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This sort of follows on from “24 hours of hotel fun” but can fairly easily be regarded as a separate tale. The names have been changed to protect the guilty.
This sort of follows on from “24 hours of hotel fun” but can fairly easily be regarded as a separate tale. The names have been changed to protect the guilty.

As Sara’s parting words were to encourage me to contact her soon I popped her email on Sunday evening. It was nothing intense, just asking her if she was OK and whether she had any problems when she got home.

I also sent an email to Karen thanking her for the fantastic time. I mentioned that I’d mailed Sara.

I had to work on Monday morning so pottered about for a little while planning an early night. I quickly checked my emails before heading off to bed and there was already a response from Sara in my inbox.

I expected a fairly brief response but opened the email to discover a lengthy reply! Sara had obviously enjoyed her experience and seemed almost overly excited about there being any possibility for more.

She raved on about how excited she had been to see me in my bound and aroused state, with an almost unhealthy focus on enjoying holding my cock while Karen had taken photos for her. She elaborated on how she had then spent the rest of her shift without underwear feeling ridiculously turned on. She admitted that she nearly had second thoughts about joining us after work. She was very nervous but she said that her arousal levels were higher than she’s ever experienced before. She was very very pleased that she had come along.

This was followed by a torrent of questions about Karen and our friendship; how long we had known each other, how we met, and what we got up to. She also asked about my experience and what roles I enjoyed, and did I have favourite scenarios or roles.

She finished off by asking whether we could get together for a coffee or a drink sometime soon. This was joined by a long line of kisses.

Not wishing to disappoint Sara or quell her enthusiasm I thought it best to send a response before heading off to bed.

I started by saying how lovely it was that she had enjoyed her involvement. I avoided making any references to my cock as this seemed unnecessary.

I then tried to explain a brief history of my friendship with Karen. I detailed how we had met online originally and that I had always taken on the dominant role in our earlier meetings, mentioning my passion for rope bondage. I said how we had openly discussed our fantasies with each other and it soon became apparent that we were both switches, enjoying both the dominant and submissive roles equally. Once we had developed trust in our friendship and established where each other’s limits lay then we sort of had free rein to explore pretty well anything together. I didn’t go into great detail about any particular activity. If Sara wanted this I would happily describe things to her at a later date.

I signed off saying that I would be more than happy to meet up as long as it wouldn’t cause her any problems in her situation with her boyfriend. I ended with a “Goodnight” so she wouldn’t expect any further responses straight away.

I work from home and Mondays are generally quiet so I had a chance to check my personal emails. Sure enough, there was another lengthy message from Sara.

She said there would be no issues caused by meeting up. John was an engineer and worked away a lot of the time. They had been together for nearly 4 years having met at university. She loved him but it was becoming more platonic and she wanted more variety and excitement in a relationship than he was able to offer. She couldn’t discuss any fantasies with him as he was “far too vanilla” but would love it if I would be happy to listen to her thoughts and ideas. Perhaps I would be happy to share the thoughts with her that I’d shared with Karen?

She ended by saying that John was going to be away from Thursday onwards and that she would not be working on the coming weekend. She asked if we could maybe meet for a drink on Thursday or Friday evening.

I fired a quick reply back to her. I said that I’d be happy to discuss pretty well anything with her. I stressed that to be completely open about some fantasies would require trust but that I was sure this would build in time if we decided to continue our discussions – I was a bit non-committal not wanting to get her hopes or expectations up too much. I was free on Thursday evening so suggested a wine bar not far from my home asking if this would be OK.

After work, I try to keep office hours, once I’d managed to sit and eat, I once again checked my emails. Unsurprisingly there was another message from Sara.

She’d received a few emails from Karen who had forwarded her some of our email exchanges before our get-togethers, including the most recent one with my daily edging instructions. I could almost imagine Sara bouncing from one foot to the other with excitement as she typed. She said how exciting she found the whole situation and hoped that she might be able to explore something similar.

She suggested 8 O’clock at the wine bar on Thursday. She hadn’t been there before even though it was close to where she lived. She was happy to meet somewhere where she was less likely to bump into people she might know.

I just replied that I was looking forward to seeing her on Thursday and settled down to an evening in front of the TV.

About an hour or so after I’d sent the email to Sara my phone lit up and notified me that I’d received a WhatsApp message. It was Sara asking if I had any instructions for her before our meeting on Thursday. We had the following exchange…

Sara: Is there anything you’d like me to do before Thursday?

Me: Instructions would normally precede play not just getting together for a drink and a chat.

Sara: I really want to know what it feels like. I know it’s only a drink but I’ve read through Karen's emails so many times already.

Me: Instructions require trust. I’ll happily oblige your request but I don’t feel I know you well enough to ask you for any proof. I will have to trust you

Sara: I promise I will do anything you tell me to do. I really want to understand what this feels like.

Me: Anything?

Sara: Please don’t be too mean to me.

Me: OK. From tomorrow morning until Friday, you will not wear any underwear.

Sara: That’s an easy one. I can do that for you.

Me: Easy? OK. You will masturbate in the morning and the evening every day bringing yourself as close to orgasm as you possibly can without actually cumming. You are not allowed to cum until Friday. On Thursday you will masturbate just before you meet me. Each time you do this you will send me a message with just three X’s – XXX. I won’t expect any other messages from you unless you fail.

Sara: OMG

Me: No XXX :-)

Sara: Thank you. Should I call you Sir?

Me: No stick with Andrew for the time being. I’m not keen on titles unless they are part of a required scenario, Good night now. I look forward to your messages and to seeing you on Thursday.

Sara: Night night x

I wondered how she’d cope or whether she would actually manage to see things through. It would be interesting to see what sort of state she would be in on Thursday if she kept to my instructions.

At about 8.30 the following morning I received the first “XXX”.

I took a break during the morning and emailed Karen to let her know what I was up to. She replied in the afternoon saying that Sara had already told her and was still ridiculously excited. They’d already traded quite a few ideas. She said to be careful but have fun.

I received a morning and an evening text each day but avoided too much conversation before our meeting. I simply responded with a “thank you” or “well done”. I didn’t want to complicate things.


I arrived at the wine bar a little early and waited outside for Sara to arrive. I'm probably a little old-fashioned thinking a woman shouldn't enter a bar on their own.

it wasn't long before I saw Sara round the corner a little further down the road and walk towards me. I was surprised to note that she didn't have that familiar spring in her step. She appeared a little unsteady on her feet. I wondered whether she might have had a few drinks before coming out, a little Dutch courage. As she came closer I could see she looked rather flustered.

"Hi there. Are you OK?" I greeted her.

She grabbed my arm to steady herself. "No, I'm not. I'm a wet bloody mess. These fucking jeans are rubbing right on my clit. I'm so close to cumming right now."

She was slightly stooped over but she looked up at me, smiled and leaned forward to kiss me. "Sorry about the swearing. I should have put more thought into this. I should have worn a bloody skirt."

I took her hand, firmly, and led her into the bar. There were plenty of tables so we chose one fairly close to the door and, having asked what she wanted, I went over to the bar. Having ordered our drinks I turned and looked over at Sara. She seemed a little more settled now. She was shifting around a bit trying to find a position that provided the least stimulation. I smiled at her as I brought our drinks over to the table. She smiled back.

I handed her drink to her and sat down. She immediately took hold of my free hand.

"Thank you," she said.

"What for?"

"I've been feeling hornier than I've ever felt all week. I am so desperate to cum right now I'm scared of how intense it will feel. Every time I've played with myself in the last three days all I can imagine is the image of you standing there tied to that bed all swollen and hard, and the feeling of your cock driving into me when Karen was spanking you. And now you're sitting here with me having a drink as if it were the most normal thing in the world. I can't even describe the mix of emotions I'm feeling right now, but they're all good." She smiled again, a big beaming smile.

"I'm glad you're happy," I said. "You've done very well this week and Karen says you've been learning lots as well. Nothing wrong with an inquisitive mind." I took a sip of my drink.

"Oh my god. Karen has been fantastic. She's explained so much. I can't believe half the stuff you two have got up to. I'm so jealous. I want to try it all and more. She's opened my eyes to so many ideas. I always wondered if I might be a little weird but I feel so normal now. I'm sorry. I'm talking too much aren't I?"

"No, not at all. How else will you learn if you can't discuss these things? I remember my early days only too well. I felt the same way. I thought I was some kind of pervert until I met like-minded people and talked openly about my thoughts and desires. God, I even ended up running the local munch for a few years, welcoming other newbies into the fold." I smiled as I recalled the memories.

"Really? I've read about munches but never had the nerve to go to one. I know it's different, but I went to a swingers club once but I only lasted half an hour. There were naked bodies everywhere but nothing that did anything for me. It was all so vanilla."

"I don't look at what I do as swinging," I replied. "I supposed I enjoy the same physical freedom as a swinger the psychological side of things goes far far deeper. The freedoms I've been able to enjoy are beyond anything you'll find in one of those places."

"Can you tell me about how you got started in all of this? Karen's told me a little about her experiences, but I'd love to hear your story. It'll give me a chance to shut up for a while." Sara squeezed my hand and smiled as she said this.

Now it was my turn to ramble on. I talked about feelings I’d had in my teens, through to starting to explore in my early twenties. I explained the impact some of these things had had on my relationships, some of which had strengthened and some faded. I touched upon specific scenarios but avoided going into too great detail about these – I wanted to be sure Sara could use her imagination rather than rely on becoming a copycat. I said that it was alright to copy ideas but much more fun to expand upon and improve them depending on personal tastes and desires. By the time I’d finished, we were starting on our third round of drinks.

Sara had listened intently, hanging on to my every word.

“That is all so wonderful,” she said. “I have to ask, would you consider teaching me? Sorry if that seems a bit forward of me but I did ask Karen if I should ask you. She approved but said it would be up to you. I’d love to learn to tie and restrain and all sorts of things and it would be so good to explore with someone I can trust.”

I was a little stunned even knowing her eagerness. Here was a beautiful young woman, less than half my age, wanting me to guide her through such intimate things. I was flattered but cautious.

“I’d be happy to do what I can, but we’ll need to discuss so much more before leaping into anything. I need to know what you want to explore and establish where your limits currently lie – they’re likely to change with time. I know this may sound boring, but we probably need to put together a plan for you. There are so many possibilities, and I don’t want you to feel pressured or rushed in any way.”

“That’s so sweet of you,” she replied. “It’s hugely reassuring to know that you care. My head is so full of ideas that I really don’t know where to start so maybe you can help me with that? Can I be completely blunt with you?

“Sure, go ahead”.

“Okay,” Sara seemed to gather herself. “Right now, I’m feeling incredibly horny. In just over an hour I’ll be allowed to have an orgasm and if it’s at all possible I’d love for you to be involved in that. I’ll understand if you don’t want to, but I really can’t get the image of your hard cock out of my head.” She whispered the last part of the sentence.

It was my turn to feel a little flustered. I hadn’t expected her to be quite so forthright. I could hardly refuse such a lovely request, but I was slightly conflicted not wishing to rush into anything too quickly. I had to quickly get my “play head” on and detach myself from any emotional desires.

“I’m sure I can accommodate you there,” I said, trying to sound non-committal.

Sara’s smile beamed at me again. I had no idea what she was expecting or hoping for. I thought the best course of action was to ask her what she’d like to do.

“OK. Here’s an idea for you,” I said, immediately grabbing Sara’s full attention. “You’ve successfully completed your task, or you will have done at midnight. If I said to you that you could choose anything as a reward what would you want to do? Think carefully because you might be able to make this a reality tonight”.

It was Sara’s turn to feel flustered again. I noticed an immediate darkening to the already apparent flush around her neck and upper chest.

“Golly. That’s put me on the spot. Anything? Really? Are you sure?”

“If you suggest something beyond my limits I’ll tell you, but let’s just see. We can go back to mine and the choice of scenario is completely yours. Just tell me what you’d like to do. Best keep it fairly simple for now but I’m fairly sure you won’t be able to shock me, yet at least.” I smiled as I said this.

Sara leant closer to me and her voice was hushed. “OK. I’d like to tie you to the bed and get you very hard. Then I’d have you make me cum with your mouth before I ride your hard cock and make you cum. Then you’ll have to lick me clean before I let you go. How’s that for a first try?”

She sat back to gauge my reaction.

“It’s simple, easy, and achieves a goal. You’ve described a situation with you in charge, stating clearly what you want to receive and explaining clearly what your submissive must do to achieve release.”

“So can we actually do that?” She asked.

“I see no reason why not,” I replied.

Sara had a definite tell. When she was very horny she moved from side to side, flexing her thighs. Her smile reached a new level and she squeezed my hand tightly.

“Thank you. Thank you so much.”

“Don’t thank me yet,” I joked.

“Shall we go,” she said. Standing up. It was an instruction rather than a question.

During the brief walk back to my flat Sara held tightly onto my hand.

“We haven’t touched on this before but it’s sensible to have a safe word. If at any time either of us wants to stop whatever is happening just say the word “Red” three times. This will stop all activity; any bonds will be released, and no judgements made. If you don’t want things to stop completely but need to take a breather, just say “Amber” three times. This can work for both of us.” Sara was nodding her acknowledgement to this as I spoke.

“I think I might need just one more glass of wine when we get in, would that be OK?” She asked. “Also, could you call me “Mistress” while we play? I think it will help me.”

“Yes, Mistress,” I replied. “It is your reward after all.”

I felt her squeeze my hand at this and we carried on walking. Sara’s pace wasn’t fast, but I think she was still struggling a little with the stimulation she was receiving from the material of her jeans.

We reached my building, entered and went up to my flat. I left Sara to make herself comfortable in my living room while I went to get her a glass of wine. She was looking relaxed on the sofa when I broke her drink through. I handed it to her. I noticed she’d taken her shoes off.

“Thank you,” she said. “You’re a little over-dressed, don’t you think? I’d like you to be naked, and I’ll need something to tie you to the bed with.”

I quickly undressed, piling my clothes onto the armchair. I was already semi-hard at the thought of what Sara wanted.

“Excuse me, Mistress, I’ll be back in a moment.”

I popped into my bedroom and retrieved a set of leather wrist and ankle cuffs and some rope – I thought the cuffs would be more practical than trying to teach her to tie with just rope. We’d have plenty of time for that in the future. By the time I returned to the living room, I was much harder.

I handed the cuffs to Sara and placed the rope on the sofa beside her. She beckoned me closer and leaned down to secure the ankle cuffs which she clipped together immediately limiting my movements. She then put the smaller cuffs on my wrists and pulled my hands behind me so she could clip these together too.

She then took hold of my cock, quite roughly but firmly and pulled me towards her. She kissed me quite passionately whilst bringing me quickly to full hardness.

