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Smelly knickers
Themes: mast, lez, ws, hot tub fetish, (but no wheel changing today)

This in an offshoot project from the Margey Household chronicles. Some of the characters are the same, some new. Read the other stories in the series (Books 1-10) to find out the full background or some of it won't make any sense.

Warning: The events and characters in this story are imaginary. If you attempt to duplicate them in real life, you will end up sharing a jail cell with a big fat man called Bubba.

Chapter 11-1 The sniff test

by StackofBooks

(3248 words)

I loved my new Takemine guitar. It just felt so nice in my hands, and its smell was just great. (I think you'll have noticed by now that my olfactory sense is very highly developed. Another way of saying I have a keen sense of smell. Not just for sex things such as pussies, but for everyday things: books, people's hair, electronic goods, foods - even opening a packet of something and just for a brief moment smelling the air of the factory in which it was produced - whether it was in China or Spain or the USA.)

I knew a few chords from a long time ago, as well as some single string melodies, such as Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.

I also watched a couple of YT teaching vids, as well as downloading free chord charts and teaching documents.

Sooner or later though it was time I contacted Dean. And boy, am I glad I did, not just from the music point of view.

(Found out later how Bindi met Dean. She was in a music shop trying to find one for me. Dean was another customer, just browsing, and was attracted to her because of her sari, brown skin and very long hair. They got chatting, he played the Takemine for her - the sound and the tone was amazing. That's the one!, she said. He gave her his number as she said she wanted lessons. He thought, however, she would be the student - not me!!)

I arrived at a very nice house, and inside it was just delightful. His wife answered the door and introduced herself as Serena. She was even more delightful - a stunner in fact. Long auburn curly hair, a cute round face and a smile to break all hearts. People always ask me if I'm a tits, bum or legs man. You might as well ask me how long a piece of string is, because I don't have an answer. This lady had all three in abundance. Today she was wearing her specs, and as I am also bespectacled, I noticed. They're new, she said, I only got them yesterday. What do think?

For her, she was already as beautiful as a lily, but she'd managed to gild it. It's a stupid idiom as it means a waste of time, which it obviously wasn't in her case - and I told her they complimented her looks greatly. With me, my glasses just make me look 10-15 years older than I actually am. But having minus 5.5 dioptres, they're an absolute necessity.

You must be Steve. Come in, and make yourself at home. Dean won't be long. He's been doing a bit of gardening, and is just finishing off. Come and sit on the patio and drink some iced tea with us. 

Dean was as tall and as thin as me, but there the similarity ended. He was much younger and very well built with rippling biceps and pecs, all topped off with blond hair. My first impression was that Margey would deffo like to investigate further.

We did all the general chit chat, and I noticed they had the same model of hot tub as us sitting 5 metres away. With yellow stains on the grass next to it. Surely not? The same fetish as us??

I had to tear my eyes away from his delectable wife, thinking about her peeing to make those stains, as we went into his home studio room. I was gobsmacked. Full of expensive electronic gizmos. The only things I recognised was a reel-to-reel tape machine and a mixing desk. Oh, and the padded leather office chair.

He asked me if I was happy with the guitar he had ***********ed for me and I gushed a big effusive yes.

I showed him what I knew already, and he said it was a good start. He then took me through some basic music theory with some handouts and more advanced chord charts than I already had that he'd prepared in advance, saying it was important to have a solid foundation before 'building a house' on top of it.

I learned some new open chords, and he showed me the basics and principles of barre chords, mentioning it might be a while before I mastered them, but to keep trying and not give up. He demonstrated a few basic strumming techniques which I tried to copy, and he used his guitar to show how to pick (like you would on a banjo), but said that would be another lesson much further down the line. The important thing was for me to practise at least 30-60mins each day.

As we neared the end of our time, Serena came in and sat on his lap. They shared about how and when they had first met, and about Dean's song 'Proof of Love' he had written for her. He loaded the song into his computer with a few deft keystrokes and mouse clicks and it started. As Serena sang along under her breath in the chorus, I realised it was her beautiful voice harmonising to him on the recording. The song played to the end and she drifted away in ecstasy has he put his hands on her breasts from behind.

We got talking about the hot tub again, as they knew Adrian the installer like I did. Serena had a very sultry look in her eyes as she said maybe my wife and I would like to come over one Sunday for some fun and games. I decided to bite the bullet and call their bluff and said: Yes, certainly, and maybe add some more stains to your grass. We're into that sort of thing.

She came and sat on my lap and she could definitely feel my organ rising to the occasion as she whispered in my ear (loud enough for Dean to her): I would love to see and feel your yellow stream hitting my body. Her hot breath on my face and natural sweat smell inserted a rod of iron into my dick, and she bounced up and down slightly as if to acknowledge it.

