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This is a work of fiction. Rape and abuse are morally wrong and if you are thinking about committing an act of rape, seek mental assistance services.
Sara’s feet hit the asphalt with a muffled thud. A yellow median meandered past as the trees shuffled their leaves. One over the other they scattered the afternoon sun about the pitted, black pathway. Her coffee hair was in a tight knot about the back of her head as she ran along the trail. White running shoes swept back and forth afixed to her muscular legs bound in purple spandex. A white tanktop gave away her effort with dark, damp fabric beneath her armpits and between her heaving breasts. She breathed hard, pumping oxygen into her burning body.

Two miles behind, Samantha jogged at a steady pace. She had committed to her exercise regimen for New Years and had lost a fair bit of weight. The late August sun glistened in the sweat on her arms. Her body jiggled with every footfall, but beneath was muscle, strong and resilient. A sports bra struggled to contain her pillowy mammaries as they bounced joyously along the trail. A man ran by going the other way and smiled at her as he passed. Her round face broke into a smile back and she felt attractive for a change. The same man had passed Sara, but she barely noticed him.

Sara and Samantha had both run past Julia, who was taking a summer stroll in the woods. The water that lapped at the shore beside her was relaxing, it broke like the dull clamor of a restaurant. Her blonde hair lay at her shoulders, occasionally dancing with the wind as it passed. She, too, wore exercise clothes, but they were more of a look than anything. Pink shoes followed olive leggings that clung about her bulging labia. Of course she knew her camel toe was there, but she liked the looks she got. Her firm butt cheeks jiggled slightly with every step. The smell of musty forest hung low in the air. The man would pass her soon and they would smile at one another.

The sun shone brightly on the trios’ faces. Then it didn’t.

Each awoke at the same moment and heard the others movements.

“Who’s there?” called Samantha to the dim figures. She was disoriented. One moment she had passed a man on the trail and now she was here. But where was here?

“Who are you?” said Sara.

“Who are you?” said Julia.

As their eyes adjusted to the dark, they looked around. Roots pushed out from dirt in the old, crumbling walls.

“I’m Sara. Did you do this?”

“Do what?” said Julia.

“Take me down here, obviously.” Sara took a step toward Julia. She could see that Julia was much smaller than her, but anything can happen. Julia was backed against the wall with Sara’s muscular frame bearing down on her.

“How do we know you didn’t take us?” said Samantha.

“Who are you?”

“My name’s Samantha,” she said, “and you?” she pointed across Sara to the figure against the wall.

“I’m Julia. Where are we?”

“Underground by the look of it,” said Sara, she paused for a moment, “I was out for a run and suddenly I was here.”

“That’s what happened to me,” said Samantha, stepping closer to Sara.

“I was walking,” said Julia. Her eyes welled up, “I’m scared, I don’t want to be here!”

Sara grabbed her shoulders and her brown eyes met Julia’s baby blues. “I don’t either, but we need to stay calm. Can you do that?”

Julia nodded and gave a sniffle.

“I don’t have my phone,” said Samantha, patting herself.

“I don’t either,” said Julia, searching.

They both looked to Sara, who shook her head after swiping at her legs.

“There’s only one path, I think we need to try it. Staying here seems like a bad idea,” said Samantha.

“Agreed,” said Sara. Julia nodded again.

The three young women began walking down the rotting corridor. Sara led the way and Julia stayed close behind her in the middle. Samantha opted for the caboose. A glow illuminated the way, though none could identify the source.

Samantha interrupted the sound of their feet on the dirt, “How do you think we got here?” No one answered for a moment.

“I think we were taken,” said Julia. “I feel like I remember something, but I don’t know what it was.”

“Yeah, I think so, too,” said Sara. Her lower voice mingled with the roots in the walls. They stirred at her passing.

“Something moved!” yelled Julia, pointing at the wall.

Sara whipped around and followed Julia’s gaze. Nothing seemed to be there, just the broken stones and dirt.

“I didn’t see anything,” said Samantha.

They looked at one another in silence and huddled a little closer. They began to walk in silence once more. Time drifted by, though they didn’t know how much. Soon the tunnel widened until it opened fully into a large room. The ceiling was at least twenty feet high and made of the same stones as the walls and floor. It was brighter here, but just as quiet. Another hallway opened at the far end of the room looking much the same as the way they’d come.

“Let’s look around,” said Sara, eyes searching the room for anything.

Julia let out a whimper, “I don’t wanna be here.”

Samantha put a hand on her shoulder from behind.

