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This was to be an innocent meeting between a buyer and seller of some property. The circumstances were such that both people came together in an evening of passion.

For a couple of weeks, I had been exchanging emails and texts back with a man named Roger, who was a Real Estate investor in Dallas. He was interested in buying my family’s property as an investment. He seemed like a nice, charming guy, and even though I had not met him in person, he made me feel warm and comfortable. It felt like all things being equal, he would be the type of person I would like to work with.

I wrote back and told him I was coming to Dallas for a very brief trip….just to get some family medical stuff signed. I would not be staying long enough to meet with him. And besides, “my husband does all the real estate wheeling and dealing. I don’t need to do it”. He texted back “Marla, why not stay the night? We can meet for breakfast, and you will be on your way home before noon. And besides….why let your husband have all the fun of buying and selling? You can do it too, and I can help”.

I started to change my mind after reading “you can do it too” but I wrote back to him saying I could not stay at the house I was selling, because of the ongoing drama with family members. It was just not worth my effort to stay. Roger said, “I have a hotel room that is reserved for months at a time for out-of-town guests that I do business with. You can stay there as my guest”.

Suddenly, I had a change of heart. I felt a bit anxious, and giddy when I wrote back, “All right, I will stay, and we can meet in the morning”.

There was no reason for me to feel exhilarated just for staying at a nice hotel by myself, but it did get my heart racing as I thought about it, and meeting Roger for the first time. I packed a few things and headed to Dallas.

After several hours drive time, I finally saw the skyline of Dallas. I drove straight to the medical complex and took care of getting the medical history forms filled out and signed. This was the reason for the trip to Dallas, so now that this task was done, I felt a bit more relaxed. I located the hotel that Roger mentioned, and checked in. It was late afternoon. The management knew who I was and had a chilled bottle of nice white wine waiting in the room.

There was a huge tub in the bathroom, connected by a glass wall to a lovely terrace. This was beautiful and looked like it was right out of an Architecture Digest magazine. I quickly unpacked and ran the water to fill the tub. There was bubble-bath soap, of course, so I added it to the water. I opened the wine that Roger had chilled for me and poured a glass. It was divine. I stood near the glass wall and looked out over the city. The daylight was dimming and lights from windows across the city were beginning to pop on.

I refilled my wine glass and took another few sips. I slipped out of my clothes as the tub finished filling. The frothy suds were like in a movie. I slid into the water like I have done a thousand times. But this was my first time enjoying a bath with a view like this. I turned off my brain and had a long, lovely soak, occasionally sipping the wine.

Suddenly I got a text from Roger. He was just checking to see that I arrived safely and liked the room. I answered back “of course. I knew you’d have everything nicely arranged for me.” After I sent it, I felt embarrassed about the message. It could be interpreted as a come on. And that was not my intention.

Roger wrote back asking “Marla, did they leave that wine I told them to chill for you?”. I wrote, said yes, and it is delightful. He wrote back asking, ”How about some company to enjoy the wine with? “ I was stunned that he would ask that. He knew I was married. I paused a moment but then without thinking wrote “I would love some company”.

Roger texted back saying he was on his way….

I was not quite ready to give up my soak in the tub. I lay back and sipped more wine, and hoped Roger was not close by when he sent that text. I was in no hurry to get out. I assumed that he’d call from the lobby and we would meet downstairs. I lay back in the tub, caressed by the warm suds, hoping that what I brought to wear was appropriate to meet Roger in. Just then I heard a faint tap on the hotel room door. I was jolted by surprise, then assumed it must be HouseKeeping. They can come back later, so I ignored them. But then there was another knock and a muffled voice.

It sounded like the voice was calling my name. I did not want Housekeeping to come in while I was still in the tub, thinking the room was vacant, so I called out “Just a minute, please”. I spotted the hotel robe and loosely wrapped it around myself. I absentmindedly also grabbed the glass of wine that I was finishing. I answered the knock by opening the door. Suddenly I realized that it was not Housekeeping but a well-dressed man in a dark suit, smiling at me from the hallway.

“Roger? Is that you?” “Hello Marla! Oh, have I interrupted your bath? That is a great tub, isn’t it? Almost irresistible.” I was astonished that he was at the door and in my confusion, I stepped back from the door which then opened wider. I guess Roger assumed I meant for him to come in. He stepped in and extended his hand to greet me. I was holding the robe closed with my right hand and clutching the wine glass in the other.

