dresses in front of me without being self conscious and I do the same with her. Now that we are older, we find that we have to be careful with what we say or do. We sense that some people, including our parents, get weirded out by how we are when we're together.

Being the age that I am, my hormones are raging. I enjoy sports and fast cars. Makayla seems to get a little of that, just from being with me. She is more of a tomboy than most of the other girls. In turn, I probably pick up just a little of Makayla's feminine graces. But make no mistake, I am all man. I can get very aggressive with the other guys at school, and no one pushes me around. Even though Makayla is a tomboy, she loves to get dressed up in pretty clothes and is an expert with makeup. That is probably because I give her feedback on what I think looks nice, and she trusts my judgment. While many girls her age look garish and fake with their makeup, Makayla looks great. She has that girl-next-door look.

An alarming thing happened to me when I was fifteen or sixteen. I woke up with the strangest sensation, after having a peculiar dream. I had been dreaming about doing sexual things with Makayla, woke up feeling all weird, and discovered this thick, sticky gunk all over the inside of my shorts. I was ashamed and didn't tell anyone for two or three days. Makayla sensed that something was troubling me, and she finally got me to tell her what happened. I did not tell her that my dream was about her. I just told her that the dream was sexual, in nature. Later I found out that what happened is called a wet dream.

Likewise, when she had her first period at age thirteen, I was the first person she told about it. I learned to masterbate when I was sixteen. It is not something that I have talked much about, even with Makayla. I guess that's because I am a little ashamed about it. But the first time that I masterbated and ejaculated, I was so excited I had to tell someone, so of course I told Makayla. She seemed thoughtful when I tried to describe what happened. But really, how can you describe something like that?

I asked Makayla if she ever touched herself down there, and she said that she did, sometimes. She said that she isn't sure if she is supposed to or not. I encouraged her to experiment and see if she can ejaculate, somehow, like me. When she dresses in front of me, I note that she is growing a nice bunch of light brown hair in her crotch. Also, the tissue around her slit is gaining more definition.



Hi, I'm Makayla. Mike told you a little about us, but his view is skewed. You see, Mike is the dominant one, especially since age fourteen or fifteen. He has become so aggressive, he almost scares me, sometimes. He has never been forceful or gotten angry with me, but he has a way of getting what he wants. I get tired of everyone not being able to tell us apart, so I would like to do things to distinguish myself, but Mike won't hear of it. He always wants me to dress like him. He even tries to tell me how to do my makeup. I know he means well, but I would like to experiment, sometimes. I want to date guys and make other friends, but Mike is so possessive. When I am on a date with a guy or just hanging out with my friends, he insists on keeping tabs on me. If I fail to check in with him, he will check on me. Don't get me wrong, I love Mike and appreciate him as my brother. He does so much for me and is very protective, and we really are a lot alike.

Even though he can be aggressive, I worry about how he is with the girls he dates. He is such a pushover with girls. Some girls ask him to do things just to manipulate him. And if they turn on the tears, he turns into putty. They take advantage of him and get him to do things he otherwise would not do. When he is on a date and checks in with me, I have to encourage him to be assertive enough. He doesn't realize that girls don't like guys that are pushovers.

Last year, I secretly got my advisor at school to assign Mike and I to different classes, to get some relief from him. Mike was miserable, and made me miserable checking in on me at every opportunity. Since we have been so close and shared nearly everything all these years, being nude in front of each other was no big deal. But since I have started on hormone therapy, my body has changed. I am not crazy about the changes. My hips have gotten wide and my boobs have been growing. I am less comfortable with Mike seeing me naked than I used to be. Not only that, but as we get older, I don't like the way Mike looks at me. He has a hungry look.

Once, I let him touch one of my boobs. Up until that time, we had never touched each other's body in a deliberate way like that. As time goes on, he wants to touch my boobs, more and more. Not sure how to feel about it. On the one hand, it does feel really good. On the other hand, it seems naughty, like something we shouldn't be doing. I really don't know what the big deal is about them. They are just bags of fatty tissue. He occasionally talks about masterbating and ejaculating, which just freaks me out. He has been trying to talk me into masterbating, myself. I do touch myself, sometimes, but I really don't want to talk to Michael about it.

When I think about a romantic partner, I would like to experiment. Mike thinks that we are so much alike, that we have to be together. I see where he is coming from, but sometimes I think it would be better to be with someone who thinks differently than me. I think that having a partner who is different would allow us to compliment each other, having different strengths and weaknesses. On the other hand, I love my brother a lot. I cannot imagine being without him. And strangely, I find that I am sexually attracted to him. When I fantasize about doing things with a guy, I find myself fantasizing about being with Mike. It's complicated.



As we get older, Makayla and I seem to be drifting apart. At least we are having more arguments. Nothing very big, but we used to think so much alike, that we never used to argue at all. Now that Makayla is on hormones, she can be so moody. It's not just my opinion, she has noticed and makes mention of it, too. She cries more easily than she used to, and I get the feeling that she is holding back and doesn't tell me everything. She gets frustrated with mom over the smallest things. She seems to be either over the moon happy or moody and depressed. It makes me feel bad for her. I just want her to be happy.

Mom is not handling the changes too well, either. It seems like mom is getting more moody, along with Makayla. She is working late more often and it feels like she is not at home very much. She cooks less for the family. Dad tries to pitch in, but he is a lousy cook. Makayla and I have been doing more cooking together, which is something that we both enjoy.

