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Please rate and comment. I am working on four more installments of the story and am anxious to share them with you. Please let me know what works well and what is not working for you.
High School Nerd - Tuesday


If it weren't for the blackout curtains, my bedroom would be bathed in morning sunlight. Even though my room is dark, I have been tossing and turning in my silky sheets for at least the past hour, unable to get back to sleep. There have been too many thoughts, racing through my mind. I just as well get up.

I was pleasantly surprised with my experience with the school uber-nerd, Henry. Yesterday I thought it might be fun to explore a sexual relationship with him. He is cute, I think, since he no longer needs his coke bottle glasses. He is caring, funny when he loosens up, and a surprisingly good kisser. But, thinking about it this morning, I realize what my association with him will do to me, socially. I am a cheerleader, after all. My friends will shun me, and think that I am weird. I will probably get pushed off of the cheer squad.

I don't feel rested, at all. Today will not be fun. I am tired and out of sorts. I dread what I know I must do today. I need to distance myself from Henry, and deal with the questions from my girl friends about him. They saw us together, so I will just have to deal with the fallout. Sitting on the edge of my bed, my phone chimes, indicating that I have a text message. Picking up my phone, I try to focus. It's from Henry. Oh no, I hoped he would just forget about yesterday, or be too embarrassed to talk about it, or something. Reading his text, though, it is actually kind of sweet. He is just letting me know that he is thinking about me and thanked me for what I did for him. Maybe if I ignore him he will go away.


At school, Sandra caught up with me in the hallway. "Hey, Jazz, hold up." She steps in close beside me. "So, how did it go with you and Henry, yesterday? Did you guys do it?"

So it begins already. "Do what? No-o!" I shook my head in mock disgust. Anxious to change the subject, I ask, "Don't we have cheer practice today after school?"

"Don't want to talk about it, huh?" Sandra asked. "That bad?"

"No. There just isn't much to talk about. Henry is a nice guy, but he's not really boyfriend material." I tried to deflect again. "We're supposed to be practicing our tumbling today, aren't we?"

We walk right by Henry, at his locker. I kept talking to Sandra, pretending not to notice him. He looks at me and I see that Sandra smiles at him and stares as we walk past. I feel bad for ignoring him, but what happened yesterday just needs to go away.

At lunch, I worry that the girls will ask me about Henry, but they must have forgotten, for it doesn't even come up. Henry sits by himself, studying from a textbook as he eats. Typical Henry. I catch him looking my way a few times, but I never made eye contact with him.

At study hall, I sit with the girls from my cheer squad. Henry sat alone and I was aware that he eyed me, from time to time. At the end of study period, he stands near the door, waiting for me. As I walk by, he beckons to me. Coming over to him, he asks, "Is everything OK with you?"

Without meeting his gaze, I say, "Yeah. I'm good."

"You seem to be dodging me. I just wanted to make sure I didn't do something to upset you," he says.

"No, really, I'm good. You're cool, I just don't think we have a future together." Honesty is the best policy. Walking away, I left a very sad and puzzled Henry, standing by the doorway. Hopefully I have laid this matter to rest.

After school, I am surprised to find that Sandra did not show up for cheer practice. That's not like her to skip practice. She does not respond when Linda text her to see where she is.



The more I think about Henry and study him, the more that I realize that Jasmine is right. He's not bad looking, he's very smart and he is a caring person. He's just not interested in the stupid things that many of the guys are interested in. Jazz won't admit it, but I suspect that she made out with him, yesterday. I don't think they went all the way, but I'll bet they came close. I'm more than a little jealous.

I changed into my cheer uniform at the end of school in preparation for practice. I always feel sexy, walking down the halls in my cheer outfit. I put a little extra sway in my hips as I walk. Ahead, I see Henry, heading down the hall in my direction and an idea strikes me. Reaching him, I pause, touch his arm and with my best smile say, "You're Henry, aren't you?"

