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My first story for here. I wrote it awhile ago and thought I'd use it as my first. It's kinda tame and short. Just getting the feel of the waters.
I was sitting at a blackjack table when she walked in and caught my eye. She was tall, I'm guessing about 5'8", blonde hair, cut short, very Marilyn Monroe(ish). She had red lips and a smile that lit up a room. And her eyes... what was it about those eyes? I'd have to get closer to check. She was wearing a black leather jacket. And underneath, a short dark grey tshirt dress with a print of Ganesha on the front of it, which showcased her legs, great ass and fabulous tits, I'm guessing about 36D. You could see her sexy nipples straining against the fabric, just as my cock was doing the same against my jeans.

She took a seat at the bar and it wasn't long before the sharks started circling. The bartender, who was quite a looker herself, approached her. As she was placing her order, the first shark came in for the kill. I could tell he was offering to pay for her drink. You could also tell she shut down the offer quickly and politely. As the guy walked away, the bartender and her shared a smile and chuckled to themselves, so as not to hurt his feelings. The bartender chatted with her as she made her drink. I couldn't quite tell if she was flirting with her or just good bar tending, in hopes of a tip. Either way, the two of them smiling and laughing together was quite a sight.

Another shark comes in, obviously doing the "you come here often". And again, she shut him down. Her and the bartender share a smirk and an eye roll. I realized I'd lost quite a few hands in a row, paying more attention to the antics going on at the bar, than I was to my game. So I pulled my chips back and left the table. I found a seat in the lounge and watched. She was enjoying the music, looking around the casino, when our eyes first connected. I smiled, she smiled back and continued scanning the room. I was watching her drink slowly disappear, timing my move. I couldn't take my eyes off of her. Seeing her laugh with the bartender, I started a little fantasy dialog in my head about the two of them. Thinking how hot the shorter, brunette girl would look going down on her. The blonde caressing her own tits, pulling at her nipples as she lifted her hips, grabbing the brunettes hair pulling her in, as she fucked her mouth.

STOP, I had to stop, I can't control my growing hard-on and I'll be approaching her any minute now, as I can see her drink is getting low. I'll have to make my move soon. I see two more sharks at the end of the bar, I can tell they're ready to double team their approach on her. Here I go.

I walk up to the bar a couple seats down from her, not wanting to be mistaken for your average shark. I see the two guys that had started to stand, sit down in frustration at my arrival. The bartender, Austin her name tags says, motions to me that she'll be just a minute. I give her a no worries wave. I turn and smile at the blonde, she smiles back. "She's busy!", she says, with a way too damn cute, southern accent. "What's that?" I ask, like I didn't hear her. Like I haven't been dying to hear her voice. But, I was trying to act very 'unsharklike'. Again she said, "she's having a busy night." "Oh, yeah, I see that. Good for her. Worse thing in the world is coming to work and having it be dead. Speaking of dead, I see you've about killed your drink. Can I get a refill for you, when we have her attention?" I hear the guy a few seats to my right laugh. I look over at shark #1, he just knows I'm about ready to be shot down. Same with shark #2 to her left. They know if their pretty boy looks couldn't get with her, my receding hairline and "dad-bod" physique doesn't stand a chance. She notices their reaction and scoots closer, closing the gap of seats between us. "I would LOVE that!" she replies, "thank you so much!". I'm not sure if it was genuine interest in me or just making the sharks feel like shit. I didn't care, because now I've got her attention. "My name's Marshal" I say extending my hand. A pleasure to meet you Marshal, my name is Memphis!" she replied. "Memphis huh?" I said looking her up and down. "Yeah, I can see that... original, a little dangerous and sexy, it suits you!" She flashed that beautiful smile and it hit me... "BLUE!!" I blurted out. She laughed and said "what!?". I said, "your eyes! I noticed something about your eyes when I first saw you walk in, but couldn't put my finger on what it was. Now I realize it's because I couldn't see them clear enough to realize just how beautifully blue they are. I mean, a guy could really get lost in those!" She giggled, both embarrassed and flattered. "No seriously, those are like Lake Tahoe on a clear day blue! They're just gorgeous!" Just as she was about to say something, Austin appeared. "Hey guys, sorry that took so long, what can I get you?" I asked Memphis what she was drinking, she said it was a Grey Goose screwdriver. I told Austin we'd take 2 of those. I shot Memphis a glance... "And a couple of shots of straight up grey goose?" She told Austin "sure". And away she went. As she walked away, Memphis looked after her and said "she's got like a perfect ass!". Without looking, I said, "what are you talking about I watched you walk in, you've got a pretty great ass yourself!". She said "yeah, but look at that! That's, that's like perfect!" I said, "well I'm not gonna argue with you I know better than to do that! So I'm just gonna let this one go."