Friday night, mom is working late again. She comes home after supper, and Makayla reheats some of the lasagne that we had at dinner for her. When mom is about done eating, dad asks that we all gather in the kitchen. The way he says it, feels ominous.

We all sit at the kitchen table. Makayla and I look at each other, not having a clue what this is all about. Mom is looking down at her plate, idly making figure eights in the residual tomato sauce from her lasagna with her spoon. I can tell that her mind is a thousand miles away. Dad begins, "Your mom and I have something we need to talk to you about." He looks at mom, then looks down at the table. Looking up again, he sighs before continuing. "We have some bad news to share with you. There's no easy way to say this, so I will just say it. Your mother and I have decided to separate. We are getting a divorce."

Dad could not have surprised or hurt me more if he had punched me. I didn't see it coming. Dad looks about as sad as I have ever seen him. I look at Makayla and she is just as stunned as I am. Tears are welling up in the corners of her eyes, threatening to spill over. Seeing her hurting makes my heart sick. Then a question occurs to me, where does this put Makayla and I? Do we stay with mom? Or do we stay with dad?

Then mom looks up and begins to speak. "I know it seems hard right now, but it will be for everyone's good, in the long run." She pauses for a moment before going on. A hundred questions go through my mind, but I cannot verbalize a single one of them. "Your dad and I are separating while we are still friends. We are afraid that we might come to hate each other if we stay together. We don't want that. My boss has offered me a position with a promotion at the Greenville office. He found me a cute little house to rent nearby. He wants me to start there on Monday." At that, Makayla begins to melt down. Her tears spill over, running down her cheeks, and she sobs uncontrollably. She looks into my eyes with the most devastated look that I have ever seen. My heart literally hurts within my chest.

I thought that things could not get any worse, but then they do. Dad says, "You are probably wondering where that leaves you two." Now dad looks nervous and averts his gaze to the floor. "Mom and I have talked at length and gone back and forth, considering different scenarios. We felt like it would be best for everyone if Michael stays here with me and Makayla goes to live with her mother in Greenville."

Now I really wished that my dad had punched me hard in the gut. That would have hurt less. And I would be able to get over a punch after a few minutes. Separating me and Makayla will hurt for as long as we are apart. Makayla cries out in a voice that I can only describe as a wail, "No! You can't separate us like that! I can't take it!" With that she breaks down into uncontrollable, hiccuping sobs. I am afraid to speak, afraid that I will lose control. I'm not sure whether I will break down and cry, or get mad and hurt someone.

Mom and dad look at each other with some uncertainty, and I wonder if they will change their mind. I don't think this is the reaction that they expected. Then mom speaks, "I know this is hard, but you will get used to it. It would be easier for us to keep you together, but we felt that it would be best for you two to be apart for a while. It's only another year and you two will be going away to college, anyway. My boss has been wanting to move me to the office in Greenville for some time. It will mean a nice promotion for me. You should look at it as a new adventure. You two are mature enough to handle this."

I look from mom to dad, gaging their resolve. Neither one seems inclined to budge on the issue. Now I feel myself getting angry. "Why can't you two stick it out until we leave for college! Is it that bad between you two?" I know that those words sting, but I don't care. The shock on mom's face is plain. Seeing Makayla fall apart like this has me riled up, and I can't take it. I have gone this far, so I decide to twist the knife. "Don't you think you are being a little selfish?"

Dad speaks up, "Mike, we have considered everything. It would have been easier to stay together for another year until you left for college. But the way things are going between your mother and I, we would not be able to be the kind of parents that you deserve. And we considered keeping you and Makayla together, living with me for a week, and then going to live with your mom for a week. But how would that work with school? Greenville is an hour and a half away. Your mom and I both agree that it is best for you to spend a year apart before you go to college, anyway."

Then mom says, "Let's not discuss this any more tonight. We should sleep over it and get used to the idea for a few hours. We will talk about it some more, tomorrow. I know you must have questions." The way mom said this brooks no argument. I don't see how I can sleep, with all the thoughts whirling about in my head. My gut hurts and feels like it is tied up in knots. Makayla avoids looking at me, and her eyes are red from crying. I have never seen her so devastated.

Without another word, I hit the shower to prepare for bed. As the hot water runs over my body, I wonder, "Is it really better for Makayla and I to be apart?" Maybe there is some truth in that. We are pretty much adults, now.

I crawl into bed, my mind still reeling. My bedroom door opens, and I see by the light coming in from the hall that it is my dad. He comes and sits down on the edge of my bed. He places a hand on me, remaining quiet for a couple minutes. I do not trust myself to speak, afraid that I will say something that I will later regret. Finally he speaks confidentially to me. "You didn't see that coming, did you, son? You had no idea that your mother and I were having troubles?"

"Nope, not a clue," I say.

"I'm so sorry, Michael. I can see how much it hurt you and Makayla. Seeing you two like that felt like someone drove a nail into my heart. I really wish things were different. But your mother and I have been growing apart and I'm afraid your mother doesn't love me anymore. She won't admit it, but I am sure she has been having an affair with her boss at work. I think that is why he is giving her a big promotion and moving her to the Greenville office. I saw some emails between them that make me all but certain what is going on between them. I didn't want to burden you with this, but I felt I owed you an explanation." I hear the sadness and hurt in his voice. We are both silent for a moment, in the dark. It feels like we are communicating something, unspoken. I'm not sure what it is, but I feel a connection between my father and I, like I have never felt before.

