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Betsy's next adventure on her business trip and return to her loving husband.
I hope you like this next chapter. It contains hotwife/cuckholding, sex with strangers and other adult topics. If you don't like these things, please don't waste your time reading it. If you enjoy this, please leave a comment.

The alarm on her phone woke Betsy up from a sound sleep. As she reached for the phone to silence it, she felt an ache between her legs. Her cunt was sore from the previous night’s sexual romp with a stranger. Her hand moved to massage her sore pussy. She felt his dried cum coating the thin landing strip of pubic hair.

“I’m a fucking mess.” She thought. “No, I’m a well fucked mess.” She smiled at her witty thought.

She was naked and coated in dried sweat and cum from the night before. She noticed the open laptop on the table and the iPad facing the bed. Flashing through her brain was the performance she put on for her husband the night before. She had set up both to video conference her husband into her sexscapade with John. She gave him two different views of her fucking and sucking her newly found friend as her husband watched from a thousand miles away.

She loved her husband deeply and he enjoyed watching her have sex with others. She pulled her laptop and went to search for flights to get her home early. She wanted to be with him and share her adventures. The earliest flight left at noon. She made the arrangements and sent a copy to her husband. Then she headed to her much needed shower.

She adjusted the water temperature and stepped in. It felt good to have the hot water stream over her body. She lathered shampoo into her hair and rinsed it out. She quickly soaped and rinsed her body, removing all of the cum residue from her skin. She reached for her razor. She wanted her skin to be silky smooth for her husband. She double checked to be sure that she removed any stray hairs and stubble. She planned to fuck him as soon as she entered her home. She enjoyed fucking John; but she wanted and needed to have the emotional connection as she fucked her husband and shared her exploits.

Satisfied that she was clean and stubble free, she hopped out and dried herself. Through the steam coated mirror she saw herself. She was proud of how she looked. Years ago, she would have been too prudish and self-conscious to allow herself to enjoy sex. She now enjoyed the sexual freedom and enlightenment she attained.

She thought, “God, I’m glad I learned to experiment and enjoy sex. I, no we wasted too many years with puritanical constraints. We now enjoy a diverse palette of sexual activities we could never have imagined a few years ago.”

She dressed for the flight home, a jogging bra and panties, a pair of loose slacks, a light shirt and a sweater. Good layers to adjust to the changing temperatures and loose fit for sitting in uncomfortable airport and plane seats. As she finished packing, she took out a miniskirt and put it in her carryon bag. “This might be good to slip into before I got home to Bill. “It’s a lot sexier to show up in this than the comfortable slacks.” She thought.

She headed to the concierge room to grab a quick breakfast and then returned to her room to finish packing her bags. She checked out and took the hotel shuttle to the airport.

At the airport, she checked her bag and proceeded through the TSA line without any problems. It wasn’t until she got to her gate that she noticed her flight was delayed.

“What the hell?” She thought. “The weather seems fine here and it’s too early for the domino effect of bumped flights.”

Dejected, she went to the bar and sat at a circular booth in the corner. “I need an early cocktail.” She thought to herself. She ordered a simple white wine and took a small sip. She liked the taste; but had no intentions of drinking heavily, especially this early in the day. She pulled her iPad out and checked her email. There was an email from her husband. She blushed when she opened it. In it was a picture of his erect cock and a little note. It said:

“You are an incredibly sexy lady. Watching your hot body fuck and suck that stranger on zoom last night has me soooo hot for you. I can’t wait for you to get home and have you in my arms and my cock in your hot pussy. I want to hear every detail of your sexscapades. I love you dearly. Bill”

She thought of her last couple of days fucking the stranger and letting her husband watch on zoom. That, and the thought of the wild sex that awaits her at home made her squirm in her seat. A twinge of horniness shot through her groin.

She typed a short text to him, “I want that hard cock in me but the flight is delayed. Keep it hard till I get home. It will be worth the wait!” She added a little devil emoji.

After checking a few more emails she rechecked the flight. More time was added to the delay. She finished her wine and ordered another.

