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I don’t know what it was about her, and I suppose that, like always, it was more about me and my current state of self. If you are not ready and open for a relationship, then even if miss right is bopping you on the nose, you will not see her that way. Apparently the same is true for other types of ‘relationships’. Anyway, for some reason, at this time in my life, I decided to follow up on this. See if it can lead to some fun.

Oh! it surely did.
I noticed her one night as I was walking my dog. He is now quite old, so I have to take him out late at night, otherwise he has trouble holding it till morning. Anyway, she was with her own dog in the dog park. I don’t usually go into the dog park, although it’s right next to my apartment, because my dog is not very social, and, well, neither am I. This night, however, I decided to go sit on the bench in the dog park rather than make the usual tour around the block. Yes. I admit. It was mostly so I could ogle her. She looked like she was on the older side of being a teenager, with a full body, Just shy of being fat. She had a nice bust and a round butt. They were quite obvious because she was wearing a tank top and tights, so not much was left for the imagination. As I got closer, I could see that her face was not on the same level as her body. She was wearing thick glasses and had buck teeth. She was not ugly, but definitely not pretty either. That was fine with me. I would be more than happy to concentrate on her body. So there we were, my dog ignoring hers after the mandatory crotch sniff, but more than happy to receive some attention from her. I used the opportunity to look over her body as she bent down in order to pet him. I also made some light, casual conversation. To try and be a little less creepy, you know.

Over the next few nights we met in the dog park a few more times and through our chats, I learned a little more about her. Of course, I mostly learned about her dog, but that’s not relevant here, is it? she was nearly 18 and close to finishing high school and she also lived nearby. She seemed a little shy but nice enough for a little bit of light banter. Of course, I was happy that she kept up her tight outfits allowing me to covertly appreciate her figure.

Now I myself am already 37 years old. I look OK, I guess. A little too much in the gut but also some muscles and a nice smile. So OK. Yeah. I also look quite a bit younger than my age, so I suppose I did not seem like a father figure to her but I would like to think more as a cool guy who’s a little older than her. I’m OK with the ladies these days. I had some issues with self-confidence when I was younger, but these days I’m fine with myself, with my hidden, darker, inner core. I mostly just don’t care enough to invest in trying to build another relationship. So I guess that as I was putting on my best face with her, she was probably feeling good with the attention.

I don’t know what it was about her, and I suppose that, like always, it was more about me and my current state of self. If you are not ready and open for a relationship, then even if miss right is bopping you on the nose, you will not see her that way. Apparently the same is true for other types of ‘relationships’. Anyway, for some reason, at this time in my life, I decided to follow up on this. See if it can lead to some fun.

So I steered the conversation to boyfriends and relationships. She was rather shy about this, but she did share that she did not yet have a serious relationship.

Ok. Here goes nothing. Or a slap on the face…

“So, no one gets to enjoy a closer look at this body of yours?”

She was blushing furiously but not striking out. A good start. “No. not really.”

“Not even yourself? Don’t you stand in front of the mirror and admire yourself? I would if had this body. Do you at least touch yourself? It’s not the same as when someone else does it, but these curves need an appreciative hand to caress them, even if it’s your own.”

She didn’t know how to handle this. She continued to blush and mumble a little, but I think she took some of that as a complement. Good.

“So, do you at least masturbate?”

Th blush now deepened, although I did not think it was possible and her eyes widened. She looked around, as if to make sure we were really alone and then managed to squeak a small “yes.”

“Let me guess, in the middle of the night? Deep under your covers?”

A small nod was the only answer this time.

“So you never use toys? Or do it in the shower? Or in front of the mirror?”

Again the wide eyes. This time with a head shake.

“Oh, come on. Live a little. At least look at yourself when you’re doing it. Imagine someone else is touching you.”

Enough for tonight, I thought, and let her stew in quiet for a few minutes before taking my leave for the evening.

On the next night, she was more subdued than usual but we still talked a little about inconsequential things. Time to turn the heat on again.

“So, did you do it?”

Wide eyes, a wild look, again the squeaky voice, “Did what?”

“Masturbate in front of the mirror. You said you would try.” She said no such thing, but she was so stressed yesterday she probably wasn’t too sure of her own memories.

A shake of her head.

I faked a disappointed sigh.

The rest of the evening was quiet. She was flustered and I was acting aloof. She threw covert glances at me from time to time. I could nearly see the gears turning in her head, but she did not speak.

On the night after, I could see that she was more exited, so I acted more friendly and talked about the weather and whatnot. I could see that she wanted to tell me something but didn’t know how to start and I did not intend to make it easy for her.

Finally, I quieted down and looked at her expectantly.

“I did it.”

“Did what?” I will not make it easy for her.

“Umm, you know, masturbated. Umm, and I looked in the mirror. Like you said.”

“Oh, come on. Details. What did you do? How did it feel?”

“I don’t know, well, I waited until everyone went to sleep and I just turned on a night light and I got out of bed and I did it. it felt nice, I guess.”

From her excitement, it seemed that nice was underselling it, although I didn’t know if it was the physical aspect or the impropriety that got her excited.

