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Jessie is ready to split the small-town truck stop where she works and Big Otto is her way out but at a peice.
Truckstop Whore – Jessie gets a Daddy

He’s found the perfect toy for his long hauls.


I’ve been working at The Pit Stop for about three months now. Ever since I turned eighteen and my mom took off. She said she was done raising a kid and it was time for her to live her life. I wouldn’t exactly call what she did raising me, but there was no use arguing.

She was behind on rent for our trailer, and I didn’t know it until the landlord came with eviction papers. After that, I was desperate to find something fast, and The Pit Stop was hiring. They have a row of bunk houses out back they let waitresses stay in for cheap, and I didn’t have a lot of options.

It’s clean enough, but it’s about the size of a closet with only a cot and a sink. Some of the girls rent their bunks to truckers for some quick cash, but it’s so tiny I don’t know how they both sleep in there at the same time. From what I’ve seen, they make a lot of money doing it, so I should ask.

“Order up,” Waylon calls, and I wipe my hands on my apron.

They make us wear these ridiculous uniforms, and mine is about three sizes too small. They had a box in the back I had to pick through, and none were big enough for me. Most of the waitresses here are skinny, but I’ve always been bigger than the girls my age. The buttons on the front of my uniform pull tight, and I double-check to make sure it hasn’t popped open.

Waylon slaps his palm on the bell a few times, and I hurry to the window. “Move your fat ass, Jessie.”

Grabbing the plates, I take them around the counter to one of only three booths that are occupied. Since I’m new, I’m on third shift so I mostly see long haul truckers wanting a hot meal. They only need one waitress on this shift, and it’s always the newest hire. The Pit Stop food isn’t the worst thing I’ve ever eaten, but it’s a frontage road truck stop, so we’re not exactly pulling in high dollar customers.

Once the food is delivered, I go behind the counter and get back to washing dishes. I’m humming to myself as I scrub when I hear the bell over the door. When I look up, my hands stop moving, and I stare as Big Otto comes in.

He’s one of the late-night regulars, and something about the way he watches me makes me nervous. Tonight, his cap is pulled down low, and his long beard hides most of his face, but I can still feel his eyes on me. He nods to the other guy in the booth but doesn’t say a word as he takes a seat at one of the booths and reaches for a menu.

After drying my hands, I grab my notepad and walk around to his booth. Music is playing from the jukebox so I have to speak up when I get to him.

“What can I get you?” My voice is still soft, but he knows I’m there, and when he looks up, he takes his time checking me out.

“What've you got?” He stares at the buttons straining to keep the top of my uniform closed.

“One of the waitresses made pies today,” I offer, trying not to think about the way he’s taking his time looking me over. I shift from one foot to the other as his tongue darts out and slides across his bottom lip.

“What kind of pie?”

“Cherry?” I don’t know why I say it like a question, but he grins a little like he’s pleased by my answer.

“That’s my favorite.” He leans close, and I’m so nervous, I don’t dare move an inch. He’s like a wild animal, and I’m afraid he’ll chase me if I run. “Think you could hold still while I eat it?”

I’m scribbling doodles on my notepad so I can avoid meeting his gaze. What does that even mean? “Um, I’m not sure.” My laugh is forced, and I want to go crawl under the counter and hide from this man. I’m not really scared of him, but something about him is scary.

“I bet it’s real fresh, ain’t it?” When he reaches for me, I’m unable to take a step back before his big hand gently rests on my hip. “How much?”

“It's on special today,” I stammer and then swallow hard.

“I heard some of y’all got rooms out back. Think you could let me have it in there?”

Oh, this must be how the girls make their extra money. Although I don’t know why truckers would want to eat in the bunk houses because they’re not really that nice. It would be stupid to turn down any extra money right now because I’m saving all my pennies to get the hell out of here.

“Absolutely.” I smile a little, and when I do his fingers on my hip flex in a possessive grip. “I get off in about twenty minutes.”

“Go on to the kitchen and box me something up. I’ll meet you around back after your shift.” When he stands, he towers over me, and I have to crane my neck all the way back to look up at him. “I’ll be waitin’ for you.”

