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Yanks come to town
Themes: mast, lez, ws

All characters over the age of 18

This in an offshoot project from the Margey Household chronicles. Some of the characters are the same, some new. Read the other stories in the series (Books 1-12) to find out the full background or some of it won't make any sense.

Warning: The events and characters in this story are imaginary. If you attempt to duplicate them in real life, you will end up sharing a jail cell with a big fat man called Bubba

Chapter 13-1 American Pee (not Pie)

by Stack of Books

(3344 words)

Although Sally didn't work at ASS any more, she was still very good friends with Andrea and Kim, and occasionally they had a threesome together as - although they were totally happy with each other - the white girls still lusted after her coal black skinned body. Not to mention she was just a lovely and loving person as well. Any time with her, sexual or just social, was worth its weight in gold.

Today she was at a loose end as Zeta was off doing other things, so in the morning she went to the shop and opened it up, as there were no volunteers on the list slated for that day. 

First, she went to say hello to Andrea working at her mannequin on a wedding dress, and they hugged warmly, and squeezed each other's boobs. C'mon, let's go to the loo and have a quick one,  and frigged each other for 5 mins to orgasm. Give me your knickers but first rub your juicy cunt them on, she demanded. Andrea continued on sewing, but an hour later had to go and put on fresh ones.

Sal sneaked up to the office and put the smelly underwear under Kim's nose from behind. She immediately recognised her girlfriend's scent.

Andrea? What the fuck?? Oh, it's you, Sal? What have you been doing to my soulmate, you little minx?, and they both hugged and touched tongues in their mouths. 

Lock the door, Kim, and let's stick our fingers up each other like I just did with you know who downstairs. Then I'm going to open the shop today.

After they had cum, Kim sat on the desk and leaned back and stuffed her panties all the way into her hole to soak up everything.

If you want them for the sick pervs on your website, get them out with your teeth, bitch. And went knickerless for the rest of the day.

Part of the joy of Sally and Zeta's venture was they always included a handwritten note (never typed or printed out) giving details of the history of each pair of knickers they posted out (sometimes true, sometimes made up*). 

*See footnote

This one said:

"Young pretty office girl had been wearing these panties for 3 days. Her lesbian girlfriend came by and frigged her thus releasing more juices into them. She stuffed them completely into her pussy to soak up everything, and the other girl pulled them out with her teeth. Can you smell the excitement? Love & kisses, Zelly"

Sal switched the lights on in the shop and turned the sign to 'OPEN'.

The three blouses Zeta had tried on (and she had pinned for alteration) were still under the counter, so she put them in her bag and paid for them herself. (She didn't believe in stealing or getting something for nothing.) She would do the work on them at home on Arnold's machine.

Trade was fairly brisk, and if a female came in, Sal would offer her a new pack of panties for her used pair, explaining her fetish. One or two elected to change immediately rather than go outside knickerless, and Sal offered to do it for them in the changing room, so got a quick glimpse and sniff of a new pussy. Sometimes a finger up there as well.

At around midday, the man who had bought the size 9 dress came in, along with a very pretty woman with long straight blonde hair. 

Hallo again. You remember me? My name is Simon and this is my wife and soulmate, Anthea. She's gorgeous, don't you agree?

Welcome back. It's nice to see you again. I agree, she's delectable. I'm Sally, by the way. Did the dress fit?

Anthea: Yes, it was perfect. Such a nice present. I was hoping to find another one today.

Simon: The thing is, she didn't believe me about how you helped me to choose the right size and how you...err, 'concluded' the transaction.

Sal: I see. Well, there's an easy way to solve that. But not here. I have an idea. Anthea, have a look on those two racks over there and get one you want. It's on the house. (Meaning she herself would pay for it later. Such an honest girl.)

They spent about 10 mins, and came back with a blue flowery one. She didn't actually try it on, just held it up against herself, looking at her reflection in the long floor-length mirror.

OK, come with me back to my place, it's just 5 mins away. We'll have a drink and a chat, and re-enact what we did in the changing room. Then maybe you two can show me what happened in your bedroom when he presented his gift to you.

So they went to Andrea's house, drank a few rum & cokes, and got to know a lot about each other with chit chat.

When they were all at their ease, Sal and Simon went through the procedure from the changing room as she and he both narrated it.

He put his hands around her waist. Copied the same action on his wife standing next to her.

Arms around the booty. Copied.

Went behind her, and arms around the bust. Copied. His arms did cross in about the same place.

He lifted up her T-shirt and cupped the big black globes from behind and also from in front. Copied, except hers were snowy white with large upturned cherry nipples. But yeah, about the same size.

He undressed Sal, removed her knickers, did the same to Anthea. A white goddess and a black one, side by side. Already fondling each other's tits.

Sal took his dick out of his trousers, gave him a long, slow HJ/BJ, while his wife sat on the side of the bed, sucked her own boobs and masturbated.

Simon shot his load over Sal's chest and face, Anthea mopped it all up with her mouth and snowballed Sal.

Anthea: OK, I believe you now, hubby!