“Did you take off your clothes? Where did you touch yourself? What did you think about?” I tried not to be too harsh, but I was insistent. I wanted her to be excited but also to feel that she disappointed me and had to make it up to me somehow.

“Well, I just put my hand in pajama bottoms and did it. I was terrified my mom will come in the door. I didn’t really think about anything else.”

“How can you make it sound so boring? What’s the point of standing in front of the mirror if you don’t see anything? Look at yourself while you’re doing it. imagine that it’s somebody else who’s watching you.”

This time she did actually reply, “I’ll try”. It was barely audible, but definitely there.

“I did it. I lowered my pants and looked in the mirror while I did it.” She was positively bubbling with excitement. I found it hilariously adorable. She was so vanilla. So pure when compared to my porn jaded self.

“And what did you think about? Did you have a nice fantasy to go with the action?”

“No, not really. I was too busy listening to noises around the house to be able to concentrate on anything else.”

“But having a good fantasy, a good story to imagine is more than half the fun. At least try to imagine that it’s someone else who’s touching you or that you are looking at some other girl in the mirror. And what about your tits?”

“Umm, what about them?”

“Do you touch them when you masturbate? Do you squeeze them? Pinch your nipples, shake them?”

“No, I just put my hand down there.” Her face was contorted as she considered her failings. Hah.

“Yesterday I took my breasts out too. I even touched my nipple a little.”

“And how did that feel?”

“OK, I think. It was a little exciting.”

“Are your nipples sensitive? Do they stand up when you touch them?”

“A little. Maybe. I don’t really know.”

“Oh, come on. It’s your own body. How can you not know? Try it. Caress them, wet them, pinch them, pull them. See what works for you. How can you let your partner know what to do if you don’t know yourself?”

She was deep in thought. Where did a partner suddenly appear from?

This evening, her blush was especially deep. She was vibrating with excitement but also finding it very hard to overcome her shame.

“My nipples.”


“If I pinch them and pull them a little, well, they grow. Like down there. And then if I touch them, it’s really nice.”

“Down there?”

“You know,” she was so cute, trying to find a way to describe her acts and her body without using bluntly sexual term, “My lips and my, my clit.”

“Hmm. Tomorrow I will be going abroad for a week for work. You will not do anything while I’m gone, right?”

She looked like I’ve taken away her favorite toy but she stared down at the ground and mumbled, “No. I’ll wait.”

I came back home a week later, but that evening, I went out with my dog earlier. To keep her on edge.

When I did appear at the dog park the next night, she nearly jumped on me and hugged me, stopping herself at the last second.

I greeted her casually and talked about my trip, about the weather, about dogs. Watching as her impatience grew. When I wound down and let silence reign for a few minutes, she finally spoke.

“I didn’t do anything.”

“Hmm. Good.”


I had to hold myself rigid to not burst out laughing at her disappointment at my flippant reply, at her efforts at gathering herself for the next bit I forced her to say out loud.

“So, can I do it tonight?” It wasn’t very loud. I had to strain myself up to pick up her words. She was speaking so softly. A good thing I didn’t have to guess what she was going to say.

I felt a sense of accomplishment at her words. Her asking me for something that was not mine to give.

“I don’t know. What’s in it for me?”

“wha..? but I waited until you returned. Please.”

I looked at her silently for a few seconds, forcing her to drop her gaze.

“I give you advice. I help you. I guide you. I increase your pleasure. And you can’t even give me proper feedback on how it goes, thorough de***********ions of what you did. And no, “I touched myself down there” does not count.”

“Oh. But I’m trying. It’s really hard for me to talk about that. Please. I promise I’ll try harder to give you more details.”

“Hmm. I don’t think you have it in you. you haven’t managed it until now. You know what? At least you can ask properly.”


“Yes. Ask me properly, in detail, what you want of me.”

“Umm, Ok.”

As she was trying to phrase her request, I added, “Actually, you should be on your knees.”

“On my knees?”, the look of horror on her face was priceless.

“Yeah. So I’ll know you really mean what you’re asking for.”

Her face went through several expressions as she considered her options. It settled on determination and she slowly stood in front of me, before sinking to her knees.

It was a lovely moment. Hopefully one of many to come.

“Please, I want to masturbate tonight.”

I let her stew for a few seconds as she knelt before me, her gaze turned down to avoid meeting my eyes.

“Passable. Tonight you will stand in front of the mirror. You will drop your pants to your knees. You will raise your shirt above your tits. You will tweak both nipples until they are standing proud and then you will masturbate.”

Some of the tension left her body, a slight smile returning to her face and her hands brushed the sides of her body, as if preparing to caress her naked skin.

I stood up, called to my dog and left, leaving her on her knees. When I exited the park, she shook herself, as if awakening from a spell and quickly rose to her feet, glancing furtively around to make sure no one saw her.

“Well, how was your session yesterday?”

She tried to organize her thoughts. Probably trying to find ways to keep some dignity while giving me more pleasing de***********ions. Just when she finally turned to speak to me, I raised my finger to stop her and then pointed at the ground before me. She grimaced, glanced around, but then took a deep breath and moved before me and then down to her knees.