Austin returned with our drinks and I asked her to start me a tab. I raised my shot to Memphis and said, "to beautiful women named after cities. Those that bring you drinks and those that brighten your night." Austin giggled and let out a "aww schucks!!" as she shuffled off to her next patron in need. We clinked glasses and downed the shot, with a quick chaser of screwdriver. I motioned Austin for 2 more shots. As she poured them Memphis said she didn't think she'd be able to do another and still walk. I said, well we can't have that and pulled both shots in front of me.

We started chatting about life, I could tell she was tipsy and loosening up. I asked her if she wanted to play a game. She looked at me odd like what would we play here. I said, "not a game game! But a get to know each other game. It's called '3 questions and a dare'. Simple rules, you take turns asking each other 3 questions. At some point you get to ask for a dare. It can either be an actual physical dare. Or a 'I dare you to answer that question' kinda thing. She said, "sure, that sounds like fun!" I turned a shot glass upside-down and pushed it in front of her and said ,"o.k. then, you first" and again, clinked our screwdriver glasses. Her first question was asking what kind of music I liked. I told her what I was into and she talked about the music that shaped her life. After awhile she pushed the empty glass in front of me signaling it was my turn. I asked, "name a celebrity you'd like to fuck". A little shocked she said, "ooh is THIS how this game is gonna go?. I winked at her and picked up my drink. As I started taking a sip, she picked up her glass to do the same and nonchalantly said, "Charlize Theron." I spit out my sip all over the bar and said, "WOW What!?" Austin came over with a towel to clean it up and laughed, asking us what we were doing. Memphis told her, "Oh, we're just getting to know each other, aren't we?", throwing a sly look my way. I said, "Charlize Theron huh?" She said, "look, you know you were trying to throw me off guard with the question. So I just thought I'd throw it back at you, the same way." I said, "well, it worked!" We both laughed and I pushed the glass in front of her telling her, second question. She said, "well, since you decided to turn this into THAT kind of game... where's your favorite place to have sex?" "Ohhh nice! Now you're getting into the spirit of the game!" I said, raising my glass to clink with her. "Well, currently I'd have to say, I'd like it to be this casinos hotel! (We both laughed, knowing what I was implying) But seriously, I continued, I'm a big fan of doing it outdoors. Under the open sky, the fresh breeze blowing over both our bodies. The smell of the ocean or sound of a river running nearby would be nice. A bottle of champaign on ice close at hand to quench our thirst. Or we could reach in, to use the ice to cool our bodies down." "Mmmm, I like that. That sounds nice". She said, pushing the glass back at me. "Ok, my turn! Well I can tell you I WON'T be taking a drink until you've finished your answer. THAT'S for sure." We both laughed. I looked her in the eyes for a long time. I leaned in close, not breaking eye contact, I reached out and slowly ran my finger down the top of her hand and still looking deep into her eyes I quietly whispered, "are you wearing panties?" Still looking into my eyes she quietly replied, "no, do you want to see?" My fingers lightly tickling the top of her hand I shook my head and whispered, "Oh, yes!". She spun her barstool towards me, still looking into my eyes, she straightened herself up and slowly peeled back the bottom of her dress. I could just barely see her absolutely beautiful pussy peeking out at me. Completely shaved, maybe waxed, but perfect looking. She reached down and slid her finger across her slightly opened and moist lips, before grabbing the hem of her dress pulling it back into place. A slight "ouuff" escaped my lips as I reluctantly pulled my gaze away from her lap. I grabbed my drink and took a long swig of it as I pushed the shot glass back at her.