Bored, she opened her iPad to a site that featured sex and sexy stories. She scrolled through the categories and titles until she found an interesting one. She liked to read about different scenarios, positions and techniques. It gave her ideas to keep her sex life at home exciting and vibrant. In the past, she and Bill had fallen into a sexual rut and they, she, wanted to be sure they never got into a rut again. Routine leads to boredom, boredom leads to straying or indifference either can ruin a relationship. She was lucky that Bill had opened her eyes and helped her, and himself out of the rut. Their sexual openness kept them desiring each other even more. Even her romps with other men brought her and her husband closer together. Strange, you would think the opposite would be true; but, at least not in their case.

She read an article about bringing home multiple creampies to an awaiting husband, another about fucking a hubby and confessing the explicit details about her picking up a stranger and giving him a blowjob in a taxi on the way to a longer fuck session at his hotel. The stories almost always gave her new ideas and always made her horny. In this case, the stories did give her a new idea and made her horny.

By the time she finished her third story, she was in need of a wine refill. As she waved to the waitress, she noticed a handsome man enter the bar. He looked to be in his mid-forties, physically fit and glancing about the room to size up the clientele and the best place to sit. He found a table with his back to the wall across the narrow room. It also gave them both a good view of each other. She tried to hide her peeking and nonchalantly went about her reading. The waitress brought her another wine.

Betsy noticed that he too was casually checking her out. She caught him a few times as they each tried to look at each other discretely. This went on for two hours. It soon became evident that they were each checking each other out and they both seemed to drop the charade. The waitress delivered him another drink and soon delivered one to her, that she hadn’t ordered. The waitress said something about the compliments of the gentleman across the room. A lightbulb went off in her head. She lifted the glass, smiled at him and motioned for him to come over.

Slowly, the gentleman picked up his bag and casually walked over to Betsy’s booth. He introduced himself as Steve and shook her hand.

“Thanks for the glass of wine. My name is Betsy.” She said. “What’s the occasion?”

“Nothing special, just buying a pretty traveler something to pass her time with.” He said as he slid onto the circular booth. He didn’t sit on the very end, but didn’t move too close to Betsy as to invade her personal space. “You must be delayed too; otherwise you would be at the gate awaiting your flight. Correct?”

“Yup I am. As they say, Time to spare, go by air. They’ve extended my delay once already.”

“Really? Mine too. Are you going to Boston too?” He asked.

“Why, yes I am. I guess we can be in no rush together.” They both smiled at the happy coincidence.

They exchanged pleasantries and small talk for several minutes. After a while, Steve noticed the open iPad and saw what she was reading. “Wow, that’s very interesting.” He thought to himself. He noticed the wedding band on her finger. He wondered how lucky her husband must be if she’s reading this. “I wonder how liberal she is?” flashed through his mind. He adjusted himself in his seat and slyly inched a little closer to her. A few minutes later, he stretched his legs until his right one touched leg left leg. She didn’t pull away. They continued to chat. After a few minutes, Betsy pushed her leg harder against his and slid it up and down slightly. He didn’t pull away either. It was obvious to him that she was receptive to flirting and, even though it couldn’t go much farther, he decided to up the ante.

“So Betsy, you’ve got interesting reading material on your iPad.”

“Busted”, she replied. “I do like a little sex in my library. Don’t you?”

“Actually, yes I do. What website is that you’re on? He asked.

She showed him the website and the title of the article. He responded, “I was reading stories on that site last night. It was stimulating and passed the time, so to speak. Not as expensive as hanging out in bars. Although, if it led to meeting you, I’d give up reading in a heartbeat. What types of stories do you like?”

Betsy went on to explain how she and her husband were becoming sexually awakened, trying new things. She didn’t tell him about her sexual adventures of the past couple of days. She did explain how the two of them were trying new things together and with others. She didn’t give all the gory details; just enough for Steve to understand that she was fairly sexually liberated.

In their conversation, Steve told Betsy that he was single and between relationships. He told about what he has tried, his likes and dislikes. They discussed many sex related topics. They were both amazed to be speaking so frankly to a stranger about their detailed sex lives.