His big hand comes up, and I don’t flinch away as he cups my face in the most gentle caress. I don’t know if I’ve ever been touched so sweetly, and against all my instincts, I lean into his palm.

“That’s what I thought,” he says more to himself than me.

When his hand drops away, I feel the loss of it and have to blink a few times to snap back to reality.

“Order up!” Waylon shouts like he’s been saying it for a while, and by the time I realize it, Big Otto is already out the door.

To my complete shock, I see a few hundred dollars bills lying on the table where Big Otto was sitting, and I glance around to see if anyone else has noticed as I hurry to tuck them in my bra. One of the older waitresses, Thelma, told me anytime someone left a big tip to stick it in my bra and keep my mouth shut. It’s never happened before tonight, and I’m nearly buzzing with the thrill of it.

“Jessie!” Waylon yells, and I scurry around the counter. “Christ, if I gotta keep hollering at you I’ll get someone else to do your fuckin’ job.”

“Sorry,” I mumble as I take the order to another table and check on my customers. I don’t like that Waylon talks to me that way, but he does it to everyone, so I shouldn’t take it personally. Thelma told me to ignore him, but it’s hard when it’s just the two of us here.

While I’m closing out the last table, the waitresses for the morning shift start showing up. After I hurry to clean up, I drop some cash in the jar for the pies and box up the last piece of cherry. Once I’ve done that, I decide to get some of the leftover fried chicken and biscuits to take with me in case Big Otto wants something else besides pie. Although he seemed really excited about only having dessert.

“Where are you running off to?” Thelma looks at what I’m holding as she ties on her apron.

Leaning in close to her so the other girls don’t hear, I whisper about Big Otto coming in. “I put the money up just like you told me.”

Thelma peers out of the backdoor to the bunkhouses in the distance. They line the edge of the woods behind The Pit Stop, and there’s a shower house between them.

“Shit, Jessie please tell me you know he’s not talking about eating that dry-ass pie Tiffany made?”

“Who’s calling my pie dry?” Tiffany comes in the back door and throws her cigarette butt in the sink with the dishes.

Thelma ignores her then takes me by the upper arm and pulls me to the side. “How much did he give you?” She looks around to make sure the coast is clear as I reach in my bra and pull out the wad of hundreds. “Yeah, that’s what I thought.”

“What’s wrong?” I keep my voice low because she’s starting to worry me.

“I’ve been working at this diner going on twelve years, and I’ve never seen Big Otto look twice at a waitress. Hell, I didn’t know he could talk until I saw him chattin’ you up.” She shakes her head and sighs. “He wants something from you these girls around here give out for free half the time. From the looks of it, he’s got more money than God, and he’s willing to spend it on you.”

“What should I do?” I don’t trust many people, but Thelma has never once lied to me or led me astray.

She looks back outside to the bunkhouses then at me. “Just make sure you get the cash up front, and when he fucks you, tell him not to use a condom. I don’t think you’ll have a hard time convincing him to bareback, but when he cums, don’t let him pull out.” When I blink at her a few times, she rolls her eyes. “I knew you were a damn virgin.”

My mouth opens and then closes as I try to think of what to say. This is a lot to process at once, but if it means getting enough money to get my own place and get the hell out of this town, then maybe Thelma is right.

Silently I turn to walk out and just as I step outside, Thelma calls after me.

“I’ll be here if you need something, okay?” After I nod, she lights up a cigarette and then shoos me forward. “Go on now, he’s waiting for you.”

In the distance I see Big Otto step out of the shadows of the trees, and somehow he’s even bigger than before. I glance back one last time at Thelma, who raises her chin at me before taking a long drag on her cigarette. In a way, knowing she’s nearby makes me feel better about going to the bunkhouse all alone.


“Hey,” I manage to say when I get closer to Big Otto.

His hat is pulled low so I can’t see his eyes, but he licks his lips and smiles. “Hey, you got something for me?” There’s a pause, but then he points to the boxes in my hands.

“Oh, yeah. I got you some dinner since you left without eating.”

“I didn’t want to miss my chance.” He leans against the wooden frame of the bunkhouse as I take the key out of my pocket and open the door.

“Sorry it’s not much.” I’m already apologizing as I walk inside and he follows close behind me. There’s a little table in the corner with a lamp, and I switch it on before setting his food down. “This is it.”