He turns, surprised, and smiles in return, "Sure am. And I believe you are Sandra? Aren't you Jasmine's friend?"

"Yeah. We are on the cheer team together." His eyes are light blue and striking, up close. He doesn't put off that tough guy vibe like most of the jocks that are popular. His smile is genuine and warm. He has a reputation for being brilliant.

"Look, can we talk?" I asked.

"Sure. How can I help you?" he asks, waiting for my request.

Looking around I ask, "Can we go somewhere private? I want to ask you some questions."

Henry hesitates for an awkward moment, his eyebrows raised. "I might know a place. You mean right now?"

"Well, yeah. Now would be good. Do you know a private place around here?"

"Come with me." Taking me by the hand, he leads me into the back of the auditorium, and up a long flight of steep, narrow stairs. At the top of the stairs, he fishes a key from his pocket, inserts it into the lock and the door squeaks on its hinges as it swings into a dark space.

The first thing to hit me is the smell that brings to mind an old attic, full of forgotten treasures. There is a loud click, as the light is switched on. The darkness flees reluctantly thanks to a single lightbulb high up on the ceiling. The yellowish light makes everything seem even older. There are boxes full of stuff stored from who knows how long ago, old desks, chairs and miscellaneous supplies. Henry takes me by the hand and leads me to a worn, leather sofa, near the far wall. "I come up here to run the lights and the curtains when we have plays and events. Is this place good enough for us to talk?"

Looking around, I say "This is perfect." Henry is sitting next to me, turned in my direction, waiting expectantly. I'm not sure how to begin. "Have you ever kissed a girl?" I ask.

Henry looks shocked. I wonder if this is such a good idea. Maybe he is offended by my question? After the initial shock has worn off, he says "I am a quick learner." This he says with a cute, crooked grin. He seems to be approaching this with an almost childlike curiosity. I don't think I have ever noticed his dimples before. They make him look adorable! Turning to face him, I throw my arms about his neck, and cover his mouth with mine.

Henry responds immediately and puts his arms around my waist, returning my kiss. He pulls me into him, crushing my breasts against his hard chest. His aggressive response surprises me. I pull back and look into his eyes. They are fun, laughing eyes. I went back in, kissing with more passion, stabbing into his mouth with my tongue. I can feel my pussy getting all tingly and know that I am getting wet. Henry is a surprisingly good kisser! He says that he is a fast learner, but I would say he already has an advanced degree in kissing.

Ever since Jasmine talked about Henry yesterday, I have not been able to get him out of my mind. I have tried to imagine him as a lover. One moment I get excited thinking about the possibility. The next moment I can't get the image of how he looked with his nerd glasses on. Now that I have him alone and we are kissing, he has exceeded my expectations. I want a lot more than his kisses.

In order to get what I want, I push Henry onto his back on the couch and climb on top of him. I can feel the heat of my desire throughout my whole body. His erection can be felt through his pants, and then I remember what Jasmine said about Henry's large package. Someone made a comment about him stuffing his pants with a sock? Oh no! He has a lot more going on than a sock, that's for sure! His body feels surprisingly hard and muscular. My crotch is over his right, upper thigh and I grind it against his leg in small circles. I can tell from his kisses and low moans that this excites him. Knowing that he is getting excited, makes me more aroused and wet. I am eager to get our clothes off and feel his bare skin on mine.

Sitting up, I say, "Take your shirt off." He does not reply, but immediately pulls his shirt over his head. I notice his sculpted chest muscles and the way they bunch and ripple as he moves about. Then he surprises me by grabbing my cheerleader top by the hem, and pulling it up, over my head. I cannot wait to get my hands on him and begin kissing and massaging his chest. His hands reach around me, fumbling, feeling for the clasp of my bra. I am about to help him, when he gets it figured out, and I feel the girls spring free.

