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This is the story of the various strange sexual encounters that took place during my second trip back home to visit Mom.
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Motherfucker: Part 2

by rat_race

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I was so excited when I was driving to Beaumont that next weekend to visit my mother for the purpose of having sex with her again that my penis stayed in a partially-erect state, without me even laying a hand on it throughout the long drive.

Okay, so maybe I lied a little bit. I might have rubbed my crotch a few times here and there. But if I did, I can assure you that it was an unconscious reaction on my part.

All I know is that I had a full-blown hard-on down between my legs, trying to push its way out of the front of my jeans, when I rang the doorbell, as I was standing on Mom's front porch.

It was a little bit after 1:00 PM when Mom opened the door and gave me a big hug, just like she always does. And since it had been nearly five weeks since the last time Mom and I had fucked, there was a part of me that just wanted to rip off her housecoat and fuck the crap out of her, right there on the hard-tile floor of the front foyer. But I didn't want to risk pissing Mom off, before things ever got underway.

So I followed Mom back into the living area, and I saw a stranger sitting on the sofa in the living room. She was a very attractive, 30-something, Hispanic woman.

"Carl," Mom announced, "I would like for you to meet my wonderful neighbor from across the street. This is Sofia. She has lived here for several years with her husband, Pablo, and we have become quite close over that time."

I went over and gently shook Sofia's hand, saying to her, "It's a pleasure to meet you, ma'am."

Then Sofia said something very cryptic to me, "Thank you so much, sir. I can't believe you're wanting to do this for me. That is so kind of you."

"What the hell is she talking about?" I leaned over and whispered into my mother's ear, as quietly--and as urgently--as I could.

Mom ignored my pressing question in favor of announcing to Sofia, "Yes, he certainly is a kind man, and a wonderful son. And I'm sure he won't mind having sex with you, now will you, Carl?"

I just stood there in shock for a few moments, unable to answer my mother. I hadn't even been at Mom's house for five minutes, and there she was, already putting me on the spot.

But I couldn't really blame her for doing that to me. That's just the way she is. To say that my mother has a strong personality is an understatement. But at least, she always has what she believes to be my best interests in mind whenever she puts me on the spot like that. And so I finally said to Mom, "Sure. Why not?"

And Mom said to the Hispanic lady, "You see, Sofia? I told you my son would be happy to have sex with you."

"So when exactly is this 'having sex stuff' supposed to take place?" I asked Mom.

"Well, just as soon as you bring in your luggage from the car and get settled in a little. That's why I invited her over when I did. Don't worry. Her husband's at work right now, and so he'll never know that you two are going to be secretly having sex behind his back."

"Gee, Mom, that's makes me feel much better," I said to my mother as sarcastically as I could. Then I did an about-face, and headed out to my car to bring in my luggage.

Ironically, while I was trucking my two pieces of luggage up to the porch at the front of the house, I realized that I no longer had a hard-on.

And while I was carrying my luggage towards the stairs to take it up to my old bedroom, I passed by a naked-from-the-waist-up version of Sofia who was still sitting on the sofa in Mom's living room.

When Sofia saw me passing by the living room, she quickly threw her arms across her chest, forming an "X" pattern with her forearms, to covered up the areolas and nipples of her bare breasts with her cupped hands. She was obviously a very shy woman who felt very nervous about what she was getting ready to do.

When I saw Sofia trying to cover up her breasts, I said to her to try to put her a little more at ease, "You don't have to worry, you know. I've seen them before."

"When?" she asked, with a horrified look on her face.

And I suddenly realized that Sofia had taken me literally, thinking that I had just told her that I had already seen her breasts before, like I was some kind of peeping Tom, or something.

"Oh, I didn't mean your breasts, ma'am. I meant other women's breasts."

"So, would you like to see mine then? Because if you do, I'll show them to you," Sofia stated, with her arms still crossed over her chest.

"Of course I would," I replied sincerely.

And Sofia slowly let her arms fall back down to her sides, to finally let me see her large, tan colored nipples and areolas, which perfectly complemented her light, olive-tone skin. And with her straight European-style nose and her hazel eyes, Sofia looked like a Spaniard, instead of a Mexican-American woman--even though that's what she really was.

"You've got some very nice-looking breasts, ma'am," I said truthfully, and I quickly turned back towards the stairway to cart my luggage upstairs. And I noticed that my penis was starting to stiffen and enlarge again.

And before I could walk back down the stairs, after dropping the luggage off in my bedroom, here came Mother up the staircase, with the topless Sofia following right behind her.

"So where do you want to fuck her? Your room, or mine?" Mom quietly whispered in my ear.

"Hey, that's no fair. That's a loaded question, and you know it. I really don't have a choice, now do I?" I quietly whispered right back.

"No, you don't. Because there's only one choice that will make me happy," Mom continued whispering, so that Sofia, who was standing several feet behind Mom at this point, hopefully could not hear our private conversation.

"Your room it is, then," I whispered in Mom's ear, and Sofia patiently followed Mom into her bedroom, with me being the last one to enter the bedroom and close the bedroom door behind me.

Mother winked at me and then smiled. She had an evil grin on her face that I will never forget.

And then Mom turned to Sofia and said to her very loudly, "Take your fucking pants off now, you little Mexican whore! It's time to show us that nasty panocha of yours."

"Yes, ma'am," Sofia replied softly, and then obediently pulled down her blue jeans, and stepped out of the leg holes, before doing the same thing with her panties, and then standing back up straight to let us get our first look at the front of her bare crotch.

Mom and I both stared at the front of Sofia's dark-brown pubic hair-covered crotch for a few moments, and then Mother announced loudly, "My God! That's one hairy fucking pussy, woman!"

And Sofia said defensively, "I can't help it if I'm a Mexican-American woman, and I've got hair all over my body, and in places where I don't want it. I even have hair that grows around my nipples, and I have to shave my upper lip every so often, or I'll grow a mustache, which isn't very feminine-looking at all."

"So I guess it sucks being you then," Mom remarked sarcastically. Then Mom told Sofia, "Pick your panties up off the floor and give them to my son, so that he can sniff the crotch-lining, and then later, keep your dirty panties as a souvenir. So whether you like it or not, you're going to be going home later today without any panties on under your pants."

Sofia leaned over and scooped up her panties from the floor with her hand, and then deposited the wadded-up panties into the open palm of my hand, before she stood back up straight again.

While I was busy visually examining the soiled crotch-lining of Sofia's plain-looking cotton panties, and sniffing away at it to smell her leftover pussy aroma, my mother said to Sofia, "Tell my son why you're here today, puta."

Sofia turned to me and said so quietly that I could barely make out her words, "I'm here to let you shave my pussy and then fuck me."

"Oh, come on. You can talk louder than that. Belt it out, and be proud of being the little Mexican whore that you truly are, deep down inside," Mom egged her on.

"I'm here to let you shave my pussy and then fuck me," Sofia said to me, much louder this time. Then she turned to Mom and asked, "There. Was that loud enough for you?"

"The real question here is, 'Was that loud enough for you?' You've been so repressed for so long by that fucking husband of yours that you're afraid to speak up for yourself. I want you to proudly scream it out at the top of your lungs. Can you do that for me, Sofia? Can you be that perfect little Mexican whore that I want you to be?"

"Yes, ma'am. I can," Sofia said to Mom, and then turned to me and screamed the words right at my face, "I'm here to let you shave my pussy and then fuck me."

"And why are you letting Carl shave your pussy?" Mom asked Sofia.

"I'm doing it, because you asked me to."

"And why are you letting Carl fuck you?"

"I'm doing it because I'm feeling horny as hell, since I can't get my own husband to fuck me anymore. I let my husband take my virginity over 13 years ago, when we first got married, and I have been faithful to him over all these years--up until now."

"So why are you wanting to be unfaithful to him now?" I asked Sofia.

"Because that son of a bitch is cheating on me. He's having an affair with his secretary at work. I'm sure of it.

"Pablo--that's his name--well, he doesn't know it, but one day I actually caught him kissing that blonde-headed bitch in his office. They both had their mouths wide-open, and they were using tongues for Christ's sake. And my husband was squeezing one of her God damn tits with his hand, and grabbing her ass with his other hand, while he was kissing her.

"If that's not cheating, I don't know what is. It hurts even more that his little office bitch is only in her early 20's, and I'm in my mid-30's now. The worst part is that I have to be nice to her whenever I see her, because she doesn't know that I know that she's fucking my husband behind my back."

"So why don't you confront your husband about his cheating?" I asked her.

"What good would that do? He's already traded me in for the latest model. He doesn't care about making love to me anymore. He's got his two God damn kids, and that's all he cares about."

"Are those kids that you had with him, or are they his from a previous marriage?" I asked.

"No, they're mine. My son, Richie, is 13 right now, and my daughter, Leana, is 8 years old. And I'm a stay-at-home mother. The only reason I was able to come over here to have sex with you this afternoon is that both of my kids are at school right now, and my husband is at work.

"But if we're going to do this, we need to get started, because I have to be back at my house before 4:00 PM, when the school bus drops my daughter off at the house."

"Looks to me like we've already gotten started," I remarked, gesturing towards Sofia's naked body.

And Mom jumped in with, "No, we haven't. Let me go get the shaving gear, and we'll get underway."

Mom ran into her private bathroom, located just off of her master bedroom, and grabbed some supplies. She brought them back to her bed where Sofia and I were both sitting.

"Sofia, spread this bath towel across the foot of the bed, and sit on top of it at the edge of the mattress, with your feet spread apart on the floor."

"Like this?" Sofia asked, after she had assumed the body position that she thought Mom had wanted her to assume.

"No, Sofia. Spread your feet as far apart from each other as you can get them."

Sofia spread her feet farther apart, and then asked Mom again, "Like this?"

"Yes, Sofia, just like that," Mom said in a patronizing tone-of-voice, as if she were talking to a young child.

And Sofia really was behaving very immaturely. She seemed incredibly embarrassed and very bashful.

I asked her, while I was staring at her hairy vulva, "Have you ever shown your pussy to any other guy but your husband?"

"No, I haven't. And it's kind of embarrassing. I think my pussy's really ugly-looking, don't you?"

"I didn't know that there was such a thing as an ugly-looking pussy. To me, your pussy is fucking sexy-looking! It's just the kind of pussy I want to put my dick inside of. I kid you not."

Mom suddenly interjected herself into Sofia's and my conversation when she said to Sofia, "Now, here's a small hand towel that I want you to hold in your right hand. Carl's going to use this towel to wipe the razor clean after each stroke. And here's a glass of warm water for you to hold in your left hand, so that Carl can dip the razor into it between strokes."

Mom turned her attention to me and said, "Carl, you can put down those damn panties now. You're fixing to have the real thing right in front of your face. Here are some scissors, which you should use to initially cut off as much of Sofia's pubic hair as possible, before you start shaving her pussy bare.

I dropped the pheromone-laden panties onto the floor, right next to Sofa's crumpled-up blue jeans.

And then Mom said to me, "Now go ahead and kneel down between Sofia's legs and place your head between her thighs, so that you can see her pussy up close. And I'm going to turn on the overhead light in the ceiling to make sure that you can see all the parts of Sofia's vulva, so that you don't cut her by accident. Be very gentle now. Okay?"

Sofia seemed very concerned about my mother's remark about her pussy possibly being cut by accident while it was being shaved, and she said to me, "Have you ever shaved a woman's pussy before?"

And I said to her, "No, I haven't. But my mother's an expert at pussy shaving, and she's going to be talking me through the whole process. Have you ever had your pussy shaved before?"

"No, I haven't," Sofia said, "But I've always wanted to try it. I just didn't really know the best way to go about doing it. Besides, Pablo loves my hairy pussy, and the last thing he would want me to do is to shave it. And that's why I never asked him to shave my pussy for me. And I was scared to shave it myself, because I was afraid that I might cut myself down there, and get some kind of a bad infection, or something."

And so, with Mom's help, I ended up clipping and shaving my first female pubic area. And it wasn't as difficult as I thought it would be, although getting around those thin inner pussy lips and that sensitive clitoris was a delicate task, to be sure.

And I didn't even leave a small patch of pubic hair centered above Sofia's clitoris, like some women who shave down there do, which meant that Sofia's shaved pussy looked like it was the kind of baby-bare pussy that you might find down between the legs of a prepubescent Hispanic girl.

After I had finished shaving her pussy, and giving her a final wipe-down with a warm wet washcloth, Sofia reached down and felt her vulva in front of me, and said, "Wow! That sure feels different. It's much more sensitive down there now."

"Yeah," Mom agreed with Sofia. "The plus side is that guys love to eat out shaved pussies, and so they'll tend to eat your pussy more often if you keep it shaved. It only makes sense. You're not a fan of getting pubic hairs stuck between your teeth, are you?"

Sofia and I both laughed, and she replied, "Well, when you put it that way, Janie, it's very understandable while guys want their women to have shaved pussies."

Mom added, "It also feels really different to a guy when he's feeling out your shaved pussy, or fucking you, because it gives him the experience of what it would be like to be a hebephile, without him actually having to break any laws do get that experience."

"What's a 'hebephile'?" Sofia asked Mom, and I was glad that she did, because I didn't know what a hebephile was either.

And Mom explained to Sofia, "It's similar to being a pedophile, but hebephiles like young girls who are a little bit older. In other words, right at the cusp of puberty. Somewhere between the ages of, roughly, 11 to 14.

"And believe me, as far as I can tell, almost all men are hebephiles at heart. And a lot of them would jump at the chance to go ahead and have sex with a 12-year-old girl, if they thought they could actually get away with it, without ever getting caught. That's why the child sex slave trade is such a big business throughout the world.

"But it doesn't have to be that way. And it wouldn't be, if women would only keep their pussies shaved bare, and behave like young high school girls do during sex. You know? Lots of giggling, and playful banter, and stuff like that.

"I don't really have a way of finding out, but I'll bet your husband's secretary has a shaved pussy down between her legs, and that she acts very immature the whole time that he's having sex with her."

"You're probably right about that," Sofia agreed. "The next time that I'm in the ladies' room with that blonde bitch, I'm going to let her know that I recently started shaving my pussy, and ask her if she shaves hers too. That shouldn't arouse any suspicion. I mean, that's just the kind of raunchy girl talk that happens in women's restrooms across America."

"Well, are you ready to have sex with Carl?" Mom asked.

"Yes, ma'am. Bring it on," Sofia bravely replied to Mom.

But I could see that Sofia's spread-apart legs were visibly shaking, and I could hear the uneven apprehension in her equally-shaky voice. I knew that she was super-scared about the prospect of having sex with me. And if I could sense that, then I knew that my mother could too.

Mom went over to the light switch on the wall next to the doorway to turn off the harsh ceiling-mounted bedroom light, since its bright lighting wasn't needed anymore, now that Sofia's pussy had been shaved.

Then Mom turned on a much dimmer floor lamp that was located next to the far wall on the other side of the bed. This soft-white lighting helped to create a more-romantic mood in the bedroom, but was still bright enough for all of us to clearly see the sexual acts that were going to be taking place.

Once the lighting had been adjusted, Mom turned to me and said, "Carl, I want you to eat out Sofia's pussy in front of me."

"Yes, ma'am," I quickly replied to Mom, and then said to Sofia, "With your permission, señora..."

Sofia nodded back to me, as she was giving me a nervous-looking, lips-closed smile, and I winked at her before I dove into her baby-bare pussy crack, nose-first.

