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I was wondering around the used bookstore, more or less trying to delay going home. In the year and a half we had been married Shannon had changed from a cute, perky, slender, vivacious, sexy, fun girl into a rather distant, chubby, out of shape, unpleasant nag who avoided sex like the plague. It had been more than 6 months since we had anything approaching sex and the last time she just laid there and told me to get it over with. Yeah, really hot.
The Perfect Wife Manual

by Dr. Olivia Udell

The Bookstore [no sex]

I was wondering around the used bookstore, more or less trying to delay going home. In the year and a half we had been married Shannon had changed from a cute, perky, slender, vivacious, sexy, fun girl into a rather distant, chubby, out of shape, unpleasant nag who avoided sex like the plague. It had been more than 6 months since we had anything approaching sex and the last time she just laid there and told me to get it over with. Yeah, really hot.

Shannon complained about everything. Our house was too small, our cars were too old and not the right ones, her clothes were dowdy, we didn’t go on vacation, we went on the wrong, vacation, we didn’t have enough money. About the only thing she didn’t complain about was her job in customer relations at Streaming C, Inc. I had little idea about what she did there, but she it was the only thing for which she had any enthusiasm.

Just when I thought it was about time that I headed home to make dinner, Oh, yeah, Shannon didn’t cook, do laundry, clean the house, or anything else which anyone could notice, this thin volume dropped into my hands. It had no dust cover and its cloth binding had seen better days. I could just make out a title “The Perfect Wife Manual.” My first thought was Shannon could really use this, but then I noticed the smaller print “for husbands”. I was just about to put the book back on the shelf when something stopped me and I figured, “oh why not? I’ll just buy this one too” so I placed it on the small stack of books I had collected and walked to the front to pay for my purchases.

As luck would have it, our neighbors’ 18 year old daughter Elisabeth Grand was working that day. She greeted me like a long lost friend. The store was empty so I guess she was bored. She started checking out my books and when she picked up the small volume she looked at the title.

What’s this? She said.

I’m not sure, but I thought it would make a good gag gift for Shannon. I said

Shannon has a sense of humor? She asked

Not recently, maybe this will help. I responeded

Yeah, well good luck with that. She said. I guess Shannon’s reputation for surliness was spreading.

Hey, Elspeth said, there doesn;t seem to be a price on this one, no bar code either. Let me look it up in our inventory.

She poked around on the computer for a minute or so and said, Well, its not in the system.

Guess that means I can’t buy it. I said

You can’t, but since we don’t own it, I guess its yours. And she finished ringing up my order I paid and left. As I went, Elspeth said, Hey let me know if it works. And giggled.

I waved goodbye and walked the rest of the way home.

Home – Day 1

As had become common over the last few months, I got home before Shannon. So I put the books in the library, the one room in the house Shannon never entered, and went to the kitchen to start dinner. I hate to say this but my first thought was, O.K. what should I make tonight and what about it will Shannon find fault? I settled on her favorite grilled chicken recipe with a medley of whole grains and asparagus with a side salad and hope for the best.

Shannon came in about 10 minutes before dinner was ready, with the happy greeting of What are we having for dinner and when will it be ready?

So I said, Hi Shannon. How was your Day? We are having . . . and it should be ready in about 10 minutes or so.

And as she stomped up the stairs she said, Make it like ½ hour, I’m gonna take a shower. Did you get the shower gel I asked you to get?

Yes, I sang out. Its in the linen cabinet, middle shelf. And mumbled under my breath where the six other shower gels you absolutely had to have are also. But that was unkind, so I squelched the thought. Turned down the chicken, finished preparing the salad and got the asparagus ready for cooking. The grains were in the rice cooker which would take care of itself. Then I wandered into the library to read until Shannon’s ½ hour was up. Shannon’s ½ hour could be anywhere from 30 minutes to and hour and a half.

My eyes glanced over at the Perfect wife and I picked it up. I opened the book and turned to the first page. The page flashed for a second and then said “Welcome Jimmy”

Huh? I thought that’s weird how did the book know my name.

And then I read. I know everything about you and Shannon. That is why I found you and you found me.

What?, I thought, I must be hallucinating or something

Then the book said, You are not hallucinating.

Shannon takes you for granted. She doesn’t think about you or what you might want. Would you like to change that?

Yes, I thought.