An announcement pinged on their cell phones. It alerted them to return to the gate for additional info. The quickly packed up, paid the bill and headed to their gate. Once there, they got bad news. Their flight was cancelled. The line for the agent was long. They each went on line in an attempt to rebook their trips. Betsy was the first to find a flight. However, it wouldn’t leave till later in the evening. She booked it anyway. Steve found the same flight a moment later. He asked her what seat she ***********ed. She told him and he booked the seat next to her. Unfortunately they were in the last row of the plane.

Satisfied that they did the best they could, they returned to the bar. Although they spent some interesting time together, they slid into their old booth with a little apprehension. They both fumbled to break the ice.

“So, want to find a new story we can read together? We could both read on our iPads as we sit here. We could share what we like or don’t like as we read. What do you say?” asked Steve.

“Wow, I’ve never been in a book reading club before. This could be interesting.” was her reply.

Over the next few hours they read and shared their thoughts. The more they talked, the closer the got. Now snuggled against each other, simple touches grew to longer, lingering hands on shoulders, and then thighs. Several times Betsy’s hand brushed Steve’s crotch, only to feel his hard cock straining against the fabric of his pants. She too felt the excitement and the resulting moistening of her freshly shaved pussy. She now wished she was wearing a skirt instead of pants. She had an “itch” that needed to be tended to. With a skirt, it would be much easier to have that itch scratched. She really didn’t care if it was her fingers or his that satisfied her. Without a skirt, it would be too difficult to get into her panties without being discovered. She’s sure that would violate some TSA rules.

Soon they each received a text informing them of another change in the schedule. It was another two hour delay. Betsy sent a text to Bill informing him of the change. Both were a little let down. They both anticipated a great reunion and exchange of stories as they fucked each other silly. For Bill, the frustration was almost like edging an orgasm. Frustrating but adding to the excitement.

Betsy and Steve ordered more drinks and food. They continued to read and exchange their sexual likes and dislikes. They each had similar tastes. Both had liked things that the other had done and they both had tried things the other did but hadn’t tried yet themselves. Both have enjoyed sex in public, but each of their situations was different. Neither had it in an airport but, looking around at the crowds, it didn’t seem like this would work. Then it hit both of them at the same time and the whispered in unison, “Mile high club?” “Nope, haven’t yet.” they replied to each other.

“Maybe we’ll be lucky and I’ll suck your cock on the plane. Would you like that?” Betsy said.

“Wow, you are a hottie. No one has ever been that forward with me. Sex of any kind with a beautiful woman like you is a dream cum true. What would you like in return?” Steve asked.

“I’m sure something will pop up, “she replied as she slid her hand over his lap. She felt his cock was straining to free itself. “Nice package,” she thought to herself.” I’ll find something useful to do with it.”

For the next few hours, they continued to flirt, tease and feel each other up as far as they could in the public airport bar. They both received a text that they should head to their gate. As they got out of their booth, Betsy noticed a wet spot on Steve’s pants. “Probably from precum.” She imagined.

Her own panties were soaked from the excitement she shared with Steve. “This will be a new adventure to share with Bill when I get home. Hopefully I’ll get some satisfaction and a good story to tell.” She checked further and found that her pussy juices had soaked through and wet her pants. Embarrassed, she tried to hold her jacket in front of her to cover herself. Walking, awkwardly towards the gate she had a flash. “Steve, wait for me a moment while I hit the ladies room, ok?”

“Absolutely.” Steve replied without a second thought.

Betsy ducked into a stall and propped open her carryon bag. “I was saving this for Bill,” she thought as she pulled out the miniskirt. “Now Steve will get the benefit of easy access to my snatch and Bill can have the cum stains as evidence to go with the story. I can kill two cocks with this mini!”

When she exited the restroom, Steve did a double take and said. “Superman used a phone booth, super-hot woman used the restroom. That skirt looks SUPER on you. You’re even hotter that I thought. Your legs are as sexy as the rest of you.”