Sofia, who was still sitting in the same position on the side of the bed, with me kneeling between her spread-apart thighs, placed her open palms on either side of my head, while I was licking and sucking away at her external lady-parts. And she began slowly rocking her hips back and forth, which let me know that she was enjoying my efforts to try to break the ice, and give her that very first orgasm.

After a few minutes, Mom suddenly said, "Okay, that's enough. Carl, get your mouth out of Sofia's pussy, and stand up straight. And back up from the bed a little bit, so that Sofia can stand up in front of you."

I did what Mom asked me to do, and then asked her, "Do you want us to kiss, or something?"

"Yes, but not yet," Mom replied, and then turned her attention towards our lovely Hispanic guest, "Sofia, it's time to give Carl a blowjob. So I want you to kneel down in front of him, stick the head of his dick in your mouth, and suck on it."

"Yes, ma'am," Sofia replied as she dropped to her knees in front of me, with her head at about the same height as my crotch. Then she just stayed there for a moment, obviously hesitating."

"Unzip his pants and pull his dick out, God damn it! How else are you gonna suck on it?" Mom reprimanded her.

"I thought he was going to get undressed," Sofia tried to explain to Mom.

"Well, you thought wrong. You're the little Mexican whore here, remember? You're the one who wanted me to treat you like that. So start behaving like a little whore. You've gotta do what I tell you to do, and do it exactly how I tell you to do it. Comprende?"

"Yes, ma'am. I'm sorry for arguing with you."

"Well, don't let it happen again, puta," Mom warned Sofia. "Because then I'd just have to get you to do something that you really won't like."

Sofia reached across, unbuckled my belt, undid the top button of my jeans, and pulled down the metal zipper at the front of my crotch. Then she reached inside my boxer brief underwear, grabbed hold of my fully-erect penis, and pulled it out so that she could suck on the head of it, just like Mom had ordered her to do.

"Oh my God!" Sofia remarked, when her hand first came into direct contact with my dick, and then wrapped around it, so that she could pull it out of the front of my pants. "You're so much bigger than Pablo. Your verga is around twice the size of his. Are you sure you're not a porn star?"

"Absolutely positive," I said to her. "I'm just an ordinary guy who happens to have a dick that's a little bit larger than most guys have. I read on-line somewhere that the average guy's erect penis is only about 5 inches long, believe it or not. Well, mine's a little over 7 inches long. I know, because I've actually measured it before. You don't mind my dick being larger than your husband's, do you?"

"Are you kidding me? I have always fantasized about what it would be like to have sexual intercourse with a man who has a much larger penis than my husband's, which is only about 3 or 4 inches long, at the very most. And thanks to you and Janie, I'm going to finally get to live out my biggest fantasy in real life. God bless you, Carl!"

And then Sofia unexpectedly swooped down onto the head of my dick with her open mouth, and began sucking away on it.

But she did much more than just suck on my dick-head. She also began rubbing the tip of her tongue from side to side against the frenulum area on the underside of my dick-shaft, right where my dick-head is attached to the shaft. She might as well have been pumping up and down on my shaft with her hand, because what she was doing with her tongue was having the same effect on me.

After a few minutes, I looked over at Mom and begged her, "Please make her stop. If you don't, I'm gonna cum in her mouth."

"Exactly," Mom agreed. "That's what I want you to do, son."

"Sofia, you're one nasty little whore," Mom said while Sofia was still busy sucking on the end of my dick and flicking her tongue across my frenulum. "And you're gonna let Carl cum in your mouth. And when he does, I don't want you to swallow any of his cum. I want you to hold as much of Carl's sperm in your mouth as you can. Do you understand?"

Sofia nodded quickly, and then Mom turned to me and said, "Okay, Carl, you just heard what I told Sofia. So you're on. Let 'er rip, son! Let's see some sperm filling that little Mexican whore's mouth."

And as if on cue, I started ejaculating directly into Sofia's mouth. And she tried bravely to hold as much of the sperm in her small mouth as she could, although there was some sperm leaking out of the corners of her mouth, and dripping down onto the bedroom floor.

"Okay, Sofia," my mother announced. "It's time for you to transfer all that sperm from your mouth into Carl's mouth."

Then Mom turned her attention towards me again, "I want you to take your clothes off, son, and then lie down on your back, on top of the bed," Mom suggested. "Are you okay with that?"

"Yes, ma'am," I said, while I was getting naked--except for leaving my socks and my wristwatch on--and climbing up onto the bed to lie down on my back.

I glanced over at Sofia, and saw that her eyes were wide-open and glued to my now-nearly-limp dick and my balls, and I suddenly felt embarrassed. But there was really nothing I could do about it, except let out a soft nervous laugh.

Then Mom told me, "Now open your mouth wide, son, so that Sofia can use gravity--and her tongue--to transfer your own sperm into your mouth, while you guys are French-kissing."

As soon as I lay down on my back and opened my mouth, Sofia got up on top of me, and started a very long French-kiss, while she was trying to transfer as much of my sperm as she could, directly into my mouth.

During that long kiss, I felt Sofia's fairly-large "C" cup size boobs pressed up against my chest, and her shaved-bare vulva grinding against my right thigh, while she was slowly rocking her hips back and forth to dry-hump my leg.

Eventually, we stopped kissing when Sofia lifted her open mouth up off of mine and announced, "I can't do this anymore. I've got to come up for air."

Meanwhile, I now had a mouth full of my own sperm, mixed with Sofia's saliva, and I was wondering what Mom was going to want me to do with the sperm/saliva mixture. Because I knew that Mom always had a reason for doing things.

And I found out the reason pretty quickly, when Mom ordered Sofia and me to get into a 69 position, with me on top, so that I could use my tongue to transfer the sperm/saliva mixture in my mouth directly into Sofia's vaginal entrance, while she was going to be sucking and fondling my flaccid dick at the same time, to give me another hard-on, and also probably feeling out and playing with my balls too.

Sofia and I got into the 69 position, with me on top, and her on her back. And the minute that the tip of my sperm-coated tongue touched her vaginal entrance at the rear of her pussy crack, Sofia orgasmed her ass off underneath me, repeatedly squirting right up against my nose and upper lip, in the process.

And while she was cumming, Sofia cussed like a drunken sailor at first, and then screamed out very loudly, which really shocked the crap out of me, due to the fact that she was normally a shy, soft-spoken woman.

As her strong orgasm subsided, Sofia grabbed my now-partially-erect dick, stuck the head of it in her mouth, and began sucking on it so hard that it felt like she was trying to suck my dick-head right off my shaft.

She was also squeezing and hand-pumping up and down on my shaft with her hand, at the same time. It was easy to tell that she wanted to get me hard as quickly as possible, so that I could start fucking her.

And so my original assumption was wrong. Sofia didn't feel out or play with my balls at all, like I thought that she would.

And while Sofia was sucking my dick and jacking me off, I was still repeatedly inserting my tongue in and out of her vagina, trying to transfer as much of my sperm into her vagina as I possibly could.

When Mom saw my dick become fully-erect in Sofia's mouth, she said to us, "Okay, you two lovebirds, it's time fuck! And I want you to do it doggie-style.

"Roll off the top of her, Carl, so that she can flip over onto her stomach, and get up on all-fours to stick her butt up in the air."

"Like this, ma'am?" Sofia asked, once she was up on her hands and knees on top of the bed, with her butt sticking up in the air.

"Yes, Sofia, that's perfect," Mom praised her.

"Now, son, I shouldn't have to tell you what to do at this point, but I'm going to anyway. Fuck that little bitch's pussy, until she just can't stand it anymore. Do you think you can do that for me, son?"

I didn't answer Mom. I just got down on my knees on top of the bed, and maneuvered by body directly behind Sofia's lovely butt. Then I pressed the tip of my dick against the entrance of her vagina, and in one single forward thrust, I shoved my entire dick up into her vagina, until my pubic bone slapped up hard against her pussy mound.

Sofia screamed out in response to my harsh penetration of her baby-making hole, and I asked her softly, "I didn't hurt you just now, did I?"

"No. Are you kidding me? It felt fucking wonderful! I haven't been penetrated that forcefully in many, many years--and never by a large verga, like the one you've got.

"The last time Pablo penetrated me forcefully like that was the night he got me pregnant with Leana. I don't know what got into him that night, but he fucked me doggie-style, just like you're doing, and he treated me like a little whore the whole time--and that turned me on so much that I can't even remember how many times he made me cum."

"Well, shut up, bitch!" I forcefully said to Sofia, as I suddenly shifted into my domineering male character. "I didn't ask you to tell me your life story. I just want to chingar that nasty little Mexican panocha of yours. That's all."

"I didn't know you spoke Spanish," Sofia commented quickly.

"I don't. I only know some of the cuss words that I learned from my friends," I quickly explained.

And then I began relentlessly humping away at Sofia's vagina, in front of my mother. And Mom cheered me on while I was doing it, saying stuff like, "That's it, son. Fuck that little Mexican whore and get her pregnant. That's what she deserves for cheating on her husband like this."

"Sofia, you ought to be ashamed of yourself, you fucking little cunt!" Mom commented to her, as she was standing at the side of the bed, and reaching underneath Sofia's raised torso to grab hold of her back-and-forth-swinging breasts.

When Sofia realized that Mom was feeling out her breasts while I was fucking her from behind, she began freaking out and said to Mom, "What are you doing, Janie? You know I'm not a lesbian."

"Neither am I," Mother calmly responded back. "But what I'm doing feels good, doesn't it?"

"Well, yes it does," Sofia admitted. "But your a woman. And I'm not into women."

"You just haven't met the right woman yet. That's all," my mother countered, as she reached down into Sofia's crotch and began massaging her clitoris with her fingers. "You can't tell me that this doesn't feel good to you, even though it's me--a woman--doing it to you."

"Oh my God! Please stop, Janie. You're gonna make me cum!"

"That's the idea," said Mom.

And while Mom was adeptly diddling away at Sofia's clitoris with her fingertips, Sofia soon went on to orgasm her butt off for the second time that afternoon. But this time, I could feel her vaginal muscles repeatedly contracting around my dick-shaft, as I continued to energetically thrust away at her wonderful-feeling vagina.

Just for the record, Sofia's vagina wasn't tight-fitting at all around my penis, but just loose enough to feel extremely comfortable. In fact, it felt very much to me as if I were fucking Mom's vagina, instead of Sofia's. And then the thought struck me that Mom and Sofia each brought two children into this world through their birth canals, and that maybe that was at least part of the reason why their vaginas felt so similar, wrapped around my penis.

And then I thought about if Sofia's vagina felt fairly-loose and comfortable around my fully-inserted, 7-inch-long penis; it had to feel nothing less than cavernous to Pablo's much-smaller, 3- or 4-inch-long erect dick. And I actually found myself feeling sorry for that cheating son of a bitch. And I understood his possible motive for seeking sexual gratification with a much younger woman, who would naturally tend to have a smaller, tighter-fitting vagina than Sofia's.

"Okay, Carl, that's enough

"Okay, Carl, that's enough humping and holding back your orgasm for now," Mom finally said to me. "It's time to go ahead and let yourself cum inside that warm little pussy of hers, so that she can get showered up here at the house, and then go back home to her kids and her husband, and pretend that she's not the little whore that she's being right now."

"Yes, ma'am," I quickly said, and then obediently decided to let myself go ahead and orgasm as soon as I felt that next orgasmic peak coming on.

And as I was getting very close to orgasming and ejaculating sperm inside Sofia's pussy, Mom whispered in my ear, "There's something I should tell you. Sofia's not using any birth control right now. And unlike me, she's still got a fertile pussy between her legs. I'll bet that turns you on like crazy!"

Mom sure was right about that. I orgasmed my ass off, and squirted so much sperm deep inside Sofia's possibly-ovulating pussy that the sperm just kept oozing out around the edges of her fuck-hole.

Sofia finally collapsed down onto her stomach, automatically pulling her vagina completely off of my still-mildly-ejaculating penis, in the process. And I moved over to lie on the bed beside her.

"I hope you enjoyed that, 'cuz I sure did," I said to Sofia.

"Oh my God!" Sofia said. "I haven't cum that hard in years. Thank you for showing me what I've been missing out on all this time!"

"Speaking of 'showing,'" Mom, who was still standing by the side of the bed, suddenly jumped into Sofia's and my intimate conversation. "I'd love to show you my pussy right now--but only if you want to see it."

Sofia gave Mom a confused look at first, and then finally said to Mom, "Sure, Janie, if that's what you want this little Mexican whore to do."

Upon hearing that, Mom opened up the front of her housecoat and showed Sofia her large breasts, as well as the front part of her bare unique-looking pussy, in all of its glory.

And Sofia reacted to seeing the front part of Mom's vulva for the very first time with, "Wow! It looks like you've got a little dick down there!"

To which Mom quickly replied, "Do you want to touch and feel it. It's just a clitoris, like yours. But it's a big one!"

"You can say that again," Sofia stated, and then reached over and gently felt out and squeezed Mom's giant clitoris between her thumb and index finger.

"Would you like to feel out the rest of my pussy?" Mom asked Sofia, point-blank.

And Sofia unexpectedly told Mom, "Sure, why not? I've already gone this far. I might as well go all the way. I guess, I am a lesbian after all."

"No, honey, you're bisexual. Just like almost everyone is, to some extent or another, whether they realize it or not," Mother explained to a very confused-looking Sofia, who was now busy exploring my mother's well-worn vagina with her fingers.

"Would you do me a big favor, Sofia?" Mom asked, as she took off her housecoat to let Sofia finally see her entire naked, fairly-unattractive, overweight body.

"Sure, what do you want me to do?"

"I got so horny from watching you guys fuck. Would you finger-fuck me, and make me cum? I'll show you how to do it, if you need me to."

"That won't be necessary, Janie. I'm an expert at masturbation, just like I'm sure you are," Sofia remarked, and both women laughed out loud.

"Okay then," Mom said to Sofia.

"Get out of that bed, Carl," Mom barked out at me. "It's time for your mother to have some fun with our little Mexican whore."

I got up out of bed, and Mom plopped down on her back, and spread her legs apart, so that Sofia could kneel down between them and finger-fuck the hell out of Mom's vagina with two of her held-together fingers.

After Mom orgasmed, she said, "You see, Sofia? It's not so bad. My pussy didn't bite you, or anything. Did it?"

"No, ma'am. Don't be silly. Pussies don't bite," Sofia replied, with a strange, serious look on her face. Then she paused for a moment, appearing to be deep in thought, before she finally told Mom in a very slow-paced, almost-monotone, dead-pan voice, "Only dicks do that."

Upon hearing Sofia's humorous observation about dicks biting (a.k.a. getting women pregnant), Mom's face lit up, and then both women chuckled a little bit.

"That's what I've been trying to tell you," said Mom to Sofia, and then added, "You and I been good friends for such a long time. I can't believe we haven't done this before, and taken our friendship to the next level. But now we have. And there's no turning back."

"I don't want us to turn back either, Janie. I want us to keep moving forward," Sofia said to Mom. "In fact, I would love for Carl and you both to have sex with me again tomorrow afternoon, if you're up for it. And you can both order me around all you want, and call me all kinds of bad names, like 'whore' and 'puta' and 'bitch.' It only turns me on even more when you do that kind of stuff."

"Of course, we're up for it," said Mom.

And Sofia responded to Mom with, "That's great. But tomorrow, what I really want is to watch your son fuck you in front of me first, before he fucks me. Do you think he would do that for me?"