When he extended his hand, I automatically reached for it to shake. That caused my robe to drape open, exposing my damp, naked body to Roger. He took my hand in his and delicately shook it. I was focused on his eyes and smile and did not have a free hand to close the robe until Roger let go. Well, that was an interesting way to give a first impression, I thought to myself, as I pulled the robe closed.

“Oh my, I am sorry to have interrupted you, Marla. I guess you were still in the tub when I knocked?” "Yes, but I was really finished. It was hard to tear myself away from the tub. It is so nice. I was about to get dressed to meet you downstairs, I thought.”

“Well, rather than bother with all that, I brought up another bottle of wine for us”. Roger held out a chilled bottle of wine. “I thought it would be more fun to enjoy your company on the terrace of this room. I always tell my clients who stay here that it has a million-dollar view. And now that I see you here, I may need to double that amount”, he said with a grin.

I had no comment. I was dumbstruck to have Roger suddenly be in my hotel room, and me just wearing a robe. I Just did not know how to respond. So, I simply gave him my glass, and he knew to refill it. Roger eagerly took it from my hand and motioned for me to step towards the terrace door. He quickly poured a glass of wine for himself after he topped off my glass. I stood there as he poured, then he touched my shoulder and guided me to the outdoor terrace.

The view was even more spectacular from the outside than looking thru the glass from the room. The evening sunlight was angled and softening. We were high enough over the skyline that any traffic noise was barely noticeable. And the air seemed fresh and invigorating. Roger was right, this was a million-dollar view.

He motioned for me to sit in one of the plush loveseats. After I was seated, he sat beside me and set his wine glass on the glass top table nearby. He looked at me and just paused, as if trying to find the right words to re-assure me that all was well. He asked if I was able to get my medical business wrapped up, which I said yes. “Good, that will be a big load from your mind. Now you can just have a mini-vacation and enjoy yourself”.

From that moment on, we did not speak of why I had come to Dallas, or any mention of the family property I needed to sell.

He knew I was married, but that topic, or kids or family never came up. We chatted about life in general, and what we did for fun. And general philosophies of life, like how we have a very short time on earth and too many of us let our lives box us in.

Roger had spent time in Italy, as I had too. It is my favorite country to visit and this was a lovely topic that we both bonded together about. I love the art and sculptures. He is more into the Italian people and their lifestyles. They know how to work hard but still appreciate the food, wine, and have the right attitude.

What Roger was saying and the passionate way he spoke of Italy was the same way that I felt about it. Without knowing it, Roger just melted my heart. I leaned over, looked in his eyes, and kissed him. He met my lips with his own. We mashed our faces together in a totally unexpected embrace. It lasted several moments. I put down my wine glass and crawled closer to Roger as I passionately held his handsome face in both my hands and kissed again. We broke the connection and his lips began tracing an arc down my neck, to my chest. I lay back and relished his touch. The bath robe I was still wearing was open and his hand delicately found my breasts. He touched the underside of a breast with the back of his fingers, which sent a thrill thru my body. When he reached my nipple, I sucked in air and gasped.

In a moment, his lips found one of my stiff nipples and he sucked it in between his lips. An electrical current instantly traveled from my breasts to my pussy as his touch ignited a desire that I had not expected. I knew at that instant that I was going to act completely out of character and fuck Roger.

I broke off his embrace and told him to get out of that suit. I was already naked under this robe, so I wanted the playing field to be even. I wanted my fingers to explore every corner of his undressed body. I helped by loosening his tie and unbuttoning his shirt. He stood up and tossed his clothes away like in a movie. He slipped off his shoes and dropped his suit pants and underwear. He was naked in just a matter of moments. I could tell he had a certain level of practice at doing that, and I did not care. I was going to use him and his experienced body to give me pleasure.

I gestured for him to sit back down on the loveseat. I got down on my knees between his legs. I shook the robe from my shoulders and let it fall to the floor of the terrace. Both Roger and I were naked in front of the world of Dallas. I kissed him again. Then I pulled back and let my lips crawl down his torso from his mouth to chest, abdomen, to his crotch. My hand raced my mouth to his penis, and I began stroking him before my lips were done with his chest. I grabbed his hardening cock and surrounded it with my open mouth. He let out a gasp and suddenly stiffened his back in reaction to the new sensations.

I slobbered all over his hard shaft. I ran my lips up and down its length and explored his veiny member with my tongue. I could feel it throb with every beat of his heart. The velvety head felt glorious in my mouth. I wanted to make a career of sucking his magnificent manhood.