They boarded the plane and made their way to the last row. As they put their bags in the overhead, Betsy grabbed two plastic wrapped blankets and a towel that were next to the bags.

The stewardess did their pre check and announcements which included talking about the short hop to another stop before heading north, then took their seats. The plane taxied and took off without a hitch. The cabin lights were dimmed and everyone quieted down.

Betsy and Steve moved the armrest between them out of the way and got comfortable snuggling together. Because the flight was crowded and it was a short hop to the connecting airport, they couldn’t do much.

After a short hop to the connecting airport, the flight attendants announced all passengers going on to Boston should remain seated until all the others have exited the plane. Almost all the passengers got off and only a handful of new ones boarded the plane. Most passengers opted for the front of the plane.

Steve and Betsy remained in their seats and pretended to be trying to sleep; pulling blankets over themselves. Betsy contemplated slipping off her panties. “No,” she thought, “I want him to feel how wet he got me.”

The attendants made their compulsory announcements and dimmed the lights.

Soon the plane reached 10,000 feet and the announcement that Wi-Fi was available, as it climbed higher, Betsy’s hand slid under the blanket and over Steve’s lap. It was no surprise to her that Steve’s cock was straining against his slacks. She nimbly inched his zipper down, relieving some of the pressure. Steve undid his belt and unbuttoned his pants. Betsy gripped his cock through his boxers and smiled at its girth. She rubbed her hand the length of his shaft and said, “Let’s figure out how to free this big boy. I want to wrap my lips around him. Would you like that?”

“Absolutely!” He whispered.

The flight attendants were busy with drinks and snacks at the front of the plane, Betsy scrunched down, gripped the shaft of Steve’s cock and pulled the foreskin of his uncircumcised cock back. “Not bad,” she thought. “6 or 7 inches long and nice girth.” She kissed the bulbous head of Steve’s cock, looked up and gave Steve a mischievous grin. She stroked his cock twice then took his cock into her mouth and licked the head like an ice cream cone. Steve stifled a moan as she then took his entire cock into her mouth and gave it a quick suck. She pulled back, lifted her head and kissed him. Her tongue plunged into his mouth. She wanted to let him taste his cock on her tongue and lips.

Betsy wrapped her hand around his cock and gently stroked it. Her other hand took his and guided it under her skirt to her waiting cunt.

Steve quickly pulled back and covered himself. The flight attendant was coming up the aisle. “This will take patience.” Steve whispered.

When the attendant left, Steve slid his hand back under the blanket and slid it up her thigh. His fingers reached her panties, they were soaked. He smiled to himself as he nimbly maneuvered his fingers to pull the gusset aside. His cock twitched as he realized that her cunt was bare, devoid of any pubic hair. “I’d love to see her shaved cunt.” He thought to himself, wondering how to make it happen. Steve pulled at her panties, trying to stroke her pussy while keeping them out of the way.

Betsy put her hand over his and pushed it from her quim. She then unbuckled and gripped her panties with both hands and wiggled her ass to remove them. Once they were off, she balled them up and pushed them under Steve’s nose and into his mouth.

Steve was at first startled, then inhaled her musky aroma and licked at her wet treasure. Betsy watched his cock twitch under the blanket as she pulled her panties from his face. Steve grabbed her hand, “I’ll keep these till later.” He said as he took them from her.

Betsy guided his hand back to her waiting snatch. Turning his hand, he began to stroke her bare, wet lips until he reached the hood covering her clit. Sliding it back, he coated her clit in her juices and ran his finger in circles around it. Betsy willingly spread her legs, giving Steve full access. She leaned back at an angle against the seat and window. She let him finger fuck her wet cunt. She was soon very aroused. She placed her hand over his and pulled his fingers from her snatch.

“This feels great but I don’t want to cum yet.” She slid the blanket back exposing his semi erect cock. Betsy bent down and placed the knob into her open mouth and, in one motion, deep throated his entire 6 inches. Being an adept cocksucker, she had no problem with the length or girth. She squeezed and stroked his balls as she bobbed her head, sucking from his head to his balls. Steve stifled his moans. She felt his balls tighten as he approached orgasm and then she abruptly stopped.