"Of course, I'll do it," I said to Sofia, jumping in before Mom could answer her. "What do you think I came all this way to do? The truth is I came here to Beaumont just so that I could fuck my mother over and over again, until I finally have to leave, and go back to my normal life. But now, I get to fuck you too. And that's even better, as far as I'm concerned."

I turned to address Mom, "Thank you, Mom, for bringing Sofia into my life."

"You're welcome, son. I knew you'd like her. After all, what's not to like about a super-horny, soft-spoken, middle-age, Hispanic whore of a mother with two lovely kids, and a cheating bastard of a husband?"

And that's when we all broke out laughing for quite a while.

And then Sofia pixie-stepped, skipping like a little girl, out of the bedroom to take a shower. And as she was showering, Mom and I could hear her merrily singing away through the closed bathroom door, while I was just lying there in bed in my naked mother's arms, sucking away on one of her large nipples, feeling like I was still her little baby--which in her eyes, I guess I always will be.

After several minutes, Mom finally broke the silence with, "You're still gonna have sex with me this evening, right?"

I pulled my mouth up off my mother's left nipple and said to her, "Of course I am, Mom. I'm gonna wake you up and rape you in the middle of the night, too."

"You're such a good son! Would you like some fresh-baked oatmeal cookies? I've got some downstairs. I baked them yesterday."

"Sure, Mom," I replied, and we both headed downstairs to the kitchen. First, Mom and I took turns washing our hands in the kitchen sink. Then we both sat down across from each other at the kitchen table, still naked as jaybirds, and began eating Mom's delicious soft homemade oatmeal and raisin cookies in front of one another.

After about 15 minutes or so, a freshly-showered Sofia came downstairs into the kitchen, and ate a cookie with my naked Mom and me, before going back across the street to her house to wait for her kids to get home from school.

"Hey, Sofia," Mom said. "I hate to bring this up, but after you finished showering, you didn't happen to put your panties back on, before putting on your pants, did you?"

"Yes, I did. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to, Janie. It's a force of habit, I guess. I'll take them off right now."

Sofia took off her pants and panties right there in the kitchen in front of Mom and me, and then handed her panties to me before she put her pants back on--sans panties underneath this time. Then she commented on how weird it felt to her to have the rough crotch material of her blue jeans rubbing directly against her freshly-shaved pussy.

Sofia gave me a long, passionate French-kiss right before she left, and then told me that she wished that I was her husband, which of course I took to be the ultimate compliment that any woman could ever give me. Needless to say, I was flattered.

Sofia grabbed one more oatmeal and raisin cookie to take with her, and then left the house to head back to her own house.

As soon as Sofia had stepped out the door and closed it behind her, Mom said to me, "You know. Sofia would make a great wife for you. She's around the same age as you. And if you were to end up marrying her, I would instantly have a couple of grandkids to spoil. And they're both the just right age, too."

"Mom, you don't have to convince me. Sofia was a great fuck! She's cute as shit! And her pussy feels close to the way that yours does to my dick, which is a great thing. And she's a wonderful person on top of all that. But she's married right now, Mom. And that pretty much puts the brakes on everything."

"Not if you don't want it to. After you fuck her tomorrow, tell her that you really like her a lot, and that you want her to leave her cheating husband and move into your place with you. In other words, you'll be her live-in boyfriend. Let her know that her kids are welcome to come with her. You've got plenty of space at your house, and her two kids are both old enough where they shouldn't be too much of a pain in the ass. You can go ahead and marry her later, after she gets a divorce first."

"You are devious! I'll give you that much. But I don't need you to play matchmaker for me, Mom. I'm a big boy now, remember? If Sofia's meant to be 'the one' for me, then that's what will automatically end up happening anyway. And if not, well, I've still got you."

"That you do, son," Mom verified. "And thanks to me, you've also got Sofia's dirty panties in your hand right now. You can thank me later."

"How about I thank you now," I said, as I held the crotch-lining of Sofia's panties up to my nose, and took an exaggerated sniff of her pussy aroma.

"So, Mom, do you want a sniff?" I asked, holding the panties out for her to grab.

"No thanks. Not after I've just eaten those delicious cookies of mine."

So I took another long sniff of Sofia's panty-crotch, and then I asked my mom, "Oh, by the way, were you just trying to turn me on when you whispered in my ear, telling me that stuff about Sofia not using any birth control?"

"No. I was dead-serious about that. Sofia quit taking her birth control pills. Her husband hasn't fucked her for over six months now, and so she saw no reason to keep taking The Pill. The side effects can be much more risky for a woman her age, than what they are for a much younger woman."

"So then, Sofia was really rolling the dice and taking her chances by allowing me to fuck her this afternoon, wasn't she?"

"Yes, she was. Why do you think she came so hard when that sperm-coated tongue of yours first touched her vaginal entrance while you guys were 69-ing? It was because she realized at that very moment that there was no turning back for her, and that she was in effect letting you 'fuck' her totally-unprotected pussy with your tongue, instead of your dick. And of course, it's the semen that actually gets a woman pregnant, not the penis.

"You know, women always make fun of a man for thinking with the head of his dick, instead of the head on his shoulders. But we really shouldn't be making fun of men for that, because the real truth is that if we women get horny enough, we'll end up thinking with our pussies--the heads of our clits, if you will--instead of our brains. The urge to procreate is the strongest human urge there is. Why do you think sex sells so much?"

"But Sofia's going to come back tomorrow afternoon to let me fuck her again. Why is she doing that, when she knows that I could get her pregnant? I mean, if Sofia gets pregnant, Pablo will automatically realize that the baby can't be his, since he hasn't fucked her in months. And he'll probably divorce her over the pregnancy."

"Have you ever thought that that might be exactly what Sofia wants to happen? Just think about it. It would give her an easy way out of her crappy marriage, if Pablo got pissed off at her, and just up and left her."

"So then, in a way, she's using me."

"Yes, she is. But it's no different from the way that your younger sister used you to try to get pregnant, and the way that I use you to try to keep my super-strong sex drive in check. And by the way, even that nice new black dildo of mine that I showed you over the phone doesn't quite do the trick for me. The only way that I have found for me to feel totally sexually satisfied is for me to have sexual intercourse with a man, even if that man just happens to be my own son.

"Let's face it. We all use each other to get what we want and need in life. That's just the way that things are. So why do you use me? Have you ever thought about that?"

"The truth is that I use you because I've got this need to share my sexuality with another person."

"I've got news for you, son. We all do. But why have you chosen to share your sexuality with me, and not with someone else?"

"Because I need to fuck women--not just jack off by myself, or do the 'circle jerk' thing with other men."

"So then you have jacked off with other guys before? Am I right?"

"Of course, you're right. What guy hasn't, at some point in his past? Just like you girls tend to get it on with each other during your not-so-innocent sleepovers. It's just part of growing up. Isn't it? But it doesn't mean that I'm gay."

"I didn't say that it did."

"Well, I'm definitely not gay, Mom, because I have a strong urge to fuck women. And you're the only woman I know right now who is offering to let me fuck her pussy whenever I need to. I hope you're not upset with me."

"Why would I be upset with you? You just told me the truth about our sexual relationship. Besides, I'm the one who seduced you into having sex with me in the first place, remember?"

"Boy, do I remember. I remember you peeing all over my hand in this very kitchen. That was sure erotic," I said, and we both laughed a little bit.

"Sorry about that," Mom said to me. "Come on upstairs with me, and I'll let you pee all over my pussy, before I take a shower, so I'll be fresh for you tonight."

"You'd really let me do that? I've always fantasized about peeing on a girl's pussy, and letting her pee all over my dick, too."

"Well, come on. What're you waiting for? Follow me and I'll make your fantasy come true. In fact, I'll even let you pee inside my vagina, if you want."

"Oh my God! You're the best mom on this entire planet!"

"Yes, I am. And don't you ever forget it," Mom said, and she got up from her seat at the kitchen table, and walked to her private bathroom in her bedroom upstairs, with me walking right behind her the whole way.

We got into the shower stall together, and closed the shower door. And while we were both standing up, facing one another, Mom spread her legs apart and leaned back against the tiled shower wall to let me stick the head of my dick up into her vaginal entrance so that I could intentionally release a few spurts of urine directly into her vagina.

I was surprised by how much more difficult this was to do than I thought that it would be. With my penis automatically stiffening up on its own, I had to really struggle to force out those few tiny spurts of urine into Mom's vagina.

And when I did, it just felt so wrong for me to be urinating directly into mother's vagina, instead of ejaculating my sperm into it. It kind of felt like I was desecrating her wonderful, sacred vagina. The same vagina that brought me into this world 35 years ago. Let's just say that I wasn't a big fan of this particular sex act, and it was very easy for me to decide that I would never attempt to do it again in the future.

As soon as I pulled my dick-head out of her vagina, Mom began peeing all over my dick. And that was a real trip! I found myself enjoying the whole depravity and the taboo nature of what Mom and I were doing together.

After she had finished emptying her bladder directly onto my dick and balls, Mom just stayed in that same body position, and she told me, "Well, go ahead and pee on my pussy if you want to."

"I definitely want to, Mom. But my dick just won't let me. My fucking hard-on won't go away. And it's nearly impossible for a guy to urinate through a fully-erect penis. But then, I'm sure you already knew that."

"Of course I did. Your father and I used to pee on each other's genitals every time that we were getting ready to take a shower together. And I remember that I always used to have to let him pee on my pussy first, before I peed on his dick, because when we tried to do things the other way around, Sam would always get a hard-on while I was peeing on his dick, and that would wipe out any chance that he would be able to return the favor by peeing on my pussy, which was the whole idea of us participating in this 'golden showers' stuff to begin with."

"So then, you were just fucking with me, by letting me pee in your vagina first, and then offering to let me pee on your pussy crack afterwards?"

"Of course I was, son. I wanted to see if you'd take the bait. And you did. You father took the bait too, the very first time that we ever did this together.

"In fact, Sam got so mad at me for tricking him like that, that he called me a 'cock-teasing bitch' right to my face. And then he went ahead and shoved his rock-hard dick up into my vagina without my permission, and raped me, right there in the shower.

"That was the very first time that Sam ever raped me. It was also the first time that I realized that it was a big turn-on for me to get raped like that.

"Of sure, at first, I pretended that I was pissed off at Sam for raping me. And I half-heartedly begged and pleaded with him to stop.

"But in the end, I was glad that Sam had ignored all my pleas, because the truth was that I kept cumming so hard while Sam was raping me that day in the shower, that I nearly lost my balance and had to really struggle to stay on my feet. And keep in mind that I was a young lady back then."

While I was listening to Mom's explanation, I was staring at her pussy the whole time, and my dick was still fully-erect. And I understood why my dad was so mad about my mother tricking him like that. Because I was angry with her too.

"Take this, you fucking cock-teasing bitch!" I said to my own mother, as I suddenly slammed my upper body against hers, violently pinning the back of her torso up against the shower wall. Then I shoved my dick up into her vagina and began raping the crap out of her, just like my father had done so many years before.

And Mom didn't put up any physical resistance whatsoever, although she did half-heartedly beg and plead with me to pull out and to stop raping her, just like she had done with Sam so many years before. Then she finally stopped pleading with me altogether, as she gave in, and totally accepted her fate.

And that's when Mom began orgasming her ass off, just like she had described for me that she had done while Sam was raping her that very first time in the shower. Except that my mother wasn't a spring chicken anymore. And when she started loosing her balance during her one of her string of strong orgasms, I had to place my hands under her armpits and physically hold her up on her feet, so that she wouldn't risk falling in the shower and hurting herself.

And that's when I realized that my mother has just tricked me into raping her in the shower, instead of just peeing on her pussy crack. And in a weird way, I actually admired her for doing that. That took a lot of balls on her part.

After I finished ejaculating inside her vagina and pulling out, Mom told me, "I used you just now to get my own rocks off. How does it feel, son?"

"It feels like I've been used. That's how it feels. But it doesn't feel bad at all. Because I used you too just now, to get my own rocks off."

"That's right, son. We all use each other to get what we need in this life at any given time. And so there's really nothing to be ashamed of or apologetic about, because we're all guilty of doing it. And we do it every day. Sometimes without even realizing that we're using each other. And as long as we don't hurt the other person in the process, there's absolutely nothing wrong with using that other person to get what we want and need.

"Did I hurt you just now?" Mom asked, as she reached over to the soap holder, grabbed the bar of soap, and began soaping up my dick and my balls with it, before she handed the bar of soap over to me.

"No, ma'am. All you did was turn me like crazy," I admitted as I reached across and began soaping up her vulva with the bar of soap that she had handed me.

Mom and I continued taking turns, soaping up different parts of each other's bodies, and then rinsing those different body parts off. It was a surreal experience, to say the least. And it was something that Mom and I had never done together, until today.

After we dried ourselves off with over-sized, plush bath towels, we climbed into bed together and took a nice long nap.

When I finally woke up, my mother was already awake, and she had her hand gently wrapped around the limp shaft of my dick. And she was crying softly.

"What's wrong, Mother?" I asked.

"Nothing really. It's just that Sam always used to let me hold his dick in my hand like this, while we were sleeping together. I don't know why I like to do this. I just do. And I never realized how much I've missed doing this--until now."

"It's okay, Mom. You can hold my dick anytime you want to."

"Thanks, son. Oh my God! Are you getting at hard-on?"

"Guilty as charged," I replied.

"Well, I'm going to jack you off and make you cum, mister."

"Is that a threat, or a promise?" I asked teasingly.

"It's definitely a promise," said Mom. "Now, be a good boy and kneel down over here between your mother's legs, so that I can pull up and down on that big, sexy dick of yours, and make you cum all over my pussy."

"Gee, Mom, don't you ever get tired of having sex?" I asked, as I was getting into position so that Mom could start jacking me off.

"Do you?"

"Heck no. But then, I'm a man. And I was under the impression that women don't want to have sex as much as men do."

"Then I guess you're wrong about that--at least, when it comes to me, you're wrong. The truth is that your poor father--God rest his soul--couldn't keep up with me sexually, because I'm a God damn nymphomaniac. And I always have been. Ever since I reached puberty."

"So then you're the one who I got my sex addict traits from, and not Dad?"

"Yep. Guilty as charged. And just like you, I've had to learn to live with my super-strong sex drive. It causes me to do all sorts of things that a normal woman wouldn't do--like seduce my own son into fucking me, for instance. Or getting my dear neighbor, Sofia, from across the street to eventually let me feel out her boobs and play with her clitoris, which is something that I've been wanting to do ever since I first met her. Don't ask me why."

"Gosh, Mom, when it comes to sex, you really are fucked in the head, aren't you?"

"You'd better believe it! But then, so are you, son," Mom commented, as she was happily hand-pumping up and down on the shaft of my penis, while she just kept staring at my dick-head.

"Don't I know it. It seems like all I ever think about sex. And a lot of it is weird, kinky kind of sex stuff. You ought to see my porn collection."

"You ought to see mine," Mom replied, and then abruptly changed the subject when she asked me, "Does this feel better? Sam always liked it when I jacked him off like this," said Mom.

And she stopped pumping up and down on my dick-shaft, and focused her attention exclusively on my frenulum, by firmly rubbing her fingertips back and forth against that super-sensitive area on the underside of my dick-shaft, just behind where my dick-head is attached to my shaft.

"Oh God, Mom, that feels fucking awesome! And you're just about to make me cum if you keep going like that."

"I'm counting on it," Mom said, and within a few seconds, the sperm began pulsing out of my piss-hole slit onto her giant clitoris and her pussy crack. Mom watched the entire sperm ejaculation like a hawk, as she was giggling away like a little girl.