“Umm, so I did what you said. I stood in front of the mirror and I played with my nipples and then I played with my clit. It was exciting. I enjoyed it.” It was still a very dry de***********ion compared to my imagination, but she was so proud when she managed to say ‘nipples’ and ‘clit’.

“That’s it? that’s the sum of your de***********ive abilities? I played with my clit and I liked it? What am I putting all this effort for?”

What effort? I was enjoying every minute.

“I’m sorry. It’s really hard for me to talk about this. I’ll try. Please.”

“Hmff. What do I do with you? you know what? Tomorrow you will come out here without any underwear.”

I’ll never grow tired of shocking her. It was so easy making her blush, her eyes widening, a gasp escaping her lips. Finally, she gave a slight nod.

“Tonight you will remove your pants completely and you will spread your legs in front of the mirror as you work yourself. You can sit on your bed if it’s close enough or get a chair if it’s not.”

The next night, there was excitement in her demeanor, but it was held back more than usual. She was sitting hunched over and constantly glancing around. Good. That must mean she’s feeling exposed.


“I’m not wearing them.”

“Show me.”

“Sh, show?”

“For a start you can stop hiding. Get up. Now turn around.” This was an excellent opportunity to ogle her freely and concentrated on her tits and ass.

“Come here.” I motioned her to step closer to me, and then, slowly, stretched my hand to her waistband and pulled her tights away from her skin, exposing the white globes of her ass cheeks, their expanse open to my gaze without any piece of fabric in sight. She stood there frozen, her arms hugging herself tightly but she did not offer any resistance.

“Good. Now turn back around. Now jiggle your tits.” She moved her torso slightly from side to side. I shook my head and wiggled my finger in front of her to demonstrate the required jiggle intensity. She did better the second time, her tits flying from side to side freely, jostling each other and bouncing on her chest. She did have some wonderful tits on her. I could even see the dimples her nipples left in the tank top she was wearing.

“Ok. Enough. Now you can tell me about your session yesterday.”

“Well, you can’t see the mirror from my bed, so I took my chair and placed it in front of the mirror and I took my pants off. I sat in it and I spread my knees a little and then I touched myself.”

“And what did you think about? What did you imagine?”

“I don’t know. Nothing much. I just tried to finish quickly because I was feeling so exposed.”

“This is not getting anywhere, but I’m feeling generous, so I’ll give you another chance. You will be on your knees this time. Completely naked. You will imagine someone watching you and I want a good story tomorrow.”

Excitement and fear of disappointing me were warring on her face as I stood up and left.

I wondered what she will tell me as I approached the dog park late the next evening. I mean, be naked on your knees and imagine someone watching. Oh, who can that watcher be? But knowing her shyness and timidity, I was curious if she will be able to tell me that. Or perhaps she was so repressed that she was not fully aware of such thoughts?

“So, I took of my clothes and I knelt on the carpet. I could see myself in the mirror, but it was not very comfortable. It was a little hard for my hand to reach and my knees and back hurt a little by the end.”

“And what did you think about?”

“I really tried. Like you said. But I just couldn’t. It was so weird, being naked, being on my knees.”

I sighed heavily. “How can someone finish school with such poor de***********ive abilities? Don’t you know any complex words? Don’t you read books? Don’t you have any imagination?”

Her head hung low. Her kneeling position before me replicating the position she had in her story. Just with a few more clothes. Not for long, if I had anything to say about it.

This tableau held for several long moments until finally, she raised her head.

“So, umm, what will I do tonight?”

“Oh, I don’t know, maybe cuddle with a good book?”

She looked stricken when she realized I was going to make it even harder on her.

“Please, I want to masturbate.”

“Well, if you can’t tell, then you’ll have to show. So, show me your tits.”

She must have realized something like this was coming so she only hesitated briefly before quickly glancing around, drawing a deep breath and then reaching for the bottom of her top. She held that pose and glanced at me again, looking for reprieve. I returned her gaze and kept my face still and so she sighed and pulled her top up, her tits at first squishing up and then falling and jiggling when they were freed. She kept her hands on the hem of her top and her gaze on my face, waiting for a sign that she could lower her top and hide her tits again.

Dream on baby. I had no intention of letting these marvelous orbs out of my sight any time soon.

“Now pinch your nipples.”

They were quite erect and prominent. Probably a combination of fear, excitement and the cool evening air. It was still a very good excuse to prolong her exposure. And to see her playing with her tits.

She resignedly removed her hands from the top and transferred them to her nipples, gently pinching and twisting them. I guess she did get some practice with that in recent days.

“Tonight you will be on all fours with your back towards the mirror. This way, you can look back over your shoulder and see your ass and pussy in the mirror.”

I think I saw her leaning a little forward at my de***********ion, her fingers pressing just a little harder on her buds. She kept her motions, apparently in a daze, and I sat quietly and watched, and oh, what a lovely view it was. Her small hands cupping her large tits and her dainty fingers playing with her nipples. When the silence lingered, she suddenly realized what she was doing and she quickly lowered her top and tried to stuff her tits back under it.

“How was it playing doggy?”

