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I met a guy online whose peeping neighbor ended up joining us later in the evening
I Can Feel You On My Lips, I Can Feel You Deep Inside Part I of II

“I’m not 100% passable, and I’m closeted, so I don’t know if I will pass your test, and I don’t want to do anything with anyone who isn’t into it,” I replied in our email exchange, after he asked me if I actually looked like a real girl.

“Send me another pic, in real time, showing me what you’ll look like when I meet you,” he said, and he attached a picture of himself.

He was thin, had a goatee, was wearing a wife beater t-shirt that was hugging his fairly sculpted body, and no pants or underwear, revealing his rather thick, rock hard cock. He wasn’t smiling in the picture, he appeared to be all business.

I had sent him 2 or 3 pics at this point, but they were from the recent past. I told him to give me 5 minutes and that I’d send one over. I was wearing a shoulder length platinum blonde wig with pink highlights, a pink satin spaghetti strap ruffle wrap mini-dress with a pink wireless bra, and pink satin bikini panties. This was the first time I had ever tucked my junk with gauze and medical tape, and I couldn’t believe how non-existent my clitty and her twins were when I looked at myself in the mirror!

I freshened up my lip gloss and eyeliner, then snapped a couple of pics and sent them over. I know I’m biased, but I looked fucking hot, especially for me. He obviously agreed with me, because within a couple of minutes, he replied and told me where to meet him.

“Very nice,” he said, “I’ll meet you in the Publix parking lot on Long Hollow Pike. I drive a white Toyota Tundra. What do you drive?”

I told him that I’ll be there in my black BMW 535i, and he gave me the time. My heart was racing as I told him I would see him there, and began gathering my things. I threw my lipstick, poppers, lube, cigs, lighter, gum, and rubbers into a tiny clutch, and made a drink for the road.

Britney’s Blackout was pumping through my car stereo as I drove towards my man. If my life as a sissy slut was ever reduced to a series of cut images shown in a rapid fire montage, like in Requiem For A Dream, a few of those images would be pink satin panties and bra, sparkle pink lip gloss, and Britney Spears Blackout.

The drive was about 25 minutes, and I calmly drove along, sipping on my beverage, having a smoke, and singing along with the music as I played scenarios out in my head of what might be happening when I get up with Tim, the guy I met off of Craigslist, who was strictly into “passable sissies.”

I arrived at the Publix parking lot, and pulled over to the area where he said he would meet me at, and stepped out of the car to stretch my legs after freshening up my lipstick. Speaking of legs, I wore a sleeveless satin blouse, a black and white checkerboard skirt, and black stockings. I saw a white Toyota Tundra circling up by the store entrance, and spotted him with the window down and staring at me as he drove slowly through the lot. Once he saw me looking at him, he turned down a lane and angled towards me, and my heart was popping out of my chest as he did.

He pulled up, said hello and smiled, then told me to get into my car and follow him. I did as I was told. He lived about 5 minutes from the parking lot, and I followed him down a pitch black driveway to the back of the house, where we both parked. I dunno who has or hasn’t hooked up online before, but there is an overwhelming sense of anxiousness and nervousness involved in it on some level. All of those feelings are amplified if you’re dressing up like a slutty girl and meeting a man at his house.

I pulled in, checked my face one more time, and waited for him to get out of his truck and approach me before getting out of my car. My pulse was in my throat as I heard him close his door and come walking towards me. He lit up a cigarette, and walked to my car door, then gave me a friendly wave and smile through the window, and motioned for me to get out. I did as I was told. As I got out, he opened his arms and waved his hands towards me, nonverbally telling me to bring it in for a hug, and so I did. He hugged me real tight, and gave me a peck on the cheek. I squeezed him back, and smiled real big for him as he “inspected the goods.”

“You look real pretty,” he said, “what’s your name?”

There was something sweet, innocent, and young about his voice. I hadn’t been with a younger man ever before, which was kind of odd in a way, but also kind of exciting!

I replied, “I’m Katie, and it’s nice to finally meet you!”

I could tell he was really self-conscious about being with me, for whatever reason. He asked if I wanted a cigarette, and I told him I had my own as I lit up in his dark backyard. I grabbed my drink and leaned back against the car suggestively as I took a drag off of my smoke. He was sheepishly smiling, I could tell he was nervous, but was also really enjoying having me in his presence.

“You look really pretty,” he said, again.