As the last of my sperm was slowly oozing out of my dick, mom remarked to me, "You know, that never gets old. It's just as exciting for me to watch it now, as it was the very first time that I ever saw a man's penis ejaculate. There's just something mesmerizing about it for a woman."

"What are you talking about? It's mesmerizing for a man, too. I can't tell you how many times I have stared at the tip of my own dick while I was ejaculating sperm. Every time that white gooey stuff emerges from my piss-hole slit, instead of urine, it's strange-looking to me, to say the least. But then, sperm was never meant to be seen, now was it?"

"No, it wasn't. I think that's why it turns me on so much to actually see the sperm coming out of a guy's dick. Do you want to know a little secret?"

"Sure, Mom."

"You've got me so turned on right now that if you just rub the head of your dick against my pussy, you'll make me cum."

And sure enough, Mom wasn't lying about that. When the head of my dick came into contact with the crack of Mom's pussy, she spontaneously orgasmed.

There are not many women out there who are that in tune with their own sexuality, in the way that my mother is. I feel blessed to have her as both my lover and my teacher. And although I have to admit that Sofia would make a great wife and sex partner for someone, as long as my mother is alive and healthy--and willing to have sex with me--I really don't have any valid reason to search out a different woman to be my sex partner and lover.

Besides, Mom does that "searching out different women" stuff for me anyway. She went out and got Sofia, as well as my little sister, Lacey, for me fuck. I wondered who else she was going to recruit to become my willing sperm-receptacle. And as it turned out, I didn't have to wait long at all for that answer.

I woke up in the middle of the night. And I was still in Mom's bed, sleeping beside her, so I figured that I must have fallen asleep at some point, after Mom had jacked me off onto her pussy.

What woke me up was that I had a hard-on pressing against the bed sheet. And so I went ahead and rolled over on top of my mother, and I raped her, just like I had promised I would do.

This time, Mom didn't even wake up all the way. She kept her eyes closed the entire time, and seemed to be in a twilight sleep state, as she just let out little moans of pleasure, before she went right back to sleep as soon as I had pulled out of her and rolled back over to my side of the bed. I assumed that Mom was probably fantasizing that it was Sam who was raping her, instead of me.

The next morning, while we were down in the kitchen having breakfast, Mom asked me if I had raped her that night.

And when I told her that I had, she admitted to me that she was fantasizing that Sam was raping her in her sleep, like he used to do back when he was still alive.

Then I admitted to Mom that I was also fantasizing while I was raping her. But I made sure not to tell Mom what I was fantasizing about. Because the truth was that I had my eyes closed throughout our intercourse, as I was pretending that I was raping Sofia's possibly-fertile pussy, instead of Mom's. And I didn't want to risk Mom feeling slighted by that in any way.

Mom told me that it was only natural for us humans to fantasize about stuff during sex, and that it was healthy for us to do so, and that neither she nor I should feel embarrassed or belittled by our partner's sexual fantasies, no matter how weird they may seem to our partner.

Mom really knew her stuff, when it came to the subject of "human sexuality." And she was just about to prove it to me yet one more time when she unexpectedly hit me right between the eyes with, "You were fantasizing about raping Sofia while you were raping me last night, weren't you?"

After a long, awkward moment of silence, I finally admitted to my mother, "Yes, ma'am. I was, as a matter of fact. But how did you know that?" I asked.

"Because that's most likely what I would have done, if I were in your shoes," Mom calmly replied, unintentionally making me feel like the village idiot when it came to my level of expertise on the subject of "human sexuality."

And that's when there was an unexpected knock at the external kitchen door, which was located around the side of the house.

Mom got up from her chair at the kitchen table, and went over to unlock and open the entry door to the kitchen, as she said to the person waiting to be let into the house, "Oh hi, Fran. I'm happy to see you could make it this morning. I promise you it will be well worth your while."

This elderly woman named Fran was using an elegant-looking, black lacquer cane to steady herself as she walked through the entry door into our kitchen. And it was obvious that her cane wasn't just a cane that she had bought off a store shelf somewhere. No, sir. Her one-of-a-kind, custom-made cane had shiny and expensive Mother of Pearl inlaid miniature works of art strategically placed along the length of the cane.

Mom turned back around and introduced me in an overly-loud voice to this elderly woman who was now standing in our kitchen with us, "Carl, I would like you to meet Fran. Her full name's Francine, but she goes by Fran. She's my next-door neighbor. Fran, this is my son, Carl. He's the one I told you about."

"Oh my God!" Fran remarked. "Young man, you're a lot more handsome in person."

"Who's this? And what's she talking about?" I whispered in Mom's ear.

And Mom said to me, "Fran is very hard of hearing. So there's really no need to whisper. But please be nice to Fran, and I guarantee you she'll be very nice to you. She's very wealthy, and she currently doesn't have anyone to spend her money on, other than herself.

"And that's because she doesn't have anyone. Nobody who loves her. No children, or grandchildren. And no extended family--except for me, since she considers me to be her 'adopted daughter'--because she has outlived them all. So she just keeps to herself in her little house, and only goes out when she has to to run errands and stuff.

"I know she doesn't look it, but she's 77 years old, believe it or not. And Fran is in very good shape for a woman her age, other than needing to walk with a cane to help her balance, so that she doesn't fall and break a hip, since she suffers from sudden bouts of vertigo.

"What Fran and I have in common is that we are both over-sexed women. That's right. Fran still masturbates nearly every day, and she has come over here because she wants you to fuck her. She hasn't had a real live dick in her pussy since her husband passed away a few years ago. And she is offering to give you $1,000 cash to fuck the crap out of her this morning."

"Gosh, Mom, you're making me feel like a gigolo, or something. I mean, having sex for money. Isn't that illegal?"

"Whatever. You can go ahead and donate that $1,000 cash to any charity you want. But please, I'm begging you, please agree to go ahead and fuck my good friend, Fran. She deserves it more than anyone else I know. Besides, she already gave me the money to give to you.

"And before you ask me, yes, I have had sex with her before. In fact, she's my 'go-to girl' whenever I get feeling too horny to just masturbate, and you're not around to fuck me. Fran is always there to offer me her nice warm pussy, as well as a shoulder to cry on, if I need it."

"I'm surprised Fran's still sexually active at her age," I commented to Mom.

"Why does that surprise you, son? Just because you get older doesn't mean that your basic needs go away. You still need food, and air, and water, and love--and most-importantly sex and orgasms to release all those wonderful endorphins into our bodies that keep us feeling great, so that we don't become depressed and suicidal."

"But isn't her pussy all shriveled up by now?"

"Yes, of course it is. And her saggy breasts pretty much hang straight down from her chest. I didn't say that Fran had a beautiful-looking body. But she does have a body which is in pretty good shape for a woman her age.

"And Fran's body has a very functional--albeit well-worn--pussy down between her legs that is just as deserving of your dick and your sperm as any other woman's pussy is. And I'm sure it feels just as good to her to get her nipples sucked, as it does to me when you're sucking on mine."

"Is everything okay?" Fran, who had been patiently sitting on one of Mom's kitchen chairs, finally called out to Mom, once again, in an overly-loud voice. "Has your son agreed to have sex with me this morning?"

"Yes, Fran. He sure did," Mom loudly announced across the kitchen to her. "He told me that he's really looking forward to seeing what your breasts and your pussy look like."

I felt so embarrassed by the lie that Mom had just told Fran, that I just wanted to crawl under the kitchen table and hide. But a grown man doesn't behave like that when the going gets tough. He steps up to the plate, and deals directly with whatever comes his way.

Besides, except for the "he told me" part at the very beginning, the rest of what Mom had just finished telling Fran about me wasn't a lie. And I think that's what was the most embarrassing part for me. My suddenly realizing that Mom was actually telling Fran the truth about how I felt in regards to seeing Fran's "naughty parts" for the first time.

"Oh, he did, did he? What's his name again? Carl?" Fran asked.

"Yes, his name's Carl."

"Well, Carl, my breasts and my pussy are definitely nothing to write home about. But they're the only ones I have, and so I just have to make do with them."

"Why don't you sit down with us and have some breakfast, before we get underway?" Mom offered, and Fran graciously accepted.

Fran downed her scrambled eggs and bacon as if she had never had them before. She must've been starving herself, because she was definitely on the light side, weight-wise. Maybe no more than 110 pounds tops.

Fran kind of looked like the Queen of England did before her death. Fran was an elegant woman with light blue eyes, and her light-grayish-white hair perfectly coiffed. And her diminutive body frame looked so frail to me, that I was afraid that I might crush her if I were to lie down on top of her torso to fuck her in a traditional missionary-style intercourse position.

Mom and Fran chit-chatted while we were waiting for Fran to indicate that she was finished with her breakfast.

And then Mom picked up Fran's finished plates and put them in the kitchen sink, before turning back around and telling Fran, "Okay. It's time to get this show on the road."

And Fran knew exactly what Mom meant, because she got up from her chair and made a cane-assisted beeline for the stairs, on her way to Mom's bedroom. She had obviously done this many times before.

By the time that Mom and I got to the bedroom, Fran had already removed her blouse and her bra to totally expose her saggy breasts. And she was sitting on the edge of the bed, with a huge smile on her face.

"Come over here, Carl. I want you to stand in front of me," Fran said to me.

I moved over to stand directly in front of Fran, and she immediately placed the flat palm of her hand on my crotch, and said to me, "Show me your johnson. I need to see it right now, if you don't mind."

I pulled my pajama bottoms and my underwear down around the middle of my thighs, and then straightened back up, which put my dick and balls right in Fran's face.

And without any warning whatsoever, Fran quickly removed her dentures, and set them on the night stand by the side of the bed. Then she immediately stuck the head of my dick into her mouth and began sucking away on it.

It really creeped me out to have an elderly lady giving me a blowjob. But that didn't stop my dick for automatically responding to her efforts, and ultimately becoming erect anyway. And that was because her toothless mouth and gums felt absolutely wonderful to my dick.

Fran said to me, "Son, you have a nice big penis on you, and an awesome set of testicles down between your legs. I feel like the luckiest woman in the world right now, because you're letting me have sex with you. I'll bet you never had a blowjob like that before."

"No, ma'am. You're absolutely right about that."

"Well, did you like it?"

"I've got a hard-on, don't I?" I asked Fran, feeling a little confused about her 'did you like it' question.

"Where are you, Janie?" Fran suddenly called out to Mom.

And Mom quickly called back to her, "I'm over her in the corner, sweetie, sitting in this easy chair. Don't worry. I'll be watching everything that happens, and I'll make sure that Carl doesn't accidentally hurt you."

"You don't have to worry about that," Fran assured my mother, as she reached over to the night stand, grabbed her dentures, and put them back into her mouth to instantly restore her previous pleasant appearance and her smile. "I'm not as fragile as I look, you know."

Then Fran looked at me and said, "Carl, I want you to kneel down in front of me and suck on these old nipples of mine. They still become erect, believe it or not.

"But then so do lady-parts," Fran said, looking down towards her own crotch, and at the same time, reaching down to gently pat her clothing-covered crotch a couple of times with the open palm of her hand, as if she were petting a small animal. "Everything's still fully-functional after all these years. And I'm just about to prove it to you."

I got down on my knees and placed my right hand around Fran's saggy left breast, and placed her wrinkled-up nipple into my mouth. And I began sucking away on it.

After a few moments, Fran said, "Oh God! Keep going. I feel my lady-parts starting to tingle. Why don't you suck my other nipple."

And I did exactly what she suggested. I sucked on her right nipple for a while. And sure enough, both of her nipples became erect, just like she said that they would.

Her breasts still looked old, and saggy, and wrinkled-up though, despite their now-erect nipples, which were pointing almost straight down to the floor, once I finally let go of her breasts.

"Take off you pants and underwear. I'm going to take mine off, too," Fran announced. "And then I'm going to lie down on my back on top of the bed, and have you eat my lady-parts, so that you can help get me lubricated better with your saliva. You don't mind eating this old woman's lady-parts, before you fuck her, do you?"

While I was getting naked in front of Fran, and she was getting naked in front of me, my eyes were naturally glued to her crotch area, which she kept clean-shaven, just like Mom's is. And I'm pretty sure that Mom had something to do with Fran's pussy being shaved. Heck, Mom probably even shaved it for her.

After Fran climbed up on top of Mom's bed and spread her bony legs apart, I could finally see that her pussy looked like a withered-up, flesh-colored flower that was about to fall off the vine. And unlike Mom, Fran had a small bean-size clitoris, and much smaller inner pussy lips than my mother has.

After I got between Fran's thighs while lying on my stomach, and finally had her bare, ancient pussy right up in my face, I couldn't keep my eyes off of it. I was surprised that I wasn't grossed out by its wrinkled-up looks.

In fact, it was a very erotic, exciting, and taboo feeling for me to know that I was getting ready to lick and finger Fran's ancient pussy--just like I'm sure my own mother had done to her in the past--and that I was doing it all under Mom's watchful eye, and with her blessing.

For the record, Fran's pussy didn't taste as bad as I was expecting it to. But it also didn't taste as good as Mom's pussy does. Fran's pussy had a much more acidic urine smell, and a very tart taste to it. But that didn't seem to matter, because the smell and taste of her old-lady pussy still turned me on like crazy.

Within seconds after I began tonguing the tip of her clitoris, Fran orgasmed, pressing the insides of her bony thighs up against both sides of my face like a vise. And I couldn't really move. So I just kept licking away at her clitoris as best as I could.

When Fran finally relaxed her thighs and spread her legs back apart, I maneuvered my mouth downward towards the rear of her pussy crack, until I found her vaginal opening.

I shoved my tongue up into it repeatedly, using my tongue like a miniature penis, and Fran really seemed to like that a lot, because it made her cum again.

"Oh my God! That felt great!" Fran finally said. "Now, I want you to stick you fingers up into my birth canal, because you need to know just how short my birth canal is."

I carefully eased my middle finger up into Fran's vagina. And she was right about her assessment of her own vagina. Her vagina was very short. I could easily feel the very back pocket of it with my fingertip, and her cervix was only about two inches in from her vaginal opening.

But at least, I discovered that Fran's short vagina would stretch open wide enough to accommodate three of my held-together fingers, which meant that my erect penis would easily fit inside it--just as long as I didn't press it in too far.

"Wow! Your birth canal really is short," I remarked to Fran, using the same words that she had used earlier to describe her own vagina to me.

"Well, unfortunately, my birth canal has been that way my entire life, and so I have learned to work around my limitation. I want you to kneel down between between my legs, but do not lie down on top of me. Instead, I want you to stay in an upright position, while I stick your johnson up into my jenny, and control how deep it goes into me."

"That's cute. I've never heard a 'pussy' called a 'jenny' before," I commented to Fran.

"Well, that's what my dead husband used to call it. Andrew was a very refined man, God rest his soul. And he didn't really like how vulgar the words 'dick' and 'pussy' sounded. And so he and I would use the terms 'johnson' and 'jenny' instead, to describe our 'naughty parts' to each other whenever we were making love. And so I will always think of my own pussy as being my 'jenny.' You don't mind, do you?"

"Of course not. Go right ahead and call it whatever you want to call it--just as long as you don't mind me calling it your pussy."

I moved to kneel between Fran's wrinkled thighs, and she grabbed hold of my dick-shaft and rubbed my dick-head up and down along the crack of her own "jenny" a few times, before inserting the head of my dick into the entrance of her vagina, at which point she said to me, "Congratulations, Carl. You are now having sexual intercourse with a 77-year-old woman. I'll bet you never thought you'd be doing that this morning."