While he was recovering, the two girls spent 15 mins each eating the other's pussy. As usual, the comment heard was she'd never seen or tasted a black woman's vagina before.

Watching all this, Simon was now hard as steel again, and they showed Sal how he had presented his gift.

I love you, darling. I bought this for you. Hope you like it. Happy anniversary.

Anthea took it, he helped her slide it over her head and past her breasts and over her shaved genital area. She regarded herself in the mirror and did a couple of twirls.

Aww Si, it's wonderful. I love it. How can I say thank you? Aah, I know. Is that big thing between your legs part of the present? Because the dress fits me on the outside perfectly. Can you put your cock up me and see if it also fits as snugly inside? 

The dress came off again.

So saying, Simon entered her and started pumping. Her orgasms came thick and fast as Sal massaged her boobs and sucked her nips.

Wait, Simon, can you also say thanks to Sal for her help in all this. I've never told you before, but I've had a fantasy for a long time about a threesome and you fucking someone else as I watch. Fill her with your spunk and I will douche her out with my mouth.

As Simon did the necessary, like a bull on heat, Anthea squatted over her head, played with Sal's breasts, and received a good clit licking. And then did the cleaning up of juices as promised.

Satiated, they showered, dried and redressed, with Sal remembering to ask to keep her used panties. For the first time ever, Anthea experienced the cool clean air of the outside around her nether regions as they walked home, and when safe to do so, flashed Simon with her charms a few times. They started bonking again as soon as they got through the door.

Sal went back to the shop, and collected more used knickers from customers. A very good day for the stock room at Zelly's Smellies.


For the used knickers Sal received in the shop from anonymous donors (and also other sources like Jenny's Indian housewife friends for example), it was impossible to know the truthful history.


The owners of the aforementioned popular online selling website were well pleased with how things were going, and especially with their meetings with the library girls, Sharon, Elvyra and Janneke.

A few days later, they met up up Sal's house and she gave Zeta the 3 now finished blouses. She was surprised as she'd completely forgotten about them, assuming that as Sal had quit she wouldn't have access to them any more.

They were both feeling frisky, so decided to role-play and pretend they didn't know each other and re-enacted the whole changing room scene from the point when Z walked into the shop.

It then morphed into:

Oh yes, Miss, nice to see you again. You look lovely today. Certainly, your alterations are ready. Here you are. Let's go to the changing room. Can I watch you change and try them on? Hmm, your skin is so smooth, lustrous and a really nice colour. My word, these three blouses fit you perfectly now. May I touch your upper body to check for fit? Wow, your nipples are big today. Let me just loosen your buttons and take your bra off. Oh indeed, your boobs are showing through wonderfully now. You can pick up any boy or girl you like if you wanted to.

Madam, please strip me and measure me with your tape again. Rub the flats of your fingers over my nips once more. Take my knickers down, and put your face into my cootie and find my button with your tongue. May I now take your T-shirt off and measure your big black boobs and the rest of your body? Oh, you like me pressing my hands against your nipples too? What about if I put one or two fingers into your pink gash? Do you have any pee for me?

Ding! Their two pairs of knickers were ready for hermetic bags!!

Zeta was so turned on, she asked Sal if she could borrow Arnold for a short while. As he'd been watching their silly antics all this time, he readily agreed, and fucked the petite Indian hard as Sal observed with a vibrator up her cunt.

Eventually, they got down to business and debriefed in detail about how the 3 sessions in the library bathroom and the 3 at Andrea's had gone.

They discussed Janneke's reticence and brought up the topic of being careful if during a next time things proved to be tricky, emphasising that neither should be afraid of using the safe word to cancel an operation if needs be. But Sal's hunch had been right: Janneke was indeed bi and not a lesbian, and Arnold reported she was such a very good and responsive lover, once she got over her initial shock.

They thought they might try a teen couple as their next "guests", and have Arnold on standby in the next room, either as security (unlikely) or as a second penis if the girl seemed willing to try a big black one (a more probable scenario).

So the next day, they got themselves dressed up, and went cruising in the local park. The morning saw a few possibilities, but they chose to pass on them all. They had a light lunch in a local cafe, and then saw an Afro-Caribbean girl with a white muscled dude standing by the pond.

A variation on the usual spiel, and it came out as: Hi, excuse me. My name is Sally and this is my friend Zeta. We like pee games and we're bursting to go. Maybe you'd like to come with us behind those bushes to watch us, perhaps join in?

Well, it's nice to meet you. We're here on holiday from New York in America. I'm Hank, and this is my lovely fiancée Cassandra, or Cass. Yes, we have the same fetish, but have always confined ourselves to indoors. What do you think, sweetheart?

Yeah, I guess we've always been a bit shy about it, but my special kink is I love to see other girls pee. And I bet your two pussies look real cute. Let's give it a go, baby.

They all took each other's hands and walked behind the greenery where they were fairly well hidden from view. There were not a lot of people about anyway.