“Right, let’s get you into the bedroom”. She picked up the ropes and, maintaining her grip on my now very hard cock, led me down the hallway to the bedroom. I had to shuffle behind her as my feet were still connected. Her grip on my cock added to the challenge. I’d left the light on so she would know where she was going.

“Lie down,” she said. I was almost surprised by her forcefulness. She unclipped my wrists.

I did as she instructed. She reached over and pulled the pillows away from under my head. “We won’t be needing these.”

Then Sara took one of the ropes and attached it to my right wrist. She pulled it through the headboard and tied it off. I have a pretty sturdy oak-framed bed which I purchased with activities like this in mind. She then went around the bed and added a rope to my left wrist cuff, again pulling it tightly before tying it off on the headboard. Once she was happy with her handiwork she went to the foot of the bed and unclipped my ankles. She took two more ropes and attached one to each of my ankle cuffs. She threaded the ropes through the ends of the footboard and pulled. This dragged me down and pulled my legs wide open. The downward motion stretched my arms more and she kept pulling until she was satisfied that I was well and truly spread-eagled. I tested the ropes and I had almost no movement.

Sara quickly stripped off her blouse and jeans and hopped onto the bed. She curled up between my legs and took a firm hold of my cock with one hand. She wrapped the fingers of her other hand around the base of my scrotum and gently but firmly pulled down, stretching my balls away from my body.

“This is yummy. I could keep you like this for ages. I’ve been reading about edging, and tease and denial. I’m sure I could have you begging for release before long. Would you like that?”

“Whatever pleases you, Mistress,” I replied.

“We’ll have to save that for another time, I have something else for you to do right now. It’s after midnight and I want to cum.”

She lifted herself and climbed up my body until she sat, straddling my chest. She went up on her knees and, taking hold of the headboard, lowered her pussy to my mouth. Her lips were red and puffy and her clit was very swollen. I didn’t need to be told what to do. I started licking, sucking her labia into my mouth as I teased her opening, circling it and savouring her juices which were flowing freely.

As Sara neared her first orgasm she began to move her hips back and forth, grinding herself against my face. I managed to get my tongue to her clit and she reacted by speeding her movements. Her breathing became deeper and her movements more forceful and she started to ride that first wave. I felt her start to twitch above me and her pussy contracted, flooding me with her juices. She kept moving for as long as she could before becoming quite still. I continued to lick gently at her opening.

“Oh my god, that was so intense. I’ve never squirted before, she said. I continued to lick and slowly she began to move in time with my tongue, her next orgasm building. It wasn’t long before the second wave hit her, lasting longer than the first but with slightly less intensity. The was no flood of juices this time, just a steady flow which I savoured in my mouth before swallowing down.

No words were needed, she just used my mouth to sate her unquenched desire. My cock remained hard throughout stimulated by the activity on my face. I could feel it twitch as it ached for contact.

It wasn’t until she’d had five good orgasms that she lifted herself away from my mouth a wriggled down my body. She lifted herself and took hold of my cock to guide it to her opening. She was very lubricated so I met no resistance at all as I slid deep inside her. She took my full length, I could feel my cock head pressed against her cervix and just sat there for a moment savouring the sensation.

She placed her hands on my chest to steady herself and then started to move her hips back and forth, grinding her clit against my pubic bone whilst my cock massaged her depths. She was still sensitive and came quite quickly, well before I had come close to my own release. This time she did not let up though. She rode through her orgasm onto the next. I felt her pussy contract, milking my cock. As she approached her third orgasm like this I felt my juices start to flow and I bucked against my restraints as I pumped my cum deep inside her. She kept going as her orgasm hit her and seemed to take more pleasure from my twitching, writhing body below her, struggling to handle her movements as my cock head became ridiculously sensitive.

She dropped her body down and hugged me, clinging to me. Her pussy muscles flexed, making sure they’d milked the last drops from me. I felt myself begin to soften.

She lifted her head and kissed me briefly before lifting herself and scooting quickly back up my body. She planted her pussy right on my mouth and simply said, “Clean me.”

I stuck my tongue up and into her opening. Hot globs of my cum combined with her juices started to flow from her. I hadn’t cum since Saturday and had to keep swallowing to keep up with the flow. As I licked away she approached what must have been her eighth or ninth orgasm of the night. She quivered and ejected the last of the juices from her pussy.

Once her orgasm had subsided she lifted herself off my face and made herself comfortable alongside me. She draped an arm across and down my body, stoking my semi-hard cock.

“Wow, wow and wow. I want to do that every night,” she said. I could tell that she was smiling even though I couldn’t see her face.

“Every night might become boring, Mistress,” I replied.

“Right now I could never get bored with that, but you’re probably right. You can drop the “Mistress” now. Damn, I feel so good. Would it be OK if I stayed tonight?”

“That would be fine but you might want to untie me so we can both get comfortable,” I replied.

“Oh, I don’t want to get too comfortable just yet. I want to thank you properly.”

Her hand stroking my cock was beginning to get a reaction and she started to milk me gently. She wriggled around and, placing her head on my belly, started to tease the head of my cock with the tip of her tongue.

Her head moved slowly downward, her teasing becoming licking and then sucking as she took the head of my cock into her mouth. I could feel her tongue circling my sensitive head and she tightened her grip and began to suck harder. She pushed her other hand underneath me, reaching for my balls which, as soon as she made contact, she started to rub and squeeze gently.

I was still quite sensitive, but I felt another orgasm start to build. I don’t know if she sensed this as she slowly built the intensity of the stimulation as she took me deeper and deeper into her mouth. As her hand reached the base of my cock, I could feel the head touching the back of her throat. There was no let-up. She simply kept going as I got closer and closer to cumming. I felt the first spasm approach and she just went on milking me with her hands and mouth. I shot spurt after spurt directly down her throat. I could feel her swallow, her throat contracting on my now very sensitive head.

I had no choice but to lie there and bask in the glow of a very intense orgasm. Sara just lay there, curled up, with the head of my cock still in her mouth, gently circling the head with her tongue.

After a little while, she opened her mouth, releasing me. “I could sleep like this,” she said. “Could you?”

“You’d probably need to loosen the ropes a bit,” I replied. I was very stretched out and knew from experience how much I’d ache in the morning if I stayed like this.

“I will, in a minute,” she said. “I meant could you sleep with your cock in my mouth?”

“I could probably drift off like that, yes,” I replied. “As long as you don’t start dreaming about eating a banana.”

Sara laughed at this and pushed herself up. She climbed off the bed and quickly undid my ankle cuffs, leaving the rope attached to the bed. She then climbed upon me again, straddling my chest, and undid the buckles on my wrist cuffs. I moved my arms about making sure everything was working again and then pulled her towards me. We kissed slowly and passionately. It was most definitely a “moment”.

She slid off me to my side and just snuggled up to me with my arm circling her.


When I woke the following morning I was alone, well alone in bed at least. I could hear noises from down the corridor. I got up, grabbed my robe, and after a quick bathroom break, headed down the hallway.

Sara was in the kitchen, naked as the day she was born. My washing up had been done and she was standing at the counter tapping her fingers as the kettle slowly came to the boil.

“Good morning. I hope you don’t mind but I really need my caffeine first thing. Do you want one? I did your washing up, I hope you don’t mind.” Sara was just as chatty first thing as she was in the evening. I seriously questioned her need for caffeine.

“Thank you for last night. It was really lovely. I felt so free. I hope we can explore some more, soon. Are you working today? I’m free until Monday and I have no plans at all. Do you have anything planned?” She was bouncing from foot to foot again and I hadn’t managed to get a word in yet.

I walked over to her, put my arms around her and kissed her lightly on the neck.

“Good morning,” I said, whilst I had the chance. “Yes. I’d love a coffee. White and one.” I wasn’t used to company in the morning, let alone a constant flow of conversation regardless of how one-sided it was.

Sara hugged me tightly. I felt myself respond to this naked body against me. Her constant movements against me simply transferred her obvious arousal.

The kettle came to the boil and Sara broke free from my arms, turning to pour water into the two mugs she’d retrieved from the drainer. She added milk and my sugar and took both drinks through to the living room, I had little choice but to follow her. Placing the mugs on the coffee table she planted herself squarely in the middle of the sofa. I sat down next to her, reached for my coffee and sat back to enjoy the warmth of the drink.

“Are you OK? Have I done something wrong?” Sara asked.

“Yes, I’m fine and no, you’ve done nothing wrong. It just takes me a little while to get going in the morning,” I replied. “As for your other questions, I do have to work today but only have a couple of reports to finish off which shouldn’t take me too long. I try not to make too many plans, but I do have to go shopping with Rachel, an old friend, tomorrow morning. Other than that, I am free. Did you have anything particular in mind?” I wondered whether I would regret an open-ended question given Sara’s verbosity. Perhaps I was being unfair? I was more used to my own company.

“Sorry if I’m talking too much.” I immediately felt a pang of guilt. “I’m just finding all this so exciting, and I know there’s so much more to explore. I want to learn everything, all at once, if you’d be happy to teach me or guide me. I know I can’t learn everything straight away, I’m just being greedy, but I think you understand. Do you?” Sara frowned as she spoke.

I smiled. “Yes. I completely understand. It seems like a long time ago, but I’ve been where you are now, relatively speaking. Finding freedom is a big thing. It would be my honour to teach or guide you, maybe teach AND guide you. I hope that doesn’t sound big-headed of me? I really mean I’m happy to be there, holding your hand while you explore.”

Sara’s frown became a big, beaming smile. She swung her legs around, placed them across mine, and hugged me again. I nearly lost my coffee.

“Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you,” she said. Sensing she wasn’t going to let go any time soon I carefully balanced my half-full mug on the arm of the sofa.

“Is there something you had in mind to start with?” I asked her.

“Karen told me that you’re very good with ropes and I’d love to know how to tie someone up properly. Can you show me what to do?” Something about Sara’s face when she asked like that was very appealing.

“I can show you a couple of basic ties that are good for restraining someone or tying them to a piece of furniture. You wouldn’t need to resort to cuffs anymore. You could practise them whilst I work. If you feel confident enough, I’d be happy for you to try them on me later on, once I’ve finished working.”

“That sounds perfect,” she said.

“Right, I need to shower and have something to eat. I’ll make us some bacon sandwiches. You’ll find some storage boxes under my bed with ropes and toys inside. You’ll need to get some ropes.”

I extracted myself from Sara’s hug and stood up. Sara followed as I headed off back down the corridor.

“Can I shower with you? Then I’ll find the ropes while you make breakfast.”

Who was I to turn down this lovely young lady? The idea of showering together is always nice although the reality is that it’s just two people taking turns getting cold. It’s the levels of distraction that make it bearable.

I made sure the water was just the right temperature before stepping into the shower. Sara stood slightly closer to me than was necessary and started to lather me up as I washed my hair. She scrubbed my back, which I really like, and then worked on my front. She lingered on my cock getting me very hard in the process. I returned the favour and, doing my best to ignore my cock which was aching again, I washed her back and then her front paying extra attention to her breasts. When I got to her pussy it was easy to distinguish her juices from the water. I rubbed much harder than was necessary and her breathing became quite laboured. I stopped before she neared her orgasm. If I had to put up with unquenched arousal, then so did she.

Once clean Sara got out of the shower first and wrapped a towel around herself. I took a little while drying myself before putting my robe back on. I headed back to the kitchen while she rummaged around under my bed.

It didn’t take me long to drum up a couple of sandwiches and another round of coffee. I brought them on a tray into the living room where Sara was kneeling on the floor sorting through a pile of ropes. She rose as I came in and made herself comfortable on the sofa. I placed the tray on the coffee table, sat next to her and indicated that she should help herself to food.

Between mouthfuls, Sara asked, “So what will you teach me today”.

“I’ll just show you a couple of basic ties. One will be a basic cuff so you can secure a limb to furniture or whatever is handy, the other will allow you to secure limbs together, safely. You can practice them while I work.”

She smiled as she ate.

Once we’d both reduced our sandwiches to crumbs Sara got up, ***********ed a couple of short ropes from the pile and returned to the sofa. “Show me,” she said, impatiently.

I took the shorter of the two ropes and doubled it up. I then took her hand and wrapped the rope around her wrist. I pulled the rope through the looped end, keeping a finger under the rope so as not to let it be too tight. I repeated this and then showed her how to cinch it off so it wouldn’t tighten under pressure. She pulled her hand away and tested it. She grinned seeing how simple it was.

I undid the rope and handed it to her.

“Now you try,” I said.

Sara repeated what I had done although she let the rope get quite tight around my wrist and struggled with the cinch. I suggested she keep a finger or two under the rope to avoid this and she loosened the rope and started again. This time she did a fairly good job and seemed very pleased with the result.

I then took the longer of the ropes and, having doubled it up, indicated that she should hold both her hands out. I proceeded to wind the rope around her wrists, pulled the loose ends through the loop and pulled it back around. Once I had encircled her wrists three times, I cinched it off and proceeded to wind the loose ends around the rope between her wrists forming a set of hemp handcuffs. She tested the bonds and seemed surprised at how effectively she was restrained.

I released her wrists and handed her the rope, holding my hands out so that she could try the same tie on me. She had paid close attention and got it right the first time. I congratulated her.

“If you’re going to work, what can I practice on?” She asked.

“Grab a chair from the kitchen. You should find it about right to practice both ties,” I replied. I have a couple of basic wooden IKEA chairs which are open-backed.

Sara released my wrists, and I sat back to finish my coffee. She went straight into the kitchen and returned with a chair. She placed it in front of the armchair and, grabbing some more ropes, started practising the ties I’d shown her.

I finished my coffee and grabbed my laptop. I opened the reports and started to type away. Now and again Sara would show me the fruits of her labours. She’d picked it up very quickly and I only had to show her how to correct one rather loose effort.

I confess that I did find this lovely naked young lady quite distracting, and I may have rushed through my reports. I didn’t bother checking them through. They had to be submitted on Monday and having spent a couple of hours on them I decided that I’d find some more time over the weekend to finish them off.

It was just before 11 a.m. when I closed my laptop.

“I can finish these later. Is there anything else you like to try?” I asked.

“I’d like to try these on a person. Can I tie you up?”

“If you like,” I replied. “Anything else?”

“I’ll decide after I’ve got you nicely secured if that’s OK?”

“If I’m secured it’ll be up to you anyway, I guess,” I responded.

I stood up and took off my robe. Sara moved the wooden chair next to the armchair, giving herself more room to manoeuvre. She asked me to sit so I made myself comfortable.

Sara went behind the chair reached around and took hold of my hands, pulling them behind me. I felt her wrap a rope around my wrists. I could tell she was following my instructions carefully. Once she had them fairly tightly tied she stood and asked,

“How does that feel?”

I tested my bonds. They were tight but not uncomfortable.

“That’s good,” I said. “I don’t think I can escape. Not easily anyway.”