"No, I sure didn't."

"Well, does it turn you on to have your johnson inside my old jenny?"

"Of course it turns me on."

"And why do you think that is?"

"Because a pussy is a pussy, no matter who it belongs to, or what it looks like. And as far as my dick is concerned, all pussies are fuckable."

"Precisely, young man. And so what do you think I want you to do next."

"You want me to thrust my johnson in and out of your jenny."

"Now, we're getting somewhere," said Fran, and then added, "Just be careful that you keep your thrusting very shallow, and don't try to shove that whole johnson of yours up into my short birth canal. Can you do that for me?"

I didn't answer her. I just began slowly and steadily thrusting away, only inserting about half of the length of my entire dick on each forward thrust, and then pulling my dick almost all the way out of her loose-fitting vagina, before thrusting it back in again.

And Fran seemed to be enjoying every minute of my pussy thrusting. But she said to me, "You're going to have to hump away a little faster than that, if you want to make me orgasm again. You do want to make me orgasm, don't you?"

"Of course, I do. If for no other reason, than for you to feel like you're getting your money's worth."

"Now, why did you have to go and bring up money at a wonderful time like this? Why can't you just let an old lady pretend for a few precious minutes that you're having intercourse with her because you find her attractive, and she turns you on?"

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be so crass about everything."

"Doesn't having sexual intercourse with me turn you on?"

"Of course it does," I reassured Fran.

"Well, then you need to thrust a lot faster. I need you to make me orgasm one more time, before you release your semen inside me. Can you do that for me, Carl?"

"I'll try my best, ma'am."

And I began thrusting as fast as I could, while staying in control of how deep I was penetrating Fran's short vagina, until I heard Fran announce proudly, in short breathy phrases, "Oh my God! I'm going to orgasm strongly! I'm doing it! I don't believe it! You're making me orgasm my ass off! I'm about to gush! Just like I used to do with Andrew! I just know it! God, it feels fucking great!"

Then I felt a warm gush of Fran's ejaculating sexual fluid (her cum) flowing out around my penis, and falling down onto Mom's sheets between Fran's spread-apart thighs.

And that took me right over the top, orgasmically, and I emptied my whole wad of sperm into that old lady's shriveled-up pussy.

And by the way, I orgasmed my butt off, in the process. There was just something really erotic and exciting--and very taboo--about fucking a woman who is definitely old enough to be my grandmother.

As my sperm-release was coming to an end, Fran looked me in the eye and said, "Thank you, young man. You've made an old lady very happy this morning. And it doesn't really matter to me that you did it for the money. All that matters to me is that I'm going to be going back home with a bunch of your precious semen in my jenny.

"And to me, that's worth whatever money I have to pay you. Heck, I'll even give you twice as much--that's $2,000 cash--if you'll have sex with me again tomorrow morning. What do you say, young man? Are you up for another go-round with these saggy breasts and this decrepit jenny of mine?"

"Ma'am, the truth is I don't want your money. But I do want your 'decrepit jenny' wrapped around my johnson tomorrow morning, if that's what you want. I'm young, and I've got more than enough semen to go around."

I glanced over my shoulder at my mother, who was sitting in the easy chair, near the foot of the bed, and openly masturbating herself through the partially-unbuttoned opening at the front of her housecoat, and I asked, "Is it okay with you, Mom, if I go ahead and fuck Fran again tomorrow morning? In fact, I'd love to fuck her every morning, the whole time that I'm here in Beaumont. Let's just say that it would be good for my karma."

"Knock yourself out, son," my mother said, with her right hand still stuck up under her housecoat, as she was busy finger-fucking her own pussy. "I'm behind you all the way. But then, you already knew that."

"Did you hear that, Fran?" Mom called out loudly from across the room. "Carl just told me that he wants to have sex with you every morning, the whole time that he's here in Beaumont--and that he's more than happy to accept your cash offer, because he really needs the money. Isn't that wonderful?"

"Are you kidding me? It feels like I just won the lottery!" Fran remarked to Mom, and then said to me, "Thank you, Carl, for being so kind and generous. By the way, does your johnson always stay so stiff and firm this long after you ejaculate? That seems really odd to me."

"It seems really odd to me too, ma'am," I agreed, as I looked back down at my dick, which was still in a partially-erect state, and had yet to soften up enough to fall out of Fran's vagina on its own, which is what I had been trying to let happen.

But then, I was taken totally by surprise when I felt my dick growing again and slowly stiffing up into a full-blown hard-on, while I still had the outer half of my shaft inserted up inside of Fran's short, freshly-creampied vagina.

Fran must have felt my dick getting bigger and stiffer too, because she commented to me, "I can't believe my ol' worn-out jenny's turning you on this much."

"Neither can I," I honestly replied, and I was getting ready to tell Fran, "But if you don't mind, I would like to just keep on fucking you some more, until I cum inside you again."

But then I thought about how Fran would prefer that I say that to her in a more highbrow manner, and so I altered some key words before finally telling her, "But if you don't mind, I would like to just keep on having sexual intercourse with you some more, until I ejaculate inside your jenny again."

"My jenny's all yours, young man," Fran said.

Then I heard Mom suddenly cry out loudly from across the room, "Oh God! Oh fuck! Shit yes! I'm gonna cum! I'm cumming! Oh fuck yeeeees!"

Unlike most women, Mom is usually not very vocal during her orgasms. In fact, I have always kidded her about it, telling her that she tends to orgasm like a guy, instead of girl. In other words, Mom's orgasms tend to be inward-directed, like a guy's orgasms normally are, instead of outwardly-directed, like women's orgasms tend to be.

So when Mom screamed out loudly like that, I instantly knew that she wasn't just experiencing her usual, run-of-the-mill orgasm. No, sir. While Mom was watching me, as I began thrusting my penis in and out in an effort to inseminate her elderly next-door neighbor for the second time that morning, she was orgasming her ass off, with her hips humping away at the air so violently that she just about fell out of her easy chair.

Meanwhile, Fran had her eyes closed this time, with a big smile on her face. I assumed that she was probably fantasizing and pretending that it was her dead husband, Andrew, who was humping away at her pussy, instead of me.

And I was okay with that, because I knew that would probably make Fran orgasm her butt off--especially when she felt the head of my dick pulsate against her cervix during my upcoming second sperm release.

And I was right. When I came inside her pussy that second time, Fran screamed out so loudly that I initially thought that I had gotten too carried away while thrusting my dick in and out of her, and had accidentally hurt her short vagina.

But then I realized that Fran was calling out the name of her dead husband, Andrew--along with a bunch of unladylike curse words--during what must have been for her an earth-shaking orgasm.

After I finished releasing that second wad of sperm into Fran's vagina, I looked down and saw all the sperm that had oozed out of her vagina, and fallen down onto the sheet, between her spread-apart thighs. And that's when the gravity of what I had just done suddenly hit me.

And I thought to myself, What the fuck did you just do, Carl? You're supposed to fuck younger women who haven't reached menopause yet. That's what "fucking" is for, isn't it? Procreation? And now you've just finished fucking a 77-year-old woman who is old enough to be your grandmother. And it turned you on so much, that you fucked her twice, without ever having to pull your dick out of her pussy.

Not only that, but you already agreed to have sex with her again tomorrow. What the fuck is wrong with you, Carl? It's younger women, like Sofia, that should be turning you on the most during sex. Not older women, like your mother and her elderly friend, Fran.

But no matter how hard I keep trying to convince myself that having sex with younger women should turn me on much more than having sex with post-menopausal women does, that still doesn't change the way that I truly feel. Judging from what just took place with Fran, I realized that the older the woman is that I have sex with, the more it turns me on to do it. At least, that's the way that things have been for me so far.

And then I realized that my dick was still betraying me, because it wasn't softening quickly, like it would normally do, if I were fucking a younger woman. Instead, my dick was still firm enough to stay inserted into Fran's short vagina.

Finally Fran said to me, "I think you can pull out now. I've definitely had enough. I can't go for another round. My jenny's getting too sore."

I honored Fran wishes, and pulled my dick out of her vagina, watching all my excess sperm ooze out of her fuck-hole when I removed my "dick-plug" from it. And sure enough, my penis was still partially-erect. And to be honest, it was actually scaring me a little bit, because it didn't seem like my penis wanted to become flaccid again, like it's supposed to.

My dick even stayed partially-erect after I put my underwear and pajama bottoms back on. And that's when I realized that Fran's decrepit body, and her saggy tits, and her withered-up shaved-bare pussy were turning me on like crazy--even while I was just standing there, looking at her lying in Mom's bed on her back, with her bony legs still spread far apart. I couldn't help but stare at Fran's tits and her pussy.

Mom spoke loudly from across the bedroom, "Fran, you can just go ahead and lie there on my bed, and fall asleep, if that's what you feel like doing. My son and I need to go out grocery shopping."

And Fran said to Mom, "Would you please buy me some bananas and some apples while you're at the grocery store?"

"Sure, Fran. Will do," Mom said, paused for a moment, and then added, "Are you sure you don't want me to buy you a cucumber too? I'll get you a nice big one?"

Both woman laughed at Mom's joke.

And Fran replied, "I don't think I need that right now, Janie." Then she pointed straight at my crotch, and told Mom, "I've got the real thing, thanks to you."

And both woman broke out laughing again, this time, even harder. I didn't find their joking around with each other about comparing a cucumber to my penis to be that funny, considering the circumstances.

As Mom and I were walking out the bedroom doorway, Mom told Fran, "Feel free to help yourself to some coffee downstairs, if you want. You can wear my bathrobe if you don't feel like getting dressed yet."

"Thanks, Janie. You're a real doll!" Fran called back to Mom.

As soon as I turned around and followed Mom out of her bedroom and into the upstairs hallway, my penis began to behave normally, and was softening up nicely in my underwear--and I was very relieved about that. I didn't want to have the erection from Hell that just wouldn't go away, like I have heard happens sometimes to guys who take too much Viagra.

I went in my bedroom and got dressed, and then Mom and I drove to the grocery store.

About an hour and a half later, when we returned to Mom's house, we put away all the groceries that we had bought for the week.

Then Mom and I went upstairs to find Fran asleep on her back on top of the bed. She was still naked with her legs spread far apart, and it looked like she hadn't moved since we left her to go shopping. And just like before, I couldn't help but stare at her saggy tits and her bare, hairless pussy. And I felt my penis automatically responding, as it began to stir inside my underwear.

Mom woke Fran up as gently as she could. And it took a few moments for Fran to get her bearings, and realize where she was, and how she had gotten there.

Then Fran looked over at the obvious bulge that was forming at the front of the crotch of my jeans, and she pointed at my bulge and asked me, "That's not for me, is it?"

"Yes, ma'am. It is," I replied, feeling very embarrassed that my dick was still betraying me, and revealing my true feelings about Fran and her super-sexy, decrepit pussy.

"Well, for Christ's sake, get your pants off, and let's go for one last round. What do you say, son? I'll give you another $500.00 cash for a quickie."

"Make it $1,000.00, and you've got a deal," I said to Fran, as I was thinking about how much Mom could use the extra money, considering the fact that she was mainly living off of Sam's modest monthly oil field company pension payments, along with some guaranteed income from a couple of private annuities that she and Sam had purchased, combined with her own meager earnings as a part-time in-home assisted living aide and a standby substitute teacher for the Beaumont school system.

For the record, Mom also ran an off-the-books, cash-only, side hustle business selling baked goods throughout the neighborhood and to all of her friends and acquaintances. Her soft English ginger snap cookies were legendary, and her homemade Mexican-style peanut brittle was to die for. But her income from this baking business was very seasonal, in that she made the most money during the holiday season, from Halloween through Christmas, and then struggled financially throughout the rest of the year.

Fran just looked at me for a moment, before finally saying to me, "Young man, you drive a hard bargain. Tell you what. I'll go ahead and make it $2,000.00 if you'll just shut up, and stick that wonderful johnson of yours in my jenny right now, and inseminate me again. But this time, I want you to ejaculate inside my jenny as quickly as you possibly can."

I didn't say another word to Fran. I just pulled down my pants and underwear around the middle of my thighs, and I hopped on top of Fran's small fragile body, being very careful to support the weight of my upper body on my hands and forearms, so as not to crush Fran, or suffocate her underneath me.

Then I shoved my nearly-fully-erect dick up into Fran's vagina, as far as it would go, which made her suck in a bunch of air, and gasp in response to what I was doing to her.

Fran also pissed on my dick a little bit, which is something that I didn't expect. But it made perfect sense that she was trying to help lubricate herself and me, since we hadn't had any foreplay to get her pussy wet first.

And I began fucking the crap out of her in a traditional mission-style position, slamming the head of my dick up against the back wall of her short vagina on each inward thrust, pulling my dick almost all the way out of her vaginal entrance, and then slamming it home again.

And Fran told me, "Don't stop now! Keep going! It feels fucking awesome!"

With Fran cheering me on the whole time--and also periodically releasing small spurts of urine throughout our quickie intercourse--I shoved my dick in and out of her baby-making hole as fast as I could, and ended up cumming inside her vagina within what seemed like less than a minute and a half, from the time that I had initially penetrated her, and had started fucking her for the third time that morning.

As soon I couldn't feel any more sperm being forced out of my urethra by my pulsating penis, I pulled my dick out of Fran's pussy, got off the top of her, and pulled my pants and underwear back up around my still-partially-erect dick. I pulled up the zipper at the front of my pants, and buttoned up my jeans at the waist.

I explained to Fran, "I'm sorry, Fran."

"Sorry for what? You did exactly what I asked you to do. In fact, it was perfect!" Fran complimented me.

"What I mean is that I need to get out of this bedroom right now, because if I keep looking at your wonderful naked body, I'm going to end up having sexual intercourse with you again. And I don't want to do that right now, because frankly, my johnson's starting to get pretty sore. And I'm sure your jenny is too. Am I right about that?"

"Yes, young man. I think you hit that right on the nose--or in my case, right on the womb," Fran said laughing at her own attempt at humor.

I said, "Thank you, ma'am, for the wonderful morning. I can hardly wait to 'do you' again tomorrow."

And I turned around and walked out of Mom's bedroom directly into my own bedroom. I lay down on top of my bed, and tried to make sense of everything that just took place between Fran and me. But I couldn't.

The next thing I knew, I was jostled out of my own thought world, when I heard Fran's overly-loud voice from downstairs in the kitchen saying goodbye to my mother, as she was getting ready to leave the house to go back to her own house next-door.

"Don't forget your groceries," Mom reminded Fran loudly.

"Oh, yes. That's important. Thanks. I will see you tomorrow morning at the same time, right?"

"Of course. I look forward to it. I love you," I heard Mom tell Fran.

"I love you too, sweetie. Especially that awesome-looking jenny of yours," I heard Fran reply to Mom.

"You're too kind," Mom told her, and then added, "Oh, by the way, tomorrow morning, would it be okay with you if Carl has sexual intercourse with me first, while you sit in the easy chair and watch us, before we trade places, and he goes ahead and has sexual intercourse with you?"

"Why, Janie, do I detect some envy in your voice? Of course, I'd love to watch you and your son fornicate in front of me. I thought you'd never ask. It's not every day that someone gets to witness something so erotic and taboo as that."

"You wanna talk about erotic and taboo? How about me watching my own son this morning while he was having sexual intercourse with a woman who's old enough to be his grandmother, and seeing him get more turned-on by your 77-year-old, saggy tits and your old shriveled-up jenny than he ever does when he's having sexual intercourse with me, his own mother?"