“Let’s finish in the restroom. I want you to fuck me until we both cum.” She whispered.

Steve tugged his pants up and adjusted the belt. He quietly got up and made their way across the dark aisle. He entered the restroom in the rear of the plane. Betsy adjusted her skirt and followed. They weren’t sure if anyone noticed.

Betsy locked the door and moved around Steve. She hiked her skirt up around her waist and placed her hands against the bulkhead. Steve dropped his pants and underwear. His cock was still hard and damp from her blowjob. Without any ceremony or foreplay, he slid his cock into her wet cunt, in one motion until he was balls deep. Betsy balanced herself with one hand and fingered her clit with the other. Together they bounced and fucked. The excitement of joining the mile high club with a hot partner brought them both to the edge quickly.

“Cum in me.” Betsy whispered. Steve obliged and pumped several loads of his spunk into her spasming void. As soon as she felt him finish pumping and felt him grow soft, she stood partially up. She took her panties from him and struggled to get them on. She wanted a fresh creampie for her waiting husband. Steve pulled his underwear and pants up, buckled his belt and they both glanced in the mirror. When presentable, Betsy unlocked the door and slowly opened it, looked around and shuffled to her seat. After a few moments, Steve did the same.

After buckling in they both exchanged some pleasantries and smiled as they both had their 1st time Mile-High Club Experience. As the plane touched down, they exchanged contact information and promised to keep in touch, both hoping for a sequel.

“I’m sorry I can’t hang around with you now. I want to get home quickly. I want to get home to share today’s fun with my husband. I especially want to share my cum filled cunt with him. I think he will enjoy meeting you, so to speak.” She said with a slutty, mischievous smile.

“He’s a lucky man to have a hot wife like you. I hope he enjoys meeting me. Maybe someday I’ll get to meet him too.”

Betsy wasn’t certain if he meant meeting in person or eating Bills cum from her pussy. It didn’t matter, both were hot. She headed out to the curb and looked for her husband’s car.

Her husband, Bill, soon arrived. Betsy hopped in and buckled up as Bill put the suitcase away.

“You look great, I really missed you. Your escapades in the hotel have kept me very horny. I can’t wait to get you home.” He commented.

“You don’t have to wait. It’s late and dark. Pull into the cellphone lot. I have a surprise for you.”

Bill pulled into the near empty lot. He drove to a back corner where a few shuttle buses were parked and stored.

“Hop in the back and I’ll give you a treat.” She said.

They quickly got in the back. “Lay on your back.” Betsy commanded.

Bill lay back with his feet against the door and his knees bent. Betsy slid off her panties and smeared the cum soaked crotch across his nose and mouth. “Yes, I had a good flight thank you,” she teased as she hiked up her skirt around her waist.

Bill smelled and tasted the evidence of her good flight.

“Fuck anybody I know?” Bill replied.

“Maybe….” She teased. “See if you recognize the taste.”

A small rope of cum dripped from her pussy lips into Bill’s open mouth. Savoring the initial taste, he licked her cunt lips from her taint to her clit. “I don’t recognize your friend, but I’d like the introduction. Maybe we can meet in person….”

Before he could finish the sentence, Betsy lowered herself and sat on his face with her parted cunt lips spread over his mouth. Bill slurped, licked and swallowed the tasty, sweet mixture of her cum and the tart salty sperm from her latest lover. As he devoured her creampie, he made sure to pay attention to her clit. It was working. The more he ate, the more aroused she got. Her recent fucking, the excitement of presenting a fresh, surprise creampie to her husband and his expert tongue work brought her a quick and powerful orgasm. She lifted herself off Bill and he gasped for breath.

“It’s been a long day. Let’s go home and I’ll reward you for that orgasm” She whispered. “I really owe you one….or more! Thank you. I know you’re traveling on business soon. I hope you’re as lucky as I’ve been.”

They returned to the front seats and drove home. Once there, she recounted her sexual tails as she rewarded him with a long, sensual blowjob.

Part 6 cumming soon; please vote and leave a comment……
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