She thought about it and asked, "so, is this your 'thing'? Is this your move to pick up girls? With 3 questions and a dare?" I said, "well I won't lie, I have played this before, but not like this! I mean usually it goes the way I think you originally thought it was going to go. You know, favorite movies, where'd you grow up, that sort of thing. But you, you're different. I'd never be able to forgive myself if I didn't do everything I could, to see if this had a chance of going anywhere.

As I was pulling the glass back towards me she reached out, covered the glass in my hand with hers and pulled it back towards her and quickly said, "my dare, I dare you to kiss me like you're never going to see me again!" I slowly reached out with my right hand to caress her cheek. I leaned in and ever so lightly made contact with her lips. Our mouths parted. Electricity filled both our bodies as our tongues lightly touched, before dancing together in her mouth. I started to pull back, our mouths were only a hairs width apart, and just shared a breath with her before lightly tracing her lips with the tip of my tongue. She reached out and grabbed my head pulling our mouths together almost violently. Our lips and tongues devouring each other. And then just as quickly as it started, we separated. Breathing heavily, filled with lust, but remembering, that we are in public.

She said, "final truth ok?" As she looked at the ring on my hand. "You're married?" I shook my head and smiled "I am". She said, "where's your wife?". I said, "final truth? She's upstairs. She's actually the one that saw you first and sent me over here to talk to you." Memphis said "really?" I said, "uh huh" "Do you have a picture of her?" "Of course!" I replied. Keeping the phone close between us, so nobody else could see them, I opened a folder titled My Love. She said, "Wow!! she's really beautiful!" "Well thank you" I replied "She thinks the same of you." She stared at the picture a bit before slowly saying "sooooo, where's this going?" I said, "I guess it all depends on where you want it to go." She said, "do you have any ummmm...." and I said "sexy pictures of her?" she shyly laughed and said "yeah, that!". I said "I do! Would you like to see?" She gave me a smirk and shook her head yes. I showed her what she wanted to see. She couldn't take her eyes off my phone and said, "now what do I do?" I said, "well, that's my dare. We do this last shot (I slid a shot glass and a room key towards her) and you go have fun. I'll be up in a bit!". We clinked glasses and did the shot. She got up, grabbed the key card, kissed me passionately and said, "don't be too long!" and left. All eyes from the sharks were in amazement as they watched her walk away. I smiled, quite satisfied and finished my drink.

Austin came over to clear our glasses away and settle up my tab. I gave her a nice tip and thanked her. As I was getting ready to walk away, she asked if she could ask me a question. I said sure, whats up? She motioned me to the end of the bar and whispered, "tell me the truth.... was that your wife? She is, isn't she?" I smiled and said, "You win, you caught us!" She laughed and said, "That was great, I gotta tell you, that really was a lot of fun. These morons don't have a clue! So... what do I win?" I took a chance and said, "what time do you get off work?" She said, "another hour". I took out another key card and said, "I don't know what she'll say but here, take this and (I grabbed a napkin and wrote my wife's number on it) throw her a text in an hour. Who knows! And I walked away. All the sharks eyes were on me. Not hearing the conversation, except for the last part, that part I wanted them to hear. And also, them seeing me pass off another key card. I could feel the jealous energy fill the area as I walked away from them all.

I walked in the door, heard music playing and saw your shoes, grey dress and leather jacket laying on the floor. Turned the corner of the room, and there you were, a beautiful stark naked lady in bed with your hand between your legs! I playfully said "Hey Memphis!" You replied, "Hey Marshal!" I started taking my clothes off and said, "looks like you started without me!" You said, "Oh my gosh!! of course I did!! You had me so horny down there. I barely made it upstairs! That was so much fun!" I said "that was fun". You said, "you had me confused. I wasn't sure if there was gonna be somebody up here, or what. I wasn't sure what the hell was going on! But by the time the elevator got here, I didn't even care!" I laughed said, "yeah, I was just rolling with it."

