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The 3 wizard friends are hanging out in the boys’ dorm room after classes as they often do.
As the sun shined through the window of Gryffindor tower, it landed on the open page of Hermione’s book. She was reading while lying on her stomach at the foot of Harry’s bed in the boys’ dormitory. Harry himself was leaning against the headboard, tossing a golden snitch in boredom while Ron sat at the desk in the corner, hunched over his homework and groaning as he struggled to understand it.

There was no one else in the room at the moment and the 3 friends had the space to themselves. Hermione rolled over to avoid the sunbeam, trying to hold her book above her face. Harry stared at her long smooth legs lying off the side of his bed and her bushy hair splayed out around her head. Her flat face usually only appeared angry as her expression was limited to squinting as she focused on the task at hand, but at the moment she looked full of more innocence and glee.

“Why do you come here?” Harry finally interrupted the silence that had persisted since Ron sat down to do his homework.

Hermione did not answer until she finished her current paragraph. She closed the book and rested it on her chest. “Why not?” she responded with a question. “We want to be together, right?”

“But this is the boys dorm room,” Harry reminded her.

“It’s not like you two would be allowed in the girls’ dorm. And there are 2 of you so it makes more sense for me to come here.”

“Or you could just stay in the girls’ dorm and hang out with us when we go to Hagrid’s later.”

“Hagrid’s,” Ron snickered to himself. “Ever since they moved quidditch practice to the morning, he’s been beside himself with boredom. Luckily the oaf likes the company or else I’d think we were bothering him with how much time of his we waste.”

“I don’t like being in the girls’ dorm,” Hermione admitted. “I don’t have any friends amongst the girls. Besides, you let Ginny come here all the time.”

“Ginny wears hand-me-down trousers so I can’t see up her skirt,” Harry spouted.

Hermione sat up enough to follow Harry’s gaze and quickly covered the crotch of her skirt with her hands. When Harry started to snicker, she did as well. “You almost had me there,” she sighed with relief. “You boys don’t have the guts to treat me like a girl. You probably think it’s gross to ogle your friend that way.”

“I know you have low self esteem, Hermione, but don’t sell yourself short. Boys will pay attention to a mutt if it’s female. Hell I even catch myself looking at Ginny’s butt, even in trousers.”

“What now?” Ron looked up from his desk. His face turned as red as his hair when he saw Hermione lifting up her skirt though.

Harry saw his reaction and turned to follow his gaze. “What are you doing?” he asked in shock.

“Are you really that interested?” Hermione asked in mixed confusion and curiosity.

“Hang on brainy, calm down and think a little,” Ron sputtered. “I know you like answers but this ain’t the way to get them.”

“I just can’t believe my 2 best friends would look at me that way,” she was still confused.

“Did you think we were saints, or that you weren’t hot enough?” Harry asked.

“I kinda thought you weren’t man enough,” she admitted shyly. He looked incredibly offended. “Ron won’t even make eye contact with me right now.” She turned her torso to face him, practically thrusting her panty-clad thighs out from under her skirt.

“Trust me, that’s out of consideration for you, not cowardice from him,” Harry warned her.

Hermione wiggled her hips and gauged Ron’s shy reaction. “No, he definitely wouldn’t do anything, even if I let him.”

Harry was fed up with her teasing them. He grabbed the hem of her skirt and pulled it up so the waist was around her torso and the hem would not cover her panties even if it fell back down. Hermione’s face turned red as she stared at him in shock. Too late to back down, Harry then thrust his hand into her crotch. His palm pressed her labia while his fingers found their way between her thighs. She winced and moaned slightly.

Harry became nervous and regretful. “There,” he sputtered in fake confidence. “Are you regretting your openness now?”

She shook her head while gawking at him in awe. She was more impressed than upset with him. Suddenly she felt something pinching her butt and spun her head to see Ron frowning at her. “It’s only fair,” he grumbled. “Let go of her already, Harry.”

“And if I don’t?” Harry curled his fingers upward into Hermione’s crotch, making her let out a gasp.

“Just do it.” Ron grabbed her by the shoulders and pulled her toward the edge of the bed. Harry grabbed her wrists and pulled her back.