“AHH! Something touched me!”

“It’s just me!” Samantha waved her hands in the air. Julia burst into tears and sunk into a squat, burying her head between her knees. Her muffled sobs echoed around the room.

Samantha walked to her and crouched down, putting her arms around her. She looked at Sara for help. Sara came over and hunkered down with them.

“It’s gonna be okay,” she said softly into Julia’s ear and hugged her head. “We’re going to get out of here.”

Julia sprung up, “You don’t even know where here is! This is your fault, you and that fat girl led us here!”

“Shut up,” said Sara, “you have no idea what you’re talking about.” She looked Julia up and down. Her hair was a mess, but she still looked put together. “You’ve never struggled, well big deal! We need to work together if we’re going to get out of this.” She reached out a hand to Samantha, who hesitated before taking it.

“Come here.”

Julia walked over slowly.

“Apologize to Samantha.”

“I’m sorry. You’re not fat.”

“I’m fat, bro,” said Samantha. The three laughed together, holding hands in a dimly lit dungeon of a room under the Earth.

After a while the laughter subsided and they sat on the cool floor.

“Where are you from?” Samantha asked Sara.

“I’m from New York.”

“That explains that,” said Julia, smirking.

“What?” Sara pushed Julia’s shoulder.

“You’ve totally taken charge and look at you!”

Samantha and Julia took Sara in. She was tall and built. Her muscles rippled under tanned skin and under the purple of her pants. A sharp jaw flowed into thin lips and a prominent nose.

“You look like a superhero,” said Samantha. “I’m like a blob compared to you two.”

Samantha’s legs bulged beneath her. She wasn’t fat, though she saw herself that way. Chubby was a better de***********or. Love handles rolled under her tshirt and her face was soft and gentle.

“I used to be a lot bigger,” said Sara, looking at the ground.

“You really aren’t fat, I’m sorry I said that,” said Julia, resting a hand on Samantha’s thigh.

Samantha laughed, “Thanks. You’re definitely not fat!”

“Where are you from?” asked Julia.

“I’m from here, been a Chicagoan my whole life. I guess I don’t really know where we are, but yeah Chicago,” said Samantha, looking at the mossy stones. “You?”

“I’m from here, too. Just went out for a walk, nice day, you know?” Her eyes welled again. “Are we going to die down here?” she asked through trembling lips.

“I don’t know,” said Sara, “But we should keep moving and try to get out.” With that she stood up and extended an arm to Samantha, pulling her to her feet.

Julia looked up at them with tears in her eyes, “Okay.”

They pulled her to her feet.

A slithering noise came from a corner.

“What was that?” yelled Julia as she grabbed Sara and Samantha.

None of them could see anything moving from where the sound originated.

“Probably just a snake,” said Samantha with false certainty.

“Let’s get out of here,” said Sara. They huddled together and walked to the far end of the room, keeping their eyes on the corner.

Down the hall they walked. Samantha breathed heavier in the back, but she was glad to have been exercising before all of this had happened. The walls came and went, though none could tell one stone from the next. Things moved in the corners of their eyes, but whenever they looked, stone and dirt stared blankly back at them. On they walked, deeper and deeper into the dungeon with no entrance. Thoughts of spiders and snakes filled their minds as they walked. Skittering things and nightmares of insects occasionally ran about the floor. Julia yelped any time something brushed her shoe.

“Ow!” said Sara. She stopped and looked down at her legs. Her leg had caught on a root protruding from the wall, ripping her pants at the hip. Underneath, her yellow panties glowed against the purple and a scrape marred her skin.

“Can one of you walk up front for a little?” she asked.

“Yeah, I’ll take the front,” said Samantha, maneuvering around Julia in the tight tunnel.

“Thanks,” said Sara.

They continued on, though more slowly as Samantha moved roots aside and warned the others. They went on at this pace for a long time until a slithering sound came from behind them.

“What was that?” said Sara, showing her nerves for the first time.

“I don’t know but can we go a little faster?” said Julia.

They quickened their pace, though this meant the thirsty roots would have their blood. When the tunnel finally started opening again they came into another room. By all respects it was the same as the one they had left before. Each had rips in their clothes. Samantha’s stomach was exposed, her soft rolls wobbled as she huffed and puffed. Julia had tears about her neck and breasts, though the sports bra stopped the brunt of it. Sara’s pants and underwear seemed to be hanging on by threads in the back and above her now exposed mons.

“This shit hurts,” she said, prodding the red scrapes around her abdomen and pubic bone.