I went to the couch in front of the window and said, come here. You knew exactly what I wanted. Naked, you danced your way over to me, dropped to your knees in front of me and took my cock in your mouth. Looking into my eyes you devoured me while you slid your fingers inside your wetness. Your eyes on mine, you pulled them out and let your juices drip all over my cock. You stroked me a few times and when I was covered with your essence you went down on me again. I could see your tongue stretched out along the underside of my cock as your head went up and down. You stood up and legs straight, bent at the waist leaned over, grabbed my cock and slid your tongue deep into my mouth. I wish there was a mirror behind you so I could enjoy the view of your ass bent over like that. But it didn't last long as you stepped onto the couch and danced your naked shaved pussy in front of my mouth. It was dripping wet and smelled like heaven. You leaned forward, your hands against the window, you started fucking my mouth. I grabbed your ass pulling you onto my mouth. My tongue going as deep as it could go. Your clit rubbing against my upper lip. I'd pull away and suck it into my mouth. French kissing and sucking your clit before letting my tongue dive deep inside of you again. "I've been drinking a lot of water all night baby! Are you thirsty for me?" "Oh gawd yes!!" I exclaimed as I thrust two fingers inside of you. You leaned forward, against the window, giving anyone from outside who might glance up, quite a show. As I sucked your clit, you grinded down hard on my fingers and I could tell you were close. At just the right time you screamed, your legs convulsing, I pulled my fingers out and your essence flooded my face and mouth. I covered your pussy with my mouth, driving my tongue deep inside of you. Your juices continued to flow. I didn't know if you were still cumming, squirting or peeing and I didn't care. It was clear, sweet and delicious.

Your legs started to buckle and I pulled you down onto my lap. You reached between your legs and guided my cock inside of you. "Keep fucking me" I said. "Keep squirting or letting your juices cascade all over me. It feels so sexy, feeling your warmth flowing out of you." You rode me, your juices trying to drown my penis as you leaned forward and kissed my lips, shoving your tongue deep into my mouth. My hands on your hips, I grasped onto them as you fucked me. You leaned forward, pressing your breasts and sexy nipples against my open mouth one, then the other. You leaned down and shoved your tongue in my mouth while grinding yourself on my hard cock. "Hang on a second" you said lifting yourself off of me. "Noooo!!" escaped my lips. I watched you turn around and lean forward. You grabbed my cock, lowered yourself, and guided it into you again. You rotated your hips and ass as you leaned your back against my chest. Slowly you fucked me, my hands in yours, we caressed your tits. Squeezing them and pulling your sexy nipples. One of your hands went down to rub your clit. "Cum in me baby! Cum in my cunt!" Your fingers going faster. "I'm going to cum again, cum in me!" You screamed! With my teeth biting into the back of your neck I thrust into you, feeling your essence squirting out of you, I couldn't hold it any longer and grunted my orgasm into you. I grabbed your breasts and pulled you back onto me, as we laid together in a sweaty mess. We laid like that for awhile. "Oh my!!! I need more water!" You said as you climbed off my shrinking member. Downing almost an entire bottle, I couldn't take my eyes off your naked glistening body.

"Oh shoot!! Baby, I'm so sorry, I forgot all about you!" You said, as you grabbed your phone and came back and sat down in front of me, taking my cock covered in our juices into your mouth to lick me clean. "Everything is SO wet, but so worth it!!! And you taste AMAZING!!" you said, as you stroked me, trying to get me hard again. While you licked my balls and inner thighs. Savoring your essence on my body.

After a few minutes of cleaning me you grabbed your water bottle, to further replenish your fluids, and your phone buzzed with a messages arrival. You crawled up and laid on the couch with your head in my lap. I could feel my cock coming back to life as I reached out and caressed your left breast and nipple. You opened your phone and looked at it strangely. You turned it to show it to me. I read the message that said, "I'm outside your door. Should I use the keycard to let myself in or should I go home? ~ ❤Austin"....
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