She looked up at me from her knees. “It was nice. It was easier to hold this position than it was when doing it on my knees.”


“I don’t know. It felt a little different. The way my breasts were hanging, the way I had to stretch my hands to reach my pussy.”


She had nothing to add. When I remained silent, she reached for her top, raised it above her tits and then started to play with her nipples.

“Please, what will I do tonight?”

“I told you. if you can’t tell, you will have to show. I’m running out of patience. If you can’t give me a satisfying de***********ion of how you masturbate, then I want to see it.”

Scored another. She was on her knees, playing with her tits without any prodding from my side, but all of a sudden the stakes were at quite a different level. Her hands froze in place, partially covering her breasts, her mouth slightly open.

“Here?” she whispered.

Good. She was talking terms, not impossibilities.

“You can do it here if you like. We can also go to my place. It’s just a few minutes away.”

She considered. I think her initial reaction was the easiest one for her. To talk about the location and not about the actual act. But now the discussion has moved on. By having to think about where the act will take place, her performing the act was taken as a given.

She looked around the park, trying to assess the visibility and lines of sight, listened to the voices coming from the nearby street and houses. Finally she seemed to reach a decision. She swallowed and then said very softly, “Your place?”

I just nodded and then stood up, whistled for my dog and started walking. She scrambled to get up, organize her breasts back in her top, collect her dog and follow me. She was panting slightly when she caught up to me but then continued walking silently a step behind me. She kept looking around furtively when we entered the well-lit hall of my apartment building. When we entered the elevator with our two dogs running between our feet she couldn’t decide where to face; I was standing to one side and on the back wall there was a large mirror that would force her to face herself.

She hesitated on the doorstep of my apartment, but after a few seconds stepped inside and allowed me to close the door behind her.

I went into the living room and sat on the couch. Not a word was uttered by either one of us since she asked to come here. She came to a stop on the rug in front of me and stood there fidgeting.

I gave her a slight smile and gestured with my hand that she may proceed with the show.

The moment of truth has come. She looked around her, probably not really seeing anything. Her hands fluttered over her clothes, as if considering their removal, practicing these momentous motions. She opened her mouth several times, as if wanting to say something, but stalled each time.

In the end, she managed to say something, “Do I have to?”

“Of course not.” Her posture visibly relaxed. “You can go home now and not touch yourself.” That got her thinking again.

In the end, she nodded to herself and then reached for her tights and started to lower them.

I was ecstatic and it took considerable effort on my part to remain seated with a neutral expression on my face as though it didn’t matter to me either way.

She lowered her pants and panties just below the point where her legs met. She then wetted a finger and started to trace it from the bottom of her slit to the top.

I couldn’t see very much with the way her legs were closed and how her brown pubic curls obscured most of her labia that were peeking between her legs. Never mind. It was a good start.

She just stood her. The only thing moving was her finger tracing her lips and occasionally stopping to rub her clit. With time her finger started moving with more energy and her breath became deeper and less regular. Her hips were also rocking slightly. Her showing was not much better than her telling, but I was very happy to be there and help her improve.

When her finger started to apply some pressure and concentrate on her little nub and her breathing was punctuated with small gasps and moans I finally broke the silence, “Look at me.”

She raised her eyes and looked at me. Her eyes widened when they met mine and her breath stuttered. Her finger stopped for a little while but then renewed its movement with increased vigor accompanied by deeper moans coming from deep within her heaving chest.

Then, her finger stopped and remained tightly pressed into her crotch which was thrust forward as if to meet it. She took a shuddering breath and her legs shook. Her eyes were glazed and although they were turned towards me, there was no awareness in them.

Her orgasm lasted for close to half a minute. When her tremors started to decrease, she again became aware of where she was. Her hand went from pressing against her clit to being spread to try and preserve some modesty. Her hips went from thrust forward to pushed back and her shoulders hunched forward as if she was trying to curl in on herself.

I offered her a slight smile and she straightened herself and pulled her pants back up.

I remained silent and let her stew for another minute, standing in front of me in the middle of my living room. When I rose from the couch, she shied back, but I just went past her and walked out of the living room to open the apartment’s door. Again she had to scramble to follow me and collect her dog after my obvious dismissal.

The next evening, she was again tense and quiet while I acted nonchalant and chatted, mostly with myself. After the dogs lost interest, having sniffed all the required bits of anatomy and park furniture, I collected my dog and made my way towards the park’s gate. She was left standing uncertainly by the bench we had sat on, looking at me with questions in her eyes that she was still too shy to voice. I only made small sideways twist of my head, indicating that she could follow me and then left the park without looking back.

She managed to catch up to me only when I entered my building but I could hear her hurried steps and her breathing for several seconds before that.

As she stood before me inside my apartment, her breathing had still not settled down and her lovely breasts rose and fell with each inhalation and exhalation.

“Last night, I didn’t really see anything. It was almost like listening to your de***********ions.” Not really. I didn’t see her pussy, but what went on her face during her masturbation session was fascinating. Still, no reason to make it easy for her.

“Your stories did not improve, but for your sake, I hope that your presentation can.”

“What do you want me to do?”

“Get naked.”