Big Otto takes up about every available inch of this place, but he doesn’t look at anything but me. “You ain’t got nobody to take care of you, do ya?” When I shake my head, he nods like he expected this answer. “You’re too sweet to be on your own. Bad things happen to girls like you out here.”

“Like me?”

Big Otto moves closer, and I have no choice but stand there and wait. “Barely legal with tits like a grown woman.” He breathes through his nose as he watches me. “Pretty thing like you could make a man do bad things, and it wouldn’t even be his fault.”

My breath hitches as he reaches for the front of my uniform. His thick finger trails over the swell of my breasts, and I remember the cash I stuffed in my bra. Then I remember what Thelma said.

“I want cash up front,” I blurt out, but Big Otto is quick to agree.

“How much you want, treasure?”

Did he just call me treasure? I’m not sure what that’s supposed to mean, but he said it sweetly.

“Umm.” Crap, I should have asked Thelma what to say.

“How about we start with this?” He reaches into his back pocket and takes out his wallet. It’s nearly bursting at the seams with all the cash in it, and I watch with wide eyes as he opens it up and takes out every last bill. “Anytime you don’t like something, you look at this.” He places the hundreds on the table and puts his finger on top of it. “If this ain’t enough to let me do it, I’ll pay more.”

“Okay.” My voice is soft, but in this tiny room, he hears me loud and clear.

I have no idea what I’m agreeing to, but with that stack of money alone I could leave this town and start over somewhere else. Maybe I’d have to wait tables again for a while, but it would be worth it.

Maybe if I do like Thelma said, Big Otto will have a good time and want to see me again. Then I could really have a nice chunk of money to start over.

“Good.” He interrupts my thoughts as he takes off his hat and places it on the table. His head is shaved, and I can see sweat on his brow as he flexes his hands like they ache to grab me. “Let me get some of that sweet pie I’ve been waiting for.” He crowds my space as he towers over me, and when the back of my knees hit the bed, I fall on top of it.

I’ve never been on a bed with a man before, but I have a feeling Big Otto is going to do what he wants no matter what I tell him. But just like he said, I glance over at the stack of money and take a deep breath. I can do this.

He climbs on top of me, and I hold my legs tight together as the weight of his big body settles over mine. We’re both still fully dressed, so I’m not too scared, and actually he doesn’t feel as intimidating like this. He’s gentle as he brushes the hair out of my face and looks at me like he’s memorizing every detail.

“You ever play pretend?” he asks softly, and I’m surprised by the question. When I nod, he goes on. “I want you to play with me. Think you can do that, treasure?”

“I think so?” I’m not sure why it comes out like a question, but I’m confused.

“I want you to fight me.” At my confusion, he elaborates. “I know I’m bigger than you, but I promise I won’t hurt you. What I want you to do is try and keep me off you even though you won’t be able. You can hit me, kick me, scratch, whatever you can to keep me off of you.”

“But you won’t hurt me?” He’s so tender when he touches my cheek.

“Not a hair on your head, treasure. I just wanna work for it.”

I think on it for a second and then glance over at the money. “Okay,” I agree, and he smiles at me. This close, I can see flecks of gold in his eyes, and though they were scary before, they seem warm and safe now.

“And when you’re doing it, I want you to call me Daddy.”

“Daddy?” I repeat, and his eyes lower a little like he enjoyed it.

“Yeah, that’s the one.” His voice is a little rougher, and when his body shifts, I can feel the hard length between his legs dig into my belly. “You do all that I’ll be so good to you.”

“Okay,” I hesitate and then go for it. “Daddy.”

“Just like that,” he says before some of his weight lifts and he moves down my body.

He pushes the bottom of my uniform up as he kneels on the floor and my lower half is exposed. I’m only wearing my white panties, but the sight of them seems to make him excited. Then I remember I’m supposed to do something, so I push the material of the uniform back down and shake my head.

“No, Daddy.”

Big Otto’s eyes light up like Christmas morning, and he reaches for me again. “Don’t be like that,” he says as he forces my hands away. “Let me see it.”

“No.” I wiggle on the mattress, and he hums with pleasure.