Without warning the room filled with a wet scraping noise and the path behind them sealed itself up.



The three of them dug at the wall, trying to go back. Something stirred at the other side of the room and they turned slowly. Before them was a dark mass writhing, filling half of the space. It grew brighter and they covered their eyes as they were used to the dark of the tunnels. When they could stand the light, they looked on in horror.

Thick tentacles moved about the mass filling the room. Julia’s shrill scream pierced their ears as the tentacles moved towards them with purpose.

“What the fuck!” yelled Samantha as she pressed her back to the wall, desperate to get away from this thing.

A tentacle moved toward Sara and she stomped on it. It shot back and the mass seemed to shrink. Suddenly the limbs flung forward and grabbed Sara by the leg, dragging her across the room. She shrieked as her fingers dug into the ground, leaving ten streaks in the dirt.

“No!” screamed Samantha, reaching out to help her, but too afraid to move away from the wall.

Julia sank to the floor and covered her ears, trying to drown out Sara’s cries.

It held her in the air as she flailed, kicking at the tentacle wrapped around her leg. Another came out and then another, holding her limbs firmly. Sara couldn’t move. More came forward, rubbing against her body, leaving slime on her clothes. They crept under her dirty tank top and sports bra, grabbing her small breasts and squeezing them. Sara could do nothing but scream, her straining muscles useless to stop the violation. She knew what it wanted. With no further foreplay, the creature slammed a forearm sized tentacle into the yellow fabric covering her asshole. It forced itself inside of her, pulling her panties with it. She clenched her cheeks in futile effort as the pain hit, but it was stronger still and pushed on. A last feeble cry filled the air before another fat tentacle was shoved down her throat. She choked and sputtered, neck muscles milking the thick wet shaft working its way into her belly. Her panties gave way and snapped, allowing the tentacle deeper as it pounded her guts. Purple legs shivered with pain, but no sound came from her stuffed throat.

The creature pushed Sara forward until she was inches from the two women huddled on the far wall. Samantha couldn’t look away. Sara’s body was being taken to its limits and she knew she was next. She sobbed for her and herself, looking Sara in the eye as her throat bulged. Samantha could see the tentacles writhing beneath her friend’s ab muscles. Piss ran down her chubby legs in fear. The creature relished their fear and humiliation.

Wet farts erupted from Sara’s gaping hole as the tentacle was withdrawn, misting Samantha and Julia. Samantha smelled her friend’s sweaty shit hole in the air. It kept pumping her throat as her pussy drooled onto the dirt. Now two tentacles came forward and wriggled into Sara, one in her gaped ass and another in her tight pink slit. They pumped into her ferociously and the creature made sure to keep Sara close to Samantha and Julia. They could see her abs bulging as the tentacles moved in and out of her. Julia and Samantha held one another on the ground as a gulping sound came from Sara. Her belly swelled.

All at once the tentacle in her mouth receded and she vomited foul cum onto Samantha’s head. A scream came behind it and Samantha tasted Sara’s barf mingling with the cum dripping from her face. The tentacles rotated her and held her in the splits, tentacles pumping her holes at eye level to the cowering women on the wall. They flexed and drove deeper as Samantha’s abdomen distended once again, flooding with hot sperm. With a soggy pop, they flopped from her holes, allowing yet more cum to spray from Sara’s wrecked asshole onto their heads. Semen poured gently from her pussy as her ass loudly sputtered the last of the creatures seed out. Samantha and Julia were drenched in cum from her Sara’s insides. She hung limply from the tentacles, her ass hole opening and closing in the musty air. Julia’s eyes were fixed to the floor as shit began to fall from Sara’s open hole with wet plops as it streaked down her pussy lips and into the puddle. A pile of cummy feces lay at the toes of Julia’s pink sneakers. The creature was done with her. Sara fell pussy first with a wet thud into her own steaming pile. She barely moved, but continued to aggressively fart. Julia stared into her friend, watching her ass flex open and closed.

Samantha’s fat tits jiggled with each sob that wracked her body. Her arms were wrapped around Julia and her head as buried in her shoulder. She felt something grip her leg and jerked it away. The tentacle didn’t let go. Samantha was next.

“No!” she shrieked in absolute terror. “Please, God, No!”

The creature began to drag her as she clung to Julia. They both screamed as Samantha was pulled over Sara’s used up body.

“Let go of me!” screamed Julia to Samantha, “It chose you not me!”