Shrugging the straps off my shoulders, I fling my bra away from me. Looking down, my boobs hang down over Henry's chest. The nipples are hard and protruding, and I notice that my upper chest is flushed pink with arousal. My boobs are heaving with my labored breathing. Henry just stares at them, mesmerized, like a child in a candy store. I lay across him again, pressing my bare tits into his chest. Covering his lips with mine, I put my hands into his light brown hair and tangle my fingers in it, pulling his mouth to mine. His tongue enters my mouth and he kisses as though trying to devour me. I cannot kiss for long, due to my heavy breathing. Henry takes my lower lip gently between his teeth and tugs at it. My boobs feel amazing pressed into his hard chest. I grind my crotch against him, pushing his dick around in his pants. Basically I am giving him a lap dance. A low groan escapes from deep in his throat.

Lifting my hips, I reach down and slip my wet panties halfway down my thighs. Bending my knee, I manage to work them down my leg and kick them off. Sitting up, I unfasten Henry's belt, then his pants. I grab his pants and boxers and slide them down to his knees. His cock springs free and I am amazed at his length. "Have you ever done this before?" I ask him.

"No." He says simply. He is breathing hard and looks a little nervous and unsure.

I chuckle, then say "Well you better hold on. I am about to blow your mind!" He is looking at my body, especially my breasts, which sway over him. Straddling him with my knees, he reaches up and gently touches my boobs. I think back to some of the clods on the football team. They grabbed and squeezed my boobs until they hurt. Not Henry. His gentle touch feels great and my pussy tingles in anticipation of what is to come. I raise one knee to open my thighs more, and take his long dick in my hand. Rubbing my slit with it, I part my inner lips and rub his soft tip up and down the valley to spread my juices. Using the tip, I circle my clit to heighten my arousal. I can't wait to feel Henry inside of me.

Settling down onto his cock, I first feel pressure, then stretching as Henry enters pussy for the first time. His face contorts and he moans, almost as if in pain. I wait there for a bit, becoming accustomed to his dick inside me, then I allow my hips to descend a little more. I feel like he has filled me up, yet he has more length to spare. It feels like his dick will stick out of my mouth if I go down onto him much more!

Leaning over onto him, pressing my tits into his chest, I bob my hips, up and down on his dick. He moans again with his head thrown back and eyes closed. Moving faster, I make wet squishy sounds, sliding up and down, going a little deeper.

Henry is holding onto my hips, augmenting my thrusting. Every time I push my hips down on him, he drives his hips up to meet mine.

Being on top like this is my favorite position. I can get the speed, depth and angle just the way that I like it. I have found if I tilt my hips forward, it pulls at my clit more and causes the tip of his dick to rake my G-spot. I can actually cum during sex this way.

My mind goes back to the time I had sex with Brett. We were in the missionary position, and Brett was going too hard, too fast, and he is a heavy brute. It was uncomfortable, to say the least. He is a defensive line backer on the football team. I determined to do something about it. I was so mad, and I felt a surge of adrenaline. With a mighty heave, I flipped him over. He was stunned, so taking advantage of the element of surprise, I pinned his wrists to the bed. He was still inside of me, so I began to do the thrusting, my way.

I was on top now, not because Henry is anything like Brett, but because he is inexperienced and I want to control the action. Faster and faster we thrust together, until I feel his dick, bucking and pumping within me. I know that he is unloading inside of me. Because I am on top, things get a lot sloppier as we wind down, his cum running down his dick, smearing all over. Henry is panting like he has run a race. He pulls me down onto him and kisses me again. "Oh, thank you," he says between breaths. "That was amazing!"

We lay together for a bit. I wipe the hair from his sweaty brow, and study his face and his striking eyes. Jasmine is right. Henry has a lot going for him. The bonus is his extra long tool. His dick is a real asset. It is surprising that he is, or rather was, a virgin.