“Look how pretty you are in your panties. Let me just peek at your kitty.” He licks his lips as he uses one hand to pin my wrists to my stomach.

His grip is gentle but firm as I wiggle and try to move away, but it’s no use. I keep on fighting just like he told me to, and the more I do it, the more excited he gets.

“Daddy, please don’t do this.” I feel his fingers at the edge of my panties and then cool air hits me when he moves them out of the way.

“What a big girl you are.” He rubs his thumb over my short curls and moans. “Looks like you’re old enough now to start taking care of me.”

My hips jerk when his thumb moves lower and traces down the seam of my pussy. “Don’t, Daddy. You’re not supposed to touch me there.”

“It’s okay, this is going to be our secret.” Before I can respond, his head dips between my thighs, and then I feel his tongue on me.

“No!” I cry out mostly from shock as I feel his warm tongue wiggle against me. “Don’t do it, Daddy!”

He moans louder, and I hear the sloppy sounds of his tongue greedily licking me. My eyes roll in the back of my head as sparks of pleasure shoot through me. What is happening?

“Oh god,” I moan, and my legs spread on their own so he has more room to keep doing what he’s doing.

“I’ll take care of my treasure.”

“Stop.” I moan even as my hips raise and rock against his mouth. “Please stop, Daddy.”

He doesn’t give me an inch as he uses his tongue to go inside me before sliding it down to my bottom.

“It’s too much.” I feel tears sting my eyes because it’s so intense that I feel like I might break in half. “Please, Daddy, don’t do it.”

Just then, he pushes two fingers inside of me while his tongue flicks against my neediest spot. The tight pinch of having him inside me is nothing compared to the pleasure I feel as he strokes the bundle of nerves between my pussy lips.

It feels like I’m going to come apart as it builds, and that’s when I start to kick my legs out. Every instinct is telling me to let go, but I do as he told me and fight. My arms tense as he holds them in place, but he can’t do anything about my legs as I kick his shoulders and back.

My struggle is making him more excited, and his breathing is heavier as he licks. With one final groan, he covers my pussy with his mouth and sucks, and then everything inside of me explodes. I cry out as my body shakes, and I feel a rush of wetness between my legs. Big Otto laps it up like it’s sweet cream, and all I can do is lie there trying to catch my breath.

“Now that’s the sweetest pie I’ve ever eaten.” He moans as he takes another lick like he can’t help himself. “Let’s see if them titties taste as good.”

As he reaches for the top of my uniform, I see for the first time that the front of his pants is open.


His cock is long and thick as it juts out between his legs, and the head of it is dripping slowly onto the floor. For a moment, I can’t take my eyes off of it as the thick veins running up and down pulse like it’s got its own heartbeat. The sack that hangs under it is fat and tight like he’s full and needs to be emptied. The hair on it looks soft, and part of me wants to reach out and hold the sack to see how heavy it would feel, but I think I’d need both hands.

It’s not until his big hands jerk the front of my uniform open and the buttons snap off that I come back to the present. “Don’t do that!” I say sharply, and part of me isn’t just pretending. There’s only one other uniform in there that fits me, and I can’t ruin this.

“You see how hard I am. Stop teasing me and let me suck on them titties.”

The money in the corner of the room calls my attention, and I remember the part I’m supposed to play. “No, Daddy. You’re not supposed to do this.” I try to push at his hands, but it’s no use.

“Don’t act like you don’t want it. I saw you spreading those legs extra wide while I licked your pussy. Now it’s Daddy’s turn, and you wanna change your mind?” He shakes his head as he climbs on me. “You made me hard like this, so now you gotta take care of it. It’s your fault I’m hurtin’ so bad.”

“It’s not right,” I whine as his head dips to my chest and I feel him on my nipple. “Daddy, it’s wrong.”

I shove at his head and kick my feet, but all it does is make him moan louder. He’s practically drooling as he greedily sucks on one nipple and then moves to the next. He’s licking all over me as he rips my uniform open farther and spreads my thighs.

The blunt heat of his cock nudges against me, and I feel him push against my opening. “Come on, let Daddy have it. You know you gotta give it to me first.”

“No Daddy, please don’t do this.” I start to fight harder when he pushes his cock inside me.