She hesitated only briefly before removing her top and then her pants. She forgot to remove her shoes first, though, and so had to struggle to do so now with her tights entangled around her ankles. This set her naked tits, which were hanging under her, to jiggling, making her predicament all the more delectable for me.

She finished disrobing, set her clothes on one of the chairs and then returned to her position at the middle of the room. She did not know what to do with her hands and they were moving slightly, as if trying to cover her intimate areas but returning to her side as she remembered she was meant to be exposed.

“Now sit in front of me.”

“Good. Now lean back and spread your legs. Wider. Wide!”

Finally. She was on her back below me, leaning on her elbows with her legs wide apart. It didn’t look very comfortable but the view was magnificent. Her breasts were lying low on her chest and leaning a little to the side, but were still perky and nearly spherical. Her labia were now visible through a thin covering of hair but her insides were still hidden behind those lips. She was far from relaxed, but now the only appendages she could freely move were her feet, and her agitation was visible by the way she was twisting them and curling her toes.

“Wait here a second.” I went to my room and brought a large pillow. I stuffed it behind her back. This should free her hands to start working while allowing me to see her face.

“Better. But I still can’t see properly. Spread yourself.”

She had a puzzled expression on her face as she tried to increase the distance between her already widely spread legs.

“No. with your hands. Spread your pussy.”

She hesitantly placed her hands at the sides of her pussy and spread herself before me. Now she was definitely showing some pink, although even with the manual spreading her tightness only allowed a mere glimpse of her depth.

“Have you ever seen inside yourself?”

She shook her head.


I had a small mirror I used when cutting my hair which I brought from the bathroom.

I knelt by her head and held the mirror just above her pussy, angling it so she could see it reflected. Her eyes were riveted to the mirror and she did not react to my proximity.

“Keep it spread and start masturbating.”

Her eyes glued to the mirror, she spread her lips with the fingers of one hand while starting to trace her open slit with a finger of the other. I could see her labia starting to redden as they filled with blood and her pink folds became shiny with her secretions. She folded her knees while keeping her legs spread and settled more comfortably into the pillow beneath her upper back. When she started to rub her clit more vigorously and her hips started to grind slightly, I left her side, set the mirror on the table and sat on the couch across from her. She now threw her head back and her hips movements became more urgent.

“Look at me!”

She raised her head back up and opened her eyes. They widened as she remembered where she was, but soon became unfocused as she returned to concentrating on the touch of her fingers. Her hips started to buck and she was moaning audibly before she reached her peak and closed her legs forcefully, trapping her hand at the juncture between them.

After a while, her legs unclenched and her hips stopped shaking. She slumped back into the pillow and her legs drifted apart. Not spread, but still showing the damp hair covering her lips, still engorged, and exposing the slit between them. She lay like this for another minute or two before straightening herself. Her legs closed and her eyes found mine. I just smiled at her, stood up and started walking towards the door.

The look in her eyes when she realized I expected her to leave was priceless and she tried to collect herself and dress, but her body and mind were still not fully functional, making her stumble more than once. She was almost out the door before she remembered she had a dog and called fervently to him while I held the door open in a not very subtle sign of dismissal.

“Did you ever put something inside of you?”

She was standing naked on my rug. She just shook her head in reply.

“Not your fingers? Or a dildo? Or a carrot?”

Another shake.

“So, which of these would you like to try today?”

“My fingers?”

Not surprising, really. It must feel more natural than using some foreign object.

“Ok. Then get and your back and fuck yourself with your fingers.”

She lay back and arranged the pillow behind her. She spread her legs and started to tease her pussy. When she started to lubricate, she gently pushed one finger inside of herself. Her face was scrunched with effort, but there was also curiosity at the new sensation. She managed to insert the finger completely and then started to move it back and forth gently.

“Look at me.”

She did so while continuing to frig herself. I raised two fingers. She raised her eyebrows in question.

“Fingers. I said fuck yourself with your fingers.”

She nodded and on her next push bunched two fingers together. It took more effort, but she soon got into the new rhythm, her fingers disappearing into her cunt and then retreating, stretching back the skin of her canal until they withdrew, coated in in her moisture.

She continued like this for at least ten minutes, varying the speed and angle, but not able to reach release. She sighed, removed her hand from her pussy and shook it to remove the cramps after being twisted and pressed for so long.

“Would you like to cum?”

A nod.

I moved forward from the couch and sank to my knees between her spread legs. I moved my hand slowly and caressed her inner thigh before moving a finger from the bottom of her slit to the top. At first contact, she stiffened, but did not move away. When my finger traced her folds, a moan escaped her lips and her legs relaxed and spread further.

I slowly eased a single finger into her and started fucking her slowly with it, but then dipped my thumb into her canal and with the lubricated digit started to apply pressure to her clit. She was very aroused and so with direct stimulation on her nub she reached orgasm very quickly. This time her moans were louder and her legs clamped around my hand and trapped my fingers inside her convulsing pussy.