I laughed and smiled at him, then said, “We’ve already established that, mister! You look hot as hell as well.”

I inadvertently winked and licked my lips as I said it, and he smiled really big and got embarrassed, which was adorable. He apologized with a sheepish grin, threw his cigarette down, and began walking towards me. He wrapped his arms around my waist, and I wrapped my arms around his neck.

Leaning in close to me, he said, “Do you mind if I kiss you?”

I told him I thought he would never ask, and gravitated my pink sparkly lips towards his as he moved towards me. Our lips locked sensuously and gently. We were both breathing heavy, and as he was running his hands from my waist to my puckering ass, I was running my fingers through his hair, and all along his shoulders. He had a really tight body with really strong shoulders, and I let him know that in between kisses.

“You must work out a lot to have such strong shoulders,” I said, as I sweetly pecked at his lips and cheeks.

He whispered, “Thanks Katie, I actually don’t work out at all. I am a roofer, and that’s all the work out that a body needs, especially in this summer heat.”

He kissed me really deeply then rested his head gently against mine. This was feeling almost loving and romantic.

“I’m not gay, I’m not a fag,” he said to me, “That’s why I want to be with you. I like girls.”

I was taken aback by that, but rolled with it, telling him, “I know you’re not gay, baby. Neither am I. I’m a girl, and you’re a boy, and tonight you’re going to be my man.”

He continued, “My mom caught me jacking off one time to gay porn that I accidentally landed on, and she freaked the fuck out on me. She told me I was going to hell, and that it’s a sin against God, and all this shit. That was a bad day, and I told her again that it was an accident.”

“Of course it was an accident, sweetie,” I said, as I nibbled gently at his neck and whispered, “You can’t control what pops up on the screen on a porn site. Besides, that’s all behind you now, baby. You don’t live with her anymore.”

He smiled and replied, “You have managed to get my dick really fucking hard just by being so sexy and sweet to me. That never happens around any of my guy friends, only around hot girls.”

“I’m sure it’s rock hard, baby,” I said gently to him, with my lips teasing and touching his ears gently.

He said, “You want to feel it, don’t you?”

It’s funny, because I came to his house all dolled up, horny, and looking to have my brains fucked out by a random man, but as soon as he showed some insecurity and vulnerability about himself, my nurturing girly instincts kicked in, and all I wanted to do was make him feel better about himself.

*trans girl secret* ~ When I’m being myself and being a girl, all I want is to satisfy others. All of my needs become secondary, whether those needs are emotional or sexual. I just want my man to feel like a man, and I want him to know that he’s my man. Most real girls often forget these kinds of things, or take them for granted as years go by, and I think it probably does great damage to relationships in the long run. Trans girls rarely if ever forget that their main objective is to make their man happy and feel good. Her happiness is ultimately derived from it.

I was hugging him tenderly and closely when he piped up and said, “What? You don’t want to feel my dick?”

At this point, Tim was showing his age, and also revealing that he had deep seeded guilt about being perceived as gay by anyone, especially his mother. I tried to comfort him, and make him feel as alpha as I possibly could. Part of my submissive, girly duty is to do that for my man, and there are no exceptions, so I told him that of course I wanted to feel his dick.

As we kissed softly, still in his back yard, mind you, my hands moved slowly from around his neck, over his shoulders, down his smallish but ripped chest and abs, and finally to his crotch. He was wearing gym shorts, and I slid my hand between his body and his polyester workout trunks until I found his cock. Oh. My. GOD!

It was about as thick as a Red Bull can, and was warm and would twitch when I gripped it. It wasn’t the longest cock I had ever held, but it had serious girth, so much girth that despite being hard, it was weighed down and still dangled low as he stood there. As my hand went gently up, down, and around his shaft, he heard me quietly groaning as I was gently kissing and running my tongue along his neck, and I know he could feel my heart beating faster and faster.

His hands had been splitting time between my waist and my ass cheeks, and my pussy was now in full pucker mode as I was handling his dick. He would pull my ass cheeks apart through my panties, then wedge a couple of fingers right along the ruched seam that ran down the middle of the derriere, and poke them into my pussy through the fabric, which is essentially what I do to myself all night every night while I’m in bed. It felt great having someone else’s hands doing the dirty work.