His hands are busy playing with my nipples as his heavy body pins me to the mattress. My instincts to fight are more real than they are pretend, and I begin to hit his shoulder and everywhere I can reach.

“Get off me!” I yell out, and I swear I feel his cock leak so much that the warm liquid slides down my ass.

He sits up to stare down at me, and without really thinking it through, I pull my hand back and slap him on the face with my open palm. It stings my bare skin, and for a second I feel real fear. But somehow, the look of delight in Big Otto’s eyes lets me know that this is exactly what he wanted.

“Now look at what you’re making me do,” he growls as he pins my hips with his big belly and grabs a hold of my thighs. With one hard thrust, his fat cock is all the way inside my body, and I can feel the heavy sack slap against me. His eyes roll to the back of his head, and he groans loudly. “Goddamn it’s so tight. Don’t worry, Daddy’s here. Daddy got it before anyone else could.”

He’s so heavy on top of me that I can hardly move, and he’s so big that I’m stretched to capacity. “Don’t, Daddy, it’s too big.” I slap at his shoulders, but all he does is smile down at me.

“It’s a perfect fit.” He’s sweaty as he heaves his body on top of mine and ruts his giant cock in and out. His sack makes a slapping sound that makes me ashamed and somehow turned on at the same time.

I hate that my body’s reaction isn’t under my control because the harder I fight it feels like the wetter I get. I shove at his arms and smack his face again, but it’s like he gets harder every time I do it. That only makes me want to keep doing it because the more he ruts the more I like it.

“Stop it, Daddy! Stop fucking me!” I dig my nails into his back, and he nearly purrs as he arches into it.

“You’re so wet you love it, treasure.” He closes his eyes and takes in a shaky breath. “You love it so much.”

“No I don’t.” I whine even as I clench around his length. “I don’t want you inside me.”

“If you cum, that means you want me to keep doing it,” he says, and my body responds with another clench. “If you get off on it, then I can fuck you all I want.”

“No, no, no.” I shake my head, but my clit is on fire. All I want to do is cum, but I try to hold it back.

He’s leaked so much inside me that it’s running down my ass and his full sack slaps against it. The feeling is making me hot and achy, and I think about turning over so his ball sack can hit my clit. It’s sweaty and sticky, and I want him to do it harder.

“Daddies who fuck their little girls go to jail,” I spit at him, and he bends down to brush his nose against mine.

“If you tell the cops, I’ll let them have a turn,” he whispers, and I raise my hips so he can go deeper. “Then they’ll know how much you like it. How I was forced to stay on top of you so you wouldn’t run around with your pussy out so anybody could put their cock in.”

“Oh god,” I whisper as I close my eyes. His lips tenderly brush against mine, and I feel my body tighten just before it’s about to release.

“I’m saving you by fucking you, treasure,” he says softly and buries his face in my neck.

That’s all it takes, and I see black spots in the corner of my eyes as the orgasm hits me so hard and completely that for a second I think I might pass out. My heart is racing, and every inch of me is alright with pleasure as I go limp in his arms.

He sits up and watches me come undone as he keeps thrusting me through the climax. When the last of it is over, he goes to pull out, but I remember what Thelma said.

“Inside me, Daddy,” I whisper and reach for him so he doesn’t pull out. “If you love me, you’ll cum inside me.”

“What a good girl,” he says as he pushes back in and goes as deep as he can. “What a good, good girl you are.”

His cock throbs, and I feel it pulse as his load begins to fill me. It’s so much that it runs out between us and down my thighs and ass. It’s like a hose spreading it from the inside out, and the more he pumps, the more turned on I am. Another climax hits me at the sight of all his cum, and I cry out as I cling tightly to his big body.

When he’s finished, he takes his time pulling out. Every now and then he’ll thrust back in, but once it’s all the way gone, I feel empty even if I’m still full of his cum.


I watch as Big Otto stands with his cock still hard and bigger than ever. He grabs a hold of it and tries to shove it back in his pants, but it takes him a few tries.

“Now that’s a pretty sight.” He looks between my legs that have to be an absolute mess with everything he left behind. “You got a bag?”

“For what?” I say as I try to pull my ripped uniform back together but give up when it’s no use.