Make the following ***********ion. Do you want her to

A. Think of you occasionally, but mostly remain the self centered bitch you know

B. Think of you when making decisions but generally doing what she wants

C. Think of you often and try to please you, but maintain some independent desires

D. Think only of you

I have to say that D tempted me for a second but C. seemed much better. That way she would take me into consideration, something she had not done since the day of our wedding. Maybe even before our wedding which was planned without me or at least with no consideration about my wishes. But it was her day as they say, so I wasn’t bothered. I just did not know that it would be an omen of things to come.

You have chosen C. Please close the book. You may open it again tomorrow at this time.

I closed the book and noticed the cover now displayed Wednesday June 12 6:30 p.m.

How odd, I thought.

Just then I heard a knock on the library door and Shannon poked her head in. She was in her robe and said, Sorry I took so long. I should be all ready in 10 minutes. And thanks for making dinner, I am sure that it is going to be delicious. You are such a great cook and so nice to make me dinner every night.

Then she left, leaving me thinking, Who the hell was that?

She came down in precisely 10 minutes just as I finished setting the table and putting out the food.

For the first time ever she said, Wow that look fabulous and it smells so good. Thanks for making my favorite grilled chicken.

I was floored. I was floored again when we had a pleasant dinner conversation where she actually asked about my day, my work, my friends, etc… I asked about her day, but I got the usual it was fine and no details. There never were details which is why I had little idea what she did at Streaming C, Inc.

I actually didn’t even know what Streaming C, Inc did as it has no website, and its Dunn and Bradstreet listing was pretty bare bones.

After dinner, she offed to help with the dishes. Yeah, I know there is a first for everything but I said I’d take care of them and why don’t you pick out something on T.V.

Again I was flabbergasted when she came back with the T.V. Guide in hand and actually asked me if there was anything I wanted to see. Since there wasn’t I said, whatever you want is fine with me. And she said Are you sure,? I told her I was and off she went to find a T.V. Show.

She picked out some silly talent type show, but that was fine.

We went to bed after the T.V. show, and she said good night and gave me a good night kiss. Not much of one, but still.

That book was amazing.

At Home day 2

The work day sped by, all I could think of was getting home and seeing what the book had. Since I had time to spare, I stopped by at a few markets on the way home. Since Shannon was being so nice, I picked up a couple lobsters since she loves lobster and had them steamed. They were still warm when I got home as they were well wrapped, I made a couple baked potatoes and another salad. Prepared the drawn butter and everything was ready the minute she walked through the door.

I could tell she was tired, but when she saw the dinner, she said “OMG, that looks wonderful. Just give me a minute and I’ll be right down.

She was back a couple minutes later. We had an excellent dinner, filled with pleasant conversation and she even insisted that she do the dishes afterwards. That was a welcome change. So I went back to the library and checking the time, saw that it was passed 6:30 and opened the book.

Welcome back Jimmy, the book said and I thought, thank you Book

You are welcome.

Today you should choose your wife’s appearance. The book said.

How so? I asked

Well, you have choices. Remember how she looked when you first fell in love with her?

I think so I said. Well, she can look like that again or she can look similar but improved to your specifications. Pretty much whatever you want as long as she keeps the same general appearance.

Huh? I thought

She needs to remain recognizable, but she can be better, thinner, fatter, slightly shorter, slightly taller all sorts of things. The book said. Think about it for a minute and then you can choose

The book went blank as I thought then the book presented a few options

Weight. How much should Shannon weigh?

Huh? I thought.

O.K. Lets do it this way. Should Shannon be

A. the weight she is now, pudgy

B. the weight she was when you got married, nearly pudgy

C. the weight she was when you met, trim but a bit meaty

D. heavier than she is today

E. thinner than when you met.

For a moment I thought, she was really cute when we met, but then I remembered I thought she was just a little to big so I thought E. thinner

Excellent choices. I will give you some further choices and think about them

A. the weight she was at18 when she graduated high school, and an image of a younger slimmer Shannon appeared in my head

B. the weight she was at her sweet 16, and another image of a slightly younger and slightly slimmer Shannon appeared in my head, MY gosh I thought she is cute’

C. the weight she was at 14 when she was a high school freshman. That image was almost the same as when she was 16 and she was super cute but I thought just a tad heavier than she was at 16.

then the book said, I can’t go further back because she was still growing until 14.