The entire vibe made me think that this must be what it’s like for married couples in love. There were no animal instincts on display. We were just cuddling, fondling, and kissing each other lovingly. He seemed to be calmed down at this point, so I kissed him deeply and whispered,

“Should we take this party inside now? I’m enjoying this whole husband/wife dynamic, but the more you pull my ass cheeks apart and stick fingers in there, and the more I fondle your fat cock under your shorts, the more I want to lay down with you instead of standing out here.”

He smiled and said, “I mean, we could if you want, but how about I turn off the back porch light, put on some music, and grab us a couple of glasses of white wine and a joint? Would you be into that, Katie?”

He leaned in to kiss me after saying that, and I was in no position to refuse his suggestion, so I agreed. He went inside to grab some things, and as he entered the door, he turned the porch light off. I quickly hopped into my car and checked my makeup. It was hot outside, and I didn’t want black mascara or anything else dripping down my face. I was good, so I just finished my drink, freshened up my lipstick, winked and blew myself a kiss, lit up a cigarette, and put a mint in what I’ll contend is the smallest skirt pocket in the world.

When I’m on a secret random sex escapade, and am dressed up all girly, looking to get laid and suck cock, there are times when the gravity of everything I’m doing will hit me, and those feelings can either be extremely exhilarating or extremely frightening. It often happens immediately after I’ve looked into a mirror and seen myself. Such a moment occurred when I blew myself a kiss before getting out of the car.

The inner dialogue in those mental gravitational moments is usually a series of questions that I ask myself. Here are a few examples, and for the record, my inner voice is literally the sluttiest, most feminine voice that anyone could ever imagine, including myself:

“Girl, growing up, apart from feeling like you were a girl in your mind since you were 3 or 4, did you ever think you would be where you are right now, all dolled up and looking for cock?”

“Your panties are all bunched up in your girl pussy hole from Tim groping you. Why does that turn you on?”

“You have to stop doing this, even though you love it so much. You understand that, right?”

“Do you have rubbers? Lube? Poppers? Plug? A clean pair of panties? Lipstick?”

While I was doing this exercise, I heard the door creak open, and Tim walked out. The noise startled me, and I walked towards his porch to see if I could help him in any way. He now had a blue robe on over his clothes. He had a joint dangling from his lips, was balancing 2 glasses of wine in one hand. He had a pack of cigarettes, lighter, and Bluetooth speaker in his other hand.

“Can I help you with any of that stuff, baby?” I asked him, as I got to the porch steps, and he asked me to open the screen door for him.

I did what I was told and opened it so he could walk through without using his hands. He thanked me, handed me a cold glass of chardonnay, and leaned in to give me a quick kiss, which I thought was sweet. He sat all of the stuff in his hands on the back bumper of his truck, and handed me the Bluetooth speaker.

“Pick whatever you want to listen to,” he said, “you can link it up to your phone.”

Y’all know by now that I’m a Britney fiend, but I didn’t want to go exclusively Brit, in case he didn’t like her, so I chose a playlist of mine called “Girl Power.” It’s about 400 or so songs from the biggest girl pop artists of the 2000’s to modern day. It has a lot of Britney on it, but it also has a bunch of stuff by Rihanna, Nicki Minaj, Dev, Ariana, Taylor, Iggy Azalea, and so forth. I play it if I go to the gym or go for a power walk in the morning. It gets me in the right frame of mind to either work up a sweat, or get horny for a big fat cock to suck on and sit on.

I put the playlist on shuffle, then sat the phone and speaker down on the back bumper, and walked over to him. “I Did Something Bad” by Taylor started playing, and we cheered with our wine glasses, then he came in hot for a kiss. It felt like he was forcefully trying to get his tongue all the way down my throat, which I was fine with, and was actually turned on by.

“You’re so sexy, I know you’re gonna treat me so nice,” he said, and started kissing me aggressively nonstop. “You’re gonna treat me nice, right?”

I replied, “Of course I am,” though everything was muffled due to what felt like his entire head being down my throat.

With that, he began taking everything off the bumper of his truck, and putting it on the toolbox at the front of his truck bed. I asked what he was doing, and he said,

“I got this idea for us to try, give me just a minute, I’m gonna grab a blanket, ok?”

“Sure thing, sounds good,” I replied, but truthfully, it wasn’t the best sounding idea to me. It was summertime, and we live in the south. I would much rather be inside, on a cold bed with blankets, and bathrooms, etc, but as I mentioned earlier, this was about his glorification, not mine. As he emerged from the house with a fluffy blanket, I decided to pipe up and let him know how I felt.