Cass got the ball rolling, and took out Hank's cut 7 incher. She hitched up her skirt and aimed his stream at her covered cootie. Then took the panties off and he fired again. The other two followed suit and Cass directed the flow at their already bare quims. They took a few mouthfuls and passed them to Cass. For Sal, it was one of the nicest tasting urines she had ever tried. S & Z took off their sandals, and he urinated over their thighs, shins, ankles, feet and toes. Cass copied them, saying it was an excellent idea. In the two years they'd known each other, they hadn't thought about that variation.

Sal, being the boldest, took her top off revealing unfettered black knockers. Cass, when I lie down, can you piss over my two girls here as I am sure to orgasm when you do. Open your pussy right up so I can see what your lucky boyfriend looks at every day. Hank, please undress Zeta, and hopefully your fiancée will give her the second half of her bladder contents.

Hank and Zeta watched in awe as Cass' yellow stream went over Sal's globes. He was already rolling Z's big nipples in his thumb and finger as she laid down side by side with her CIV friend. Cass mainly made it go onto her small boobs and belly. As her flow fizzled out, Zeta was still groaning in ecstasy. She put her tongue briefly into her hole before she stood up.

Hank, Cass, we still want to piss over you, but don't want to leave you smelling like a public toilet in the middle of this park. So if you're up for a bit more action (a clue is it begins with today's Sesame Street letter of 'F'), we can take you back to our safe house 10 minutes away for refreshments and rehydration for the next round, if you get my drift. As a teaser (and to relieve our pressure as we're still fucking bursting!), Zeta and I will now fire 100ml at each other's pussy while standing up.

To achieve peeing like a gent, the girls had to use both hands to pull up the skin above their clit.

Take your positions for the best viewing angle. Dip your fingers in the streams for a taste if you like. Ready, Zeet? Go!

They let the others get their drinking sample first, then each aimed for the clit and Zeta got a direct hit, causing Sal's knees to weaken and give way, so that she facepalmed the ground (not too hard), with Zeta unable to stop the stream quickly enough. It went into Sal's hair and on her back, and the whole incident brought forth gales of laughter.

A short while later, they were in Andrea's second bedroom, and sipping strong mix rum and cokes to mellow out.

First, they stripped and got in the shower. The two Yanks laid down, and the other two gave them all they had. (Cass confirmed her own conviction that she had a strong predilection for observing female pissers.) The favour was returned but unfortunately they were still quite empty after the park.

On the bed, Hank took Sal, Cass claimed Zeta, and they started fondling the other. After 10 mins, Sal and Zee changed over so everyone got the best of both worlds, so to speak.

Hey, can you guys show us how you fuck each other? We'd love to watch that. We'll sit close by so you can see us diddling our cunts.

They gave it their best shot, trying many positions, and the sight of an Indian and African cumming hard so often drove them to higher than normal orgasmic highs. He pulled out and spread his load between all 3. They hoovered it up from the other's bodies.

Timeout. They chatted about past sexual experiences.

Hank, Cass, I didn't hear mention in any of that of someone else in your bedroom. Have you never tried a threesome?

Cass: Well, we've talked about it a lot, but none of our friends or people we know fit the bill. Problem is, there's an impasse - he wants a girl, I want a guy.

Hank, my husband is a black African and he would like to get to know Cass, with your permission.

Aww shucks, she don't need any authorization from me, it ain't that sort of relationship. We don't do any jealous shit. I only want a girl cos my pride says so. But today, if you two cuties (or should I say cooties) are on the menu for a fucking, that'll do me.

We sure are. That's what I hoped you would say. He's here now in the other room. Arnold, come and meet Cass and Hank. 

Nude hubby walks in, the gents shake hands, he takes the American girl onto the bed, she is immediately smitten by him and they start making out. Before long, he is entering her.

For fuck's sake, Hank, what are you waiting for? Choose which one of us to do first. You have to finish both by the time he completes his journey of adventure with your wife to be.

He grabbed Sal, and without any prelim got her on her belly and started pistoning her cunt doggy style. (Apart from Cass, she was the only black person he'd ever tried, he said later.)

Zeta meanwhile was making herself useful on Cass: with one hand massaging each breast and nipple alternately, and with the other inserting one or two fingers into her butt hole, as the people in the US call it.

Soon, she and Sal swapped places. The latter found a dildo and used that in Cass' back passage, so she was basically being DPed with Arnold's 10 incher. (Sally so loved seeing her hubby fuck someone else.)

Zeta was on her back, legs behind her shoulders as he sought the best angle to satisfy them both. With amazing precision and timing, all 4 fuckers and fuckees came at the same time, the men with a loud roar, the girls with just as loud high-pitched squeals. Even Sal had one, although she was not being penetrated, as a sort of empathetic cum.

They topped up on soft drinks and water, and had one more peeing session, with Arnold this time, although it was a bit of a squeeze in the cubicle. Rinsed and got dressed (Sally asked for Cass' panties), and the guests made their way home.

The girls stripped the sheets, put them in the washing machine, remade the bed with fresh ones, and tidied and left the room and bathroom as they had found it. In the same way that they always did when using Andrea's house.

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