Sara must have dropped down again as I felt her pulling the ropes down and she must have tied the end off on the spindle between the chair legs. My wrists were pulled down and going nowhere.

“Is that better?” She asked.

“You’ve got me,” I replied.

“Good,” was all she said.

She then came around to the front of the chair and took two more ropes. She created a cuff on my right ankle. I admit that was paying more attention to her naked body than I was to her tying me. As she moved around her breasts jiggled in a most appealing manner. I was becoming aroused, and it was starting to show.

She moved on to my left ankle and I soon had two well-tied ankle cuffs. Sara then moved my feet so they were next to the front legs of the chair. This forced me to open my legs and I was completely exposed to her.

She then went behind the chair again and I felt her pulling on my ankles. I moved my feet backwards, and she pulled upwards and backward so they were pulled in line with the rear legs of the chair. This forced my crotch forward. I felt her tying the ropes off. She had me well and truly secured, and exposed. She walked around the chair surveying her handiwork.

Sara dropped to her knees in front of me and took hold of my semi-hard cock. Bringing it rapidly to full hardness, she looked me in the face and said,

“I have a few ideas I’d like to try.” I don’t think she expected a response, and I was becoming quite distracted.

She took hold of my scrotum with her left hand and, encircling the base, pulled slowly but firmly towards herself. Her right hand continued to massage my erect cock. Maintaining the pressure on my balls she slowly increased the speed on my cock bringing me closer and closer to orgasm. My breathing became a little more laboured and I strained against my bonds. I was close to cumming when she just stopped, releasing both my cock and balls, and stood up.

“Back in a minute,” she said and sauntered out of the room. I was left sitting there, my cock twitching as I began to ache for relief. I could hear her rummaging around in my bedroom and wondered what she had in mind for me.

After what felt like an age but was probably only a few minutes, Sara came back to the living room. I heard her drop some things behind me and she walked over to the coffee table and picked up her phone.

After a few moments, she approached me and showed me one of the photos from the previous weekend. It was of Sara in her work uniform holding my very swollen cock while I was standing spread-eagled to the bottom of the four-poster bed. My scrotum was tightly bound and pulled down by a rope which was tied off to the foot of the bed. I remembered Karen taking the photo.

“I’m going to see if I can do this with you sitting down,” she said.

Sara picked up another rope and knelt in front of me. Without any stimulation, my erection had subsided a little, but she took hold of my cock and had me fully hard again in only a few strokes.

She then took the rope and doubled it up as I had shown her, wrapping it tightly around the base of my cock and balls with the loose length at the bottom. She then started to slowly wind the loose end around my scrotum, forming a tube which steadily pulled my balls away from my body. The pressure on my balls was almost painful when she started to wrap the rope the other way back towards my body. My balls were pulled a little more than her hands’ width from my body, my scrotum encased in a tube of double-thickness rope. She fiddled about a bit underneath my scrotum and fed the rope back under itself.

The tie she had made left me with very purple balls, the skin of my scrotum pulled tightly around them, and my cock was incredibly hard. I knew that cumming with my balls pulled away like this was going to be harder than usual.

She hadn’t finished though. Sara then pulled the loose end of the rope towards her. I had little movement in my bonds but thrust my hips forward as much as I could to reduce the pressure on my swelling cock and balls. Once my movement stopped, she pulled the rope downwards and tied it off on the spindle between the front legs of the chair. I was completely immobile, feeling constant pressure.

Sara looked very pleased with the result and took hold of my very hard cock. She stroked up and down, teasing the pre-cum from me and rubbing it around the purple head of my cock.

“I really like you like this,” she said, looking me straight in the eyes. I couldn’t do much but smile back at her. “When I saw you tied up at work I felt hornier than I’d ever felt before.”

She kept stroking my cock until I started to feel my orgasm building again. My cock twitched and she carried on teasing the very swollen head with her thumb. As I got closer and closer I felt the pressure building in my balls as they tried to constrict. I felt my cock start to spasm and Sara just let go and moved away from me. My cock was bouncing up and down, looking for sensation but none was there. Pre-cum was oozing from me.

Sara stood and went behind me again. I heard her rummage through the stuff she’d brought in from the bedroom. I sensed her standing behind me and all of a sudden I was in darkness as she placed a blindfold over my eyes. She pulled the buckle tight at the back. I then sensed her moving around me.

I jumped a little as I felt her pinch my left nipple, she pulled and tweaked it. Then pain. I recognised the familiar bite from the nipple clamp. This was repeated on my right nipple. The pain seemed less as my endorphins kicked it. I was surrendering to my enhanced sensations.

Although I could no longer see her, I sensed her sitting down in the armchair next to me. Every second started to feel like minutes or even hours as I longed for stimulation. I heard a buzzing noise and realised that Sara had one of my wand vibrators. Her breathing increased. She was playing with herself as I just sat there aching for her touch.

I felt a hand grip my hard cock. There was very little movement, just pressure. My cock had become her handle, she was hanging on to steady herself. I could hear her breathing increase and the volume of the buzzing changed as she rubbed the vibrator hard against herself. I was sat there and I was just becoming a hard cock crying out for release. I could only focus on my cock as she held on to it. I felt nothing else.

I could hear Sara’s juices with the buzzing. Her breathing increased steadily until she released a long moan. Her grip on my cock, on me, increased as she rode her first orgasm. She rubbed my cock, almost aggressively, avoiding the head but making me swell, increasing my ache. It wasn’t enough stimulation to bring me closer but my desire for release continued to grow.

I felt her move around me continuing her attack on my cock. A hand was planted on the middle of my chest. It moved and suddenly the clamp on my left nipple was released. I almost screamed. The hand on my cock started stroking the full length, my pre-cum lubricating the whole length of my being. The right clamp was removed and as the pain flooded through me the hand on my cock just kept pumping. Although distracted I felt my orgasm approach and tensed. My breathing was rapid and my whole body started to tremble.

I felt the first spasm start at the base of my cock and suddenly the grip on my cock was released. I felt myself twitch as cum flowed from me but there was no orgasm, no sensation of release. My cum oozed from me with no relief. As I sat there, dripping, I was aware of Sara moving around me. My cock bounced as if it was seeking her out.

Time became vague to me, and I don’t know how long passed but the next sensation I felt was the touch of Sara’s legs against my knees. Again, her hand wrapped around the base of my cock, but this time gently. I felt it slowly moving upwards towards the head, coating my entire length with my spilt juice. I must have softened slightly but the tickling from her fingers soon had me hard and aching again.

Then Sara moved closer, her legs outside my own. She lowered herself and I felt her guide my aching cock as she lowered herself. My sensitive cock head met with no resistance as she impaled herself. I felt her full weight upon me as I was taken deeper into her. Her breasts were against my now sensitive nipples and her arms wrapped around me.

I felt her rise a little and then drop down again. It felt as if she was trying to drive me even deeper. She repeated this motion a few times and then added a slight forward and backward movement to her hips so her pubic bone ground into mine. She started to lift herself a little higher each time and I was aware of her breathing becoming once again deeper.

I was aching for a release that seemed to be coming closer again. Her pussy was milking me as she rode herself to orgasm, dragging her pleasure from me. She hugged me harder as she began to quiver on my cock and rapidly drove her hips back and forth. Her head dropped onto my shoulder as she came. I longed for her movements to continue, to milk me and give me the relief I longed for.

After a few moments, which could have been hours, Sara lifted herself from me. My hard cock felt cold as it was released from her depths. I could only sit there and wait for whatever would follow.

Sara sat in the armchair next to me again. I had started to soften but I felt her hand settle on my belly just above my cock. Slowly her hand moved closer to my cock, and she again stroked me gently to full hardness. She kept teasing me like this for what seemed an age. I was already aching for true release and the feeling just carried on growing.

I heard the buzz of the wand vibrator again. I was so envious of Sara. She was so near and enjoying the relief that I desired so much. As she came again, she gripped tightly onto my cock, her thumb constantly rubbing on the very sensitive head, making me twitch but not quite bringing me close enough.

After another short interlude, I felt Sara kneeling in front of me again. She took hold of my cock firmly and I felt her hair on my inner thighs as she took the head into her mouth. I felt her tongue swirling around my sensitive cock head as her hand started to steadily milk me. My pre-cum mixed with her spit provided lubrication for her hand as she steadily increased the pace. I felt my juices rising again.

My body started to tense up as I approached my orgasm. She maintained her pace with her mouth sucking hard on me. I felt myself getting closer and closer to release.

Suddenly she lifted her head away from me but kept milking my cock with her hand. Her other hand took hold of my swollen balls and squeezed quite gently. I felt my cock pulled down slightly to point at her and she continued the milking motion. I exploded. I felt spurt after spurt of hot cum erupt from my body. Her hand was relentless, and she kept going, way beyond what was required until I became ridiculously sensitive and my whole body twitched violently with every stroke.

Her timing was superb. She slowed her hand as it became too much for me to bear. I felt her finger lightly teasing my twitching cock but the relief from my orgasm compensated for the sensations.

The contact slowed and stopped, and I then felt her rise and come to my side. A hard, wet nipple was placed in my mouth. “Lick,” she instructed. I started to and realised that she milked me onto her breasts. I swallowed down the cum and licked her clean. I was rewarded with the other nipple, equally hard and coated with my cum. She switched from side to side until I had licked her clean.

As I was finishing my cleaning task she loosened and removed the blindfold. It took a little while for my eyes to become accustomed to the light again.

Sara then moved away from me, picked up a towel and used it to wipe something off of the sideboard. It was five or six feet away from me.

“When you came the first lot went straight over my shoulder,” she said, grinning at me. “You must have really needed that.”

I nodded in agreement.

Satisfied with her cleaning she came back over to me and started slowly releasing me. She took hold of my flaccid but sensitive cock and lifted it as she unbound my still-swollen balls. Once they were free she patted them, stood and went behind me. She released my legs and I slowly moved them around to the front of the chair as she untied my wrists.

I sat there, a little stunned, and quite drained.

“That was all good for a start. You’re a quick learner,” I said. I looked over at the clock and realised that she’d had me tied for just over four hours. I was surprised I didn’t feel hungry.

“Would you have done it differently?” She asked.

“How I would have done it is sort of irrelevant. It was great to see, or at least feel, you acting with so much confidence. You took the lead and didn’t falter.”

“Have you been tied like that before? To a chair I mean.” I could see there were going to be lots of questions.

“I’ve been tied in a similar fashion,” I replied. “I’ve been tied more loosely, and more strictly on a couple of occasions.”

“What was done to you?”

“Over the years I’ve been teased, tortured, whipped, used, milked… One lady did tickle me, but only once. Tickling for me is most definitely a hard limit.”

“Do you feel satisfied now?”

“I should ask the same question. You had me tied, therefore the satisfaction should be yours. How I feel shouldn’t be as important. I say it shouldn’t –I’ve always felt that it is. I’ve always liked to try and find a balance and make sure all participants are happy. I enjoyed the anticipation and the frustration, and had a very good orgasm in the end.”

“I know what you mean. I had some very good orgasms and enjoyed myself immensely. I did like ruining your first orgasm. You were twitching away and the cum was just pouring out, there was so much of it. I was worried that I’d overdone it and was really happy when you stayed hard. I was amazed at how much cum you got on my tits at the end and how far you shot over my shoulder. I loved it when you licked me clean. You’re the first person to do that for me. That really turns me on.” Her smile reminded me of the Cheshire cat.

I smiled back at her.

Sara was still on a bit of a high and bounded off into the kitchen. She returned with two coffees. We sat together on the sofa, still naked.

“I hope I don’t sound greedy, but I’d love to try more if you feel up to it?” Her questions seemed to be more of a challenge than one of genuine concern.

“What did you have in mind?” I asked.

“Karen said you were very good with impact play. I found all sorts of floggers and paddles and canes when I was in the bedroom. Could you show me how to use them properly?”

“I can, but we should probably shower again, and then sort some food out. I’m not particularly hungry right now but we both need to eat. Once we’ve eaten and chilled for a while, we can have a bit more of a play. You might regret it though. How would you explain bruises to John?”

“He’s away until Monday afternoon and to be honest he’s a bit of a ‘lights off’ man. He probably wouldn’t notice. I never walk around our place naked. I tried it once all he did was frown at me. I do love him but it’s more platonic. I feel bad about it but I’m pretty sure he feels the same way.”

“That sounds sad, but I know what you mean. I’m still friends with my ex-wife, but the spark went out a long time ago. I remember the feeling of loneliness when we were still together.” I felt the conversation was becoming a bit too depressing.

“I haven’t regretted anything yet,” Sara said, smiling. “If you’re going to let me loose with your flogger, maybe you’ll have regrets.”

I smiled at this. “Right, let's get cleaned up a bit.”

I stood, grabbed my robe and headed for the bathroom. Sara followed close behind. I got a couple of fresh towels from the cupboard, and we waited for the water to warm up before getting in together. It was more or less a repeat of our earlier shower without the urgency. We washed one another, and, as before, Sara spent more time than necessary washing my cock which had me semi-hard, and I spent plenty of time lathering up and rubbing her pussy which had her breathing heavily and shifting her weight from foot to foot again.

Once clean and pleasantly aroused we both wandered into the bedroom to dry ourselves off. I put my robe back on and offered Sara a T-shirt which she declined.

“I love being naked like this, with you,” she said. I was pleasantly surprised by the “with you”.

I headed back down the hallway and Sara lingered in the bedroom, gathering her weapons. She came into the living room and plonked an assortment of floggers and paddles on the floor. She also brought through a cane which she carried under her arm. She placed this, more carefully, perhaps respectfully, standing against the armchair.

After a brief discussion about possible foods, I ordered pizzas. There was over an hour of waiting time. I went into the kitchen and opened a bottle of wine, a Montepulciano as I recall. I brought the bottle and two glasses back into the living room. Sara was standing in the middle of the room swishing the cane through the air.

“We could start practising while we wait for the food,” she suggested.

“I think we should start with something a little gentler,” I replied, taking the cane from her hand and placing it on the armchair. “I only know a few people who can take a cane cold. As with all of these things, it’s best to start slowly and build up to greater things.”

“OK. What should we do then?” She was still bobbing from side to side.

“I reckon we should start with some spanking, then paddle or flogger. The cane, if you can handle it, definitely comes last.”

I sat on the sofa and gestured for her to come over to me. I took her hand and had her lie across my thighs. I placed my hand on her bottom. I did note how beautifully her bottom framed her slightly puffy pussy lips in this position.

I lifted my hand and she flinched, tensing herself. I spanked her quite gently, once on each buttock. She seemed to relax. I repeated the spanks, increasing the force just a little. As she relaxed more it was delightful seeing her bottom quiver. I kept at this until both of her cheeks we starting to glow a nice rosy red. Her pussy lips had swollen more and her juices were visibly starting to flow.

“Right, I’d like you to stand for the next bit,” I said. She quite literally leapt up. She was far too keen.