“Hey, I'm not a toy,” Hermione complained. “It feels like you’re siblings fighting over something your parents told you to share.” Harry raised a confused eyebrow, he had no parents, no toys and no concept of sharing with his cousin, just giving. Ron almost laughed at his expression but knew better.

Harry frowned at both Hermione and Ron, feeling they were mocking him. He pinched the crotch of her panties and pulled them down, exposing the bristling curly hair of her pubic area. Hermione’s face turned red again. “I can see I was wrong about you.” She moved to pull her panties back up but Harry still had her wrists in his other hand. He smirked at her as he poked his fingers against her labia.

Her eyes rolled back for a moment and she nearly collapsed against Ron. It was a sensation she had never felt before, more than ticklish but less than pain. She just stared down at her own crotch, confused and somewhat waiting for it to happen again. Ron poked her butt again to see if it got a similar reaction. She spun her head to glare at him but ended up just moaning instead when Harry pushed deeper into her cunt.

Her head flipped back and forth repeatedly as the two boys kept her off guard with which one was going to touch her inappropriately next. “Stop,” she finally panted in exhaustion. “I'm sorry I teased you. Please let me go.”

“We kinda don’t want to now.” Harry admitted as he forced his fingers past her labia and into her cunt. Her eyes crossed as she gritted her teeth to bear it. Her previously buck toothed expression of last year had been replaced with a metal smile after her dentist father concluded it was time to fix her teeth once and for all.

Harry liked the look of her small shining mouth, glistening with drool that was collecting quickly. He leaned forward and pressed his mouth to hers, tasting the metal of her braces and swallowing her drool greedily.

Ron grabbed a fistful of her hair and pulled her away to face him. She just panted breathlessly before he too kissed her. She did not know why she was not surprised. She always assumed her first kiss would be with one of these 2 boys and had actually agonized over which one it would be. It was a weight off her shoulders to know she would not embarrass herself by trying to take their friendship further one day, now that she knew they both felt the same.

As her mouth was occupied and she was unable to complain, Ron lifted her sweater vest above her chest while Harry undid the buttons to her blouse. She squealed into Ron’s mouth as she felt Harry’s hand running over her exposed breasts. “Stop it!” she groaned when she finally broke her lips away from Ron’s.

His hands had found their way around her butt to her front and were now playing with her labia. She winced and squirmed a little but she was not strong enough to shake the boys off of her. “If you don’t stop, I'm going to get angry,” she warned them.

They both snickered as if that was nothing to worry about. Harry pulled her sweater up until the neck hole caught on her nose and it was covering her eyes. Her bushy hair still poked out of it messily. He pushed his fingers into her mouth and played with her tongue, making her drool more. They tasted strange to her. She could tell he had eaten some candy earlier and they were still sweet, but they had also been inside her cunt a moment ago. She clenched her thighs together shyly as she thought about it.

Ron could feel her crotch getting wetter as it squeezed his fingers inside. He swirled them around and tried to touch every wall. Hermione squealed again, and spat out Harry’s fingers. “I'm serious,” she warned them half heartedly. “If my clothes aren’t back to normal before I finish counting, I'm telling on both of you. One, two, mmmm” her numbers were cut off as Harry pried her cheeks apart with his thumbs. She could not see him but she could feel him licking her braces.

She sighed with relief when she felt Ron’s fingers leaving her cunt but suddenly felt her arms being pulled backwards as he yanked on her blouse. The next thing she knew her wrists had been bound in her own shirt and her back was cold and exposed to the air.

“ut-r-oo-oing-oo-ee (what are you doing to me)” she mumbled as Harry continued to stretch her mouth. She felt her head lowering as she was leaned forward. She could only identify the sound of fumbling cloth as both Harry and Ron undid their trousers. “ree-or-ive (three, four, five) she continued counting threateningly.

Immediately her counting changed to screaming as she felt 2 objects penetrating her. Ron’s cock from behind slipped right into her wet cunt and pressed again her stretching hymen, causing her immense pain. Harry’s cock slid into her tiny mouth, scrapping against her teeth and sliding on her tongue, making her want to gag.