I told her my partner (but she was not wife) was of Mexican heritage, and I saw Dean's eyes light up at the thought. Serena embarrassed him by saying: Great, he's always had a thing for chocolate Latino women and hopes to see her in the flesh, so to speak.

Thankfully, we left it there, before things got too steamy and made a date for Sunday.

When I got home, Margey and I went to see the BSB trio at Bindi's house as they'd invited us to sample some of the foods they were preparing for the Indian wedding. They'd agreed with the hotshot politician that his dinner party for 10 the week after would also have the same menu. For the outdoor 21st birthday party it would be more traditional fare, with perhaps a jalfrezi, biryani or kedgeree thrown in as an alternative to excite taste buds. Perhaps one or two Mexican dishes as well.

Neither of us two could claim to be experts on Indian food but to us it tasted excellent, professionally prepared and perfectly spiced.

After lunch, we sat round chatting, and the girls lamented they'd been so busy, they hadn't had time for boyfriends (or girlfriends). Beth & Suze came and sat on either side of me on the armchair (like old times), an arm of mine around each, and started stroking my face and chest, and twiddling their fingers in my hair. If there's one thing that gets my motor running it's someone playing with the locks on my head. And they knew that. Bindi kneeled down between my legs and began kissing my belly and inner thighs over my clothes. Mr Woody responded. Margey sat there opposite me, raised her skirt, pulled her flowery knickers to one side and rubbed her sticking out bean. Then pulled the garment off completely and threw it in my direction. Bindi caught her underwear and started sniffing them. Beth took them, said 'Mmmmm' as she stuck them to her nose. Suze also sniffed and showed me the gusset with a creamy snail trail. She forced me to inhale them deeply, then made me stick my tongue out and lick off the mucus which had come from my soulmate's cunt.

Suddenly, as if by telepathic consent, the girls got off me, and told me to close my eyes, inviting Margey to make sure I complied. There were rustling sounds, consistent with panties being taken off. They resumed their places sitting on me. Still without seeing, I had to identify whose was whose. Beth was easy as because she couldn't shower with me any more, her ripe unwashed pussy odour was distinctive. It took me a while, but Bindi's aroma was slightly more 'acidic' than Suze's. 3 out of 3!! 100% correct. I opened my eyes as Bindi pushed her brown skidmark under my nostrils and I got full value from that earthy smell. Suze's also had a mucus trail, but different in appearance and taste to her mother's. Beth's just smelled of stale and fresh urine, no marks at all.

Bindi said: Come upstairs, Steve, and fuck each of us. We're desperate. And I'm sorry about what I said to you at the dinner party about the size of your equipment. I was just teasing. You know that, don't you?

We went up to her old room, where she'd had a large bed installed, bigger than a king size. (Is that emperor?) Anyway, all five of us fitted on it with ease.

The rest of the afternoon was frittered away fucking, bumming or muff munching each other, all menu planning forgotten and put aside.

We had a good time, but you know what? We forgot to do pee drinks with each other that day!! No piss games either...

Margey was very excited about another wife swapping day. Especially when I described Dean's muscular physique.

She asked me to shave her pussy in the morning before we went. And on a whim, I asked to do me for the very first time. I admit it was a nice feeling, but in the next few days and weeks I found the stubble to be very irritating, and vowed never to do it again. Instead, we just always trimmed the hairs short (3-4 mm) with small scissors and that was sufficient.

Warm hugs and kisses as everyone greeted each other. Margey had bought some Mexican snacks with her, so we enjoyed those with white wine for the ladies, beer for the men.

They again related in more detail for Margey's ears about how they met, and Dean brought in his 12-string to give an impromptu live performance, with Serena harmonising in the choruses and double tracking him in the middle eight.

Turns out Margey was a fairly good singer (me, I cannot hold a tune at all), and they jammed some pop songs. She did a great solo rendition of 'Stand by me'

By then we were not drunk, but pretty merry.

So Margey and I related (in general overview) the problems with pee stains on our lawn we'd had, and how they'd been caused by the various piss parties we'd held. In particular, D & S's ears pricked up at the teen soccer girl team's contest, and I thought BSB might want to get involved at was almost certainly by now going to be the reverse fixture of swapping at our place fairly soon.

It was a coolish day, so we traipsed outside to their hot tub and took each other's spouse to undress them. The men were made naked first. Margey spent a lot of time running her hands over his muscles, and was astonished to see and feel his very long foreskin. She'd still be there to this day if we hadn't nudged her back to reality.

Unfortunately, Serena had no such good luck with my body but seemed to somehow still enjoy it.

Women next. We guys took our time taking off their clothes and we copied each other step by step, narrating to all our every move.

The two of them noticed simultaneously we were both shaven down below, whereas they were not. We admitted we'd done it just that same morning, and offered to do the same to them right now.