"See, I was right. You are jealous of me. But I've got an even better idea. You see, I really love your jenny, Janie."

And both women laughed for a few moments at how silly that last sentence had sounded at the very end, as it was coming out of Fran's mouth.

But then Fran continued on to admit to Mom, "And I miss touching it, and playing with it. I also miss you touching and playing with mine. And it's been nearly a week since we've done that together. A week may not seem that long to you, but to me, it feels like an eternity.

"So tomorrow morning, how about we both get naked and get into bed together, and play with each other's breasts and jennys first, to get us both nice and wet. I would like Carl to watch us while we're doing that, if you don't mind. And then I'll move over to sit in the chair, and watch you and your son fornicate in front of me? Would that work for you?"

"You bet it would," I heard Mom reply enthusiastically from downstairs.

"By the way, I'll get Carl's money to you later this week. I have to go by the bank first," Fran's voice announced.

"No problem. I know you're good for it," Mom replied.

"I'm good for a lot more than just money, my dear," Fran said jokingly, and both women laughed.

Then there was a minute or two of silence, where neither woman talked to the other--at least, not loud enough where I could hear them from upstairs.

And when the silence didn't go away after that, I got suspicious and nosey at the same time.

So I got up out of my bed, quietly walked down the carpeted stairs, and stuck my head around the kitchen doorway that connects to the living room to see what Mom and Fran were doing, because I knew they weren't talking anymore.

And I saw both women with their right hands reaching across to each other's clothing-covered crotches at the same time, and slowly massaging each other's vulvas with the open palms of their hands, as their two wide-open mouths were locked together in a long, passionate French-kiss.

By the way that both women were behaving, I could tell that this was their normal way of saying goodbye to one another, if they happened to be alone somewhere together. In this case, they thought they were alone in the kitchen. And they were--that is, until I secretly spied on them, and saw what they were doing together.

As soon as I figured out what was taking place between the two women in the kitchen, I scurried up the stairs, and back to my bedroom as quietly as I could, so as not to get caught by my mother.

And then I heard the external kitchen door close and lock, and I knew that Fran had left Mom's house to go back to her home.

Mom came back upstairs to change her clothes, and as she passed by my bedroom doorway, she asked me, "Are you okay with what happened this morning?"

And I told her, "Sure, Mom. Why wouldn't I be?"

"I'm proud of the way that you accepted Fran as a person who needs sex, just like the rest of us do. I truly love that lady. She's like a mother to me."

"Did you have sex with your own mother?"

"Why would you even ask that?"

"Why do you think? I just secretly saw you guys say your goodbyes downstairs in the kitchen. You were letting Fran French-kiss you, which is something that you don't even let me do. Did you let your mother French-kiss you, back when you were a young girl?"

"No. Of course not! Why would I do something like that?" Mom said just a little too defensively, which only made me more suspicious that Mom was lying to me about her having had sex with her own mother.

When it came close to noon time, I took Mom out to lunch at Wendy's. And after we had both finished eating, Mom challenged me to go into the woman's restroom with her, and do a quickie with her in the toilet stall.

And of course, I took her up on her challenge. A quickie in a public place was something that Mom and I had never done together before.

So Mom went into the ladies' restroom first. And then, after seeing that no one in the restaurant dining area was paying any attention to us, I walked over to the men's restroom, which was located right beside the women's restroom.

Then I suddenly pushed the women's restroom door open, quickly walked in, and softly announced to Mom, "I'm here. Where are you at?"

"In the second stall, farthest from the door."

The restroom at this particular Wendy's location was fairly small. There were two toilet stalls, a vanity with a sink in the middle of it, and a mirror centered on the wall in front of that sink. And there was an electric hand-dryer located next to a paper towel dispenser, which were both mounted on the wall by the bathroom entry/exit door.

I opened the door of the farthest stall, and was immediately confronted by my mother's fat, bare butt. She was already bent over the toilet seat, with her pants and underwear pulled down around her thighs and her thick legs spread apart, and her hands holding onto each side of the toilet seat.

I just stood there looking at Mom's pussy and her ass for a moment, as I was calmly unbuttoning the waist of my pants, and pulling down my zipper, so that I could pull my dick out of the front of my pants and my underwear, and start rubbing the head of it up and down along the crack of Mom's pussy, which was already sopping-wet.

"What are you waiting for?" Mom asked in a concerned tone-of-voice. "This is supposed to be a quickie, remember? Just stick it in me and cum as quickly as you can, okay? Every minute we spend in here increases our chances of getting caught. And you don't want that, do you?"

"No, ma'am."

"Well, for God's sake, stick it in, thrust away, and let yourself cum inside me as soon as you can!"

That's when I heard another female voice--it sounded like a young adult girl--coming from the next toilet stall, as the unfamiliar voice asked, "Are you guys having a quickie? If so, can I watch?"

That unexpected female voice stopped me dead in my tracks for a moment. I didn't really know how to react to what I had just heard.

But Mom did, and she immediately called out to the young female stranger, telling her, "Sure. Just as long as you don't tell anyone? You promise?"

"And the voice answered, "I promise. I won't tell anyone. You have my word on it."

The next thing I knew, a young nerdy-looking girl, wearing a Wendy's uniform was standing behind me, looking right at my mother's butt and pussy.

This slender young girl had long, straight, light-brown hair that was parted down the middle and pulled up into a long pony tail hanging down off the back of her head at the rear of the official Wendy's visor that she was wearing. She was about 5' 7" inches tall. She was wearing black horn-rimmed glasses, and she had a small patch of freckles across her nose and her upper cheeks. She was definitely cute-looking, but in a plain Jane, girl next-door sort of way.

"Hi, I'm Jennifer. But my coworkers just call me 'Jen,'" she told me, quickly pointing towards her own name badge, which had the name, "Jen" embossed on it. "But the truth is my real friends all call me 'Jenny.'"

"It's nice meeting you, Jenny," I told the young lady, with a big smile on my face, as I immediately thought about Fran calling her own pussy "jenny" all morning long. "I'm Carl, and this is my girlfriend, Janie. She's a cougar. And I'm into older women."

"Hang on a minute. I'm gonna lock the bathroom door, so no one else can come in."

Jenny twisted the knob to lock the restroom door, which automatically marked the restroom on the outside of the door as being "Occupied."

"Now, we're the only ones in this bathroom. Go ahead and fuck your girlfriend. I promise I won't interfere. I'll just stand here and watch."

I shoved my dick in Mom's baby-making hole from behind, and humped away at it like a madman for about a minute or so, and then fertilized her post-menopausal pussy, before pulling out of her, and turning around to face Jenny.

"Would you please rub you dick against my pussy?" Jenny begged me, as she was removing her long Wendy's apron, and then carefully rolling it up to set it on top of the electric hand dryer mounted to the wall.

At that point I could tell through her blouse that Jenny's breasts were definitely on the small side, maybe an "AA" or "A" cup at the most. I could also see that she had a straight-hipped, boyish-looking figure.

Then Jenny pulled down her black pants and her plain white cotton panties around her thighs to expose her hairy pussy to me, before saying to me, "I'm over 18. I promise. And I've never had a real live dick touch my pussy before."

"I'll do you one better than that," I told Jenny. "I'll stick my dick up inside of your little fuck-hole right now, and just keep it there until it softens up and falls out on its own. That way you'll know what it feels like to have a guy's dick in your pussy. Do we have a deal?"

"Fuck yeah! Let's do it!" Jenny said enthusiastically. Then she paused for a moment with a worried look on her face and asked me, "You're not gonna get me pregnant, are you?"

"I certainly hope not, but I can't lie to you. It could happen. And if it does, then it was meant to be. Are you good with that?"

"Oh my God! I can't believe I'm doing this. I've never done anything this naughty in my entire life. But go ahead, Carl. Stick it in me. I'll take my chances."

I glanced over over my shoulder at my mom. And she was now sitting on the toilet seat in her stall, with her legs spread apart. And Mom was wiping the excess sperm off her pussy with a thick wad of toilet paper, while she was watching Jenny and me like a hawk.

Jenny turned around and bent over the restroom sink vanity to "present" her bare, tight, boyish-looking butt to me. And I shoved my sperm-coated dick all the way up into her young vagina from the rear, in one long, smooth thrust, until my pubic bone smacked up against her fleshy vulva.

Then I just stood there, with my penis sunk in all the way up to the hilt, while I was waiting for my dick to soften up and fall out of her vagina, just like I told Jenny that I would.

But that didn't end up happening. Instead, my dick slowly grew and got stiffer, until it was finally fully-erect inside of Jenny's baby-making hole. And I thought that maybe the fact that Jenny had reached down between her legs, and was fondling and playing with my balls may have had something to do with my miraculous second boner.

And I warned her, "Jenny, you've gone and done it now, girl. You shouldn't have played with my balls, like you've been doing. You got me all excited again. So now you're gonna see what it feels like to have a quickie with a guy, because I have to actually fuck you in order to release some more sperm from my balls, just like I fucked Janie a few minutes ago."

And I began thrusting my firm penis in and out of Jenny's vagina at a fairly rapid pace, trying to fertilize her totally-unprotected uterus as soon as I could, so that Mom and I could leave the restroom and go on about our business.

"So this is what fucking feels like, huh?" Jenny remarked, while I continued to energetically hump away at her pussy from behind. And then she commented, "Gosh, now I understand why all my girlfriends talk about how great it feels whenever their boyfriends are fucking them. And they all tell me how stupid I've been for remaining a virgin. And you know what? They're right."

"You mean, I'm taking your virginity right now?" I asked Jenny.

And she answered me, "Well, technically yes. Because even though I've had lots of different kinds of things up inside of my pussy, like vibrators, and hairbrush handles, and stuff; up until now, I've never had a guy's dick in my pussy before. All I can say is it feels fucking awesome!"

And as if on cue, I slammed my dick home one last time, and filled her young fuck-hole with a whole wad of my sperm. Then I immediately pulled out of her, shoving my sperm-coated dick back into my own underwear, zipping up my pants, unlocking the restroom door, and walking out of that small women's restroom, as if nothing special or strange had just taken place.

I heard the restroom door lock behind me after I left. And I knew that Mom was up to something.

About 10 minutes or so after I sat back down at the restaurant table where Mom and I had been eating, Mom finally came out of the women's restroom, walked over to the table, and sat down across from me with a Cheshire Cat grin on her face.

"What took you so long?" I asked her.

Mom leaned towards me and whispered to me across the table, "Hey, women need to cum too, you know? And I figured it was high time for me to take advantage of the situation, and feel me out some young Wendy's employee pussy, since Jenny was more than happy to make her pussy available to me.

"You see, right after you left the restroom, I was still sitting on the toilet in the stall, and I saw that Jenny was just standing there bent over the sink in the same position that you just finished fucking her in. And the sperm was dripping down from her clit onto the crotch of her panties. Not only that, but her legs were shaking, and she was in tears, poor thing.

"So I grabbed a whole wad of toilet paper from my stall, got up off the toilet seat, and walked over to stand behind Jenny and wipe some of the sperm off her pussy for her, just to clean her up a little bit.

"I also comforted her by telling her that everything was going to be okay, and I congratulated her for having the courage to finally become a woman. But while I was telling her those things, I threw the wadded-up toilet paper into the trash barrel, and continued to massage and gently feel out her pussy with my hand.

"And she asked me what I was doing. And I asked her if she had cum while my son was fucking her. And at first, she freaked out on me when she heard me call you 'my son.' But I expected for that to happen.

"Jenny was saying stuff to me like, 'Oh my God! That was you son?' and, 'You mean you're not his girlfriend?'

"And I told her that I was your mother, and that you and I have a very unique and loving relationship. And then I asked her once again if she had cum while you were fucking her.

"And she said that, although she had enjoyed the experience of getting fucked by you, she didn't actually cum while you were fucking her, because it had all happened too quickly.

"And I told her not to feel bad about that, because most women don't orgasm when they're having a quickie with a guy.

"And Jenny asked me why women had quickies at all, if it didn't make them cum.

"And I asked her if having the quickie with you in a public location had excited her, and if your dick had felt good inside her pussy while you were thrusting away it.

"And she admitted that the quickie was extremely exciting, and that it had felt really great to her while you were fucking her like that.

"And I told her that that was the reason why women will go ahead and have quickies with their boyfriends from time to time.

"Remember, I had been massaging Jenny's pussy from behind this whole time, while we were talking. So I asked her if my hand felt good to her pussy, and she told me that it did. Then I asked her if she was okay with letting me make her cum.

"And before she could answer me, I began diddling her clit with my thumb and fingering her vagina with my middle finger. And she just stood there for several minutes, still bent over at the sink, letting me finger her from behind. And she began slowly rocking her hips back and forth while I was fingering her. And at that point, I knew she was mine for the taking.

"So I told her to stand up and turn around to face me, which she did. And then I told her to show me her breasts, and I asked her if she wanted to see my breasts too.

"She nodded her head while she was pulling her official Wendy's T-shirt up to her neck to expose her breasts to me. By the way, she wasn't wearing a bra, because the truth is she really didn't need one.

"Anyway, I opened my blouse and took off my bra to show her my breasts. And we both felt out and played with each other's breasts and nipples for about a minute or so.

"By the way, Jenny's got the cutest little titties on her that you've ever seen. No, wait. You didn't get to see 'em, now did you? Ah, well that's too bad. She even let me suck on her sexy-looking, puffed-out nipples, and I let her suck on my nipples too, of course.

"Then I asked her is she wanted to touch and play with my pussy. And she nodded her head again. So I let her explore my pussy with her little fingers and squeeze my large clit, while I reached across into her crotch and continued masturbating her pussy--this time from the front.

"And of course, I was trying to make her cum. But that wasn't hard for me to do, since I've had a lot of practice doing that to myself, and to other women.

"And the next thing I knew, Jenny started cumming, and squeezing my right hand between her thighs while she was doing it. I could tell she was experiencing an awesome orgasm by the look on her face, and how her body was reacting.

"After her orgasm subsided, I asked her if she would make me cum too, just like I had done for her.

"And Jenny suddenly dropped down on her knees in front of me, and she began sucking away on my large clit. And of course, that took me right over the top, and gave me a wonderful orgasm.

"Afterwards, we both took turns cleaning each other up a bit more, and wiping up any 'evidence' off the bathroom floor, before we both got dressed again.

"As we were winding everything down, I mentioned to Jenny that it seemed like she felt really comfortable sucking on my tits and playing with my pussy, and letting me do the same thing to her. And I asked her if she had ever had sex with another woman before.

"And that's when Jenny confessed to me that, just a few months ago, she had secretly begun having sex with her own divorced mother. She said that she had felt so guilty for doing that, but she told me that she just couldn't help herself.

"She explained to me that it had all started innocently enough late one night, when Jenny woke up and was shocked to find her mother naked in bed with her, and fingering her pussy. Jenny said that she was still half-asleep when she vaguely remembers pleading with her mother to stop, but her mother just kept on going anyway.

"I guess Jenny's mom must have been feeling so horny--and lonely--that she was bound and determined to seduce her own daughter into having sex with her. And considering the circumstances, it didn't take long before Jenny finally reached over and began fingering her mother's pussy too, and giving her mother the sexual release that she was obviously craving.

"Anyway, Jenny told me that after that very first night of them having sex together, whenever Jenny or her mother would get feeling horny, instead of masturbating, they would automatically end up turning to each other for sexual release.