As I gave Roger my full attention, his hands and fingers were doing some exploratory work themselves. He squeezed my nipples and caused shock waves to go out from them to my brain. He pulled and twisted my delicate flesh after he figured out that I like them handled a little roughly. He was eager to oblige.

Whenever he stressed my nipples just right, I had to pause in my dick sucking to absorb the pleasurable sensations. We both seemed tuned into each other’s erogenous zones.

I did my best to deep throat Roger’s prick but could not quite get it down. I did not want to choke, but it seemed so erotic to try and force it down my own throat. I shoved my face as far into his crotch as I could get it. I wanted to be smothered by his pubic hair. But I had to stop thinking of my own lust and concentrate on pleasing this hard cock that was in my mouth.

I licked and sucked it like I was never going to find another one. I pulled it out of my mouth and rubbed the slick surface all over my cheeks and lips. I wanted to be owned by his dick. After many minutes of this, I looked up at Roger’s face and he smiled sweetly, as if my attention was the best he’d ever had.

We switched places. I sat back on the loveseat and scooted down so that my ass slightly hung off of the front of the cushion. I wanted Roger to have full access to every inch of me. He started by kissing my belly button. Then, like me, he worked his way down south, to my bare pussy. I suddenly felt relief that I had shaved it this morning. Nothing like a smooth cunt to heighten the sensations. Roger’s tongue followed the outer portion of my pussy lips and gently nibbled at the edges of them. His tongue explored the folds of my pussy and the sensations caused me to gasp out loud. As soon as his mouth touched my privates, I grunted out “Ohhh, my Gawd” and squeezed his head with both hands. I caressed his hair without thinking, as he worked his magic on my sensitive parts.

The tip of his tongue found my swollen clit. He dragged it across my nub. I exploded with an unexpected orgasm that nearly made me pass out. I was lightheaded and briefly saw stars as my senses sparked and flashed. Roger knew to keep perfectly still while I momentarily recovered from his perfect touch. I pulled him to me and kissed him deeply. “That was the best orgasm ever”, I stammered. “Now lay back. You are going to fuck me”.

I had him lay on the loveseat and I positioned myself over him. I guided his hard dick to the opening of my cunt and slowly lowered myself down on him. I was in no hurry. I savored every second of it as I sank down on top of him. My bare cunt was mashed into his pubes and they tickled my snatch. I had my hands on his chest and could feel his heartbeat. He was breathing hard, in anticipation of me fucking the shit out of him. I stroked up, almost losing him from my hole, then dropped back down as I tortured myself on his tool. My pussy lips were pulled out when I lifted off of him and were slightly sucked into me as I rammed back down.

Roger had both hands on my ass cheeks, helping to push and pull my butt in unison with me. He tweaked my flesh as I ground my crotch into his. My juices were freely flowing and a tiny puddle was collecting on his skin

After several minutes of serious fucking, I could feel another massive orgasm building up in me. I also felt Roger become desperate as he hunched more vigorously in me. I could tell he was nearly ready to explode. I leaned into him and told him to cum inside me. I wanted to feel him fill me with his sperm. I wanted it badly. I kept babbling nasty statements like that to him and in the process, I literally talked myself into another, final orgasm. I squirted as I climaxed with Roger’s dick speared inside me. My cum dripped down and bathed his shaft, just before he blew a load of jizz inside me. I could feel him pulse and squirt jets of cum into my hot cunt. He and I both climaxed together, and it was glorious.

We froze our movements to calm the body parts that were overstimulated by our orgasms. We caught our breath and paused to consider what we had just done. I had just fucked a man who I just met an hour ago. His penis was lodged in my cunt, and I could feel his sperm slowly drip out of me, and on to his belly. As I sat on him, still leaning on him with both palms on his chest, I could feel him still throbbing inside me.

What we had just done was magical. I never had a better orgasm than what I just experienced with him. Part of it was due to the novelty of fucking a man I just met, part was that we were naked, outdoors high on a terrace in downtown Dallas, and part of it was that both Roger and I really know how to fuck. I bent forward and kissed him hard and deeply. Then I told him I was going to climb off.

After we recovered somewhat, we refilled that beautiful tub with hot water and both crawled in it for a luxurious soaking. We held each other and did not speak. Finally, Roger decided he’d better go. He was such a gentleman that he did not want to wait for me to awkwardly invite him to stay the night, or to ask him to leave. He dried off and got dressed. He bent over the tub where I still was and kissed me one last time. It was magical. He looked into my eyes and said he would remember this forever. I felt the same.

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