So back into the house, to their bedroom, and got the foam and the razors. Margey got Dean erect as she said it made for easier access to his bits. I got erect because I saw Serena's long labia for the first time. It was tricky to shave around them.

By the by, a hand mirror was produced for close up inspection and examination, then they both stood up and gazed at themselves in the cheval mirror.

I stood behind Serena and cupped her boobs, and Margey cupped his balls.

Someone said (it may have been me but it was never proven in a court of law): Last one in the hot tub has to clean it out after we're done today.

(The joke was actually a lead balloon as Dean told me later he never did anything to it himself. He paid one of Adrian's guys to do all the filters, chemicals and refill with fresh water every week.)

A mad dash happened and it was pretty much a dead heat. First, we all took our own places and sat down. Dean went to get our glasses, topped them up and we started getting tanked. At Margey's request, he stood up in front of her and she peeled back yards of his foreskin with a very nice glans underneath it. (I kept repeating the "I'm not gay" mantra in my head, but I very much liked it as well). Margey put her tongue in his peehole, then took the whole bell end inside her mouth.

Meanwhile, Serena had climbed up onto the seats beside me, with her thighs either side of my head, and that was my first chance to observe and play with her long extended pussy lips for the first time. She beckoned me in and I started toying with them gently. When she deemed I was pussyfooting around (that word being used advisedly) she pulled them wide apart herself and instructed me to put fingers and tongue inside.

After a while, the roles reversed: Dean was eating Margey out, and I was having a hard job not cumming as Serena expertly fellated me. Some women have that skill, some don't, but I think she was the best I've ever had.

As it was going on, we had a quick discussion about the next event in the Order of Service, and agreed to fuck the other's spouse and cum in their cunt. Margey bent over the side of the tub and Dean entered that way. I preferred Serena to sit on me facing me as I sat down. As we neared climax, I stood up and held her in my arms to get deeper penetration. She shuddered and shook so hard at orgasm I thought at first she might be having some sort of fit.

Thank you, Steve, that was one of the best ever.

No problem, ma'am, always happy to oblige. And doffed my imaginary cap to her.

The other two were still going hammer and tong so we watched the show. Margey turned over and laid on her back on the tub side and he pushed his long shaft in and out. Whether he knew or not about her favourite way to make her reach her high I don't know, but he dipped his hand in the water and inserted his middle finger into her anus as he pumped his spunk right against her cervix. She's not usually a loud person during sex, but gave out such a loud happy shriek of ecstasy, it could have woken the dead.

Fucking hell, Dean. If Serena gets that every night, then I'm moving in here.

You're welcome, milady. My first Latina and I'm so very happy it was you. As to marital arrangements, I cannot comment without my lawyer being present.

We dried off and adjourned inside to the living room sofa.

After chatting about books, films and music, we got onto the subject of food and Margey promised them a genuine Mexican feast at our place as they'd only ever had pale imitations at takeaways and chain restaurants. This is when they both found out they each had a secret desire to be a food critic. So there and then they decided to book their next holiday to Mexico and submit their reviews to various publishing houses. They laid a bet and a forfeit to each other about who would see their article in print first. Margey was grilled on the best places to go in her country to experience the real deal.

Everyone needed to pee, and we admitted that our whole family were urine fetishists: not just us two - her four girls, two son-in-laws, the other two's boyfriends and girlfriends, the Chinese family down the road, and our newly adopted daughter from India who was recently orphaned. Hence why our lawn was more yellow than green, until I took out a second mortgage to have it returfed.

We went upstairs, and Serena got her wish that she'd mentioned at our very first meeting for me to spray her body with pee. Margey stepped into the tub and Dean covered her back, hair and arsehole, as is her wont. Finally, the two girls got in and doused each in golden fluids, as Dean and I contributed the rest of our bladder capacity onto them as well.

We rinsed off and got wrapped up in towels. Downstairs, Serena knocked up a very quick but amazingly delicious Spag Bol, and Dean had prepared beforehand a tiramisu. They were both extremely competent and accomplished cooks.

We agreed on next Sunday at our place, and even 7 days seemed too long a time to wait.

Next day, we went to BSB again to try some of their traditional menu for the marquee party: sausage rolls, pasta salad, beef stew with rice, coronation chicken, etc. They also planned (but hadn't cooked today, as everyone knows what they taste like) roast beef/roast pork/roast chicken, and standard flavour sandwiches: cheese, ham, turkey, green salad. A vegetarian main meal option was requested by their client but they hadn't decided yet - the front runner was a veggie lasagne.

We told them a little bit about our activities the day before, and without letting the cat out of the bag too much, said they were invited to meet Dean & Serena chez Pee Stain Manor House next Sunday.

Watch this space...

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