I just could not decide, then the book said

how about this

D. and it was Shannon just a bit slimmer than she was at 16, not anorexic, but definitely slender. Lithe and super sexy

D it is I said to the Book

Now breast size

A. the same as she is today b verging on c because she was pudgy

B. the same as she was at the wedding – definitely a B cup

C. A-cup

D less than A cup

and again the images came to mind. I was leaning towards D. because I love flat girls but then I thought it might be too drastic a change and opted for C

the book wrote back, O.K. then an A cup on the small side of A


Oh firm , I love firm tits I thought

Sag or high riding

OMG high riding with no sag I thought. That was one of the reasons I loved A cups so much


Hmmm I thought , I giuess maybe a little bit but not too much

How about stomach

A. flat and firm

B. a little pouchy

Well, sometimes I liked a litle pooch but flat and firm sounded so good and the Book agreed

How about Ass

The was no question, firm, little round so smaller than it had been any time I knew her


I picked boyish


Wet, tight, not too lippy and a nice medium clit, pink all around

I knew it said the Book

Then I thought so why did you ask?

And the Book wrote back, I have to be sure.

OK I thought


I loved her blond hair with some reddish highlights so we kept that

I also wanted it a teensy bit fuller and a teensy bit straighter which the book showed me and it was perfect.

Eyes, Mouth, ears,. Chin. The book showed me all sorts of choices and I chose the slight changes I thought would look best

the last question was body hair.

I thought about just saying none, but when the Book showed me 12 year old and I saw just a few light whisps on her pussy, I couldn’t resist.

And so it was, the book asked me if I was satisfied after showing me the NEW Shannon at all angles close up and from a distance.

I thought yes.

And the book wrote. If you are satisfied think Yes. It is very hard to change the perameters after you *********** so be sure.

And the images all flashed before me as I thought I think so , I think so, and then finally Yes.

The the book wrote, bodily changes take time. Open me in a week.

I closed the book and a new said Open Thursday June 20 6:30 pm

Just then, there was a knock on the door I turned and saw Shannon

I finished the dishes, do you want to watch T.V.? That sci fi show with the cute girl is on. Lets watch.

Shannon hated that show. It was stupid, but I loved it because, well because it had a really cute girl in it who often lost most of her clothes.

The week of change

At first, I could hardly see the physical changes.

The only thing I noticed at first was the hair left in the shower. Shannon rarely cleaned the drain when she was done so that wasn’t surprising. What was surprising was that she did not seem to notice the loss of all that body hair.

At dinner after she came home from work she asked me if I noticed anything different about her and I said, she looked as beautiful as ever. But she said, no that’s not what I meant, do I look different, I mean and then she blushed and said never mind.

I asked her what she meant and she blushed again and said

Oh its just that one of the guys a work mentioned something

I didn’t think anything of it at the time and we had a pleasant dinner and once again Shannon offered to do the dishes and let me pick out what to watch on t.v.

she was even slightly more affectionate. Which means a hug and a quick peck on the lips. Which was something anyway.

In a few days, I noticed that she was losing weight in all the right places. She noticed too and asked if I thought she was getting too skinny. I told her that she looked great, better than ever.

Then she complained that her bras didn’t fit right. Which I said was probably due to her weight loss and that we could go out and buy her some new clothes and new bras on the weekend.

Then she said, looking at herself in the mirror. Maybe I don’t need bras at all.

And I said, no, I guess you don’t. And besides you look even better without out them

And she said, you think?

And I said yes.

Then she gave me a peck on the cheek and said, you are so sweet. No wonder I married you.

And then the week was up.

And I went to look for the book.

There it was, just where I had left it.

I opened it and again I saw, Hello Jimmy.

So of course, I said Hello Book

I hope you like the changes in Shannon.

So, since I did, I said yes. She is gorgeous. She has been getting lots of compliments

How about an easy change?

O.K. I said

I have noticed that Shannon is not physically responsive.


She is cold and doesn’t have sex with you or even play sexually.

Yeah, that’s been pretty much since we got back from our honeymoon, even on our honeymoon if I am honest about it.

I can change that.

You can?


Why would I doubt the book by this time?

Once again a series of options appeared

A Continue as is and live like a monk

B Grudging, reluctant, agreement to have sex

c occasional interest and mild responsiveness

D usually up for it

E always up for it, if asked

F always up for it and occasional request

G Immediate responsiveness and hot and eager when she see you

H Hot and bothered all the time, ready to go.

Reading throught the list I immediately thought H as that would make her suffer as I had been, but then I thought well, that could get out of control sort of quickly so maybe G, and then I thought that might be hard tro keep up with so I ended up opting for F.

The book approved of my choice and said, you may open the book again on Sunday 23 June.

Before closing I asked the book how long it would take, and it replied more or less now, but increasing over time until she reaches full status.

End part 1
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