“Hey Tim, baby, are you sure you don’t want to just go inside and to your bed?”

He looked confused, then said, “We’re gonna do that, too, baby, this is just an idea for a minute, ok?”

I said ok, and with that, he pulled the tailgate down, threw the blanket on the bed of the truck, then looked at me, and with the most serious tone I had heard his voice ever make, said,

“Now, get in the truck bed, Katie. I want your feet aimed towards the cab, and your beautiful face right here, hanging off the tailgate. Understand?

I nodded in agreement, took my heels off, and had him help me get up and into the bed of the truck. I twirled around, laid on my belly, with my feet back by the cab, and my head at the end of the bed. I put my elbows down, and rested my chin on my hands. I felt cute as I peered up at him with my smoky eyes and sparkly pink lips, and Tim affirmed my cuteness almost immediately.

“Damn, girl, you’re fucking smoking hot!” he said in a low and serious tone.

Tim then sparked up the joint he had rolled, and took 3 or 4 big pulls off of it, then handed it to me. I took 2 or 3 pulls from the joint, then handed it back to him, of course, after having a coughing fit….I told him that I like to get high, but don’t like to get cottonmouth, to which he agreed, then offered up a solution for that.

“Here baby, drink some more of your wine,” he said, and as he went to hand it to me, he noticed that for me to take the glass would mean abandoning my cute pose and position, so he offered to feed the wine to me as I laid there.

“Here’s what we’re gonna do, baby,” he said in a low, almost whispered tone, “just tell me when you don’t want any more wine.”

I took a few swigs, then told him to take it away. He put the glass down, then immediately swooped in to give me a deep, wet kiss that lasted about a minute or so. He ran his tongue all over every piece of real estate between my sissy lips, until everything in my mouth was drenched. I was grateful.

He took a few pulls, then without any sort of warning, he untied the robe to reveal that he was indeed bare ass naked, and before I could even say anything, he moved directly towards me, grabbed his big dick at the base of the shaft, and began playfully slapping my face with the head, which was hot, and felt good.

I went to say something, but the minute I opened my lips, he quit slapping me with his cock, then took the entire organ, and forced it as far down my throat as it could possibly go. I didn’t know how wide my mouth could get, but I learned pretty quickly that it couldn’t wide enough for me to take his entire cock, because I gagged audibly, so loud that he yanked it back out, and asked me if I was ok.

I told him I was fine, and the reason I gagged like I did was because I wasn’t expecting him to rifle his cock all the way down my throat.

“I need to warm up before getting the whole thing down.” I said, as a few small tears came streaming down my face. “You just caught me by surprise, daddy, that’s it.”

At that moment, the back porch light of his next door neighbor turned on, and I could hear someone unlocking a series of locks on a back door. I looked over in that direction, and realized that whoever was coming out of that house would easily be able to see us if they looked in our direction.

I asked, “So, is your neighbor a friend of yours?”

Tim said, “Oh yeah, don’t worry about him. That’s just Jerome, he’s my buddy. He’s an older guy, but he’s really cool, and loves watching me get it on with hot sluts in the back yard.”

All the sudden, I felt really vulnerable and confused about what was happening. I saw an older, very stout and tall black man in a bath robe opening his porch door, then sitting down on the step. He sort of waved over towards us and smiled. It felt extremely awkward, but if I’m being honest, I wasn’t offended by it, I just had to ask more questions.

“So, he’s your cool neighbor and he watches you when you’re fucking girls in the back yard? How often do you do this?”

He replied, “Oh, I haven’t done this in months, but he was visiting me when I was leaving to meet you earlier, and I told him what was going on, so it’s totally cool. We hang out a lot, get baked, then maybe grab some food or watch some porn together, you know, do stuff together that all guys do.”

He told me how hot I looked, then starting bringing his cock back to my mouth. I was a bit freaked out, to be honest, but I was also craving cock and cum so badly that I allowed him to bring it to my lips. I licked and suckled on his massive cock head, kissing it, running my tongue all over it. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Jerome fumbling with something inside of his robe, and I assumed it had to have been him stroking his dick. Before I even attempted to take his cock fully down my mouth again, I said,

“Let me be in control until I’ve warmed my mouth up enough, then you can be in control, ok? Also I don’t know if you know this, but Jerome appears to be stroking his cock while watching us. Are you cool with that?”