Hermione tugged away from Harry only to accidentally impale her cunt against Ron and then did the opposite, forcing Harry’s cock down her throat while trying to get away from Ron. There was nowhere for her to escape as she was trapped between them. She could not scream properly with her mouth full and she could not move her bound arms. She could only bob up and down by flexing her legs in her kneeling position.

Part of her was afraid of what her 2 friends were doing to her. They were acting carnivorous and she was the prey. However, she knew neither one of them would ever really hurt her. This was their way of showing they actually loved her.

She of course loved them too. She had had dreams of climbing into bed with one or both of them before; she just did not know how to broach the subject. She was waiting on them to take the choice away from her so she could avoid responsibility for tearing up their friendship. She had somewhat gotten her wish and she knew she should not be surprised with the results.

Harry and Ron were always closer to each other than her. be it their genders or just the amount of time they could spend together, their hobbies aligning or both being on the dumber side of studies, she felt like a third wheel. The fact that they silently agreed to have sex with her at the same time rather than fighting over her was an understandable and agreeable outcome. It was uncomfortable for her to say the least but she preferred this to the awkwardness revealing a hidden relationship with one to the other would have brought.

While both boys were patient with her, not moving at all as she struggled and adjusted to being filled from 2 ends, they refused to release her. She had one choice and that was to accept her position. She felt both pleased to be so desired by them and annoyed that she was yet again the third wheel, the one getting bent over rather than doing the bending. Not that she planned to peg either boy but she wished she could swap bodies with one of them and see how they liked having a cunt and getting stuffed.

When she relaxed and stopped struggling, both boys began to move. Harry first tried to press further into her mouth and found her gagging too much. He then slid his cock out, scraping her tongue the entire way. Ron used his hand to move his cock around the inside of her cunt before he tried moving his hips. Hermione wanted to scream as she felt him touching every wall, but her small mouth was too full.

Ron pushed in ever so slowly, causing her eyes to roll back as she felt everything with excruciating sensitivity. She kept expecting him to run out of cock to push into her but it seemed as if tall lanky people had long skinny dicks. She felt the base of his groin touching her below before the tip stopped reaching into her. It obviously did not reach her cervix, but she felt just as stuffed.

Finally her eyes rolled back down and she met with Harry staring at her puffed out lips. He pulled her vest off of her head so she could see properly and she was left naked except her skirt and socks. Her blouse binding her wrists and her panties around her knees did not count. She could barely see past the cock in her mouth but looking down she saw the fuzzy peach colored flesh that were her barely protruding breasts and she felt shy. Somehow being naked was worse than getting fucked by her friends.

Ron patted her butt lightly before pushing it away from him, pulling his cock out of her slowly. She groaned into Harry’s groin. He felt her mouth vibrating around his shaft and his eyes fluttered as he basked in the sensation. Realizing she had opened the back of her mouth to make noise, he gripped her bushy hair and yanked her forward, shoving his cock into the back of her mouth and the tip past the opening of her throat.

She gagged and nearly threw up but could not with her throat plugged. Instead she swallowed repeatedly, trying to sooth the sudden lump in her throat. Her eyes widened and she squealed and screamed at the same time, unable to complain properly.

“I’ve never seen her like this,” Harry muttered.

“Obviously,” Ron scoffed.

“I mean, she’s always so calm and collected, or angrily scolding us. She’s in control and clever to boot. I just expected her to react differently. She seems like a regular girl right now. I just thought she would take it differently.”

“Differently than who?” Ron asked. “Have you fucked a girl before?”

“My cousin has,” Harry admitted. “He brought this really shy girl home to meet my aunt and uncle and they didn’t let her leave for the night. I had to sleep under the stairs again so she could have my room but Dudley told me that wasn’t necessary. He dragged her to his room in the middle of the night and they went at it like rabbits. She was red in the face and crying the next morning until Vernon gave her enough money to feed your family for a month.”

“So that’s where you learned to force yourself on girls, from your gross cousin,” Ron sighed.

“Are you any better?” Harry defended himself.

Ron patted Hermione’s butt, causing her to squeal again. “I guess not. I don’t have the money to shut her up though, so either you pay her or we’ll be doing everything to earn her forgiveness after this.”