"And I told Jenny that her situation with her mother sounded a lot like the situation that my son and I are in. And I admitted to her that my sexual relationship with my son involved a lot more than just having quickies in the restroom, and I also let her know that this was the very first time that you and I ever did that together.

"And that's when Jenny finally unlocked the restroom door, and we both left the restroom together. And that's why I took so long getting back to the table."

After Mom finished her story, I looked over at the sales counter, and there was Jenny (a.k.a. Jen), fully-clothed now in her official Wendy's uniform, and serving a new customer.

When Jenny saw me looking at her from across the restaurant, she smiled at me, and then quickly made the "call me" sign with the stuck-out thumb and little finger of her closed-up hand while she as mouthing the words "call me," before she went back to assisting her current customer.

I asked Mom, "You didn't happen to get Jenny's phone number, did you?"

"Of course I did, son. I could tell how much she really likes you, and you guys would make such a cute couple."

"Oh my God, Mom. Stop with the matchmaking stuff already. Okay?"

Mom and I left the Wendy's restaurant and drove back to Mom's house.

After we both got out of our clothes and into our sleepwear, we settled in for the afternoon.

I was watching TV while sitting on the sofa in the family room, when Mom came up to me, and she picked up the TV controller and shut off the volume, so that the room was quiet.

"Sorry about that, but I'm not going to try to compete with the TV when I've got something important to tell you."

"Oh yeah? And what's so important that you have to mute the TV to tell me?"

"Well, please don't get mad at me. But I did something else, right before I left that Wendy's restroom today. And it's something that I didn't tell you about earlier."

"What did to you do, Mom?" I said to her, feeling very concerned.

Mom stood there for a moment, and finally blurted out, "I invited Jenny over to my house tomorrow morning to have sex with both of us. And Jenny has already agreed to come over and spend the morning with us, since she works the evening shift tomorrow night. And--

I began to interrupt Mom, but she gave me that "I'm not finished talking yet" look, and I quickly shut up to let her finish.

"As I was saying, before you so rudely tried to interrupt me, I asked Jenny to go through her laundry hamper at her house, and find a pair of her soiled panties, and bring them with her tomorrow morning to my house, so that she can let you keep them as a souvenir."

"Mom, I appreciate you trying to help me with my soiled panty collection. But it's your soiled panties that I really want, not other women's panties."

"Carl, you're so full of shit right now! You don't really expect me to believe that, do you? I saw how you were sniffing away at the crotch of Sofia's panties yesterday. And I don't blame you. Really, I don't.

"Sofia's one hell of a sexy lady. And the truth is I wouldn't have minded sniffing her panties myself yesterday, if you hadn't shoved them in my face, right after I had finished eating cookies."

"You mean, you sniff women's dirty panties, just like I do?" I asked, in total disbelief. "Why would you do that, Mom?"

"For the same reason that you do, son," Mom replied. "It turns me on to sniff the crotches of those panties when I'm masturbating.

"I don't know why, but you seem to keep forgetting that I'm bisexual, even though you've watched me have sex with other women, right in front of you."

"I'm sorry, Mom. I'm not trying to judge you, or anything. It's just I thought it was only men who got off on sniffing dirty panties."

"Well, you thought wrong, now didn't you?" Mom said, rubbing it in. Well, I forgive you this time. But you've got to quit assuming things about other people. The truth is everyone is different from everyone else. And that's precisely what makes this world so exciting.

"Hang on a minute. I'll be right back," Mom said, and then shot up the stairs to her bedroom, before returning a few minutes later with a wadded-up pair of expensive-looking, laced-trimmed, blue satin panties in her hand.

Mom raised up her hand, holding the crumpled-up panties in front of my face, and said to me, "I have been saving these for you, ever since you left the last time to go back to your house. These panties belonged to someone very special who you got to fuck several times while you were visiting me this last Christmas."

"Oh my God! Those are Lacey's dirty panties?" I asked in disbelief.

"You bet they are. And they definitely have your sister's pussy smell all over the crotch-lining, and don't ask me how I know that. You're welcome, son," Mom said to me, as she handed the wadded-up panties over to me.

"I don't know what to say, Mom."

"A 'thank you' would be nice."

I mouthed the words, "thank you" to Mom and automatically held the crotch of the blue satin panties up to my nose and took a big whiff of Lacey's leftover pussy aroma.

Mom turned around to leave the family room, so that I could continue watching TV--and sniffing my younger sister's panties--when I called out to my mother to finally tell her the original reason why I had tried to interrupt her earlier.

"Mom, Fran is supposed to come over tomorrow morning to have sex with us. And now, you've invited Jenny to come over and have sex with us at the same time as Fran."

"Yes, you're absolutely right about that. And I did that on purpose. We're all going to have a lot of fun, I do believe. Just think about it. You're going to have three pussies available for you to fuck--just as long as you fuck mine first, of course. And by the way, that was the deal I made with Fran, right before she left the house today. And we women will have two pairs of breasts and two pussies available for us to fondle, lick, and suck, as well. What more could you ask for?"

"Why don't we just go ahead and invite Jenny's mother over too? I mean, the more, the merrier, right?"

"That's ridiculous! I don't even know the lady," Mom countered.

"But we don't really know Jenny either, Mom. And yet we both recently finished having sex with her in the women's restroom at Wendy's."

"Maybe later, once we both get to know Jenny a little bit better, and figure out whether she's trustworthy or not," Mom argued.

"What does that even mean, Mom?" I said, shaking my head. "I guess I'd better make sure I get a good night's sleep tonight if I'm going to be ready for tomorrow."

"Don't worry. You'll be ready," said Mom. "Just wait 'til you see Jenny's super-cute, little puffed-out titties. Her tits alone are almost exciting enough to make you cum, let alone her wonderful young pussy. Did you notice that Jenny's pussy was hairy?"

"Of course, I did, Mom. How could I not notice that. I was fucking her, for Christ's sake. And it was refreshing to actually stick my dick in a hairy pussy, for a change. Please don't try to shave her pussy, or talk her into shaving it. Okay, Mom? I like Jenny's 'jenny' just the way that it is. Okay?"

"Well, alright then. If that's what you want. I'll just have to leave Jenny's 'jenny' au naturel."

"It is what I want."

At around 2:00 PM the front doorbell rang. My mother and I both knew that it had to be Sofia, coming over for the afternoon for yet another secret go-round with me. And sure enough, we weren't disappointed.

However, what Sofia didn't count on, was that Mom was going to coerce Sofia into have sex with her first, while I watched the two of them go at it, before I later switched places with Mom, and fucked Sofia in front of Mom again.

I'll never forget how Mom met Sofia at the front door. I was standing there at the bottom of the stairs watching her as she opened the front door to let Sofia into the house, and then gave her a big hug to welcome Sofia into the house.

Then Mom closed the front door, and locked it, before turning back around to look at Sofia. I saw Mom's demeanor instantly change. She had an evil-looking grin on her face, and she barked out at Sofia in an overly-loud voice, "Take off your fucking clothes, puta!"

Sofia said "Yes, ma'am. Whatever you want." And then Sofia immediately began undressing, dropping her clothing, one piece at a time onto the tile floor of the entryway, until she was totally nude, and showing off that freshly-shaved Hispanic vulva of hers.

"Follow me upstairs now!" Mom barked out harshly at Sofia.

And Sofia followed Mom up the stairs, with me following a little ways behind the two of them, into Mom's bedroom.

"If you want my son to fuck you this afternoon, you're going to have to do what I tell you to do. Comprende?"

"Yes, ma'am. I will do as you say."

"You're such a good little Mexican whore," Mom complimented Sofia condescendingly, as my mother was taking her housecoat off to get naked. Then Mom climbed on top of the bed, and flipped over onto her back, and spread her legs apart.

"Get your ass up in this bed, and suck on my nipples!"

Sofia just stood there beside the bed, motionless for a moment.

"What the fuck, puta! I just told you suck my nipples. And I expect you to do what I tell you to--that is, if you want my son to fuck you again."

Sofia climbed up into the bed beside Mom, and stuck Mom's right nipple into her mouth, and she began sucking away on it.

"See, that's not so bad, is it?" Mom asked her, using a much gentler tone-of-voice.

Sofia raised her mouth up off Mom's nipple just long enough to say, "No, ma'am. I guess not." And she latched back onto the nipple and kept sucking away on it.

It was interesting for me to witness the textbook example of domination and submission that was taking place in front of me between my mother and Sofia. The more Mom asserted her dominance over Sofia, the more submissive Sofia would become, and the more excited both she and my mother seemed to get, as a direct result of their sexual role-playing.

It wasn't obvious to me at first just how turned-on Sofia was during her submissive role-playing that had just begun with my mother. But then I looked down at Sofia's bare pussy, and it was betraying her by intermittently dripping her feminine wetness onto the top sheet of Mom's bed, while so far, the only thing that Sofia had done to get her pussy sopping-wet was to suck away on Mom's nipple.

Apparently, Mom also noticed how wet Sofia's leaky pussy was, because she said to Sofia, "Oh my God! You're already cumming? You haven't even touched my pussy yet. I guess that just shows what a little whore you really are.

"Touch my fucking pussy right now, bitch! You know you want to. You can't hide it from me. Tell me how much you want my pussy."

"You're right. I want your pussy," Sofia stated matter-of-factly.

"And what exactly do you want to do to my pussy right now?" Mom goaded her on.

"I want to stick your little dick in my mouth, and suck on it."

"Good answer," Mom praised her. "But I want you to spin your body around in the opposite direction so that we can 69, and eat each other's pussies at the same time. Do you think you would enjoy that, you little cunt?"

"I can't believe you just called me the "C" word. Nobody's ever called me that before. Not even my husband."

"But isn't that what you really are, Sofia? A little cunt whore? With a shaved Mexican cunt down between your legs? Show me what a cunt whore you really are."

Sofia spun her body around 180 degrees and got top of Mom in a 69 position, straddling Mom's face with her shave vulva. And then she carefully maneuvered her vaginal opening to slide down around Mom's already-extended tongue, before she leaned over Mom's crotch area and began sucking away on Mom's huge clitoris.

Just when I thought things couldn't get much better, Mom start cumming and squirted all over the sheets, while Sofia just kept sucking and tonguing away at Mom's now-fully-erect, giant love-button.

After her orgasm tapered off, Mom told Sofia, "I'll bet you want to see if you can fuck my little dick, don't you? Don't lie to me, Sofia. I can see your desire in your eyes. Now that you've gotten my little dick fully-erect it's definitely big enough to fuck. So that's that I want you to do.

"I want you to straddle your 'cunt' across my hips, and stick my giant clit up into your nasty fuck-hole, just like you were doing with my tongue a few seconds ago. Except that this time, I want you to hump away at my clit, treating it as if you were fucking a small dick, until you make yourself cum.

"And when you do finally orgasm, I want you to squirt all over my clit and my pussy. And I know you can squirt, because I saw you do it with own eyes yesterday afternoon, when my son was using his tongue to transfer his sperm into your pussy."

"Yes, ma'am. I can definitely squirt for you," Sofia said, pulling herself up off of Mom's face, spinning around 180 degrees again to straddle Mom's hips and pelvis, facing her.

"Don't do it for me. Do it for you!" my Mother demanded, as Sofia eased her vaginal entrance down around Mom's erect clitoris, and she began using her hips to thrust it in and out of her vagina, fucking it as if it were a guy's small penis, just like Mom had asked her to do.

Mom grabbed hold of Sofia's bare "C" cup size breasts, one in each hand, and gently squeezed them and felt them out while she was getting 'fucked' by Sofia for what seemed like a couple of minutes or so, without either woman saying one word to the other.

Then Sofia finally said to Mom, "Oh my God! I can't believe that this is turning me on so much! As I told you before, I'm not a lesbian. But if I keep going like this, I'm going to make myself cum."

"That's the whole idea, isn't it?" Mom said to Sofia. "I mean, there's no point in you having sex with me if you're not going to thoroughly enjoy the experience, and let yourself cum, for Christ's sake."

"I'm not doing this for Christ. I'm doing this for me!" Sofia blurted out quickly, and then began to orgasm her butt off, and squirt all over Mom's clit and her pussy, just like Mom had told her to do.

When Mom felt Sofia start squirting all over her genitals, she praised Sofia in an over-loud voice, "You're such a good little whore. Peeing all over Mommy's pussy like this."

Meanwhile, Sofia was in her own little orgasmic world, riding away on Mom's clit and trying to keep her balance, and keep from falling over to one side or the other, during what was obviously an earth-shaking orgasm.

Sofia finally let herself fall over to one side of Mom, so that she was now lying on her back on top of the bed, beside my mother. It looked like Sofia was well on her way to falling asleep when Mom loudly announced, "Okay, Carl. I warmed her up for you. Now jump on top, and get your rocks off inside this little Mexican puta's panocha, so that she can go back home with a pussy full of sperm to be with her kids and her cheating husband."

Then Mom turned her attention towards Sofia and told her, "Wake up, you little cunt. It's time for you to get fucked again. But this time, by a dick that bites, instead of a pussy that doesn't. You're still not using any birth control, right?"

"No, ma'am. I'm not."

"Carl really likes that. He loves to try to get women like you pregnant, don't you, Carl?"

"Yes, ma'am. I sure do."

"Well then, what're you waiting for? This little slut's already got her legs spread apart for you, and a nice wet pussy that's all yours for the taking. Make your mamma proud!"

And that's exactly what I did, before Mom and I finally sent Sofia back to her house across the street, and out of our lives once again. At least, for the rest of the day.

After I took Mom out to dinner at a nice steakhouse to celebrate our combined victories of the day, we came back home and settled in for the evening.

Considering the full day I had had, sex was the last thing on my mind when I got home with a full steak dinner trying to digest inside my stomach. And I was pretty sure that Mom felt the same way.

"Good night, Mom," I told my mother, and gave her a big hug and a kiss on the check. "Considering what's going to take place tomorrow morning, I think it's best if I sleep in my own bed tonight. I'll see you in the morning."

Mom didn't try to argue with me. Instead, she just said "good night" to me, turned around, and left to go upstairs to her own bedroom.

Meanwhile, I decided to stay in the family room for a little while, and watch some TV before going to bed. So I picked up the TV controller and channel-surfed until I finally hit a TV show that I was interested in watching. And about halfway through the show, a Wendy's commercial popped up on the TV screen.

And the whole time that the 60-second Wendy's commercial was playing on the TV, I automatically thought about Jenny and her hairy, previously-virgin pussy. And I knew that Jenny, wherever she was right now, still secretly has my sperm deep inside her totally-unprotected baby-making hole.

And then my thoughts suddenly shifted to Sofia, and how she still secretly has a wad of my sperm deep inside her possibly-fertile vagina too, just like Jenny does.

And then I unexpectedly found myself fantasizing about what it would be like to fuck Jenny's mother right in front of her own daughter, even though I had never met the woman before, and didn't have any idea what she looked like, or how old she was. But that didn't stop me from wondering if Jenny's mother was young enough that she hadn't reached menopause yet.

And that was all it took for me to feel my dick starting to grow and stiffen inside my underwear--despite my distended stomach.

I finally shut off the TV in the family room, got up off the sofa, walked up the stairs, and headed to Mom's bedroom, instead of my own.

I stopped at Mom's bedroom doorway, which was wide-open, and told my mother, "Mom, I changed my mind. Is it okay if I sleep with you tonight?"

And Mom said to me, "I kind of thought you'd want to sleep with me. That's why I left the door open for you."