Finally he says, "Mike. Can you do me a favor? Can you do me a solid and just go along with this? For now, at least. We'll just take it a day at a time. Mom is really determined to take Makayla away with her. I think it helps her conscience, somehow. But there will be no peace if we fight it. And I really do think it will be best for you and Makayla to be apart for a while. Can you do it? For me?"

My heart melts a little. I feel sorry for my dad, especially since mom has been cheating on him. I know he must be hurting inside, too. After thinking about it for a beat, I say, "Yeah, dad. I will do it, for you." I say.

Dad pat me on the shoulder. "You don't know how much I appreciate this. You take a weight off of my shoulders. Thanks, son." He stood, ready to leave. "Good night, Michael." With that he walks out the door.

I must admit. It feels good to help dad out like that. Dad has reason to be hurting more than I do, I realize. It makes me feel like a real man. Maybe it would be better for Makayla and I to be apart for a while. Like dad says, take it a day at a time. I lay there thinking, trying to imagine the new future. How often would I get to visit Makayla and mom? Next year, I'm sure Makayla and I will enroll in the same college. After 20 minutes, my door opens again. This time, I can see Makayla's silhouette in my doorway.

"Come here, Makayla!" I exclaim in a whisper. She comes in, closing the door and slides into bed beside me. Without saying a word, she put her arms around me, put her head on my shoulder and began to cry again. We embrace and I rub her back, trying to soothe her. I thought of how Makayla and I have been arguing more. It all seems so petty, now. Finally I say, "Maybe they are right. Maybe it would be better for us to be apart for a while."

"How can you say that!" Makayla shot back. "I can't make it without you! Why do they want to separate us?" And she breaks into fresh sobs.

I let her cry, not saying anything. In her voice and in her sobs I hear nothing but despair. After a time, she seems to be running out of tears. I say, "We will see each other every weekend. It will just be a year and then we can go to college together. We can get jobs and move into the dorms." Makayla doesn't say a word. She seems to be totally spent and apathetic, now. Then I add, "Dad thinks that mom has been cheating on him with her boss. He has seen inappropriate emails between them."

Makayla's breath catches, then she says, "OK, that makes sense. I mean it doesn't make sense, but it does explain a few things. Like why she has been working late most nights. And why she is moving to Greenville. And why she seems so detached about home and about us. But why can't she just leave us alone and let us stay here together with dad? Why does she have to take me away?"

"Dad says that she is doing it to relieve her guilt," I say. "She has not been a great mom, lately, and now she is busting up our home. She wants to start fresh and make it up to us. If that is true, then there is no use fighting her on the matter. I think I could convince dad to let us stay together, but mom won't have it."

"Yeah, I'm afraid you are right about that." We remain in each other's arms, quietly contemplating the future. "Are you planning to go to Greenville for college, Mike?"

"I was leaning that way, but I will go wherever you want to go." I say.

Makayla replies, "I was thinking that way, myself. But now I don't know. If mom lives in Greenville, she might want me to stay with her while I go to college. I kinda want to get away from her. Let's just see how it goes. We don't have to make a decision, yet." Then Makayla kisses me tenderly on the cheek. "Ow, you are stubbly!" and Makayla giggles a little. Her laughter is a huge relief to me. Perhaps there will be life after separation. Then she gets serious again and looks into my eyes. "I miss you already." Makayla says.

"Yeah, I miss you, too. Why do things have to change? I just can't imagine mom opening her legs for that old creep of a boss. What made her do that?"

Makayla says "I can't imagine. Dad is so sweet. I wonder if mom did it so that she could get ahead with her job? Or some women do it because they are bored with their husband. That is especially true if the husband is sweet. I will ask her about that, sometime."

We sit in silence awhile, still embracing. Makayla finally tears herself away, saying, "I better get to bed. Mom says we need to start packing tomorrow. Somehow our talk tonight makes me feel better. I understand a little better why things are as they are. That, and we have a plan. I still don't like it, but at least I understand. Thanks, Michael."

"Love you, Makayla. We are tough. We'll get through this." With that, Makayla disappears out into the hallway. I feel much better, knowing that Makayla has conquered some of her despair. With that, a dreamless sleep overtakes me.



In the morning, wakefulness comes drifting in gradually. I remember the events from yesterday as if in a dream. For a moment, I wonder if it really happened or was it a nightmare? As awareness settles in, I know that it is reality and that I am really leaving Mike and dad and moving away with mom to Greenville. I feel despair begin to overwhelm me, and I am on the brink of tears again. I am sick of tears. Pulling myself together, I say out loud, "We are tough. We will get through this."

After washing my face and getting dressed, I join Mike and dad in the kitchen for breakfast. "Morning," I offer in greeting.

"Good morning, Princess." Dad says. His voice is cheerful, but there is a look of sadness in his face. He is probably hurting from mom's betrayal. There is a special bond between a father and daughter. Not as complete as the twin bond, but pretty strong. It makes me sad to see my dad hurting so. I love that he calls me 'Princess'. Many people address us as, 'the twins'. Dad's term of endearment shows that he recognizes me as an individual, apart from Mike. My heart swells with love for him.

"Where's mom?" I ask, noting her absence.

Mike replies, "She's back in her room, packing."