Harry pulled his cock out of Hermione’s mouth. She made a vomiting sound as did the suction of her airtight throat being unplugged. She shivered while looking up at him; her slender shoulders shaking and drool practically running out of her open mouth. There were tears streaking her face and even some mucus from her nose. “God, she’s a mess.” Harry wiped her face on the sleeve of his sweater. The yarn left red marks that made her appear angry; however she was actually looking up at him and moving her head to help him clean her. It was like a cat trying to get more pets, except she was still kneeling with a cock in her cunt.

Ron grabbed her shoulders to steady her shaking and leaned her backward against his chest. She calmed down as she felt his warmth. She also felt his cock sliding further up inside her as she was practically sat in his lap. “Let me go,” she groaned.

“Did you think I would if you asked nicely?” he laughed while cupping both her breasts and massaging them.

She shook her head. “I just had to try.” She admitted. “What are you going to do to me? How far are we going?”

“I won’t get you pregnant, if that’s what you mean.” He assured her.

Hermione sighed with relief and relaxed against him, letting her cunt sink all the way down. “Aren't you too willing for someone being raped?” Ron asked.

“Would you stop if I struggled more?” she counter argued. He shook his head before moving his hands under her thighs and lifting her off the bed. She struggled to keep her feet parallel to the sheets so they would not get caught beneath her. “This feels so weird,” she muttered.

“Do you like it?” Ron lifted and lowered her repeatedly.

She frowned instead of answering. Obviously sex felt good. The only thing wrong was that they were forcing her. However, if she did not resist, all she could feel was pleasure. She did not need to tell them that though. She did not want to reward them for forcing themselves on her or give them reason to do this again.

Ron seemed pleased anyway and just continued to bounce her in his lap. Hermione tried not to react but started opening her mouth each time he dropped her down. She let out small moans and yelps until she was just plain gasping sensually with every thrust.

Harry watched her rising and falling chest as she squirmed and bounced in his best friend’s embrace. Her wet cunt was spreading and contracting too and he was hypnotized watching. Suddenly, Ron leaned forward, practically tossing her out of his lap. She screamed as she felt something hot splashing onto her bare back. It started at her shoulder blades and ran down into the dimples above her waist.

She stayed lying on her face with her wrists still bound behind her like some sort of kidnap victim. If she weren’t panting so loudly, Harry would’ve thought he walked in on a crime scene. When Hermione finally raised her head, he could see she was almost smiling. She looked like she was having fun. “Can you untie me now,” she asked in a practically giggling tone. “I need to go wash and change.”

Harry put his hands on her cheeks and kissed her, muffling confused complaints. “What now?” she gasped when he released her.

“My turn,” he spouted. Hermione raised a confused eyebrow as Harry positioned himself between her legs, forcing her crotch open again. Hermione averted her eyes shyly as she felt exposed and cold. Her labia were slightly swollen from Ron’s groin smashing against them and they were also separated slightly.

She looked over her shoulder at Ron, silently asking him if he was okay with Harry getting to fuck her cunt as well. She had not been able to say anything with her mouth full, but she assumed that Ron getting her first meant the boys had agreed which one was going to be her official boyfriend. Then again, she had no confirmation either one of them actually wanted to date her. Perhaps she really was just their toy.

Her chance to argue vanished when Harry shoved the tip of his cock past her labia and into her warm hollowed out cunt. She winced in pain but it was nowhere near as bad as before. Ron had definitely stretched her. She was surprised when he untied her blouse from her wrists and put it back on her, covering the cum coating her back and returning some dignity to her.

She thought he might leave and wash himself up, but instead he just watched as Harry pulled her up into his lap so he could rock her on top of his cock. With her arms freed, she wrapped them around his back and held herself close to him. She felt guilty, like she was participating more with Harry but it was Ron’s fault for keeping her bound and helpless. She was definitely making less noise though and at first she could not figure out why.

It dawned on her that Harry was making less of an effort to hit every wall and was also not reaching as far into her as Ron had. His cock was wider and shorter but he was not using it well. The position of facing him in his lap was an awkward one.

She kept finding herself staring over her shoulder at Ron, wishing her would interfere or just leave. She felt like he was scrutinizing her, like a father on his daughter’s wedding night watching to make sure she made him some grandchildren.