I automatically took all my clothing off--except my socks and my wristwatch--while I was standing by the side of Mom's bed, and then I climbed into bed and slid under the covers with my naked mother lying on her back, right beside me.

And naturally, my mother had looked down at state of my partially-erect, stiffening penis as I was getting under the covers with her, and she gestured with her hand towards my crotch and said to me, "Looks like you're still feeling horny, son. Are you? 'Cuz I sure am."

I didn't say a word to Mom. Instead, I just rolled over off my back and onto my left side. Then I leaned over Mom's torso, and stuck the large nipple of Mom's right breast into my mouth, and I began sucking away on it, since I know how much Mom loves getting her nipples sucked.

And while I was sucking away on Mom's nipple, I moved my right leg over the top of her thick right thigh, and I began to slowly dry-hump her thigh.

After a little while, I pulled my mouth off of Mom's nipple, and softly said to her, "Has anyone ever fucked you in the ass before?"

And Mom hesitated for a moment, before confessing to me, "Yes. Ben did one time. Because that's what Sam wanted him to do."

"Did Ben cum inside your rectum?"

"Yes, he did. But once again, that was because Sam specifically asked him to do that."

"Did it turn you on while Ben was fucking you in the ass?"

"Are you kidding me? Of course it did. But it was also uncomfortable as hell, and it was something that I never want to experience again.

"Sure, there are a few women out there who absolutely love anal intercourse. But one time was more than enough for me, just like it is for most women.

"Tell you what, why don't you try to fuck Jenny in the ass tomorrow, and see how well that works out for you."

"I can't do that to her, Mom."

"Then why the hell do you think it's okay for you to do that to me? Now, don't get me wrong. I don't mind it when you get excited, and stick the tip of your finger up into my asshole. Heck, I've even done that to you before too, while you were fucking me.

"But I definitely don't want that large dick of yours up inside my rectum, when I've got a perfectly good pussy for you to fuck anytime you need to. Show a little respect here, son, okay?"

"Okay, Mom, I'm sorry for even bringing the subject up with you."

"Why? I'm actually happy you did. It means we have an honest relationship, and you and I can talk about anything with each other, without holding back. And that's a very good thing," said Mom, and then added, "And speaking of 'honesty,' yesterday you brought up your porn collection, and you told me that you were into some kinky stuff. So now's the time to come clean with me. What kinds of kinky stuff are you into when it comes to looking at porn?"

I thought about it for a moment, and then told Mom, "Well, I'm really into the seeing the cuckolding stuff, and also the incest stuff, like depictions of brothers fucking their own sisters, and fathers doing their own daughters, and mothers having sex with their own sons."

"That doesn't surprise me, considering our relationship. Do you ever look at gay porn, and does it turn you on?"

"That's a 'yes,' and a 'yes.'"

"So if I invited another man to join us in bed, instead of another woman, do you think you could actually play with his dick and give him a blowjob, and then watch him fuck me in front of you?"

"Why are you asking me that? What do you have up your sleeve?"

"Nothing. I'm just curious. That's all. I was just wondering how bisexual you really are."

"Well, I guess you could go ahead and invite another man into our bed, and we'll find out, won't we?"

"Yes, we would," Mom agreed. "And what about bestiality? You know? Like watching women have sex with their pet dogs? Does that turn you on? Because I can guarantee you it turns me on like crazy!"

"Oh, do I detect another dirty little secret here that you're not telling me?"

"Yes. But I'll only tell you my secret if you promise not to laugh at me, or make fun of me."

"I promise."

"Okay, well here goes: I'm not proud of it, but I lost my virginity to my best friend's pet German Shepherd."

"Wow! I didn't see that one coming!"

"Neither did I, at the time. It just kind of happened.

"It was the summer right after I had graduated from high school. And I was 18 years old and still a virgin at that point, believe it or not. I mean, sure I had a few boyfriends throughout my first couple of years of high school. But I was afraid to let any of them get past second base with me, because I was paranoid about possibly getting pregnant, and ruining my chances at any future, besides being an unwed high school age mother, that is."

"Weren't you on The Pill back then, or something?"

"No. So if I wanted to 'go all the way' with a guy, the only real choice I had back then were condoms, and they were notorious for breaking--or worse yet, being secretly removed by the guy himself during intercourse, which I know sounds like a crazy thing to do, but I knew friends who had gotten pregnant when their boyfriends had secretly removed their condoms right in the middle of fucking them.

"Oh my God! That's despicable!"

"Yes, it is. I agree with you, but that didn't stop it from happening.

"Some of my girlfriends back then thought they could protect themselves by blowing off using condoms, and only letting their boyfriends have anal intercourse with them. Well, that would usually work out just fine and dandy for them--until one of their boyfriends would decide that he didn't want to cum inside his girlfriend's rectum. That instead, he wanted to pull out of her rectum at the last minute, and cum all over her pussy crack.

"Believe it or not, I actually knew a girl in college who got pregnant that way. She swore up and down that her boyfriend never penetrated her vagina with his dick. He just squirted the sperm out onto her pussy crack and her vaginal entrance. So technically, since she didn't have vaginal intercourse, she was still a virgin even after she got pregnant. Go figure...

"Anyway, I realized that I had to be one of the most sexually-addicted girls at my high school, and I also realized that a large part of that reason was because of my huge clitoris, which was--and still is--a curse, as far as I'm concerned.

"This 'little dick thing' of mine is always jutting out at the front of my pussy and rubbing up against my underwear and the front crotch material of my clothing. Haven't you wondered why I always walk around the house nowadays wearing only my housecoat, with no underwear underneath it?"

"Yes, ma'am. But I just thought you were more comfortable that way."

"I am. But that's because I'm not in a state of constant orgasm."

"What on earth are you talking about?"

"You see, whenever I'm wearing any kind of pants, or shorts--and even just panties--I automatically start orgasming, because those panties or pants keep rubbing up against the large head of my clit.

"And by the way, I don't know it you noticed, but my clit stays perpetually exposed, and never slides up under its hood, because my hood's not quite long enough to be able to cover it up all the way.

"So my clit rubbing up against the front of my panties gives me a hard-on, and ultimately makes me cum over and over again, although my orgasms are very mild, thank God! But they are definitely strong enough to keep my pussy moist.

"All I can say is it gets exhausting after a while. Spontaneously orgasming is a whole different can of worms, and not one that I find to be necessarily pleasant. Especially when I'm trying to hide the fact from everyone around me that I am constantly in an orgasmic loop, and at the same time, trying to hide that huge penis-looking bulge at the front of my pants. And it has been that way for me as far back as I can remember.

"Throughout my life, I tried to minimize all this clit-rubbing stuff, by wearing loose-fitting dresses and skirts all the time, without any panties on underneath. But that was back when I was a much younger woman and my legs were still thin enough to be attractive looking. By the way, your father used to love the fact that I never wore panties underneath my skirts and dresses.

"But nowadays, this much fatter and older version of me prefers to wear very loose-fitting pants and panties, whenever I have to go out in public. Haven't you noticed how large my panties are?"

"Yes, ma'am. But I wasn't trying to put them on myself and wear them, I was only sniffing the crotch-panel. And the size of your pussy and asshole stains in the crotch mattered to me much more than the size of the panties themselves."

"Did you notice how wet my pussy was at Wendy's yesterday afternoon when you came into the ladies' room to have that quickie with me?"

"Yes, ma'am. You were definitely wet already."

"Well, that was because I started orgasming over and over again from the moment that I put on my pants and panties to drive down to Wendy's, until after we had finished eating and I went into that bathroom stall and finally pulled down my pants and panties, while I was waiting for you to come into the bathroom.

"And after I came back out of that ladies' room and joined you again at the table, I started orgasming again until we finally got home and I took off those damn pants and panties of mine."

"Wow, Mom! My level of respect for you just went right through the roof! Did Dad know about your constant orgasmic looping problem?"

"Of course he did. That's why he used to let me walk around house naked as a jaybird all the time, until you finally hit puberty. And that's when I began wearing housecoats around the house instead."

"But how did you know when I finally hit puberty?"

"It was easy to tell, son. Because I did the laundry. And one morning, I noticed a large, weird-looking stain on your fitted sheet that I had never seen before.

"And when I smelled the stain I instantly realized that it was sperm from your very first wet dream, which you must've had the night before. If memory serves me correctly, you were around 11 years old at the time."

"Wow! That's really embarrassing, Mom!"

"Yeah, it was for me too! Especially the moment that I realized that I was looking at and smelling my own son's sperm. I dropped that damn sheet on the floor, like a hot potato.

"Then I went straight upstairs to my bedroom and plopped myself down on top of the bed. I had the house to myself that morning, because Sam was at work, and you were at school. And so I masturbated like crazy, while I was fantasizing the whole time about about what it would be like to actually have sex with my own son.

"Afterwards, I finally came back down to the laundry room to throw that sperm-coated sheet into the washing machine, along with the rest of that load of laundry."

"I never realized that you felt that way about me. At least, not until last Christmas, when you had sex with me for that very first time in your wonderful kitchen."

"That was because throughout your childhood, I went out of my way to hide that super-horny, sexual side of myself from you. I wanted you to have a half-way normal childhood. The last thing I wanted was for you to feel pressured into having sex with your own mother.

"But after Sam had passed, and he wasn't around anymore to help me keep my super-strong sexual needs in check--and I saw that you still didn't have a girlfriend after all these years of living on your own--I figured that I might as well go ahead and seduce you, and see if you were interested in having sex with me, since I've always wanted to have sex with you, ever since you reached puberty.

"I figured that the worst that could happen is that you would refuse my advances, and think that I was just a crazy old lady for even trying to seduce you in my kitchen like that. But you didn't do that, now did you? And so here we are."

And then Mom did a sudden about-face, and reprimanded me, "Now quit humping my thigh, God damn it! And stick that wonderful young dick of yours up into my pussy, where it belongs."

And I knew that Mom was done talking to me, and was ready to get down to the serious business of fucking.

Of course, Mom was already lying on her back on top of the bed. That was the position that my mother would automatically assume anytime that she was wanting to fuck. Despite her sometimes-outrageous sexual experimentation, Mom was a true traditionalist when it came to her participating in the act of sexual intercourse. So she rarely wanted to fuck in any other body-position that wasn't face-to-face, missionary-style.

While I was busy fucking Mom, I realized that she had gone so far off the track during our just-completed conversation, that she had failed to tell me about exactly how she had lost her virginity to her best friend's dog.

And I made a mental note to myself that I was going to remind her of that fact the next time that we were alone together, getting ready to have sex with each other.

While I was steadily thrusting away at Mom's vagina, and doing it in her favorite missionary-style position, I leaned over and whispered in her ear, "So you actually let a dog fuck you to take your virginity? You're not just pulling my leg, are you?"

"Why would I joke about such an important milestone in my life, like losing my virginity?" Mom asked me right back, answering my question with her own question, and then she quickly changed the subject, "Oh God, that feels so good! I can feel that dick-head of yours expanding like crazy inside me. You're just about to cum, aren't you, you horny little motherfucker?"

And I didn't have to answer Mom's last question, because the head of my dick automatically answered that question for me, when it began pulsating right up against Mom's firm doughnut-shaped cervix, giving it yet one more liberal coating of my sperm, as I was trying in vain to fertilize my own mother's permanently-infertile uterus and ovaries for the umpteenth time since Mom and I have become willing sex partners for each other.

And while I was doing that, Mom automatically spread her legs even farther apart, and she placed her hands around my hips, grabbing hold of my butt-cheeks--holding one in each hand--as she was actively pulling my pelvis towards hers to get my penis to penetrate as deep inside her vagina as she possibly could, during my sperm-ejaculation.

And then afterwards, when I pulled my dick out of Mom's warm wet vagina, she reached down and gently wrapped her hand around the shaft of my softening slick dick, and then just held onto it. And I could still feel the little globs of sperm that were working their way up my long urethra on the underside of my shaft to slowly ooze out of the small slit at the very tip of my penis.

While Mom was doing that, I stuck my middle finger up deep into her freshly-creampied vagina and just left it there, without moving it around at all, figuring that if Mom was going to keep her hand around my dick, then I was going to go ahead and keep my finger up inside of her vagina.

Then I laid the side of my head near her armpit, and I began sucking away on one of Mom's large nipples again, pretending that I was still her little baby trying to suck milk out of her large breasts.

Of course, I was doing this nipple-sucking stuff mainly for my mother's benefit--and not mine--since I knew how much she enjoys getting her nipples sucked. And unfortunately, that's something that really doesn't turn me on that much when I'm having sex with her; and therefore, I don't tend to do it that often.

But when I felt the well-worn sphincter muscles surrounding Mom's vaginal entrance as they were repeatedly-but-gently clamping down around my middle finger, I knew that my sucking on her breasts was actually making her cum.

I mean, Mom wasn't experiencing earth-shaking orgasms, or anything like that. But I could tell that they were definitely orgasms. And Mom was softly moaning away, as she was definitely enjoying those mild orgasms that I was giving her. And I was happy that I had decided to go ahead and suck on her nipples.

Mom and I eventually fell asleep in each other's arms--with her still holding onto my soft noodle of a penis, and my middle finger still inserted up into her vagina. Things just don't get much intimate or taboo than that.

The next morning, when I finally woke up, my mother was already awake. She still had her hand gently wrapped around the limp shaft of my dick. And she was crying softly.

"What's wrong, Mother?" I asked, noticing that my middle finger wasn't up inside of her vagina anymore. I must have pulled it out at some point during the night, while I was sleeping.

"Nothing really. It's just that Sam always used to let me hold his dick in my hand like this, while we were sleeping together. I don't know why I like to do this. I just do. And I never realized how much I've missed doing this--until now."

"It's okay, Mom. You can hold my dick anytime you want to."

"Thanks, son. Oh my God! Are you starting to get a hard-on already? Well, that's good. But you really should save it for later, and go take a shower right now," Mom advised me, as she finally let go of my dick. "Because you've got a busy day ahead of you."

Mom winked at me, and then gave me a quick pat on the butt with the open palm of her hand while I was walking to her private bathroom to take a shower.

I turned back around for a moment to blow her a kiss, when I saw Mom getting up out of bed and putting her housecoat on, so that she could go downstairs and make us some breakfast, just like she always does when I'm visiting her.

And I suddenly thought to myself, I'm beginning to see why Dad loved Mom so much. She truly is one of a kind! And I know that Mom always does things with my best interests in mind--even if her efforts are sometimes unexpected, or misguided, or unwanted.

The bottom line is that over time, I guess that I'm slowly learning to roll with the punches, and enjoy the whole unique and challenging experience that is my mother.

And if Mom's ultimate goal is to make me never want to leave her house, and go back home to live by myself again out of town, I can assure you that she has more than accomplished her goal. Because during the last two days, I found myself wondering if Mom would actually allow me to move in with her, and live there permanently in my childhood home in Beaumont once again.

And deep down inside, I already know what her answer would most likely be. Maybe that's why I'm so hesitant to even bring up the subject with her.

I mean, I’m already 35 years old, for Christ’s sake. Do I really want to do nothing more with my life over possibly the next 10 to 20 years other than to be a true mama's boy and a surrogate husband for my own mother, as well as being a man-whore who makes his dick readily available to all of Janie's female friends and acquaintances at the drop of a hat?

You bet your sweet ass I do! And thanks to Fran, it pays pretty damn well too.

I've just got to figure out the best way to go about letting Mom know how I really feel about moving back in with her, and then hope and pray that she takes the bait.

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