“To pack.” When I stare up at him blankly, he bends down and gently takes my chin in his hands. “If you think I’m letting you go after that, you’ve got another think coming, treasure.”

“But what about…” I trail off as I try to think of a single reason I should stay here in this shithole of a town. I’m ready to get out of here, but is Big Otto really my ticket out? “You don’t even know me.”

The excuse is flimsy, and his smile tells me he knows it. “After what you just let me do to you, I don’t need to know anything else. I wanna take care of you, and that includes getting you out of this dump.” He looks around and shakes his head. “You deserve better, and I’m going to make sure you get it.”

“What if you change your mind?” There were so many men my mom dated that made big promises and then never followed through. What if Big Otto does the same to me?

“You don’t know me yet, but you will. And then you’ll see that I don’t change my mind once it’s made up. The first time I saw you, I knew you’d be mine. I just had to finish a few jobs before I could take you home.”


He nods. “Get your stuff. We’re leaving.”

God the thought of being somewhere permanently and not in a room that’s like a cell sounds so nice. From what Thelma said, he’s got plenty of money, and his big rig is practically brand new. He might be a little kinky, but apparently so am I. He was gentle, and even now he’s telling me to go with him, but it doesn't feel like he’s forcing me to go.

“Okay,” I say because why the hell not.

“That’s the right answer,” he says as he helps me get a bag and pack my few possessions and I change clothes. Once that’s done, he takes the money off the table and hands it to me. “This is yours, and there’s plenty more where that came from. So if you ever want to go, you can, but I’m gonna make it so that you never want to leave.”

He takes my hand in his and leads me out of the bunkhouse to the back of the restaurant. The waitresses are all looking at me as we walk in and Big Otto goes into the kitchen. I’m not sure what he’s doing until I see him walk right up to Waylon and punch him. The girls gasp, and I put my hands over my mouth as I watch Big Otto stand over him.

“That’s for running your mouth to my girl,” he says, pointing down at Waylon. “She quits.”

“Holy shit,” Thelma breathes, but I see the smile curling the edge of her lips. “That pussy you’ve got must be made of gold.”

“Something like that,” I say mostly to myself as Big Otto comes over and wraps his arms around my waist.

“We’re leaving,” he orders, and suddenly I feel happy butterflies in my stomach. Sure he’s bossing me around, but it’s to take care of me, and I don’t think anyone has ever cared so much.

“Let’s do it,” I say, and he grins so big as he lifts me up and kisses me in front of everyone before carrying me out to his big rig.

Once we’re settled in the truck, he turns onto the highway and tells me to play some music. I’m so full of excitement that I can feel that familiar tingle start between my legs. I squeeze my thighs together to try and ease the ache but Big Otto doesn’t miss it.

“Come on over here,” he says as he slides his seat back. “Let me take care of you.”

“You’re driving,” I say, pretending to protest.

“Just take off your bottoms, and I’ll do the rest.” He reaches for me, and the thrill of doing something so dirty and a little dangerous has me going into action.

I unbutton my shorts and push my panties down with them before kicking them off. I’m bare from the waist down, and by the time I’m finished, I see he’s got his massive cock out and he’s stroking it. He holds on to it as I straddle him and he slides all the way inside.

In this position, I’m so much smaller than him that he can see over me while he drives.

“Goddamn you’re a horny little thing, ain’t you?” he groans, and I feel his cock pumping. The bumps in the road make me go up and down so it’s like we’re fucking without having to do much work.

“This is wrong, Daddy,” I whine as I clench around him and rock my hips.

“Something that feels this good can’t be wrong.” His cock is so big I can hardly take all of him, but I’m soaked and keep sliding up and down. “Every time you cum, you’re giving me permission to do it again.”

He reaches between us, and as soon as he rubs my clit, I start to climax. I cry out as I wrap my body around him and cum hard. He holds me as tightly as he can, and then I feel his cock begin to pump his load. It’s not as messy as before, but there’s still too much to fit in me, and it runs out between us. I’m too high on pleasure to care, so I put my cheek against his chest and close my eyes.

Big Otto is so sweet as he strokes my back and kisses the top of my head like I’m truly his treasure. What I’ve learned most in my life is that actions speak the loudest, and something tells me that I’m going to be treasured forever.

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