Tim smiled and replied, “Yeah, I’m totally cool with that, we watch porn and jack off together all the time. We don’t watch gay porn, though, because that would be weird.”

I didn’t know what in the fuck was going on, but Tim was smiling down at me while holding his throbbing cock, and Jerome was smiling at me from about 30 yards away, while playing with what I could only imagine was also a giant cock. I was officially freaked out, but the sissy slut in me was also officially intrigued and turned on by the situation I found myself in, and started licking and kissing his cock again, slowly working it into my mouth, getting used to the girth, and bobbing up and down on it, taking a little bit more in my mouth each time I did so.

Tim was moaning softly, looking down at me, gently using his hand to put my hair back behind my ears when it would fall forward from the cock sucking motion I was making. As my mouth became drenched with spit, and my ability to take his cock down deeper down my throat after warming up, I told Tim to take over. With that, he pulled his cock away from me, bent down and gave me a deep kiss. In the background, I could hear Jerome say,

“That’s right, Timmy. You got to kiss your girl, let her know you got passion.”

Everything going on around me made me feel like I was in some sort of porn movie being directed by David Lynch. When Tim finished kissing me, he stood back up, and was again towering over me.

“Have you ever been throat fucked?” he asked, “Like, when a guy fucks your mouth and face like it was a pussy?

I told him that I’ve sucked a lot of cocks, and I guess I would consider some of those throat fucks, if that was what he was talking about.

“Yeah, that’s pretty much it,” he said, “so, here it comes.”

With that, Tim grabbed his cock by the base, pulled it back, and forcefully slapped it on my mouth and nose. To be honest, it was somewhat disorienting, but I must admit, it kind of turned me on as well. I made a whimpering sound, and before I could do anything else, he grabbed my head with both hands, and told me to open up my, “face pussy.”

I did what I was told, and the minute my lips parted, he forced my head towards his cock, and slid it into my pink sparkling lips with brute force, so much so, that I made a submerged gasp for air, but before I could get any such thing, he pulled his cock almost all the way out of my mouth, before plunging it right back in, and he began thrusting into my face pussy with his cock, while simultaneously pulling my head forward with both hands. I felt like a piece of gym equipment.

Tim was making various grunting sounds as he fucked my throat, and I was making various choking sounds as he fucked my throat. Jerome was making various comments in the background, as if he were at a sporting event, and “Work Bitch” started playing through the speaker that had fallen off of the toolbox and was now wedged between the toolbox and the truck cab, which actually made the music louder somehow.

The entire scenario was surreal, and if I wasn’t such a cum and affection starved slut, there’s a chance that I would have just told him to stop and got the fuck out of there, but I was willing to complete the mission and receive my reward. This might sound contradictory to everything I’ve said so far, but there was something really hot about being face fucked by a young stud with a fat cock, as an older, bigger black man was jerking off as he watched us.

As Tim was furiously thrusting into my mouth, which had been completely dilated and turned into a pussy at this point, I started to taste his pre-cum trickling down my throat. As delicious as it was, I was really hoping to get fucked by him, and though I would gladly accept his yummy load being shot down my throat, I just wanted to be laid out like a girl and deeply fucked. I put my hands gently on his thighs and pushed back a little bit. He opened his eyes, slowed his rhythm, and asked me what I was doing. I pulled my lips off him and told him how I felt.

“This is awesome, and delicious, but I really wanted to get fucked by your beautiful cock as well as sucking it, baby.”

He replied, “Oh, don’t worry about that, I can get hard and cum 6 or 7 times a day. This night is just getting started.”

Needless to say, that was great to hear! I kept constant contact with his cock as we spoke. I would lick it, kiss the tip, plop the head in and out of my mouth, and so on.

“Really, baby?” I said, in between kisses.

“Yes, really,” he said, “There are nights when me and Jerome will jerk off 6, 7, even 8 times in a night.”

With that, I smiled, grabbed his hands, and put them back on the back of my head, and said, “Then finish my face pussy off, daddy. Feed me!”

He began violently thrusting his cock into my mouth and grunting. His hands were firmly squeezing my head, and as he was pounding my face pussy, I was just trying to keep breathing as best I could. My eyes were watering, which made mascara run down my face. I could always redo makeup, so I wasn’t that worried about it, but I could feel it sliding down as he was doing his thing. After about a minute straight of intense thrusts, he began to spurt cum. He was making loud grunts of satisfaction, and I could hear Jerome in the background saying, “That’s it! That’s the way Timmy, fuck that face pussy, baby! Fill that mouth up, feed that sweet little horny slut!”