I got up and, picking up a leather flogger, stood behind her. I placed a hand on her back, so she bent forwards. She naturally placed her hands on her knees.

“The paddles are great if you don’t have big strong hands. I prefer a flogger because you can get more sensations from it.” As I said this, I trailed the leather tails slowly down her back from her shoulder to her backside. I did this to both sides of her body and I’m sure that she quivered.

“You decide if you want it to be painful or not.” As soon as I’d said this, I whipped the tails across her backside. She tensed from the shock but quickly relaxed again.

“You can use a flogger almost anywhere just keep them away from the kidneys, here.” As I said “kidneys”, I stroked the tails across her lower back, just below her ribcage and then gently whipped the tails up between her legs, whipping her pussy. She flinched again.

I then started to wave the flogger from side to side, stinging each buttock in turn. Now and then I’d change the angle and bring the tails up against her pussy. I steadily increased each strike's speed and left small red marks on each of her buttocks. She was still moving her weight from one foot to the other and I could see her juices running down her thighs. The ends of some of the tails on the flogger had darkened with her wetness.

When her backside started to glow a darker red, I asked her, “Would you like to try the cane now?” I was sure that her endorphins would provide some pain relief.

“Yes, please,” she replied. I did wonder if she’d been caned before.

“Right. You’ll feel me tapping your backside with the cane. Each tap might sting a little. Then you’ll feel a proper stroke. I think we’ll start with three. I want you to count them out loud and say thank you for each one.”

“OK,” she replied. Her voice sounded slightly nervous.

I picked up the cane and started to tap it across both of her buttocks. It would have stung each time. Once I had covered her whole backside with small taps, I raised the cane and brought it down hard on her bottom.

She flinched again and her whole body seemed to tense up.

“One. Thank you.”

I started tapping again, watching the weal start to rise where the cane hard met her flesh. Having covered her backside again I raised the cane for the second time and brought it down with a resounding “swish”, being careful to avoid the initial weal.

“Two. Thank you.” Her voice sounded a little shaky.

I repeated the tapping and then gave her her third stroke of the cane.

“Three. Thank you.” The shakiness seemed to have faded a little.

“Would you like to try more? Go up to six, or maybe twelve strokes?” I asked.

“Si-, no twelve.” Although she hesitated, she sounded confident.

The three welts were already glowing angrily across her backside.

I carried on. Her inner thighs were becoming slick with her juices as the weals slowly increased.

“Four. Thank you.”

“Five. Thank you.”

“Six. Thank you.”

I was running out of space so adjusted my angle. The cane would cross where it had already met her flesh.

“Seven. Thank you.”

“Eight. Thank you.”

Small spots of blood appeared where the welts crossed over one another. The first was already darkening to black.

“Nine. Thank you.”

Ten. Thank you.”

As the tenth stroke crossed her backside, I noticed her quiver. She tensed up a little and adjusted herself, taking her hands from her knees, shaking them, and then replacing them.

I paused as she moved, expecting her to use a safe word, but when none was forthcoming I continued. I had reduced the tapping by now. I maintained the power of each stroke, careful not to add more force.

“Eleven. Thank you.”

“Twelve. Thank you.”

“Well done. Stay exactly as you are for a moment.”

I rushed down the corridor and grabbed a bottle of arnica gel I kept in the bathroom cabinet.

Returning to the living room I found Sara had not moved at all. Her backside was a crisscross of darkening welts. I picked up my phone a snapped a couple of photos.

I then squeezed a healthy glob of gel from the bottle and rubbed it across both of my hands. She flinched once more as her hands touched her flesh, the cold gel immediately providing some relief from the burning. I made sure that I coated her whole backside.

“How was that?” I asked her.

“I’m not sure how to describe it,” she said as she stood up. “It was the most pain I’ve ever felt, but it was so arousing at the same time.” She twisted around trying to look at her bottom. I held up my phone and showed her the photos I’d just taken.

“Wow. That’s fantastic,” she said. “It looks horrible and beautiful at the same time. I think that I actually had an orgasm while you were caning me. I felt it as you gave me the tenth stroke. It was very intense. The pain became a pleasure."

"There's a fine line." Damn, that sounded so corny.

The doorbell rang. Saved by the bell.

The pizza delivery man announced himself on the intercom and I buzzed him in. I went to the front door to collect our food. Sara remained in the living room; I'd half expected her to want to flash the man and expand her experiences further.

I returned to the living room with our food and found Sara sitting somewhat gingerly on a folded towel on the sofa. She’d poured out two glasses of wine. She seemed a little quiet and subdued. Anticipating that she might experience sub drop, a common feeling when endorphins reduce after a high, I asked her if she was OK.

She went from a seemingly low appearance to cheerful in a split second.

“Sorry, I was miles away there. No, I’m fine. I was just thinking about how that cane felt and how I might approach it. Will you let me try it on you?”

“Let’s eat first,” I replied. “If you want to take the reins again you can, once we’ve re-fueled.”

We both tucked into the pizzas and chatted about more mundane things as we ate. Sara wanted to pop back to her place to pick up some bits and pieces so we agreed to head over there in the morning.

She also asked me about porn. She said that she watched a lot of online videos covering a wide range of genres. I confessed that I enjoyed some videos but preferred reading stories as I find they stimulate the imagination more. She said that she struggled to imagine many scenarios without practical experience. I reassured her that I was happy to help her gain whatever practical experience I could. She smiled deeply at this.

Once we had finished eating we relaxed and enjoyed the wine. Sara asked if I could put some porn on the TV. I logged into the Internet viewer, found the site she requested, and handed her the controller. She quickly navigated to the edging category and, as we watched together, asked me,

“What do you like about being edged?”

“It’s mainly the anticipation,” I replied. “The desire to have an orgasm gets stronger and stronger and you don’t know when, or whether, you will be granted release. I’m sure it's the same for you though?”

“Yes, it is. The desire to have an orgasm can be almost overwhelming and when you actually do cum it can be so intense. It was lovely holding back for you this week, but I’ve never been edged constantly for long. The breaks from morning to evening allowed me to calm down physically, I just felt horny all the time. The anticipation of just seeing you again was good, especially with the photos I had to look at.”

I think I may have blushed a little at this point. I don’t take praise too well. I opted for a slight change of subject.

“So if you are going to try out a bit of impact play how would you like to do it?”

“I’d like to restrain you first if that’s OK? I was thinking either bent over or on all fours. Do you think your coffee table would be strong enough to take your weight?”

My coffee table is a 1970s solid teak table with four sturdy legs. From previous experiences, I knew it was up to the task. I’d been tied to it and on it in several ways over the years.

“Yes. It should be fine,” I replied. “and then what?”

“I’d like to get you nicely tied and then you’ll find out.” She grinned. She was learning fast.

We watched a few more clips with Sara giving a little commentary on some of the techniques. Once I felt I’d digested the meal I stood, took off my robe and asked her how she wanted me.

“Kneel at the end of the table for me, please.”

I knelt and she hurriedly cleared the surface of our glasses and the now empty wine bottle.

She then knelt behind me and pushed my legs apart. As she pushed I shuffled until my knees were as wide apart as the table legs. She took a rope and wrapped it around my leg, just above the knee, and the table leg. She did the same for the other leg. I tested the bonds and I couldn’t bring my legs together.

“Now lean forwards onto the table.”

I did as she instructed, and this lifted my knees slightly off the ground. My full weight was now on my torso as I lay forward. Sara sat on the sofa and, taking another rope she formed a cuff on my left wrist as I had shown her earlier dropping the loose end under the table. She then went around the table and knelt on the floor beside me whilst she made the cuff on my right wrist.

She then went to the end of the table, reached underneath and pulled on the loose ends. My wrists were pulled under the table. She carried on pulling until she was happy that I was stretched out. She tied the right-hand rope to the left-hand leg and vice versa. I had no movement available to me other than my feet which were touching the ground.

I thought she was finished with the ropes now, but I was wrong. She had one more plan up her sleeve; virtual sleeve anyway.

Sara knelt between my feet and took hold of the base of my scrotum. I felt her wrap a rope around it as she had earlier, forming a small cuff. I started to harden. She shuffled backwards and taking the two loose ends, she cocked my feet up towards me and wrapped the ropes around my big toes. Any movement on my feet would now pull down on my balls.

“That looks good,” she said. She stood and patted my backside.

“One last thing,” she said. She came alongside me and, lifting my head slightly, she pushed a cushion under it and then wrapped the blindfold around my head, fastening it tightly.

“Perfect.” She sounded very happy with herself.

I just lay there, waiting, being careful not to move my feet. The rope around my balls was applying adequate pressure on its’ own, and my cock was certainly three-quarters hard.

I sensed Sara moving around me. She picked something up and then came back around me and sat on the sofa. She then rested and crossed her legs on the small of my back. I heard the video clip on the TV change. It sounded like someone was being spanked.

I felt something flat stroking my left buttock. It moved around and then covered my right buttock. Suddenly there was a soft swishing noise and I felt a sting on my backside. I recognised it immediately. She was using a riding crop, It had a small, flat leather loop at the end. The swish repeated and the crop stung my other buttock.

Soon she was raining blow after blow, alternating sides and covering the whole of both of my buttocks slowly. This carried on for the duration of whatever video clip she was watching and into the one that followed. The stinging faded and became a glow which spread across both of my buttocks. I settled and enjoyed the sensations. I must have moved my toes slightly as the pressure on my balls had increased and my cock was now hard.

I don’t know how long she kept this up but before the clip ended Sara stopped and she lifted her legs off of my back. After a few moments, I felt her kneel between my feet. I assumed this was to view her handiwork up close. Perhaps it was, but I then felt a cold, lubricated hand encircle my cock. She stroked up and down my entire length covering me with lube. She slowly increased her grip until she was slowly milking me.

Her hand quickly brought me to full hardness. She was still stroking up and down, my foreskin was pulled right back and kept the same rhythm going. I felt myself nearing orgasm as the head of my cock swelled and became more and more sensitive with every stroke. I wanted to fuck her hand but I couldn’t move. I tensed and felt a greater pressure in my balls as my orgasm came closer. Just as I thought I was at the point of no return she released her grip and my cock just twitched in the air seeking just a little more stimulation.

Sara quickly returned to the sofa, her legs once again resting on my back.

The next sensation was just as familiar as the riding crop. She brought the flogger down on my backside, the tails catching me in many places teasing my glowing flesh. She repeated this, not as rapidly as she had with the crop, but soon developed a steady pace. The tails sometimes caught my swollen balls, just stinging slightly, the pain rapidly turning to pleasure. This maintained my hardness.

I could hear Sara changing clips on the TV but the sensations from the flogger were distracting me, and I couldn’t focus on what she was viewing. I was aware of Sara’s legs across my back, the hardness of my cock, the pressure on my balls and the steady whipping on my backside, nothing else.

I have no idea how long this went on for. My backside was feeling hot when the whipping stopped. I enjoyed the heat.

Sara once again lifted her legs from me and assumed a position between my feet. I felt her cold, lubricated hand once more wrapped around my still-hard cock. It started to move up and down the whole length, lingering as it covered my swollen, sensitive cock head. The motion was slower than before but just as steady. It felt as if I was becoming harder than hard. My sensitivity increased and I felt my cock twitch as if seeking even more. Once again my orgasm approached. My balls ached for release, more pressure as they seemed to fight against the stimulation. My whole body tensed and she let go again.

My cock bounced up and down, defeated. It’s hard to explain how much I wanted to cum at that point. I remained tense. I longed for Sara’s touch once more. I needed her to take me over the edge and milk me dry. It wasn’t to be.

Sara returned to the sofa. This time I only felt one leg placed across my back, the physical contact so pleasurable. Then, over the sound of the TV, I heard the familiar buzzing from earlier. Sara had the wand massager again. I imagined her stroking herself with it. I longed for the release that she would soon enjoy.

Her leg moved on my back. It quivered. I then felt a tapping on my backside, across both of my buttocks. Up and down the tapping travelled as Sara’s movements increased. The buzzing noise seemed to get louder as she pressed it against herself and then the swish of the cane. It felt like fire across my backside.

“One,” she said, letting out a moan. She started tapping my backside again. “You’ll get one stroke each time I cum.” She sounded slightly breathless.

The movements of her leg across my back increased. She seemed to be rubbing against me, increasing the physical contact. I felt her tense again. There was another swish and the cane met my backside again, the pain once again burning through me. I was grateful for her distraction. Her orgasm must have weakened the blow slightly, or perhaps my endorphins were doing their job.

“Two. I hope that cock is still nice and hard.” The tapping had started again. It stung more every time she caught the welts.

I felt her leg start to quiver again. I tried to stay relaxed but as I felt her tense I braced myself for the next stroke. The buzzing deepened again followed by the swish of the cane. The burning stroke felt higher. I was grateful that she missed her earlier effort.

“Three. I want that cock inside me.”

Perhaps she would stop and release me to satisfy her desire?

The tapping persisted, still stinging but spreading a pleasurable glow. Her leg moved again, rubbing against me with what felt like urgency. Again the buzzing deepened and she let out another low moan. Swish.

“Four. You’re making me wait. I want that cock now. I have to punish you.”

I felt myself drifting, all sensations seemed to grow and take me over. The leg across my back, constantly moving, seemed to become a part of me. The constant tapping, the stinging, spread through my body. My swollen balls and aching cock hanging down had me feeling larger as my longing for release and relief grew.

The movement on my back pushed me further down, deeper into myself. Sara’s rapid breathing seemed to match my own. Swish. My cock twitched as the glow spread, making me swell.

“Five. My pussy is so wet. Don’t you want to fuck me?” There was a longing in her voice.

I felt my cock twitch again. It bounced below me, seeking stimulation, wanting to be buried deep inside her. The tapping continued. Sara kept up the rhythm as her leg trembled, driving into me. Another low moan and I felt juices hit my side, the moan deepened. Swish.

“Six. Why are you making me wait?”

The tapping stopped. I felt Sara’s leg lift away from my back. I sensed her move around me and then felt her kneel between my feet once more.

My cock throbbed as she wrapped her cold, wet hand around it. She rubbed up and down my length again, smearing lubricant over my entire length, circling the head, my foreskin permanently retracted. The glow from my backside merged with the swelling in my cock as she stroked me. Her hand felt so small against the skin of my engorged flesh. My being seemed to become the longing in my cock.

She maintained a steady movement up and down. I wanted to fuck her hand. I could feel my orgasm slowly rising.

“I want this cock. I want your cum dripping from my pussy.” In my mind’s eye, all I could see was my cock driving in and out of her, our combined juices flowing from her. Her small hand stroked up and down. I longed for more pressure, for her to squeeze, to milk me. Suddenly she just let go. Again my cocked twitched and bounced seeking contact.