"Oh," I say, and everyone falls silent. Another layer of sadness fills the room, because it is a reminder of what is to come. We sit in silence, each mechanically eating our breakfast. After eating I go in search of mom. I find her in her room, tossing clothes into suitcases, boxes and garment bags. She doesn't look up as I come into her room. "Good morning, mom", I say, trying to be civil.

"Oh, hey'" mom says, still not looking up. "You started packing, yet?"

"Not yet. I just finished breakfast," I reply. "We aren't moving until tomorrow, right?"

"Yes. But I want to take our clothes over to the house by noon, today. Furniture is being delivered to the house this afternoon and I need to be there to show them where I want it placed" mom says. "Tomorrow we can make another trip with the rest of our belongings. I figure we can do it all with two trips."

"Sure," I say without enthusiasm. "I'll get my clothes ready to go." Then I add, with a tone of finality, "But I'm spending the night here, tonight."

Now mom looks up at me. "Sure, honey. That will be fine. I know we sprung this on you rather suddenly. We just need to get the move done before the weekend is up. I have to be ready to start my new position Monday morning. That is what has pushed this along so fast. I am looking forward to our new life together in Greenville."

I move slowly down the hall to my room, to begin the job that I do not want to do. As I lay my clothes out on my bed, I reflect on the change in my world. I went from a yearning to have more independence from Mike and his influence in my life, to being terrified how I will cope without him. What a contradiction!

"Hey, sis. Can I help you?" Mike comes into my room and closes the door.

"Sure. I would be glad for your company." I reply. "I don't really want to do this job. This is happening too fast. Tonight is my last night in this house! If you want, you can help by taking the clothes out of my dresser and pack them into these boxes." I turn to get my things from the closet.

Mike opens my top dresser drawer and begins taking clothes out. He says, "Yeah. You would think we could have had a warning of at least a couple of weeks."

Looking from the corner of my eye, I see that Mike is holding up a pair of my panties at eye level, examining them. Then he spreads them on my bed, refolding them before carefully placing them in a small cardboard box. I swallow down an uncomfortable lump in my throat and feel the heat in my face, aware that I'm blushing. I say, "Mom starts her new position in Greenville, Monday morning. Apparently that is the reason for the big rush."

"Hum," Mike grunts. He doesn't sound too impressed. I might be inclined to look at things more from mom's perspective, since I am going to have to live with her.

I have a few hats, caps, scarves and sweaters on the top shelf of my closet. I will need to get a stool to reach them. Mike must have seen me studying them, for he comes up behind me. "Let me get that for you." Placing a hand on my shoulder, he reaches over me to grab a stack of caps. I feel his body press into my back side. It feels hard and muscular. He smells uniquely masculine. His deodorant, his shampoo, his shaving cream. A tingly warmth spreads throughout all my lady parts. All of a sudden, the room is getting very warm. I feel a little lightheaded. I notice that I am holding my breath and can't seem to exhale.

Mike suddenly registers the contact between us. He senses that my body has gone rigid. He sweeps my hair over one shoulder and I feel the warmth of his breath on the back of my neck. He surprises me by planting a kiss on the side of my neck, just below my ear. Time stands still as my pulse pounds in my ears. I turn around to face him, wanting to embrace him, to cover his mouth with mine and kiss his lips. I want to give him a real lover's kiss. But when I turn to him, he hands me a stack of caps before I can make my move. Then he moves to the closet to retrieve more stuff from the high shelf. I still feel the spot on my neck where he kissed me. My body trembles a little as I put the caps into a box.

Just then, the bedroom door opens and mom steps in. "How's it coming?" She asks. She looks back and forth between Mike and I, suspiciously. She probably notices that I am flushed. I cannot meet her gaze.

Mike is nonplussed. "Just about to take these two boxes down and put them into your car." He says, not looking up. I can feel his repulsion for mom as he hefts two boxes.

Mom smiles at him, "Thanks, honey. That is so sweet of you to help out like this." She is trying to mend the rift, as best she can. It is awkward, and I feel sorry for her.

We get the remainder of my clothes and toiletries packed into boxes and put into the back seat of mom's car. As I work at packing my things, I feel like I am walking on a cushion of air. I am still on a sexual high from Mike's kiss on my neck and with the thought of all the things I want to do with him. I can feel my panties are wet, and have to excuse myself to the bathroom to wipe.

Mom left around noon for Greenville. Dad grills burgers on the charcoal grill in the backyard, while Mike and I make French fries in the air fryer. As we eat, waves of sadness come over me at the realization that this might be the last time I get to enjoy a meal in this way with Mike and my daddy. Tears track down my cheeks a couple of times and I sniff and wipe my eyes with a napkin. Dad and Mike notice and just stare at their plates. What could they possibly say to make this better?

That night I lay awake in bed, thinking about how life will change forever after tomorrow. As I thought about Mike, I began to get a tingling sensation between my legs, again. What does this mean? My thoughts went back to the kiss Mike planted on my neck while he helped me pack. I thought about how much I had wanted to return the kiss. I imagined kissing him deeply, passionately like lovers do in the movies. My bedroom is getting warm and sleep is nowhere to be found.