After several minutes, Henry's shriveled dick slides out of me, so I get up and off of him. His cum had leaked out of me and is smeared all over his crotch. Using my index finger, I rubbed the slippery juices around his soft penis. We had a laugh and he got up off the couch. He presents me with several paper towels from a cleaning cart in the room. As we are cleaning up, I ask him about Jasmine. The mention of her name makes him uncomfortable and he seems reluctant to talk about her. Suddenly, he puts a finger to his lips to signal silence. Then I hear it, the sound of voices somewhere below us. Soon we hear footsteps on the stairs. Henry quickly gathers the clothes that are strewn about, grabs my hand, and pulls me with him around behind the couch.

The door creaks open and an older male voice says, "Over here behind this stack of boxes are the bulletin board materials that I told you about. Feel free to reuse any of these or use them to get inspiration for new ones of your own." I recognize the voice of Mr Hanson, the school principal. Our goose is truly cooked if he discovers us half naked hiding behind the old couch! Looking over at Henry, he is peering around the edge of the old brown sofa, trying to get a look. Since the lighting is not good up here and there are a lot of shadows, it is probably safe. Who is up here with Mr Hanson? I peer around the opposite end of the sofa from Henry, trying to get a look. From this vantage point, I can see Mr Hanson talking with a young, blond woman with her back to us.

"Oh Carol, let me show you the stuff in this cabinet next to the bulletin board materials. This is where the older school records are kept. On occasion, we have to retrieve a tran*********** from here."

Carol? That must be the new administrative assistant. All the girls in the cheer squad have been talking about the way she dresses. Short skirts and tight tops. I wonder if Mr Hanson enjoys sending her to get things from the bottom drawer of his filing cabinet? Looking over at Henry, I can see that he is taking pictures or video of the two of them.

"Hmm, Miss Carol. You smell good today." The older man says and Carol titters, demurely. "Do you mind if I smell your hair?" Is he flirting with her? She is less than half his age!

"Oh, no sir, I don't mind at all. You can smell me all you like, sir." Oh man. Carol is flirting back. Now Mr Hanson is standing behind Carol with his hands on her shoulders, his head resting on the top of Carol's head. She is wearing a stretchy, sleeveless top that clings to her figure. Mr Hanson's hands migrate down to the top of Carol's arms where he is massaging her bare arms and shoulders. "Hmm", she purrs. "That feels good."

"You like that? You have a lot of tension in your arms and shoulders." Mr Hanson can be heard to say, just above a whisper.

"Uh Huh." Carol continues. "You make me feel good. You have really good hands. I have been wondering what your hands feel like." Oh man! She did not just say that!

As we watch, he slips his hands into her sleeveless top. He's going for her boobs! "Hmmm" she purrs. Your hands do feel really good."

"Is this OK what I'm doing?" He asks.

"Oh yess!" She replies. "You can put your hands anywhere they want to go!"

"Hmm. That feels really good. My nipples are very sensitive. Do you like the way my nipples feel?" She says in a super sexy voice. Mr Hanson is old enough to be her dad. He seems to have a thing for young women.

He kisses Carol on the neck, just below her ear, moving down and planting kisses all the way to the end of her shoulder. First he kisses one side, then he kisses the other side. "You have been driving me crazy in the office all day. Your big, luscious breasts, your long legs, your short skirt and your light blue panties."

Carol titters again, "Oh, you're naughty, Mr Hanson. You're not supposed to be looking at my panties!"

"Hmm... I can't help it. Every time you cross your legs, I see your panties. Every time you bend over I see your panties. Every time you sit across from me, you open your legs and I see your panties. I have no doubt that I will be seeing them in my dreams!" He says. It sounds like Mr Hanson is getting worked up. "Can I take your panties off, Miss Carol?" He asks, sounding very horny.

"Eww. You are a naughty boy! It is getting hot up here. I guess it would be alright if you just take my panties off." She says in a husky, sexy voice.