“First, I have to finish, and I want you to count. Six more. Count down from six and be sure to thank me for each stroke.”

I felt her move away from me.

She held the cane against my backside and started to tap again. Swish.

“Six. Thank you.” My voice was a little shaky.


“Five. Thank you.”


“Four. Thank you.”


“Three. Thank you.” I came very close to using a safeword. Sara must have caught a previous welt because the pain seemed to be multiplied. She didn’t pause.


“Two. Thank you.” My throat felt dry.


“One. Thank you.” It was over. At least, the pain was over. I lay still. The burning in my backside slowly subsided to a glow. Sara followed my example and I felt a cold gel being applied gently to my welts – I knew there were welts because I could feel the undulation as her hands gently massaged the gel all over my buttocks.

“OK,” she said. “Let’s get you up from there.”

I felt the ropes pulling on my wrists become loose and I flexed my arms just to get the circulation back. Sara carefully took each arm and manoeuvred them slowly so my wrists met in the small of my back. I felt her tying the ropes together.

She then released my legs and helped me up so I was kneeling upright. She didn’t loosen the ropes attaching my balls to my big toes and I felt the pressure as I rose up.

Taking hold of my still-swollen cock she steered me around to face the sofa. I shuffled on my knees, every movement pulling my balls back between my legs. She guided me so I was kneeling between her legs. My cock had softened slightly but soon hardened up again in her grasp.

She pulled me forward and I shuffled more.

I felt her rubbing my sensitive, swollen cock head again her pussy. She was so wet. She slowly pulled me forward more and I met no resistance as I was guided into her waiting hole. She felt hot, wet and tight.

Once she was fully impaled on my cock she said,

“Right. Fuck me.”

I pulled my cock out, almost all the way and then thrust right in as deeply as I could. My balls were pulled back by the ropes and I felt an ache but carried on, developing a steady pace as I thrust in and out of her. Sara lifted her legs and wrapped them around my waist, avoiding my glowing buttocks, Her legs pulled me deeper into her as I thrust forwards.

She moaned and I felt her muscles tighten around my cock as her orgasm grew. Despite the pulling on my balls, my over-sensitive cock was enjoying the stimulation and I felt my long overdue orgasm approaching.

Sara started to quiver and her breathing increased.

“Fuck me. Fill me. I want your cum.”

I kept up my pace, thrusting into her as hard as I could. I felt her muscles spasm around my cock as she started to cum. I wasn’t far behind and I felt my stomach tense involuntarily as my orgasm literally exploded from me and I shot spurt after spurt of cum deep into her pussy. I kept my pace and carried on thrusting for as long as I could until I was completely spent.

Fortunately, Sara had reached her limit too and I felt her take hold of my arms and pull me down to her. She wrapped her arms and legs around me and hugged me tightly, my cock still deeply embedded in her.

As her breathing slowed she quietly said,

“Damn, I love your cock. I could become an addict.” Even in my slightly battered and worn-out state, I smiled.

I’m not sure how long we remained like that. It felt like it took ages for my cock to start to soften. As it did she released with from her hug and slowly pushed my head downwards. I sneakily kissed her breast as I slid down her body.

She guided my head until my mouth met with her swollen pussy lips.

“Clean me,” were her only words.

I lapped at her pussy. The taste of our combined juices flowing from her was intoxicating. In this position the pressure on my balls was gone so I focussed and made sure I licked every bit of her, dipping my tongue as deeply into her as I could, swallowing the mixture of juices. Once I was sure I had cleared every bit I worked up to her clit and circled it gently.

“Oh my god,” she said, placing her hands on the back of my head.

I carried on teasing her clit with my tongue. I sucked it into my mouth and massaged it as hard as I could. Now and then I’d pull back a little and lick all the way from her puckered little arsehole back up to her clit. She maintained the pressure on the back of my head until she started to quiver. Her orgasm soon took over and I kept switching between tonguing her hole and sucking her clit.

As she came her whole body seemed to spasm and she flooded my face with her juices and any remnant of my cum that had hidden deep inside her. I carried on licking and swallowed as much as I could. Her orgasm just kept on going so I kept on licking and sucking until she gently pushed me away.

“No more, please,” she said. She pulled me forward so my head was resting on her belly and held me there.

We stayed like this until her breathing settled.

Once she was rested, she pushed me upwards and slid out from underneath me. I felt her behind me firstly untying the ropes from my big toes and then she released my wrists. She then came around in front of me and gently lifted my cock to unbind my balls. I felt her sit down in front of me, her knees on either side of my hips and she lifted the blindfold from my eyes.

I blinked a few times until my sight cleared. She was just sitting there smiling deeply at me. I smiled back. We were having a moment, fuelled by the intensity of our activities.

“Kiss me,” she said.

I leaned forward and kissed her tenderly. She kissed me back. It was one of those shared, lingering kisses. Nearly passionate but not quite. Amazingly my cock hardened slightly as we kissed, nudging against her pussy.

As we broke away from one another she said

“Can we just chill for a bit?”

I felt like I had nothing left so the request was very welcome indeed. It was well past ten o’clock.

“Of course we can,” I replied.

I sat next to her on the sofa, and she curled up next to me. I picked up the TV controller and turned off the porn that was still playing. I can’t remember what we watched but we did so in silence. When the program ended, I suggested we head to bed.

I lay on my back in bed with Sara cuddling up to my side. She rested her hand on my cock which was still surprisingly sensitive. Although I hardened, we both drifted off to sleep quite quickly.


When I woke the next morning, I was feeling surprisingly refreshed. Sara was still fast asleep beside me. I carefully slid out of bed so as not to disturb her and, having used the bathroom, went along to the kitchen and made coffee. While the kettle boiled, I tidied up a little in the living room. I sorted out the pile of ropes and tidied all the toys into a neat pile.

I brought my coffee through into the living room and relaxed on the sofa. I did enjoy the peace and quiet, I was too used to living alone.

Rachel messaged me to let me know she’d pick me up at around eleven to go shopping. Not my favourite pastime but Rachel and I have been friends for nearly twenty years. We actually started out dating, but it quickly became apparent that we were far better than just friends.

Sara wandered into the living room as I was replying to her message.

“Good morning sleepy head”, I said as I typed away on my phone.

“Good morning”, she replied, smiling. “Anything interesting?” Sara gestured to the phone in my hand.

“Just Rachel. She’s picking me up in a couple of hours. I imagine I’ll be dragged around a fair few clothes shops. At least it’s her turn to get lunch.”

“That sounds like fun. Can I tag along?”

I added a message to Rachel asking if she minded extra company on our outing. I added that lunch would be on me as a sweetener. I received an affirmative reply almost immediately.

Sara had drifted into the kitchen and returned with 2 mugs of coffee and toast.

“Looks like you’re coming shopping,” I said as I took the steaming mug from her.

“Brilliant. I hate shopping alone and I need a few things. Some underwear would be good. I have brought any with me. What’s Rachel like?”

I explained that we were about the same age and that she and I had been partners briefly almost 20 years ago. Rachel was pretty well 100% submissive so we didn’t work well together. I could certainly satisfy her needs but she couldn’t take the reins, so we decided to just be friends, and had been ever since.

Sarah asked if Rachel still “played”. I told her that I didn’t know. As friends, it wasn’t something we discussed. She’d had partners over the last 20 years but was currently single. We focussed on our friendship and rarely talked about what was going on with others. I’d been a shoulder to cry on a couple of times.

Time was moving on and I certainly needed a shower before I could go anywhere. Being the gentleman I asked Sara if she wanted to use the bathroom first.

“No. You go ahead. I’ll tidy up a little bit more and go after you.”

I enjoyed my shower and took the opportunity to deal with the stubble around my cock. Once clean and feeling refreshed I wrapped a towel around my waist and headed into the bedroom.

Sara was sitting on the bed. She’d brought all the ropes and toys back in from the living room. She was studying the cock cage that Karen had bought for me. She’d found it amongst the toys.

“Did I see this on the dresser at the hotel?” she asked.

“Possibly”, I replied. “I was blindfolded at the time”. I grinned at the memory.

“Would you wear it for me while we’re out today?”

I confess the thought of having it on while with Rachel there made me a little uncomfortable. We’d separated that part of our lives so very long ago. I think little head took over from big head though, and after all, it wouldn’t be visible under my jeans so only Sara and I would know I was wearing it.

“OK. Yes, I’ll wear it. But don’t go making Rachel uncomfortable. It can be our dirty little secret.”

Sara beamed at me as she fumbled with the padlock. She handed me the cage with the padlock undone. She kept hold of the keys.

“Here. You put in on while I get showered.”

Sara headed off to the bathroom and I dressed having secured myself in the cage. Wearing it under jeans was quite different to jogging bottoms. Everything felt a little bit tighter. I was very aware of the confinement.

I went back into the living room whilst Sara showered and made herself presentable. She’d made herself busy while I was showering as the room looked completely vanilla.

It wasn’t long before Sara finished washing and she joined me in the living room.

She sat next to me and placed her hand on my crotch, squeezing slightly.

“How does it feel?” she asked.

“Quite tight,” I replied. I could feel myself swelling to fill the cage.

“Well, these bloody jeans are rubbing against my clit every time I move. I must be a bit overly sensitive from all our playing. I’ll be soaking wet before we get to town.”

Just then my phone rang. Rachel was outside waiting for us. We both grabbed our jackets and headed down to meet her.

The drive was relatively quiet after we’d done introductions. We headed to an outlet place just on the edge of town. We parked up and headed in together.

One of the first stores was a Calvin Klein underwear shop. The girls made a beeline for it. I excused myself from the potential torture and went to the shoe shop next door. I didn’t need shoes but I did want to avoid the possible arousal from 2 girls going through bras and knickers and asking for my opinion – Sara would be teasing me on purpose and Rachel wouldn’t know what was going on. I would have liked to have been a fly on the wall though.

I tried on a couple of pairs of shoes just to kill time. I did end up buying a pair of walking boots. Winter was coming and my old boots had seen better days.

I left the shop as Sara and Rachel walked out of the underwear store, both with carrier bags. They were chatting away. I was surprised that they seemed to be getting on so well.

We wandered through a few more shops. Rachel picked up a few blouses for work. Sara seemed more focused on casual wear. They carried on talking about this and that. Now and then I’d be asked my opinion on an item, knowing that my thoughts would count for little. I was demoted to bag carrier.

We nearly walked past Fat Face but Sara stopped and dragged us both inside. I had a look at the menswear as Rachel and Sara picked out a few tops and skirts. They both headed to the changing rooms at the back of the store. I stood and waited for them with their bags.

The shop was busy and the girls opted to share a changing booth. I could hear them continue to talk as they tried on their findings. Suddenly Sara pulled back the curtain saying “What do you think of this?”

She was stood there in a skirt and blouse, turning from side to side, seemingly seeking my approval. I noted that she was braless under the blouse and that her nipples were very obviously hard beneath the thin material. Rachel was behind her, to her left. She was wearing nothing but a high-cut thong; the material was almost translucent. I could make out a landing strip of short hairs contained within. Her nipples were dark and very hard. It was almost as if she was unaware that I was there.

I spluttered a little, distracted by Rachel's nudity. I hadn’t seen her like that for a long, long time. I felt myself immediately harden in the confines of my cage.

“It’s very nice”, was all I managed to say. Rachel seemed to ignore that I was there. She turned to pick up a similar blouse and dressed as if I wasn’t there.

Sara closed the curtain, and I heard hushed whispers as they carried on trying their clothes on.

They weren’t in there for much longer. A pile of clothes was placed on the rail by the changing area. Leaving together with me following behind they handed a bunch of tags to the cashier. Sara was wearing the outfit she’d shown me, now with her jacket hiding her bralessness. She had a bundle of clothes under her arm which she placed in one of the bags I was carrying.

After the ladies had paid we left the shop and headed to the diner-style restaurant across the courtyard. Sara headed straight for one of the empty booths and Rachel sat next to her. I sat opposite next to all the shopping bags.

As we looked at the menu, Sara and Rachel both removed their jackets and handed them across to me so I could pile them on top of the bags. I quickly noticed that they were now wearing matching blouses and were both braless. My cock hardened and filled my cage. Their nipples were hard and on display.

Sara was directly opposite me and I felt her foot between my legs. She proceeded to rub my inner thigh with her toes, pausing to apply pressure to my caged cock which was most definitely straining against its confines.

The conversation between the three of us whilst we ordered and waited for our food was laced with innuendoes from the girls. They appeared to be competing to see how many times they could use the words “hard”, “wet”, and “satisfy” to name but a few. All the while Sara kept her foot moving between my legs. I did find it difficult to follow their lines of conversation due to the distractions. Rachel was most definitely in on the joke.

Even with the cage, I had a pronounced bulge in my jeans when we stood to leave the diner. As I stood there with the bags, acting the gentleman to let them leave before me, both Sara and Rachel made a point of rubbing against me as they passed.

I followed the girls for what seemed like hours as they carried on shopping. The innuendoes carried on flowing.

In a shoe shop, I was treated to a very pleasant upskirt view from Sara who was evidently not wearing any underwear. Rachel tried on a pair of ridiculously high-heeled shoes and asked me what I thought as she modelled them, hands on hips holding her jacket open, her nipples visible bouncing beneath her blouse as she marched towards me.

I spent the rest of the outing as hard as I could be allowing for the cage.

I was quite relieved when our little outing came to an end. The drive home was brief and the conversation was more light-hearted. When we reached my apartment block I went to the boot and picked out Sara’s bags, leaving Rachels for her to take home. The girls chatted whilst I did this. We then said our farewells and Rachel headed off, leaving Sara and I to wander back to my flat, with me still loaded up with bags.

As soon as we entered the flat we both headed straight into the living room and, dumping the shopping bags on the floor, flopped down together on the sofa.

“So what was going on with you and Rachel?” I asked.

“What do you mean?” replied Sara innocently.

“Well flashing Rachel in the changing booth, nipples at lunch and those awful innuendoes.”

“OK. I’ll come clean” said Rachel “While we were picking out undies, I told Rachel I had you in a cock cage. I said it would be fun to tease you a little bit. I asked her if she was game, and it turns out she was.”

“Well, it all makes sense now, but Rachel and I haven’t done anything kinky together since we were a couple. We’ve been pretty well strictly platonic for nearly 20 years.” I was surprised that Sara had got Rachel to agree so easily.

“She wasn’t playing with you. She was playing with me today.” Sara explained. “Anyway, enough chatter. I want to get you out of that cage and have a bit more fun.”

Well, I wasn’t going to argue with her.

“Get your clothes off. I need to get some bits and bobs from the bedroom.”

I didn’t waste any time undressing and Sara wasn’t away for long. She returned with my bag of ropes and a blindfold.

She gestured for me to sit on the coffee table.

I didn’t hesitate.