The more that I fantasize, the more that the pleasant tingling between my legs intensifies. I put my hands down there and began to rub, up and down my slit with my middle finger. I find that I am wet and slick. My finger moves past my outer lips, over my inner labia. My legs open of their own accord. I have touched myself down there before, but never has it felt like this. I lay my finger along my inner labia, extending just past my vaginal opening and apply pressure. My inner labia feels puffy and swollen. There is a spot, up towards the top of my slit, that feels especially delicious. Sliding my finger up, I find a firm little nubbin that I had not noticed before, that is especially sensitive. I cannot stand to rub it directly, but circle the spot with my fingertip. As I explore the sensations shooting through my whole body, I notice that my breasts seem especially heavy and tingly. With my idle hand, I reach up and knead first one breast, then the other. My nipples are hard like I have gone out into the cold, and I begin to tweak them.

My finger is racing up and down my slit, faster and faster. It makes a sloppy, wet squishy sound. I feel like a wild animal. Never have I felt like this before. In my head I am thinking about Mike. I am imagining that it is his dick that is swishing up and down my engorged pussy. I imagine my hands, tangled in his hair, kissing him on the mouth.



I lay on my bed in the dark, thinking about mom with her boss, cheating on dad. I imagine them in a cheap motel somewhere in town, mom bent over a squeaky mattress, her pants down around her ankles, and her boss fucking her brains out. Sighing, I shake my head. I've decided that it could not have been like that.

My door opens, tentatively, and I see Makayla's silhouette outlined in my doorway. "Makayla," I call out. She moves past the doorway, pushes the door closed, and I hear a click which I know is the lock activating.

"Can I come in?" She asks softly, standing still in the dark.

"Of course you can. What's wrong?" She has never asked if she could come in before, she always just comes in, she knows it is alright. She didn't answer. Instead, I feel her move the covers back and slip in beside me, her hip against mine. We lay together, not speaking for several minutes. I think I can feel her body tremble, just a little.

Then she speaks with a timid voice, "Mike, something is bothering me." She speaks so softly that I can barely hear her.



At school, girls would snicker about their experiences with boys. They talked about 'going all the way' with a special boyfriend. I know from many of their experiences that it hurt the first time, and that it might even bleed. That thought scared me a little. But all of the girls said that it was worth it. I get the impression that most of the girls in my class are not virgins anymore. I know a few girls that lost their virginity before their sixteenth birthday. I might be one of the few girls left. It seems like all the ones that remain as virgins are not very nice looking. They might not have even had a date with a boy.

I had made up my mind that I want to lose my virginity before I go away to college. The specifics of how or when that is to be done is not clear in my mind. I have not allowed myself to think that far. That is a year away. It is just something that I believe that I should get done. I am pretty sure that Mike is still a virgin, though I have never asked him directly about it. We talk about most everything, and I am sure Mike would tell me if he had gone all the way with a girl.



"What's bothering you, sis. Are you fretting about moving to Greenville, tomorrow? I know that has got to be upsetting. You haven't even seen the house where you will be moving to, yet. I have been thinking that I want to go with you tomorrow and help you get settled in."

Still timid, Makayla replies, "Thank's, Mike. It's not that. The move is so intimidating that I cannot even bear to think about it."

"What is it? You know you can tell me anything. If I can help you in any way, you know that I will move heaven and earth to do it for you." I say.



In the middle of my intense masterbatory session, an idea came to me, and my hand stopped moving. My chances for losing my virginity will be shrinking, when I move to Greenville with my mother. I will be attending a new school, full of strangers. It will take me quite a while to learn about all the new people and sort things out. I want to do it with someone special, my first time. I've heard horror stories from girls who hooked up with random boys who did not really care about them. Now I am so horny, and Mike is right down the hall. Without a doubt he cares about me. Would he do it? This might be the last opportunity I will have to hook up with him, since I will be moving to Greenville tomorrow.

Quietly I slip out of bed and make my way into the bathroom. I wash my hands and make a warm, wet washcloth, intending to clean my bottom. Then it occurred to me that the slick juices might be helpful for penetration. I only clean up the outside and my thighs, which have become messy. I wonder, briefly, how badly penetration might hurt? Right now I am so horny that I really don't care. I am not at all sure if Mike will do this with me. What if he isn't in the mood? He might be sound asleep. How will he feel about having sex with me, his sister?

Moving quietly down the hall towards Michael's room, I am guided by the nightlight in the hall. I pause a moment outside his door with my hand on the knob, steeling my resolve. Quietly opening the door, I try to determine if he is awake. At first I think that he must be fast asleep but I go ahead and enter his room, pulling the door closed behind me. Then he calls my name and tells me to come to him. He doesn't sound like he has been sleeping. I move quickly and slide under the sheets beside him, hoping that he doesn't smell me.

Mike asks me if I am overwhelmed, moving to a new place alone with mom. He must have been laying awake, worrying about me. My heart melts as I think about him and his love for me. No one else in the world cares about me like Michael!



Makayla does not reply to my question about what is bothering her. What has her so distraught? Finally she offers, "Mike, I am worried about moving away from you and I am still a virgin."

I am stunned and don't know what to say. Being so much alike, an idea comes into my mind, like a message from Makayla. But I don't know. Maybe it is just a message from my dick. She can't be saying what I think she said. I say carefully, "So, what does that mean to you?" I ask. I am not able to breathe as I wait for her to respond.

Makayla takes a deep breath, then she says confidently, "Michael. I want you to take my virginity. Tonight. Before I leave with mom for Greenville, tomorrow."