As Tim’s cum was filling my mouth, I noticed that it tasted incredibly sweet. I’ve eaten a lot of cum, and I love the taste of it no matter what, but this was unlike any cum I had ever eaten before. It was almost syrupy, and it was in high volume. He had my face basically pinned to his body, and his cock was as far down my throat as it could go.

I went to pull back from him so I could catch my breath, but he held me in the same position for another 5-10 seconds before easing up on the pressure. His cock was still spurting when it came out of my mouth, and he shot a rope of it on my lips and nose, then immediately came in to kiss me and eat some of his own load.

“Why is your cum so delicious?” I asked him, as his lips were on mine, and we were both trying to catch our breath.

He replied, “It’s from drinking pineapple juice. I read in a magazine about how pineapple juice can make cum taste sweeter, so I have been drinking a bunch of it daily.”

“It’s the most yummy cummy I have ever tasted, daddy,” I said, trying to lick up and savor every drop. I pulled his cock back towards me to see if I could extract any more of it from his fat head that was still dripping from the hole.

Tim replied, “Yeah, that’s exactly what Jerome said about it. He said it tasted like dessert.”

This got me wondering a little bit as I was suckling his cock head for more delicious nectar, because from the way he was talking, it was sounding more and more like he and Jerome have something sexual of their own going on, despite him stating repeatedly that he wasn’t gay. I didn’t have a problem with it. After all, I was the one laid out in his truck bed and nursing cum out of his cock head, but I was definitely curious to know, if for nothing more than my own sake.

“So, baby,” I said, while licking and sucking on his now flaccid cock that was beginning to harden again. “What’s the story with you and Jerome? Like, how does he know what your cum tastes like?”

Tim seemed confused by my question, but tried to answer.

“I mean, we hang out together, and jack off together while watching porn, but we don’t fuck each other. That would be gay.”

I tried to rephrase what I was asking him.

“Right, and I totally get that. I am cool with whatever the answer is, but when you’re doing that with him, I know you don’t fuck, but do you suck each other off?”

He stammered for a minute, then said, “Barely ever. We have a couple of times, but mainly we just jack off separately, and sometimes taste each other’s loads. Occasionally we will both fuck a girl like you at the same time, and sometimes that leads to eating cum, but we have never fucked each other.”

With those words, I felt my heartbeat intensifying. In all of my exploits, I had never been in a threesome of any sort. When I am alone and playing with my toys, the most frequent image that I conjure up in my mind is being the girl in between 2 guys. I imagine one of them being as deep inside of my mouth as he can be, while the other has my hips in his hands as he thrusts into my pussy.

Making two men cum as they make me cum is my ultimate fantasy. I was still incredibly horny, and had only spurted a little bit of pre-cum into my panties as Tim was fucking my face. This was as close as I had ever been to making my dream come true, and I figured that I at least had to take a chance on seeing if I could make this fantasy into a reality, so I put on my charm as I was still licking and kissing his cock head.

“Hey baby,” I said, as I licked from the base of his shaft and up to his head, “so you and Jerome have tag teamed girls like me in the past?”

“Us?” he replied, as I had relocated my mouth to his balls and was gently sucking on them one by one, “oh, yeah, we’ve double teamed 2 or 3 girls in the past for sure. He’s my boy, we do lots of stuff together. Why are you asking?”

I just went for it. “How would you two like to go back in your house with me and fuck me silly? I’ve never done that before, and think about it a lot. Can Jerome cum multiple times like you?”

“Aw, yeah” he said, “Jerome can bust lots of nuts, sometimes we pull all nighters, just the two of us, watching porn and shit. I’ll see if he’s up for it.”

With that, he called Jerome and put him on speakerphone. Jerome answered on the first ring, and Tim ran it by him, and he said to give him 15 minutes and he would be right over. Jerome’s voice was really deep, and he sounded really serious, unlike Tim, who basically had the personality of a sweet country boy. It was an odd pairing, their friendship, but things had changed from the way I looked at them initially. At first it freaked me out, but as the night played on, it made me horny as hell.

As soon as Tim hung up, he looked at me and smiled, saying, “Looks like you about to get your brains fucked out, Katie!”

I felt a lump in my throat when he said that to me. I was excited by knowing that the lump in my throat would soon be replaced by at least one if not two cocks.
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