Samantha’s eyes swiveled wildly in their sockets as Julia removed her clutching hands from her top. She dripped the creature’s cum as it held her upside down. Her clothes were removed without ceremony. Wet tentacles writhed over her body, feeling her crevices and groping at her breasts which hung about her neck. Her large areolas were slick with slime from the creature’s limbs. She made no sound, completely frozen with fear. The bush on her pussy parted for the thick tentacle as it forcefully rammed her pussy lips. It spread her wider than she had ever been stretched and the pain was intense enough to elicit a whimper as tears ran up her forehead. The creature brought her to Julia, it wanted her to watch. Julia felt a tentacle wrap around her neck as the beast forced her to see Samantha’s rape. The wet sound of her pussy being stretched beyond anything before filled their ears. Samantha’s face was level with Julia’s, albeit upside down.

“Help me,” she whispered. Julia could smell her breath.

Another thick tentacle drove downward between Samantha’s swinging breasts and crawled over her chin. She closed her mouth tight, but it was no use, the tentacle wormed its way into her mouth nonetheless. Her jaw opened and she tried to bite down, anything to stop this throat fucking behemoth. It drove into her throat, bulging for Julia to see as it worked its way into her friend’s stomach. Samantha tasted sour slime on her tongue and felt the writhing deep within her from both ends. Her cervix was taking a beating. Deeper still the slimy snake in her mouth crawled. The creature turned her over and around, spreading her into the splits. Once again, Julia was face to face with someone else’s asshole. Samantha’s pussy lips were stretched thin on either side of the meaty rod sliding in and out. The anus in front of her began to open as Samantha felt the tentacle reach its final destination through her body. A few logs of warm feces fell inches from Julia’s face into her lap. A tentacle breached the hole and moved toward Julia’s mouth. It was covered in shit and slime, she could smell her friend’s insides. The disgusting tip brushed her lips and she tried to turn away as she retched violently at the smell. It was slick on her face and slowly worked its way into her mouth. Julia began to vomit, but it could go nowhere.

Her throat expanded, gulping at the rod slowly pressing deeper and deeper. Samantha swayed in front of her, run through with the tentacle making its way through Julia’s body. It slid against her tongue, slimy and warm. With her head against the wall there was no where to go, the only option was to let the tentacle go into the depths of her body and there was truly no choice in that. Her throat continued to milk the tentacle as she tried to swallow. It was deep. She felt her insides churning, trying to stop the rod pressing through her digestive track. Her stomach expanded as it made its way through her intestines, pushing, thrusting ever further. The pain was excruciating. With time she felt her asshole expand as she tried to hold it in. Of course it was no use and her olive pants were loaded with her own mess. Her anus opened and opened further and she pissed herself. The tentacle had made the journey through her tight body and out the other end. It poked and prodded about her panties, turning around and rubbing on her pee soaked lips. Her clit sent signals her body couldn’t quite process in the moment and she felt herself engorge. The tentacle found its target.

With a slow push Julia’s pussy was stretched tight with a wine bottle sized tentacle. Her grip was unquestioning as the rod forced its way into her womb. Then it began to fuck her hard. Her whole body was being fucked through while her cervix was bashed over and over, sending shockwaves of pain through her. Tears flowed down her face as she was violently raped on a dirt floor by some eldritch horror. Her legs were out straight, green pants bulging at her pussy and waistband. The walls of her stuffed cunt continued to moisten the invader, inviting it in and betraying her. It slammed into her without mercy. Finally, without warning, her womb ballooned with hot cum. She felt it filling her, pumping her full of foul seed. It began pulling out, spraying her walls as it moved. Julia’s pussy gaped, leaking into her pants. It slid back up her butt, shooting cum out from inside her as it went. It coated her insides with the burning hot fluid until it came up her throat and out her mouth, spraying her face as she vomited cum. She sat limply on the wall, looking nine months pregnant with her belly full of this monster’s cum. It withdrew from Samantha in the same way and dumper her into the dirt with a thud.

The three women breathed wetly as they lay covered in all manner of bodily fluids, stuffed full of semen. Pebbles stood on the shores of white lakes that flowed from their abused, gaping holes. Their rapes were complete and the creature’s only use for them now was the seeds implanted in their fertile wombs.

The Bull BhorrReport 

2023-11-05 09:43:16
Masterfully written - the build up, the different personalities and de***********ions of the women, how they behave during the rape, and yes the rape itself. Damn good!
Thanks for having written and shared this tale. I will look out for sure to read more from you.

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