I am again shocked into silence, and cannot speak. She wants me to have sex with her? Did I hear correctly? Right here and now? Is she really sure? While I am trying to untangle what this means, she says, "What's the matter? Don't you want to have sex with me?"

"No! I mean yes. It's not that I don't want to. I mean I do want to, I just want to be sure that is really what you want." I am stammering, now.

She says, simply, "Good!


Makayla :

Mike senses my reluctance to spill my feelings, "What's wrong? Are you freaking out about the move? I can't blame you for that." I don't know what to say. How can I ask him for this? We just lay together, hip to hip while I consider how to ask my twin brother to make love to me. Maybe I should just go back to bed and try to forget the whole thing. This is ridiculous. What do I think I am trying to do?

I tell him, "It's not that." I take a deep breath, hesitate, then just spit it out, "I don't want to move to Greenville as a virgin." There, I said it. Then I add, "I want you to take my virginity tonight!"

As soon as I hear the words come out of my mouth, I regret it. This is a bad idea. Mike is probably not in the mood. Maybe he is repulsed at the idea of having sex with his sister. Maybe he wants his first time to be with someone special. He is just sitting there, saying nothing. We have always talked about everything, so I decide that the best course of action is to simply ask him, "Don't you want to have sex with me?" I can hear the start of a sob in my voice. I am on the verge of crying. But even after all my doubts, I still want to do it, really bad.

Michael quickly replies that he wants to do it with me! He is just being careful to make sure that is what I really want. I am so relieved, I start tearing my clothes off. I begin with my top, and as soon as it is off, I can wait no longer. Climbing on top of him, I kiss him and kiss him. Ever since his kiss to my neck earlier today, I have thought about how I wanted to kiss him on the mouth, like a real lover. I had heard of French kissing, using the tongue. Before tonight, that idea made me cringe. That seemed gross! Now, that is exactly what I want. I just hope that it doesn’t gross Mike out. It is obvious, once I get started, that he is responding enthusiastically to my kisses, tongue and all. His response brought back the intense warm, tingly sensation in my pussy, again.

Now I can feel Mike's penis beneath me, getting bigger and very hard. I grind my hips against him, increasing the longing in my loins. There is something primal in the motion. Mike's breath is coming in gasps, now, and I know that he is becoming aroused, just like me. It's exciting, knowing that I can have that effect on a guy. I love the feeling of my breasts pressed into his bare chest. We have never pressed naked flesh together in this way before. This is so erotic!



In the dark I can just make out Makayla, quickly peeling off her pajama top. Then she turns to me and, grasping my head in her hands, kisses me hungrily on the mouth. I was not prepared for this and gasp to get a breath. Her tongue stabs past my lips until it touches mine, then retreats as if testing to see if that is OK. She pushes me back onto my pillow. Now bending over kissing me, her breasts hang down and are pointy little mountains. Old movies come to mind in the days before the Wonder-Bra, when women wore bullet brassieres that made their boobs hyper-pointy. She climbs on top of me and resumes kissing me hungrily on the mouth. I feel her breasts pushing onto my bare chest, and can distinguish the feel of her nipples. They must be really hard. Even though we look so much alike, she feels a lot differently than me. Her body is soft and supple.

I feel something else getting hard. Down between my legs, my dick is rising to the occasion. I know she must feel it, too. Reaching up, I put my arms around her torso, my hands on her bare back, and pull her firmly onto me. She continues to kiss me, panting a little, and at the same time her hips grind into me. Her hips move in a small circle, pressing into my dick and moving it about. She is driving me wild with desire.

I flip her over on my bed, and shove the covers off of us with my foot. I remove my boxers and toss them aside. I feel her reach down and grasp my cock, squeezing it and stroking. Sitting up on my knees I pull away from her grasp. Slipping her Pajama pants off I fling them on the floor among the other clothes. Looking down at her luscious body, I can barely restrain myself. Then I ask, "You know that this might hurt, the first time? Is this still what you want?"



Suddenly, he flips me over as though I am weightless. Now he is on top, taking charge. He pauses to pull his shorts off and resumes kissing. His body feels so hard and muscular. Not soft and mushy like mine. I reach down to search for his cock and find it, very near my pussy. I just want him inside of me. I pull on his dick and stroke it. It is so large! My fingers do not even reach all the way around it! The realization terrifies me and makes me want him at the same time.

Mike raises up onto his knees, my hand coming free of his cock. Pulling my pajama bottom off, we are both completely naked. This is getting real, now! I tremble with a mix of anticipation and fear. Mike just looks at me, as if studying my body. I notice for the first time that he is a real man, now, and not just my little brother. His chest muscles have definition and stand out and his flat stomach has a sprinkling of fine hair. His muscles bunch and flex when he moves. His dick is standing straight out and bobs a little, in time with his rapid heart beat. This is really going to happen! Neither of us has said much since the kissing started. Now he says, "This might hurt, first time. Are you sure this is what you want?"

I reply, "Yes! Just please, be careful with me."



A little light from the window falls across my bed, illuminating Makayla. I see that her legs are spread open wide, and her pussy is open and glistening, as if it is wet. I have not seen anything like this before. Yes, I have seen Makayla naked many times, but nothing like this! Her vagina had always been a neat little clam shell, closed and prim. Now it is spread wide open. Inside it is bright pink with all kinds of skin folds that I never knew lay beneath. Her breasts are heaving, her nipples protrude, and her upper chest and face are flushed. "Yes!" she gasps, "I want you. Put your thingy inside of me! Just go a little easy, please."