The next night, I had her on her hands and knees and fingered her from behind. I tried to stick another finger in her, but she was still too tight for more than one of my sausage-like fingers and it was not yet time to push her. I did amuse myself with fondling her wonderfully bouncy butt. When she orgasmed, she collapsed on her front and lay on the rug panting. I slowly removed my finger and trailed it across her lips and butt cheeks.

I was amazed at the situation I was in. This young girl, showing herself to me in her most intimate moments, allowing me to touch her most intimate places, following my orders, now slumped in post-orgasmic bliss on my carpet. I knew what I was getting from this and where I wanted it to go, but what was she doing here? Was the sexual awakening I was guiding her through so important to her that she was willing to submit to my whims? Did she imagine that we were in some kind of relationship?

Never mind. Her reasons were not really important except as far as they allowed me insight for further manipulation.

When she calmed down, she turned on her side and ground her legs one against the other.

“I need to use the bathroom, please.”

I got up and motioned for her to follow me. She glanced at her clothes but I was already leaving the living room so she sighed and hastened to follow me. I entered the bathroom, closed the toilet cover and sat on it. she stood at the door and looked around the room questioningly.

“You can go in there.” My shower was an open alcove with slightly sunk tiles and only a shower curtain for cover. With the curtain pushed to the side, it was essentially a part of the room with a drain in the floor.

She hesitated and shifted her legs some more, but then reconsidered.

“I suppose I can wait until I get home.”

“No. You look like you really need to go. Get in there and do it.”

“Are you going to watch?”

“Of course.”

She slowly entered the room and approached the shower. She looked around and considered how best to position herself. She started to lower herself with her front towards the wall and her back towards me, but she looked back at me and the expression on my face was enough to convince her that it wouldn’t do, so she rotated herself before sinking into a crouch facing me.

She held this position for some time with nothing much happening. She looked around the room but glanced only briefly at me, before looking down at her feet and concentrating. Then, a stream of pee erupted from between her legs and splashed noisily on the tiles. Her posture relaxed slightly and she went on peeing for a long time. She must have really needed to release her bladder.

When she finished, her bush was wet with more than her lubrication and her feet had splashes on them too.

“Can I have some toilet paper?”

“You know what, I need to pee too.”

I stood up and approached her. My zipper was already open and my semi erect cock was in my hand and pointing at her. She looked up at me in shock but I was already crowding her, so she had nowhere to go.

It took me a while to relax enough so I could piss, but it was no great hardship as I used the time to enjoy her, crouched before me with her knees spread and her face only centimeters from my crotch. When my stream of pee hit her chest, she flinched but did not move. I played my stream across her chest and crotch. The time to aim higher will come soon enough, and in the meantime, I amused myself with trying to hit the nipples on her heaving chest. When I finished, her body was drenched and glistening.

“You can take a shower now.”

I left her so she could compose and clean herself and went to get her a clean towel. To think that this was probably the first time she saw a penis up close and personal.

I was sitting in my couch reading when she came out of the shower, clean and wrapped in the towel. She was heading for her clothes, but I stopped her.

“Come here. Give me the towel.”

She was, once again, standing naked before me. Clean and smelling of soap. Her crotch in front of my face and her tits bulging on her chest above me. I reached a finger between her legs and teased her slit. At first she stiffened, but then relaxed and thrust her hips forward a little. After a few strokes, I removed my finger and indicated that she was dismissed. I watched silently as she dressed herself, collected her dog and let herself out of my flat.

“It is time that you started to properly earn your orgasms.”

She was, once again, standing naked before me. I opened my zipper and the button on my pants and then removed them. She stared at my cock like a doe caught in the headlights. I spread my knees. She still hesitated, but she clearly understood my meaning and after a few seconds, she sank to her knees and advanced until she was kneeling between my legs. She looked up at me and I pointed with my chin at my dick, which was growing at her closeness. She reached a tentative hand to touch it. she shifted it slightly from side to side and smiled as I flexed my muscles and it jerked upwards. She now caressed it with her palm and then wrapped it in her hand and gently pumped it up and down.

“Not with your hand. Use your mouth.”

The look of curiosity on her face was replaced with anxiety when I disturbed her exploration, but she dutifully placed her hands to the sides of my thighs and bent until her mouth could reach the tip of my penis. She gave the side of my head a little kiss and then a small lick. She then traced her lips across its entire length.

“I don’t need foreplay. Put it into your mouth.”

Again, I shook her just as she managed to settle herself, but after a brief look up at my face, she opened her mouth and engulfed my cockhead. She tested the effects of light suction and moving her tongue across the bottom of the head.

“Harder. Deeper”.

She tried to comply and let more of my member into her mouth and after a few seconds started to bob her head up and down it. It was not a very good blowjob from the physical aspect, but the view of her on her knees, servicing me just minutes after seeing her first erect cock contributed enough excitement that in due course I started erupting in her mouth. This surprised her greatly and she threw herself back spluttering and coughing, drops of cum spraying from her mouth. I grabbed my cock in my hands and started to jerk it while getting up and advancing to stand over her, depositing the last of my cum on her chest.

I sat back and regarded her. She was sprawled on her back, her legs twisted to the side, her hair and eyes wild and her face and chest covered in drool and cum. Lovely.