Mr Hanson extracts his hands from her shirt, then bends down, raises her skirt, and with both hands, slowly slides her light blue, lacey panties to the floor. She kicks them to the side. Still kneeling, he lifts her skirt and I can see her tight, shapely ass cheeks. He grabs one in his hand, like palming a basketball, giving it a squeeze. Then there is a crack as he smacks it with an open hand.

"Ouch!" She cries out. "Have I been a very naughty girl?" She teases.

"Oh yes." He says. "You have been very naughty indeed. I want you to lean over this old desk, here, and we will see what you deserve."

She leans over an old wooden desk. He lifts her skirt, draping it over the small of her back, exposing a really cute tush. Her vertical smile peaks out from between the tops of her long legs. She is shaved hairless down there. I wonder if he is going to continue to slap her ass, but then I hear a zipper. Then a belt jingling and Mr Hanson's trousers pool around his ankles. She is looking back at him with a huge smile in anticipation. He moves up to her fine ass, and positions himself to enter her pussy.

"Oh my!" There is a sharp intake of breath, and Miss Carol cries out. "You are ready to go, aren't you? I bet you're all tense from the hard day you have been having. Just give it to me. Give my pussy the pounding that it deserves."

Mr Hanson has entered Carol's tight vagina, doggy style and is thrusting like he means it. Every time he shoves it deep into her cunt, he let's out a little grunt. "Uhm"... "Uhm"... "Uhm". I am getting aroused again, watching them go at it like rabbits. My finger finds my own pussy and runs up and down my slit. Occasionally my finger sinks deep inside me, and I stroke the top of my love canal, where my secret G-spot resides. My finger is making a sloppy, wet sound in my pussy. I hope it is not loud enough for Mr Hanson to hear.

Looking over my shoulder, I notice that Henry's attentions are divided between Mr Hanson fucking Carol, and what I am doing. I can just make out Henry's dick in the shadows, and notice that it is long and hard again.

Meanwhile, Mr Hanson is humping Carol with such force, that we can hear his balls slapping against her. Her ass cheeks reverberate when he hits her, his hands planted on her hips, holding on tightly. He let go with one hand and, giving her ass cheek a slap, makes Carol jump. I imagined the sting on my own ass cheek and begin to cum. I can be noisy when I cum, so I clamped a hand over my mouth.

Mr Hanson thrusts faster and makes a keening sound as he shoots his load into Miss Carol. She also began to make some noise herself, and I imagine that she is faking an orgasm. But who knows, right? His last three strokes are especially hard and deep. He has planted his seed just as deep in her as he can.

Mr Hanson bends down over Carol, panting in exhaustion. I am thankful for all the noise, covering the sounds that I have been making. I wondered what would happen if I came out from behind the couch right now, offering them both paper towels? It was all I could do to not laugh at the thought, imagining their surprised reaction at finding that they are not alone. They could not say anything after what they just did. I decide to let them keep their secret.

Mr Hanson withdrew his slack member. His cum slides down the back of Carol's leg. Mr Hanson found his own paper towel and he handed one to Carol. "Whew! That was fun! I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did." He says, wiping his brow.

"Yeah. It was good, Mr Hanson. I think I got just what I deserved."

As soon as they are dressed and close the door behind them, Henry and I come out snickering and cracking jokes as we get dressed. Henry found Carol's discarded blue panties, and he pockets them as a souvenir.

Henry walks me home and we talk about our afternoon. Neither one of us has ever experienced anything like it before. The lovemaking was phenomenal, Henry lost his virginity, and we got to watch an illicit love affair. We laugh as we re-live the afternoon delight. Henry pulls Carol's panties out of his pocket, and we re-examine them.

As we near my house, I ask Henry, "So, what did you think about the sex? Was it about like you expected it would be?"

He thought for a moment before answering, "I never dreamed it would be like that. It was orders of magnitude better than I ever imagined. But part of the reason it was so good is that you made the experience special." At my doorstep, he tenderly kissed me before leaving to go home. I think I could fall in love with this fellow.
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