She almost laughed at her own imagination which seemed to annoy Harry who began to buck his hips more. It didn’t really help Hermione feel more aroused as the only part of her that was really touching his shaft was her sore swollen labia.

Getting tired of being bounced practically off his lap though, Hermione gripped Harry’s shoulders to hold herself in place. Behind her Ron continued to examine her bare butt as it bounced against the bed. Suddenly Hermione screamed as she felt something hard and slender poking her anus. Ron had managed to push his index finger into her up to his knuckle.

“What are you doing?” Hermione demanded.

“Is it clean?” Ron asked.

Hermione blushed while burying her face in Harry’s shoulder. She was always careful when she came over to the boys’ room. The last thing she needed was to accidentally pass gas in front of them. She had spent weeks learning the perfect spell to empty oneself. It left her feeling hollow and somewhat horny every time she did it. Perhaps it was the reason she liked to lie on their beds sensually and tease them and why she was so eager to pull up her skirt.

Honestly she knew for a fact this situation was mostly her own fault. If it wasn’t, she’d have put into practice some wandless magic and hexed them both by now.

Ron took her silence to his question as an invitation. Hermione chewed on the shoulder of Harry’s shirt as she felt him working several more fingers into her anus. Finally he pried it fully apart and pressed the tip of his cock against it. Her eyes rolled back into her head again and her cunt tightened around Harry’s cock. He was annoyed that Ron was interrupting his turn with her cunt, but he was pleased with the result.

Hermione jerked when she felt Ron’s cock filling her asshole. Liquid gushed out of her cunt around Harry’s cock and she knew she was having an orgasm. She felt ashamed, knowing it was lewd to cum from something being inserted where it did not belong.

However, as she had been cleansing her body every day before coming to the boys’ room, and getting turned on by it the whole time, she was not surprised she could not keep from cumming with just one thrust. She felt like she had been waiting for one of these boys to penetrate her asshole since the day they first met.

Hermione was no longer biting Harry’s shoulder as her mouth was now permanently open and drooling with her tongue hanging out obscenely. Harry pushed his thumbs into her cheeks and pulled her mouth apart. Hermione just continued to expel hot air from her lungs as she panted like an animal.

She kept looking down at Harry’s shaft disappearing inside of her. It felt unreal, like it was happening to someone else. She could not see Ron’s cock entering her but she could feel it, arguably more than Harry’s. It stretched her O shaped anus and filled her empty bowels. She wanted to beg him to fill her with his cum, or if he had none left, fill her with something else. She felt like their toy already; she did not care if they used her as a toilet too. She would never say that out loud though.

Despite the fact that what they were doing was definitely wrong for students as she was sure she was going to regret it later, in the moment she wanted to enjoy it, otherwise why even let it happen. As such she was trying to think like a lewd kinky person. What would a slut enjoy in this situation?

She found herself feeling glad she had enough holes to satisfy both her friends at the same time. In fact, she caught herself wishing she had a third friend, just to see how full she could get. She was ashamed to admit but if Dean or Neville had walked in the room at that moment, she would’ve begged them to plug her mouth immediately.

Bored of her looking down, Ron grabbed a fistful of Hermione’s bushy hair and yanked so she had to look up. She yelped in pain but started laughing when their eyes met for a moment. She could not explain it, but she loved it, knowing she was underneath him, this tall red haired boy. She loved the idea that he was dominating her and she had no choice. It took all the guilt out of enjoying getting fucked in two holes like a slut.

She relaxed and let Ron pull her back far enough that she was in his lap again. Harry had to scoot forward to keep her from pulling off his cock. She was now sitting fully upright between them with their shafts inside her. She began lifting herself up off of them and dropping back down on her own.

Ron grabbed her waist and turned her to face him. He kissed her while holding her still and plunging upward into her hollow bowels instead of letting her bounce. She felt her insides stretching and twisting to accommodate the straightness of his hard shaft.

Harry was slightly annoyed and began pumping into her, slamming his groin against her swollen labia. She moaned with each slap but it was almost more annoying than enjoyable. She wanted it to end, so she began egging him on. “Cum inside me. Fill your toy with you warmth. Use me for the only thing I'm good for.”