When she managed to control her breath and looked and me, I frowned and looked at my lower half where drops of cum and spittle were also in evidence.

“Yes. This is what happens when men cum. Come and clean me.”

She slowly returned to her knees and searched around for any towels or tissues she could use.

“With your mouth.”

She looked disgusted, but she still carefully crawled forward, stuck her tongue out and lapped up the splatters of cum from my thighs and finished by taking my flaccid cock into her mouth and suckling on it. the unhappy look did not leave her face as she performed her task.

“Now stand up and Turn around. Spread your legs. Bend and grab your ankles.”

This position exposed her pussy and anus to me. Her tits were hanging from her chest, revealing her under-boobs. She glanced at me from between her legs. She did not want to meet my gaze but she did want to see what I had in store for her.

I ran my hands along her legs, taut with tension from the way she was bent and she shivered with the sensation. I reached between her legs and gently shook her breasts, pulled lightly on her nipples. I then grabbed her ass cheeks and spread them, exposing both of her holes. I continued to knead one cheek and with my other hand traced a finger along her slit. I then rapidly inserted a finger into her pussy and started to fuck it in and out. I was rougher with her than ever before, pumping a finger in and out of her pussy, my thumb mashing her clit and my other hand squeezing her ass cheeks and lightly slapping them.

She was surprised by the sudden increase in intensity and had to brace herself before pitching forward, but her moans and the wetness of her pussy showed me her arousal increased rapidly as well. She came soon after, her legs bending and flexing, opening her pussy and making her asshole wink at me.

“You need to go deeper. Harder. Men need more stimulation. Here, I’ll help you.” She was kneeling between my spread legs, my cock in her mouth, gently sucking it. With that, I grabbed the back of her head and pushed towards me. At first, she let me push, but once the tip of my dick approached the back of her mouth, she started to gag and tried to push back.


I did not give her much of a chance to relax but rather increased the pressure my hands applied to her head. This increased the gagging sounds coming from her and her struggles. After a while, I relented and let her retreat a little so my cock was at a more comfortable depth for her. Then I started to bob her head up and down my cock, making sure to hit her tonsils with every stroke. She gagged and coughed around my dick but her struggles decreased and she let me move her head as I pleased.

When I came, I held her head so my spunk erupted deep in her mouth. The sensation increased her struggles and her coughing and caused saliva and cum to dribble from her mouth around my cock. I held her in place until my cock started to soften and I think she tried to swallow because no more cum fell from her open and panting mouth when I finally let her retreat. Still, my crotch area ended up drenched with her saliva and speckles of cum.

I pulled her up to the couch, half lying on me and half beside me and cuddled her. Pretty quickly, the cuddling turned into molestation as I started to squeeze her tits and pinch her nipples. My other hand went to her crotch. I pushed her leg to the side until her bottom half was straddling me and her pussy was exposed and then started to masturbate her. Her panting changed from shortness of breath to arousal over the space of the following minutes until she came. This time, I could feel her climax more fully as her whole body was pressed against mine and I felt her going rigid at first and then shaking slightly.

“You’re pretty bad at this. Men need it harder, deeper. You need to let me into your throat.”

“I can’t. I’m trying. But it hurts and I start to cough. I almost puked.”

She was once again kneeling between my legs, her chin and chest showing streams of drool and her sentences short and clipped, delivered between gasps as she tried to regain her breath.

“OK then, let’s try something else.”

I arranged her on her back on the couch with her head hanging over the edge. When my dick approached her lips, she hesitated, but opened them shortly after. I let her suck at her own rate and only added a slight rocking motion with my pelvis. I played with her tits for a while and then spread her legs and started teasing her pussy. We stayed like this for several minutes, her keeping my dick nice and warm and wet and me getting her wetter and hornier. When I judged that she was properly aroused, I returned my hands to her tits and pulled my dick back.

“Do you want to cum?”

She gasped and nodded. Now her forehead was covered in her spit as well.

“Then let’s play a little game. I will only touch you if my dick is in your throat.”

She started to shake her head, but I pushed my hips forwards and entered her mouth again. I went slowly deeper and deeper and her gagging increased with my advance. Her hands reached back to try and push me, but she had no leverage to do anything.

I placed my cock at the back of her mouth, pushed slightly and then reached and plunged a finger into her cunt. She twitched and tried to gasp and this allowed my dick to advance into her throat. It was so tight. Such pressure on my cockhead. A little more of the base entered the warm, wet confines of her mouth. She froze when this happened, the new sensation overwhelming her. I savored the feeling for a few seconds and then withdrew both my cock and my finger. She coughed wildly and tried to shake her head and clear the thick saliva from her mouth. After she calmed down a little, I repeated the process- pressing against the back of her mouth and then penetrating her pussy and throat at the same time. This time I finger fucked her furiously and rubbed her clit. After a couple more cycles she came with my cock trapped in her throat. Her shuddering and twitching only serving to increase the sensation for me. I then withdrew from her mouth and masturbated over her gasping form until shortly after I came and sprayed her chest and stomach with my semen.