She went down on her knees and moved my legs so they were on either side of the end of the table. Taking a rope she carefully bound my ankles to the table legs. I couldn’t bring my legs together at all.

She then pushed me backwards, so I was lying with my head at the other end of the table. Taking my arms, she bound each wrist and then pulled them below the table. She tied my wrist ropes together below me, so I was cuffed to the table. I had a bit of movement in my arms.

Gently lifting my head she positioned a cushion under me and then pulled the blindfold over my head rendering me sightless.

I could sense that she’d sat down and felt her take hold of now swollen balls. My cock responded rapidly to her touch, filling the cage.

“Seems such a shame to set him free,” she said as she stroked me through the cage.

I felt her fingers on the padlock and heard the familiar “click” as she released me. My cock swelled more and pushed the cage away from me. I felt her sliding it off. She struggled to get the ring off but after a little pushing and squeezing my cock was finally free.

She gripped my cock and massaged my balls. I was so hard I was aching.

I could feel her pulling my balls downwards and then wrapping rope around my scrotum. I felt a constant pressure on my balls as she fed the rope under the table and attached it to the rope between my wrists. I could still move but any movement would apply more pressure on my aching balls.

Sara started to stroke my cock up and down. I knew it would be more difficult for me to cum with my balls pulled down but the sensations were lovely. She didn’t need any lube. I was producing plenty of pre-cum.

I froze when I heard a key in my front door. The only other people with keys were Rachel and my landlord and I wasn’t entirely happy with either of them finding me in this state.

“Perfect timing,” said Sara, releasing my cock. “Can I get you a drink?”

“Yes please” came the reply. It was Rachel. I was a little relieved.

“Sit down. Make yourself at home”, said Sara.

Whilst effectively blind I could sense Rachel sitting on the sofa near my head.

“It looks like you’re having fun,” said Rachel. I wasn’t sure if this was directed at me or Sara.

Sara called out from the kitchen, “Yes. Doesn’t he look great like that? Could you make sure he stays nice and hard for me? I won’t be a mo.”

I heard Sara walk up the hallway and the bathroom door close. I felt Rachel slide her way down the sofa and then a cool hand encircled my aching cock. I hadn’t softened at all but felt myself throb as Rachel took hold of me. She teased the exposed head of my cock with her thumb as she squeezed and released me.

The bathroom door opened and Sara returned via the kitchen. Rachel released my cock and returned to her former position nearer my head.

“Thank you. I hope red’s OK?” Sara must have poured them each a wine.

Sara sat down and lay her legs across my thigh. Her toes started teasing my aching cock as she chatted with Rachel, almost as if I wasn’t in the room.

“Thanks for a lovely afternoon, and thanks, of course, for your help, “ said Sara.

“No, thank you. It was fun. I haven’t had fun like that in a long while.” Rachel replied.

“Well, I did promise you a good spanking if you helped me and I’ll make good on my promise when you’ve finished your drink, if you like?”

“That sounds delightful. Was there anything else you’d like to do?” Rachel asked.

“Oh. I have a few ideas I think you will enjoy. Have you ever been caned?”

“No, I haven’t. It kind of scares me. Can we see how I feel after you’ve spanked me?” Rachel replied.

This surprised me. All those years ago when Rachel and I played together she was adamant that she would never be caned. The toes playing with my cock were a major distraction, but I was enjoying being there on display for two lovely ladies.

“Of course we can. You finished that drink quickly. Please stand and undress for me. You should refer to me as Mistress from now on.” Sara’s voice took on a surprising air of authority. Even given my predicament I was quite impressed. My cock ached as she continued to tease me with her toes.

“Yes Mistress” came Rachel’s response.

I felt Rachel stand and truth be told I was a little disappointed that I wouldn’t get to see her disrobe. She’d had a great body 20 years ago and since then had kept herself fit, regularly visiting the gym and taking numerous dance classes.

Sara too stood at this point and my very hard cock was left waving in the air.

“Ok. Let me position you before I add a few ropes for good measure. Please stand astride the coffee table.”

I felt a leg brush my body as Rachel stood over me. I wasn’t sure what to expect. Then I felt the weight of her body slowly lowered onto my own. Her breasts, a firm set of b-cups pressed against my chest – her nipples were as hard as bullets as they pressed against me.

Rachel shuffled downwards until I felt the hairs from her neat landing strip rubbing against my pubic bone. The heat from her pussy was on my cock which throbbed to her touch. I felt a hand push my cock until it was snuggly between Rachel's buttocks.

More ropes were added to my ankles and I felt Rachel shift a little as her ankles were secured to mine. The heat from her pussy seemed to grow and as she moved I became aware of her wetness against me, trickling onto me.

Then I felt Sara move and she brushed against my shoulder as she was tying Rachel's wrists below the table. I had effectively become a very aroused whipping horse. Rachel lay her head on my right shoulder, her hair against my neck.

Rachel stood “Are you comfortable”, she asked.

“Yes Mistress” came the reply.

“Good. You told me earlier you would normally get 50 smacks. We’ll start with 50 and I want you to count them out loud for me.” I was surprised by this as she didn’t get 50 from me!

I was aware of Sara moving around in the room and then suddenly the sound of the first smack. Rachel flinched slightly and called out “One”. The smacking continued and I could tell from Rachel’s movement that Sara was alternating buttocks for each strike.

After 10 or so Rachel started to writhe and wriggle a little and I was very aware of her hot, wet pussy rubbing again the base of my cock. As the numbers grew so did Rachel’s movements and the moisture between her legs seemed to flow onto me. I was aware of her juices trickling onto my balls and between my buttocks. I imagine I was adding to this with pre-cum as she rubbed against my cock which was still throbbing against her.

A couple of times Sara’s hand also met with the head of my cock as she struck. It was only really her fingertips so there was no pain. We she reached 50 Rachel continued to writhe, pushing herself down again my cock, stimulating herself, and me. Her breathing was heavy as if she was approaching orgasm.

“Do you think you can handle the cane?” Sara asked.

“Yes Mistress” There was no pause before Rachel’s response. She was still rubbing her pussy against my very hard cock.

“I’ll start gently but make sure you count the strokes clearly for me. Lift yourself a little, I need to get this cock out of the way.”

I felt Rachel lift her pussy up a little and a hand went round my cock. As Rachel lifted the hand guided my swollen cock head, rubbing it against the wetness of Rachel’s pussy before pushing and guiding me into her warmth. Rachel moaned as she lowered herself, impaling herself until our pubic bones ground against each other again.

I heard and felt the familiar tapping of the cane against Rachel's buttocks. I was trying to focus on not cumming, buried deep in Rachel as I was.

There was a swish as the cane came down for its’ first stroke.

Rachel cried out “One” and I felt her tense up both on top of me and around my cock. She writhed and ground herself against me, seeking more stimulation.

Another swish, another cry. I felt Rachel start to orgasm, her muscles tensing up and down the length of my swollen and sensitive cock.

As the cane continued to strike, she counted and moaned as her orgasm gripped her. Her constant movement was too much for me and felt myself explode deep inside her. My cum flooded out of me to mix with her juices as she writhed around me. Her movements continued even after the twelfth stroke, milking me beyond sensitivity. I lost none of my hardness as she fucked herself using my cock. I was still hard even when she slowly became still, her breathing heavy against my shoulder.

I lost track of time. It could have been seconds or minutes before I heard Sara speak.

“You two need to get cleaned up.”

I felt Sara releasing Rachel from her bonds. I was still tightly secured.

Rachel lifted herself off me. My cock was still pointing skywards and now felt cold having been released from her warm, wet embrace.

Rachel moved off me only to return as I felt her legs once more straddling the table. I felt her lower herself and her now wet landing strip met with my chin before her pussy was planted against my awaiting mouth. Her body lowered and she took my still-aching cock into her mouth. It was warm again as she started to suck and lick me.

I licked too as our combined juices started to flow from her. I licked and swallowed, the stream seemed endless. My cock responded to her attention, and I felt it throb and swell in her mouth. I was amazed that I might have the capacity to cum again so soon.

I focussed on her pussy, licking and teasing her swollen clit. She moaned into my cock and my cock twitched. As her pussy started to contract with another orgasm the juices were expelled from her and I struggled to keep up with the flow. My cock twitched and I sent another jet of cum into her, this time to be swallowed as my cock touched the back of her throat. The restraints on my balls stopped me from thrusting upwards.

I kept licking until we were both still again. I teased her now overly sensitive and very swollen clit gently causing her to twitch and moan. I felt my cock finally start to soften in her mouth as her tongue continued to tease the head.

I’d forgotten that Sara was in the room, watching over us.

“Well done my little subs. That was perfect” she said.

Rachel lifted herself releasing my now flaccid cock from her mouth. I was aware of both women moving around the room. I felt hands slowly lifting the blindfold from me and I opened and closed my eyes a few times trying to get accustomed to the light.

Rachel was now sitting, somewhat gingerly, on the sofa wearing my bathrobe. Sara walked around the table and took up her position on the sofa again. Once more she put her legs across my thigh and her toes teased my now soft cock. She was smiling broadly, evidently proud of herself.

“So how was that?” she asked Rachel.

Rachel paused before responding. “It certainly scratched an itch. The cock was a pleasant addition which I hadn’t expected. I’m not sure I could have handled the cane without it. Being licked clean afterwards was a massive turn-on. Nobody has ever done that to me before.”

“I’m glad that Andrew was able to be a positive addition to things,” said Sarah. “I didn’t tell him you’d be joining us but was pretty sure he’d have no problem with it given your history. You did say you didn’t feel comfortable with him seeing you naked after all this time. If you want to play more he won’t be allowed to see unless you say it’s OK.”

“It really turned me on knowing that he couldn’t see me. If we do play more, and right now I think it’s highly likely that we will, I think the blindfold should stay on when I’m naked, for now anyway.” Rachel smiled at me as she said this. I remember that she did like to tease when we were together and this was just an extension of that. I was a little surprised at how keen she seemed

“Well, we all probably need a rest from spanking and flogging and caning this weekend.” Said Sara. “We all have enough marks right now. If you’re game and Andrew doesn’t mind I’m sure we can play again sometime soon. If you enjoy teasing I have a couple of ideas I’d like to try out on Andrew tomorrow if you’re free? I could do with an assistant.”

Again Rachel paused before responding. Maybe this was all too quick for her. It turned out she was just thinking.

“I have a few things to do in the morning but could come over after lunch if that’s any good?”

“Perfect,” Sara replied. “Just let yourself in. I’m sure Andrew won’t mind. He won’t be in any position to complain.” She grinned broadly as she said this. My cock twitched at the thought. The constant movement of her toes was beginning to affect me.

I noticed Rachel was watching my cock harden. She realised that I was looking at her and blushed slightly.

“It’s getting late. I should make a move.” Rachel stood and started to gather her clothes. “I’ll dress in the bedroom.”

Rachel left the room and Sara just carried on teasing my now hard cock with her toes.

“You don’t mind if Rachel joins us again tomorrow, do you?” Sara asked me.

“No, not at all,” I replied. “As long as she’s OK with it. I would hate to damage our friendship in any way, but we’ve managed to get through a fair bit in the years we’ve known each other. I’m very curious as to what you have in mind for me.”

“That’s for me to know and for you to find out.” Said Sara as she stood up and left the room.

I heard the girls talking in the bedroom but couldn’t quite make out what was being said. I heard light laughter as they returned down the hall.

“Right. I’ll see you both tomorrow.” Said Rachel. She bent over and kissed the head of my cock and then turned to hug Sara. Sara escorted her to the door.

When she returned Sara was smiling broadly again. “It is getting late. Maybe I should set you free.”

My cock was still hard but I was feeling tired by now. My shoulders were a little achy.

Sara moved around me quite quickly releasing my bonds. She left the rope around by balls till the end.

I sat up slowly, moving my shoulders to reduce the ache. When I stood I was aware that my scrotum was hanging low beneath my now semi-hard cock. Sara took hold of my balls and massaged them. My cock reacted surprisingly quickly to her touch.

“If you’ve got anything left in these I’d like you to take me to bed and fuck me.” She said, looking at me in the eyes, still smiling.

“I think I can manage that,” I replied.

Sara led me to the bedroom still holding my balls. I made myself comfortable while she undressed and joined me. The fucking she requested was more slow love-making than fucking. She came a couple of times before I reached my peak again. She pushed me downwards as my cock softened saying she didn’t want to sleep in a wet patch. I dutifully licked her clean teasing one last orgasm from her.

We drifted off to sleep with her spooning me. Her arm was wrapped around me, her hand cradling my now soft cock.


I woke on Sunday morning to the very pleasant sensation of Sara cuddled up to me, stroking my cock. Little head had obviously woken up before big head.

“Good morning,” I said as I kissed her brow.

“Good morning sleepy head” she replied. “I fancy a really big breakfast.”

“Sounds good, but I know what I’d like first,” I said as I rolled around to face her.

Sara kept hold of my now aching cock and said

“That will have to wait. Patience is a virtue, you know? And I want you to wait for a little while.”

Sara rolled away from me, releasing my cock.

“Come on. Let’s get a shower and hit Wetherspoons. My treat. We can talk without so many distractions.”

I was still not used to sharing my shower in the morning but the prospect of lathering up Sara’s naked body was encouragement enough. We washed each other thoroughly with Sara spending just a little longer than was comfortable soaping my cock. I was very close to shooting my first load of the day when she just stopped and left me hanging.

“There’s plenty of time for that later,” she said.

We dried off in the bathroom and she led me back into the bedroom by my still-hard cock.

“No underwear today,” she said. “It’ll keep us focused.”

I had to push my cock to the side to do my jeans up. She smiled at my obvious discomfort.

“Come on, it’ll be worth the wait. I promise. I think we need to have a talk this morning.”

That sounded a bit ominous.

Sara dressed in her jeans and another blouse that did little to hide her nipples. They seemed permanently hard.

We took my car. The drive to the pub was short but Sara did insist on resting her hand on my thigh, her little finger stroking against my cock confined under the denim. I was still hard when we parked and adjusted myself a little as I got out of the car.

She took my hand and we walked to the pub just chatting casually.

The pub wasn’t busy and we sat at a table far enough from the other patrons to allow pretty well any conversation.

While I looked down the Menu Sara pulled out her phone and started tapping away.

“Right. I’ve ordered mine. What are you having?”

“I’ll have the traditional breakfast and a coffee, please” I didn’t want to seem greedy and go for the large breakfast.

Sara tapped away a little bit more.

“All ordered. I’ve added a couple of extra eggs to yours. I’ve read that protein is good for sperm production.” She grinned broadly as she said this.

“Sounds like a good idea. I need all the help I can get.” I replied, smiling back at her.

There was an awkward silence at this point. I didn’t want Sara to feel uncomfortable so I asked her

“What did you want to discuss?”