Something primal takes over and I feel an animal awaking within me. I just need to put my dick in Makayla, now. But at the same time, I love Makayla. I can't stand the thought that this might hurt her, physically, in spite of the fact that she really wants me to do this. The thought occurs to me that if this is a bad experience for her, she might resent me for it. I can't have that. So I resolve to make this really special for her, pushing down the urge to plunge in and spill my seed inside her, which I could probably do in about fifteen seconds. No, I've got to make this last.

I take a deep breath to get myself under control. Bending down, I touch her amazing breasts. Gently, I trace a finger around the bottom edge, where they meet her chest. Moving up, I run a fingertip around the edge of her areola, again being very gentle. I am rewarded, seeing her areola tighten, and the diameter shrink. Her nipples protrude to half again their normal length. Laying my head down on her chest, I continue to gently massage the remainder of her breast. The skin is so soft, and her breast has the consistency of a giant marshmallow.



OK, this is it. I am about to lose my virginity! I am ready. Mike is just looking at me. Not just looking, more like worshiping me! I don't know why. He has seen me naked plenty of times. Not that there is much to look at, my body is nothing special. I am anxious to get this over with. At least the initial entrance. I am pretty nervous about that.

Mike begins to play with my boobs. They are not very big. I have figured out that guys like big boobs. But Mike has always had a fascination with my breasts. Now he kisses and licks them. That feels really good! His tongue is warm, then when he pulls away, my wet skin quickly chills. The warmth of his mouth, followed by the chill of exposed, wet flesh causes a warm tingling sensation in my pussy. I push my boobs out to optimize the sensation. Now he takes a nipple into his mouth and sucks very gently. A moan escapes my throat, unbidden.

He moves down my belly, planting kisses. Down, down, down . He goes all the way to my pussy. Is he going to kiss my muffin? That would feel delicious! Please do! Instead he strokes the inside of my thighs, which feels really nice, but seems like a tease. Now I am aware of a void within me. I just want him to stick his dick into me. I notice that I am breathing as though I have run half a mile. Pressure is building up inside of me, like I might explode. I have never felt so turned on in my life!



Laying with my head on her chest, her nipple is close and at eye level. I am intrigued with the rough texture of the nipple. And at the apex, I can make out the orifice which is designed to deliver milk to a baby. Now that the areola has shrunk, I see tiny bumps encircling the nipple. Using my forefinger, I trace around her nipple, feeling the little bumps. Makayla moans, and I see that she is looking down, also studying her beautiful breast. She smiles as our eyes meet. I reach up and wipe the stray hair from her face, tracing a finger down her cheek and down the side of her neck, to her shoulder.

Moving in, I circle her areola with my tongue, again feeling the little bumps. Pulling back, I study her nipple and areola. I can see the moisture from my tongue on and around her areola, making it glisten. Then I go down and move the nipple around with my tongue. Makayla lets out a breathy moan, and pushes her breast up in encouragement. Taking her nipple full into my mouth, I savor the rough texture, in contrast to her areola, which is soft and smooth. I can hear Makayla's breathing which has quickened. I suck very gently on her nipple and feel it soften and lengthen in my mouth. Pulling gently with my mouth, it pops free and I pull away and again study it. It seems impossible, but it has grown even more in length, and the texture has changed. The roughness is gone, and now it glistens and is smooth, almost like her areola.

Makayla is grinding her pelvis into me, now, and when I look into her face, her eyes are closed and her head laid back pushing hard into my pillow. Reaching back down I plant a kiss on her now softened nipple. I shift so that I can also plant kisses on her other nipple and breast. She presses her upper arms into the side of her chest, pushing her boobs together and out towards me. Now they are much more pointed and naturally invite me to suckle and plant kisses on them. Using both my hands, I push them together even more. Makayla twists her face to the side, facing the window. Her expression is one of pure ecstacy, and there is a little drool coming from the corner of her mouth. I want to memorize the look on her face, from the light streaming in through my window.

Moving below her breasts, I plant a string of kisses down the center of her belly, to her navel. Circling her navel with my tongue, I can feel her abdominal muscles constrict. I continue kissing my way down, kissing the mound, just above her open pussy. Rising up on my knees again, I lightly stroke down the inside of both thighs with my hands as I study her vagina. It is a work of art, reminding me of a beautiful orchid, glistening with the morning dew.

Taking my dick in hand, I stroke it to prepare for entering. "Are you ready?" I ask, more than a little nervous. This is my first time and I don't want to mess it up.



My arousal has grown to a fever pitch. I can't wait any longer for Mike to fuck me! Finally, he moves into position. This is it! He rubs his penis, up and down my wet pussy. His dick is hard, but the tip is soft. The feeling is delicious! Especially when it goes over the little nubbin at the top of my pussy. It feels even better than I had imagined in my fantasies. He lays down on top of me and positions his dick into my pussy and applies pressure. But something isn't right. I think he needs to move down a little, and I tell him so. When he slides a little lower, I feel him suddenly enter me. My vagina stretches impossibly, and there is a sharp pain. At first I think he is too big for me and that my vagina is tearing, but then I remember that it is supposed to hurt the first time. Mike groans and I wonder if it hurt him, too. He is inside of me! I can feel him twitch a little. The fullness actually feels pretty good, once I get used to it, now that the pain has subsided a little. Actually, the pain is still there, but my excitement exceeds the pain.