She was a total mess, draped over my couch, panting and covered in spunk and saliva, so once she regained some breath and focus, I sent her to shower. She came back transformed, once again clean and sweet smelling, wrapped in a big fluffy towel. She looked at me, to check if I required more of her, but when I waved her away, I was surprised to see a small smile flit across her lips and at the corners of her eyes before she took off the towel, folded it on the nearby table and then dressed herself.

When we next met, we opened the session with the same game. She managed to keep herself more relaxed this time, although her gagging, coughing and drooling were not reduced substantially. I fucked her throat and took my time playing with her pussy. When she came, I thrust myself deep into her throat a few times and then kept myself buried as I emptied my balls into her.

I again sent her to the shower, but this time, I followed her.

“I need to pee.”

Unsurprisingly, she refrained from using the toilets during her visits after what happened to her the last time she asked. She looked up to me and then down at her slimy body and then resignedly sank to a crouch. I started peeing on her body, washing some of the leftovers from our session and replacing them with my pee but then I titled my penis upwards and my stream splashed across her face. She was not ready for this and so she sputtered when some of it entered her mouth and then flailed her arms and fell backwards. She nearly bumped her head on the wall tiles but luckily, she fell on her ass before that. I used her lower position to continue peeing on her face and hair.

We showered together, and after the water washed the worst off of her, I cuddled her from behind, my dick nestled between her soapy ass cheeks as I lathered her stomach and breasts with my hands. At first, she stood there rigidly, but under the hot water and my gentle touch she relaxed back into me and her hands joined mine in tracing the contours of her body.

A little planning goes a long way.

She was on her back before me, her hands behind her knees, spreading herself and lifting her ass.

The perfect position to watch her face as I took my thumb, wet with her secretions, and forcefully, if not too rapidly, pushed it into her ass. And what a lovely expression it was. A moment ago she was writhing before me and now she was frozen, not breathing, her mouth and eyes straining wide as she tried to process the new sensation I forced on her.

“Relax,” I told her and continued to move my fingers in both her holes. She looked at me pleadingly, but gradually, reluctantly, her body returned to its state of heightened arousal and soon she was writhing again, throwing her head back and coming all over my fingers. I kept my fingers deep inside her during her orgasm and felt the rhythmic contractions running through her body in stereo, as it were.

I had her before me on all four. I was rubbing her clit and my lubricated cock was poised at her rear entrance. That magic word: “Relax,” I told her yet again as I started to push the end of my dick against her sphincter. Perhaps she was more ready this time, but it was surprisingly easy to penetrate her. Still, her moans were a delightful combination of suffering and ecstasy.

I am not usually an ass man, but the power I felt at that moment- mounting her, violating her colon, my finger on her clit bringing her closer and closer to her peak- was transcendent and brought me very quickly to one of the best ejaculations of my life. She came shortly after under my ministrations, her contractions serving to milk the last of my cum.

I'm not sure why I chose to violate her ass rather than fuck her pussy. No issues with pregnancy was certainly a plus, but I think my main motivation was the perversity of it. The thought of her losing her anal virginity first, of not knowing what conventional, sex is like was titillating.

“I have another game for you.” She was lying folded on the sofa below me. Her legs leaning on my shoulders and myself leaning over her, my dick poised at the entrance to her rectum. “On the count of three, I am going to fuck the shit out of you. If you want to cum, you'd have to masturbate yourself and get there before I do.”

I did not give her much time to consider. “One, two, three.” I plunged my pole into her dark hole. All the way, in one long, delightful stroke. I paused for a second, savoring the sensation and the play of emotions on her face before I retreated and started to fuck her vigorously. Although I'm sure she expected my anal penetration, at first, she was nearly paralyzed with shock, trying to understand this new “game”, trying to get her colon to accommodate my raging cock. But after a few more strokes, she seemed to settle a little and then started to frig her clit, slowly at first, but soon her fingers were strumming wildly over her cunt, matching the frenetic motions of my body against her ass. Her moans and grunts combined with the slaps of my hips against her ass to a very sexy soundtrack.

We finished at the same time, would you believe it. I buried myself to the hilt one last time, releasing my sperm deep inside her bowels, and at just that time, her hand stopped and cupped her mound and her body tensed, as if trying to lift me. She was looking into my eyes and her mouth opened in a silent scream before she collapsed and I followed, laying over her and crushing her below me.

We showered together again this time. I was amused to see that she could still be embarrassed. I suppose that crouching down in the shower trying to clean the remains of lube and sperm your distended rectum is indeed quite embarrassing, but she soldiered on, practicality winning over shame.

“I am going away. To college,” she said one evening as we were sitting on the bench in the dog park, idly watching our dogs sniffing around.

I wonder. I wonder how little we knew each other. Our bodies knew each other so intimately, but through it all we talked so little; certainly on any subject not pertaining to sex.

I wonder how she will be there, in this new world of hers. Will she be more confident now? More knowledgeable about her sexuality? Or perhaps she will regard this as a shameful episode that she must hide? Or maybe the next guy to get her naked will simply think that she has very weird sexual tastes?

I wonder.


2024-09-10 20:08:41
Did you quit writing? Surely there's more in that wonderful imagination of yours? Please!

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