“I have so many thoughts going through my head right now it’s hard to know where to start.” She replied. “So far this weekend has been brilliant and mind-blowing and eye-opening. I hope you’ve enjoyed it as much as I have.”

I nodded but allowed her to continue.

“When I was messaging Karen in the week she told me that you are a switch rather than being a dom or a sub. She said your get-togethers had more or less alternated with you taking it in turns to plan and control the situation.”

“Yes.” I nodded in agreement.

“It’s hard for me to make any true judgements after such a short time but I do know from what we’ve tried in the past couple of days that I really enjoy the control. I did enjoy the spanking and caning you gave me. That was such a rush, but I think, if we carry on seeing each other, I’d like to focus more on the domme side of things if that’s OK with you?”

“I don’t have an issue with that,” I replied. “As I think I mentioned before, when I started I was far more into the dom side of things. It was quite a while before I was even comfortable switching but it sort of helped me find a balance. In the greater scheme of things I should probably submit a lot more than I have just to balance things up.”

Sara was smiling deeply at me as I spoke. I smiled back.

“I don’t want to seem too forward and I know it’s very early days, but would you like to keep seeing me?” Sara sounded a little nervous when she asked this.

“I’d be happy to as long as it doesn’t cause you any problems with John, and I don’t want a jealous boyfriend turning up on my doorstep.”

Sara’s nervousness seemed to dissipate at my reply.

“That’s excellent. I’d really like to see more of you, and I do have to do something about John. I don’t want you to feel any responsibility for that. I think I’ve been putting off the inevitable for quite some time. I don’t want to hurt him but he must know it’s not really working.”

Our food arrived at this point which slowed conversation as we ate. I hadn’t realised quite how hungry I was. I cleared my plate before Sara even though she had less than me.

“I like to see a clean plate, good boy,” Sara remarked. That made me smile.

“Well, I’ve certainly built up an appetite this weekend.”

Sara smiled at this. “You’ll need your strength today.” She winked as she said this.

“What do you have in store for me?” I asked casually.

“That’s for me to know and for you to find out. I meant to ask about involving other people. I know you’re OK with Rachel but what about other women, and maybe men?”

“I think we should discuss any opportunities with others as they arise. I’m sure it will normally be fine but it pays to be a little careful. We need to explore each other’s limits before getting into anything that might over-stretch either of us.” I didn’t want her to damage her confidence by pushing anything too far.

“That makes sense to me,” she replied. “I didn’t mean straight away. Just food for thought really. I do like to let my imagination run wild but converting fantasy into reality can be difficult, or even impossible, sometimes.”

I knew what she meant. I noted how she and I were similar in so many ways.

The conversation drifted to more trivial matters at this point and having finished our coffees we were ready to leave.

As we stood Sara came up to me and kissed me. She gripped my now soft cock with her hand as she did so.

“That won’t do. I want you nice and hard for me.”

I hardened slightly at the thought and the roughness of my jeans stimulated me as we returned to my car. With further manual encouragement as we drove back to my flat I was fully hard by the time we pulled up.

As we walked to the building Sara held my hand.

“When we get inside, I’d like you to go and undress in the bedroom and then go and wait for me in the living room. I have an idea for a tie I’d like to try but you may have to talk me through how to do it.”

I said that was fine and we headed inside. I quickly undressed and headed for the living room. Sara took her time in the bedroom. When she joined me she was wearing my bathrobe and carrying quite a lot of rope. I wondered what she had in mind.

She dropped all the ropes on the sofa and came over to me. She took hold of my cock which had started to soften slightly.

“I want to keep your cock nice and hard. And I want to tie your arms behind your back using a box tie. I saw it on a site in the week and I liked how it looked.”

“No problem, I know the box tie,” I replied.

Sara just stood there milking my cock. I was fully erect and pre-cum was starting to flow from my cock. She just kept going until my cock twitched. If she hadn’t stopped I’m not sure I could have held my orgasm back.

“Right. Let’s get started”, she said, picking up a long rope. My cock carried on twitching as she folded the rope in half and moved behind me.

She started by wrapping the rope around my elbows and pulling them closer together. I explained that the knots needed to be central for the tie to work properly. She bound my elbows a couple of times and then wrapped the rope around my upper arms, nearer my armpits.

“How does this stay up? It looks like you could easily wriggle out of it.” She asked.

“I could. The trick is to pass a rope over each shoulder to hold it in place.” I replied.

I gestured using my head where she could run the ropes and she picked it up quickly. She then brought the rope down and bound my wrists together. She did a really good job. The tie was tight but not so tight as to restrict my circulation.

“Are you going to be able to escape?” She asked.

I wriggled a little. “No. I think you’ve got me.”

She came back around to my front and took hold of my cock again. I was still hard and there was a fair amount of pre-cum on the swollen head of my cock.

“Let’s make it a little more interesting,” she said.

Releasing my cock, she grabbed a short rope and dropped to her knees in front of me. Taking hold of my balls she sucked the head of my cock into her mouth. I could feel her tongue swirling on the sensitive head, once again bringing me to full hardness and closer to orgasm.

As she kept up the stimulation, she pulled my scrotum down and I felt her wrapping the rope around, pulling my balls away from my body. My cock twitched again as I neared orgasm and once again she stopped. Pulling away, she stood up and walked around me. I felt her hand between my legs from behind and she took hold of the rope hanging from my balls and pulled it between my legs. The rope was pulled up tightly between my buttocks and I felt her tie it off on the rope between my wrists. My balls were now between my legs and my cock, although still very hard, was pulled downwards slightly.

“How’s that?” she asked.

“You’ve definitely got me.”

“Good” was all she said to that.

Sara came back around to face me. Again, she took hold of my cock as she kissed me. She rubbed up and down my whole length using my pre-cum as lubrication. I felt my orgasm get closer, knowing it would be harder with my balls tied so tightly. My cock started to twitch and I broke off the kiss.

“Please Mistress, may I cum?” If she kept going I wouldn’t have been able to hold back.

She immediately released my cock which bounced up and down.

“Not yet. I have some things for you to do first.”

My balls were beginning to ache.

Sara went over to the sofa and sat down. She instructed me to kneel. This was quite a challenge as you’ll know if you ever tried to with your hands tied behind your back. I dropped to one knee first and then the other before shuffling around a little to get myself comfortable. I found that as I leant forwards it applied more pressure on my balls. It was more frustrating than painful.

Sara smiled once I was positioned on my knees in the middle of the room. She opened her robe, well my robe. Taking her right index finger she trailed it between her pussy lips, upwards until it was right on her clit.

“Shuffle over here and take care of this for me.”

Shuffling was about all I could manage. I had to be careful not to fall flat on my face. When I judged that I was close enough I leaned forward, which again pulled my balls tighter between my legs, and started to lick.

My tongue went up and down the length of her pussy at first. I parted her lips and teased her opening before moving upwards slightly and centring my attention on her swollen clit. All the while my balls were aching between my legs.

Sara’s breathing steadily increased as I continued to tease her swollen little bud with my tongue.

Suddenly I heard the front door open and went to pull away.

“Did I say you could stop?” I guessed that this was a rhetorical question and carried on licking.

“Hi Rachel,” Sara greeted our visitor. “Perfect timing. Could you make sure he’s nice and hard for me. Be careful not to let his cum though”.

I carried on licking. I felt a hand reach between my legs, the material of a sleeve brushing against my balls. The hand wrapped around my cock which was still pretty hard and started to move in a milking motion. I quickly achieved full hardness and focussed on the clit at the tip of my tongue so as not to shoot a load on the carpet below me.

I sucked Sara’s clit between my lips and attached it with my tongue. I found a lapping motion seemed to have the greatest effect and I could feel her legs, on either side of my head, start to tremble. Her breathing became heavy and broken as her orgasm started to flow through her.

The hand around my cock just carried on, up and down. It felt well lubricated so I must have been producing plenty of pre-cum. The head of my cock swelled and I felt myself twitch as my orgasm approached. With the second or third twitch, the hand released and my cock once again bobbed up and down seeking relief.

Sara’s orgasm subsided as I continued to lick having not been instructed otherwise.

Sara was still breathing heavily, almost panting.

“Take – a – seat,” she said, patting the sofa beside her. “I – won’t – be – long. You – really -must – try – this.”

I carried on with my task and Sara started to tremble again. As her orgasm took over she clamped her thighs around my head. I kept licking, lapping up her juices as she shook.

“Oh I needed that,” she said. “You can return to the middle of the room now.”

I shuffled backwards until I was more or less where I’d started. My cock was still hard with pre-cum hanging from the tip. I settled down, sitting on my heels with my knees wide apart, not wanting to crush my aching balls.

Sara was still sitting there with the robe wide open. Her chest was flushed, her nipples were hard and her pussy was red and swollen. Rachel sat next to her. She was still wearing her coat. I could see what she was wearing beneath it.

“I hope I haven’t missed all the fun.” Said Rachel.

“Don’t you worry,” said Sara. “I’m sure we’ll have plenty of fun with Andrew before the day is out.” They both smiled.

Sara stood and said,

“Let’s get that coat off you. I’ll just get a blindfold.” Sara headed off to the bedroom to grab a blindfold.

I quickly realised that the blindfold must be for me and that Rachel was naked under her coat. I felt myself harden a little more at the thought of her driving over in just a coat. Rachel just smiled at me, saying nothing.

Sara returned with two blindfolds, the bag I kept a ***********ion of nipple clamps in, and a riding crop. She dropped everything onto the sofa next to Rachel, ***********ed one of the blindfolds and came over to me. It wasn’t long before I was in darkness once again.

“OK.” She said. “You can lose the coat now.”

I heard Rachel stand and remove her coat. I imagined the scene before me and longed to see her body. The thought of her naked only added to my arousal.

“Right. Your task this afternoon is to keep Andrew as aroused as you can without letting him cum. He hasn’t cum yet today so you’ll need to be careful. Firstly, I’d like you to come and sit over here.” I felt Sara pat the carpet between my knees. She felt took hold of my cock and stroked it bringing it back to full hardness, her thumbs circling the head.

I then felt the soft skin of Rachel's thighs on mine as she sat facing me.

“Scoot forwards a little bit more.” Said Sara.

As Rachel moved closer Sara lifted my cock until it was pointing upwards. This added a pleasant pressure to my aching balls. When Rachel was as close as she could get between my thigh Sara released my cock and it dropped to settle on bare skin. Rachel must have shaved her landing strip off.

I felt movement behind me and Rachel's legs were pushed more tightly around my waist. A rope brushed against my back as Sara tied Rachel's ankles. I could feel the heat from Rachel’s pussy on my balls and at the base of my cock.

Next, I heard the familiar jangle of a small chain. I recognised this as being from some of my nipple clamps. I heard a sharp intake of breath. Sara must have attached one of the clover clamps to one of Rachel’s nipples. I remember how sensitive Rachel’s nipples are. She used to be very fond of clamps.

Sara then took hold of my left nipple and attached a clamp at the base, below her fingers. I squirmed a little trying to get accustomed to the pressure.

There was another sharp intake of breath, almost a moan, and I realised that Sara was attaching Rachel to me by her nipples. She repeated the process on my right nipple. Movement by either of us would stimulate both of us.

“Lean back a little and put your hand on the floor behind you.” I wasn’t sure what Sara was doing but the “I hope that’s not too tight?” question that followed suggested that she’d tied Rachel's wrists together behind her.

“Let’s see if that works.” Said Sara. “See how hard you can get him.”

I felt Rachel lift herself and push her crotch against the underside of my cock. She moved up and down and I could feel her heat and moisture on me. Every movement pulled on my nipples and I am sure it was having a similar effect on Rachel. I became harder but the stimulation wasn’t quite enough to bring me release. I tried to push back against her which must have given her pleasure as she let out a moan.

“That’s good. Keep going.” Said Sara.

The more Rachel moved the wetter she seemed to become. I’m sure I was adding plenty of pre-cum to the situation. Rachel was rubbing her clit up and down the length of my cock. It still wasn’t enough to bring me close but, judging by her breathing, it was certainly having a positive effect on her.

“Please, Mistress. May I cum?” asked Rachel between heavy breaths.

“You may but be careful.” Replied Sara.

Rachel bucked against my cock, pushing herself against my hardness. I could feel her juices flowing down over my balls and she panted rapidly as her orgasm spread through her. All the while the pressure on my nipples increased as her body twitched against me.

I lost track of time as I focussed on the sensations.

Rachel’s orgasm slowly subsided and her movements lessened. My cock was twitching but I just couldn’t quite get there.

I felt a hand push between us and Sara wrapped her fingers around my cock.

“This should make things more interesting,” she said.

Sara pushed my cock down and Rachel had to move herself away a little. I felt the head of my cock rub down the length of her pussy until it reached her opening. There was no resistance at all as my cock slid in. Rachel adjusted her position, and I felt our pubic bones meet. Every movement was still tugging on my nipples, which provided a welcome distraction.

“Rachel, you may cum again if you wish but you must not let Andrew cum.”

Sara moved away and I heard her sit down on the sofa. She started tapping away on her phone.

Rachel kept quite still for a while, but I could feel her tensing and relaxing her muscles around my cock, teasing me but it still wasn’t enough. She kept this up for quite a while. My cock remained rock solid, and my balls ached for release.

I heard Rachel’s breathing increase a little and she started to grind herself against me. I was aware that the swollen head of my cock was right against her cervix. She was rubbing her clit against my pubic bone. It wasn’t enough to bring me closer, but it wouldn’t be long before she came again.

Suddenly the chains from the nipple clamps dropped against my belly and Rachel moaned loudly. I hadn’t heard Sara move. Rachel continued to grind herself against me as her orgasm took over, the pain from the release of the clamps taking her over the edge. I could feel her muscles contracting around my cock and felt my orgasm grow. Rachel bucked against me and I felt Sara releasing her legs behind me.

I hoped that Rachel would keep going. I was so close to shooting my load.

It wasn’t to be. As soon as Rachel had finished cumming she pulled away from me leaving my cock bouncing and twitching. I was coated in her juices and my cock felt cold as it waved around.

“That’s good.” Said Sara. “I was worried that Andrew was going to cum too. Sit yourself down on the sofa. I’m sure he’d like to thank you.”

I felt Rachel move away and heard her sit down.

“Andrew, you need to shuffle over to Rachel and thank her. Make sure she’s nice and clean for me.”

My cock was still twitching and my balls ached for release as I slowly made my way over to the sofa. I bumped again the outside of Rachel’s leg before moving around to between her knees. I had to guess where my target was and lowered my head seeking out her pussy. As I bent forward the pressure increased on my balls. I finally managed to get myself in position and started to lick.

Rachel was very sensitive and I felt her flinch each time my tongue made contact with her clit. I licked up and down the length of her pussy, teasing the opening and lapping up her juices. She soon settled as I found a rhythm that she seemed to like.