Mike is just holding still. In the movies, the guy usually thrusts in and out when having sex. But I am glad that he is holding still, so I can get used to the feeling. I have my arms around him, and now I pull him to me and kiss him again on the mouth. He eagerly kisses back. As he does so, I feel more of him slip into me. I thought he was in all the way already. It feels really deep, now. I feel myself clinch involuntary on his dick with the muscles in my vagina. He moans again and kisses me harder. "Oh Makayla. It feels great! You are so warm and tight. I felt you squeeze down on me. How are you doing?"

"Really good. It hurt bad when you first went in. I thought you had split me open. But now it feels good." I reply. "Why don't you try moving it in and out."



She doesn't hesitate, "Oh, yes. I'm ready!" She opens her eyes and looks into my face. I move up, getting into position. Running my penis up and down her slit, I gather some of her moisture for lubricant. The feeling her on the tip of my penis is divine! I lay down onto Makayla and position my dick for the grand entrance, and apply a little pressure. "Just a little further back." She coaches. When I slide it down, I feel my dick sink into her about an inch or so, and she gasps. Freezing, I hold that position, hoping that I have not hurt her.

I stop, my cock inside of Makayla, holding my position. Did I hurt her? She's not saying anything, so maybe it's not too bad? I decide to hold it right there for a minute, to make sure that she is alright. There is a compulsion to push in the rest of the way and start ramming her. She feels so warm, so tight, so exquisite! A moan escapes from my throat. But the thought that I might have hurt her is almost more than I can bear.

She pulls my chest down hard against hers and begins to kiss me on the mouth. Oh good. I must not be hurting her! In fact, she seems to like it. That's great. I feel my dick sink into her a little deeper. Her muscles clinch down onto me, constricting me still tighter. I didn't know that she could do that. I pull my mouth away from her. I have to ask and make sure she is not hurting. Also, I want to tell her how great she is making me feel.

She tells me that it hurt real bad, right at first, but the pain is gone now. She said it feels good, and that she wants me to try stroking. I start out real slow, afraid that I might hurt her. It feels amazing to me, and I can tell that Makayla likes it, too. Encouraged, I do what comes natural and increase my speed. I pull most of the way out, then go back in until my pelvic bone is all the way down against hers, plunging in and out rapidly.



With that he started to thrust, slowly. Gradually he began to pick up the pace. As he thrust, he went deeper into me. And I had thought that he was already all the way in. I think I can feel him hit the back wall of my vagina, now, when he settles onto me. That is scary. What if he goes too far and tears something inside of me? But I am sure he is all the way in, now, because his pelvic bone is bumping against mine. Mike begins to kiss the side of my cheek, as he continues to stroke, in and out. He kisses down my neck and on my shoulders, like he cannot get enough. He is making sweet love to me. I open my legs even wider, wanting to take him all in. His movement is rubbing my boobs into his chest.

The sensations have been building and now something happens. I suddenly feel myself weightless, as though tumbling out of control over an endless expanse. I cry out. "Oh, yes! Michael. That's it. Keep going!" He is plunging harder and faster, now. Impossibly fast. Then a low rumble escapes from deep in his throat and I feel his cock, jumping inside of me. He must be ejaculating!



I feel intense love for Makayla, more than ever before. I kiss the side of her face, her neck and her shoulder. I can't help it. My heart is overflowing with love and I cannot get enough of her! Plunging in and out of her, she thrashes her head, side to side. I feel a change coming over Makayla. Her body tenses and she kinda bucks a couple times. Is she cumming? She calls out "Oh, Yes." I feel myself going past the point of no return. Soon I feel my sperm, shooting into my sister. I keep thrusting as long and as deep as I can, not wanting this to end. It goes on longer than I have ever ejaculated before.



We are both panting and a little sweaty. I feel completely spent and incredibly in love with Michael. Laying together, still connected, I revel in the sensations. His skin against mine, his breathing near my ear, his masculine scent. Even his scratchy face against mine. I had no idea that sex would be like this!

After a few minutes, Mike pulls out and gets off of me. When he gets up I feel some relief at having his weight off of me. Looking at his shrunken penis, I see that there are streaks of blood on him, and realize that it is my blood. He wipes his penis off with a tissue from his night stand. "Wow," he says. "Makayla, you are wonderful! Are you OK?"



I lay on Makayla, panting and sweaty. I feel like I have run a marathon. This has been the most beautiful experience I have ever had.

Finally I recover enough that I can function. I feel incredibly sleepy, and realize that I better get up before I fall asleep. I express my appreciation to Makayla, withdraw my shrunken penis, and get up off of her. As I wipe off my dick, I notice that there are streaks of blood. Again worry floods over me, afraid that I may have hurt Makayla. I ask her if she is alright and she says that she is more than alright. She kisses me, lightly on the lips, saying, "Good night Mike." She lingers in my arms for a moment then affectionately touches a finger to the tip of my nose. She quickly bends, gathers her discarded clothes, and moves out the door to her room.

After Makayla goes back to her room to go to bed, I lay awake, thinking. What does the future hold for us? Will we do this again? I sure hope so. It seems even more tragic that she is moving an hour and a half away. I can hardly wait to see how Makayla looks at things tomorrow.

Please rate and comment. There could be a part two if there is enough demand.


2023-08-06 20:24:17
Great story. Please continue with a part 2

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