Her words were enough to put Harry over the edge. He ground his groin into hers and spurted several times inside her cunt. The hollowness she had felt from his cock not hitting all the walls was replaced when his cum flooded her and filled every corner. Her eyes fluttered as she gasped. Harry squeezed her shoulders and buried his face in her chest as he continued to squirt for what felt like minutes.

Hermione could not hide the satisfied look on her face. She felt she had been waiting her whole life for someone to cum inside of her. She thought of herself as a succubus that had chosen to befriend boys instead of girls knowing full well they would one day turn on her and make her submit to their cocks.

When Hermione stood up on the bed, Harry winced as his flaccid cock fell out of her. Ron’s cock also left her asshole with a pop, but she was too focused to care. She was giggling gleefully at the cum running down her thighs. She was caught off guard when Ron poked a thumb into her still round and gaping anus. She collapsed onto the bed and he made sure she fell on her face so he could continue molesting her butt.

She gulped loudly, still grinning, when she felt his cock penetrate her again. “Now that Harry’s spent, you can fuck my pussy,” she offered him.

“Why would I do what my toy says?” Ron scolded her. Hermione gasped as she felt him grinding against her butt, making sure his cock reached as deep as possible. She felt each bend in her bowel straightening and it made her eyes go cross.

“Please, I want to feel you in my pussy too. I want to be full of both your cum at once.”

“You will be,” Ron assured her.

“Wait,” she cried as she felt her anus expanding as blood pulsed in his cock. The cum he released inside of her felt scalding as it stung her bruised intestines.

Despite being annoyed at having her wishes ignored, Hermione was still turned on by Ron’s treatment of her. She loved the idea of being a toy for them and it really only worked if her will was ignored. She was already wondering if she could trick them into fucking her again without having to ask for it at all.

Ron could tell she was enjoying the idea of being abused more than the cum now flooding her butthole, but he was content she was at least satisfied. Before any of the three could even suggest what to do next, the sound of thumping steps outside the tower put them all on guard.

Ron and Harry managed to redo their trousers but Hermione was left naked under the sheets of Harry’s bed as the extent of their effort to hide her. When she heard the door open, she covered her mouth to keep from making any noise. When she heard Neville’s voice, she immediately began to quiver and pinch her thighs together. The idea of being naked in a room with another boy than Ron or Harry was turning her on.

Harry could see her moving under the sheet and sat down on his bed to hide her from Neville’s view. He was shocked when she pulled his hand under the sheets and squeezed it between her wet thighs. Harry resisted the urge to start curling his fingers inside her and just waited as Neville excused himself to take a shower.

Once the 3 of them were alone in the room again, Harry threw off the sheets and grabbed a fist full of Hermione’s hair. She squealed in pain as he dragged her straight to the window of the tower. She gasped when a gust of wind blew past her naked body when he opened the window.

Next thing she knew, Harry was handing her his Nimbus 2000 and shoving her out the window. She landed on the broomstick shaft straddling it and pressing her exposed cunt to the hard wood. She could not stay sitting upright and leaned forward until the shaft was between her breasts as well. “Return that when you’ve cleaned yourself up,” Harry ordered her.

“Wait, I don’t have to leave. We could have a threesome. I want to be stuffed airtight so I can’t breathe,” she sputtered. Harry eyed her up and down, half with interest and half with disgust. He saw her panties still dangling off her left leg and grabbed them. She was confused until he wadded them up and shoved them in her mouth.

“There, airtight,” he scoffed. “Take a cold shower, and come back when you can think with your brain again instead of your pussy. When you least expect it, we may show you a good time again, but only if we feel like it. You need to learn moderation.”

Harry was genuinely feeling like they might have wrecked Hermione. She was a nerdy girl with little options for sex unlike some of the more popular sluts in their grade like Lavender Brown. Her first time was too much for her and she seemed worried it wouldn’t happen again. He kissed her forehead before snapping his fingers, sending his broomstick away with a single command.

Hermione took one pass by the girls’ dorm before concluding she would not be able to sneak inside, at least while naked. Instead, she landed Harry’s broom on the outskirts of the grounds near Hagrid’s hut. She was shaking and wobbling from having the slender hard wood of the broom digging into her cunt the whole time. Before she even got to the door, she squatted down in the pumpkin patch to relieve her bladder.