A hand reached between my legs and Sara took a firm hold of the base of my cock. The pressure emphasised how swollen and hard I felt but there was no direct stimulation.

I kept licking at Rachel’s pussy and she started to respond, raising her hips to push herself against my mouth. I alternated between her clit and her opening. Her breathing deepened and sped up and as she started to cum again my mouth and chin were flooded with her juices. I kept licking away, waiting for Sara’s instruction.

Sara maintained her grip on my cock but said nothing.

I carried on with my task and focused my attention on Rachel’s clit. I sucked it into my mouth and flicked at it with my tongue as I had with Sara earlier. Rachel was still very sensitive and responded quickly, bucking against my mouth as another orgasm overcame her. I eased off a little but carried on. Rachel had another two or three orgasms before Sara spoke again.

“That’s enough for now. Let her rest. Please return to the middle of the room.” This was going to be a little more challenging in darkness.

I shuffled away, stopping when I thought I was pretty close to where I’d started. My face was wet from Rachel’s juices and all I could smell was her pussy. My cock lost none of its hardness.

I felt and heard Sara moving around me. I felt her hands on the ropes around my wrists. She untied the rope that was attached to my scrotum and reached between my legs to release my aching balls. It was so good to have a little freedom.

Sara moved away from me, and I heard her sit down on the sofa again.

“How are you doing?” she asked.

I wasn’t sure if this was directed at me or Rachel.

“I’m good. Thank you, Mistress” Rachel replied. “I haven’t cum like that for a long time.”

“I think it’s my turn again.” Said Sara. “Please go and get that cock and bring it to me.”

“Yes, Mistress”.

I heard Rachel get up and come towards me. I felt her hand circle my cock and pull me forwards. I shuffled as quickly as I could as she led me towards Sara.

“Stroke me with it” Sara ordered.

Rachel pulled me closer to Sara and my cock made contact with her pussy. Rachel stoked the head up and down. I felt the head at her opening and it entered her briefly before being pulled out and up again to rub against her clit. Rachel alternated this motion, up and down. Each time I slipped inside Sara I was pushed a little deeper. Sara’s breathing increased.

“Oh. Fuck me with that cock.” Sara said. “Tell me when he’s about to cum.”

Rachal adjusted her grip on my cock, taking hold around the base. I felt her other hand reach around between my legs from behind and she circled her finger around my scrotum. I followed her movement as she pushed me in and then pulled me out of her Mistress’ very wet pussy. I felt Sara’s muscles contract around the head of my cock as her orgasm built. She twitched and pushed herself against me, squashing Rachel’s hand that was still gripping the base of my cock.

Sara started to cum. I felt her hot juices on my balls. Rachel kept thrusting me in and out.

I could feel my orgasm building. My balls contracted against Rachel’s grip and my cock twitched.

“He’s ready Mistress.” Said Rachel.

“Pull him out and make him cum. I want his cum all over me. Don’t stop until I tell you to.” Was Sara’s response.

Rachel pulled me back and out of Sara’s pussy. She changed her grip and start to wank me, stroking up and down the length of my cock. I was wet from Sara’s juices and the copious amounts of pre-cum I’d produced.

Rachel was relentless and maintained quite a fast rhythm. I felt my orgasm grow. My whole body went rigid with the first spirt. I moaned loudly. Rachel didn’t falter. She milked every drop of cum from me and just kept going, spirt after spirt. I bucked against her hand as the head of my cock became more and more sensitive. I wanted Rachel to stop, but I also didn’t, even when my spirting had ceased. The pleasure of her touch was almost painful, but not quite.

“OK. He can clean me up now. Use your mouth. Try to keep him hard.” Said Sara.

Rachel released my cock and I felt her hand on my back pushing me forwards. I then felt Sara’s hands on either side of my head.

“Here let me guide you.”

I stuck out my tongue as Sara guide my head to her pussy. She brushed my tongue against her clit and then pulled me upwards. I felt the stickiness of my cum on her pubis bone and started to lick, taking in and swallowing all the cum I could gather.

I felt Rachel’s head between my thighs. She was on her back and sliding herself up. She took the head of my cock between her lips and started to suck, gently at first.

I focussed on my task and allowed Sara to move my head slowly up her torso. I had cum a huge load and was licking it all up. A large amount had pooled between her breasts and, once I’d swallowed it all, I started on the task of cleaning her breasts. Her nipples were hard as rock as is suckled and licked them. There was so much cum to clean up.

All the while Rachel was sucking on the head of my cock, moving with me as I was moving up Sara’s body, drawing me deeper into her mouth. I had softened a little, but her attentions soon had me fully hard again. I was surprised given how much I had cum, and the incessant milking that I’d received. She teased the still-sensitive head with her tongue as she sucked me in.

Sara pulled me still further up her body to lick her neck clean of cum. There was so much of it. I licked and swallowed as her hands guided my head.

“Is he still hard down there?” Sara asked.

Rachel mumbled a “yes” maintaining her oral grip on my hard cock.

“Good. He can fuck me again then.”

As Sara guided me backwards, her hands still on either side of my head I felt Rachel wriggle away from between my legs, releasing my cock.

Rachel quickly returned to my side and took hold of the base of my cock. She once again guided me towards Sara's waiting pussy. I felt no resistance at all as I slid my whole length into her. Once I was balls deep Rachel’s hand released my cock.

“I’d like a nice steady pace please,” said Sara.

“Yes Mistress” replied Rachel.

I began to thrust in and out of Sara’s pussy. Long slow strokes, pulling back until the swollen head of my cock was almost at her opening.

I felt Rachel’s hand on my buttock, her fingers moving, seeking out my own puckered little opening. When she made contact she teased my hole, circling it, steadily increasing the pressure. I just kept up a steady pace trying to ignore the distraction.

Rachel’s fingers vanished briefly only to return feeling wet and slippery. She must have dipped them into her pussy for lubrication. She continued to apply pressure until one, then two fingers pushed past my sphincter. As I pulled out of Sara. Rachel pushed her fingers deeper inside me, following my forward movement until she was knuckles deep inside me.

Sara’s breathing was starting to become heavier as I carried on thrusting in and out of her. I could feel the wetness in her pussy increasing. I could feel her muscles starting to contract around me, massaging my sensitive cock head. As her orgasm grew so did mine.

Rachel’s fingers, deep in my arse, started to move. She must have located my prostate. She kept up a steady pressure, rubbing hard as she circled the little organ inside me. I felt like I was starting to cum, my juices flowing, well before any other sensations hit me.

Sara started to buck and push against me as her orgasm started. Her pussy contracted and I felt like she was pulling me deeper. This was all too much for my now aching cock and I felt myself twitch and throb as I came heavily. Rachel continued her assault on my prostate. It was a bit of a sensory overload.

Despite my twitching, I kept up a steady pace as the combination of Sara’s pussy and Rachel’s fingers milked me dry. Even with my constant movements, Sara started to come down from her orgasm.

“Thank you, my lovely subs. That hit the spot.” She said, her breathing becoming more steady. “Make sure he cleans up his mess.” This was evidently directed to Rachel.

I felt Rachel’s fingers being drawn out from my anus and she guided me back and downward. I felt the heat from Sara’s pussy against my face before my lips made contact.

I started to lick, dipping my head down so I could reach her puckered little hole before lapping upwards covering the length of her pussy. I savoured the mixture of our juices as I swallowed and repeated the process. Cum flowed continuously from her, it seemed never-ending. Rachel’s fingers must have milked me of more than I’d ever released before.

Rachel reached around and under me taking hold of my now flaccid cock. Her other hand was on my shoulder, guiding me up and down as I licked our mistress clean.

I don’t know how long I was licking for but eventually, the flow of cum from Sara’s pussy lessened until I was just savouring her fresh juices.

“Can you release his arms for me?” asked Sara.

“Yes, Mistress. I think so.” Was Rachel’s response.

Rachel released my cock and started to loosen the ropes around my wrists and arms. I carried on licking at Sara’s pussy. As Rachel pulled the ropes from my back I flexed my shoulders a little restoring movement to my achy arms.

“Come and sit with me.” Said Sara. I felt her hand on my head and she drew me upwards and steered my body so I sat next to her. She raised my right arm so she could snuggle up to me. I felt her breast against my side. Her hand was on my thigh, stroking upwards.

“Join us Rachel” was her next instruction.

I felt Rachel sit herself down on my other side. She lifted my left arm, as Sara had, and cuddled up close, her hand on my left thigh.

I sat quietly between the ladies, still in darkness. I longed for them to remove my blindfold.

Sara kept stroking my thigh, getting closer to my cock and balls with each stroke until she gently took hold of my balls. This time they felt small in her hand as she massaged them. Rachel’s hand mirrored Sara’s but she slowly wrapped her fingers around my now soft cock. She massaged my cock from base to head. Whilst soft and tired I could feel myself responding a little. I didn’t think there was any chance of my becoming hard again. Not for a while, anyway.

“You’ve both done very well today.” Said Sara. “Rachel, I instructed you to keep Andrew on edge before I decided it was time for him to cum. You did a lovely job for me. I will remember to reward you for that. I then instructed you to milk him dry. Judging by the state of his cock I think you may have succeeded in that too.”

Both women continued to massage my cock and balls. Amazingly my cock was beginning to harden again. Rachel continued to move her hand up and down my length, slowly increasing her grip on me.

“Andrew, you did an excellent job of cleaning up after yourself. You’ve made me very happy today.” I smiled as Sara said this. I don’t think I’d ever swallowed so much cum before.

I relaxed and just took in the sensations. I could feel the warmth of the naked ladies sitting on either side of me. I was aware of their breasts again my skin and they massaged my cock and balls. We all smelt of sex. I tried to picture the scene. I would have given anything to be a fly on the wall.

My cock was responding to the stimulation and I felt a throb as the head started to become sensitive again. Rachel carried on with her stroking and squeezing, flicking her thumb over the tip each time she reached the head.

I felt myself start to contract and twitch as they continued. My orgasm just built and built until I felt my abdomen tighten and my cock twitch heavily in Rachel’s hand. I moaned and came but did not feel the familiar spirts. The contractions were intense and I could feel a little more lubrication on the head of my cock, but there was nothing more.

Rachel released my cock which remained surprisingly hard. I felt her fingers at my mouth and stuck my tongue out. She wiped a small dribble of cum on my tongue.

“That’s all that was left, Mistress.” She said as I licked her thumb clean.

“You did do well.” Replied Sara. “Worthy of another reward. Don’t worry I won’t forget.”

I just sat there. Stunned and very relaxed. My cock was still quite hard and Sara was still massaging my empty balls.

“Right. I need to tidy up a bit and Andrew, you need to thank Rachel for her help today.”

I felt Sara move to get up and I lifted my arm so she could disentangle herself. Rachel moved away too. Sara took my hand and pulled me up. My legs were a little shaky. She guided me away from the sofa and I soon found myself lying on the carpet. I assumed I was in the middle of the room once more.

I felt Rachel place her feet at my shoulders and she then lowered herself until her pussy was resting against my mouth. I reached up with the tongue and teased her lips apart, seeking out her opening. Having found my target I circled and teased her pussy, licking from her opening to her clit. It wasn’t long before her breathing increased again and she moved back a little so I could focus on her clit.

I sucked her little swollen bud into my mouth and started to flick it with my tongue. I wasn’t aware of anything else around me. I was just a tool for Rachel to achieve orgasm, nothing more.

Rachel’s orgasm built quite quickly and she ground her pussy against my mouth as she came. I kept sucking and licking and she held herself in place as her next orgasm followed, and the next. I felt her tremble as her pussy took over. She moaned deeply as she twitched. Her juices flooded my mouth over and over again. She became overly sensitive after what seemed like a few minutes, it could have been longer and lifted herself away from my mouth.

“Here’s your coat.” I heard Sara say. She was next to us.

Rachel stood and I could hear her putting on her coat.

Sara took my hand and pulled me upwards. I got a little unsteadily to my feet. I felt her hands behind my head and the blindfold was released. I had to blink a few times to regain clear vision. Sara was wearing my robe and Rachel was standing there in her coat and heels. Both were smiling. Rachel’s hair was a bit of a mess but I thought it best to say nothing.

I looked down and was surprised to see that I was still semi-hard.

“It’s time for Rachel to leave us now.” Said Sara. She walked over to Rachel and gave her a hug and a kiss. Rachel then came over to me. She took hold of my cock in one hand and pulled me close to her with the other. She kissed me on the lips and smiled. Saying nothing, she left.

I felt drained. Sara smiled at me.

“How was that then?” she asked.

“You did really well,” I replied. I was aware that her confidence was high and I didn’t want to say anything that might bring her down. “I feel completely drained. I think that was your intention?”

She smiled again. “Yes, it was. I want to find more ways to do that, but I thought this would be a good start.”

I realised that I was feeling hungry and looked at the clock. It was nearly a quarter to eight. I wasn’t surprised that eight hours like that had exhausted me.

“I need to eat,” I said.

“Me too,” said Sara. “Sit yourself down and relax. I’ll rustle something up.” She vanished into the kitchen.

Her version of rustling something up turned out to be ham sandwiches, salad, crisps, and drinks. It was almost a feast after the trial I had endured that day. We sat and ate together quietly. The conversation was light-hearted and relaxing.

I was aware that Sara seemed to be watching the clock.

“Do you need to get home?” I asked.

“I probably should.” She replied. I could see disappointment in her face. “John is back tomorrow and I need to make our flat presentable. If I stay here any longer I’m only delaying the inevitable.”

I could see that this was troubling here but there was little that I could do to help.

“Look, if you need to talk call me any time. If you need to escape you know where I am.” I said.

She smiled. “Thank you. I’m sure it’ll be fine. I do appreciate your friendship.”

Sara stood up and took the tray of plates back into the kitchen. She returned naked and handed me my bathrobe. Then she headed off to the bedroom to get dressed.

I pottered in the living room, picking up ropes and generally making things a bit more presentable. Sara wasn’t long. She was brushing her hair as she came back into the room.

“Do you want a lift home?” I asked, “It won’t take me long to throw something on.”

“I’d rather you stayed like that if you’re going to drive me anywhere.” She smiled. “No, but thank you again. I think I should walk. It’ll help me clear my head. Can I leave my shopping here?”

“Of course you can. Just let me know when you want it. I can run it around to you or you can pick it up whenever.”

She came over to me and hugged me.

“Thank you. For everything.” She said.

I hugged her back.

“Be sure to keep in touch. Let me know if you need anything.” I replied. “I’m happy to be a shoulder or just an ear if needed.”

Sara smiled at me as she pulled away.

“Thank you. And don’t worry about me. I’m sure it’ll be fine and I want to come back for more, soon.”

I smiled and she turned and headed for the door. I followed her and she looked back at me, still smiling, as she headed down the corridor.

Once she turned the corner I closed the door and locked up. I needed to sleep.
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