When Hagrid opened his door to see who was knocking so late in the evening, he was met with the sight of a blushing girl, naked except for her socks, with her bare chest thrust forward due to her fiddling with her hands behind her back. “Not interested,” he scoffed and went to shut the door.

“Wait, I need something to wear back to the castle,” she stopped him. He frowned but let her enter the hut. He did not have any girl’s clothing but he did have something like a vest she could wear as a dress due to their difference in size.

“Are ya gonna to tell me what ‘appened?” he asked as she got dressed.

“Ron and Harry jumped me,” she admitted almost too giddily. “I can’t believe they’re actually interested in a girl like me that way. They’re both so amazing. Ron is tall and handsome, looking more like Bill every day and Harry is the famous boy who lived. Why would either of them like me? I feel like a princess.”

“Cuz yer a girl and by the looks of ya, yer easy. The way ya showed up at my door, I coulda dragged ya inside and had meown way with ya before ya even ‘ad time to explain yourself.”

“If I'm bothering you, please feel free to use me too. I won’t mind. I’m actually a little curious what a giant’s penis feels like. Is it harder or just bigger?”

“Who says I'm a giant?” Hagrid took offence. “Ya know any giants smaller than a building?”

“Hagrid, I’ve read enough to know the signs. You’re like half or quarter or something, but you are definitely a giant. Come on, show me what it looks like. I’m actually kinda craving it now.”

“Stop right there, missy. I get you yungins can be ‘orny, but yer makin’ a mistake.”

“Please, you must be desperate for a little attention. When was the last time a student offered to sleep with you? Am I really that ugly?”

Hagrid sighed loudly. “Ya know ‘arry and Ron don’t think yer ugly at all. I’m scruffier than you for sure. But I’m also sixty. I don’t ‘ave any interest in a yungin like you.”

“Are you sure? You’ve never wondered if you could split a small human girl with your massive dick? Don’t worry; I know a spell that can fix me up if you hurt me too bad. You don’t even have to fuck me if you don’t want to. Just put it in once. I really want to know if you’ll leave me more gaping than Ron or Harry.”

“I think ya need to get some sleep. The ‘ermione I know would be shocked at the words comin out o’ yer mouth. Trus’ me, don’t make a decision ya can’ take back tomorrow. When you’ve slept off whatever this is, will ya even be able to look yer 2 best friends in the eyes? Please don’ be too mad at them for not bein’ able to control themselves around ya. They are ‘orny teens like yourself. They don’ have the control of a man who has trouble finding a girl that can stand him.”

“I'm not mad at them, why would I be mad?” Hermione crossed her arms.

“Ya seem like yer totally fine with what happened, but it don’ sound like it was all yer idea. I just want ya not ta get too upset when you’ve had a chance to stop blamin’ yourself and start blamin’ the 2 of ‘em. It sounds like they really love you, even if they showed you in the worst way. Please, give ‘em a chance to make it up to ya. You don’t have to change your whole relationship with them just to be about sex. They aren’ gonna pounce on you every time they see you in class. All said; it might be a good idea not to be alone with ‘em for a while, until they can prove they can control their urges.”

Hermione still felt like Hagrid was being too cautious. She had definitely been into it at the end. It was Harry that kicked her out. On second thought, was Harry getting worried about her attitude too? Was she really acting that strange? Was she covering up her shame and humiliation by pretending to like it? She could not tell anymore.

Hagrid picked her up by the waist and set her on his shoulders. As a half Giant he looked like a father with his daughter. Hermione felt ashamed for having asked him if he wanted to use her too. Even if Hagrid was into younger women, there was no way he was interested in a friend of Harry’s that way. She even accused him of finding her ugly. Somehow the shame of how she acted toward Hagrid was outweighing everything shameful she had just done with Harry and Ron.

It was a quick walk from the grounds to the castle as Hagrid took massive strides. Hermione was silent the whole way. She had no idea how she planned to explain her attire and where she had been, but at least it would be easier than showing up naked and obviously from the boys’ dorm.
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